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Four Purple Mares Try to Solve the Worlds Problems 1.7

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-02-05 01:25:51
Expiry: Never

  1. > It's literally just Twilight being fat
  3. Twilight:
  4. Current weight: 478 lbs
  5. Time: 2:04 PM
  6. ========================================================================
  7. “What else do you have?” I asked while munching on a hoof-full of chips
  8. > I reached into the bag to scoop out another helping but my hoof hit the bottom of the bag
  9. > The worst sound in the world is the crinkle of an empty chip bag
  10. > I tossed it aside and waited for Treehugger with bated breath
  12. > Her head was buried inside the refrigerator as she called out to me.
  13. > “Twilight, you emptied the entire fridge!” Her voice echoed from across the room
  14. > I raised my hooves into the air in defiance
  15. “I did not!”
  16. > As I threw my leg into the air my stomach gurgled.
  17. > With no warning, the buttons of my suit ripped apart and my naked belly-flopped onto the table like a bag of sand
  18. > The impact of my belly hitting the wood sent ripples of excitement across my bloated barrel
  19. > The sensation sent tingles across my corpus body.
  20. > It was like my belly was asleep
  22. and I couldn't contain my pleasure.
  23. > I found myself moaning like a mare in heat
  24. “Ohhhh…."
  26. > My stomach was so full and I was feeling the weight of the fat bending my bones.
  27. > I began massaging my gut and felt nothing but soft, malleable flesh rolling beneath my hoof.
  28. > My fat began to jiggle in pleasure as I dragged my hoof over the dancing mound of fat.
  30. > As my hoof drove across the hills of fat depressions would form beneath it.
  31. > It reminded me of how gravity manipulated space
  32. > But instead of dark matter, the waves traveled across the spongy folds of my meaty belly.
  34. > Everything about this was so wrong
  35. > It felt so perverse even enjoying this strange new sensation
  36. > But it felt so good
  37. > I rested my hoof over my stomach and watched it rise and fall over the waves if orgasmic hunger
  39. > “Yeah…You did.” Treehugger replied, slamming the fridge door shut
  40. > Started, I placed my hoof to my side and exhaled in disappointment
  41. > Treehugger shuffled across the room avoiding the crumpled foil containers scattered across the floor.
  42. > I had licked each case clean and left no residue
  43. > They were so clean that I could see my face reflecting in the foil
  44. > It was like looking at a funhouse mirror and I couldn't help but smile
  46. > I turned away from the distorted reflections and was met with Treehugger leaning a couple of inches from my face.
  47. > She was beginning to look annoyed
  49. “So…No more pasta?” I squeaked
  50. > She shook her head
  51. “Porage?”
  52. > “You cleaned out our entire supply.”
  53. “What about chips? Your type always has chips.”
  54. > “Twilight, I gotta level with you. We throw parties and go through fewer chips then you have in only half an hour."
  55. > Treehugger pointed to the corner of the room where I had been discarding my empty chip bags
  56. > It was sobering
  57. > There had to be a least twenty bags crushed and tossed carelessly in the corner
  58. > My sober mind was beginning to regret how much of a slob I was during my binge
  60. > I just couldn’t help myself
  61. > Whenever I was eating it was all I could think of
  62. > It was such an overpowering and intoxicating sensation
  63. > It ran up my spine like a calming drug and pressed my minds pleasure buttons in ways I didn’t think possible.
  65. > I don’t know why, but eating had gone from an exercise in stress relief to pure ecstasy
  66. > The entire experience made my stomach purr and in turn put a smile on my sweaty, food-stuffed face.
  67. > As I settled into this newfound comfort my stomach began to moan
  68. > But this time it wasn’t in pleasure
  69. > Instead it was a sharp pain
  70. > It felt like I was being stabbed in the gut
  71. > I threw my hoof over my stomach
  72. > The fat rolled between my hooves as I massaged the aches wriggling across my engorged gut
  74. “What about ice cream? You guys must have more ice cream laying around!”
  75. > I was beginning to panic
  76. > “No, Twilight! We have a train to catch and you need to leave.” Treehugger snapped
  77. > Her tone took me by surprise
  78. > I had never seen her angry before
  79. > The thick red rat-tails of her mangy mane covered her cross eyes
  80. > Normally, I didn't think much of Treehugger.
  81. > The way she carries herself and her ramshackle lifestyle wasn't befitting of a respectable mare
  82. > But she was kind of frightened when she got angry.
  83. > And who was I to judge anypony looking the way I was?
  85. > I sighed and buttoned my suit back up
  86. > It was hard wrapping the shirt around my stomach but with a little effort I was able to stretch it over my stomach.
  87. > When I pushed the seat away from the table my tummy gurgled as it slid off the tabletop
  88. > When it collapsed on top of me it felt like a lump of bricks fell into my lap
  90. > I threw myself off the chair and as my hooves hit the floor The glass pipes on the shelf above me clattered
  92. "Ohhhhh…."
  93. > The thin cotton hugged my barrel tightly and I could see the fabric tearing around my plump thighs
  94. > My pants were especially tense over my rump and feltl like were gonna split in two at any second
  96. > I couldn’t see back there, but I could feel the temperature of the room kissing my backside
  97. > They were definitely ripped
  98. > Straight down the middle in the most humiliating place
  99. > I began to fidget
  100. > This uniform was so becoming more constricting by the second
  102. > As we left I waved bye to Fluttershy and Treehugger
  103. > As I exited through the lobby I passed a tall mirror leaning against the wall
  104. >When I saw myself I gasped
  105. > My stomach dragged along the floor and I had a that rumpvyhat was do big that it would make even Pinkie envious.
  107. > What happened to me?
  108. > I definitely wasn’t this fat when I left Ponyville.
  109. > Had I really eaten this much?
  110. > My stomach groaned and I felt the need to eat again
  111. > A bubbly sensation coarsed through my stomach
  112. > I felt like a well-shaken soda ready to explode
  113. > Despite this unpleasant feeling, all I could think of was food.
  116. > Maybe I could go to McHoofies?
  117. > A
  118. > My stomach began to bubble just thinking of how amazing a McHoofies hayburger would be right now.
  119. > The thick straws of hay, doused in that mysterious yellowish-white sauce…
  121. > Why was I like this?
  122. > I'm a bloated sweaty mess wearing an I'll fitted suit stained in ice cream, and grease
  123. > My stomach felt like it was about burst
  125. > I couldn't even recognize myself in the mirror
  126. > Instead I saw a fat purple mare loser with no self-control
  127. > Clogging her arteries with rubbish.
  128. > And even though I knew I was hurting myself
  129. > All I could think of was food.
  131. > I felt magic consume my horn and suddenly a McHoofies hay burger popped into existence above my head
  132. > The sandwich fell to the floor with a loud splat
  133. > The sauce quickly started pooling along the floor and soaking the bottom bun in its juices
  134. > I picked it up
  135. > Did I just create food by imagining it?
  136. > I was baffled
  138. > My stomach growled as I looked at myself in the mirror holding the burger
  139. > What have I become?
  140. > I brought the burger to my lips and began chewing
  141. > It was so good…
  143. > Even better than a regular McHoofies burger
  144. > The sauce was thick and the hay was drowned in salt
  145. > I finished the burger in a few large bites
  146. > But my tummy continued to berate me
  147. > So I attempted to spawn more food
  149. > This time I pictured a slice of cherry pie
  150. > I Imagined the sugary sweetness of the Canterlot delicacy.
  151. > The crispy texture of the yellow ribboned crust clashed with the juicy cherries, suffocated in red syrup teeming over the crust.
  153. > My horn erupted with energy and suddenly
  154. > POP!
  155. > The pie appeared just above my head
  156. > I fumbled my hooves in the air and caught it
  158. > I brought the pie to my lips and began engorging myself in its delightful taste
  159. > The pie was runny and with each bite, cherries would fall from the crust and roll down my chest before hitting the floor with a wet splat
  160. > It only took a couple of bites to finish
  161. > But within seconds of devouring it, I had come to the conclusion that it was the greatest pie I had ever eaten.
  163. > I looked back up at myself in the mirror
  164. > Lips slathered with syrup
  165. > Suit stained with globs of saccharine cherry juices
  166. > I was a mess
  167. > But I was in bliss
  169. > “Princess…” Amethyst peeped
  170. > I turned to my notetaker and nodded
  171. “Yes?”
  172. > My voice was hushed and trailed off
  173. > The calmness circulating within me was powerful
  175. “Your…Ummm…Your naughty bits are showing.”
  176. > I spun myself in the mirror and saw my genitals exposing themselves through the peeling fabric.
  178. “No problem! I’ll just cast a repair spell!” I replied with my newfound confidence
  179. > I focused all my power on mending the fabric
  180. > A burst of energy zapped from my horn and I felt the magic stitch itself.
  181. > Pressing my cheeks together and squeezing my folds into place
  182. “See? No big deal.”
  183. > My stomach let out a loud whine
  184. > I could feel the suit failing under the weight of my heavy gut as it slowly sunk towards the ground.
  186. > The suit was ripping at all ends now.
  187. > fat oozing from the rips in my suit like honey
  189. > I turned back to the mirror one last time
  190. > I never considered myself an obese pony
  191. > Like most unicorns I was portly.
  192. > But now I was approaching the threshold of obesity
  193. > Why does food have to taste so good!?
  195. > I took a step forward and heard a loud rip
  196. > Amy froze and Night Glider covered her smile with her hooves
  197. > I spun in the mirror and saw that my pants ripped even worse than before
  198. > Now, the tear ran from my dock to the bottom of my vagina
  199. > A wide hole in my pants displaying my most sensitive parts
  200. > “Princess…” Amy spoke, “Your pants ripped again.”
  201. > I shoved my hoof over my face in embarrassment.
  202. > Clearly this was a problem, not even magic could solve
  204. “Amethyst, I need your scrub.”
  205. > “What!? Why!?”
  206. "I can't walk around with my bare flank hanging out, what would ponies say!?"
  207. > “Well I can’t give you my scrub! What if I get sick!?”
  208. “You won’t get sick. Now pass it over, this is a royal order.”
  209. > I needed to maintain some semblance of dignity
  210. > I don't need pictures of my genitals on the cover of the Equestria Inquiries
  212. > She removed the thin plastic scrub from around her front legs and tied the leg holes around my backside
  213. > She didn't look all too happy about giving up her scrub but she had much less to lose than I did.
  215. > When we got outside I was greeted by two crystal guards ponies
  216. “Oh! Hello, guards, I was just…Doing my investigation.”
  217. > I shot them a smile oozing with fear
  218. > Walking out of a head shop was definitely not a good look for a princess
  219. > "Your presence is needed at city hall." One said firmly
  220. "But I'm in the middle of an investigation."
  221. > “This is an emergency meeting.”
  222. > I sighed
  223. > Better now than when I’m on the train back to Ponyville I suppose
  225. “I’m sorry girls but my attendance is needed elsewhere. I need you two to go to the brothel and find out everything you can."
  226. > Night Glider nodded
  227. “This is a secret operation, so be discrete,” I warned
  229. > With that, I followed the guards to city hall, thankfully it was a short walk from Tree Huggers.
  230. > I needed to rest after all that eating
  231. > My stomach dragged along the road, bubbling the entire way
  232. > It felt like a walking balloon overstuffed with soda
  233. > Every step caused my stomach to gurgle and I felt the bubbling in my belly rising.
  235. > When we arrived, I was led to the dining hall where a large assortment of foods had been arranged along the table
  236. > It looked like a proper feast
  237. > But the only other pony in the room was Cadance, who was sitting at the head of the long table.
  238. > She was accompanied by a couple of griffons who were hovering over her fighting their urge to touch her
  239. > Griffins are nasty creatures in my opinion
  241. > “Get away you nasty birds!” Cadence snapped
  242. > Her horn glowing pink and her eyes wide and angry
  243. > The griffons ducked to her hooves like frightened puppies
  245. “Hello again, Cadance!” I cheered
  246. > I gave her a big hug
  247. > “Hi, Twilight! Were you the one that called this meeting?”
  248. You may be surprised that I didn't I was under the impression that it was you.”
  249. > “it’s good to see you. Even better to see that you’ve taken my advice.” She said poking my neck fat.
  250. “Yes, I’ve been indulging.” I laughed
  252. > “I can see that, you’ve gone from plump and pudgy to fat and flabby in an afternoon! How do you feel?”
  253. “I...I don’t know. I’m new to this "indulgence without a care thing.”
  254. > “Don’t worry Twilight, after a while it becomes second nature. Look at me for example,I haven’t been sober in years!”
  255. > Cadence took a swig of her drink
  256. > "Ah! That's good stuff! See Twilight? It doesn't even burn going down anymore!" She cheered
  258. > I chuckled
  259. > Cadence was a funny pony
  260. > I could never understand how she could live like such a free spirit and run the empire so well.
  261. > But she was far from perfect
  262. > She does everything in excess
  263. > I’ll admit that I was worried when I heard that Shining was going to marry her.
  264. > Before the wedding she was known as the whore of Canterlot
  265. > It was no secret that she got around back in the day.
  267. > As Shining Armour's sister and future princess of Equestria, I couldn’t sit back and watch him marry a floozy!
  268. > I had to change her
  269. > I needed her to realize she wasn't a sex object.
  271. > It took a lot of work on my end, but after weeks of begging (and a little blackmail) She agreed to attend six months of sex addiction rehab
  272. > I don’t know what they did in there, but when she was released she was a completely different pony!
  273. > Seeing how much she's changed for Shinings happiness warms my heart!
  275. > I watched as she poured a bottle of cough syrup into her vodka, turning the drink into a dark purple paste
  276. > Her eyes darted back and forth, then suddenly and without hesitation she slammed back the drink
  277. > She chugged the brew in under ten seconds
  278. > immediately her eyes began to cross and a wobbling smile extended across her face
  279. > I can tell that she's so much happier now that she gave up sex with strangers.
  280. > It feels good helping your friends!
  284. > I made my way to the table and began observing the food
  285. > Pickles and peanut butter?
  286. > hot sauce and ice cream?
  287. > I guess it was worth a shot.
  289. > As I grabbed a bowl of the spice cream, Sugar Belle entered the room
  290. “Hi Sugar Belle, these must be all your pregnancy urge foods right?”
  291. > “Ummmm….Oh! Yes."
  293. > I shoved a spoonful of spice cream into my mouth
  294. “It’s pretty yummy!”
  295. > Sugar Belle wretched
  296. > “Whatever you say, princess.”
  298. > We all took our seats beside Cadence
  299. > I began to chow down on all the strange flavors
  300. > Who would've thought that cantaloupe and gravy were such a good combination?
  301. > Pregnant mares have such great instincts
  303. > I looked up at Sugar Belle who was staring at me longingly
  304. > "I've always liked spending time with you Twilight, I wish we could do this more often."
  305. "I like you two Sugar Belle! By the way, how many months are you?"
  307. > "Months? Of what?"
  308. "Your pregnancy, silly!"
  309. > "My?....Oh! I'm not pregnant!" She began the laugh
  310. "So, what's with the belly?"
  311. > "This? Oh, it's cum."
  312. > Her voice was so casual I swear I misheard
  313. > Did she say…Cum?
  315. "Wait…What?"
  316. > "Yeah!” She snorted “Griffin seed is very thick and sticky. I can't seem to push it out so it just kinda sits inside there."
  317. > She wiggled her stomach and I could hear the cum splashing against the walls of her body
  318. > I felt like I was gonna be sick
  319. > "A pony can't get impregnated by Griffins, it's unheard of."
  320. "You're unheard of Sugar Belle. What pony in their right mind would have sex with a Griffin anyways?"
  322. > Cadence chuckled to herself
  323. >I turned to her ready to judge without scruples
  324. "You never."
  325. > "Oh come on Twilight, we're all adults here."
  326. "You two are disgusting." I huffed the proceeded to take a bite out of a giant deep-fried chocolate chip cookie stuffed with gravy.
  328. > "Well Twilight, what's the most taboo thing you've done in bed." Cadence asked with a goofy smile
  329. "I've never bedded any pony….Or any creatures for that matter."
  330. > "Really!?" The two gasped
  332. "I'm waiting to find a pony who truly loves me."
  333. > "I hope he's a chubby chaser." Sugar Belle giggled
  334. "Not funny," I warned
  336. > "Come on Twilight, I wouldn't consider any of us to be thin by any standards."
  337. > Cadence slapped her gut and it began to growl in its own distinct tone
  338. > She had a chubby beer belly and cried like a weeping whale
  339. > A testament to her drinking habits
  341. > I looked back over at Sugar Belle who was jiggling her cum stuffed stomach
  342. > The seed sloshed around her belly and sounded like a
  343. > I turned my head downwards to my own body
  344. > A large mass of bubbling fat
  346. > "You should embrace the freedom of being single." Cadence said as she poured herself a cup of vodka
  347. > "Marriage is so limiting."
  348. “But isn’t monogamy so much more fulfilling?”
  349. > “Sure.” She said with a sarcastic eye roll
  350. > She drank the entire cup in one big gulp and then licked her lips.
  351. > "I think that after a couple more bottles I'll start my serious afternoon drinking. How about the three of us throw a party at the embassy tonight? With all the drugs, sex, and food we desire."
  353. > I don't know how she did it
  354. > She had enough alcohol in her blood to kill a whale
  355. > Along with all the other intoxicants pumping through her vains
  356. > Cadance was so much different than me
  357. > She was impulsive and exciting
  358. > A part of me wishes I was like her
  360. "Sure Cadence, I would love to attend." I nodded
  361. > "Me too!" Sugar Belle chirped
  362. > "Then it's settled. Meet me at the embassy tonight and we'll throw the best party Sugar Mountains has ever seen!"
  363. > We all started to giggle
  367. “So what's this meeting for?
  368. > “Princesses, I may have made an oopsie.”
  369. > Oh great
  370. > What problem am I going to have to fix now?
  371. > “You see…I kind of signed away all the land and assets of Sugar Mountains to the Griffins.”
  372. > “You what!?”
  374. > I began to panic
  375. > This was the worst thing that could ever happen!
  376. “Do you know what that means!? Do you realize how bad this will make me look!? I’ll get killed in the press! Celestia will have my wings for this!”
  378. > I looked over at Cadence
  379. "Princess, what should we do?"
  380. > She was shell shocked
  381. > and while she gazed blankly into space the Griffons began encroaching on her again.
  382. > She tossed her cup away and began chugging from her bottle
  383. > Meanwhile, I began stuffing my face with food
  384. > The griffons began to surround Sugar Belle who was tapping her hooves together nervously
  386. > “Ummm….Princesses?….What should we do about this?…I...I don’t really know what to do…” > Her voice trailed off slowly as the Griffins circled her
  387. > The reality of the situation set in
  388. > And all the three of us wanted to do was escape the mess we had made
  390. > We aren’t smart mares…
  391. > Or sober mares…
  392. > We’re not even healthy mares
  393. > But the fate of Sugar Mountains rested in our hooves
  394. > Celestia help us…

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy