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A courier

By Redegon
Created: 2023-02-06 12:03:37
Updated: 2023-03-03 11:39:31
Expiry: Never

  1. CH1: Frozen in time.
  2. >As you haul yourself and your traveling gear in through the entrance of the Equestrian Courier Center a strong cold wind lashes against your back.
  3. >It's a brief moment, however it still does manage to cut through your clothing and make you shiver as you bring your things up to the counter.
  4. "Damn..."
  5. >A recap might be in order:
  6. >You are Anon, a courier. An amateur one anyway, but you're trying your best.
  7. >Slightly more than 3 years ago, you happened to stumble upon a strange mirror that acted as a gateway between dimensions. Against your better judgment, you decided to use the portal and venture into the other side.
  8. >In addition to the possibility that you may be one of the only people from your world to slip between the dimensions, you were delighted to discover that the world beyond the mirror was much more welcoming to you than you could have hoped to imagine.
  9. >Strange folk beyond the veil welcomed you to their world with open arms. Folk that seemed like a half mixture between animal and man.
  10. >Some of these folk called themselves ponies, folk that shared characteristics between horses but had mostly the physique similar to that of humans.
  11. >Somewhat longer human-like faces but with snouts, and furry hands and feet in place of long horse-like legs. Some even with wings that could even allow for flight, and others sported magical horns that let them tap into spellcraft. Though, all of them shared characteristics like heavy furry coats and horse-like tails.
  12. >Many other strange races and people sported calling this world their home, however most of the lands you have seen have mostly been filled with these strange yet interesting horse-kin humans called ponies.
  13. >After you arrived, you quickly realized a fatal error in not knowing that your mirror was a one way trip. After traversing through you realize that the magic from the mirror would not function properly anymore.
  14. >After spending quite a lot of time searching for someone to help you in your current situation you met a kind young horse woman, a mare, named Twilight Sparkle.
  15. >A talented, if somewhat know-it-all magical specialist who was kind enough to not only attempt to help you get back home, but also teach you a few things about the land you found yourself in called Equestria.
  16. >After a few attempts at fixing the mirror failed, she instead fell back on her mentor. She contacted another mare by the name of Celestia in the city of Canterlot.
  17. >It did come to a surprise to you however upon learning from Twilight that Celestia was not only a royal princess, but a ruler to the entire kingdom of Equestria. This turned out to be way beyond your scope.
  18. >After traveling to Canterlot, you meet with Celestia and through no fault of your own end up getting mixed up in a political plot between Celestia and the leader of a smaller adjacent kingdom named Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changling kingdom.
  19. >Chrysalis attempted to wrangle control of the kingdom in an undercover style take-over, however thanks to the efforts of Twilight, some of her friends and yourself you managed to not only save Celestia but thwart an extreme danger to the kingdom of Equestria.
  20. >Afterwards, Celestia not only congratulated you on your diligence and keen eye for details, but also vowed to assist you in returning home.
  21. >Well, que a few more failures with the mirror later and Celestia still promises to make your life here in Equestria a relaxing and livable one.
  22. >She offers you a home in Canterlot with her while she continues to fiddle with the mirror but you decline. Instead stating that you wish to see what the rest of this world has to offer.
  23. >Fast forward a few years to now and here we are.
  24. >Now you work as a courier for hire, mostly for the Equestrian Courier Service or ECS for short, but really you'll deliver anything to anywhere as long as you get paid.
  25. >Whilst it's technically a better job for a pegasus, or winged pony-person, there are some places where they have a hard time reaching.
  26. >Places with frequent storms, extreme weather, over sea or other means that make long term flying hard are places that ground couriers become necessary.
  27. >So, here in your quest to see the world, you have taken up a job as a courier to these lost and desolate places in an attempt to experience as much as possible.
  29. >As you place all your bags on the ground you have a quick look through your things whilst the Mail-person organizes the outgoing packages and mail.
  30. >You currently have a fairly decent amount of traveling supplies. Quite a few days of rations, camping supplies and such, among other things. You happen to pull out your metal badge. A relic from a few years ago, a gift from princess Celestia to symbolize your friendship with the kingdom.
  31. "Okay... Yeah, yep... Should be all I need."
  32. >One last glance over your supplies and you assure yourself that you are ready to head out again.
  33. >"Hey Anon, goodmorning!"
  34. >Brancing Butter, the mail pony, greets you with a kind and warm greeting as you place your empty satchels on the table.
  35. "Goodmorning, if you can call it a "good" morning."
  36. >You gesture outside to the rather harsh weather of the rigid ranges of Mount Everhoof. Snow and strong wind batter the glass windows that allow a view to the outside.
  37. >"Yeah, I guess that is probably a good assessment of today. Well badmorning to ya!"
  38. >Despite the connotations of a "badmorning" she still manages to say her greeting with a rather large amount of spontaneity and vigor. Raising a hand to a hearty salute above her brow.
  39. >You laugh, finding a little enjoyment in her ability to remain happy even about the poor weather outside.
  40. "Well I suppose it isn't all that bad yet. What stuff is there to deliver today?"
  41. >She retrieves a few different things of mail and packages from the other side of the counter whilst you watch. Box shaped packages wrapped in brown paper and tied with thick twine, one by one quite a few of them are placed on the counter.
  42. >"So let's see... A few things heading to Roaricstead, some stuff heading further north, a package heading to Ponyville, a package-"
  43. >Yep pretty much all the same stuff so far...
  44. >Wait..
  45. >Did she say Ponyville?
  46. >It's been quite a while since you've been down that south, that's near where you entered this weird dimension.
  47. >That's also where about you met Twilight and some of her friends, not too far away from Canterlot either.
  48. >You cut her off
  49. "Did you say Ponyville? That's a way's off."
  50. >Despite a rude interjection, she still responds with a rather energetic response.
  51. >"Yeah! Quite a trip, but all you'd have to do is deliver to the Crystal Empire and do a drop off. Client is paying well though!"
  52. >Damn, well there goes your idea of visiting Ponyville again. Unless...
  53. "How much would a direct delivery pay?"
  54. >She looks at you for a moment, perhaps a bit confused or maybe pondering. She raises a hand to her chin while she thinks.
  55. >"Maybe a couple dozen extra bits, but I don't know why you would. The drop off in the Crystal Empire would be much easier!"
  56. "Yeah, I know. But the direct delivery would put me down near some old friends. Can you set it up?"
  57. >She sighs, but then looking up at you with a full pair of weary amethyst eyes, she concludes:
  58. >"Yeah, I can. I just hope you can handle this delivery Anon, it's a long trip."
  59. >You return your glance to hers, this time you give her a hopeful thumbs up. Giving a smile that is rather unlike what she normally sees of you, she smiles back.
  60. >"Yeah I know you can handle this Anon, who am I kidding? Okay here is the package, let me fill out some paperwork and goodluck!"
  61. >You spend the next few minutes filling out paperwork and placing the package securely inside your satchel. In order to get paid, you'd have to get it to the ECS Center in Ponyville. Better not lose it!
  62. >You give an eager farewell to Brancing Butter and gather your things before heading back out into the cold.
  63. "See ya around Brace, not sure when I'll be back. So take care!"
  65. >You dawn your wooly-fleece cap, being sure to keep your ears warm as you return through the entrance.
  66. >As soon as the door opens a blast of cold wind briefly makes you recoil, but you push back outside.
  67. >You're currently on the front wooden porch of the Heatherhoof Courier Center, overlooking the township.
  68. >It's quaint to say the least, to an outsider it may seem little better than a collection of about two dozen large wooden cabins. But you know that Heatherhoof is an important settlement that connects a few other more Northern settlements in a coalition of towns called Icewind Veil. Heatherhoof is the most Southern of these townships, making it a hub for supplies and packages heading in and out of Icewind Veil. It's also the main meeting site for the mayors of each town to gather, as it's the easiest to reach in the Veil.
  69. >About this time of year is when the worst of the cold winds from the North push down from the Northern Seas, crashing into the mountain ranges of Mt. Everhoof and creating near impassable blizzards in the range and in the Veil.
  70. >Heatherhoof is currently half buried in snow, residents build their homes in such a way that the fireplaces are located just near the entrances of their homes and porch overhangs still allow for entry and exit even in the harshest of weather, the warmth of the fireplaces mostly keeping the porches clear. Though it can still occasionally cause large pools of water to form around the entrances.
  71. >You carefully walk through one such puddle as you step out to the edge of the porch.
  72. >Whilst you have been trained to brave the blizzards of the Veil, you are still fairly new to this whole courier thing.
  73. >This is the most dangerous part of the year to travel, and whilst that may have been some cause for concern for Brace, her biggest concern is that this is actually going to be your first time traversing the mountain range during this time of year.
  74. >You fix your snowshoes to your boots and ready yourself as you clamber down the porch's stairs in your snow attire. The steps are slippery with ice and snow.
  76. >Not too much longer later...
  77. >You reach a decent distance from Heatherhoof, maybe just about a mile or so out of town. The snow is getting a little harder to traverse out here, but so far it is still maintainable.
  78. >A quick look back towards Heatherhoof offers little in the way of a view.
  79. >Whilst the climb up a few steep slopes would normally offer a view to the town from this distance, whitening from the harsh wind and snow completely obscure your view beyond a couple dozen feet.
  80. >You turn your head forward again, heading further up the slope leading into the mountain range.
  82. >A little longer later.
  83. >A few more hours pass as you continually progress further and further uphill.
  84. >You occasionally stop every once in a while to take cover from the cold winds buffeting the mountainside. The wind blasts this side of the range constantly with freezing cold winds that can cut through even the thickest clothing.
  85. >You'd guess it might be somewhere around midday right about now, however the sky is stricken with dark hues of blackish-gray. Heavy cloud cover gives no insight into the sun's position.
  86. >You retrieve your thermos from your backpack, and whilst the hot cider inside has mostly become lukewarm it is still pleasant to sip as you take cover under a natural overhang. The cider, being spiked with liquor, manages to bring a warm vigor to your body.
  87. "Mmm.. Nice."
  88. >After another minute or two, you set out again.
  90. >Quite a while later.
  91. >Eventually, a great many hours passed from the time you left Heatherhoof.
  92. >You continue to soldier on-way, however to pass the time you can't help but get caught up in your own head.
  93. >Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined being in your current position. Not just a worldly explorer, but also an otherworldly traveler.
  94. >And now you're heading to the place where it all started.
  95. >If you can make it there anyway, you still have a mountain of work to do.
  96. >You wonder if Twilight and the others will be surprised to see you. After all, it's been a couple years.
  97. >They might not even know that you took up a job as a courier, after all when you set off you didn't have a plan.
  98. >Would they be surprised to know about how far you've come? Or would they be impressed with how little it feels like you've seen?
  99. >You recall hearing about how the Crystal Empire sprung up in the mountains again after being lost for centuries, apparently your friends from Ponyville may have had some hand in that.
  100. >Or at least that's what you heard. You haven't been told the full story. You do regret however in not being able to see them when they went there. You were still wandering.
  101. >Come to think of it, hopefully swapping stories with Twilight and Rainbow Dash might make for a good conversation topic.
  102. >Anyway, time to focus on the road ahead.
  103. >Sure enough, as your thoughts continue to wander you are met with your first big obstacle.
  104. >The slope ends in a section of near-sheer cliff face. Ice covered stone and jagged rocks are the only things that protrude from the wall.
  105. >A glance to the left and right, peering into the distance reveals no other clear pathways.
  106. >You shiver. A cold wind happens to make its way under your coat's collar and chills you to the bone.
  107. >It's getting darker, and the wind is beginning to chill even further.
  108. >Perhaps finding a spot to camp for the night might be ideal. Perhaps the blizzard will blow over somewhat and you would be able to see a clearer way around the cliff face.
  109. >Not too much further back down the slope you return to a spot that you rested at not too much longer before.
  110. >You set your things down underneath a natural overhang made of ice. The opening into your cozy little spot is narrow, but allows for a somewhat secure one-way entrance.
  111. >You retrieve your handaxe from your belt. It's your main way of collecting firewood and also a means of defense should the need arise. Not that you've had to use it for that yet, and you hope you never have to.
  112. >You head out to collect some firewood, trees out here are sparse, so you actually carry around a small log and some tinder just in case, but it's usually better to use the stuff that's around you first.
  113. >After finding some good looking timber, you return with a small haul of not too damp wood to your camping spot.
  114. >You light a small fire using a piece of flint and steel, the tinder ignites after a little bit of hard work.
  115. >You'll have to be careful that your overhang doesn't melt but you do your best to rest near the fire, get your things ready for tomorrow and get some sleep.
  117. >A long rest and a few more sips of cider later.
  118. >You awaken the following morning and get your things ready, following a set routine that you've done for a while now.
  119. >You sip a fresh thermos of cider and stamp out any remaining embers from the previous night's fire.
  120. >After making sure you have all your belongings, you head out again.
  121. >The weather unfortunately didn't get much better than last night. As you continue back out into the snow, strong wind and heavy obscuring fog still disallow you to adequately perceive your surroundings.
  122. >You head back up the slope, weighing your options.
  123. >Once you return to the cliff face, you gander upwards. You can see just a little farther than yesterday.
  124. >The face seems to climb up about thirty to forty feet, the surface is thick with dense ice.
  125. >Without knowing any better options, you retrieve your pair of ice picks from your backpack and begin climbing.
  126. >After a few minutes of tiring labor, you manage to climb to the top of the face. Sweat began to form underneath your clothes quite a few moments ago.
  127. >Once you reach the top you grab some snow and use it to cool your face down, surely it's beet red by this point.
  128. >You climb to your feet.
  129. >Ahead of you, you're met by a steep slope. It's heavily covered in snow, but looks slightly easier to climb than the adjacent cliff.
  130. >You continue onward, dreading another long day of hiking after your climb.
  132. >Another day passes, filled with many pauses for breaks where cover from the weather would allow.
  133. >Despite the rather slow feeling pace, you're actually traveling quite quickly as a single individual. Covering many slopes and climbing when necessary.
  134. >Finally after all this traveling, you break the point of danger.
  135. >Beginning to travel downhill, the Northern winds break on the mountainside. Offering you good protection from the worst of the cold.
  136. >You mentally pat yourself on the back for getting this far, and look ahead from your current path, your vision now much clearer.
  137. >It's dark out, but luckily in the far flung distance of the range you see hope.
  138. >Lights beckon in the distance, the main tower of the Crystal Empire is just barely visible thanks to the lack of any heavy snowfall.
  139. >You begin to set camp again, completing this leg of the journey has been exhausting.
  141. >The following day arrives. This time you are awakened to the joyful sight of a distant sunrise that climbs over the far horizon. The warm feeling from its rays almost makes you wish you could soak it all up like a flower or another plant.
  142. >After your pleasant awakening, you pack up again. Completing the aforementioned routine once more.
  143. >You head to the now visible city, a feeling of hope and excitement rising in your chest.
  144. >Once you get there, it should be fairly simple to book a train to Ponyville. Using your courier credentials you should be able to get a free train ticket.
  145. >Whilst walking ever closer to the city tucked away in the cliffs of Mt. Everhoof, you pass by a quaint homestead where you finally manage to find a road.
  146. >A bright lily colored pink mare sits in a cozy chair near the entrance, relaxing on the porch.
  147. >She raises a hand and waves as you pass by, you return the wave as you continue.
  148. >You walk another few miles down the road
  149. >A smile can't help but creep onto your face as you think about the next leg of your journey.
  151. >The mountain range that gives the Crystal Empire its cover happens to also somewhat wrap itself around the actual city proper.
  152. >As you make your way further and further down the road, the range begins to open up and a better view of the city becomes available.
  153. >This isn't your first time in the city, in fact you've actually already been here a handful of times before.
  154. >You are still unsure why it is called an empire when all the empire consists of is a single city. It's barely even big enough to be considered a kingdom. But it's no matter.
  155. >As the road continues around the bend of a slope of the mountain, now your view is complete.
  156. >Buildings and towers, roads cobbled and the like, they were all seemingly made from a crystal like material. Each building and piece of architecture shined and glistened in the sunlight that crept over the Eastern horizon.
  157. >Despite having been here before, this view still hasn't gotten old.
  158. >You stop for another moment to admire the beauty of the city while you sip more hot cider.
  159. >After a few sips of cider, you take a moment to finally look at this package that you are delivering.
  160. >It's a mostly unremarkable square shaped box. Thick twine is wrapped all around most of the exterior. The label has a name and an address. You don't ever really need to know the address other than the town, as you would just drop it off at the ECSC anyway, but the name would still be interesting to learn.
  161. >The label is made out to an Octavia Melody, a pony that you've yet to meet but one that you think you've heard of before.
  162. >Hopefully Octavia will appreciate the hard work you've done to get her mail for her.
  163. >You place the package back in your satchel and continue onward, it wouldn't be too much longer until you're in the city proper.
  165. >As the trek comes closer and closer to a conclusion, you finally enter a distance of the city where seeing other ponies becomes commonplace.
  166. >Here on the edge of the city you can see a few different pony-folk applying their trades.
  167. >Some are hauling lumber and such into town, others on these outskirts have small fields of crops that they tend to. All of them have a unique glimmer and gloss to their coats of fur. Watching them shimmer in the sunlight is quite the beautiful spectacle.
  168. >A mare woman catches you staring at her while she digs some weeds out of her garden by hand and you quickly avert your gaze, quite embarrassed.
  169. >You continue once more, trying to control your fits of staring.
  170. >Fortunately for you, you don't have to travel very far into the city in order to reach the train station.
  171. >Hopefully since it's still rather early you may be able to catch one of the earlier outgoing trains.
  172. >Eventually after making your way to the ECSC, you see the adjacent train station. Many ponies are gathered through the streets as you progress further into the city and you do your best to not ogle too many of them as you make your way into the station.
  173. >You approach the door and it opens with a soft creak as the wood settles into a new position in the door frame.
  174. >You enter the station and begin to look around for the teller.
  175. >The interior of the station is filled with about a dozen different pony-folk. Many of them are waiting on the next outgoing train to arrive. They await on some of the wooden benches that line the inside of the station's main room with bags and over things piled up near each of them.
  176. >Near the opposite end of the building is a large wooden rectangular shaped cubicle, iron bar windows allow for a view inside, with a simple wooden door on the cubicle's exterior allowing for entry.
  177. >Inside is a crystal pony that is currently filling out and filing different papers and such.
  178. >As you approach she looks up from her pen and ink long enough to get a good look at you.
  179. >She at first seems a little put off by your strange appearance perhaps, but then welcomes you with a soft greeting.
  180. >"Hello, stranger? Welcome to the Crystal Empire's train station. Did you need to drop something off or get a ride somewhere?"
  181. >Her orange colored fur glittered and gleamed in the sunlight shining through the station's glass windows. Despite most of it being hidden underneath a work uniform it was still quite impressive to behold.
  182. >You finally respond
  183. "I'm a courier for the ECS, I'm actually on a direct delivery for Ponyville and I'd like to get a ticket."
  184. >She looks you up and down as you retrieve your credentials from your backpack. After you pull them out she takes them and studies each page carefully.
  185. >She responds; "Ah okay, I see. To Ponyville huh? Let me get you a ticket then."
  186. >She cuts a rectangular piece of thick paper out from a larger sheet, making several markings with a pen as she does so. A final ink stamp on the paper seals the deal and she slips the ticket along with your credentials back underneath the bars.
  187. >After you return the credentials to your bag and pocket the ticket she gives you some instructions.
  188. >"Go ahead and have a seat somewhere, the next train should be here and ready to leave in about forty minutes or so."
  189. "Alright, thank you."
  190. >You do as she instructs, taking a seat at one of the few nearby open benches. You lay your things out on the bench as well and take the opportunity to rest your aching feet.
  192. >After about twenty or so minutes a train does indeed pull into the station. The whole station seemingly rocks as it does. Ponies begin to get up from their seats with their belongings and head outside whilst you do the same.
  193. >Outside passengers and train workers alike begin to exit the freshly arrived train. Both crystal and regular ponies mixed among them.
  194. >The workers begin to offload the train's cargo as the old passengers exit. After a few moments the next passengers begin to enter, yourself included, as a worker loudly announces for the next wave of passengers to board.
  195. >Once Onboard you place your bags underneath a vacant seat near the back of a train car that you then sit in.
  196. >After a few more minutes pass, a worker begins to come through with a hole punch in hand. She punches everyone's ticket one by one making her way down the train cars towards you.
  197. >As she comes by you hand her your ticket, she punches it and then hands it back before continuing to the next train car.
  198. >You spend the next ten minutes or so looking outside as the train continues to make its preparations.
  199. >The crystal city outside is indeed glorious. You can understand the arriving ponies' marvel by it as you watch some new arrivals begin to make their way into the city.
  200. >You wonder if you'll be back. Whilst the job of a courier in Icewind Veil is surely not a fun one, it has managed to grow on you.
  201. >As your thoughts grow ever more unsure, the train begins its motion.
  202. >You get comfortable for a long train ride to the past.
  203. >Will everything and everyone still be the same when you arrive?
  204. >Have Twilight and Celestia made any more progress on the magic mirror, or did they stop trying a long time ago?
  205. >Another wave of insecurity washes over you for a brief moment, but you brush it off.
  206. >This is just another exciting chapter in your adventure!
  207. >You finally relax in your seat and eventually manage to fall asleep.
  208. >Your next stop is Ponyville.
  211. Chapter 2: Long talks in the dark.
  212. >The train ride to Ponyville is a long one.
  213. >Several naps spread out through the ride do a bit to provide some alleviation to your boredom, but a day and a half train ride still manages to feel like it lasts a whole eternity when you can't do much other than sit here.
  214. >Maybe you could have considered bringing a book for the trip, but your decision to travel back to Ponyville was a little sudden.
  215. >You watch the outside landscape skirt on by as the train progresses.
  216. >The Northern snowy landscape eventually gives way to warmer scenery as the snowy mountain tops fade away into the background of the world.
  217. >Green hills and forests dot the view from your window.
  218. >Eventually, as the ride drags on by, morning fades to evening.
  219. >Green hills shift to open prairie illuminated by the sun's last rays of twilight.
  220. >As the moon becomes more visible, its reflected rays still manage to shine onto the world below.
  221. >Distant silhouettes of landscapes can still be seen, and the nearby scenery takes a more somber tone under the moon's light.
  222. >A lake in the distance sparkles under open starlight, the moon taking up a big part of the reflection
  223. >Without much more to do you stare out the window pretty much the entire ride, letting your mind wander.
  225. >At some point in the night, the train pulls into Ponyville station.
  226. >You awaken from another nap due to the sudden shift in momentum, nearly losing your seat.
  227. >You manage to recover and after a few seconds begin to wipe the sleep from your eyes.
  228. >You groggily get your things from underneath the seat before readying yourself to step outside.
  229. >After a few moments you and a couple other ponies make their way off the train.
  230. >As you set foot on the station platform, a nice warm breeze inspires you to remove the remainder of your still worn snow gear.
  231. >Your coat, overshirt and the rest of your thicker clothes get packed away into your backpack.
  232. >When you're done you look around, most of the other ponies who exited the train have already left. Those who remained onboard we most likely still enroute to a further destination.
  233. >Looking outward from the station platform reveals a familiar sight, though set in night's deep shadow.
  234. >Ponyville is quite the similar sight, though a welcome one.
  235. >Many of the houses were of an older style of architecture, frameworks made of timber and an intricate style of thatched roofing. Overhanging floors jettying above and out the main floor was a common sight, giving the whole village a sort-of last century medieval type of look.
  236. >The white painted walls of many of the buildings were cast in the dim light of street lamps fueled by oil-lit flames.
  237. >You look above to the overhanging field of stars.
  238. >What time is it? Surely it must be very late by now.
  239. >You unfortunately didn't book a hotel room anywhere, you're unsure where one might even be.
  240. >During your stay here last time, you spent a few brief days at Twilight's library. She kept you there in a spare room with her young dragon friend.
  241. >Spike, you think? You never had a real opportunity to sit down and get to know him unfortunately. But he seemed like a decent dragon-kid.
  243. >You eventually step away from the station platform onto the dirt road.
  244. >Luckily for you, you can see Twilight's library from the station.
  245. >Perhaps only a minute or two walk away, it happened to also stand out quite a bit as a unique building.
  246. >The library was built into the hollow inside of a large tree, the tree itself towered above at least half of the other buildings in town.
  247. >Quite an impressive sight.
  248. >You begin making your way there, unlikely as it is that anyone would be awake.
  249. >You'd prefer to sleep in a bed tonight, rather than in the dirt somewhere again.
  250. >Hopefully Twilight will be accommodating to you again, even though it has been a while.
  251. >After a few minutes, you make it to the exterior of the library.
  252. >You walk around the exterior, admiring how anyone could manage to build a library and entire house into this thing.
  253. >Windows jut out seemingly at strange intervals and the occasional balcony hangs over the streets below.
  254. >Thick, still living, branches with dense clusters of leaves give the tree and the immediate area around it quite a lot of shade and cover from the open sky.
  255. >Whilst admiring, you are also looking for any visible lights inside.
  256. >...
  257. >Ah! Despite your worries, there is indeed a light on inside.
  258. >A window elevated quite a few feet above the library's main entrance has a single, dim light emitting from within.
  259. >You look towards the building's main door, but it would appear that no means other than knocking exist.
  260. >No doorbell or other means, just a large knocker.
  261. >You take a deep breath and with a nervous hand take the knocker and knock loudly.
  262. >...
  263. >At first, you aren't sure if anyone heard you.
  264. >Is anyone even awake inside? Did you wake someone up at all?
  265. >You debate knocking again, but then hear some movement coming from upstairs.
  266. >Someone is coming.
  268. >After a few moments, a familiar voice can be heard from inside.
  269. >The voice becomes much easier to hear as its owner makes its way to the door, eventually stopping right before reaching the door.
  270. >"- another one of Pinkie's pranks again… I'm way too tired for this."
  271. >The dim light from the window above has disappeared, it now follows with the voice moving closer to the door, visible through the door's hazy glass window.
  272. >You hear a lock shift in position before the door opens.
  273. >A tired looking pony-folk appears from beyond the door.
  274. >She has a coat of light purple colored fur that is visible on her exposed arms and face. Two big violet eyes look up to meet yours, one half covered by long messy bed hair.
  275. >She sports a dark sleeping gown and pajama bottoms. On which are illustrated a diagram of different night sky constellations.
  276. >Yes, this was indeed Twilight Sparkle.
  278. >For a brief moment she stares at you in confusion.
  279. >You quickly notice that she isn't wearing a bra under her gown, and she quickly moves to turn and cover her breasts with a single arm as the other is holding a lit candle.
  280. >Her soft face is illuminated enough to show a light blush. And she then exclaims:
  281. >"...Oh! Anon..!?"
  282. >Trying to focus and find your words you manage to blurt out:
  283. "Oh. Uh, hey."
  284. >She must have not been expecting male company.
  285. >She looks at you up and down, you must look much more gruff than you did a few years ago.
  286. >"I can't believe it, you're back! Please come in!"
  287. >Despite your rather sudden appearance, she still invites you inside.
  288. >You enter in, and are beholden to the familiar sight of the library's main floor.
  289. >A large circular shaped room with shelves that stack about 10 feet high fills the room's interior and manages to line most of the walls. Stairs both on the rooms entrance side and on the opposite side allow for travel both upstairs and downstairs, respectively.
  290. >The occasional table or two fill some of the larger empty spaces between bookshelves.
  291. >Twilight places the candle on one of these nearby tables and half turns to you.
  292. >"It's exciting to see you again, I'm just really surprised so please forgive me. Would you mind waiting here while I get more appropriately dressed, please?"
  293. >She gestures for you to take a seat at the table. You then proceed to take her offer.
  294. "Of course, I don't mind. Sorry for the sudden intrusion. Go do your thing."
  295. >You set your things down and take a seat as you watch Twilight quickly return upstairs, she states;
  296. >"I'll be right back!"
  298. >For a few minutes you await. Uncomfortably shifting back and forth in your chair.
  299. >For some reason, coming back seemed like such an exciting prospect.
  300. >However, now that you are sat here in Twilight's library a deep feeling of nervousness and feelings of being out of place begin to set in.
  301. >After another couple of minutes your waiting finally comes to an end.
  302. >Twilight walks back down the same stairs as before, this time with a matching pajama top covering her gown and two mugs of simmering liquid in hand.
  303. >Her hair was now tied in a neat looking ponytail that draped down her back.
  304. >She now looks you in the eye once more, a tired but welcoming smile strewn on her face.
  305. >"How long has it been? Two and a half years maybe? I was worried that you had almost forgotten about us. I have so much to ask about your adventure. Tea?"
  306. >She sets both mugs down on the table in front of you, and proceeds to carefully pull a chair up next to yours. Taking caution to not disturb any of your things on the floor.
  307. >You apologize and try to make her job a little easier by moving some of your things under the table.
  308. "Sure I'd love some."
  309. >You take one of the mugs from the table, it's a larger white mug with Celestia's cutie mark upon it.
  310. >You peer inside to the brownish liquid inside, a tea bag still floats about inside. A few loose leaves have collected at the bottom.
  311. >You're not a huge tea drinker, but you indulge and have a sip.
  312. >It tastes subtlety of blueberries and something else, but you can't place it.
  313. >Twilight beams happily at you as you drink and when you glance over she gives you another tired smile.
  314. >Did you wake her up or was she awake already?
  315. "Did I wake you Twilight? You seem tired."
  316. >She quickly responds, putting your concern to rest;
  317. >"Oh no, no. I was already awake. I had to do some studying for something, but I think this is much more important so don't worry."
  318. >She takes a sip from her own mug as she brushes a stray strand of azure colored hair back behind her ear.
  319. >She then holds the warm mug in her hands as she places it in her lap.
  320. >"How was your adventure, Anon? Have you seen all of Equestria yet? Two years is enough time to make it nearly all over the globe!"
  321. >Well, shoot. Is this a good time to tell her that you've barely seen much more than the Northern wastes? That's not very exciting at all.
  322. "Well, after I left I took up a job as a courier. But not a normal one of course, there's no way I could keep up with a pegasus-person..."
  324. >You spend the next few minutes chatting with Twilight about your new job as a freelance courier.
  325. >You elaborate on a few interesting deliveries that you've had to make in the Veil and a few bad experiences that living there has brought upon you.
  326. >You detail a few friends that you've made in your travels, people that you've worked with or met and people you've had disagreements over deliveries.
  327. >You tell her tales of The Frozen North, stories that ponies would tell each other to keep eachother vigilant of dangers like wendigos and the dreaded ice queen.
  328. >Twilight listens eagerly, at one point she must have slipped a small notepad out of her pocket and occasionally writes a note or two on it about some small details that you've mentioned.
  329. >Finally you begin to tell her about some of the dangers of being a courier in the Veil, animals and other nasty things like monsters and terrain to avoid.
  330. >You bring up how 2 days ago you traversed the mountain range of Mt. Everhoof for the first time during a blizzard.
  331. >As you speak, you study Twilight's face carefully. She gives a wide range of emotions as you tell your story of the past few years. You watch as she hangs on each word, genuinely interested as you tell her about ponies you've met and seemingly gravely disturbed with each danger you've faced as a courier.
  332. >As you recount your story of the harsh blizzard during your climb, her eyes light up in a wave of concern.
  333. >She places her notepad and pen firmly on the table.
  334. >"Anon! That sounds so dangerous! You couldn't even see where you were going, I can't believe the courier service asked you to do that. What were they thinking?"
  335. >You raise a hand to halt her anxiety.
  336. "It's fine, I knew what I had signed up for. I wanted to make the delivery as soon as possible."
  337. >Her eyes sink, her face continuing to show deep concern.
  338. >"That was reckless of you, Anon."
  339. >You open your mouth to offer an excuse, but your words get caught in your throat as you begin to study your thoughts.
  340. >Why did you decide to leave so suddenly? Was it a mistake to come?
  341. >Your feeling of being out of place begins to grow, until a hand rests upon yours.
  342. >You look up to Twilight, who has shifted her seat closer to yours. She offers a small smile, which you do your best to return.
  343. >"It's okay, Anon. I'm just glad to see you're okay."
  344. >Her smile and her exhausted looking face manage to satiate your concerns for the moment.
  345. "T-thanks.."
  347. >Twilight and you speak for about another twenty or thirty minutes. Your mugs of tea slowly get drained to the bottom as you continue to catch up.
  348. >She tells you of some of the adventures she and some of the other girls have had, and all the cool lessons she's learned along the way.
  349. >Whilst you have no pen and paper to write on you still listen intently.
  350. >Twilight makes each of you another mug of tea which then is also drunk.
  351. >Twilight continues to tell you of each experiment she's done to learn about the potential magic properties of friendship and many other experiments that she's been able to do while she's been in Ponyville.
  352. >Each catalog she's kept of new spells she's learned and new machines she's tested.
  353. >Your talk continues long into the night. Long enough that your eyes begin to sag and your body begins to tire from exhaustion.
  354. >Twilight stops mid conversation.
  355. >"-and... Oh, Anon, are you tired?"
  356. >You blink awake from a half asleep state.
  357. "No.. No, I'm awake. I'm listening."
  358. >She looks a little disappointed to stop her discussion, but then recovers with a quiet chuckle.
  359. >"Do you need a place to sleep, Anon? You can stay here tonight if you want. And we can go meet some of the other girls in the morning, I'm sure they'd be excited to see you."
  360. >You accept her offer graciously, as you don't have many other options.
  361. "Yes, I'd really enjoy that."
  362. >She scratches her scalp a little nervously as she states;
  363. >"Awesome! Only... Spike's room is a little of a clutter at the moment. You can sleep in my room if you want, I can give you plenty of pillows and blankets. It'll be like a sleepover!"
  364. >Wait, huh?
  365. >You at first are taken a little aback. Is Twilight suggesting to share a room with you?
  366. "You mean I'd sleep on the floor right?"
  367. >"Well yeah, of course! Unless you aren't comfortable with staying in my room."
  368. >She seems a little saddened by your reaction.
  369. >Dammit, Anon.
  370. >Of course she meant the floor.
  371. >You mentally nag yourself for thinking otherwise.
  372. "No, it's fine. The floor should be fine for now. Thank you very much."
  373. >The floor and a comfortable pillow is still better than the dirt.
  375. >Twilight helps you bring most of your things upstairs as she assists you in getting settled.
  376. >She leads you to her bedroom, which is rather large.
  377. >Another open circular room this time broken up into two separate upper and lower sections.
  378. >The lower section consists of a wide open floor with small carpets filling the center, two desks and some more bookshelves line the edges of the space.
  379. >The upper section is accessed by traversing a short series of steps leading to a smaller, balcony like loft that overlooks the lower section. It contains a large bed, another desk as well as dresser and other bedroom furniture. The bed is one that is incredibly vibrant and frilly, many stuffed animals and bright colored pillows fill the space around an open gap in which a person might lay.
  380. >Twilight helps you get comfortable by laying out many layers of spare blankets on the carpet and lays many purple and pink pillows down for you to sleep with, taking some of which from her own bed.
  381. >When she's done she gives you a sweet smile and asks another question;
  382. >"Do you have spare clothes, Anon? I can toss your dirty clothes in with mine tomorrow if you'd like."
  383. >Whilst a kind gesture, a girl handling your clothes makes you feel a little uneasy. The only one that's ever done your laundry for you has been your mother.
  384. >Twilight beams at you whilst you delay your answer, her big purple orbs for eyeballs look at you with great expectation.
  385. >...
  386. >Fine.
  387. "Yes, that'd be great. One second. Can I use your shower?"
  388. >Twilight nods and then helps you find some good clothes out of your backpack then leads you down the hall from her bedroom.
  389. >You recall the location of her bathroom, but you still give her a genuine thanks as she brings you to the bathroom's entrance.
  390. >"It's a little late, I know. Try not to fall asleep in the shower. When you're done you can just leave your dirty clothes on the counter there, okay?"
  391. >You give her a nod
  392. "I will, thanks."
  393. >She quickly reminds you of how to operate her shower then takes her leave, closing the door behind her.
  394. >You begin to undress, removing each dirty article of clothing and folding it up into a neat pile before you enter into the shower.
  395. >You take your time, enjoying the feeling of the hot water. Cleansing the dirt from your hair and the sweat from your body, you take the time to appreciate the finer things in life.
  396. >You might even sing, if the thought of someone hearing you didn't make you feel anxious.
  397. >Instead you let your body relax and take a few minutes to think, letting your brain enjoy the situation.
  398. >Your thoughts wander to Twilight's face as your conversation trailed off.
  399. >She seemed very excited to see you, surprisingly. Her excitement spread to your discussion and she managed to fight off her urge to sleep a lot longer than you did.
  400. >It's refreshing to have someone care that much about you.
  401. >You briefly berate yourself for starting to fall asleep while she was talking to you.
  402. >Hopefully you can make it up to her tomorrow and have a good conversation with her over coffee or something, that would be nice.
  403. >You soon wrap up your shower and begin to dry off using some towels under Twilight's sink.
  404. >Afterwards you put on some fresh clothes, feeling rather refreshed.
  405. >You open the door into a dark hallway. The feeling of the hard floorboard underneath your bare feet is a strange feeling.
  406. >You quietly make your way back to Twilight's bedroom and let yourself in.
  407. >Inside, you scan your eyes to the upper loft. Twilight has already fallen asleep, clearly she was very tired already before you even got here.
  408. >Carefully, you get your sleeping area set and lower yourself into Twilight's soft blankets.
  409. >This was very kind of Twilight to do for you. You showed up so suddenly, you didn't have the proper opportunity to thank her for her hospitality.
  410. >As you get comfortable, the aroma of lavender and pomegranate help put you at ease.
  411. >Hopefully tomorrow she will let you repay her in kind, since she has always been so kind to you.
  412. >The sweet scents of the sheets and blankets help guide you into a soft slumber.
  413. >Tomorrow is another day.
  415. Chapter 3: Old faces and new friends.
  416. >You're back in the Veil.
  417. >As you look upon that great icy wall, an insurmountable blockade of ice and stone.
  418. >You begin climbing again, feet digging into any footholds available and your hands finding purchase with climbing picks.
  419. >You look up, the top of the wall is hidden behind a heavy curtain of snow and fog.
  420. >You push forward, clawing desperately at an escape from the heavy wind that lashes at your back, bitter cold.
  421. >A few more feet clawed up, then another.
  422. >Heavy clothes and equipment weigh you down, but right now it may as well be nothing.
  423. >A cold, naked feeling dominates you and makes you shiver.
  424. >More progress is made, but not enough.
  425. >You glance upward, snow nearly blinding you as it gets in your eyes.
  426. >The top is invisible, an unknowable obstacle.
  427. >You look down, the ground has disappeared now behind an all encompassing white fog.
  428. >Stuck in a frozen ocean, the midway point between two islands of safety.
  429. >You claw forward, hands growing tired and feet becoming frozen cold.
  430. >Your pick breaks the ice and you pull, in a routine cycle.
  431. >But cycles are always eventually broken.
  432. >You sink your pick into the ice again, looking ahead you still see no salvation.
  433. >Tired and weary arms pull you up, but as your weight sinks into your ice pick a foolish mistake costs you everything.
  434. >Ice cracks as you lose grip, and the slippery ground underneath your feet throws all your arrogance to a hasty salvation.
  435. >You begin plummeting, arms flailing outward, panicking.
  436. >The wind slams you back into the wall, an attempt to grasp at ice failing.
  437. >You spin now, out of control.
  438. >Barreling towards destruction, your thoughts scatter and all ration goes out the window.
  439. >A death of your own creation.
  440. >As the ground comes up to meet you chaos now reigns, and you can't help but laugh and cry at your foolishness.
  441. >Why are you here?
  443. >Before your final fate can reach you, before your pathetic life can come to an end, you jolt awake.
  444. >You shoot straight up, throwing your arms underneath your panicking body to catch onto something.
  445. >A loud gasp escapes your lips as you wordlessly look around.
  446. >Inside still? You recall the inside of Twilight's bedroom, and as you waken you are met with that familiar sight.
  447. >Judging by the subtle lights that are just now beginning to filter in through the room's main window, you assume the sun must barely be beginning to dawn.
  448. >The window overlooking Twilight's bed is just now barely starting to fill the room with a dim orange glow.
  449. >Twilight's figure hidden underneath the bed's covers begins to become outlined by the room's new light.
  450. >You shake your head, your sleep schedule must surely be entirely fucked up by now.
  452. >Unable to get back to sleep, you instead get dressed.
  453. >The ECSC opens usually right after dawn, or it should anyway.
  454. >You still have a package to deliver, visiting Twilight was just a happy little detour on this mission of yours.
  455. >You grab your satchel, but leave your backpack and other traveling gear near your sleeping area.
  456. >After getting ready and tidying your sleeping spot up, you glance back up to Twilight.
  457. >She's still fast asleep.
  458. >You grab a notepad from one of the nearby desks and a fountain pen from an inkwell.
  459. >The cold metal construction in your hand makes swift work of the paper as you scribble down a note.
  460. >It reads: "Went to deliver a package, will be back soon."
  461. >You make sure to leave tidy and neat handwriting that would be easy for Twilight to read, as opposed to your normal chicken-scratch.
  462. >As you're about to leave the note on your now folded blankets, you look at the note one more time.
  463. >Against your better judgment, you decide to add an addendum at the end:
  464. >"Breakfast together?"
  465. >You nervously leave the note on top of your folded sleeping sanctuary and then promptly leave the room.
  467. >You make your way down the hall from Twilight's bedroom.
  468. >One thing you enjoy about this house; the floorboards don't creak, or rather there aren't actually any floorboards at all.
  469. >Instead, the floor is made completely out of a single large interconnected piece of wood, most likely a hollowed out part of this tree.
  470. >As you admire the craftsmanship of the building yet again, you pass by an open door on your way down to the main floor.
  471. >It's Spike's room, or at least you think it still is anyway.
  472. >You don't remember it having so much stuff in it, but it does indeed look incredibly cluttered.
  473. >Books, bags, jewelry and many more miscellaneous items litter the room.
  474. >You can hear a soft snore arise from somewhere in the room, Spike must still be sleeping.
  475. >Quietly, you shut the door and tip-toe down the remainder of the hallway.
  476. >Once at the stairs you begin to trail down and once again you find yourself in the library.
  477. >Sunlight now begins to filter in through the library's many windows, enveloping nearly all corners of the library as it now makes many of the books that were invisible the previous night now readable.
  478. >Some of the books, with perhaps more metallic ink on their spines, begin to subtly shine as the new day sets in.
  479. >You look outside to the streets of ponyville, and whilst the roads are still mostly barren, a few early rising ponies are visible going about their early day routines.
  480. >You tighten your belt and straighten your collar one last time, then head outside.
  482. >You travel down the road from the library, heading to where you believe the ECSC might be.
  483. >The morning crowd of ponies are busy working their jobs, many of them pay no attention to you despite your strange appearance.
  484. >Some are driving carts and hauling some sort of trade goods, some are working in workshops and a few carpenters are working on one of the houses nearby.
  485. >The morning air is filled with the sounds of hard work as metal strikes wood and nails meet the hammer.
  486. >This is not too dissimilar to what you've seen in other villages, rather it's refreshing.
  487. >As you walk by, you wave hello to one of the carpenter ponies.
  488. >She waves the hammer in her hand back and forth in a friendly manner, whilst her mouth holds about 3 or 4 nails.
  489. >Whilst you continue on, you watch the sun begin to crest over the rooftops filling the rest of the village with a quaint golden radiance.
  490. >A rooster's crow can be heard in the distance as you reach a fork in the road.
  491. "Shoot…"
  492. >Which way was it from here? You weren't sure. You generally recall its location from when you were here last, but that was quite a long time ago..
  493. >Well, it seems like you're a little lost.
  495. >"Anon? Well I'll be, it IS you!"
  496. >You're startled as a voice from behind you is now suddenly booming your name.
  497. >As you turn around a pony-folk with light golden-brown fur and long blonde locks pulls up next to you with a large wheelbarrow.
  498. >Ah, it's Applejack!
  499. >She wears a loose flannel shirt, a thick pair of jeans and her classic hat. As she stops, you can get a clearer view of her. She's covered in dirt and her hands look a little red, most likely from work or perhaps a sunburn.
  500. >You greet her excitedly.
  501. "Ha! Well, I'll be indeed! Yeah, it's me. How are ya?
  502. >The pony in question is now grinning from ear to ear, she answers your question happily;
  503. >"Well, I'm doing just darn terrific! Just doing a bit of an early morning supply run-"
  504. >She gestures to her wheelbarrow, full of rope, a few planks of wood and a few sets of new tools.
  505. >"- and now it seems like it's turned into a right ole' social call, huh? Heh."
  506. >She fiddles a bit with her hat as she continues;
  507. >"When did'ya get back into town? Are ya done with your adventure? Twilight would love to see ya again, I'm just sure of it."
  508. >Happy? Well yeah, you guess she was. She did seem quite excited to talk to you late into the night anyway.
  509. >You nod in response.
  510. "I'm not quite sure about the adventure part yet, but I got back here late last night on the train. I already saw Twilight though, actually she even let me stay the night at her place though it was rather sudden."
  511. >As Applejack nods in return, her blonde locks sway in a gentle breeze as a warm wind sweeps up.
  512. >"Celestia bless that girl, she always did have a soft spot for you. I'm glad she gave you a place to stay again. She couldn't stop talking about ya and our last little adventure in Canterlot for weeks after you left. She was downright worried for you, and for good reason. It wasn't right of us to let you go off on your own while you knew so little of our world."
  513. >Really? Is that the case? That's very flattering to know that she cared about you that deeply. Applejack's lack of faith in you also stings a little, but you can still at least understand the sentiment.
  514. >She continues with a light smile however;
  515. >"But I'm just plain ecstatic to see that you're alright, Anon! We should have a cider together before ya head off again, since we didn't get the chance last time!"
  516. >You give a heartfelt laugh
  517. "Yeah, I guess that's true. Ever since I've left I've heard all about your orchard's famous apple cider. I'm dying for a taste."
  518. >She also laughs, then states;
  519. >"Well, I do hereby recommend for you to prepare for your socks to be blown off, partner. We don't call it 'best in Equestria' for nuthin!"
  520. >She happily tips her hat back again as she gives you a big thumbs-up.
  522. >The two of you go back and forth for a few more minutes.
  523. >The two of you catch up, and she even manages to give you her side of the story for some of the adventures Twilight was telling you last night.
  524. >You tell her about your job as a courier and about your time in the Veil.
  525. >She seemed a little concerned with your job of choice, but she supports your decision.
  526. >That reminded you of an important detail about this morning..
  527. >You're still lost.
  528. "Hey Applejack, can you tell me where the courier center is? I nearly forgot that I'm still supposed to make a delivery."
  529. >She responds;
  530. >"Well yeah, of course I can tell ya!"
  531. >She points down the road to your right, heading towards the town square.
  532. >"Head towards the town hall, on the outside of the square ya' should see it plain as day."
  533. >You reach out your hand to give her a brief shake.
  534. "Thanks Applejack, I appreciate it. I really do gotta be going now, but let's find some time to talk again and have that cider. I'm gonna drop this off and meet Twilight for breakfast I think."
  535. >She takes your hand to shake it but then instead pulls you into a tight and hearty hug.
  536. >"Alright, partner. Give Twilight a warm hello from lil' ole me, ya hear?"
  537. >You freeze for a moment from the suddenness of the hug, but then return it happily.
  538. "Yeah, I will. I'll see you soon, Apples."
  539. >She pulls away from you slowly, she chuckles as she lightly sneers.
  540. >"Gah! I hate that name, you know!"
  541. >You and her get your little goodbyes out before you continue on your separate ways.
  542. >Now with your destination clear in your mind, you make your way to the town square.
  544. >As you walk into the town center your vision begins to open up.
  545. >The center is filled with a manner of different buildings, many of them differ from the normal architecture that most of the Ponyville homes share.
  546. >The town hall, in particular, was a large three story building with a special circular layer like style. It had an open porch that circled and encompassed the entire building, with balconies on each floor that modeled the same type of style. The building's top had a tall, almost teardrop shaped roof that was topped with a single tower like room.
  547. >You look around the rest of the town center, it's not very long until you stumble upon the ECSC.
  548. >This building, opposed to many in Ponyville, was actually made of brick. It stood out in the town square not for its intricate look but rather for its simplicity.
  549. >A large, box shaped building with no windows other than a single small window next to the front entrance.
  550. >You take no more time and head inside.
  552. >Chaos.
  553. >Hell on Earth, if this was Earth.
  554. >These are things you feel as you enter the courier center.
  555. >Boxes piled to the ceiling, letters on the floor, packages filling benches intended for waiting customers.
  556. >As you enter, a carefully piled stack of boxes topples over onto a pile of undelivered letters.
  557. >A gray colored mare softly curses as she walks out from behind the toppled tower of boxes.
  558. >"Well shoot…"
  559. >You look around, this is a rather large office. Certainly intended to be worked by more than one person. Is she the only person working here?
  560. >You massage the bridge of your nose as you take in a deep breath and sigh.
  561. >After recovering from your near aneurysm you make your way over to the front counter, trying to not step on any loose letters as you do.
  562. >You announce yourself;
  563. "Ahem… Hello, I'm here to make a delivery."
  564. >The mare, now seeing you takes flight with her pegasus-person wings.
  565. >Letters go flying as she travels a very short distance to the counter, landing in a seat just opposite of you.
  566. >A clearer view of her can now be seen, as she pushes some messy light blonde hair out of her eye she gives you a polite look with it. The other eye lazily wanders about as she tries to give you an official sounding greeting.
  567. >"Welcome to the Ponyville Equestrian Courier Service Center, mister! My name is Ditzy, but some people call me Derpy! How can I helps you today?"
  568. >You, somewhat annoyed already by the situation, give your greeting;
  569. "Yeah hey, names Anon- are you the only one here? Why in the hell is this place such a mess? I'm supposed to be making a delivery."
  570. >She sits back in her seat, letting a few long strands of her hair fall back onto her face in order to hide a little from your rising annoyance.
  571. >"Well.. We're trying to do a bit of organizing right now… I'm just the first one here, Hallow is just running a little late is all…"
  572. >You take a step back and take a deep breath.
  573. "Sorry for my tone. This place is just really messy. Can I make this dropoff please?"
  574. >You retrieve the package from your satchel and place it upon the counter. As you do, a box that was resting precariously on top of another of the fallen boxes topples over, crinkling and folding even more letters underneath.
  575. >"Yeah! We'll probably get to it…! Eventually!"
  576. >Ditzy gives you a half-excited thumbs up as she looks at you, her lazy eye then begins floating in the opposite direction.
  577. >You honestly cannot take this pegasus-girl seriously.
  578. >There's no way the package you worked so hard to deliver is gonna reach it's recipient this century if you leave it here.
  579. "Actually, give me the paperwork to mark delivery. I'll just deliver it myself."
  580. >Ditzy, surprised but not willing to argue, responds thusly;
  581. >"O-oh kay, mister… You must be a courier then…"
  582. >She retrieves a paper from a stack of papers on the floor behind the counter and you and her begin filling out the delivery confirmation notice together.
  583. >After which you collect your payment and leave, determined to make sure this package sees its recipient before the end of today.
  585. >Be Anon, and today you've successfully demoted yourself from courier to mailman.
  586. >At least for today.
  587. >You're eager to see this package delivered while it's still early.
  588. >You gaze up at the sky, the sun is still low on the horizon.
  589. >If you find this pony's house quickly enough you might even still have time for breakfast with Twilight.
  590. >You hold both the package and your sizable payment of coins in hand, putting the latter, a large pouch, into your satchel.
  591. >You scan the label of the package once more, this time examining the address carefully.
  592. >It read: "114 Olsum Road."
  593. >You spend a few minutes trying to find "Olsum" on any of the nearby road signs.
  594. >Luckily, it's one of the main streets leaving from the town's center.
  595. >You follow the road, counting and analyzing each building's label as you continue.
  596. >A few ponies pass you by, giving your strange form a few perplexed glances as you carry onward, unfettered.
  597. >119…118..117-
  598. >After a few houses, you manage to find 114! It's time to finally finish this delivery!
  599. >You happily skip up to the house's main door, its architecture similar to many of the other ponyville houses.
  600. >As you do, a few open windows allow for your ears to pick up on a soft song being played inside.
  601. >You're not entirely sure what it is, some type of stringed instrument?
  602. >Regardless, you walk up the two steps leading to the door and give it an excited knock.
  603. >The music from inside immediately ceases as you make yourself known.
  604. >After a few moments, the door is answered by a beautiful young dark gray colored mare.
  606. >She wears a sophisticated looking gray button-up shirt and a fine pair of black trousers to match but answers the door barefoot. Long black colored hair drapes down her back and partially covers her face.
  607. >Her big slate colored eyes look to you with confusion at first, most likely to your alien appearance, but then states;
  608. >"Hello there, can I help you Mr…?
  609. >You struggle with your words for a moment, then regain your composure.
  610. "Anon! My name is Anon, it's a pleasure to meet you. Are you Octavia Melody?"
  611. >You hold up the package in your hands.
  612. >She responds
  613. >"Yes, that is indeed me."
  614. >Excitement filling you once again, you continue.
  615. "Excellent, I'm a courier from Icewind Veil. I delivered this package all the way from there to here. This is for you!"
  616. >You leave out the part about what happened at the courier center, no need for her to know about WHY exactly you're hand delivering it.
  617. >She gasps as you hand her the package.
  618. >"Oh, my music sheets! This was so quick… I wasn't expecting my sister to get these to me for a while! You delivered this yourself all the way from the Veil? That's commitment if I've ever seen it. Can I leave a review for you somewhere?"
  619. >Beaming and happy, you still shake your head.
  620. "No, unfortunately not. But I would happily accept a cider at some point while I'm still in town. My name's Anon, like I mentioned. It's good to finally meet you Octavia."
  621. >You shake her hand after she sets the package behind her door.
  622. >"Absolutely, that sounds like a wonderful plan. Where are you staying, Anon?:
  623. >You point in the vague direction of GoldenOak library.
  624. "Twilight's library, near the train station. She's an old friend. We're catching up while I'm still in town."
  625. >Octavia nods, a smile on her face.
  626. >"I'm a little busy today, unfortunately. But tomorrow I'll certainly make sure to come by and buy both you and Twilight a drink."
  628. >Despite being excited about making your delivery and making a new friend, you're eager to get on your way.
  629. >After about another minute of talking, you give your new friend Octavia a warm farewell.
  630. >As you head off you examine the sun carefully, time being of the essence.
  631. >You are also quite busy today, as your…
  632. >Date?
  633. >Is it a date?
  634. >Your date with Twilight this morning is coming up soon, and is going to be on the top of your priorities.
  635. >Twilight also said that you two would meet up with some of the other girls today.
  636. >You are truly ecstatic at the possibility.
  637. >Since your day can't seem to get any better, you hum a happy tune as you make your way back to the library.

A courier

by Redegon

Dawn comes (yes really)

by Redegon

Celestia Request: A ride home.

by Redegon