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>Your day today at college was quite a bit long.
>Learning derivatives in your calculus class was possibly one of the most challenging things you've done this semester, even with everything you've done to prepare yourself.
>As you walk down from the third floor to the first, your brain still swirls from the headache your math tutor had given you.
>As you enter into the main courtyard, the campus seems very quiet today and a quick look at your watch dictates that your math tutoring with Twilight dragged on longer than you predicted.
>The street lights shine down onto the campus walkways as you make your way to your bus-stop.
>The iridescent light begins to mix with the sun's last golden rays, creating a very strange sense of peace as you continue down your path.
>Across the street in a distant part of a parking lot you can hear music and the sound of some other kids having a good time.
>The hooping and hollering begin to fade away quickly however as you round the corner.
>As your vision connects with your bus stop, you see a bus already waiting.
>Trying to not miss it, you quickly pick up your pace down the block.
>You begin jogging, your heavy calculus textbook still in hand.
>As you close the distance you see the bus' door close, and you give a shout, waving your free hand high above your head.
>Just as you're about to make it to the actual stop itself, you watch as the bus pulls away from the curb.
>You call out, cursing.
"Fuck! Hey I'm still here, come back!"
>However, it's no use. The bus continues on its journey as it continually pulls further and further down the street.
>Somewhat defeated, you take a quick seat at the bus stop as you catch your breath.
>After a moment or two however, you annoyedly check the bus schedule posted on the stop for when the next scheduled bus would be.
"Ah.. C'mon.."
>The last bus for today would be an hour from now, if the posted schedule is to be believed.
>Well that's no good, you might as well walk home at that rate.
>You look at your phone to see if maybe a friend could give you a ride, when suddenly a silver car pulls up next to you on the curb.
>As it stops on the quiet street, a tinted window on the passenger side door rolls down to reveal the car's driver.
>"Hey Anon, been a while!"
>Well this is certainly a surprise.
>It's your old highschool principal, Celestia!
>You give a somewhat still annoyed greeting.
"Oh, hey principal Celestia. What are you doing here?"
>She flicks a stray strand of colorful hair out of her face as she responds.
>"Oh, I just like to check up on some of my old students from time to time. Yourself included! Did I see that you missed your bus?"
>You give a nod
"Yeah. I can't believe they didn't see me! I was standing right there!"
>You throw your arms out in the direction of your jog for deeper emphasis.
>Celestia confirms;
>"Yes, I saw. Do you live far, Anon?"
>By car? No, it was maybe a 30-40 minute walk.
"Not really, but walking is quite the hassle."
>Celestia unlocks her passenger door, reaching over the car's center partition to open it.
>"Well, I hope you're good at giving directions then! Hop in, I'll give you a ride home."
>You're taken somewhat aback from this sudden kindness, however you're not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
>You eagerly hop into the silver two-seater, this beats walking anyday.
"Thanks Principal Celestia, this is awfully kind of you."
>"Don't mention it!"
>You get cozy in the car's warm leather seats, closing the door behind you and placing your backpack at your feet.
>As your seatbelt clicks, Celestia then begins to drive away from the curb and down the darkening street.
>You give Celestia brief instructions to get to your house as she continues down the road;
"-it's about 4 and a half blocks down from the old highschool, Principal."
>As you conclude, Celestia waves her hand briefly at you.
>"Anon, relax, I'm not your principal anymore. Celestia will do just fine."
>Whilst it's incredible to consider yourself nearly as an equal with your old principal, it still feels incredibly alien to call her just by her name, but you try to go along with it.
"Alright… Celestia."
>She chuckles.
>"See, isn't that better? It's almost like we're old friends already."
>You laugh a little as well at that remark.
"Not exactly old friends yet, Celestia. It's only been about 2 years since I've graduated."
>As you stop at a red light, Celestia responds with a light hand on your shoulder.
>"I know, and look at you! You're pretty much a full grown man now, Anon. Your parents must be very proud."
>Her warm hand leaves you feeling a bit tingly inside as her statement concludes.
"Y-yeah. Thanks."
>The drive continues for a few minutes, Celestia asks about your studies and how you're adapting to college life now.
>You tell her of the great times you've had so far and some of the troubles that some of your harder classes have been causing you.
>You reassure her that you can handle it though, as you're trying very hard.
>She agrees, then tells you that everything is still the same at Canterlot High. Her job still remains pretty much the same, and she still deeply enjoys it.
>As you watch her speak, she still does have that aura of confidence and inspiring vigor that you recall her having back during your highschool days.
>Looking at her now, you can appreciate her outlook on life quite a lot more as an adult.
>It's refreshing, and you continue your conversation eagerly as you continue your ride home with your old principal.
>Eventually, much to your dismay, the drive does eventually come to an end.
>You round a familiar corner, and soon enough you've arrived back home.
>Celestia drives straight up and parks in your driveway before extending her arms to you.
>She says;
>"It was nice seeing you, Anonymous. I wish we could talk more but I'm afraid I must be off. Care for a hug?"
>You graciously accept. As she pulls you into her embrace you feel her soft hands wrap around your shoulders and then drape down your back as she brings you into her warm bosom.
>This is definitely one thing you remembered about her, she was such a sweet woman to everyone.
>And of course that she had an absolutely amazing chest. Her large orbs feel very bulky as she pushes them into you.
>You withdraw from the hug. A light blush covering your cheeks.
"It was nice to see you too, Principa- I- I mean Celestia."
>She warmly pinches your cheek as you get your backpack and books from under your seat.
>You exit from the vehicle, leaving the door ajar as you exit.
>You think to yourself;
>Should I say something? It would be nice to talk to Celestia some more, now that you're an adult you're nearly on even footing with her.
>"Anon? Is something wrong?"
>You quickly jolt back to reality. You were still holding her car door open.
>You look at her as she stares at you with soft but inquisitive eyes.
>That's it! Your 21st birthday is this weekend!
"Hey Celestia, my birthday is coming up this weekend. Would you be willing to come with me to get my first drink? I don't really have anyone else to go with."
>This is technically true, most of your friends are still underage.
>Celestia puts a hand to her chin.
>"Huh… I'm not sure, it doesn't seem right to go drinking with an old student of mine…"
>At this point you channel your inner puppy, a side of you that you never knew could exist, and give her the biggest pleading face you can muster.
>To perhaps throw a little guilt into the mix, you add;
"Ah, alright. I'll just go by myself then.."
>You feign closing the door, just before you do you hear;
>You freeze.
>The door handle hangs just on the very tips of your fingers, threatening to close.
>The car's open door warning has been going off for at least a few solid moments by now.
>You peek back inside.
>Celestia, with a sad look in her eye, meets your gaze.
>"You shouldn't go out drinking alone. What time should I pick you up this weekend?"
>A few days later…
>Todays the day! You've been excited all week for this day.
>Today, Anonymous, you are twenty-one years of age!
>You congratulate yourself for somehow getting this far.
>That's not the only thing you've been excited for however.
>Whilst most of your friends are still underage, you however have perhaps an even more valuable drinking companion tonight.
>Earlier this week, you ran into your old highschool principal, Celestia.
>She, being the kind and caring person she is, has vowed to not let you drink alone tonight.
>You exchanged numbers when she dropped you off at home and since then she has texted you about when she was coming to pick you up this weekend, even offering to give you more rides home this week.
>You've recently started seeing her in a different light, and it's been great.
>No longer is she just your principal and mentor, but instead a lovely and beautiful woman.
>You've enjoyed your talks with her on the rides home she's given you this week. If your highschool friends could see you now, you can't even imagine their level of jealousy and surprise.
>You look yourself up and down in the mirror, getting ready for your date with Celestia tonight.
>You've decided to wear a nice button-up shirt and your luckiest pair of pants. Your excitement for tonight can't possibly reach any further as you attempt to look like the sexiest man alive.
>A quick look at your watch shows that you only have about five more minutes until Celestia comes to pick you up.
>You pace back and forth, waiting impatiently for your night to begin.
>Eventually, your phone dings with a message from Celestia, it reads a simple:
>"I'm here."
>You quickly look yourself over in the mirror once more before excitedly you rush outside…
>A few hours later…
>Celestia has driven you downtown, you and her dropped her car off at her house before the two of you walked a short distance to where she recommended having your first drink.
>She, to ensure you didn't drink alone, offered to drink with you. And thus, needed to leave her car at home.
>As you walk down the street beside Celestia, you admire the attire that she decided to wear for you tonight.
>She wore a lovely, long flowing light gray dress that accentuated her figure perfectly. Her large chest seemed to just barely be contained by the fabric.
>She also wore a set of tall and slim black heels, causing her to stand an inch or so taller than you do.
>Her face has been done up quite nicely with make-up as well, her pair of soft lips are quite vibrant due to her choice of a colorful lipstick.
>As she walks next to you, you can't help but admire her beautiful long legs that occasionally show themselves underneath the dress' skirt. Her brilliant hair that usually hung most of the way down her back and was tied back in a very tight and colorful bun.
>You truly can't help but ogle this woman.
>Wait, is she not wearing a bra under her dress?
>Suddenly, she calls your attention with a soft voice.
>Oh no, did she catch you staring?
>You quickly look away.
>She laughs.
>"You know… For your first drink! I remember my first drink. It was awful!"
>She laughs even more now.
>Oh yes, of course.
>That's what she meant
"Y-yeah, of course I'm excited. I'm hoping the drinks at this place are as good as you've promised."
>She extends a hand in front of her as she gestures to a building across the street.
>With a friendly smile she says;
>"Well then look no further, we're here! I recommend having one of their cocktails, Anon. The bartender here is quite proficient at his job, my sister and I come here quite often when we can find the time."
>With energy seemingly radiating around you, the two of you continue inside.
>Celestia wasn't kidding when she said the cocktails were good.
>They're fruity and sweet, but they went down easily and were surprisingly strong.
>After several drinks, you and her were both beginning to lose a bit of yourselves in the alcohol.
>Celestia puts a playful hand on yours after you give her a compliment. Calling her the cutest woman you've ever met.
>"Anoooonnn…! You can't tell an older woman that! You'll give her the wrong idea… Me? Cutse~?"
>Her words are beginning to slur, but the two of you continue drinking. Celestia is kind enough to pay for your birthday drinks.
>Even later…
>You toss Celestia onto her large open bed, after having carried her back to her room.
>You follow her into bed as she flips over, her beautiful pale eyes glowing in the light radiating in from her nearby window.
>You kiss deeply, exchanging tongue as she grabs a firm hand in your hair and another grabs a fistful of your shirt.
>She drunkenly flirts with you as you begin to undress her.
>"Yea-*hic*!… you wanna fuck me big boy…?"
>She draws a circle on your back with her finger as you begin to take off her dress, your face burning red from the alcohol.
>As the straps of her dress come off, you pull down. Suddenly her large breasts spill over the dam and come bouncing out to greet you.
>You eagerly take one in your hand and pop it in your mouth.
>She drunkenly coos and eggs you on as you massage her chest.
>"Mhhhhhmm… Yesss, suck m-*hic* my fat titties you dog…"
>After a moment you pull away with a pop from your mouth as the nipple comes falling out. You begin to eagerly undo your belt and pants as you get ready to bang your old mentor.
>Celestia begins to remove the rest of her dress, her figure now being revealed as she does.
>After a moment, you were now naked with your old teacher on her bed. The two of you looking deeply into eachothers eyes as you then lock into another deep kiss.
>Your tongues wrestle for control as the two of you desperately cling to each other, trying to feel every inch of the other's body that you can.
>You let your hands wander, getting not only a good handful of her tits but also feeling her voluptuous hips and her full ass as you work your way downwards.
>Your member has already long been hard and ready for action at this point.
>As your kiss deepens, you break away only for breath before you interlock tongues yet again. You let your hands wander further as you begin to feel her womanly entrance.
>Your hand feels slimy and wet as you tease her pussy lips, she moans a little in your mouth as you insert a finger.
>After another minute or two of kissing and fingering, Celestia pulls away.
>She grabs you by the waist as she says;
>"Mmm. C'mon shtud… I can't let you have allllllllllll the fun…"
>And then, with a surprising amount of strength, she rolls you over, now switching positions with her now on top of you.
>She works her way down to your friend, making short little detours on the way to drunkenly kiss or lick different areas of your body. She gives cute little tipsy laughs as she does so.
>She finally makes her way down to your cock, and with an excited mouth immediately takes it inside.
>She slurps you up and begins to give your member quite a generous treatment with her tongue. All the while massaging your balls and stroking the bottom of your shaft with her free hands.
>After a few moments you feel yourself begin to swell up in her mouth, but before you can finish she stops.
>"Hahaha… Someone is a little horny man… How dirty…"
>She places her cheek up against your slobbered and throbbing member as she slowly jacks you off.
>"You should know that-*hic*! Nice guys alwaysh finish last Anon…"
>She gives your cock a soft kiss before licking the tip with her dexterous tongue.
>"Mmmmm…. Take me.."
>Celestia then proceeds to lazily flop over, back in the direction she just rolled you.
>She grabs her legs before bending at the knees to spread herself as much as she can for you at the edge of the bed.
>You eagerly leap off the bed and trot over to a position between her legs.
>You eye up her womanhood, glistening and practically dripping with anticipation of your throbbing member.
>"Oh yeah.. I bet you've been wanting to fuck this pussy all week…"
>She continues to sling little drunken insults and dirty talk your way as you line your member up with her entrance.
>With very little effort, it glides in smoothly and finds a nice resting spot near the entrance of her womb as she gives a deep moan.
>"Oh fuck yessss… Fuck me like the dirty slut I am…!"
>You begin to pound away, leaving no room for complaints from this drunken woman.
>She moans and curses with pleasure as you please her soaking wet womanhood, making the bed rock with your lovemaking.
>Eventually, she pulls you down onto her as you pound, moaning more into your mouth as she begs you to kiss her.
>After a few minutes of pounding, she quickly begins to shake and convulse with pleasure as her pussy tightens around your throbbing member.
>She breaks away from another deep kiss, shouting;
>"Ah fuck! I'M CUMMING!!!"
>Her pussy begins to leak and squirt as your cock pleases her deepest areas.
>She cries with pleasure as she cums on your cock, but you continue to pound away.
>Not much longer after, your thrusting into her tight orifice begins to make your cock twitch with pleasure as well.
>You lose control of your hips for a moment as they rock forward, letting loose a torrent of your hot spunk into your drunk mentor.
>You take a deep breath before collapsing, exhausted, onto the chest of your also panting lover.
>She kisses your cheek, as she massages your head and back while you recover.
>After a few moments, you lift your head up to meet her drunken gaze, and the two of you share another kiss.
>Beginning to soften inside of her, the two of you clean up before getting comfortable in bed together.
>As the two of you cradle each other, you whisper sweet nothings into each other's ears as the fog of sleep draws ever closer.
"Celestia… I think I love you."
>Celestia, who is quiet for a moment, then burrows her head into your chest.
>"I love you too."
by Redegon
by Redegon
by Redegon