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Four Purple Ponies Try to Solve the Worlds Problems 1.9

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-02-18 02:35:42
Expiry: Never

  1. Luna:
  2. Location: Canterlot Art Museum
  3. Current Weight: 510 lbs
  4. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  6. > Sunlight was shining over the dancing party goers through the large stained-glass window at the end of the hall.
  7. > I've never visited The Canterlot Art Museum
  8. > At least not properly.
  9. > In fact, I think the last time I was here was when Tia and I cut the ribbon during its opening ceremony
  10. > A thousand years had past since then and a part of me felt like this was a sign.
  11. > I need to get out more…
  14. > But my more stubborn half didn’t believe it was worth my time.
  16. > The world has changed
  17. > It only took a thousand years to go from struggling nation to planet conquering monarchy
  18. > Or culture is saccharine and wrapped in mystical beliefs of "harmony" and "Princess Perfection"
  19. > This wasn’t the Equestria I was banished from a thousand years ago.
  20. > This was Tias Equestria.
  22. > My eyes wander along the walls
  23. > The shadows of the dancing ponies danced across the paintings along the walls
  24. > They described our current culture better than words ever could.
  25. > Benign pieces of ponies preforming mundane tasks.
  26. > Building houses, cooking food, reading.
  27. > A far cry from the works of old where the paintings were often of Tia.
  28. > In those days she was depicted as a cloven hoofed god-mare with a belly full of fire.
  29. > With eyes resembling more reptile than pony
  30. > And her alabaster coat smothered in flame and shadows.
  32. > Celestia once inspired fear in the hearts of all ponies
  33. > That was the Celestia I remembered
  34. > The museum had no references to those time
  35. > There were no paintings of me, Cadance, the pillars, or our foes
  36. > The only painting of Tia in the entire museum sat at the back of the room, painted on a 6’-6’ canvas and protected behind a thick layer of glass.
  37. > It was a crude scene showing Celestia in a kitchen baking a cake.
  38. > Her white coat stained with pink frosting while she licked the edges of her smile
  39. > In her hoof was a carton of milk and an egg beater
  40. > It looked like it was painted by a Filly.
  42. > Something had changed since I had left
  43. > It had been bothering me for a long while now
  44. > It seemed like Tia had not only gotten softer but more naive.
  45. > I spent many nights ruminating on the cause of this change
  46. > But I hadn't found a theory satisfying enough to pursue.
  48. > I rested my head over my hoof and watched the candlelight flicker
  49. > My table was empty
  50. > Situated in the corner in the room and far from the festivities.
  51. > I used my magic to spawn a pie, which appeared above my head before landing on the table
  52. > I had probably eaten six of these since we arrived
  53. > Crystal Cinema promised Tia and I that the party would get exciting when the sun went down.
  54. > I was arguing with myself whether or to ask Tia to start lowering it early just to get this party over with.
  55. > I was so bored
  57. > My eyes wandered back to the party where the crowd cheered as the music blasted needlessly loud.
  58. > At the centre was Tia trotting around the room, making a fool of herself.
  59. > I had known Tia for thousands of years, through the good and bad
  60. > And the Tia prancing around the room playing musical chairs to the tune of polka music isn’t the Tia I knew
  61. > She wasn’t the princess-playing-god I remember who demanded sacrifices
  62. > She was softer and much more patient.
  63. > It’s certainly a change for the better.
  64. > She wasn’t killing ponies for sport
  65. > Or demanding sacrifices in her name
  66. > Or pitting the pony races against each other in what she called “strategy war games” where her, the leaders of Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies would sow disharmony between the races and fight as pawns on their chess board.
  67. > Tia was always good at that game…
  69. > It seemed that the media was good at keeping her in good behaviour
  70. > Better than I ever could at least..
  71. > But at the same time it made Equestria a very boring place
  72. > The new "Squeaky clean" Tia, had ruled over a thousand years of peace
  73. > But every time I looked in her eyes I could see that this new normal was slowly driving her crazy
  74. > It’s probably why she enjoys our secret sex life so much
  76. > I sat alone in the shadows far away from the action and watched the party unfold around me.
  77. > In the centre of the room were six chairs back to back facing outward towards the audience
  78. > Music screamed as ponies cheered and in the middle of it all was my sister Tia.
  79. > Prancing to the music in a circle with several other full grown ponies giggling like school fillies
  80. > The music stopped abruptly and they all scrambled to find a chair
  81. > Tia was the last one standing
  83. > Great...
  84. > Tia always hated losing
  85. > I hope everypony is ready for a princess sized freakout
  86. > I laid my hooves over my stomach, spawned some popcorn with my magic and leaned back in my seat
  87. > Tias eyes began to twitch
  88. > Her smile cracked and her body tensed
  89. > "I lost..." she muttered
  91. > She looked around the room
  92. > I think she noticed how crazy she was acting based on the concerned expressions on the party goers.
  93. > Her attitude flipped immediately and she preformed the most pathetic false laugh I had ever heard
  94. > “Oh, darn! Looks like I’m out!” Tia chuckled
  95. > The music resumed and Tia shook every ponies hoof as she exited the crowd
  96. > Thats was the worst display of fakery I had ever seen
  97. > She approached me adorning the same, fake toothy smile
  99. > "Oh Luna! You must try these wonderful games!"
  100. “You did good out there pet. You want a treat?” I spat sarcastically
  101. > Tia covered her collar beneath her dress
  102. > Her head spun around in all directions
  103. > “Luna! Be quiet!” She hissed in a hushed tone
  105. “You do realize this party is an embarrassment, correct?”
  106. > “What do you mean? This is so much fun!”
  107. “You find this fun?” I asked in disbelief
  108. > “Why…Yes! Isn’t this such a jovial congregation?”
  109. “You thought playing pin the tail on the pony was fun?” I asked with overbearing sarcasm
  111. > “Yes! It was very…Thrilling?”
  112. > I could tell that she was struggling to understand the appeal of these folkish peasant games
  113. > I rolled my eyes
  114. “And the cup plastic stacking competition?”
  115. > “Didn’t you see the looks on those ponies faces!? We stacked the cups….A..And then we unstacked them at in quick pace! I love games! Why...aren’t they just so….Fun!?”
  117. > I rolled my eyes and stuffed a hunk of pie in my mouth
  118. “Tia, when you were a filly you used to stomp on frogs for fun.” I replied with cheeks stuffed with crust and apple chunks
  119. > “Thats perfectly normal.” She scoffed
  120. “Do you think that playing these peasant games is befitting of a princess?”
  121. > “Of course! I believe that ponies love seeing their princess playing games!”
  122. > I almost choked
  123. > Since when did Tia have any self awareness on how a princess should act
  125. > I choked down my pie fast as I could
  126. > She may be prettier, charismatic, more popular and powerful of the two of us
  127. > But when it came to smarts I was always considered the greater power by our parents and pillars who raised us.
  128. “Tia, when you first became princess the first thing you did was trick the Griffons into fighting a war with the Bug bears. And while their forces were overseas fighting a war you knew they couldn't win you claimed all their land east of Neighgrafalls.”
  129. > Tias face turned red
  130. > Though, she looked more worried than sorry
  131. > “Yes...Well sometimes…We do things we regret…”
  132. “A thousand years ago you snapped a ponies neck because your tea was too hot. At a public cafe! During peace talks with the yaks!”
  133. > “I only did that to show dominance.” She brushed off
  135. “You killed hundreds of ponies for no reason! The castle baker! The high priestess! The executioner!”
  136. > “He wasn’t doing his job fast enough.” She grumbled "And looking back who was the better baker/executioner anyways?"
  137. > She began to laugh playfully
  139. > I was at a lose
  140. > Had she changed? Or was this all a lie?
  141. > I couldn't tell anymore!
  142. “Look, I’m happy that you changed but whatever this act is that you're playing isn’t you and I think its sickening.”
  144. > Tia leaned in close and began to brush my mane with her hoof
  145. > “What do you want? For me to rule like a dictator again?” She asked in a very condescending tone
  146. “No!” I shoved her hooves away
  147. “I want you to stop being so fake all the time! You banished me for a thousand years and when I returned I came to find that your running Equestria like a kindergarten class!”
  149. > “If I recall, you hated when I squished frogs. You even told Starswirl on me and I had to write lines for a week. I also remember that you were opposed to the Griffon proxy war/ annexation and even organized protests agains’t it. Have you finally come around to seeing the big picture?”
  150. “No Tia! You were a monster and still are, you just hide it now.”
  151. > She sighed
  152. “What exactly do you want?”
  153. > “I’m worried that any moment this weird facade will slip and I’ll be on the wrong end of another banishment because I disagree with you.”
  154. > She dropped her defences and almost looked offended
  155. > “I feel awful about banishing you, and I promise that I’ll never do it again. But I’m insulted that you think I’ll go back to my old ways. I ridded myself of my angst during your banishment and now we rule over a much simpler and pacified Equestria.”
  157. > “And Sugar Mountains? I hear ponies there have been talking about radical ideas. How do you plan on stopping them from contaminating this fiction you've created?"
  158. > “Thats Twilights problem.” She giggled
  159. > She attempted to leave but I grabbed her leg
  160. > “What does that mean Tia?”
  161. > She stared at me for a moment almost sadly
  163. > “If she fails her mission I will…disappear her. I will be forced to solve the problem like I I would in the old days…I can’t rule under the guise of omniscience and be worshipped like a god and get things wrong!”
  164. > Tia began to laugh playfully
  165. > “You just keep giving ponies those silly little nightmares and acting all scary. Or I’ll give them something to really frighten them.”\
  166. > My legs fell limp to my sides
  167. > “The system works Luna! We all just need to play our part.”
  168. > She gave me a peck on the cheek and returned to the dance floor
  170. > “Okay everypony! How about another round of musical chairs!?”
  171. > I grabbed another piece of pie and stuffed my face
  172. > Tia had said many horrible things and was the cause of many needless atrocities
  173. > But nothing was more frightening than when she pretended to be okay.
  175. > She would do that lots as a filly
  176. > When a pony wouldn't share with her or whenever she lost a game her "nice" side would show
  177. > It could last a day, a month or even a year
  178. > But eventually the fillies that wronged her would "disappear" As she likes to say
  179. > It made me anxious
  180. > I don't know why Tia was angry, but I could see her scorching Equestria with sun-fire if she decides she gets bored of this game
  182. > While I stuffed my face in an attempt to numb my worry Crystal Cinema started towards me from the crowd
  183. > “Hey Luna Pie! You look kinda lonely. Mind if I take a seat?”
  184. “I would rather you didn’t.” I said with my snout buried in a pie tin
  185. > He grabbed a chair beside me and leaned into my personal space
  186. > So much so that I could feel his breath on my neck
  188. > “I saw you across the room, not that hard.” He chuckled, poking at my gut
  189. “What do you want?” I groaned
  190. > “I was just thinking about what you said. Apparently you know me well…”
  191. “You’re an easy read.”
  192. > “Then why didn’t you ever seek my company? it's clear that we both share a very…unique interest.”
  193. “ I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
  195. > “I think you do. I know you didn’t let yourself go like this for no reason. You’re into it, aren’t you?”
  196. “Even if I was. Admitting anything to you would be moronic. You’re just fishing for a story.”
  197. > “Princess, My work is my work but I see something much more fascinating in you.”
  198. > He lifted a slice of pie off the table and dangled in my face
  199. > “Do you want a slice?”
  201. > My belly started to rumble
  202. > I swiped the cake from his hooves and began eating
  203. > “In a couple of hours the changeling milk will have kicked in, and all these ponies will be unrecognizable. Living out their most twisted fantasies anonymously. Why don’t the two of us find a quiet place somewhere and indulge ourselves with dignity?”
  205. “There is no dignity between either of us. You’re a leech and I am a disgraced princess."
  206. > “Oh Luna, This self pity isn’t befitting of a mare like you. You’re a beautiful, kind and smart. It sounds to me like you’re hungry for something more than just food.”
  207. “And what might that be?”
  208. > He placed his hoof over my stomach
  209. > “Intimacy," he whispered "with a stallion who knows just how to please you.”
  211. > I snapped his hoof away with a flick of the wrist
  212. “I prefer spending my nights alone.”
  213. > “But how will you eat when your legs grow tired?"
  214. "You're awful at this." I said flatly
  216. > My stomach seemed to disagree, and began to churn like never had before.
  217. > I felt food inside me splashing into the walls of my stomach
  218. > The energy was so strong it caused ripples along my fat, round belly.
  219. > I looked over at Crystal who's eyes were captured by the sight of my jiggling tummy
  221. > When our eyes met his cheeks reddened and blossomed with excitement
  222. > “I would love to see how big I can make you.”
  223. > I despised this pony
  224. > But despite that fact his words made my crotch warm and wet
  225. > My sex drive coupled with the pleasure of my rapturous belly had me on the edge of my seat
  226. > Staring into his eyes
  227. > I felt like I was falling into him as I slowly leaned closed
  228. > Breathing heavier
  229. > Heart racing
  231. > I didn’t like this pony
  232. > But it didn’t matter!
  233. > My stomach is hungry and it knew who would satisfy it the most
  234. > I was losing it
  235. > I had been carrying this curse for over a week and had kept these urges at bay
  236. > But now I was losing this fight against myself and was beginning to wonder why I was even trying.
  238. > In only a week I had gone from a petite princess to a slobbish mess.
  239. > My stomach was a perfectly round mass of bubbling fat
  240. > Tender to the touch and constantly craving.
  241. > I thought only weaker ponies fell victim to their urges
  242. > But clearly I was wrong
  244. > My wants, dignity and pride were becoming harder to maintain as the potion wrapped itss claws around me.
  245. > Long term exposure to this spell couldn’t be healthy
  246. > I could feel my arteries clogging and heart constantly fluttering
  247. > I felt dizzy and sick
  248. > But it didn't matter because the greed of my belly was giving me a one track mind
  249. > I was losing myself to these urges.
  250. > And it felt good...
  252. > Crystal Cinema poured me a glass of wine and shoved it into my hoof.
  253. > I knew what he was up to.
  254. > But it didn’t matter
  255. > My mind was made up
  256. > Not be me of course
  257. > But my aching stomach.
  259. > I leaned into Crystals ear and whispered
  260. > tongue peking between my lips
  261. > Sweat running behind my ears
  262. “I' very hungry."
  264. > My hips rotated in circles as I pleased my warm, sticky hole along the edge of the chair
  265. > What was happening to me?
  266. > I’ve lost control…
  268. > Beneath my neck my belly purred
  269. > All that was on my mind was food
  270. > And it was turning me on something fierce.
  272. > I gripped the chalice and downed the wine
  273. > streams ran from the crooks of my lips and down my slender neck
  274. > He grabbed me by the hoof
  275. > “Will you take me?”
  277. > Heart beating
  278. > stomach screaming
  279. > Pussy dripping
  280. “Yes…” I exhaled in heat and delight
  281. > Crystal Cinema smiled and bowed his head respectfully
  282. > “Your wish is my command, princess.”
  283. > The two of us crept through the shadows along the wall as we evaded the eyes of the party goers.
  284. > We slipped into the adjacent room and locked the door behind us.

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

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The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

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The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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