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Cadance's Gonna Get Ya

By Grey
Created: 2023-02-25 04:30:26
Updated: 2023-08-10 06:35:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >Spring break is just a week away.
  2. >You've almost made it.
  3. >It's been so long since you've had to brave out Valentine's Day.
  4. >For some reason, Principal Cadance has this obsession with pairing everyone up into couple.
  5. >And making them... feel things for one another.
  6. >You imagine it's her way of ensuring that the world works, by shipping everyone, even those who didn't want to be shipped with someone.
  7. >She said something about how it helps everyone find love in their life.
  8. >More than just valentine's cards.
  9. >And now you've made it all the way to the days before spring break, during which break Cadance finally stops her efforts to smite anyone who got away.
  10. >It was tedious avoiding her in the school hallways up until this point, especially on Valentine's Day.
  11. >All day long, you saw everyone get hearts in their eyes; they weren't themselves anymore.
  12. >Getting all up close and personal with butterflies inside.
  13. >All at Principal Cadance's command as soon as she had confronted them.
  14. >With her abilities.
  15. >And she usually got everyone by lunchtime, but you played hooky and hid in the utility closet most of the day.
  16. >And there was some girl in school that had to find another partner for the holiday since you were "absent".
  17. >You "missed" Valentine's Day, but more or less just escaped it for once.
  18. >And Cadance knows, oh she knows.
  19. >You're the last one left she needs to get to, then she'll finally leave you alone... unless you make it past that finish line.
  20. >Which you KNOW you'll do.
  21. >You don't don't hate her, you're just trying to not be horny or lovestruck.
  22. >Not too much to ask for, right?
  23. >Another day of dodging, avoiding and hiding goes by and she almost catches you as you round a corner.
  24. >But you slipped through the classroom door, and she had principal things to attend to.
  25. >You can tell she's waiting until you've let your guard down, and then will create a situation in which you will HAVE to be alone with her.
  26. >Elsewhere, things just happen accidentally and everyone just rolls with it, maybe drunk, maybe not.
  27. >But here, it's obviously being done on purpose, and rare students like you try to avoid it because it freaks you out how your emotions and libido can just be toyed with like that, completely outside of your control.
  28. >You're not angry or hateful, you're scared.
  29. >It's hard to describe not wanting to be unconditionally affected against your will like that.
  30. >Forced to feel horny, body made to... react.
  31. >If it wasn't so forceful then you wouldn't have a problem with it.
  32. >...
  33. >And now, the Friday before Spring Break has finally arrived.
  34. >All detentions and after school activities have been cancelled as the school has to close early for mild renovations beginning tomorrow morning.
  35. >This is it, the home stretch.
  36. >So far so good.
  37. >Once you make it home for the week long spring break, you're home free and Principal Cadance can't bother you at all after you come back to school.
  38. >Or at least you know for a fact she won't.
  39. >And she knows it too, because it's clear she sees this day as now or never.
  40. >By lunchtime, you can see her staring right at you, watching you eat what little food you brought with you.
  41. >Blocking the door out to the hallway, standing there in your way as you're about to leave.
  42. >But there's a side door you leave through to another connecting hallway.
  43. >You're fast enough in your sneakers to make it past the intersection before she can reach it in her dress shoes.
  44. >She still wants to get a late Valentine from you before Spring Break starts.
  45. >You escaped her on the day itself but she won't give up there just yet.
  46. >It'll feel a lot less claustrophobic for you after you get back outside of the building after the school day ends.
  47. >But you always feel like Principal Cadance is right around the corner.
  48. >Venture through the maze of often locker-lined hallways between the temporary sanctuary of sitting in class.
  49. >But going out there into the hallways gets risky; she could close in on you at any time.
  50. >Your participation in the love fest is long overdue and she wants to bring you to justice about it.
  51. >You have no idea which girl she's gonna try to pair you with since everyone else in school has already been "gotten" except you.
  52. >You just can't wait until you're outside and finally see the sky once again.
  53. >Being cooped up in here all day with the rain outside battering the roof like a waterfall.
  54. >And it still hasn't stopped yet.
  55. >This is the first day of the year it rains super hard outside.
  56. >The final bell rang and you reached into your backpack in your locker to grab your car keys.
  57. >They're nowhere to be found.
  58. >Your stomach sinks as you realize you just lost your easy way out.
  59. >All of the other students had to use their belongings to shield themselves from the rain on the way on to the packed buses where there's no room for you.
  60. >Too much distance between the school and your house to walk it, plus there's a busy highway in the way you couldn't cross anyway.
  61. >Desperately keep searching for your car keys, again and again and again.
  62. >You just know she had to go into your locker and swipe away the one thing you need to get out of here, your car keys.
  63. >Didn't even care that everyone has to leave the school today as soon as possible, something else is at the top of her list of priorities, and that something is you.
  64. >The hallways empty out, and your first thought is to gather everything you can and hide.
  65. >Continuing your search now would be pointless and leave you out in the open.
  66. >The keys are clearly not anywhere in your locker, so just hide and wait for the rain to stop and then maybe try to find a super long way home.
  67. >A spare set of keys in your bedroom will help you retrieve your vehicle for the spring break roadtrip.
  68. >Back to the utility closet you head with a stuffed backpack.
  69. >But the door to it would be locked even outside of these circumstances, but you know it had to be locked earlier anyway for reasons you don't want to face.
  70. >Several minutes go by of listening to the rain on the roof above while your footsteps against the marble floor try not to be audible over it
  71. >At some point, you heard all of the engines of the buses roaring away.
  72. >And you forget about it less than ten minutes later, unable to think about anything but your car in its parking space.
  73. >And the fact that Principal Cadance is roaming the halls in search of you, who will eventually close in on you now that it's only you and her in here.
  74. >The red dots you usually see blinking on the security cameras are no longer blinking at all, so that's a bad sign.
  75. >Whatever she's gonna do, she doesn't want it on camera.
  76. >And you can hear distant footsteps against the marble floors around the corner behind you.
  77. >Sneak away as quietly as you can, now knowing where Principal Cadance is.
  78. >The second you see her, the sight of her will smite you, you know this much about her powers and how they usually work on everyone else.
  79. >Even if she's dressed completely formally, there's a certain natural glow about her that can get to you.
  80. >You know the principal's office is towards the front of the school, and find that the door to it is open upon approaching it.
  81. >That desk is unguarded as long as she's looking for you and probably not expecting you to enter her office/lair where she usually is most of the day.
  82. >But you're a bit more clever than that.
  83. >Pulling each and every desk drawer out until you spot your car keys Principal Cadance hid from you.
  84. >She stole them from your locker, you stole them back from her desk.
  85. >You didn't even bother closing the desk drawer back up, not that you'd have time to, because you hear her footsteps approaching from in the hallways.
  86. >Estimate that you have about 15 seconds until she possibly walks in here.
  87. >Silently creep over to a door with a long mirror on it, finding it unlocked, and hiding in the pitch black closet behind it like the utility room.
  88. >Except when you quietly close it, you can clearly see back out into the office through what now appears to be a window.
  89. >You had already completely closed the door in total silence with yourself inside, but realize you're still safe when it dawns on you that this is a two-way-mirror, meaning that she can't see you in here.
  90. >Kind of odd that she has this thing installed into the door to this closet.
  91. >You wonder what she keeps in here.
  92. >Too dark in here to see anything.
  93. >Principal Cadance walks in wearing her usual uniform, before you can think to look away.
  94. >You immediately begin to feel butterflies in your stomach, noticing a new red turtleneck peeking out of her usually uniform collar.
  95. >Leaving the office door open, Principal Cadance turns on a stereo system she has in her office and then turns on her intercom microphone on her desk.
  96. >Flips through some songs on her hooked up phone, and plays
  97. >Loudly, with the intercom running so the rest of the school hallways are flooded with it.
  98. >Okay, there's no way she's not trying to like, actually scare you on purpose now.
  99. >A bit of a twisted and questionable way to go about it, even by her standards, but she turns around and you see a crazed, depraved, yet alluring look in her eyes.
  100. >She really, really does think you're long overdue for something.
  101. >And it must be getting to her emotionally.
  102. >Or mentally, you assume it's both.
  103. >All you know for sure is that Principal Cadance definitely must have confirmed no one else is in the building.
  104. >That look in her eyes she gives you as she stares at her reflection makes it all the more impossible to look away or close your eyes.
  105. >You can't hope to close or avert your eyes; you're too lost in hers.
  106. >Principal Cadance looks absolutely maniacal and unsound, but in such a hot way.
  107. >Deranged but calm and wanting.
  108. >Lip syncing to the lyrics of the song, Principal Cadance begins to unbutton her uniform jacket top.
  109. >You cover your mouth, trying not to make a sound as she unintentionally shows you everything she has in store for you once she makes her way over to wherever she thinks you're hiding.
  110. >Which "dere" is that one that accurately describes her eyes again?
  111. >Your brain is too scrambled to remember much weeb terminology right now.
  112. >But her eyes are doing things to you, though your own eyes are wandering places as Principal Cadance watches herself dance and strip in front of the mirror, getting amped up and preparing herself for you.
  113. >Her busty chest bounces around a little in that bright turtleneck sweater just enough to be noticeable.
  114. >Very slight bumps from her nipples can barely be noticed.
  115. >The bottom doesn't go all the way to her waist, and reveals a little bit of Principal Cadance's surprisingly toned midriff.
  116. >The instant you saw Principal Cadance's bellybutton, you realized you've been getting an insistent erection in your pants you can do nothing to prevent.
  117. >The more of her skin she reveals, the more impossible it is for you to not eye her up and down.
  118. >She's standing right there in front of you, lifting the bottom of her sweater up to unveil her sexy toned tummy with her jacket falling off of her shoulders.
  119. >This sweater is sleeveless, and Principal Cadance's smooth shoulders bob up and down to the music she's playing to make the loose jacket fall down her firm arms you wish were wrapped around you.
  120. >Begin to shudder at the swelling urge to cry out to her, and tell her you're in here, and just surrender already.
  121. >Your own will is starting to betray you, watching Principal Cadance loosen and drop her skirt from a pair of frilly red-pink panties clinging to her wide swinging hips she wore just for you.
  122. >She grabs something off of a nearby surface.
  123. >It's a Valentine chocolate.
  124. >Her fingers hooked around the bottom rim of her red-pink sweater guide the already pulled up front begin to guide the front even higher.
  125. >The tensed bottom of the sweater presses up against the bottom of her soft boobs underneath, and slips up her smooth underboob after the threshold is broken with the help of her pulling hand.
  126. >Your trembling hands desperately push down at your tent in your pants, trying to get it to subside, but it only intensifies at the sight of all of this.
  127. >Principal Cadance sways her hips and gyrates her toned exposed torso at her reflection to the song playing, enjoying herself more than she probably should.
  128. >Every last bit of you is crying at you to make as much sound as you can and give yourself up to her.
  129. >You MUST.
  130. >Principal Cadance pulls her scrunched sweater further and further up and off from her luscious cleavage, showing more and more of it to you.
  131. >It's like she's gained control of your hands, or at least your right one.
  132. >Your instincts got the front of your pants undone, and the front of your underwear out of the way somehow.
  133. >Anything to get your grip around your solid shaft as soon as possible while all of this sexual beauty is on display in front of you.
  134. >So sexually alluring with her healthy, fertile, in-shape female form that your hand just HAD to go into masturbation mode to the sight of her, outside of your own control.
  135. >Principal Cadance places the Valentine chocolate snug into her soft cleavage with one hand, her other hand tugging her lifted up top even further upward and exposing more and more of her big soft breasts.
  136. >The top's tension gets tighter on the sides and pushes her breasts together more with the heart-shaped chocolate becoming enveloped and buried deep between them.
  137. >As she begins to play around with her panty strap, you can almost see all the way down her V shape to where her bare crotch is inside of her slightly pulled open panties.
  138. >The rim of the sweater threatens to expose Principal Cadance's nipples to you if it's pulled up any further.
  139. >No porn video you've jerked it to before can compare to the show Principal Cadance is putting on for you, in terms of how it's making you feel.
  140. >None of them had started playing then had you immediately going at it automatically within a minute before.
  141. >And you just KNOW it's her magic doing this to you, but you're so out of it that you're welcoming it.
  142. >If you weren't doing this, you'd HAVE to cry out to her so she'd ambush you in this little closet and do it all for you.
  143. >There's no other way to contain your libido, it's either this or...
  144. >You're beating off as quietly as you can, unable to stop stroking up and down the most diamond-hard erection you've had in your life.
  145. >Principal Cadance mouths the words "one way, or another, I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna get ya get ya get ya get ya..."
  146. >You mouth the words "fuck fuck fuck fuck oh fucking fuck" as silently as you can without squeaking.
  147. >You just want her mostly exposed, warm, healthy goddess body on top of you and doing all sorts of things SO BADLY
  148. >Have no idea how you've maintained your silence for this long.
  149. >Being in full unga bunga mode and masturbating comically hard to horny and playful Principal Cadance her soft smooth thighs, her dancing, swinging hips, her twisting midriff, her jiggling underboobs with her nipples juuust almost exposed, how just barely noticeable her slight but extremely arousing muscularity is.
  150. >She must have seen it in the reflection, because Principal Cadance looked down and gasped, turned around and discovered the open desk drawer with the stolen car keys missing.
  151. >She couldn't help but keep dancing and swinging her hips with her back turned to you, teasing you with her sexy buttcrack peeking out from the back rim of her panties that do little to conceal her round soft buttcheeks.
  152. >Panicking, she hops up and down and shoves the chocolate into her mouth, roping it in with her tongue as her hand tugging her top up makes the tension expose her pink areolae then make her pink perky nipples slip out into full view.
  153. >Premature ejaculation can't be held back.
  154. >As exposed Principal Cadance prances out the door, everything that is meant to jiggle, jiggles.
  155. >She doesn't notice the wet spurting noises coming from inside her closet.
  156. >Your scrambled brain shuts down and waits for your powerful orgasm to pass before functioning again.
  157. >Fall to your knees and succumb to your very nature.
  158. >Grunting like a caveman and letting your load proudly burst and explode out of you at the final glimpse of Principal Cadance before she is out of view.
  159. >You wheeze, you grunt, you sweat, you fall back and hyperventilate at the ceiling as if you just emerged from holding your breath under water for a full minute.
  160. >A pathetic mess on the floor inside this closet, knowing full well your semen got everywhere and will be impossible to clean up all of.
  161. >After Principal Cadance doesn't return after over 20 minutes, you finally come to and come to this realization yourself.
  162. >Not only this, but the rain has subsided a little, but only slightly.
  163. >Barely even processed how you wiped yourself off before stepping back out into the room.
  164. >The air in here feels so cold now, like you actually were underwater for real and now you're stepping out of a swimming pool or maybe a shower.
  165. >No idea how long it's going to take for the air inside the closet to cool back down but all you can think of is escaping.
  166. >Now that the post nut clarity is setting in.
  167. >But it's accompanied by something else as you approach a side door that's away from the parking lot where Principal Cadance would have gone to.
  168. >It's accompanied by love planted inside of you.
  169. >Love that still hasn't physically wrapped into an embrace with Principal Cadance yet.
  170. >Reluctantly pull the fire alarm to lure her back into the building, now feeling a longing pain telling you to give yourself up to her already.
  171. >Now something is not yet fulfilled on your end too, as is on her end.
  172. >You don't know how you did it, but you pull off your little stunt and make it to your car.
  173. >It takes at least five trembling jabs before you accurately stick the keys into the ignition.
  174. >She'll find the semen stains in her closet and piece everything together, but you know she wants more as much as you (won't admit you) do.
  175. >Drive home, ignoring the cries and pleas from your heart to go back, clutching your hands to the steering wheel like Odysseus tied to the mast of his ship.
  176. ~
  177. >Spring break week.
  178. >You are now driving in a more relaxed manner, as you should.
  179. >Listening to the radio station playing all of your favorite rock hits back in the days.
  180. >And just as the station is halfway through 70s hour, a familiar song starts playing with coincidence being the culprit.
  181. >Tingle shiver up your spine, you tense up, feeling stiffness start up in your pants.
  182. >Pull over, nearly crashing your car into the rest stop.
  183. >But you don't dare turn the station.
  184. >Something stops you.
  185. >You just sit there and wait for the song to end, then listen to three other rock songs to take your mind off of it then eventually start driving again.
  186. >Maybe one day...
  187. End.

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