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Changed in a Zippy

By emmens
Created: 2023-02-26 21:48:31
Updated: 2023-02-26 22:05:39
Expiry: Never

  1. James had been working. Hard. college work had been taxing and the stress of adulthood wore him down these past few months.
  3. Right now he was working on a long essay, cross-referencing everything, showing his sources in a separate sheet of citations, while also trying to make sure everything was up to date. This was important…why? Because it was college and having a degree would result in a really nice paying job when this was all over.
  5. His brain ached.
  7. He’d been at this for days. multiple hours every day with only a few hours he needed to go out and eat, meet family, and do his meager day job that paid mostly minimum wage.
  9. On the bright side of all of this he had his usual coping mechanisms; cartoons, porn, and caffeine, he’d been watching the mlp a new generation for the fifth time in a single week and he’d lost count ast this point of just how many times he’d seen this version in total
  11. Right now there was one of the many songs in the movie playing, his brain was mostly zoning it out as his fingers tapped along the keys
  13. “Kind of seems weird you're not giving us much thought right now, doesn't it?” He heard Zipps' voice through the tv. He’d just about had the movie passively memorized..that wasn’t one of the lines in the film at all..
  15. He turned to his television set to stare at the tv, to see Zipp looking directly at him from inside the frame, a single eyebrow raised and looking on at him letting her question linger in the air.
  17. “Am I going crazy?”
  19. “I don’t know, is it normal for humans to talk to ponies like me?” Zipp reached out, grabbing the edge of his tv screen and leaning up to begin climbing forward and out of the tv screen “Doesn’t really seem normal to me, but what do I know about normal, anyhow”
  21. Zipp’s flapped her wings a bit as she floated up and then landed on the floor of his living room
  23. “Okay..uhm..” he stared as she walked toward him “Yeah I’m studying too hard. You can’t be real”
  25. Zipp looked out of place in a strange way..not cgi..not ‘real’ something very..different. And yet she continued walking around his living room area unobstructed and unobservant to the simple fact that she shouldn’t be able to walk around in the real world.
  27. “Seems pretty real to me. Interesting place here. A little bland, but I am kind of used to the palatial royal aesthetic so maybe that's probably just me.”
  29. “Uhm..thank you?”
  31. “So..obsessed with me?” She asked with a smug satisfaction
  32. “Uh..?” he was confused “I don't know what your talking about
  34. “Puh-lease” she dismissed his dishonesty “The only reason I’m here is because of you, so why not just confess to this..not like everyday you get to me meet someone you like, specially royalty”
  36. “Why do you even like us ponies anyway?” the question Zipp asked was jarring, both because it was a question James had heard a million times from family members and friends…and because it caused a weird buzz in his head that radiated out to his ears, an unusual sensation as the rounded edges shifted into points that felt like a case of static electricity.
  38. “Ha..just messing with you..i know exactly why you like ponies like me”
  40. “I-I’m..what?” he stammered as she seemed to read him “it’s..trust me it’s just a show that lets me relax, it’s nothing like that. ”
  42. “And it’s not the ears? Or the colorful manes that we can style however we please?” she moved toward him pressing a hoof into his chest as he leaned back into his computer chair a slight squeak. An itchy tingly feeling like a hot humid summer day waved through his hair as with out his observation it took on a bright pink.
  44. Zipp flew up a moment, flapping and moving around his chair in a circle, inspecting him from top to bottom “could be the size? You look like someone with a bit of a size thing.”
  46. “A-ah! I-I don’t know what you meaaaaaah! What!” everything suddenly buzzed as a few feet entirely removed from his total height, everything seeming to pull in, an almost liquid sensation as proportions were recalibrated.
  48. That was when everything was impossible to deny at that moment.
  50. He was changing.
  52. “Stop!” James pleaded
  54. “Stop what?”
  56. “Whatever you’re doing!” he said, jumping out of his seat and stumbling, not used to just how much shorter he’d gotten
  58. “Wouldn’t have tripped like that if you’d had wings you know~” she teased him as he stomped towards the kitchen, shuddering as his shoulders ached in pain, the pain suddenly blooming out into paralysis that knocked his ass out on to his knees as he stumbled just feet away from his refrigerator as he helplessly flailed his hand outward at the handle.
  60. He gasped loudly as he felt the collar of his shirt pull uncomfortably up against his throat, his shoulder blades twitching violently as they expanded and grew, new bones forming as the skin stretched out over them, his body losing completely balance as he fell forward into the floor
  62. It was the most excruciating pain he’d ever experienced in his life.
  64. So why was his cock the hardest it had ever been?
  66. Zipp landed on the ground gracefully, giving her tail a flick as she walked in front of him, circling like a dangerous predator “So..still trying to think about all the reasons why you like us ponies..or maybe it’s just me you have a fixation for. I mean..I am pretty hot..”
  68. James groaned as his cock pulsed in his underwear.
  70. “You should see me when I-” she let out a shocked gasped when she was interrupted by the loud ripping of the fabric of his shirt. James let out a ragged, desperate gasp of air as he felt the wings flap tactlessly and with little rhythm, breathing like a drowning animal finally allowed to breath.
  72. “-Fly” Zipp suddenly breathed in deep, James not noticing the way she shivered with a barely suppressed moan at what she’d just seen happen to the human. Her eye glinted with revelation as she hummed to herself, an errant thought to test things out and push the line a little bit “Yeah..it’s definitely a thing for me”
  74. Something twisted in Jame’s mind as he felt a compulsive chunk of honesty force his head to nod, a memory of everytime he’d surfed derpibooru for images of herself to get off to and-wait!
  76. “What the fuuu-” his head spasmed as his ears began a rapid and uninterrupted crawl upward to the top of his head, the cartilage shifting with a strange churning noise as muscles adjusted and readapted, the sense of hearing now much more acutely developed for detecting predators who might be looking to catch her off guard
  78. “I’m not a girl!” he shrieked out in protest to the process being inflicted on him.
  80. “So..is it my voice then?” She smugly asked leaning down at him as she asked, eyebrows raised “is it an auditory kink for you perhaps~?” she added a sultry lowness to the way the implication
  82. “I don't know! I just..i don't know, your just hot! Just stop talking and let me- is that my voice!!” he caught himself as the entire time he spoke that one sentence his voice escalated in pitch and timbre, the way it bounced around in his ear was strange but instinctively he was now at the same revelation that Zipp had came to moments ago.
  84. He was becoming her.
  86. James took a deep breath and looked up at her pleading “change me back..please..I..can’t be a pony like you, I have college..a job..I got exams!”
  88. “Those sound boring, and kinda sounds like something my mom would want me to do with all her stupid princess training”
  90. James’ head squeezed again causing him to jerk, falling over on his side as he held on to his ears that now twitched madly
  92. “And besides…why would you want to do tests when you could fly all day?”
  94. Another lurch in his brain, his eyes wide open with dilated pupils as he felt knowledge pump into his mind; how to move his wings, how to see and read air currents and move with the wind to gain speed or elevation, instincts that every pegasus could use on some level but something she was especially gifted in now that the magic had been returned to pegasus everywhere
  96. “Aha please..that's..nngh, why does it feel so goo-hooo-ood?! His cock strained again, his balls churning as he felt tell tale twitches in his pelvis that indicated he was getting close to orgasm. He hadn’t even touched himself and he was on edge with the way she teased him in tandem to the physical sensations he was feeling.
  98. Speaking of which, a series of pin pricking sensations twitched along his new wings as the fleshy appendages became spotted, hardened bits pushing up and outward. Feathers. Pinion feathers, and fluffy fur rapidly spread from the wing tips flexing manically, gaining synchronicity.
  100. “Oh I know!” Zipp interrupted his already scrambled thoughts as she continued to walk around him“with skin color that was boring. It has to be my coat right? Or even if it’s just ponies in general the fact we have so much variance amongst us has to add to the appeal right?” she let out a chuckle as one of her hooves traced the small of his back. The point of contact blossomed a million alabaster dots that blended into each other, the stains of white fur creeping all over his skin.
  102. He breathed deeply. The full on panic attack exploding as his heart beat filled his ears as he felt adrenaline course into his brains, the fight or flight instinct firmly switched to flight. As his scrambled pushing himself on all fours forward
  104. James would get exactly four feet away from his spot on the floor before he was stopped again right in his tracks by a brand new sensation.
  106. Zipp’s lips.
  108. The ambush of a kiss caught him off guard, and in honesty it caught Zipp off guard to but she was caught up in the moment of narcissism to really care as he hooves held him still as their lips mashed together.
  110. James’ panic attack spun around as she felt the way those lips pried her own open a bit, his something tried to fight back as he felt the tip of Zipp’s tongue tease the tip of her own.
  112. HE. His! James dying masculinity was screaming again as..as…oh
  114. A single caress of the bulge in his pants quieted the raging manhood
  116. “You wanna know what my favorite thing about mares is?”
  118. James nodded, eyes unfocused as the creeping coat of white crept up his neck a bit.
  120. “Their flanks..their thighs~” she answered, carrying on the kiss, each touch flowing over the searing panic in his mind ever further.
  122. Then a warm numbness spread across his hips, the tightness that had been in his legs and groin slowly eased itself out as his pants suddenly struggled to hold the contents, the seams beginning to split as the stitching creaked with effort to hold in all the new flesh that was bloating and filling out the fabric
  124. James acted a bit more voluntarily as he reached with numbed fingers to stroke absent mindedly at Zipps neck, unaware to his own stretching neck and the peculiar feeling of his center of gravity shifting to allow for a more quadrupedal stance
  126. Zipp pressed her hoof against his crotch, rubbing slowly as he let out a shocked gasp, his orgasm hitting him hard as his cock twitched rapidly, the moisture causing pants to break open with a dramatic tearing noise that shocked them both as the strange magic causing his metamorphosis to fall off, disintegrating into the faintest sparkling leaving him in just the rough remained of his shirt and even that was showing signs of being claimed and whisked away into nothingness
  129. James mouth gasped open against their lewd kiss as he rocked his hips, thrusting against the air as the pleasure rocked her body, more and more fur coating him by the second as he curled his toes, a liquid motion waving over as his toes curled beyond their limited, into the foot as an extended hoof shape sculpted itself over his foot, the joints and bend of his legs altering and shifting as he was now undeniable a pony from his waist down with the only evidence of his human nature in that section of his body being his erect but flagging cock as it dribbled an endless flow of cum, the sack underneath it deflating rapidly.
  131. “I-I..can’t…too good..can’t…Z-Zipp..p-please” something drove him to lean against her for support even if the dwindling rationality in his head, a moment where he tried to hold himself in a mix of fear and pleasure only to let out a panicked whine at the sight of her…his hooves.
  133. He tried to insist on his identity “I..mean it. I can’t..I have so many thing to do..so…nnngh so many human things to ahh..” he shuddered as his cock twitched and pulsed a thick gunky mess of cum being pushed out of it as it swelled and pulsed with need and yet contradictorily shrunk an inch
  135. Zipp pressed herself close to him, guiding him to lay down as she kissed his chest all over as the last remains of the human shape was molded out of it by an unseen force, squeezed until it resembled hers.
  137. James' humanity had been eased out of him so quickly and easily in the act of intimacy between the two of them that all there was now was his steadily shrinking cock. And his human face, framed by white fur that was threatening to subsume him in its entirety
  139. Her mind was at war with itself as her twin positioned herself above her, her crotch rubbing against his, causing James to let out another loud groan. It was non penetrative and yet he felt just as sensitive as he might be inside her, the clear cum oozing out of him lubricating the both of them as she rubbed back and forth in circles over his reduced length a second orgasm forcing his way out of him as she smoothed out his cock the flaccid length melting away into as it pushed up into a clitoris nestled atop a sack that split open under Zipps thrusts
  141. "Something..isn’t right” the distant voice of James echoed in her head.
  143. Zipp laid down against her, planting kisses along her much longer neck, their lips pressing together as their pussies rubbed against one another. “Sis…we should figure out a better name for you”
  145. The pony with the fading human face moaned in pleasure, too disoriented to really respond, only able to nod as she hungrily sought out more kisses from the pegasus atop her.
  147. The grinding was a bit more enthusiastic as their needs took them further, Zipp being the more aggressive one as she pumped her hips more. “Zip..or maybe.mmmng shit. ZIpp the Second?” she muttered.
  149. “Hah…Z-Zip” the new Zip moaned as her face extended outward, her lips and nose stretching as the liquid buzzing sensation pushed and reshaped her face, the fuzzy fur slowly taking more and more of the last remaining humanity that was al of the last evidence James had ever been human.
  151. “I..have a name” the dimming voice mumbled in the bottom corner of her head as Zip blossomed out like an explosion, washed away in a tidal wave of blissful orgasmic pleasure.
  153. Zip’s wings suddenly flapped rapidly in succession, her legs going stiff and hugging tightly to her sister above he as those wings beat out an ecstatic but muted drum rhythm on the carpeted floor as her pussy quivered excitedly.
  155. Atop her, the sensation of full frontal contact and watching the shifting eye color in her newly minted sister drove Zipp into her own excited orgasm, the both of them staining the floor in sex fluid as they gasped and squeezed each other, pussies pressed tightly together as they slowly came down from the adrenaline rush, their lips kissing each other, tongue pressing against one another as they continued to share each other's company. A few minutes passed as they purred and rubbed one another's bodies, hooves greedily seeking out the spaces that the new memories in Zip’ mind now knew by instinct.
  157. Zip giggled in excitement “oh Pipp is going to lose her mind over having a new sister, isn’t she?”
  159. “Probably in the most annoying way possible, but I can’t say I’m not a little excited over it”
  161. “oh..I..old me had a couple of friends..what if we got Pipp her own twin?”
  163. “That…is devious, I like it” Zipp grinned, sharing another kiss with her. “But I think for now..I kind of left my friends hanging. So we should get back with them” Zipp got up to all fours, nudging her twin over until she could stand beside her
  165. Zip’s face twisted into a slight panicked anxiety “Oh..oh shit..I’m gonna get to meet the rest..I get to meet Sunny, and Izzy!” her legs nervously tapped a bit on the ground before Zipp put a hoof on her shoulder
  167. “Hey..calm down, You’re gonna be fine, besides nervous doesn’t look good on us”
  169. Zip took a big breath and swallowed nodding “You’re right..we’re both cooler than that, aren’t we?”
  171. “Absolutely, now let's get going Sis.”
  173. With that Zipp led her sister, Zip, into the television, one hoof in front of the other and back into Equestria.
  175. Minutes later, The tv turned itself off.


by emmens

Changed in a Zippy

by emmens