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Four Purple ponies Try to Solve the worlds problems 2.o

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-02-28 16:34:06
Expiry: Never

  2. > Night Glider (Cave)
  4. > I stormed through rocks and the snow faster than ever
  5. > When I finally reached the cave my breath was short and my lungs burned from the cold air
  6. > My trips into town were usually brief, never lasting more than an hour.
  7. > But today was far from ordinary.
  8. > I hope Starlight didn’t miss me too much.
  9. > I had much to tell her
  11. > Upon entering the cave I found myself nearly tripping over a collection of empty bottles littered across the floor.
  12. > Starlight must have been sitting by the entrance waiting for me, drinking her emergency liquid lust potions.
  13. “Starlight!” I called as I walked through the mouth of the cave and into the small circular clearing
  14. “I’m home!”
  16. > I looked around but still found no sign of her
  17. > The cave split into three different paths.
  18. > Her bedroom, the potion room and my room
  19. > I went down the trail leading to her bedroom but she was nowhere to be found
  20. > Just I turned to leave something slammed into my backside and yanked my back legs into the air
  21. > I spun my head to my backside and saw Starlight grinning with delight
  22. > “Gotcha!” She laughed
  24. “Geez Starlight! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
  25. > Her face turned sour
  26. > “Where were you?”
  27. “I was out getting your potions! Now let go of me!”
  28. > She licked her hoof and dragged it between my crotch
  29. "Jeez, you're excited to see me." I giggled
  30. > “You were gone for hours!” She snapped “Whee were you! I bet you were off spreading your legs again."
  32. > “I wriggled my hips and kicked my legs but her grip was too tight
  33. “I’ve never done that ever!” I cried “Stop being a bigot and let me go!"
  34. > “Of all the ponies I could have had pledge their eternal loyalty to me it had to be a slutty little pegasi.”
  35. “Starlight.” I growled, “Enough with that racial superiority stuff. You know that's just a terrible stereotype
  36. > "Apparently so is that pegasi loyalty I’ve herd so much about."
  37. “Shut up…” I grumbled
  38. > My eyes fell to the ground
  39. > "Care to explain yourself?"
  40. "No, you're the worst. I already felt bad about being gone for so long, you don't need to make me feel worse."
  41. > My eyes were locked to the floor
  42. > Why does she insist on making me feel guilty all the time? Her patronizing made me feel so small
  44. > "Night Glider." Starlight growled "Look at me."
  45. > I flicked my head backwards "What!?"
  46. > We locked eyes for a long, painful moment > I watched as a devilish smile crept across her face
  47. > “I’m just joking Nighty! You know I love to see you all hot and bothered.”
  48. “You’ve been binge drinking lust potions again haven't you? I know what you want.”
  49. > “And what is that?”
  50. “You want me to hurt you.”
  51. > She dropped my legs and pointed to her black eye “Don't pretend you're above such things."
  53. “I was drunk! and I’m beginning to think that you put something in my drink because I can’t remember anything from last night.”
  54. > “Think what you will Nighty” She scoffed as she reached into my bag
  55. > She pulled out a bottle of liquid lust and observed the potion for purity like she always did
  56. > I assume she was satisfied because she popped open the cork and began to chug
  57. “Take it easy.” I warned
  58. > Seeing her chug lust potions back like sodas always made me queasy
  60. > She dropped the bottle to the floor and began jiggling her belly
  61. > “Its not my fault you’re not evolved enough to understand such pleasures."
  62. > It took my until now notice how large her stomach was
  63. "What happened to you?"
  64. > "I've been indulging myself.”
  65. > She fell to her rump and slapped her belly
  66. > I watched the waves of fat swim across her flesh
  68. > “I decider to try the stomach potion myself."
  69. > She slid her hoof across her stomach, dragging it from the peak of her bloated belly to her small fleshy numb protruding from her belly button.
  71. > "This is all liquid lust and liquid masochist! I could never drink this much on my own."
  72. "That's because you're supposed to."
  73. > My comment was met with an annoyed glare
  74. > "Nighty, I think I'm on the cusp of something exciting. I just need more potions!”
  75. “Starlight! look at yourself! You look like you're pregnant!”
  77. > She raised an eyebrow “And what’s wrong with pregnancy?”
  78. “Nothing!….Its just…well….Stop trying to change the subject! You’re not pregnant! You’re fat! F- A-T Fat!”
  79. > “And you’re gonna love every inch of me and my fat tubby belly” She giggled
  80. > She grabbed the back of my head and shoved it into her gut
  82. > With my face buried inside her soft belly I felt extreme sensory overload
  83. > My nose was being attacked by the pungent smell of sweat.
  84. > Starlight never bathed
  85. > Looking after her hygiene was the last thing Starlight would be caught dead doing.
  86. > Because of that, her body was constantly soaked in a thick layer of sweat.
  88. > My ears went deaf.
  89. > Her fat hugged my face like was like cotton in my ears, drowning in the gurgling of her stomach
  90. > The cries of her gut were a deep bassy growl
  91. > The hiss of her bubbling innards rang in my ears
  92. > deep rising moans creaked like the wailing of a wooden ship weathering a viscous storm
  95. > I pulled myself away and caught my breath with a sharp inhale
  96. > The stench of her sour body oder lingered in my nostrils and probably would for a long while.
  97. > Starlight giggled like a filly and my exacerbation
  98. > “You should see the look on your face!” Starlight cried in laughter
  99. “Stop being such a bully! You’re getting on my nerves!”
  100. > I ran my leg down my face which left a thick dripping stain across my coat
  101. “Would it kill you to wash once and a while?”
  102. > “Whats with you? You’re acting like such a prude.”
  103. > She lifted her front leg and with her free hoof dragged its edge along the inside of her armpit
  104. > With a fresh, wet glob of sweat perched along her hoof she raised her hoof to my face
  105. > “Come on Nighty! You usually love the smell of my oils.”
  107. > I threw my hoof over my nose
  108. > “Not when my face is shoved in its bubbling factories!”
  109. > Starlight lowered her hoof, puzzled, her eyes slowly moved between me and her clammy hoof
  110. > A long pause began, only to be broken by Starlight. Who, in a half angry and half disappointed tone muttered “I bet if I perspired milk you wouldn’t be grossed out.”
  112. > I rolled my eyes
  113. > Milk had always been a turn on for me.
  114. > I blame Ivy for corrupting my idea of sex back in college
  115. > But sweating milk sounded disgusting
  116. > Sweat in general was usually gross but I had grown accustomed to Starlights oder that I barely noticed it anymore
  117. > I decided to take a psychological step backwards
  118. > She’s high out of her mind on lust potions and I just wasn’t in the mood to put up with it today.
  120. “Look, I had a crazy day. I’m just not feeling right now. I’m beginning to worry about whats happening in town. When I was walking back home I saw griffons patrolling the streets, some were hanging posters about “Reclaiming the old land” Bunch of Griffon nonsense if you ask me. But I’m starting to get a little nervous.”
  121. > Starlight snorted and began to smile again
  122. > “Well, this was griffon land at one time.”
  123. > “It was?”
  124. > “Of course! Why do you think nothing grows here? Read some history once and a while NG! Celestia was a tyrant back in the day. She practically tried to genocide the griffons. A huge war was fought over this land. The griffons moved east thousands of years ago, but not before cursing this land with an infertility spell. Where do you think these cave systems came from? It’s an old griffon hideout from war times.”
  126. > “Well I’m not happy about any of this. If the griffons are planning a coup the princesses will be all over this place. We won’t have a chance to initiate the revolution with Royal guards patrolling the streets. And what if a war breaks out again? I’m not dying for any princess!”
  127. > Starlight looked like she was in deep thought
  128. > I knew this look well
  129. > I’m not sure if I should be impressed or terrified
  130. > “Well…I have an idea, it’s not my ideal revolution but it’s something.”
  132. > She ran into the potion room
  133. > I followed her where she was holding the starvation spell
  134. “What are you planning?”
  136. > “Oh Night Glider, ye of little understanding. I guess I can’t judge you too harshly, you are a Pegasi after all.” Starlight
  137. > I rolled my eyes
  138. > Starlight and her
  139. > Sure, it was fun during sexy times
  140. > But I’m growing tired of it.
  141. > Unlike her I’m not horny twenty-four-seven
  143. “I would appreciate if you stopped with the belittlement for a second, I’m pretty upset with you right now.”
  144. > “Oh? Is that so?”
  145. “Yeah, I’m peeved because I have a strong suspicion that lied to me.”
  146. > She closed her eyes and nodded “Mmmhmm? About what?”
  147. “You didn’t wipe the memory of that pony we experimented the hunger spell on.”
  148. > Her eyes shot open then quickly narrowed as she stared me down
  149. > “How do you know about that?”
  151. “I’ve had quite the day Starlight. I got an in with Princess Twilight and she’s doing an investigation regarding that very mare.”
  152. > “And how did you manage that?” She asked sounding envious and angry
  153. “I met Ivy Vine in town today, I was helping her look for a job….One thing led to another and I found myself becoming Twilights personal milk mare.”
  155. > Starlight burst out laughing
  156. > “You? A milk mare!? With your useless tits!?”
  157. > Starlight wobbled towards my backside and gripped my left teat and squeezed
  158. “Ouch!”
  159. > “You can’t even produce! What a poor excuse for a milk mare you’ll be!”
  161. > I pushed her away
  162. “Listen, I need you to make me a lactation spell if you want me to keep up this ruse.”
  163. > Starlight looked skeptical
  164. > “I don’t know if I should…You know that I don’t like you talking to traitors like Ivy. It brings your loyalty into question.”
  165. > Not this again
  166. “Oh come on Starlight! Ivy isn’t a traitor! She had her reasons for leaving and I think she was perfectly justified doing what she did.”
  167. > “Thats a lie! You still love her don’t you!?” Starlight snapped
  168. “What!? No! It has nothing to do with that!”
  170. > “Then why were you helping her?”
  171. “I…I…”
  172. > “You understand why I had to confiscate part of your soul, right? To avoid distractions like this. It looks to me like you're falling for that floozy again.”
  173. “Don’t call her that!”
  175. > Starlight giggled “But she is a floozy. She got pumped and dumped by that lunkhead and now she’s facing the consequences. It’s sad really, she had so much potential before that little bastard crawled out of her crotch…Whats her name again? Purple, something?”
  177. “Purple Springs.” I growled
  178. > “Yes…Purple Springs…That little demon was the worst thing to ever happen to her. She was such a smart mare and helped the cause so much…Pity.”
  179. > I’ve never felt like hurting Starlight
  180. > But she was cruisin' for a brusin' talking about my ex like that
  181. > She put her hoof on my cheek
  182. > “Let her go Nighty.”
  184. “Starlight you’re being a bitch. You lied to me and now you’re acting like you never even liked Ivy, she was your friend too.”
  185. > “She WAS my friend, but we live in an imperfect world. not all friends are created equal…At least not yet.”
  186. > She drifted off for a second
  187. > Her eyes touched the ceiling and tiny smile sprouted across her face
  188. > After a minute she shook her head and touched base with reality again
  189. > “Now! Tell me about this milk situation and that despicable monarch loving mare I “lied” to you about.”
  191. > “Apparently she ate another pony.”
  192. > Starlights eyes hit the floor and she began rubbing her chin
  193. > “Oh…I see…Perhaps we can use this.”
  194. > Use this?
  195. > What in Equestria was she talking about?
  197. > Her eyes shot open
  198. > She grabbed my hoof and pulled me towards the potion room with her liquid stuffed belly dragging across the floor beneath her.
  199. > I told her for months that she was drinking too much Liquid Lust
  200. > And ever since she started brewing that Liquid Masochist potion that we stole from Canterlot, her addiction has only grown worse.
  202. > I never understood the appeal of masochism but Starlight was a freak for physical abuse
  203. > I can’t imagine the sensations she’s experiencing right now
  204. > Her swollen stomach looked so painful,
  205. > She must be so sore
  206. > But perhaps it felt pleasurable to her?
  207. > It probably did considering the copious amounts of masochist magic bubbling inside her
  209. > When we arrived in the potion room she grabbed a bunch of potions off the shelf and threw them into the cauldron
  210. > “Milk magic is an ancient and very unpredictable form of magic. But don’t worry! You’re in my very capable hooves. Only the greatest of unicorns can make a lactation potion.”
  211. > I watched with my hooves pressed along the lip of the cauldron as she stirred the bile until it turned from red to green
  212. > She then darted across the room and grabbed the hunger spell
  213. > “Now, I need you to pass these out all across town.”
  214. > with her magic she duplicated the page and translated it into Crystal Ponish
  215. > A language I was illiterate in.
  216. > With a quick flick of the neck hundreds of copies fell to the floor in neat piles.
  218. “Starlight, I don’t think this is a good idea. This spell makes ponies do very unnatural things. Tricking Twilight for a laugh is one thing but I don’t think this is a very good idea.”
  219. > “Nighty, I know that sometimes my logic is confusing, but I’ve been thinking. If we hope to reclaim Sugar Mountains we need to destroy it. Ponies need to lose faith in the monarchy before they side with us.”
  220. > I couldn’t believe what I was hearing
  221. > This wasn’t revolution
  222. > This was terrorism
  223. “This isn’t what I signed up for Starlight. I want to make Equestria a better place for everypony not destroy it.”
  225. > “And I want to see Twilight groveling at my hooves for all the suffering she caused us, you still want that don’t you?”
  226. “More than anything! But if Equestria falls in the process I don’t think it’s worth it.”
  227. > “Nighty, honey…We’re embarking on a very scary journey, but it will all be worth it when we get to see the look of defeat across the smug princesses stupid, purple face.”
  229. > Starlight walked to the cauldron and filled a cup with the green brew then passed it to me
  230. > “Now drink this. If my calculations are correct you’ll be well endowed and filled with milk.”
  231. > I looked down at the potion then back at Starlight
  232. “This conversation isn’t over.” I warned
  234. > I drank the potion, it tasted bold and earthy
  235. > I forced the liquid down my throat and when I finished I stuck my tongue out
  236. > “Tastes kinda gross.”
  237. > Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain rising in my chest
  238. "Starlight…Is it supposed to hurt?"
  239. > She shrugged her shoulders "I don't know, I've never made a breast spell before. Just sit down and spread your legs."
  240. > I did as I was told and plopped my rump on the chair in the corner of the room
  241. > I spread my back legs apart and waited for the potion to work its magic
  243. > I felt nothing between my legs but the pain in my chest was brutal
  244. > I gripped the hoofrests tightly and began to squirm
  245. "Starlight! Somethings wrong!"
  246. > She put her hoof over my snout
  247. > "Just relax. Give it time honey.”
  249. > I closed my eyes and began counting to calm myself
  250. > I only got to twelve when out of nowhere my I felt myself fall frontward onto the floor, landing on two fleshy balls of fat
  251. > When I opened my eyes I saw that I had landed on two giant breast which were attached to my chest below the neck
  252. > I looked up at Starlight
  253. > I think she could see the fire in my eyes because she sunk into her shoulders
  255. > “Ummm…Maybe I should make some adjustments…”
  256. “You think!?”
  257. > Starlight giggled then walked to the cauldron
  258. > She grabbed a small vial off the shelf and dipped it into the cauldron
  259. > “You never know when this could be useful.” She laughed
  261. > I watched as she threw more liquids into the potion
  262. > The next cup she presented to me was purple
  263. > I took a sip and felt the lumps in my chest receding
  264. > Between my legs I felt my breasts begin to grow
  265. > I pushed myself backwards onto my rump and spread my back legs and watched my boobs enlarge before my eyes
  266. “Wow, it worked!”
  267. > “I knew it would.” Starlight said wiping her hoof over her sweat slicked chest
  269. > It was strange have breasts this large
  270. > When I ran my hooves over them they felt like bags of sand
  271. > The veins running into my nipples were prominent.
  272. > Purple wires pulsating beneath the layer of thinly stretched skin that meandered across my breast
  273. > Each vain thick and thin culminated into the dark purple areolas surrounding my teats
  274. > They were heavy and I had to use all my strength to pull myself back onto my hooves
  275. > To my left, Starlight was hard at work packing my bag with copies of the hunger spell
  276. “Starlight, I said I wasn’t going to do that, there has to be a better way.”
  278. > She dropped the papers and put her hoof over her heart
  279. > She looked betrayed by my refusal
  280. > “I see how it is! You got your tits and now you're just going to stroll out of here and leave me for that slut!"
  281. “You’re high Starlight. Those lust potions are messing with your head. The plan has changed but I haven’t. I’m going to see what I can do to get Ivy out of the city and pick up more intel on Twilight. You just stay here and lay off the potions.”
  283. > As I began to leave she jumped towards me and clenched my shoulders
  284. > "Not so fast! Refusing orders? Being short? I know what you're up to! You’re going to leave me for her? Aren't you? You think I’ve lost it!”
  285. "No! Now Stop being ridiculous and let me go!"
  286. > "No! Tell me that you’re leaving me for her! Why are you abandoning me!? We’re so close to fulfilling our goals! Why have you given up on me!?”
  287. > My shoulders squirmed trying to escape her grip
  288. “Let go Starlight! You’re scaring me!”
  289. > “You think that slut will make you happy don’t you!? Think Nighty! Why do you think her stallion left her!? Its because she’s a no good, trashy, skank! She’s using you! Can’t you see she’s trying to destroy the movement!? She’s a no good, used up, cum dumpster whore!”
  290. > Her spit splashed across my face as she berated me
  291. > She went off without pause about how awful she thought Ivy was
  292. > Did she think that our entire relationship was built on nothing?
  293. > Ivy’s the best friend I’ve ever had…
  295. > I can’t take this any more
  296. “Thats enough Starlight!”
  297. > I raised my hoof and threw it into her face
  298. > When my hoof and her face met a loud snap echoed across the cave
  299. > She staggered backwards and threw he hoof over her nose
  300. > I was stunned
  301. > What have I done….?
  303. > She removed her hoof and thats when I saw it
  304. > I felt my stomach begin to churn as I stared down at the sight of what I had done
  305. > Her nose was completely broken.
  306. > Mangled bones split through the lacerations in bridge of her snout.
  307. > The holes were quickly pooling with blood
  308. > Her breaths were short and every time she exhaled blood would bubble and spray from the fresh holes in her nose
  309. > She grabbed her nose again then looked back at me
  310. > She looked stunned and terrified
  311. > The blood quickly began running between her hooves and painted them red
  312. “Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!” I cried
  314. > I went to grab her but she shoved me away
  315. > Slowly, she wiped the blood with her leg and stared at the long red smear long her lavender coat
  316. > “You punched me…You actually punched me…”
  317. > She looked like she was about to cry
  318. “Starlight…Please…I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
  319. > I could feel the tears beginning to well in my own eyes
  321. > She shot her hooves back over her nose and began to whine
  322. > “It hurts so bad…But feels so good…”
  323. > Her figure started to convulse and her eyes rolled backwards
  324. “Starlight!” I cried, tears now falling freely from my eyes and rolling down my cheeks
  325. “I didn’t mean it! I’m sorry!”
  326. > As sudden as it started her body stopped twitching and her eyes rolled back into place
  328. > She removed her hooves from her nose and like magic it had perfectly healed itself
  329. > The blood remained but other than that it was like nothing ever happened
  330. “How did you do that!?”
  331. > She more shocked now than when I punched her
  332. > “I don’t know…”
  333. > She touched her hoof to her nose
  334. > She didn’t even wince
  335. > A second ago her nose was shattered into pieces.
  336. > now it was completely healed.
  338. > She sighed in relief and a look of calm grew across her face followed by faint laugher that grew with each chuckle
  339. > Her eyes glued to her blood stained hoofs
  340. > “Do you know what this means?” She asked between exacerbated laughs
  341. “Starlight…I don’t know…”
  342. > “I’m a god.”
  344. > Her widened crazed eyes met mine and I shivered
  345. > “D…Do that again.” She asked with desperation in her voice
  346. “What are you crazy!? Whats happening to you?”
  347. > Starlight smiled
  348. > “I don’t know…But that felt really good.”
  349. > I backed away slowly
  350. “Starlight…You’re freaking me out.”
  351. > Her eyes darted back to her bloody hooves
  352. > “You know what? Don’t bother returning Nighty.” She said with an unusually soft tone
  353. “Starlight..”
  354. “Your faith in me is waning and I can see why. The revolution has been postponed for far too long. The spectre of Equality is looming over Equestria and I alone will be its harbinger. You have given me enough information to carry out this mission on my own.”
  356. “What are you talking about? What plan!?”
  357. > She gave me a peck on the cheek and slithered into my ear
  358. > “You’re gonna love it honey…It’s going to solve all of our problems.”

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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