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[FR] The Canterlot Old District (WIP)

By slep
Created: 2023-03-04 00:06:49
Updated: 2023-09-08 20:25:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >From the bushes, you peer into The Golden Oaks Library.
  2. >You didn’t know Anon liked to read!
  3. >Especially not like Twilight!
  4. >The two had been at it for hours, practically sifting through stacks.
  5. >Not that you’re necessarily complaining.
  6. >Knowing Anon was secretly a scholar was just another reason to adore him.
  7. >Plus, it opened up a new world of potential guesses.
  8. >His posture is truly stellar, too…
  9. >Although…
  10. >Well, he’s been acting weird all day.
  11. >He didn’t even answer the door this morning!
  12. >That alone called for some covert operations.
  13. >”Evening, Fluttershy! Is Anon in there or something?”
  14. >Judging from the voice, that’s gotta be Lyra.
  15. “Mhm.”
  16. >You mumble, not taking your eyes from the library window.
  17. >Your breath fogs the glass.
  18. >Eventually, you’d tracked him down– on the path to your cottage, no less!
  19. >The expression on his face was confusing to say the least, but you /were/ watching from a rather odd angle in the trees overhead…
  20. >”Hehe, expected as much! Keep at ‘em, filly! He’ll be eating out of the frog of your hoof in no time!”
  21. “Mhm.”
  22. >Sweet Celestia, can that monkey handle an encyclopedia like it’s weightless…
  23. >”See ya around, girl!”
  24. >Lyra’s nice.
  25. >You peel yourself from the window, turning aback to send off Heartstrings with a wave.
  26. >Your heart drops as you return to your post, however.
  27. >Anon’s clutching his chest!
  28. >Twilight looks concerned!
  29. >You prepare yourself, ready to barrel through the window for some immediate CPR, but stop in your tracks as the two head for the front door.
  30. >Something’s not right with your Anon, and you’re gonna find out what.
  32. >...
  34. >Thank God for the midnight train.
  35. >You need answers.
  36. >Fast.
  37. >Twilight sits beside you, eyeing your form up and down constantly, as if looking away for a moment would mean your doom.
  38. >Honestly, you appreciate it.
  39. >So late at night, it’s just you and her on the tracks toward Canterlot.
  40. >”So… I-I don’t want to repeat the story– for your sake, but… do I have all the info I need? Princess Celestia will definitely know what to do, but… oooh…”
  41. >Twilight’s nerves are definitely getting the better of her, if her subsequent hoof-chewing is any indication.
  42. >You’re just trying to keep your heart at ease, watching the night-painted landscape dart past.
  43. “... More or less, for now. I think I’ll be able to help explain when we get there. I’d just rather not risk it right now.”
  44. >Twilight nods.
  45. >”That makes sense…”
  46. >The rumblings of the train offer a gentle ambiance in the quiet.
  47. >”Should we talk about something lighter? Get our minds off all those particular thoughts?”
  48. “Shoot.”
  49. >The unicorn’s all smiles now.
  50. >”Well, it’ll be nice to see the Princesses again! Maybe once everything’s dealt with, we could all do some catching up!”
  51. >”Ooh, although…”
  52. >You turn your head toward Twilight.
  53. “Although?”
  54. >”... Fluttershy’s gonna be worried sick when she finds you suddenly gone.”
  55. >Twilight’s hooves fly to cover her mouth.
  56. >”I-I mean! I-I don’t mean like that!”
  57. >Ah, Flutters had nearly slipped your mind.
  58. >...
  59. >Oh, who are you kidding?
  60. >You shake your head, a knowing smile on your lips.
  61. “She won’t.”
  62. >”I– huh? Seriously? This is Fluttershy we’re talking about, of course she’s going to be–”
  63. >You stand, keeping your eyes on Twilight as you move to one of the luggage compartments.
  64. >With a flick, the overhead bin slides open, and the scrambling form of a pegasus spills out into your arms.
  65. >Fluttershy peers up at you, blushing.
  66. >Twilight’s still in the process of rebooting.
  67. >”H-how did you…?”
  68. “Hi, Shy.”
  69. >”Hello, Anon.”
  70. >Even at a time like this, Fluttershy’s antics provide a soothing familiarity.
  71. >You’ve learned a lot during your time in Equestria.
  72. >One of which being that you can’t go far without Fluttershy following.
  73. >For better or worse.
  75. >You stand in the other train car as Twilight brings Fluttershy up to speed on the situation.
  76. >Hopefully Twilight is lying out her teeth as you asked before you’d excused yourself.
  77. >It’ll be better if Fluttershy doesn’t know the truth.
  78. >She’s very sensitive, very obsessive, and she does not need to know what’s really going on.
  79. >Hell, you would have lied to her yourself if you could even talk about what was truly wrong without feeling like you were dying.
  80. >... She’s going to learn the truth regardless, now that she’s here.
  81. >That’s not the most pleasant thought to grapple with at the moment; but at the very least, Twilight should know to at least hide the potential severity of all this with Fluttersh–
  82. >Through the wind, walls, and roar of the train engine together: You can still rather easily hear your name groaned out in shrill panic.
  83. >Sighing in resignation, you don’t turn to face the cabin’s door as it opens.
  84. >You just brace for impact as the sobbing mess of hooves collides into your back, cocooning you in a web of hooves as Fluttershy clings for dear life.
  85. >”Nonnyyy! I-if you feel so sick, why didn’t you come to me first!?”
  86. >Damn pegasus– for such a seemingly light pony, it’s both impressive and painful just how she can throw her weight around when she needs to.
  87. >You hold your mind from trailing down the obvious, lewd path it oh-so loved to taunt you with for the time being.
  88. “You have a track record of adding aphrodisiacs to my medicines, Flutters.”
  89. >Fluttershy gives you teary puppy-dog eyes from her spot atop your chest.
  90. >”T-they have other helpful properties, Anon!”
  91. >Now sprawled out on the floor with Fluttershy wiping tears into your shirt, Twilight enters the car as well, guilt written across her face.
  92. >”N-now Fluttershy, tackling Anon isn’t going to help his condition any!”
  93. >While you’re happy to pet Fluttershy’s mane, you rear your head at Twilight, giving her your best ‘really nigga.’
  94. >She can only shrug, mouthing a ‘sorry.’
  96. >You suppose that regardless of what Twilight came up with, Fluttershy wasn’t going to be happy hearing it.
  97. >The pegasus fusses over your every action like a mother for the rest of the train ride; taking heavy liberties in regards to where one can ‘allegedly’ check another’s temperature.
  98. >Soon enough, the Friendship Express grinds to a halt at Canterlot Royal Station.
  99. >The marbled streets of Equestria’s capital were empty of unicorns at such an hour.
  100. >Thankfully too, as much of the populace here regarded you as exotic eye candy at best, and a beast at worst.
  101. >Being free from those woes gave the three of you ample opportunity to enjoy the grandeur of Canterlot’s design under the quiet blanket of night.
  102. >It truly is a spectacle; as if the entire city was carved out of some single titanic slab.
  103. >The only cuts in the iconic marble foundations were put there by choice, to maximize aesthetics.
  104. >Same could be said of the rich plantlife which, through means you don’t care to understand, spill out in abundance from ornate hanging pots and down from hidden vineyards.
  105. >Such abundant inclusions provide the smooth stone of the city’s structures with a blooming essence of life, and that synthesis serves as a constant reminder of the true perfection of Equestria’s Capital, staying humble in its presentation of glory underneath the markedly less-enjoyable pomp of Canterlot’s inhabitants.
  106. >Still, surely: Long after the Age of Equestrians and life overall has ended, Canterlot will surely remain, in perfect timeless beauty.
  107. >Of course, the shining jewel of not just the city, but of all Equestria loomed overhead in a great multitude of spires and minuettes:
  108. >Canterlot Castle.
  109. >A gentle breeze alongside the rhythmic clopping of Twilight’s hooves made for serene peace of mind during your walk.
  110. >Fluttershy floats by your side, still defending her case.
  111. >”I-I’m telling you, Nonny, I can get the best read on your fever if you just– take off your pants.”
  112. >You blow some air, keeping your hands in your pockets as you walk.
  113. “And I’m telling /you/ that you don’t need to cup me with your hooves to take my temperature, Shy.”
  114. >”B-but the other methods aren’t accurate!”
  115. >You laugh, your past worries melting away as they so often do around Fluttershy.
  116. “Oh? And how exactly did you come to discover this technique?”
  117. >”Well, I– um…”
  118. >Caught out in her scheme, she growls, but that growl quickly ascends into cute giggling as she throws her hooves around your neck, swinging herself and hanging off your shoulders as the three of you continue on your way.
  119. >Quietly, you hear her whisper “I hope the Princesses can help you feel better, Anon…”
  120. >Her head presses into your back, and while Fluttershy is surely still enjoying the little moment, you find yourself sobering up dramatically.
  121. >The talking ends there.
  123. >”Princess Luna!”
  124. >Twilight’s gait picks up into a near-gallop, unable to hold back her momentary delight as she charges the Diarchal Thrones, giggling to herself.
  125. >”Twilight Sparkle? What are thou doing her-”
  126. >Luna’s surprise doubles at the sight of you following from behind.
  127. >”A-Anonymous!?”
  128. >Luna’s cut off as Twilight takes the Princess into a hug.
  129. >“O-oh!” is about all the Princess can manage, her emotions catching up to one another all at once, only to create a feeling akin to a ten-car pile up.
  130. >... But in a good way.
  131. “Fluttershy’s here too.”
  132. >The pegasus in question yawns, the night beginning to take its toll on the mare still hanging on your back.
  133. >”B-buh~...”
  134. >Your gaze falls onto Twilight, who’s only now regaining her composure.
  135. >Ideally, she can work off the rundown you’d already provided, and you could keep your own account to a minimum.
  136. >Laying out the full story has proven itself dangerous to your health multiple times already.
  137. >Now Fluttershy is going to learn the truth too.
  138. >You reset the mare’s position, spilling her out into your arms.
  139. “Please don’t panic, Shy.”
  140. >You whisper down to the mare as Twilight clears her throat, sobering herself.
  141. >”Don’t panic?”
  142. >”Princess, I brought Anon along with me out of urgency: We… we have cause to believe that, at some point in the near future…”
  143. >”H-he’s at risk of being sent back home.”
  144. >Fluttershy stiffens up in your arms, her coat standing on end– but says nothing further.
  145. >Luna swallows, returning to her status quo state as Princess of The Night.
  146. >”... And what makes thou believeth so? When last we spoke on this topic, we’d come to the conclusion with our sister that such magic was an impossibility.”
  147. >Twilight casts a nervous glance backward.
  148. >”It must be whatever sent him here in the first place is looking to reset things.”
  149. >Still, whether playing Devil’s Advocate for the sake of more information, or out of simple disbelief, Luna seems unconvinced.
  150. >”Hm. On what proof? Has this been a lingering sensation? Anonymous looks no different to me.”
  151. >Damn.
  152. >No choice now.
  153. “... This morning. It came to me in a dream, and I felt something that I hadn’t felt in nearly three years. I’d never felt it prior, and I hadn’t felt it since before now.”
  154. “It’s… it’s hard to talk about. The words catch in my throat, and…”
  155. >Ugh… it’s as if the concept is conscious, and desperately doesn’t wish to be discussed.
  156. >Pinpricks flush your body.
  157. “I-I just know. I wouldn’t have come here if I wasn’t entirely sure.”
  158. >Of course, not the answer Luna was hoping for.
  159. >However, you gave her something to work with.
  160. >”A dream?”
  161. “T-that’s right. Just like last time.”
  162. >Luna purses her lips, scanning your face with regal tact only capable of such a Princess.
  163. >”At one point, Anonymous, returning home is exactly what thou desired. Why seek to remain now?”
  164. >... Fuck.
  165. >Your hold on Fluttershy tightens just a bit more.
  166. “... That life has ended. Equestria’s my home now. Disappearing again– whether it’s back to Earth, or to somewhere else entirely…”
  167. “I’m not giving up my friends. It’s not an option.”
  168. >Faintly, you can feel Fluttershy press her weight back into your chest.
  169. >You know she’s only doing it for your own good, but oh how Luna’s interrogative stare does not mesh well with your churning insides.
  170. >Finally, the Princess relents, her tone falling softer.
  171. >”Then, we friends shall not give up on thou.”
  172. >”... We shall rouse Sister. We admit, thy turmoil was noticed last night. We attempted to intervene, but we were unsuccessful in entering thy dream. With her aide, we should be able to at least recount thy memories together, if that wall is not still standing.”
  173. >Without waiting for affirmation, Luna takes her momentary leave.
  174. >The throne room falls silent, and you quickly become aware of the pegasus who’s been shuddering in your arms.
  175. >Dutifully, Shy had attempted to obey your request for as long as she was able.
  176. >Now her strong face crumbles, as the shock wears off and realization sets in.
  177. >Fuck.
  178. >You take a knee, resetting your cradle hold on Fluttershy.
  179. “H-hey, it’s alright–”
  180. >”T-that’s not what Twilight told me.”
  181. “I know, we didn’t want you to be upset–”
  182. >”That doesn’t make it right!”
  183. >Fluttershy clutches to your shirt, finding grip just below the collar.
  184. >”T-that’s why you were looking through those books. I won’t let it happen, Anon! I-I won’t let you go!”
  185. >Should’ve expected she’d seen that.
  186. “Y-yes, I want to stay too, Shy. That’s why we came to the strongest ponies in Equestria.”
  187. “Please, everything’s going to be okay.”
  188. >You hope.
  189. >It’s unconvincing, as Fluttershy breaks down fully, weeping into your chest.
  190. >All Twilight can do is quietly make her way to your side and offer silent support.
  191. >What else was there to say?
  192. >Fluttershy shouldn’t have followed you.
  193. >She doesn’t deserve this pain.
  194. >”Anon?”
  195. >Princess Celestia’s voice offers only slight respite.
  196. >”Luna has filled me in.”
  197. >The alicorns lock eyes as they approach, their horns beginning to flare with heavenly aura.
  198. >”Please, close your eyes, Anon. We’ll discuss further after we understand what we’re dealing with.”
  199. >It’s not exactly ideal, what with Fluttershy trying to swallow down her sobs against you, but you close your eyes and attempt to visualize last night.
  200. >You hope you don’t have to feel it all over again.
  202. >...
  204. >You felt it.
  205. >For the first time in three years, ever since you came to Equestria,
  206. >You felt it.
  207. >Palms encircled with hundreds of needle-tipped fingers, their points embedding just deep enough into your gray matter to get a grip.
  208. >And then: micron movements, pulling back.
  209. >As if ever so slightly desyncing your soul from your body.
  210. >You felt it at some point in your sleep last night, and though the sensation carried less weight than a whisper–
  211. >Well, you woke the neighbors with your scream.
  212. >Such an invasion of your Self, or your Ego, or whatever religious concepts that define the most core property of that which defined You…
  213. >You’d only felt it once before.
  214. >And it confirmed the fears you’d kept to guide yourself since you found Equestria.
  215. >Only after hearing the knocking of a terribly concerned Sassaflash on your bedroom window were you able to calm yourself, at least for the time being.
  216. >She thought you were being murdered.
  217. >’Just night terrors,’ you’d lied.
  218. >It was enough to convince her.
  219. >You didn’t get much sleep after that.
  220. >The early morning hours were spent dry heaving– laying flat on the floor in an attempt to lessen the swirling vertigo.
  221. >Now, you sit in your living room as the sun inches the very beginnings of its ascent over the horizon.
  222. >Thankfully, you kept your old calendars.
  223. >When you first came to Equestria, you marked down each day in the new land as though it were an expedition.
  224. >Well, you considered it more akin to a prison sentence at first.
  225. >Kicked out from Earth.
  226. >In time, you’d come to accept your new home, and thus stopped counting the days since your arrival.
  227. >With new routines, worries, and more or less a new life in general: That process quickly fell by the wayside, though some fears die hard.
  228. >You’d backtracked through the months, finding the day of first contact.
  229. >The connection you made filled your mind with buzzing anew, as though the vibrations were solid, turning hard as concrete and blocking any empty peace you could cling to within your own head.
  230. >Three days until your third anniversary.
  231. >Time flies.
  233. >...
  235. >”Anon!”
  236. >Thankfully you’d already taken that knee, because you feel ready to crumble outright.
  237. >You desperately hope the Princesses got what they wanted.
  238. >”Anonymous, please, catch thy breath. We saw what we needed to.”
  239. >Luna’s muzzle bows, resting atop your hunched shoulder.
  240. >”We are dearly sorry for our failure to protect thee prior.”
  241. >You suck in air, using Fluttershy as a counterbalance from falling over outright.
  242. >It must’ve been a scary sight for her on top of everything, as she’d shifted considerably in your arms, now nearly leg-locking your chest with her forelegs around your shoulders.
  243. >Her body quakes.
  244. >Celestia turns to Twilight, who, though you can’t see, you assume is no-less panicked than her friend.
  245. >”Luna is right. We were able to retrace Anonymous’ morning. His fears are not unfounded, though I do not know the cause.”
  246. >She looks to Luna, but she shakes her head.
  247. >”Nor are we, sister. There was no dialogue, nor even corporeal form. Just sensation.”
  248. “Please, d-don’t describe it any further.”
  249. >It’s a sickness that comes in a wash of pangs.
  250. >Ever the dutiful scribe, a young unicorn mare enters the room, still wearing her nightcap.
  251. >She yawns out ”is something the matter, Princess? This is… rather early for even you.”
  252. >Celestia is already gripping you and Fluttershy both in her magic aura.
  253. >”Raven Inkwell, please, fetch water for Anon. We’ll move him to the dining room.”
  255. >After that affair, you and the others were given some time to collect yourselves.
  256. >Twilight and Fluttershy were brought up to speed on what the Princesses had witnessed.
  257. >Fluttershy was offered to leave the room if she wished.
  258. >She refused.
  259. >She still even rested in your lap, now more than ever not wishing to leave your side as the news was delivered.
  260. >You covered your ears.
  261. >More and more, you’re coming to truly resent this shit.
  262. >First you can barely even think about it, let alone discuss it, and now you’re needing to hold your head like a child to keep from vomiting?
  263. >Something’s got to give, and fast.
  264. >Now, the five of you sit, hours away from the sunrise once again.
  265. >If your suspicion was correct, you’d have only two days left soon.
  266. >The conversation has mainly been between the Princesses and Twilight at this point.
  267. >The topic has shifted from potential causes, to where perhaps answers might be found within the Canterlot Archives.
  268. >It’s confusing to follow, to say the least.
  269. >Flutters stares up at you, some semblance of catharsis (or perhaps exhaustion) beginning to set in, idly rubbing herself against your lap.
  270. >... Worst part is, she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it.
  271. >She’s still quite sad.
  272. >It’s just learned behavior at this point.
  273. “Feeling better?”
  274. >”No.”
  275. “I know.”
  276. “I’m sorry.”
  277. >She gently presses her forehead up into the crook of your neck.
  278. >”It’s not your fault.”
  279. >”Anonymous?”
  280. >Celestia’s call pulls you back into their focus.
  281. >”Are you aware of The Old District?”
  282. >The what?
  283. “I don’t believe so. Is that a place?”
  284. >Celestia idly rolls her hoof in the air, pantomiming toward one of the great glass pane windows behind her.
  285. >Only a fraction of Canterlot Mountain’s great scale can be seen, jotting out the horizon.
  286. >”The Old District was the original settlement of Canterlot, once situated even higher on the mountain than we are currently. Princess Platinum and her kingdom migrated there when Equestria was first discovered. The settlement, in its original state, fell apart, though the reasons why are lost to time.”
  287. >You chance a curious look to Twilight.
  288. >She shrugs.
  289. “Uh… Weren’t you there?”
  290. >Celestia and Luna both lightly giggle.
  291. >”Contrary to popular belief, we’re not /that/ old, Anonymous. The Old District’s rise and fall predates even our birth, some two thousand years ago; back before even Starswirl was assisting the unicorns in raising the sun and moon. We’ve tried pushing through legislation into excavating the ruins, but the concept of the Old District has become a sort of mythos to the common pony.”
  292. >Luna sneers.
  293. >”Certain ‘noble’ blood in Canterlot today would prefer to let sleeping dogs lie as well. Perhaps the history within the Old District would prove such families not as Highborn as thy tout to be currently.”
  294. >Her words resonate with Celestia, who nods solemnly.
  295. >”Regardless of the truth, our hooves have been tied for centuries, and they’re tied even still. The Old District now is only known to most Canterelites as a foalhood bedtime story– a place bad fillies and colts will be sent to if they disobey their parents and such.”
  296. “So, why do you bring it up? Do you think there are answers up there?”
  297. >”Perhaps so. We need to cast a wide net in our search,” Celestia offers Fluttershy a brief, pitying look “we can’t say for certain how much time you have. To pursue a single lead all together, only to hit a deadend could be disastrous.”
  298. >She’s right.
  299. >Twilight needs some clarification.
  300. >”If I may, Princess, what are you suggesting then? Should the three of us go up there?”
  301. >”Not quite, Twilight. I believe you’d be of most help searching the Canterlot Archives: Anything in relation to temporal anomalies, abstract teleportation, and Pre-Unification scholars.”
  302. >”What? B-but, Anon surely can’t go alone!”
  303. >Celestia purses her lips, her eyes drifting shut.
  304. >Silence reigns, if only for a few moments.
  305. >”Hm… You’re right as always, my faithful student.”
  306. >Twilight, though slightly appeased, still holds some confusion on her face.
  307. >”I just– it’s nothing against you, Anon, but even if you were to find answers in some ancient scroll up there, it’d be written in ancient Ponish with surely some sort of traditional Unicornia dialect. Heck, I’m not even sure /I/ could read it.”
  308. >... She’s right too, though you hate to admit it in this case.
  309. >It’s still a lead, and you need all the leads you can get.
  310. “... Whatever you think is the right call, Celestia.”
  311. >The princess stands, causing her sister and Twilight to do the same.
  312. >”Then I believe our best course of action for now is to comb the Canterlot Archives for anything and everything we can find in relation to your circumstances, Anon. While it’s certainly rare, you aren’t the first creature to spontaneously appear in some foreign land without explanation.”
  313. >Still riding a bit of her nervous adrenaline, Twilight adds “w-well, he IS the first extraterrestrial to ever do it, as far as we know at least. His predecessors simply got caught up in stray ley lines and were only teleported across continents, and–”
  314. >A whimper from Fluttershy shuts her up.
  315. >”... S-sorry.”
  316. >Apologizing with a nod on Twilight's behalf, Celestia begins moving to the door.
  317. >”We should begin our research now. Anon and Fluttershy, you’re welcome to join us, but… perhaps it would be wise to get some rest in the meantime. From what we saw, I imagine you personally have not slept in some time.”
  318. >Correct, but is that really the wisest move?
  319. >”Raven can show you to a room, if only for a quick nap.”
  320. >Seems regardless of the choice presented, Celestia wants you to get some rest.
  321. >The three take their leave, heading down the hall to the biggest collection of knowledge in Equestria.
  322. >Alone with silence and Flutters, the two of you share a look once again.
  323. >You don’t like the face she’s showing.
  325. >”I’m not happy, Anon.”
  326. >A part of you wanted to enjoy a moment like this.
  327. >Very rarely did you get the chance to be so close with Fluttershy while still able to maintain your ‘safeguards,’ under the excuse of having no other option.
  328. >Though, you suppose that mindset itself is an excuse to be selfish anyhow.
  329. “I know, Shy. I’m sorry.”
  330. >It’s the wrong answer, but it’s all you can give her.
  331. >Fluttershy nestles against your side, laying with you atop the bed.
  332. >You know Fluttershy well enough that you should’ve expected her to want more answers out of you, now that it was just the two of you in one of Canterlot Castle’s many spare bedrooms.
  333. >You also know that, when alone with Fluttershy–
  334. >Her braver side is more willing to present itself.
  335. >”I-I’ve already heard that, mister.”
  336. >Or perhaps, her feistier side.
  337. >”And like I said: It’s not your fault.”
  338. >”But I’m still not happy Twilight had to lie to me. I…”
  339. >Her pout fades, replaced by concern.
  340. >”I just don’t want to be left out of the loop. If, if you truly think you’re at risk of… s-such a thing happening– then I want the full story.”
  341. >Fluttershy rests her chin atop your chest, so you keep your eyes upturned at the ceiling.
  342. >Though the situation overall is dire, the situation currently is far too intimate for your liking.
  343. >”I know you’re being serious, but… why did you wait so long to get help? You spent most of the day just– just walking around Ponyville.”
  344. >Oh right.
  345. >You hadn’t answered the door this morning for her guess.
  346. >Should’ve figured she’d been tracking you down since before you even went to Twilight’s.
  347. “I was… shocked, Shy. I didn’t know what to do with myself.”
  348. “Every second I think about what I felt, it feels like some…”
  349. >Like some cosmic clock that is counting down your seconds till oblivion falls uncontrollably faster toward zero.
  350. >An eraser, honing in on your position, eager to correct the universe’s record and blip you out of existence.
  351. >Eager to correct that mistake left sitting for three years.
  352. “... It feels like I lose even more of the time I might have left.”
  353. >You had your time to see Equestria– to meet friends like Fluttershy.
  354. >Time’s up.
  355. >Part of you always knew it was coming.
  356. >it happened once, right? Why not again?
  357. >It’s why you always tried to keep ponies at arm’s length.
  358. >Eventually, you got comfortable, but those old habits stuck with you.
  359. >Now that the end was upon you once more, though…
  360. >You can’t help but feel foolish over your choices.
  361. “So… I thin- I thought it was already too late. I didn’t know what else to do.”
  362. >Hearing the defeat in your own voice only darkens your mood further.
  363. >At least, while playing pretend academic in the Golden Oaks, you could be delusional and expect the answer to your problem to be on the next page.
  364. >While joking with Fluttershy, you could simply pretend nothing was wrong.
  365. >Now though?
  366. >You felt as lost as you did this morning.
  367. >Your very existence, a wrong against the planet you now called home.
  368. >”I-I don’t accept that!”
  369. >Fluttershy pushes her face into your shirt, new tears streaming out to replace the old.
  370. >”I won’t let you go!”
  371. >”I won’t…”
  372. >Her words fail, exhausted sobs once again called to the forefront to express her pain.
  373. >That pain tears at you too, but now more than ever, you’re chained up with your fears.
  374. >Coward.
  375. >The furthest you go is simply petting the pegasi’s mane, wishing you could ease her woes.
  376. >To throw your defenses to the side, even for just a night.
  377. >But that’s as far as you go.
  379. >Fluttershy fell asleep some time ago, as she ran out of tears to shed.
  380. >You’d laid with her for a time.
  381. >Mainly to keep her calm.
  382. >Of course, you weren’t planning on any rest.
  383. >The sun hasn’t come up yet, but you’re certain Celestia will need to lift it soon.
  384. >The Old District stays fresh in your mind.
  385. >If she was going to shrug off the idea so easily, why’d she even bring it up?
  386. >Your eyes drift, scanning the huge cliff face in the distance.
  387. >From the bedroom balcony, you have an excellent view to much of the great rock.
  388. >Hell, you can even see where Canterlot’s “city limits” turn to scant, rocky grasses, and a thin path that’s surely been untrod in some time leading further up.
  389. >The nobility of Canterlot really doesn’t want it getting dug up, too?
  390. >All manners of conspiracy and reasonings why swirl about in your mind, as your eyes slowly trail up the peaks of Canterlot Mountain.
  391. >Even from here, you can’t see the summit.
  392. >...
  394. >Twilight had scrambled down one of the countless corridors within the Archives just as the three of you arrived.
  395. >It’s just you and Luna now.
  396. >How you treasure such time, even if it only seems to strike during moments of panic.
  397. >The two of you have already accumulated fair stacks of reading material to sift through, at a lonely table setup.
  398. >”Sister,”
  399. >”why did thou mention The Old District? It’s rubble.”
  400. >Hmm.
  401. ”Any lead may assist us, Luna.”
  402. >”Truly, is it a lead?”
  403. >”Or perhaps were thou leading Anonymous?”
  404. >You push your muzzle closer to your book.
  405. “Luna, you know I don’t see so clearly. Only glimpses.”
  406. >”Mmh. We suspected as much.”
  407. >”We hope thou made the right choice.”
  408. >At least that satisfies her.
  409. >How you hope you’re correct as well.
  410. >If the three of you can’t find assistance in the Archives, then–
  411. >”And another thing:”
  412. “Hm?”
  413. >”The Bearer of Kindness.”
  414. “Yes?”
  415. >”So…”
  416. >Luna turns her head to you, looking excellently puzzled.
  417. >”She and Anonymous are… a pair, yes?”
  418. “Mhm.”
  419. >Oh, how you love messing with her.
  420. >”We mean, we’d certainly hope as much.”
  421. >”She wasn’t exactly… subtle, with her gyrations.”
  422. “They’re a treat to watch interact.”
  423. >”They do such acts often? Publicly?”
  424. “Something like that. They’ll make a great couple.”
  425. >”We thought thou said they were already?”
  426. “Oh yes– they are.”
  427. >”Sister…”
  428. >Luna’s growling lifts your spirits so wonderfully.
  430. >...
  432. >The road ahead isn’t exactly welcoming.
  433. >Infact, it’s barely visible.
  434. >One stray stretch of dirt and pebbles looks about as identical as its ten brothers close beside.
  435. >Whatever grasses could grow up here seem to have chosen to recede by and large some time ago, and only the brave or stupid remain rooted.
  436. >Perhaps that’s why Canterlot was rebuilt lower on the mountain face.
  437. >Surely, a Herculean feat.
  438. >Makes one wonder why they’d do it at all.
  439. >It was easy enough to slip out from the castle, and now, from Canterlot itself.
  440. >The sun had still not risen, which gave you the slightest bit of ease.
  441. >Losing a little sleep was nothing, if it meant you could keep Equestria.
  442. >You look down at yourself.
  443. >Nothing more than a white dress shirt, slacks, and dress shoes.
  444. >Hadn’t even brought some water.
  445. >God, preserve you.
  446. >You need those answers.
  447. >Steeling your nerves, you wish the others good luck and take the first steps toward the Canterlot forgotten by Equestria.
  449. >While of course at a bit of an incline, you were happy climbing hadn’t been necessary.
  450. >That is, it hadn’t been necessary for the first period of your hike.
  451. >It is now.
  452. >The first shear face stared back at you, just a few heads taller than yourself.
  453. >Some of its brothers were waiting for you above.
  454. >Blunt outcroppings at least offer a chance of progression, so you start there.
  455. >These shoes weren’t exactly ideal, but…
  456. >You plant your hands and feet around what feels like sturdy rock, giving each contact point a quick shake or kick to test, and go from there.
  457. >Giant’s step by giant’s step, you continue your little mountain climber larp.
  458. >It’s certainly tiresome, and doesn’t exactly feel all that safe, but you gotta work with what you’re given.
  459. >Would’ve been nice to bring Celestia along though…
  460. >She probably could’ve flown you right to the top.
  461. >Or, shit, even teleporting you would’ve been nice–
  462. “Fuck!”
  463. >Your stomach drops, thinking of ‘teleport.’
  464. >It’s enough to unsettle your form, and you wildly flail your hands against the stone as gravity corrects you to the ground.
  465. >”Anon!”
  466. >Before you’re handed your first fall of the trip, you’re instead granted a shaky, slow descent and a mess of pink mane flapping into your face.
  467. >You should’ve known.
  468. >Can’t go far without Fluttershy following.
  469. >For better–
  470. >”I-I am stomping mad at you, mister!”
  471. >Or worse.
  472. >Fluttershy huffs, both from strain and probably rage, as she deposits you back onto the current step.
  473. >”J-just what do you think you’re doing!? Coming out here all on your own!? A-at a time like this!?”
  474. >Please, not a lecture…
  475. >What’s even worse: You can’t fault her.
  476. >You’re totally in the wrong here.
  477. >Didn’t even tell anyone you were going.
  478. “... I’m sorry, Shy-”
  479. >”D-don’t you ‘Shy’ me, mister! This is crazy! You heard Twilight just as well as I did! T-there’s nothing up in this spooky scary Old District place besides a bunch of rubble and ancient scribblings!”
  480. >The wind gently howls around the two of you as Fluttershy verbally raps your knuckles, blowing a constant whisper on the lonely mountain step.
  481. “Fluttershy, please–”
  482. >”Nuh uh!”
  483. >She gets in your face now.
  484. >”The others are working hard to find how to save you– a-and you’re out here risking your life for an old mare’s tale!”
  485. >A tear slips down her face once more.
  486. >”Gosh, i-it’s not even an old mare’s tale, this is– this is just a place!”
  487. >Fucking hell.
  488. >You lean into the mare, wrapping her up in a hug.
  489. >You’re feeling your own eyes starting to work against you now too, as reality continues to set in.
  490. “Fluttershy, please… I have to– to do something. I have to do something.”
  491. “I can’t just sit there and watch them go through books, and God knows I won’t find anything in them myself.”
  492. “I’m not going to just sit around and wait for the end.”
  493. “I need to pursue a chance.”
  494. >In your arms, Fluttershy relents now at least.
  495. >Her voice softens, as does her glare.
  496. >”Anon… they are our chance. There’s nothing up here but danger.”
  497. >”Please… we need to go back down and support them. They’re our biggest hope.”
  498. >Hearing Fluttershy say ‘our’ breaks your heart.
  499. >But you can’t give up on this.
  500. >Forget talking, you’ll go mad just standing by, powerless to help.
  501. “... I can’t, Fluttershy. I just can’t.”
  502. >It’s quiet for a time, after that.
  503. >For all the many times you’d try to push her away, she had a knack for staying right by your side.
  504. >And she knew you well enough to know you wouldn’t be backing down.
  505. >”Oooh…”
  506. >Of course, she’s more stubborn than you.
  507. >”T-then we’ll check it out– but fast! Promise me, if there’s nothing up there, we’ll go back to the castle.”
  508. >Agh, no good.
  509. >She’s going to fight you on this.
  510. “Shy…”
  511. >The glare is already back upon hearing the trepidation in your voice.
  512. >”/We/ will check it out.”
  513. “You can’t come with, Shy. They need you down there.”
  514. >Anything to turn her around.
  515. >”Nuh uh, Nonny.”
  516. >She could be a liability.
  517. >She would be a liability.
  518. >Hell, you’re a liability too.
  519. “Fluttershy, please–”
  520. >If you can’t find anything up there, and your hunch is correct about only having days left of time–
  521. >”We are both going up there together, or I am going to personally drag you back down this mountain myself.”
  522. >You try to resist further, but despite your own desperation–
  523. >Well, Shy’s is stronger.
  524. >”I…!” her voice breaks, cracking as it jumps an octave.
  525. >Fluttershy plants her forehooves against your chest, face-level with you.
  526. >Tears slip from her eyes, but determination grips her face in a way only possible when hoping against the hopeless.
  527. >”I am not going to let you spend your last hours alone on top of a mountain, wandering dead ruins.”
  528. >”I-I don’t care if it’s hopeless, and, C-Celestia forbid, you… go right in front of me.”
  529. >”I’m going to be with you. And I’m going to do everything I can to stop it.”
  530. >... Fuck.
  531. >She wouldn’t be letting you do this alone, but she’s willing to compromise.
  532. “Alright.”
  533. >You press your forehead to hers, feeling more spent now than you did climbing.
  534. >You’ve been initiating a lot of close contact recently.
  535. “Thank you.”
  536. >With the two of you having made up, the task at hand returns to rock climbing.
  537. >At least, Flutters’ has your back now.
  538. >Literally, as she pumps her wings from behind, gently aiding you upwards as the two of you scale the final inclines.
  539. >The path up the mountain ahead only meanders on.
  541. “Any idea on what we should be looking for?”
  542. >At your side, Fluttershy shrugs as she trots.
  543. >”Not particularly… like I said, Anon, I don’t think anything in there is really going to jump out at us. Maybe if Twilight had come along, she might’ve known…”
  544. “Well… it’s an ancient city, right? It couldn’t have been too big, especially so high up on the mountain.”
  545. >So high up now, even a huge portion of the Everfree Forest is within view.
  546. >Of course, you still can’t see it in its entirety.
  547. “Makes you wonder why they chose this spot in the first place.”
  548. >”Ponies weren’t so… friendly, in the past. The Three Tribes hated one another in fact, going back before written history.”
  549. >”Each thought they were superior to one another. Even after Unification, I guess the unicorns still sorta felt that way.”
  550. “That disappeared with time?”
  551. >Fluttershy’s voice gets low.
  552. >”They didn’t have a choice.”
  553. >You’re about to question what she means, but an odd sound beneath your shoe brings forth a boost to morale.
  554. >A scant cobble step, half-buried beneath the dirt.
  555. >Though time had hard on its smooth, smooth face– such curvature hadn’t been seen on any other rocks you’d come across.
  556. >This had been placed here purposefully.
  557. >Long ago.
  558. >You share a look with Flutters, and while both of you understand the implication, neither of you hold much excitement.
  559. >Only further trepidation lines the pegasi’s face.
  561. >With each minute of walking, more and more similar stones began to poke from the earth, as if The Old District ruins were rising up from the dirt and rock to welcome its first visitors in centuries.
  562. >Signs of ancient intervention, formations that nature could not produce: All marked the building reveal.
  563. >The path you trod steadily begins to widen, and the jagged mountain face to your left seemed smoother, as if great chunks had been carved from it.
  564. >You and Fluttershy turn in the final bend of your trek, to be greeted by a great arch.
  565. >Ahead, the rubble of a city piled up high, reclaimed by the mountain.
  566. >The Old District.
  567. >Fluttershy says nothing, staring at the mountain pass’ expanse.
  568. >You don’t either.
  569. >Honestly, for such an unveiling, The Old District kept its glory humbled.
  570. >Or perhaps, it had no more glory to display.
  571. >Fluttershy huddles closer to your side as you lead the way under the crumbling arch and into the ruins.
  573. >The first tentative steps into Old District Canterlot carried with them a ghostly presence.
  574. >Quickly, you noticed that it was more than simply time that collapsed Unicornia’s first home in Equestria.
  575. >Some great fire must’ve torn at least the walls of the city down centuries ago.
  576. >The remaining ash which stained hunks of marble carried some lingering twinkles of dust, as if gold flakes had been sprinkled in the soot.
  577. >But the worst was the debris.
  578. >Piles upon piles of shattered stone and perhaps once ornate marble sat in heaps upon more of itself, as if some structures were outright powderized.
  579. >The march of time surely didn’t help any either.
  580. >Not even the streets had been spared from this destruction.
  581. >Some chunks had snapped along sharp lines, as if the earth had pushed portions upwards in plates dramatically too fast.
  582. >Fluttershy gently hovered over such uneven terrain, while you needed to go as far as hoisting yourself up at some points merely to traverse.
  583. >You’d never thought such destruction was possible– at least, not on such terrain.
  584. >Such cataclysm could be understood at the ground level, but this was as though an earthquake had struck in the sky.
  585. >The two of you continued your quiet traversal ahead, now seeking to avoid such pocked roads.
  586. >This city was a surreal sight all around– especially when gazing out over the edge, barely able to make out all of Equestria laid before you.
  587. >Compared to Canterlot, the Old District was considerably more narrow, or perhaps linear would better describe it.
  588. >The city simply… ended, as though a knife had roughly cleaved out a balcony for a great many buildings (or what remained of them) to sit upon its edge.
  589. >You kept close to the side of the mountain.
  590. >In the distance, some buildings still stood, roughly at least, and that was enough to keep your legs moving.
  591. >Hopefully the main bulk of Old District wasn’t so crushed.
  592. >Seeing the first few streets nearly had you throw in the towel yourself.
  593. “If it doesn’t look too dangerous, Shy, we can poke into one of those ahead. What do you suppose it was? A mansion or something?”
  594. >Fluttershy had returned to your side once more, pressing herself against your thigh.
  595. >”L-looks more like a small castle or something to me-”
  596. >”Stay yourselves!”
  597. >A feminine voice, measured yet firm, booms out amongst the otherwise silent mountain pass.
  598. >”State your Baroness, so that I may know which to target next! I thought I made it clear you lot weren’t to be sneaking so close to the city limits!”
  599. >Fluttershy yanks on your pants, trying with all her might to will you back down to Canterlot.
  600. >You weren’t expecting to find anyone actually living up here.
  601. >This could be a pony who, if nothing else, can point you in the right direction!
  602. >You cup your hands around your mouth, looking to match her volume.
  603. >Wherever she is, hidden in the rubble.
  604. “U-uh, I don’t know what you mean, ma’am!”
  605. >”A-anon, no!”
  606. “We’ve come from Canterlot down below! I’m actually looking for help, if you can provide it!”
  607. >”What!?”
  608. >The voice’s tone changes considerably, the stern anger melting away.
  609. >Some rubble shifts, and a mare presents herself in the distance ahead, standing proud atop what might’ve once been a house.
  610. >You can’t quite tell anything else in the fading moonlight, but the aura atop her head means she must be a unicorn.
  611. >She stares for a moment.
  612. >Quietly, you just barely hear “what in the Princesses’ name…”
  613. >”Both of you! Return back down the mountain! You have no business here!”
  614. “But we do!”
  615. >We… might?
  616. >”W-we REALLY don’t, Anon!”
  617. “Who are you!?”
  618. >”Leave! Else, you’ll be equal to the rest of these scum! I’ll not say it again, bipedal!”
  619. >As the first inklings of morning began to peak up from the horizon, a better picture of the distant unicorn could be made.
  620. >If only for a moment.
  621. >A wild bolt of lightning snaps at the unicorn’s position, sending a cascade of rocks tumbling down that she only barely dodges, scampering back out of sight.
  622. >A pompous laugh rings out in the air as the debris settles once more– a nasty scorch mark still ambiently flickering with static charges as the energy dissipates.
  623. >”O-hoh~! Pay that one no mind, she’d gone mad long before she decided to stay in Canterlot! Threatens everypony she comes across.”
  624. >Fluttershy shivers in between your legs as the new voice draws nearer.
  625. >You lean down, rubbing her mane.
  626. “Please girl, this could be what we’re looking for. You heard her say Baroness! If there are still nobles living up here, they might have-”
  627. >At the sound of hoofsteps, you whip your head back up.
  628. >A white unicorn, fit with blonde mane and purple, low-lidded eyes stands before you.
  629. >She looks as equally out of place as you and Fluttershy: With her posh white dress and curled mane.
  630. >You could easily see this mare sitting within the Day Court.
  631. >”Well! I’ve never seen something like you in Canterlot bef-”
  632. >The mare’s eyes trail down, before squinting at Fluttershy’s shivering form.
  633. >”A pegasus?”
  634. >Fluttershy whimpers, only now attempting to chance a look at the unicorn.
  635. >”... H-hello…”
  636. >You should probably be the one to introduce yourselves.
  637. “H-hello! I’m Anonymous, and this is my… friend, Fluttershy!”
  638. >You give the mare a smile, though your eyes still wish to gravitate back toward the scene of that lightning strike.
  639. “So… thank you, for um, saving us from that mare? She does that sort of thing often?”
  640. >The unicorn rolls her hoof as if it were a minor inconvenience.
  641. >”Oh, please! She practically keeps the city up all night! But enough about Merope– with any luck, she’ll stay shut up until nightfall.”
  642. >She bounces her eyelashes, seemingly to strike somewhat of a demure pose.
  643. >”Since you were kind enough to offer your name, I shall return the favor: I am Lady Ephemera, the standing Baroness of the House Ephemera.”
  644. >Ephemera extends a hoof up around your belly.
  645. >”You are as honored to meet me as I to meet you~”
  646. >Does–
  647. >Does she expect you to kiss her hoof?
  648. >You chance a look down at Fluttershy.
  649. >If she was at all scared before– she isn’t anymore.
  650. >In fact, she’s staring daggers up at you.
  651. >...
  652. >You’re not kissing her hoof.
  653. “Uh– t-that’s fantastic!”
  654. >You throw your hands in the air, hoping you can play off simply not noticing her gesture.
  655. “My fri- partner Fluttershy and I were looking for just a pony like you!”
  656. >Fluttershy’s tail gently begins wagging, slapping at your ankles.
  657. >Thank God, you need the brownie points right now.
  658. >Ephemera seems taken aback.
  659. >”Partner? Hadn’t you said she was simply your friend?”
  660. “N-no? Did I say friend, Fluttershy?”
  661. >”I-I think you said wife, actua–”
  662. >You look back up at the unicorn, your voice going monotone.
  663. “I said partner.”
  664. >This first impression is off to a great start.
  665. >Lady Ephemera, at least, doesn’t seem too put off by the exchange.
  666. >”Well! Such things tend to be so fickle anyhow, no? Now,”
  667. >Her dull purple eyes are unreadable, and her smile does all the talking.
  668. >”you say you’re looking for a mare of my calibre? For what purpose? Visitors don’t often travel up to Canterlot, especially not any who look like you.”
  669. >Of course, she has to add “and what a pity that is~” purring under her breath.
  670. >Though you could barely hear it, Fluttershy clearly did, if her forelegs wrapping around your inner thigh was any indication.
  671. >A jealous pegasus is the last thing you need right now.
  672. “Well, we’ve come with a, hah, a b-bit of a time limit, you see. Do you know any… like, wizards, by chance?”
  673. >Ephemera squees.
  674. >”Wizards!? Ahpf, but you’re looking at one, darling! Although, I much prefer ‘sorceress.’ A much less… archaic title, wouldn’t you agree?”
  675. >Ugh, again with the eyelash fluttering…
  676. >Shy’s gonna kill you.
  677. “Sorceress works! Uh…”
  678. >You look down at Fluttershy for help.
  679. >She’s not happy about it, but this is certainly a better lead than either of you could’ve dreamed of.
  680. >”M-my /husband/ here needs help. He comes from… somewhere that isn’t Equestria, and if we don’t find a way to, to keep him tethered here…”
  681. >C’mon Shy, be strong…
  682. >“... H-he might disappear forever.”
  683. >The unicorn gasps.
  684. >”Oh no no no! We can’t have such a specimen simply– poof off like that! Please, follow me back to my manor, I’ll instruct the servants to find me some scrolls that may assist.”
  685. >With that, Lady Ephemera spins herself, perhaps purposefully letting that low-cut dress of hers float up in the breeze, walking back whence she came.
  686. >”Come along now, Anonymous! I’m not one to brag, but I am the greatest sorceress in Canterlot! I’ll ensure that you stay right here~!”
  687. >You’re in business!
  688. “Hear that, Shy?”
  689. >Shy’s face is currently torn with a mix of excitement, and wanting to kill that mare.
  690. >You lean down to her level, whispering.
  691. “C’mon. This could be all we need, and we’re out of here. Stick it out for me?”
  692. >Though her pout persists, she sighs in defeat.
  693. >”... I-I know, Anon. She just better keep it at flirting. I-I do NOT like the way she was looking at you.”
  694. >Oh, Fluttershy…
  696. >”... We can trace the Ephemera lineage back even before Starswirl the Bearded’s time, you know,”
  697. >The walk to Lady Ephemera’s manor is… strange.
  698. >Lady Ephemera herself is strange, in fact.
  699. >Here she is, a beautiful, pristine mare, living amongst all this destruction.
  700. >Yet, she acts as though it’s not even there.
  701. >”... The Ephemera line has always yielded powerful unicorns, though. An Ephemera is actually touted with the legendary feat of slaying the first Wendigo, even! Can you believe that? Well, there’s a reason they’re not around anymore!...”
  702. >She daintily hops over stray pieces of rubble, trots her way up and through carved-out remains of buildings, all while making small talk about her lineage and family history.
  703. >It’s truly morning now, perhaps 6 am, and Celestia’s light refuses to hide the destruction of Old District.
  704. >The whole city feels unreal, like some odd irony against nature.
  705. >This place might as well be the remains of a warzone, and to have it painted in such light, with such a chipper, fancy tour guide…
  706. >It all just puts you at unease.
  707. >”... House Beryl, though I’d loathe to cast anything that might be considered disrespectful to one of the other Three Families, they just never were as… gifted as the Ephemera in the art of magic…”
  708. >Fluttershy’s not faring any better.
  709. >The nervousness is written deep across her face, and it doesn’t show any signs of fading.
  710. >That’s when you hear her gasp.
  711. >Instinctually, your eyes dart to the direction she’s staring– and you see it.
  712. >A wide-eyed, grimey looking mare.
  713. >She just stares, hidden well within a collapsed building, peeking out from what might’ve once been a window.
  714. >Clearly, the both of you have made eye contact with her, but she doesn’t even retreat.
  715. >She just stares.
  716. >You gently place your hand on the back of Fluttershy’s neck, goading her to catch back up to Ephemera with you.
  717. >All the while, the unicorn never stops talking.
  718. >Her tone doesn’t even shift.
  720. >The great entry doors of House Ephemera are swung open, seemingly without care.
  721. >They slam, shaking the entire foyer.
  722. >A vase even tumbles to the ground, shattering upon impact.
  723. >It’s just another addition to the wrecked floor.
  724. >Ephemera’s “manor” was a disaster, to say the least.
  725. >Though it was still largely standing, it too had not been spared from the fate of Old District.
  726. >As if someone had hosted a massive, out of control party; what was visible at the grand entrance to the manor seemed either ruined, or long since untouched.
  727. >Like its ancient home, what remained after Old District’s catastrophe seemed now frozen in time.
  728. >You and Fluttershy didn’t dare comment on the flipped over mahogany tables or the china spilled across the floor, though.
  729. >”Servants? Yoohoo~! The Lady has returned, and she requires your assistance~!”
  730. >Lady Ephemera moves for the grand staircase overlooking the foyer, seemingly expecting her help to fall in around her.
  731. >And they do.
  732. >The interior begins to quietly rumble with life as hooves draw nearer from every angle, and perhaps six or seven doting unicorns present themselves before their mistress.
  733. >They group up around the three of you, but not one speaks.
  734. >Their eyes don’t even fall onto you or Fluttershy.
  735. >Attention all falls onto Ephemera.
  736. >”Prepare a banquet for breakfast. I understand it’s rather early, but today clearly must be a sign. Three of you, stand by the door for Baroness Beryl’s… servant. Instruct him to join us upon arrival.”
  737. >Ephemera tuts, making a display of stretching her body like a cat, throwing her head up into the air in some sort of exaggerated reverse-bow.
  738. >”The rest of you know your places. I’ll call if I have further need~”
  739. >And they disperse.
  740. >”T-they’re quite efficient, Lady Ephemera.”
  741. >The unicorn huffs somewhat, shrugging off Fluttershy’s words.
  742. >”They can always be better, I must admit. You saw the response time? Ideally, they’d be waiting at the door to allow me in. They stay posted for a reason.”
  743. >You and Fluttershy trade a look from behind Ephemera as she leads you through her manor’s dilapidated corridors.
  744. >”Ah! Of course, forgive my misunderstanding. Rarely am I in the company of more than merely myself: My servants are… how might you understand– mechanisms of my magic. They appear as unicorns simply for beauty.”
  745. “As in, automatons? Or familiars?”
  746. >Ephemera spins on her hooves, now walking backwards as her face lights up.
  747. >”Yes, Anonymous! I wasn’t aware you possessed such knowledge! Are you a practitioner as well? I-I could teach you a host of–”
  748. >Better nip this one in the bud.
  749. >You attempted learning magic with Twilight once before.
  750. >Why not, right?
  751. >No dice.
  752. >Just ended up taking a bolt of Twilight-flavored magic missile to the chest after failing to conjure any sort of barrier in front of yourself.
  753. “O-oh no, not at all, just know the words really, heh.”
  754. >Ephemera’s face falls a bit, but her persistence picks up the slack.
  755. >She spins about once more, as though she’d never asked.
  756. >”Oh… a pity. Perhaps you’d be willing to change your mind after I fix your problem?”
  757. >You can see hairs standing up on Fluttershy’s neck as she scowls from behind.
  758. >God, your jealous little stalker is gonna end up exploding on the mare that could be your salvation.
  760. >”Please, feel free to chat whilst I search: You’ll find that I’m rather proficient in multi-tasking, if you’re so inclined.”
  761. >What wondrous works of the Equestrian ancients must lie in this study.
  762. >For all the damage done to House Ephemera, this room at least seemed untouched, aside from the mess of books and scrolls alike on the floor, and the ever-present sheen of dust.
  763. >It seemed that, if Ephemera ever came in here on her own, she didn’t care to bother tidying.
  764. >But she has seemingly tireless maids at her disposal: So why?
  765. >You and Fluttershy sit on adjacent ottomans while Lady Ephemera had taken up a spot at a fittingly grand desk in the middle of the room, not even bothering to look up from its untouched wood surface as a batch of books are slipped out from the many shelves lining the walls up to the ceiling.
  766. “You know where exactly the books you’re looking for are?”
  767. >”Quite so,” Ephemera begins, now seemingly enraptured in the ancient tome before her “I must’ve read and reread my Houses’ collection half a dozen times by now. Arcane arts and literature go hoof-in-hoof, after all. I must know my craft.”
  768. >... You just can’t shake your unease.
  769. >It’s not born out of fear, just simple confusion.
  770. >How can she act so nonchalant about everything?
  771. >As if she can’t see the environment around her?
  772. >You don’t want to assume her to be lying– there’s no motive for it, but…
  773. >There must be something you’re missing.
  774. >Fluttershy feels it too.
  775. >”Do you live here… alone?”
  776. >Ephemera returns a book back to its place, moving onto the next in her stack.
  777. >”Correct… Miss Fluttershy. I’ve lived alone since my parents died.”
  778. >Fluttershy gasps in horror.
  779. >”I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
  780. >Confused at the outburst, Ephemera peeks up from her new book for just a moment.
  781. >”Sorry? It was my turn to inherit the House. There’s no need to weep over succession.”
  782. >She giggles to herself, now unfurling a nearby scroll.
  783. >”If I had a sister, stars forbid, THAT would’ve been worthy of weeping!”
  784. >Fluttershy touches a hoof to her lip, her mouth opening and words failing to materialize.
  785. >Poor girl, getting through conversation with strangers is hard enough for her as it is.
  786. >”I-I’m sorry, what–”
  787. >”Ah! Oh, warmest of days! Listen to this, Anonymous!”
  788. >Ephemera hops up onto the dusty desk before her with the scroll in her magic grip.
  789. >”An account of House Ephemera Fifth-Elder, Lady Tigerlily, on House Mathitís after a diplomatic visit: ‘In a show of good faith and future friendship between our Noble Houses; Baron Comet Catcher allowed me the privilege to bear witness to one of his Family’s great wonders: An artifact of great power, pilfered from the ancient King Grogar’s collection after his imprisonment. Baron Comet Catcher referred to the object as “Sorto-Rulo,” a contraption that, to myself, resembled something of the Earth-Tribe’s design. Baron Comet Catcher assured that such could not be further from the truth. He said, with a powerful-enough unicorn, the Sorto-Rulo could be charged, and the user in turn granted the power to rewrite destinies.’ “
  790. >Upon finishing her recount, Lady Ephemera’s head turns to you with her dull purple eyes sparkling and a dopey agape smile.
  791. >”Do you understand the implications, Anonymous!?”
  792. “I-I do!”
  793. >You stand, turning to Fluttershy, hoping to see your excitement matched.
  794. >Not quite.
  795. >The mare’s face holds much in regards to reservations.
  797. >”So, you say you believe you’re not long for this world, yes?”
  798. >The three of you now sit around a much too large dining table.
  799. >At least, it seemed this room saw semi-frequent use.
  800. >You don’t have much room in your stomach for wheat, however.
  801. >Not that you’re feeling all that up for eating right now anyway.
  802. >You idly fiddle with the stalks on your plate, trying to give off the illusion that you found it at all appetizing.
  803. “Right. Your Sorto-Rulo lead is the best we’ve come across thus far. You said another Noble House was in possession of it?”
  804. >Ephemera nods.
  805. >”House Mathitís– the most… ‘reserved’ of our Three Houses. Whoever Lords them now, I can’t say for certain. Unlike House Beryl, they’ve seemingly chosen to… remove themselves from their responsibilities in guiding our Canterlot.”
  806. >Fluttershy at least indulges in Ephemera’s “feast.”
  807. >”S-so, the Old District still functions as a city? Do the Princesses know you ponies are up here?”
  808. >Ephemera’s typical smirk fades, and the room falls quiet, save for her silverware clanking against the porcelain plate.
  809. >...
  810. >”I’m not certain of which ‘Princesses’ you refer to: Canterlot’s not been ruled by such powers since the reign of Princess Platinum, the founder of this great city. Our Families have always been in control.”
  811. >You give Fluttershy a look.
  812. >You’re curious about it too, but this probably isn’t the place to question such illogic.
  813. >The last thing the two of you need is to upset Ephemera.
  814. “Please, forgive us– this is our first time visiting… Canterlot…”
  815. >The lady eyes you.
  816. >”Quite so. And I hope it not to be the last, so I offer this solution to your problem: If you wish to stay in Equestria, you should make your way up to House Mathitís, and find some way to retrieve the Sorto-Rulo. If you return the object to me, I’m certain I’ll be able to correct your place here in Canterlot.”
  817. >Fluttershy interjects.
  818. >”Do you think they’ll be willing to just give us such an object? Even if they don’t consider it an heirloom, it sounds like a rather… p-powerful device.”
  819. >”You’ll find that us unicorns are not as greedy as– ahem, some other races.”
  820. >Ephemera’s tone is laced with an undertone of malice, and she does little to hide that fact.
  821. >”Even if it were to be the case, and House Mathitís would not give up the Sorto-Rulo so easily… you’re in a desperate spot, no? It can always be returned after Anonymous is safe. I wouldn’t tell~”
  822. >She’s not wrong, but…
  823. >You and Fluttershy both are well out of your elements here.
  824. >Beyond that, you’re clearly outright foreigners to whatever culture that still remains among these ruins.
  825. >Making enemies is the last thing you want to be doing.
  826. >You ready yourself to speak again, but the dining room doors are flung open, revealing three servants, and a stallion.
  827. >”Lady Ephemera, I’ve come on the order of my Baroness. How might our Houses deal with business–”
  828. >The new stallion locks eyes with you, though he holds little emotion within his blunt eyes.
  829. >”I was not aware you had company. I’ll take my leave until–”
  830. >Ephemera scoffs, grabbing one of his hooves with her magic.
  831. >”Nonsense, Colt! You know I hold no such stuffy pretenses in my House! Please, let me introduce you all!”
  832. >Mutedly, ‘Colt’ obeys, allowing himself to be guided to Ephemera’s side at the table.
  833. >”Anonymous, Fluttershy– this is Baroness Beryl’s prized concubine and, surely, the most stunning stallion to ever grace Canterlot!”
  834. >Colt simply nods, his eyes drifting shut.
  835. >”A pleasure.”
  836. >”Concubine…?” Fluttershy silently mouths.
  837. >Ephemera continues.
  838. >”You’ve come at quite an interesting time, Colt. The three of us were discussing our bipedal friend here: He’s struck with a sickness only the… ‘coveted’ House Mathitís is able to correct.”
  839. >”House Mathitís, hm…”
  840. >His eyes scan your face, their calculating depth putting you on edge the moment they connect.
  841. >”Are you sure my Mistress would be unable to cure him? Her distilleries only continue to advance–”
  842. >”I’m certain she could not.”
  843. >Colt only nods.
  844. >”I see. And you believe the hermit atop the hill holds his salvation?”
  845. >Ephemera bites her tongue, nearly growling out the words.
  846. >”My House’s ancestors say it quite clearly.”
  847. >”Mmh. Please forgive any forwardness on my part– it does not represent the views of my Mistress.”
  848. >With the arrival of this new representative, now more than ever are you beginning to feel like a hostage.
  849. >The two even sit in front of the door, blocking your potential escape without outright declaring such intention.
  850. >Now, both merely watch solely you.
  851. >They seem to have little to no regard for Fluttershy, and whatever spat you just witnessed must’ve meant an end to any thin perception of decorum these two ‘Houses’ might’ve held between one another.
  852. >Fuck.
  853. “I… do I just keep walking up the road, then? Fluttershy and I can be out and on our way, if that’s preferable to everyone.”
  854. >Clearly now feeling the brunt of being unwelcomed, Fluttershy sticks at your side.
  855. >You take up a defensive posture, shielding her with your body.
  856. >The two ponies share a look, and Ephemera opens her mouth to speak–
  857. >The glass ceiling overhead shatters, raining down flakes of long-since compiled stones alongside the fractured window panes.
  858. >A body falls with it, though unlike the rest of the debris, this earth pony is very much alive.
  859. >The mare has smashed the dining room table in twain, right through the middle.
  860. >Fluttershy is screaming.
  861. >Hell, you’re screaming.
  862. >Everyone aside from Colt is screaming.
  863. >Earth pony genes must account for something though, as the mare wobbles up to her hooves, opening with an insult.
  864. >”Bwaah! S-some spellcaster YOU are, Ephemera! Reinforce this dump if you’re gonna claim to live in it! Guh…”
  865. >If there was any notion of mutual respect still left between the room’s parties– it’s gone now.
  866. >Lady Ephemera is not pleased.
  867. >”D-damnable thief! Your kind is worse than even that maniac Merope!”
  868. >Ephemera’s horn crackles once again, and now you’re witness to the oddity of it:
  869. >Unlike a typical unicorn’s aura, Ephemera’s horn shudders the air around it, as if emitting some sort of violent vibrations.
  870. >Deep purples meld within arcs of blue lightning that seem to have trouble sticking to Ephemera’s horn, like some Jacob’s Ladder gone haywire.
  871. >Whatever magic Lady Ephemera held control over– you’re not sure any other unicorn in Equestria still remembers.
  872. >The spell is charged, and the unicorn haphazardly lets her bolts free, searing the air itself as the magic is forced forward.
  873. >You pull Fluttershy down to the floor with you, away from the table as the overwhelming laser turns the dining room into a mess of splintering wood and shattering heirlooms.
  874. >Okay, fuck the Old District, you’re getting you and Shy out of here.
  875. >Before you’re able to even begin scrambling up and away from this shitshow, that mystery mare’s voice rings out, seemingly unfazed by Ephemera’s light show.
  876. >”HAHA! Nice try, Ephem– HEY!! You’re breaking everything!”
  877. >Though Ephemera seethes, Colt doesn’t sound all that bothered by the situation.
  878. >”You’re scaring your guest, Lady Ephemera.”
  879. >You can’t be certain if it’s simply the remains of the magic’s searing heat, or if Ephemera had outright started a fire in her own home.
  880. >”Shut your mouth, Colt! I don’t take enjoyment in smashing my family’s priceless heirlooms, but I’d rather see them turned to dust than in the hooves of a filthy thief!”
  881. >The unicorn jumps up onto one of the few chairs in the room still standing, striking a fearsome pose over your crumpled form.
  882. >”And /you/. Was this a trick? Taking advantage of my good nature to assist this FILTH in plundering my family’s glory!? I should’ve known better than to trust an, an INTERLOPER– and worse yet, a PEGASUS!!”
  883. >Ephemera’s horn crackles with life once again, returning you to the task at hand:
  884. >Getting the fuck out of here.
  885. >With Flutters still in your arms, you rise on a knee, wasting no time in shoulder-checking the unicorn off of her chair.
  886. >”YOU–”
  887. >Though she topples to the floor, her rage immediately forgotten in lieu of ‘harumpfing’ as if you’d bumped into her on the street–
  888. >Colt stands in the way of the door.
  889. >”Assaulting your host is no way to act.”
  890. >You stand aback, feeling every second he speaks as precious time you don’t have.
  891. >It won’t be so easy to topple Colt.
  892. >Hitting Ephemera with your side was one thing, but he’d surely see it coming, and with Flutters in your arms–
  893. >The earth pony mare instantly enters your field of sight from behind, already in air as she jumps, throwing her dead weight toward Colt.
  894. >”R-run, monkey!”
  895. >... In the few seconds that follow, though they feel much longer, you catch a new emotion on his face for the first time since first seeing him.
  896. >You realize he’s an earth pony as well.
  897. >... You don’t understand outdated pony race relations.
  898. >No time to dwell on it, though.
  899. >With the door clear, you honor the nameless mare’s sacrifice and book it, gunning for the front door.
  900. >Being no stranger to fleeing such equine bullshit (though usually Fluttershy was the one chasing you), you’d like to think that your prey instincts of escape have become quite honed.
  901. >”W-watch the servant!” Fluttershy cries out, serving as an extra set of eyes for your get away.
  902. >You vault the mindless construct like an Olympian (at least, you tell yourself that– gotta keep the morale up), slipping through the front door and away from House Ephemera.
  903. >At the very least, you remember the path you’d taken.
  904. >These loons were obviously reclusive, so maybe they wouldn’t pursue you back down the mountain?
  905. >Of course, traversing the destruction even just outside Ephemera’s manor was no easy task, especially under stress–
  906. >”This way, big guy! Colt will run you down if you go to Old District’s gates!”
  907. >As if you needed any more jumpscares today, that thief mare from earlier had manifested at your side, keeping pace.
  908. >Whether due to her obvious lack of affiliation with Lady Ephemera, having took one for the team in sacking Colt, or perhaps simply your own lack of will to disobey during a moment of panic–
  909. >The mare takes point, taking a sharp turn, her new direction pointing deeper into Old District.
  910. >You’ve ultimately made little distance between House Ephemera and, perhaps out of rage, more wild bolts of lightning erupt from the dilapidated manor.
  911. >Whatever windows might’ve still been in one piece are blown out as the ground gently trembles, stray beams of the Baron’s magic blasting further holes throughout the foundation.
  912. >”Keep up you guys, c’mon! Beryl’s lackey isn’t going to just let us get away! We gotta hide!”
  913. >You pull your lingering eyes away from Ephemera’s ruins, nearly tripping outright over some jutting piece of the road for your troubles.
  915. >You swivel from House Ephemera’s entrance, taking to a high point atop a nearby hill of rubble.
  916. >The intruders couldn’t have gotten too far.
  917. >Clearly, whoever the Baroness had invited into her home were no simple travelers.
  918. >Such naivety was very much unbecoming of a Noble family.
  919. >Though you never figured Lady Ephemera to be very wise to begin with, despite her admittedly impressive magic.
  920. >It was one of the few things you truly agreed with your Mistress on.
  921. >The shifting of nearby debris tickles your ear, and you’re off bolting in that direction.
  922. >Damn thief.
  923. >Her kind was no stranger to Canterlot, but she was a particularly annoying constant.
  924. >Once again, she’d gotten the better of you.
  925. >Perhaps she could get away with reckless blindsides, but now is an opportunity to finally corner her.
  926. >You know these paths well, having been a “negotiator” between your Mistress and Lady Ephemera for quite some time.
  927. >Of course, things had been going so well in luring Lady Ephemera into letting her guard down–
  928. >Something just had to come along and set you back to square one.
  929. >Hopping from mounds and through the remains of old homes, you quickly come within visual range of the three trespassers.
  930. >This path they’re heading–
  931. >Your gallop slows, and you elect instead to get a better overview from above.
  932. >A crumbling tower, with entire chunks of its once-walls blown out, is ideal.
  933. >Entering through a spacious opening, you ascend as far as you're able, the steps of what remains from the old spiral staircase holding true under your weight.
  934. >You watch the three in full sprint enter one of Canterlot’s caves.
  935. >Many openings had been torn open at some point, as if the mountain had sought to swallow up the city long ago.
  936. “Hm.”
  937. >... Well, you certainly wouldn’t be pursuing them any further.
  938. >You thought better of that thief, wily as she was, than to enter the Crystal Caverns.
  939. >No matter.
  940. >Perhaps you could gauge how they’re faring on your return to your Mistress.
  941. >That is, if they’re not already cocooned.
  943. >The path the thief cut through Old District led to a, frankly, unexpected sight.
  944. >Although, with Old District as torn up as it was, perhaps it shouldn’t be too surprising.
  945. >Whether this opening was made naturally or otherwise, the three of you did not stop running even after scurrying your way into this unearthed cavern’s maw.
  946. >Even into the darkness ahead you carried on, as your burning lungs clawed for more air at this elevation.
  947. >Danger still seemed just at the back of your heels, but despite that, a new impending sense of doom temporarily rooted itself aside your already so-familiar fears:
  948. >You made a mistake, coming up this mountain.
  949. >Would you make it back down?
  950. >”Stick right behind me, monkey! The lights should come on soon, just don’t trip!”
  951. >You muscle on, instinct and adrenaline shouldering much of your burden, but also dimming the rest of your senses.
  952. >Fluttershy quakes in your arms.
  953. >Last you saw her eyes –only for a moment as she jostled about above ground– they were struck wide, gripped with terror.
  954. >While her situation was taken notice of, it still hasn’t quite been able to click in your brain.
  955. >’Follow the mare, recover, resume conscious thought.’
  956. >That was about all you could manage at the moment, since coming so close to assured death.
  957. >Finally, the thief’s sprint begins to slow down to a mere trot as she catches her breath, low vision returning under a gentle illumination of some great crystalline structures ahead.
  958. >”Hooh… Sorry about all that, you guys. I’d been scouring Ephemera’s place for a bit now, but her slaves don’t sleep like Beryl’s. I mean, what the hay, right?”
  959. >Your pace slows too, sucking in air as you finally catch a break.
  960. >You don’t even address the thief, instead taking a knee and giving Fluttershy some attention.
  961. “Are you alright, Shy? Nothing burned or cut, right?”
  962. >A slap across the face is your response.
  963. >”I-I TOLD you, Anon! I knew coming up here was a bad idea! That crazy pony nearly turned us both to ash!”
  964. >She’s not hurt.
  965. >But man, is she pissed.
  966. “Oh, thank God.”
  967. >Your head lulls back, taking in that sweet, stuffy cavern air in victory.
  968. >Shy takes your relief (or perhaps, your lack of groveling), as further grounds to be upset.
  969. >Her hooves thump on your ears, pulling you back into her smolder.
  970. >”L-listen to me, Anon! We are going back down this mountain right. Now.”
  971. >The thief speaks up, staring on from a few feet away and feeling a bit awkward.
  972. >”Uh oh, definitely don’t wanna do that.”
  973. >With her frustration at a boiling point, Fluttershy whips her head to the side, turning her ire onto the mare.
  974. >”W-who even ARE you!?”
  975. >The thief strikes a silly pose, her mood doing a 180 back into her lackadaisical self.
  976. >”Deep Dive!”
  977. >”I’mma treasure hunter too, like you guys! I’ve been bouncin’ between Ephemera and Beryl’s territory for like, months now! There’s some really cool stuff to find out here if you know where to look! Buttt with that– I know if you go back out topside after tickin’ one of those gals off, the whoooole ruins’ll be swarmin’ with their slaves.”
  978. >Deep Dive makes a popping noise with her lips, smiling “back to square one.”
  979. >At the very least, Deep Dive’s words (or her seeming lack of fear) give the scorned pegasus brief pause.
  980. >... Though she still keeps a vice-grip on your head, which is now being pressed into her chest tuft.
  981. >”S-slaves? Ephemera said her servants were automatons.”
  982. >Deep Dive cocks her head, still smiling.
  983. >”Hehe, dunno what that means, but she’s got plenty o’mountain-natives under her control, same as Beryl. They’re crazies. They’ve been up here for a looooong time, hoarding all the ancient goodies for themselves.”
  984. >You peek up from Shy’s coat.
  985. “Are you serious? Why?”
  986. >Shrugging, Deep Dive starts lightly prancing in place.
  987. >”Iunno, why do crazies do anything? They’re crazies. Ooh, wanna go to Beryl’s turf next? She’s got cool stuff too!”
  988. “Are… are you offering us to go stealing with you?”
  989. >Deep Dive blows a raspberry.
  990. >”Pfllpbbt, I told you, I’mma treasure hunter, not a thief! Those guys don’t own that stuff, it’s been sitting there for like a billion years. Are– are you guys not treasure hunters too?”
  991. >”N-no! W-we never said that!” Shy huffs, seemingly feeling 0-4 on liking anyone met in Old District so far.
  992. >”Gah, darnit!” Deep Dive stomps her hoof, “nopony wants to team up around here! We could find sooo much more stuff if we worked together…”
  993. >She pouts for a second, but again, her mood shifts back to bubbly on the fly.
  994. >”Wanna team up n’ be treasure hunters with me? I dunno why you were meeting up with Ephemera, but obviously she doesn’t like ya very much, so I trust you!”
  995. >Once again, you and Flutters share a mutually-unconvinced look.
  996. >It seemed to be becoming a trend.
  997. “... We need a bit to… decide with one another.”
  998. >Deep Dive purses her lips.
  999. >”Oooh, kissy time~ I’m not tryin’ to butt in on your relationship, girlie! I’m in this for ‘da gold, not ‘da booty! Hehe~...”
  1000. >Surely that doesn’t convince Shy any, but you’re more concerned with gameplanning with her than correcting Deep Dive’s interpretation of your relationship.
  1001. >Thankfully, the mare is content to idly watch the two of you turn away, voices falling to not-so-hushed whispers.
  1002. >You switch the playing field a bit, breaking from Fluttershy’s grip and setting her properly back into your own, cradling the mare semi-upright in your arms.
  1003. >At least Deep Dive seemed good at keeping herself in good company.
  1004. >”A-Anon. We /have/ to go back down.”
  1005. >Shy’s gonna kill you.
  1006. “I-I know that, but–”
  1007. >”N-no buts! There are no buts! We are not- not archeologists, adventurers, or treasure hunters! We’re out of our element!”
  1008. “But you heard Ephemera, Shy! That Sorto Rulo could be our only hope!”
  1009. >” ‘Could!’ It /could/ be! I-it might not even exist, Anon! We both saw how crazy that pony was before she even started blowing up her home- and judging from the state of that place to begin with, that’s a regular occurrence!”
  1010. >Just seconds ago, you were totally convinced that going back down the mountain was now your only option.
  1011. >The slightest bit removed from immediate danger however, and your thoughts were once more clinging to the desperate hopes of salvation.
  1012. >You KNOW this is both extremely unhealthy and self-destructive, but…
  1013. >God damnit, what else do you have?
  1014. >You’re locked in an unending Catch-22: If you call it quits and try going back down the mountain, if you can even evade Ephemera and Colt at this point, the Princesses may end up empty handed- and you’re doomed.
  1015. >Conversely, if you somehow manage to find this ‘Third House’ without endangering Shy or your own life- there isn’t any guarantee that the Sorto Rulo does what Ephemera had claimed, if it exists at all.
  1016. >There’s too much risk on either end, and you don’t have the time to mull over your options.
  1017. >You fucked up.
  1018. >You should’ve been seeking to deal with this for the past three years- as if something as important as your own permanence is allowed to fall to procrastination.
  1019. >Now you had maybe two days or so, and your only leads are Hail Marys.
  1020. >There is no one to blame but yourself.
  1021. >At least, if Fluttershy weren’t here, you’d feel better about more flippantly risking your life– the alternative being equivalent to death anyhow.
  1022. “Shy– i-if we give up on this lead now, we won’t have another opportunity to pursue it. If we go back down the mountain and the Princesses don’t have an answer–”
  1023. >”Y-you don’t trust them?”
  1024. “– if they don’t have an answer: That’s it. There won’t be enough time to come back and try finding the Sorto Rulo. If we get back on our track now, right this second, and find that fucking thing– we might have enough time to bring it to the Princesses.”
  1025. >Stress and emotions mounting, you ultimately lie through your teeth and hope Fluttershy doesn’t capitalize on your obvious fallacies.
  1026. >You selfish prick.
  1027. >If the object even exists, if you can even deliver it to Celestia and Luna without injury to Fluttershy, there’s no basis at all to expect they’d know how to make it function.
  1028. >You can’t care about that right now though.
  1029. >At least, that’s what you think– selfish and desperate as you are.
  1030. >Anything to hold onto hope.
  1031. >Surely Fluttershy saw through your trick –one so prone to listening is adept at hearing tricks– but exhaustion overcomes her will to argue further.
  1032. >She simply breaks down, pressing her face into your shirt.
  1033. >You bite your tongue until it bleeds, remounting your hold on the mare.
  1034. >What a sorry, doomed state.
  1035. >Grasping at a dream, on your knees, huddled up in some faintly-lit sunken rat tunnel somehow so close and yet so far-removed from the Equestria you’ve come to love; and with nothing to show for it aside from an attempt on you and Shy’s lives by some off-grid nutjobs.
  1036. >Neither of you are built for this.
  1037. >Just what are you doing, brushing your forehead against the heavens?
  1039. >”... You two do this sorta thing often?”
  1040. >Oh right.
  1041. >Deep Dive.
  1042. “It’s been a stressful day.”
  1043. >Your voice is tired, empty of any good feelings.
  1044. >Even now, you’re clinging onto the idea of having hope, forcefully injecting it into this aimless, stupid idea.
  1045. >Part of you openly declares it’s a doomed cause, but you know the alternative is simply waiting on oblivion, and that’s not something you’ll accept sitting down.
  1046. >You must commit to something.
  1047. >Where you’re at now, both physically and mentally, rationality is out the window.
  1048. “Fluttershy… I’ll take you back to The Old District’s entrance, but I’m not going back down the mountain. I’m sorry.”
  1049. >Deep Dive gently approaches your side and sits as you stare down at the pegasus in your arms, her sobs now fizzled out into faint sporadic chokes.
  1050. >She can take all the time she needs as you force yourself to avoid feeling anything at the sight.
  1051. >Steel your nerve all you like, but it still tears you up inside.
  1052. >Knowing that she’ll forgive you only makes the feeling worse.
  1053. >You hopeless fool.
  1054. >Finally, the little mare finds her strength.
  1055. >”I… I’m not leaving you up here.”
  1056. >“I-I didn’t ask your permission to follow, and I’m not asking your permission to stay.”
  1057. >Fluttershy wipes her eye one last time before looking up at you with a complex expression.
  1058. >She wears her bravery, tear-soaked and shaking, far better than you could ever hope to.
  1059. >”I-I said I’d be by your side until the end, and I meant it, mister.”
  1060. >All the same, it’s the last thing you wanted to hear.
  1061. “... Thank you, Shy.”
  1062. >Gently, Fluttershy presses her forehead back up against your chest.
  1063. >”... So…”
  1064. >The two of you lazily turn your heads to Deep Dive.
  1065. >”Treasure hunter team?”
  1067. “How long have you been up here, Deep Dive?”
  1068. >The Crystal Caverns of Canterlot Mountain were an odd history, perhaps as ancient and secret as The Old District itself.
  1069. >”Few months! Feels like it’s been foreverrrr though, hehe. I got a lil’ stash of gold goodies tucked away in some rubble– mah treasure hoard! It’s real pretty stuff, but chump change compared to what I’m /really/ after!”
  1070. >Apparently most Canterelities don’t even know of their existence– perhaps no one would, if Queen Chrysalis hadn’t thrown Twilight and Cadance into one of the nameless corners during her failed coup.
  1071. “Oh? Something of particular note?”
  1072. >Twilight had told Fluttershy of them after that crisis was dealt with, but her prior info yields little worth aside from simply the name– the portion of the caverns Twilight had explored were far, far lower on the mountain than where your little party is now.
  1073. >”Hoh yeah– da mackdaddy of OD’s treasure: The Mathitís Estate! There’s goodies up in there that even Ephemera an’ Beryl haven’t ever seen!”
  1074. >It was an apt name, at least: the Crystal Caverns bloomed out into an impressive hollow of darkness, combatted only by the varying degrees of pinkish-blue luminescence from giant quartz outcropping from every which way.
  1075. >Natural crystalline chandeliers sprouted impossibly from any and all alcoves possible, and routine mirror surfaces bouncing back reflections from one another made for an extra confusing time navigating the pathways.
  1076. >Deep Dive claimed she knew these paths, at least.
  1077. >Still, with the three of you walking over a natural bridge hanging off a seemingly endless abyss…
  1078. >Well, its peaceful quiet and surreal visuals didn’t exactly outweigh the fear of being lost in an ancient natural labyrinth.
  1079. >Seeming to be her new mode of transport, Shy remained clung tightly in your arms.
  1080. >You weren’t exactly in a position to be throwing her off like usual.
  1081. >Plus… well, with your own looming annihilation, it helped to keep what mattered close.
  1082. “You know of the Third House too?”
  1083. >You hate how your voice echoes in this particular grand chamber.
  1084. >”Mhm! Any treasure hunter worth their salt comes up here gunnin’ for the real teat-swingers in the OD: Ephemera and Beryl are ‘oo-sourp-ers’ as Merope calls ‘em– Mathitís is the real deal.”
  1085. >Deep Dive takes point of your little party, walking only a few paces ahead.
  1086. >From behind, you get a good view of her chocolate coat and black, almost oily mane– both painted in a filter of pink from the nearby crystals.
  1087. >Sporting rough leather saddlebags heavy with the jingling of pilfered antiquities, and even wearing a few gold bangles on her legs– she clearly has had good runs in the past.
  1088. >Yet again, another both good and bad sign: She clearly knows what she’s doing, despite her bubbly demeanor, but she won’t win you any favor with the ones in charge around here.
  1089. >Not that you’re on good terms with them anyway.
  1090. “... Have you heard of a ‘Sorto Rulo’ by chance?”
  1091. >Roused from her somber stupor, Fluttershy chastizes you with a light hoof to the chest.
  1092. >She doesn’t speak, but her intent was clear.
  1093. >Too late now, but it’s probably not best to imply that the two of you might be after the same thing.
  1094. >”Nope! I don’t mind sharing the spoils with mah team though! We’re treasure hunters after all– wouldn’t make much sense for you guys to be treasure hunters too and not get any, right?”
  1095. >You give Shy a smug smile, sticking out your tongue.
  1096. >She capitalizes and sticks out her own, touching the tips before going in for a full kiss.
  1097. >You shake out of it before the little opportunist can wriggle her tongue past your teeth.
  1098. “Bleh! Right…”
  1099. >Now it’s her turn to smirk.
  1100. >Well, far better than her being gloomy– you need all the little wins you can get.
  1101. “And you’re sure we’ll be able to get in and out of there without a hitch? Haven’t met this ‘Beryl’ yet, but if she’s anything like Ephemera…”
  1102. >Deep Dive blows a raspberry, finding the resulting echoing noise funny.
  1103. >”Hoh, Beryl’s /way/ worse than stuffy ol’ Ephemera– but the Mathitís are all dead! Easy pickins’ ya know?”
  1104. >Shy finally speaks up, her voice thankfully now back to its usual tone.
  1105. >”D-dead?”
  1106. >”Dead as a doorknob!”
  1107. >Deep Dive is quiet for a second.
  1108. >”I think.”
  1109. >”Probably.”
  1110. >The expansive chamber steeply carves back downward, a small opening leading into seemingly thin strands of cave ahead.
  1111. “That’s… not the most convincing thing in the world, Deep Dive.”
  1112. >”Hehe, so formal– you can just call me DD ya know! As for convincin’: The Mathitís haven’t shown their faces in public for as long as anypony alive has been up here. They seemingly got no slaves, or at least no hobo-pony claims to be working under them that I’ve heard about. They lived a lot higher up on the mountain, so they’re either mega-snooty and don’t associate with the bums down here– or they’re all dead!”
  1113. >Deep Dive touches a hoof to her lip.
  1114. >”Yaknow, Ephemera’s probably gonna be dead next, too– unless she sleeps with one of her slaves or somethin’. Beryl’s got Colt, and she’s /alwaysss/ makin’ him sleep with her– so they probably can make a foal to be the next Beryl. Ephemera though? Pfffbbpt. No heirs.”
  1115. “Ah– so no one’s killing them, they’re just dying of old age?”
  1116. >”Oh, no– the Mathitís DEFINITELY got killed. Ephemera’s just gonna die of old age. Probably.”
  1117. >Deep Dive’s aloofness over such a normally touchy subject for ponies clearly doesn’t sit well with Fluttershy.
  1118. >”J-jeez…”
  1119. >Sudden rumblings throughout the cavern complex end that conversation quick.
  1120. >Despite you and Shy’s immediate concern, DD seems renewed.
  1121. >”Aha! I knew we were goin’ the right way! Those are Beryl’s machines!”
  1122. >The revelation doesn’t make you feel any better, what with the shifting stone and small rocks tumbling from their once-permanent resting places.
  1123. >”D-doesn’t seem all that stable, um, DD… a-are we close to an exit?”
  1124. >To your slowly-mounting terror, Deep Dive’s response is to stop and stare thoughtfully into a sharp crystal outcropping, longingly staring at her reflecting in the pointed surface as she thinks.
  1125. >”... Hmm… Strong maybe.”
  1126. >The earth pony whips her head around, looking excited.
  1127. >”We were going to Beryl’s place, right?”
  1128. “W-we were going to Mathitís, Deep Dive!”
  1129. >Deep Dive laughs.
  1130. >”Hah! Ah… yeah, this is the total wrong direction then, I think. Never been to the Mathitís House before– just know they got goodies and such.”
  1131. >You’re gonna explode on this mare.

Pony Supremacy Thread Fluttershy Story (WIP, Indefinite Hiatus)

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