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Four Purple Ponies Try To Solve The Worlds Problems 2.1

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-03-07 05:31:46
Updated: 2023-03-07 05:32:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Luna
  2. 512 lbs
  4. ========================================================================
  6. > Crystal led the way as we descended into the basement.
  7. > The air was damp.
  8. > And the Entire warehouse smelled like rot.
  9. > I was also getting tired of dragging my rotund, food-stuffed belly down the seemingly endless stairways and cardboard labyrinths he was leading me down.
  10. > Along the twisting hallways were wooden crates stacked so high that they touched the ceiling.
  11. > It had been fifteen minutes since we escaped the party…
  12. > Meaning that we had spent fifteen minutes meandering down these warehouse halls
  13. > After journeying six levels deep, I noticed a pattern
  14. > The entire basement was a series of winding halls ending with a door, followed by steep stairwells.
  16. > As we sunk deeper into the archives, signs of neglect became more apparent
  17. > The first five floors were perfectly organized and the floors were spotless.
  18. > But by the sixth, it looked like everything was haphazardly tossed without consideration or care.
  19. > Crates lay sprawled down the middle of the hallway, forcing us to cramp ourselves between the walls and crates just to get by.
  21. > These lower levels appeared to have been abandoned for a very long time.
  22. > The entire place was covered in a blanket of dust and mold plagued every crate we passed
  23. > beneath our hooves, a shallow pool of frigid water sloshed with each step
  24. > The sound of running water roared beyond the walls.
  25. > After a couple more minutes of walking we were greeted by a door with an arrow pointing downwards.
  27. > Crystal held the door open for me, as he had every time before
  28. "I'm growing tired of this wandering." I warned, “I’m not as slender as I used to be.”
  29. > "Last floor." He nodded “I apologize for this inconvenience, but I value my privacy. I’m a very important pony and I can’t be seen indulging myself like a princess.” He laughed
  30. “What's that supposed to mean?”
  31. > “Oh princess, you can’t really be so blind? You must spend too many hours in the lonely towers”
  32. > I bit my tongue
  33. > “Don’t worry your highness, we’ll have lots of time to discuss whatever you like over dinner.”
  34. > A satisfied smile grew across his flushed cheeks and lust was bleating from his eyes
  36. > I agreed and we proceeded down the steps
  37. > I may need to keep an eye on this pony
  38. > He isn’t to be trusted
  39. > When we reached the bottommost level I was a met with a disturbing sight
  41. > The room was flooded hock deep in icy water
  42. > the crates storing paintings of immeasurable value rested in the water like icebergs in the large open room
  43. > Soaked and slowly decaying in the darkness.
  45. > My eyes ran across the walls and noticed white lights sparkle above up like stars.
  46. > We had gone so deep that we were in the belly of a cave
  47. > The walls were made of jagged black stone, encrusted with shards of diamond that shimmered like tiny ship lights all around us
  49. > Crystal took the lead
  50. > “Follow close princess.” He warned as he trotted into the darkness
  51. > I trailed close behind, not wanting to lose my creepy little tour guide
  52. > Our legs dragged through the cold water, and my gaze didn’t stop bouncing of the wall as my head swiveled around the room.
  53. > Across the room lay silhouettes of bent steel and stacks of boxes glowing in the distance
  54. > The dim flickering of a fire caused their shadows to flutter across the walls
  55. > I felt vulnerable…
  57. > It wasn’t the darkness that made my fur stand.
  58. > I’ve spent more nights alone than anypony
  59. > It was the unnatural feeling of being watched.
  61. > A loud clamor in the distance, and my legs froze with fear
  62. > I stopped in my tracks and listened intensely
  63. > flicking my ears and scanning the ruins
  64. > The sound of stones being displaced echoed throughout the room.
  65. > I could hear them tumbling along the stone walls before plopping into the water
  66. > Tiny waves kissed my legs and I knew that whatever it was, it was near.
  67. > I lit my horn, encompassing myself in a dim white light
  68. > I watched the room with flared wings, legs jittering in fear, and horn at the ready.
  70. > “Princess?” Crystal peeped
  71. “Shhh! Don’t you hear that?”
  72. > He looked stunned then grabbed my hoof
  73. > “It’s nothing princess, we’ll be fine.”
  74. “Show yourself, and let me smite you!” I called out into the darkness
  75. > “Yeah, thats really gonna work.” Crystal said sarcastically
  76. > “You’re acting paranoid princess, you’ve never smitten anything in your life…At least not directly…Now come on.”
  77. > I shivered and tried to shake the discomfort
  78. > How did he expect me to calm down?
  79. > There could be cave monsters roaming around down here
  80. > I felt my heart in my throat.
  82. > I kept my light shining as we walked
  83. > The waves beat against my legs.
  84. > I turned my sights to the ground where I started to spot some very old paintings
  85. > Pieces displaying conquest, war, and sacrifice floated along the water, bobbing in the waves
  86. > The deeper we travled across the cave the more paintings came floating towards us
  88. > Many were ancient pieces.
  89. > Portraits of Tia and I when Eqestria was a quarter of the size it is today.
  90. > During the very early years of Equestria we had commissioned thousands of paintings
  91. > We had paintings for everything!
  92. > Portraits of our triumphs, Paintings depicting our ideal morals and pony centric history
  93. > Much of it was propaganda.
  94. > The most famous pieces at the time were of us raising the Equestria flag atop Canterlot mountain after “defeating a dragon”
  95. > Or us Crossing the Delamare river and discovering the Everfree forest (After Tia slaughtered all the Zebras which lived there.)
  96. > Mass murder was a far too common land-grabbing strategy and I stayed neutral to those actions
  97. > If a couple small villages of creatures had to fall for the expansion of our empire then so be it
  98. > I just didn’t want to be the would wielding the sword when the those decisions came to pass
  100. > As I watched the paintings roll by I could start to see why were left in the basement
  101. > Everything about these pictures was so corny!
  102. > Our fashions were incredibly outdated, even by the standards of the time.
  103. > Large top hats, green vests with golden buttons, black suit pants….
  104. > What were we thinking?
  105. > It makes me physically wince with embarrassment remembering how many hours we spent constructing a fashion that we hoped would become the standard attire of our newly founded Equestria.
  106. > It's hard to believe that we were only five hundred years old when we inherited Equestria! >Which at the time was no bigger than Manehatten island.
  107. > We were like fillies in a candy shop
  108. > Ruling with no formal training, education or regard.
  109. > All we had was Starswirl's guidance….Until he disappeared
  110. > But in his final testament he bestowed the fate of Equestria onto us and we couldn't be happier.
  112. > In those early years, the races were still in conflict and had difficulty using their talents to help each other.
  113. > Internal conflict, hunger, and diseases were rampant
  114. > And despite the death looming over our infant kingdom, Tia and I spent our first week as supreme rulers of Equestria…Picking what we should wear for our portraits…
  115. > It makes me wonder…
  116. > Have we always been out of touch?
  118. > I mean, I've always felt out of touch, even before I spent a thousand years off-planet
  119. > The worst part about being out of touch in Tias Eqestria is that yo never know whats real.
  121. > My fondest memories are floating in a puddle of muck in a dank basement
  122. > And as much as I reminisce about these old sweaters and silly hats I can't say that we liked them ourselves
  123. > They were made of itchy wool and the hat would blow off our heads with the slightest breeze.
  124. > But they made for amazing paintings, and we wore them for every portrait for many years.
  125. > At the time, I hated posing for all these pictures
  126. > But looking back, they reminded me of the old and simpler times
  127. > Everything made sense back then
  128. > It was just Tia and I against the world
  130. > Equestria doesn't feel like home anymore.
  131. > We fought for every inch of this land and while I often detested Tia's methods she built Equestria more than anypony.
  132. > Back when we could only look forward, to a frontier that offered pony kind endless bounty.
  133. >And an amazing civilization had grown from our spoils.
  134. > Ponies became feared across the land
  135. > We had the best army, most immaculate architecture, and created the greatest works of art in all of history.
  137. > Now, the country is being destroyed from within
  138. > Starvation, distrust in the monarchy, and radical ideas plague our nation and it was all our fault
  139. > It was my fault for trying to supersede Tia, the only thing my attempted coup accomplished was aiding Tias mental downfall because she can't be trusted to run anything on her own without going some kinda crazy.
  140. > I worry about this new brand of insanity that Tia has adopted
  141. > Her instability used to be open.
  142. > Violent but predictable
  143. > Now, it feels like she could snap at any moment.
  144. > Her reasons for this dramatic change confuse me and I get the feeling she's hiding something from me
  145. > Like usual…
  146. > Regardless, it's clear that for better or worse we needed each other.
  150. > At the end of the hall was a door
  151. > A large padlock hung from the doorknob
  152. > Crystal began to shuffle through his saddle bag
  153. "What is this place?"
  154. > "This my princess, is the Post-Luna Banishment Collection."
  155. “What?”
  157. > “I’m sure Tia has told you all about it. You’ve been back for almost five years after all.”
  158. “Of course. Tia and I are very close.”
  159. > This was a bold-faced lie
  160. > Everything I know about the modern world I had either learned myself or had to pull answers like teeth from Tia's tightly sewn mouth.
  162. > He jiggled the key inside the lock but nothing seemed to happen
  163. > “Damn thing…” He muttered
  164. > The sound of a pony cackling echoed across the room
  165. > My body tensed and I spun around
  166. “What was that!?”
  168. > “Calm down princess.” Crystal replied sounding more annoyed than frightened “It’s only her.”
  169. > From the rubble appeared a figure.
  170. > I couldn’t make out the details, but as they walked into the light my heart sank
  171. > It was a mare with a frightening complexion
  172. > Her alabaster flesh peeling from her neck, and what lay beneath her skin were hard black shells
  173. > Her eyes were green and paling, surrounded by ashy, rotten meat which had hardened into stone.
  174. > She had long thin teeth, sharp like a piranha and resting over her bottom lip as she smiled
  175. > Atop her head was a filthy mat of hair
  176. > She looked like she had gone unwashed for a very long time.
  178. “Who are you?”
  179. > “Princess, meet Songbird Serenade. Equestria’s greatest popstar.” Crystal announced proudly
  180. > I had heard the name before, but only in passing
  181. > From what I gathered through conversation, she was the biggest pop star in Equestria a couple of years ago but her relevance had long died.
  182. > Her name will be occasionally brought up in passing, followed by questions regarding her disappearance.
  183. > An awkward silence, a couple of jokes and the conversation would move on to more pressing news or recent gossip
  184. > It doesn’t take a cultural trailblazer to realize that her career was in the death throws of its relevance.
  186. “What happened to you?”
  187. > She sighed and looked away sadly
  188. > “Changling Milk mishap.” Crystal stated “Back when we first started using the stuff we didn’t know the dangers…The batch we received was from a young broodling so the effects were only potent enough for one full transformation. When she attempted to transform back into her original form the potion was half measured, leaving her half changeling and half pony.”
  190. > Songbirds ears shot up like antennas “You’re still working to fix it right?” Songbird asked desperately
  191. > “Of course honey.”
  192. > “And I’m still the best pop star in Equestria right?”
  193. > There was much distress in her soft, trembling voice
  194. > “Of course you are honey, but let's not be rude. We have a very special guest.”
  195. > She smiled, flashing me the rows of nails sticking from her gums
  196. > She bowed her head and raised my hoof to her mouth and began kissing it
  197. > All I could think of were those nasty razors punctuating my flesh
  199. > “Crystal brings all kinds of ponies down here…But you really are a very special guest.”
  200. > “Thanks…”
  201. > I didn’t like this pony touching me
  202. > She was unnatural and filthy
  204. > “Crystal is such a good stallion, he really is.” She said between sloppy kisses
  205. “That's nice…”
  206. > “He’s the one who made me a star you know? And when he finds a cure I’ll be able to show my face in public and make music again! I would love to have you in attendance for my first show!”
  207. > “Songbird.” Crystal said clapping his hooves “Stop bothering the princess and open this door.” He sighed
  208. > “Yes sir!”
  209. > She jammed the sharp edge of her rotten hoof into the lock and dug out some rust
  211. > “It seems to have gotten a little rusty. You haven’t come down here in a very long time.”
  212. > “I’m a very busy pony.” He replied sharply “And your constant begging isn’t doing you any favours.”
  213. > “Yes sir, sorry sir.” She noddded
  215. > She pushed open the door and lit some candles as she entered
  216. > In the center of the room was a white fold out table made of plastic with three chairs of the same fashion tucked into it.
  217. > The walls were covered in crude drawings similar to the one I saw upstairs
  218. > The drawings were simple but somehow permeated so much sadness
  219. > I don’t know why.
  220. > Every drawing shouted loneliness, almost like they had been cursed to carry this energy
  222. > “Oh! Crystal!” Songbird moaned
  223. > I turned and saw Songbird sitting atop the table.
  224. > Between her spread legs Crystal sat tugging at her breasts and collecting her milk into a jar
  225. > Her legs trembling as she bit her lip
  226. > Blood ran down her chin, but she didn’t seem to notice/care
  227. > “Oh….That feels so good.” She hummed
  229. > “You shouldn’t be enjoying this.” Crystal warned “You’re sick. There is nothing positive about any of this.”
  230. > “Sorry sir…”
  231. > He milked her until the jar was full of her green fluid then placed it to the side
  232. > He began to get up but Songbird pulled him back to the floor
  233. > “Honey…I…It’s been so long…I kinda wanna..”
  235. > He smiled and leaned close to her face and gently placed his hoof over her cheek
  236. > “You know I love you, honey.”
  237. > He spoke with a buttery tone
  238. > It was sickening
  240. > A small smile grew across the deformed ponies face
  241. > “But the time between just us is sadly gone.”
  242. > He stood up and began barking orders to her
  243. > “Now clean this place! I’ll be back in a moment.”
  244. > He made his way out the door, but before he left he spun himself back towards us
  245. > In the doorway he pointed to me
  246. > “What's the princess's favorite wine?”
  247. “Red. The darker the better.”
  248. > He exited the room and I approached Songbird who was hard at work cleaning the room
  250. “So you’re Songbird Serenade?”
  251. > “The one and only!” She chuckled
  252. > I can’t say I knew much about her.
  253. > Oh no…
  254. > I hope she doesn’t ask me about her music…
  256. “How long have you lived down here?”
  257. > “I’m not sure…Crystal says about a year, but it’s felt like three.”
  258. “You’ve been down here for that long?”
  259. > “Yeah, I can’t show my face up there anymore on account of the accident. Crystal has been working hard to fix this curse, but he said he was having a hard time. He used to pick up samples from me every week, but now I’m lucky if I see him once every couple of months.”
  260. “I see.”
  261. > Honestly, I didn’t expect any better from a pony like him
  262. > “He used to visit me often. We would make love and talk for hours…But for some reason, he grew distant very quickly and would only come down to unload his stress onto me. He would leave just as quickly as he came.”
  263. > Songbird started to laugh “If you know what I mean.”
  264. > She nudged my leg with her elbow
  267. “And now?”
  268. > “Now? Well…He actually comes down even less than before. Unless he’s with some hot new popstar or actress he plans on bedding. But I know in my heart he’s trying.”
  269. > I felt my heart sink
  271. “You really trust him don’t you?” I sighed
  272. > “Of course! He and I are so close.”
  273. > She grabbed my hoof, looked up at me and smiled
  274. > “Mr. Crystal is a very important pony. The first time she bedded Celestia was in this room. Cadence as well. This was before she got married of course. Her knowledge of sex was extensive and the way she carried herself was so strange.”
  275. “Trust me, she’s still a mess. Except now, her lust is reserved for the bottle, the pill, or whatever her fumbling hooves can manage to get a hold of and shove down her rotten throat, or sniff up that bloody nose. She’s an undisciplined little whore.”
  276. > “You don’t like Princess Cadance?” She asked sadly
  277. “I don’t like babysitting princesses. My hooves are already full with Celestia, I don’t need some eternal slut with a teenager mentality tied to my hip."
  279. > “Oh…I see.”
  280. “You sound concerned? Speak!” I ordered
  281. > My voice bounced off the walls creating a booming echo
  282. > Songbirds hoof shot into her chest as she craned her neck backwards
  283. > This may not be a good time to slip into my royal tone
  285. > “I don’t know if I should tell you…What happens down here is supposed to be a secret.”
  286. “Crystals rules don't apply when speaking to me. I’m a princess and you are obligated as my subject to tell no lies and keep no secrets.”
  287. > “Well…Whenever Celestia came down here, she never said anything bad about Cadance…Or you…Or anypony for that matter.”
  288. “You both must be sharing a fool's mask if you expect me to believe either of you."
  289. > “With all due respect princess, I know what I saw. And Celestia never spoke of Cadance in that way.”
  290. “Why are you telling me this? What sort of information do you hope to gain from me?"
  291. > “Well…I haven’t been above ground for years and I’m dying to know what's happening up there. Pease Luna, tell me the truth, what's Equestria like? Is it still the same as when I left?"
  293. > I sighed
  294. > I was debating with myself if I should tell her the truth
  295. > It’s such a long story
  296. > *sigh*
  298. “The world is a confusing place. Many ponies have adopted a disdain for our dynasty and would love nothing more than to see us dethroned. By whom? I can’t say. But they’re stirring a pot of chaos, and I expect Discord to usurp us in the coming years if we continue down this road. Then we have the new age princesses. Cadence, who I despise for promoting degeneracy, and Twilight, a smart mare but ultimately gutless and wouldn’t blink without Tia's permission. Tia has always known how to pick them…”
  299. > “That sounds awful princess.”
  300. “It's been our history since the beginning…And in some ways, nothing has changed…We have always been the most hated ponies in Equestria…The only difference today is ponies don’t fear us like they used to.”
  302. > She nuzzled her cheek on my leg
  303. > “And am I still the biggest popstar in Equestria?” She asked, staring at me with wide glowing, green eyes.
  304. > She had the face of death
  305. > The ashy holes across her face cut deep and ran dry
  306. > Even in this damp basement her body appeared so frail
  307. > She looked like she could crumble into a pile of dust with the flick of a hoof
  309. > “Yes, everypony misses you.”
  310. > She smiled and wrapped her hooves around my leg, hugging it tightly and swinging back and forth
  311. > “You were always my favorite princess! Even as a filly!”
  312. > I didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth…
  314. > Crystal entered the room with three wine glasses and a bottle of red under his leg
  315. > He poured us all a glass and we sat at the table.
  316. > “So princess, how about we put Songbird to work? She’s great at setting the mood.”
  317. > Before I could respond, he began clapping his hooves
  318. > “Songbird, get under there and do your job.” He said pointing to the table
  321. > Songbird nodded and scuttled under the table without hesitation
  322. > Once below, she began pulling at the ends of my dress.
  323. > Her head rummaged beneath my skirt as her hooves pawed at my legs and pushed them apart.
  324. “Oh! This isn’t necessary, really! Please come back and enjoy your wine.” I urged
  325. > She didn’t stop.
  326. > I could feel her tearing into my underwear with her teeth
  327. “Crystal! I demand you to…”
  328. > Her tongue pressed into my vaginal lips
  329. > And slowly, she ran her unusually long tongue up my crotch
  330. > A warm sensation charged down my spine and a calmness overcame me as she dragged her tongue along my lips.
  331. > Lapping my pussy like a dog
  332. > I could tell that she was enthusiastic and well-practiced at this sort of thing
  333. > Crystal started to laugh “Don’t worry Princess She loves this sort of thing. Do you think an innocent pony would use Changeling milk? For the love of Tartarus! I would argue that she’s just as shameless as a princess.”
  334. > “I’m not bad!” Songbird giggled from beneath the table, not removing her tongue from my lips
  335. > Crystal lifted his leg harshly, causing the table to jump
  336. > Suddenly, Songbird's snout was lodged deep into my pussy
  337. > “Serve the princess and stop talking!” Crystal snarled
  339. > Her nose remained planted between my legs and she didn’t reply
  340. > All she could do was nod, which was pointless since neither of us could see her
  341. > But it certainly felt it
  342. > Because I could feel everything
  343. > Every breath, every flinch and every instance that Matty mane atop her little head brushed against my belly
  344. > I don’t think Crystal was letting her move because the licking had stopped and all I could feel was her humid breath heating my pussy and the spittle running down my thigh as her spit slovenly slobbered down her lips.
  345. > She was pinned.
  346. > With her face stuffed in my crotch and Crystal's leg pressing into her rump
  347. > “As I was saying.” Crystal continued “This little slut is no better than you, Celestia or the other two glorified degenerates in your company."
  349. “You better watch what you say.” I warned
  350. > My threat was met with laughter
  351. > Causing the fire in my belly to rise
  352. > “Oh, come on Princess! The scandals, lies, public and private displays of indecency. And on your sister's side, a long and gruesome history of senseless killing, genocide, and sociopathy.”
  353. “She’s changed.” I argued, slamming my hoof on the table
  354. > “Has she? Or is she just better at hiding her twisted behavior?”
  355. > I fell back in my seat and watched as he took a sip of his drink, locking his eyes onto me with his smug expression
  357. > Somehow, he could see through Celestia's vail just as easily as I had
  358. > Out of respect for honesty, I folded
  359. “I don’t know. I would like to believe she’s changed but I know her too well. Tia's….The problem with Tia is.."
  360. > He peaked his eyebrow, hanging every word
  361. "I know Tia better than anypony, and…"
  362. > “You think that she’s lying to you? Don't you?"
  364. > I stopped midsentence and felt crushed
  365. > Was it that obvious I was being taken for a fool?
  366. > Crystal began playfully rolling his hoof along the edge of his wine glass, looking snider than ever.
  367. "I mean, this charade is all well and good but outside of the cities, ponies are starving. And you…Well…You’re just sitting on your hooves pretending like nothings happening like you always have.”
  368. “Quiet.” I warned
  369. > He placed his glass on the table and sighed
  370. > “I know that you don’t think much of me, princess. You aren't supposed to like me. Because of all your servants, public officials, and alphabet soup organizations I’m the only pony in your entire regime authorized to pry into your sick lives and expose you for what you really are."
  371. “And you use that power to perpetuate you’re own sick fetishes. I think you're twisted in your own web of lies. You're a bloodsucker on the coattails of greater ponies, nothing more nothing less."
  372. > A smug smile crept across his face
  373. > “You’re a clever one Luna. I'm tempted to assume that you're either the most intelligent princess or the most degenerate. I wouldn't know, of course. You stay locked away in that tower of yours and I can’t rightly blame you. The light of day burns and we’re all naked in the light. A pony like you would be a match in the sun.”
  374. “You think I'm a degenerate like you? That's rich coming from a pony who takes creepy photos of ponies and is keeping a popstar in a basement.”
  375. > Crystal leaned closer forcing Songbirds face to press harder into my crotch
  376. > Her hot breath quicken and she began to squeal
  377. > “You're so naive princess, you clearly don't know who you're talking to. When you look into my eyes I expect you to fear me."
  379. > His tone was deep
  380. > He was trying to threaten me, but couldn't help myself and began to chuckle
  381. > Did this pony really think he could intimidate me?
  382. "You want to know what I see? I see a princess, a pop star, and a professional pervert. Three pussies getting wet in a pit of painted propaganda promulgated by yours truly. But it appears to me that only two of us are swimming in this sea of lies…The other? Well, they're kicking and screaming as they sink. Because without the other two, they would drown. And I’m pressed to ask who would be left to carry their waterlogged carcass through the poison if they decided to cut their life cord?"
  383. > "Ummm…Well Princesse I…"
  384. "The worst part is, even as I stare into their beady little eyes they think I'm talking about another. I see right through you. I'm in your dreams and you walk along the walls of my kingsom. I knew everything centuries before your pathetic little paper rolled out its first print. So don’t think you’re special, you’re a weed in my garden and I will cut you down."
  386. > He looked stunned
  387. > I arched my neck until our snouts met and adorned a deathly serious tone
  388. “I play these games with my sister all time and I haven’t lost once. What's say that? Mr. Witty Writer?"
  390. > He stared at me with shock and defeat in his eyes
  391. > He thought for a moment then smiled
  392. > “Such venom princess. I really need to find something to shut that mouth of yours.”
  393. > I leaned back into my seat and swung my leg around the head of my chair
  394. “Please because your empty words contain no sustenance and dying to start this feast."
  395. > I spawned an eclair above my head
  396. > To tease him, I suspended it above his head and slowly twirled it
  397. > He looked nervous and I was enjoying watching his apprehension
  398. > I could tell he wanted to grab it but his fear of what I might do stopped him from committing to any action.
  399. “Nervous?” I teased “Don't worry, I always play with my food before eating it. Now go on, take it.”
  400. > He reached out and grabbed the eclair and held it for a moment, staring down at it like it was an amulet of ultimate power.
  401. > “Princess, you’re making a stallion's dream come true tonight.”
  402. “What can I say? It's my job.” I laughed
  403. > I opened my mouth and he slowly shoved the eclair down my throat
  404. > I took a large bite and ripped the dessert in two and began to chew
  406. > Beneath the table, Songbird was breathing heavily and flailing her legs against my thighs
  407. > Crystal rolled his eyes, he leaned backwards and I felt Songbirds spit peeling off my vagina as she pulled her face from between my legs
  408. > She sprung upwards, causing the table to flip into the air and fall to its side
  409. > Wine flew into the air and the glasses smashed when they met the floor
  410. > She inhaled deeply with her hooves over her heart
  411. > “Oh my gosh! I felt like I was gonna pass out down there!"
  413. > Her sweaty mane was matted over her eyes
  414. > Her snout, dripping with fluids, peeking through her blonde braids.
  415. > Her mouth was wide as she gasped for air
  416. > With her eyes covered like they were, you wouldn’t have guessed that she was severely deformed from the nose up
  417. > Across from me, Crystal's eyes were locked between my legs which were covered in spit and vaginal juices
  418. > “What a scrumptious-looking honey pot you have.”
  419. “Do you say that to every princess?” I scoffed
  420. > “Certainly not! Compared to the last princess I bedded, it’s perfect.”
  421. “Let me guess, Cadence?” I asked, rolling my eyes
  422. > He nodded in agreement
  423. > “I don’t know how that poor fool Shinning Armour gets the nerve to thrust himself between those sickly meat curtains every night. I would fix myself to a flagpole if I knew my wife had slept with as many ponies as she has.”
  424. > I rolled my eyes
  425. “Celestia adopted her from some peasant village out west. She was a whore as a service class philistine and when she became a princess she remained a philistine whore. Plucking ponies out of the general population and “Tiaifying them” As she like to call it has always been one of her most disgusting practices. Cadence and Twilight are just the latest useful idiots under her thumb.”
  426. > "I think her position is fitting, Princesses are sluts afterall. Cadance makes for a great mascot for your type." He teasedd
  427. > I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me
  428. > Unfortunately, it was working
  429. "I think a fitting position for you would be strapped beneath the blade of a guillotine."
  431. > Oh my gosh
  432. > I was starting to sound like Tia…
  434. > “Enough about Cadance. She's old news. A washed-up floozy princess turned dedicated drunk and pharmaceutical friend. I'm sick of writing about her downward spiral. She’s too shameless to humiliate.”
  435. > At least we agreed on something
  436. > “Princess, If I had your blessing I would fill the pages of my magazine with your face."
  437. “Littered with sweet nothings, I presume?” I asked sarcastically
  438. > He shoved the eclair into my mouth again and stood over me
  439. > “I would write about you like you're the only princess in Equestria. Just like you always wanted."
  441. > I swallowed the dessert and my belly started rumbling
  442. > He pulled his chair close and embraced me tightly in his hooves
  443. > Somehow, Songbird got had gotten caught in his grasp and was tangled between the two of us as we held each other in a violent hug and swapped spit
  444. > “Umm…Guys…I’m kinda in the middle here…Do you want me to…”
  445. > Crystal removed his lips for but a second to moan
  446. > “Shut up, Songbird.”
  448. > He grabbed her hoof and placed it on his penis
  449. > “Oh!…Ummm…Okay…”
  450. > She began slowly stroking his penis, adorning the most awkward and uncomfortable expression
  451. “So.” I began between kisses “You want me to be the next Twilight I assume? Another mare to jab your pen into and watch bleed for the public spectacle?”
  453. > “Princess no!” He laughed
  454. > “That honor is reserved for Twilight. Her magazines sell better than anypony, and unlike you she hates how much she let herself go. She’s a stress eater by nature, and the more I write the more she eats.”
  455. “So what does that make her? Your cash cow?” I quipped
  456. > “No…She is my lamb. And I fatten her up for slaughter on the cover of the Equestrian Enquiry every morning.”
  457. "You're sick." I spat before leaning into him and punching my tongue into his cheeks.
  458. > We made out for a quick moment before he pulled away
  459. > "I'm sick? Tell me, princess? How many ponies have you helped get off in those wet dreams? In my mind, you slept with every single one of them. Do you want to know why I think that?"
  462. > I felt his hooves run up my stomach, occasionally squeezing and pulling at my fat
  463. > "Because you're a fat and disgusting pony who can only do things in excess." he moaned
  464. > He pressed his hooves into my stomach and I could feel my insides rumbling
  465. > “I want to be inside you.” He moaned “I want to feel that fat princess pussy around my cock.”
  466. > I smiled.
  467. "Never have I met such a despicable little pony in all my years. Considered this rut an act of charity. From the princess to her most pathetic subject."
  468. > My grip loosened as I slowly dropped myself to the floor and spread my back legs apart
  469. > The fat of my belly hung between my legs, brushing against my sticky hole
  470. > “Songbird! Prepare my penis.” Crystal shouted with confidence
  472. > “Does that mean you want me to suck it? Or like…?”
  473. > “Yes suck it!” Crystal snapped
  474. > Songbird fell to her hooves and shoved his entire penis in her mouth in one large motion
  475. > “Now take it easy. Don't suck too hard, I don’t want to rush this.” Crystal explained
  476. > Songbird nodded and Crystal rested his hooves over her face to spare himself from the sight of her ghastly condition.
  478. > I didn’t like watching hi treat her like this, but I wasn’t one to tell him what to do
  479. > She probably liked it, and even if I defended her she wouldn’t take my side despite being in her best interests.
  481. > “I assume you’re the bottom between you and your sister?”
  482. > I hated how he knew about the intimate details of our romance
  483. "That's none of your business." I said producing another eclair above my head
  484. > "I think it's everponys business. The public needs to know who's really in control of Equestria."
  485. > "Why must you bring Tia into this?" I sighed
  486. > "It's simply morbid curiosity. You seem very short when discussing her, I assume theirs a reason?"
  488. "It’s a long story, and to put it short, I hated what she was and fear what she’s become. All her life she's been on a leash. I find myself looking back to when we were fillies under Starswirls watch…He was a wise pony and before his disappearance, he warned me of what could happen if I didn’t keep her in line. Now, after a thousand years of absence, I feel foreign in a land created by Celestias unchecked mind.
  489. Whatever she's done to Equestria is a sin. Before my banishment, I knew what was real, when she was lying, how ponies felt! And you and your magazine don't help anypony. You've tricked ponies into believing lies about all of us."
  492. > “Don’t blame me for your failing state. The honest truth is, your subjects are losing faith in princesses. And a quick tour of your history gives enough reason why."
  493. > He pointed to a picture of Celestia with a blade to a frightened stallion's neck
  494. > Beads of red wine splattered across Tias white coat
  495. > I hadn’t noticed this piece until now
  496. > It made my stomach churn in the most unpleasant way.
  498. "When was this?" I gasped
  499. > "After your banishment, Celestia did what Celestia does when she feels alone and unloved. Out of envy, she attempted to cull Equestria of stallions. To achieve this goal she ordered daily sacrifices. Her excuse for these sacrifices was that the sun needed blood magic to be raised. Half of the stallion population was executed in less than ten years to appease her and Equestria never recovered in terms of population or culture…Many ponies still engage in this stallion sacrifice to this day. Tell my princess, how many stallions do you see walking the streets? Not many I assume, theres reason for that.”
  501. > I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. But it explained so much.
  502. “Thats not true. It can’t be!”
  503. > “Secrets among sisters,Traitors sharing a throne, lies between lovers….” He sang
  504. “What do you know of this!” I ordered, slipping into my royal tone
  505. > Crystal smiled, we was getting a kick watching my writhe under his suspense
  506. > “Celestia stopped recording all history shorty after you were banished. It created a five hundred year dark age where the only ponies who kept a record of these challenging years were renegades, artist, writers and my great grandfather, who was the only pony to keep his life after and wrote a tell all about your sisters disturbing habits. Talk about playing with your food princess.”
  508. > This was too much to handle right now
  509. > Tia had her issues, but I never imagined she would be capable of killing half the pony population because she was lonely
  510. > The worst part was she was letting it continue under my nose
  511. > Sacrifices? In modern Equestria?
  512. > What else was she not telling me?
  514. > Crystal shoved Songbird to the side, and his penis popped out of her mouth
  515. > drool and cum dripped from her bottom lip.
  516. > She promptly wiped the muck onto her leg and stuck out her tongue in disgust.
  517. > “Blech!”
  518. > It took her a moment to notice the impatience growing on Crystals face above her.
  519. > When their eyes finally met she began to trip over her words in nervousness
  520. > "Did you not like it? I thought I was doing a good job…I just didn't know how you wanted me to do it so I just kinda…"
  521. > "Songbird. You speak too much. Get between the princess's legs and pleasure her."
  522. > She was starting to look annoyed
  523. > "You know, my mouth is good for more than pleasuring you and your girlfriends. You seem to forget that I'm one of the greatest singers in all of Equestria." Songbird replied in unusual defiance
  524. > "Your mouth will do what I tell it to." Crystal said bluntly
  525. > "You want to be cured don’t you?”
  526. > Songbird grabbed onto Crystals chest
  527. > “Yes!” She cried “I can’t take this life anymore! I’m growing pale, my eyes have grown accustomed to the darkness. Light hurts my eyes and it seems like all I do is sit in this basement and wait for you! And When you do come to see me, you’re always accompanied by some new famous pony that I’ve never heard of and you expect me to either eat them out or suck them off.”
  528. > “Songbird, I need you to listen to me.”
  529. > Crystals voice had softed
  530. > “I need you to do this because this is how you make friends in high places. I need money to continue my research, and who better to provide funding than the princesses? Please be patient honey.”
  532. > Apparently, that was all she needed to hear because she crouched low and slinked her head beneath my dress and began prodding her tongue between my vaginal lips.
  533. > After lapping my vagina for a moment her tongue trailed downwards towards my anus
  534. > She slithered her tongue around the edges of my hole
  535. > I felt pins and needles as my clitoris pounded between my lips like a heartbeat,
  536. > The syrupy cum soon followed and poured down my vulva
  537. > Songbird retreated her tongue from inside me and lapped my vaginal discharge before shoving her tongue deeper into my anus than she had before.
  538. > By using my cum as lubricant, she was able to punch further into my cavity and I felt her lipps begin to kiss my cheeks
  539. > I continued to cum as her tongue squirmed along the wall of my anus
  540. > Her long, slimy muscle massaged my inside passionately
  541. > She was giving her all and was surprisingly very good at this
  543. > Crystal grabbed the eclair then stuffed it in my face
  544. > Slowly, he began to lean forward, pushing the phallic pastry down my throat
  545. > "This is what power is all about Princess. I can see why you’re all so mad."
  546. "Oh, be quiet." I grumbled
  548. > "You don’t think I have power?”
  549. “Ha! Prove to me you possess this power you keep bragging about. You have nothing to threaten me with.”
  550. > He looked up and thought for a moment
  551. > “Well….I could give you an article in my magazine?”
  552. > I swallowed my food with a large gulp and my stomach rumbled, pleased with the heavy cream filled delight.
  553. > "I don't need your magazine. I'm a princess."
  555. > "Celestia seems to disagree. Ponies trust my publishing more than they do your government newspapers."
  556. > That's a scary thought
  557. > "Well princess. What will it be?"
  559. > My mind began to race.
  560. > One article
  561. > What is one thing that I want ponies to know?
  562. > I bit down on the desert
  563. "Well…" I began with my mouth swollen with cream and dough
  564. "This morning I had this amazing cock, it was so good that I still can’t stop thinking about it. It was so juicy it was orgasmic."
  566. > "Where are you going with this princess?"
  567. "I think that if eveypony had the right to raise their cocks for the purposes of feeding ponies we could solve the hunger crises.”
  568. > “With…Cocks?”
  569. “I know it sounds a little farfetched, but ponies need to eat something? Why not cock? Walk down the street of any town or city and you’re bound to bump into one. I say don’t be so prudish! Pick it up and shove it in yor mouth!”
  571. > He walked towards me and began wiping his sticky, spit covered penis across my cheek.
  572. "I want to write an article about eating cock."
  573. > Crystal smiled
  574. > “Well, I got one right here you can eat.”
  576. "Is all you can think of is sex and degeneracy? I’m talking about saving Equestria and all your mind is stuck on your phallus.”
  577. > I began to think
  578. > The more I thought the more I liked this idea
  579. > "We'll call the article: “Let them eat cock! Modern Solutions To Modern Problems."
  580. > He began to laugh, then stuck his penis inside my food-stuffed mouth and thrusted
  582. > Cream was being pushed from my gums and it foamed around my lips
  583. > As it dripped onto my belly I attempt to catch with my hooves
  584. > My tummy didn’t appreciate the teasing and began to howl
  585. > The familiar waves of frustration were hitting me like a runaway freight train
  586. > Food. I need food. I thought
  587. > “Princess, you know it’s not proper to waste.” Crystal chuckled
  588. > He pulled his penis from my mouth and stood over me with satisfaction
  589. > Food chunks held together by a thick layer of spit were caked along his penis which was dripping pre-ejaculate onto my dress
  591. > He grabbed at the laces along the front and tore them apart
  592. > My gut popped from my garb and I felt the pressure subside, replaced by a soothing relief
  593. > Under my skirt Songbird continued to tongue my ass, flicking it along the walls of my cavity
  594. > I began to squirm as the sensation had gone from pleasure to discomfort quicker than expected
  596. > “Do you want to see my power princess?” He challenged
  597. > He grabbed Songbirds leg and dragged her out from under my dress
  598. > Her snout was covered in cum and her tongue rested flaccid over her bottom lip
  599. > She took one look at Crystals penis then winced
  600. > Slamming her hoof over her mouth like she was about to vomit
  601. > “Don’t be so dramatic!” Crystal said “Get over here.”
  603. > Songbird pulled herself up only to collapse at Crystals hooves
  604. > Crystal grabbed a chair and sat upright, spreading his legs
  605. > His cock stood tall, twitching and covered in cum, spit and soggy chunks of half chewed food
  606. > All along his penis where streaks of cream filling
  607. > He spit into his hoof and began stroking himself
  608. > “Crystal…Please…I don’t want to.”
  610. > Crystal looked over at me and smiled
  611. > Songbird stared at me as well
  612. > She was leaning over Crystals leg looking exhausted
  613. > Her face was painted with fluids which were dripping down her face
  614. > “Now. Songbird is going to suck my cock..And you’re going to watch. Is that okay with you, princess?”
  616. > "I…I…Guess that's fine?"
  617. > Songbirds eyes widened in fear and she began shaking her head disagreeably
  618. > "You heard the princess. This is all fine by her.”
  619. > He grabbed her head and forced his penis down her throat
  621. > Her head bobbed up and down as she choked
  622. > Cum and food ran down her as tears streamed down her face
  623. > “Princess.” Crystal sang
  624. > “Do you approve of this?”
  625. > I looked back at Songbird, cum and snot bubbling from her snout
  626. “No! I…I don’t think this is proper at all!”
  628. > “Do you want me to stop?”
  629. “Y..Yes! Stop!”
  630. > Songbird started to cough and pale ooze ran down her chin
  631. > He looked me dead in the eye and grinned
  632. > “You know what princess…I don’t think I will.”
  633. > I was growing furious
  634. “If you don’t stop…I’ll..I’ll strike you down!”
  635. > “Okay Princess, strike me down.”
  637. > I raised my head and felt the magic charging in my horn
  638. > “But what would Celestia say if you did such a thing? The two of us have a very long history. A transgression like that could land you in some very big trouble…”
  639. > I lowered my horn
  640. > He was right.
  641. > Curse these eggshells I’m forced to grovel along
  643. > All I could do is watch as Crystal had his way
  644. > When he finally finished Songbird fell to the ground and began coughing violently
  645. > I averted my eyes when she began to vomit
  647. > I felt a hoof plant itself over my shoulder
  648. > When I looked it was Crystal, smiling devilishly
  649. > “And that princess is power.”
  650. > I closed my eyes and twisted my neck up towards the ceiling
  651. > Songbirds choking was making me feel queasy
  652. > “You really think you’re better than the rest of them don’t you? Cadance would’ve stopped me, and Celestia would have had my head for such a vile act.”
  653. “You’re an awful pony.”
  654. > My voice trembled
  656. > “Then you should have no problem letting me do what I want.”
  657. > He pet me on the back as he left
  658. > Songbird laid in the puddle of her own bile looking beyond defeated
  659. > “Songbird?” I peeped
  660. > “Why did you let him do that?”
  661. “I..I..”
  662. > "Why didn't you stop him?" She cried
  663. "Songbird, I just froze. I didn't mean to!”
  664. > "Celestia would never let him treat me like that…I thought that out of all the princesses you cared about other ponies the most."
  665. “I do care! It was just…Well you heard what he was going to do! My hooves were tied!”
  666. > “I hate you Luna…You’re the worst princess ever.” She sniffled “You think that your innocent but you’re not. You say you hate how Celestia acts but never try to stop her.”
  667. “I…I didn’t mean to! Let me help you."
  668. > “You’re just like the rest of them!” She hissed
  669. > I looked up and away
  670. > I was disgusted with myself
  671. > The portrait of Tia stared down at me and I was reminded of all the times I watched as she ravaged the landscape
  672. > Simple times for a pony who locked herself away from the world and prospered on the backs of others.
  674. > I had spent a thousand years watching Equestria from above, and three thousand more by Tias side as she raped the lands.
  675. > Vicariously, I shared in her spoils. Pragmatically, I helped her achieve her goals. And cowardly, I walked down the ashen paths of her destruction.
  676. > She is the pony I fear the most, and only out of envy and selfishness had I ever confronted her
  677. > We aren’t princesses
  678. > We’re monsters in crowns
  679. > I don’t love Tia…I fear her.
  680. > As the weakest princess should.
  681. > My stomach and heart are empty
  682. > Which will I allow to destroy Equestria first?
  683. > Weakness is my legacy
  684. > But maybe it doesn’t have to be…

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy