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Four Purple Ponies Try To solve the Worlds Problems 2.2

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-03-17 22:26:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Night Glider:
  3. > I returned to Sugar Mountains
  4. > And was feeling worse than ever…
  5. > Starlights episode had frightened me and I couldn’t shake my unease
  6. > My head was on a swivel and my mind raced with her haunting words
  7. > I never took Starlight for a mentally sound pony.
  8. > She’s an eccentric mare.
  9. > Smarter than most, and faced her challenges boldly.
  10. > And when she knows what she wants nothing could stop her.
  11. > She was scary that way.
  13. > I just hope she doesn’t go through with whatever she’s planning.
  14. > I couldn’t stay in that cave for another minute.
  15. > She’s become far too unhinged, and I’m beginning to fear for my life being when I'm alone with her in that intoxicated state
  16. > My only hope is that she passes out from drinking and when she wakes up she realizes how crazy she was being.
  18. > As I walked up the stairs, my backside was beginning to sag
  19. > The long walk was brutal but dragging these things upstairs was crushing
  20. > These breasts only seemed to get heavier as time went on.
  21. > My legs trembled as I pulled myself up the final steps.
  22. > Twilight and Amy better be up here or I’m gonna flip.
  24. > When I arrived back in town, I stopped by the brothel looking for Amy. I was a little disappointed to learn that she had left my high and dry.
  25. > After carrying these giant tits across town I I was a little angry
  26. > I don’t know her well, but she seems like a selfish mare
  28. > Luckily, I stalked Twilight like a reporter and knew the hotel she stayed at every time she visited Sugar Mountains
  29. > So I dragged myself across town yet again.
  30. > It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't carrying all this extra weight.
  31. > When I arrived at the hotel, I asked the pony who operated the hotel about Twilight.
  32. > She didn't seem to have any scruples providing me with the princesses room number
  33. > She called Twilight a bunch of names in Crystal Ponish as I walked up the stairs
  34. > I get the feeling that she doesn't like the princess very much…
  35. > I knocked on Twilights door and it slowly swung open
  37. > I was greeted by peeling wallpaper, mold and the most rancid oder which reminded me of spoiled milk.
  38. > Down the short hallway leading into the room I could hear sobbing and running water
  39. > When I entered, I saw Twilight. Who was laying on her bed which was sagging under her weight
  40. > She was bawling her eyes out as she shoved McHoofies hamburgers into her mouth
  41. > Her face was coated with a thick white and orange sauce
  42. > I watched as she bit into her sandwich
  43. > the orange syrup spewed from the meat and washed down her legs
  44. > A pool had formed around her joints which she had dug deep into the mattress
  46. > I always cringed when I saw ponies eating meat
  47. > It’s great for protein but a disgusting, unethical practice and very damaging to a ponies stomach
  48. > Ponies will eat anything when they're hungry.
  49. > She laid atop her impregnated belly stuffing her face with what was essentially grease, poor quality meat and sauce between two sad buns.
  51. > Twilight herself was a disgusting sight
  52. > Fatter than ever with her coat painted in various sauces, syrups and condiments.
  54. “What happened to you!?”
  55. > “I don’t know!…I went to the meeting…and the griffons and the food and…I don’t even know anymore!”
  56. > She broke down and starting bawling
  57. > Though, to her credit she never stopping eating
  58. > Her stomach sustained a high pitch squeak for a moment before suddenly changing pitch.
  59. > A loud, deep booming noise erupted from her gut that reminded me of a large bubble bursting in water
  60. > It was quick and filled the entire room
  61. > Twilight grabbed her stomach, looking pained
  62. > Her discomfort didn't stop her from stuffing herself.
  63. > “I just need to keep eating…Food is my friend and I’m the princess of friendship! The princess of foodship! Burgers, fries, deep fried doughnuts, meat….”
  64. > Her voice trailed off and suddenly all the food she listed appeared above her head and landed on the bed around her
  65. > She smiled and began rubbing her hooves together before devouring the food she had magically created
  66. > I was starting to feel a little guilty
  67. > I thought it would be funny unknowingly casting a fattening spell on Twilight
  68. > But this was just pathetic.
  70. > She raised a deep fried powdered doughnut to my face
  71. > “You want one?” She asked with her mouth full
  72. > I shoved the disgusting dessert away
  73. "Pull yourself together Twi! You're a wreck! Is this how a princess should behave?"
  74. > “Princess!? When Celestia finds out about what happened I’ll be lucky if she lets me stay a pony!”
  75. “Twilight…What are you talking about?"
  76. > She grabbed me by the cheeks and began yelling hysterically
  77. > “Celestia is gonna turn me into something unnatural and it's all my fault!”
  78. > I pushed her away
  79. > I had never seen a pony so panicked
  80. “Twilight, take a deep breath.”
  82. > She inhaled deeply and her throat began to squeal
  83. > That's definitely not healthy…
  84. > “Twilight, I have a bad feeling about whats happening in town, you gotta make an announcement. I think something really bad is going to happen”
  85. > Despite my pleas she wasn’t paying any attention
  87. > Instead, she was stacking her food into a large, disgusting sandwich
  88. > “Look Night Glider! It's a doughnut, french fry, ice cream, pork sandwich!”
  89. > I put my hoof to my mouth
  90. “Please tell me you’re not going to eat that.”
  91. > She looked back at her disgusting, leaking creation.
  92. > She placed her hoof under her chin
  93. “I think it needs more meat.”
  94. > Suddenly, chicken tenders came raining down atop her
  95. > “Perfect!” She cheered
  97. > She began shoving the tenders into the sandwich
  98. > She had such a stupid grin as she did this
  99. > It was almost like the spell was affecting her intelligence
  100. “Twilight, don’t you think it's weird that you can create food just by thinking about it?”
  101. > She paused for a moment
  102. > “At first I thought it was weird, but I’m not really complaining.”
  103. > She took a bite out of her sandwich, chocolate sauce exploded from the doughnuts she was using as buns.
  104. > Chocolate sauce and ice cream ran down her chin and dripped onto the bed
  105. “Just stop eating this magic food, you have no idea where it's coming from and it’s probably not healthy,
  106. > I’ve seen the effects of this potion first hoof
  107. > And if she doesn’t stop eating she might make herself unfixable
  108. > I needed Starlight's reversal spell
  109. > This has gone on long enough and I was feeling guilty.
  111. > “Night Glider! I need you to go to McHoofies and buy all their chicken, beef and pork products! You can butt everyone in line if you have to! this is a royal emergency!”
  112. > More with the meat
  113. > I’m beginning to think that the unnatural desire for flesh might be a symptom of the potion.
  114. “I’m not going anywhere, especially with these big tits!”
  116. > I turned to give her a view and her eyes became the size of saucers
  117. > “Wow! Your boobs are so big….” She began licking her lips
  118. > “Night Glider, give me a taste.”
  119. > I rolled my eyes
  120. > I wasn’t looking forward to this
  122. > I pulled myself onto the bed
  123. > Lifting my hunks of fat and milk onto the bed was a struggle but, eventually I was able to get on the bed
  124. > Twilights belly sounded angry and she began to pat it
  125. > You don’t think I’m fat do you?
  127. > I froze
  128. > Was this a real question?
  129. > I had never seen a picture of Twilight where she wasn’t at least a little chubby
  130. > The mare liked to eat, there was no doubt about that
  131. > But now she was borderline obese
  132. > Her belly was so distended she looked like she was pregnant
  134. > Her fur was a mess
  135. > Stained with all kinds of syrups, sweat and dirt
  136. > She desperately needed a deep cleaning, but I think she was beyond caring about how unkept she let herself become
  138. > “Night Glider…I think I may be getting a little pudgy…” She said poking at her inflamed belly
  139. > Starting to get pudgy?
  140. > I was starting to get nervous
  141. > Had everypony lost their mind?
  142. > Was I surrounded by crazy ponies?
  143. > My eyes drifted to the floor where I noticed Steam was gently floating through a crack in the washroom doorway
  144. > I pulled my nipple away from Twilight before she took a drink and made my way inside
  145. > I heard crying and a shower running
  146. “Amy?” I called
  147. > No reply
  148. > I pulled away the curtains back and there she was
  150. > Laying on her backside not wearing anything but her mask as the shower beat against her body
  151. “Hey Amy…How do you feel?”
  152. > “I…I…I’m pregnant with bugs!”
  153. > Oh for the love of fuck….
  154. > “They stuck a gross tentacle thing inside me and filled my womb with eggs.”
  155. > When I looked down at her stomach I noticed how much her belly was distended
  156. > Between her legs a green goo leaked from her swollen privates
  158. > I was struggling to find anything to say
  159. > What could I say?
  160. > “I’m ruined!” She cried
  161. “Amy…I….”
  162. > I was at a loss
  163. > Usually I have something to say that would cheer ponies up
  164. > But this was beyond revolting
  166. > Her pussy was stretched wide
  167. > It was so stretched that I could probably fit my entire hoof up her snatch and wouldn't even touch the walls of her insides
  168. > “It’s never going to get better…”
  169. > Her voice felt so cold and empty
  170. “How do you know that? mean…Our muscles down there and pretty…stretchy?”
  172. > Amy pointed towards the sink
  173. > “They gave me a brochure…I'm ruined.”
  174. > I turned towards the sink and grabbed the brochure.
  175. > It was titled “What to expect when you’re a pony expecting bug babies.”
  176. > The picture on the front was a simple pencil drawing of a mare surrounded by tentacles
  178. > I flipped through the pages and read a bit
  180. > “When a pony becomes impregnated by a changeling or other insect-like creature their body will go through many changes.”
  181. > “Your job as a brood-mare is to keep the eggs safe and warm until your expected delivery date. Be gentle.”
  182. > “Be sure to eat tons of protein! you’ll be expected to eat lots of food that may be “unnatural” to ponies. Meat is the preferred source of protein and your “pregnancy” is a good time to start your new meat diet. Your changeling younglings will be on an exclusive meat diet because feeding off love is illegal in Equestria. Their modified diet will be strictly carnivore.”
  184. > “Don’t worry about food processing issues, your gut will be accommodated by the juices secreted by the thin layer of plasma layering your baby's eggs. As your gut grows and changes you may develop strange new cravings."
  185. > I could see how reading this would put Amy into a panic
  186. > My skin was crawling just reading about this disgusting process.
  187. > I flipped to the back page of the pamphlet and read the closing statements
  189. > "Thank you for being open-minded and dating a changeling! We hope to change the stigma for ponies in a long term relationship with all pony sized insects. There are many hurtful myths surrounding pony oviposition. Some of the most egregious claims are that your body will become a permanent hive, or that your eyes will turn green and glow in the dark.
  190. These rumours hurt the changeling community and we hope you can teach ponies to be more accepting as you go through this exciting process! Best regards The Changeling Birthing Department (CBD)!”
  192. > I turned back at Amy
  193. > She looked more exhausted than anything
  194. > “I’ve tried so hard to eat right and avoid germs…And in the end…It was all a waste of time.”
  195. > She peeled the mask off her face and dropped it into the tub
  197. > I had never seen her full face before
  198. > She was a pretty, young mare and looked a couple years younger than me
  199. “So…What are you gonna do now?”
  200. > “I…I..” Amy closed her eyes and focused on her breathing for a moment
  201. > Her stomach began to growl and she pointed to the McHoofies box on the sink
  202. > "McHoofies." She groaned
  203. > I passed her the box
  205. > She opened the box and pulled out a chicken leg which dripped thick yellow grease onto her chest.
  206. "The only place in Equestria that sells pre cooked meat….." She sighed
  208. "I’m sure you can find a better source of meat than Mchoofies. My friend Ivy was going to be a researcher in college and dhe did an entire project on how apparently only extremely poor ponies eat McHoofies and that one McHoofies meal is equivalent to eating an entire container of lard."
  209. > Amy shoved her hooves over her eyes and wept loudly
  210. > "I was practically raised in McHoofies!"
  211. > whoops….
  212. "Oh! yeah…Well….The good thing is that you don't look fat at all!"
  213. > I was trying my hardest to do damage control
  215. > "That's because all the fat went into my tits!" She cried
  216. > Oh brother….
  217. > I glanced down towards her boobs
  218. > They were dense, veiny balls of fat
  219. > They looked so much heavier than mine
  220. "Well, how much McHoofies do you need to eat?"
  221. > "I need to eat my body weight of protein a day…Thankfully, Twilight can somehow make food out of thin air so I don’t have to leave the hotel to buy any.”
  223. “You aren’t eating any of that magic food are you?”
  224. > “Of course I have!" She cried
  225. > Great…
  226. > Now I have two cursed ponies on my hooves
  229. "What's up with Twilight anyways? What set her off like this?”
  230. > She wiped her nose
  231. > "Apparently the Griffons want to take Sugar mountains for themselves. Now she has to run in an "election"
  232. "What's an election?"
  233. > "It's a Griffin thing. They hold these elections and the population gets to vote on who they want to lead them."
  234. “And I assume that Twilight is going to run in this election?"
  235. > "Have you looked at her!? She's not running anywhere!"
  236. > For the love of Equestria…
  237. "Okay, you stay here and I'll talk to Twilight "
  238. > I returned to Twilight
  240. “Hey Twilight, how are you feeling? Do you have any idea about this election thing?"
  241. > “All I know is if I don’t win I’ll have lost Sugar Mountains and I don’t even want to think about what Celestia will do to me.”
  242. “Calm down Twi, think. You can do this! You’re much more popular than some griffon.”
  243. > “I….I know…But what if I’m not and I lose!”
  244. "You need to offer the ponies something they want. If it's a popularity contest just appeal to the majority of ponies and you're guaranteed to win!"
  246. > Amy entered the room completely naked and sat on the edge of the bed then began choking down the chicken from her McHoofies box
  247. > It was clear she abandoned her fear of germs
  249. > We heard a knock on the door
  250. > “Ummm….Hello?” A soft lisped voice called
  251. > Amy's ears peaked up
  252. > “Is this Princess Twilight's room?” the voice asked
  253. “Who is it?” I asked
  255. > The mare walked into the room and smiled
  256. > “Princess Twilight!” Th mare cheered
  257. > “Oh no…” Twilight sighed
  258. > “Mom!” Amy cried
  259. > “What are you doing here!”
  260. > “Oh!” The wonky eyed pony laughed “The hospital is like…Closed or something…All the nurses are at city hall hall holding signs and shouting….So I just got up and left!”
  262. > Amy looked horrified
  263. > “How did you find me! Why are you here!?”
  264. > “Well, I went home and saw that you weren’t there, your calendar said that you were going to Sugar Mountains and I thought I’d visit you! Is that McHoofies?”
  265. > Amy looked down at her hoof with the chicken wing
  266. > “Yeah, you want some?”
  267. > “Oh my gosh yes! They shut down the one at the hospital and it's been forever since I had any.”
  269. > As the mare entered her breasts trailed behind her
  270. > Her boobs were even bigger than Amy’s and unlike Amy she didn’t wear a bra, they just dragged behind her
  271. > She grabbed a chicken wing from the box and began to eat.
  272. > “You should get the ones with extra sauce next time! They’re so much better!”
  274. “Okay, let’s take a step back here…This is your mom?”
  275. > Amy nodded
  276. > “My name’s Muffins, but everyone calls me Derpy, what's your name?”
  277. “NighGlider…”
  278. > I couldn’t concentrate, my eyes were locked onto her breasts
  279. > They were just so big, I had never seen anything like them
  280. > She cleaned her chicken wing down to the bone then grabbed another
  281. > “Back when Amethyst was a filly she would eat twenty of these for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Have you ever see those posters? "A McHoffies family is a happy family?" Well, we were the happiest family ever!”
  283. > Derpy grabbed Amy and hugged her tightly
  284. > Amy swatted her away
  285. > “Mom! Germs! Remember? Did you wash your hooves?”
  286. > “I did this morning…” she replied sadly
  287. > “And you’re eating with your bare, unwashed hooves?”
  288. > Derpy looked confused
  290. > “I don’t see the big deal….”
  291. > “Of course you don’t." Amy sighed
  292. > "Listen, Twilight and I are doing very important work right now, you shouldn’t be here. Why don’t you go back home and rest, I’ll be back as soon as I can and we’ll find a nice new hospital for you.”
  294. > “But I don’t want to go to another hospital…”
  295. > Amy looked over at me and laughed awkwardly
  296. > “She’s loves it there…”
  297. > “No.” Derpy interrupted “I like being home.”
  298. > “Mom We’ve been through this a million times, I can’t…”
  300. > “Oh my gosh! Are those deep fried doughnuts!?” Derpy interrupted
  301. > She approached Twilight
  302. > “They sure are!” Twilight replied, “You want one?”
  303. > “Of course! They look sooooo good….”
  304. > Derpy grabbed a doughnut off the bed and before I could protest she began chowing down
  305. > “Wow Twilight! These are the best doughnuts I’ve ever had!”
  306. “Yeah, maybe you shouldn't eat anymore.” I suggested
  307. > “Why not? They’re delicious!”
  308. “Well…They’re very fatty and I don’t think that's a good look for a mare.”
  309. > Twilight shot me an evil eye
  310. “Except you princess, you look great!”
  311. > “So its true! I am fat!” She cried
  312. “No princess! You’re chubby! Stallions love a mare with a little chub!”
  313. >What kind of hole was I digging myself into now?
  314. > “I knew it! I’m fat!” Twilight said shoving doughnut into her mouth
  315. > I looked over at Amy who was forcing the McHoofies down her throat and wiping tears from her eyes, then over to Derpy who was….Just happy to be here I guess?
  316. > She was just smiling innocently as every pony around her was collectively losing their minds
  317. > She’s a hard pony to read with her lopsided eyes and scrunched up muzzle
  318. > But she looked content
  319. > I envy her…
  320. “So, what's the plan, Twilight?” I asked
  321. > “Cadance invited me to a party tonight, but I don’t think any of us are in a party mood anymore.”
  322. > “I think we should go, at least for a little while. I think it would be a great opportunity to ease your mind."
  324. > “Am I invited?” Derpy asked
  325. > I looked over to Amy was shaking vigorously and waving her hooves anxiously
  326. > EmShe was doing everything she could to say no without speaking
  327. “Of course you are Derpy.” I smiled
  328. > Amy smacked her hoof to her face and shook her head
  330. "How about we all get ready and I’ll meet you all back here in twenty minutes?”
  331. > “Where are you going?”
  332. > “I’m going to ummmm ….Look, just get Twilight cleaned up and we’ll leave when I get back.”
  333. > I had a great idea

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy