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Four Prple Ponies Try and Solve The Worlds Problems 2.4

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-03-25 23:51:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight:
  2. Sugar Mountains Hotel
  3. 5:15 PM
  4. Current weight: 519 lbs
  6. ===============================================================
  7. > Amy sat across from me sprawled along her bed
  8. > Her hind leg resting atop the mattress while the other hung limply over the side
  9. > She propped herself up by leaning backwards over her front leg which was stretched behind her
  10. > Her free hoof was in constant motion.
  11. > Reaching between a box of deep fried chicken skin and her mouth like a machine
  13. > Her head tilted upwards as she dangled a stingy piece of skin into her mouth
  14. > inhaling as much of the soggy meat as she could
  15. > Her gums smacked together obnoxiously and a mixture of oil and sauce dripped onto her stretched, impregnated tummy
  16. > She’s so disgusting
  17. > How could a pony let herself go like that?
  19. > I grabbed a chicken wing off the bed and began chowing down
  20. > I had never had Mchoofies before
  21. > It’s hard to believe that this is considered peasant food.
  23. > I wanted to sit on my flank and eat all day, but I really should focus on the election
  24. > But I just couldn’t
  25. > My mind was racing and I feel cagey
  26. > It was as if a switch had flipped in my mind
  27. > The a craving for food was an itch that I can't scratch
  29. > I blame myself
  30. > Whenever I feel overwhelmed I resort to gorging
  31. > The stress was mounting and food had never been more of a friend
  32. > Nor has it me feel so strange
  34. > I felt like this before when I was at Treehuggers
  35. > My stomach became a black hole, demanding food
  36. > I never ate so much in my life and for a brief moment I felt time slip through my hooves
  37. > When I awoke the sensation had subsided
  38. > I found myself surrounded by empty chip bags and aluminum foil
  39. > That entire episode made me nervous
  40. > And the nerves added to my already burdened mind
  43. > Even before Sugar Belle told me about what she did with the griffons I have having trouble controlling myself
  44. > Now I just feel hopeless
  45. > I just want to eat myself into a coma and never wake up
  47. > My stomach purred
  48. > I could feel the intense hunger encroaching
  49. > I don't know what was coming over me, or why.
  50. > But my mind feels foggy and I'm beginning to see things differently
  52. > I closed my eyes and began counting backwards
  53. > It was the only other way I knew how to calm myself and push the sound of my wailing gut from my mind
  55. > 10
  56. > 9
  57. > (Loud belly humming)
  58. > 8
  59. > 7
  60. > Belly begins to rumble louder)
  61. > 7….
  62. > …….
  63. > (Belly becomes so volatile it causes me lose all sense of thought)
  64. > 7……?
  65. > My stomach begins to relax and my mind is calmed but incredibly cloudy
  66. > Darn it!
  67. > I can’t even think straight!
  70. > After the rumbling calmed itself I was starting to feel..different.
  71. > Lightheaded and calm
  72. > But I don’t know why
  75. > I looked down at my bloated belly
  76. > where I once saw as shame I now see beauty
  77. > My stomach was constantly gurgling and rumbling now
  78. > Inside my stomach was a storm
  79. > And I can feel everything
  80. > The fluids rising and falling
  81. > The acids bubbling
  82. > The food sloshing around my taut gut
  83. > The pulse of my constricting guts, pressing the food down to allow more food
  85. > Every function was humming, creating a symphony of belly sounds
  86. > It was both hypnotic and orgasmic
  87. > Digestion had never felt so good
  88. > It was like a pain killer
  89. > I was growing numb
  91. > Food had always calmed my nerves but this was something different
  92. > My eyes began to close as the calmness rested over me
  93. > I smiled
  94. > My stomach purred a deep, soothing wail
  95. > Deep as a fog horn, and never ceasing
  96. > It was calling out for more
  97. > I'll never be full…
  98. > But I'll always be happy.
  100. > Not only could feel everything but I could hear it too
  101. > My ears rang hear to the sounds of my insides thrashing
  102. > The blood in running through them pulsated like the best of a drum
  103. > A floaty feeling inside my stomach arose
  105. > This new level of bodily conscious was overwhelming and exhilarating
  106. > I had never felt so alive
  107. > I am a consumption machine
  108. > My belly was on fire and the smoke was rising into my brain, fogging my mind, turning my thoughts into mush
  110. > In a last ditch effort I tried my hardest to pull my mind back on track
  111. > I need to focus on the election!…I can’t let Celestia down….Everypony depends on me…
  112. > My gut squealed and a sound erupted that was so deep and loud that it penetrated the walls of my stomach, causing ripples to dance along my engorged belly
  113. > Stuffed wall to wall with doughnuts, cake and chicken. I felt like I was about to burst.
  114. > I looked down at my belly
  115. > My mind was wrestling between planning the election strategy and stuffing my face
  116. > The rational side of me was losing, and I was putting all my mental effort into negotiating with my urges
  117. > Between the screaming voices of stress and hunger my belly didn’t cease its whining and only grew louder
  118. > Just one more bite and I’ll get to work…
  120. > I lifted a chicken leg doused with ketchup to my face
  121. > My stomach was jubilant, waves of excitement rolled along my tummy as it chanted
  122. > Low droning hums escaped the walls of my gut, announcing my greed to the world
  123. > My anxious heart beat as shrill screams culminated in a hurricane of sound of pain and pleasure
  124. > My tummy was so loud, that even Amy was pulled from her meal by the noises
  126. > Staring at me as I struggled with myself, looking gobsmacked as I imagine any mare would in her situation
  127. > I tried to call for help but all that came from my mouth was low burping noises
  128. > With no options left I brought the greasy chicken leg to my muzzle and ripped a giant piece of meat off the bone
  129. > And just as quickly as it began, my stomach stopped squealing.
  130. > There was nothing but silence and a powerful energy separating me from the rest of the world
  131. > Everything went fuzzy
  132. > My mind went blank
  133. > All was Dark
  134. > There was no more sound
  135. > No hunger
  136. > No pain
  137. > No time
  138. > Where am I?
  140. The Princess Of Foodship
  141. ???
  142. ???
  143. ???
  145. ========================================================================
  146. > “Ummm….You alright princess?” Amy asked
  147. > Her mouth was stuffed with chicken
  148. > Amethyst was staring at me, looking concerned
  149. > I rubbed my eyes and cleared my throat
  150. > I looked around the room and tried to get my bearings
  151. > “Princess?” Amethyst peeped
  152. “Of course I’m fine! I’m a princess.” I scoffed
  153. > A wave of relief followed this revelation
  154. > Oh my gosh!
  155. > I’m a princess!
  156. > I ran my hooves along my wings and horn
  157. > Princesses are beautiful!
  158. > Therefore, I am beautiful!
  159. > I felt giddy!
  161. > Not only am I beautiful but I’m Celestia beautiful!
  162. > And if legends are true, Celestia created all ponies from a piece of her rib
  163. > Which means that I am part Celestia
  164. > She is inside me
  165. > She is inside everypony
  166. > I have absorbed her power
  168. > I am the princess of foodship…
  169. > I am a mare of taste
  170. > A mare of power
  171. > I’m hungry…
  173. > “It's just that you’ve been staring at me for a while now. Is their something on my face?”
  174. > She started running her hooves along her grease stained mug
  175. > Amethyst!
  176. > I can’t let her know!
  177. > She’ll want to take my place!
  178. “I know what you’re up to.” I warned
  180. > She tilted her head
  181. > “What are you talking about?”
  182. > Oh my!
  183. > She really is dumb
  184. > Thank Celestia!
  185. > She couldn’t figure out who I am, it's beyond her mental faculties
  187. > I always thought that Amethyst was dumb mare
  188. > She tries to look thin, but she’ll always be burdened with a plump figure
  189. > If she only knew her potential, she could become just as powerful as me
  191. > Luckily, she believed in modern beauty standards
  192. > Thin is in!
  193. > Or so they say…
  194. > Damn Equestria Enquirer. Forcing mares to reach for unnatural beauty standards
  195. > And they say I'm the one with unhealthy eating habits!
  196. > Me in poor health?
  197. > Ha!
  198. > I’m better fed than any pony in Equestria!
  199. > Why should I feel guilty for my privilege and beauty?
  200. > I bet that if everypony had the opportunity to eat like I do they would stop criticizing my habits.
  201. > I’m a victim of circumstance!
  202. > It’s not my fault I’m a princess!
  204. > But poor Amethyst…
  205. > She actually believes that she can be thin like the ponies in magazines
  206. > She can't.
  207. > Because as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she's just like her mother.
  208. > An overweight mare with little self control
  209. > But unlike her mom, she has the potential to turn her body into a temple
  210. > A thing of beauty that could rival even me
  211. > This could be bad
  214. > My gaze drifted to her thighs
  215. > She has such fatty legs…
  216. > She’s a fat pony…Just like me.
  218. > My eyes jumped back to her face
  219. > She was tearing into a deep fried chicken leg like an animal
  220. > I wandered my eyes back to her plump thighs
  221. > I scratched my head curiously
  222. >...
  223. > I shouldn’t be thinking of such things
  224. > But the allure of her physique was hypnotic
  225. > I was thinking sick, lovely thoughts
  227. > My stomach started to moan and a familiar feeling was coming over me
  228. > The craving for milk
  229. > But it was just the two of us, and I doubt Amethyst would let me drink from her
  230. > Maybe?
  231. >...
  234. > No
  237. > She’s too stuck up for that, even though she has no right to be
  238. > She’s a mare who relishes in acting prim and proper
  239. > But she’s nothing more than a half breed unicorn
  240. > Her patchy coat and lack of magical control sets her apart from the powerful…Like me.
  243. > Between her legs the green sap drooled from her destroyed sex
  244. > It was grotesque, and I couldn’t stand looking at it any longer.
  245. > Such a beautiful, disgusting mare.
  248. “Can you close your legs? I’m trying to enjoy my meal.” I ordered
  249. > Amy closed her legs and shot me a mean look
  250. > A piece of chicken skin hung out of her mouth and rested along her bottom lip
  251. > She sucked it down her throat and swallowed, then proceeded to shovel more chicken down her gullet
  253. “You know how bad for you that is right?”
  254. > “Why do you care?” She huffed
  255. > I can’t let her discover her potential
  256. > At least not yet…
  257. > It will only result in headaches
  258. > The time will come
  259. > Until then I need to foster dependence
  261. “I’m just saying that it’ll make you fat…nopony likes fat.” I teased
  262. > Amy began to laugh
  263. > “You of all ponies calling me fat is a bad joke.”
  264. “How original Amy.” I said rolling my eyes
  265. > I’m going to have to teach her how to be proper if she wants to reach her full potential as a chunky ubermare like myself
  266. > And when she does…
  267. >No.
  268. > I mustn't think of that
  269. > Not yet.
  270. > A moment is like a hunt, or a bite of delicious chocolate cake
  271. > It must be savoured.
  272. > She must be savoured
  274. “Have you ever heard of princess dialect?”
  275. > She shook her head “no”
  276. > Of course not…
  277. > Disgusting, peasant stock, fat, whiny, half-a-corn, annoying, beautiful, love of my life, cutie pie, stuffed muffin.
  278. > I love her
  279. > I hate her
  281. “Well it's all about being clever. Speaking in riddles and such. It's a very posh way of having a conversation and takes years to master.”
  282. > She looked confused
  283. > “Princess I don’t really feel like playing word games right now. I gotta eat all this food and…”
  284. “Let me start!"
  285. > I scanned her figure, tapping my hoof to my muzzle
  286. "Let's see….Oh! How about this? What you see as weakness, I see as beauty. Your mirrors are a lie. Look into my eyes and see your true reflection.”
  287. > She burst out into laughter
  289. > Not what I was expecting…
  291. > “You're crazy princess! I’m sorry, but I don’t see you that way. Those are very kind words though. I think the two of us would be great friends if things turned out differently.”
  292. > Amy Reached into her box of chicken skin and and began gnawing into the meat
  293. > The juices foaming around her lips
  295. > I watched the food roll down her throat
  296. > Amy is beautiful in the most disgusting ways
  297. > From her distended stomach to her short chubby legs.
  298. > She has breasts like over inflated balloons and a greasy face
  299. > A total mess inside and out
  300. > I love how pathetic she is
  301. > A brush with a changeling breeding tentacle destroyed her
  302. > And all that remained was a bemoaning husk, carrying eggs which contained the most unlovable creatures.
  304. > In some ways I see myself in her
  305. > We are both burdened by our own curses
  306. > Only mine is the weight of Equestria resting on my shoulders
  307. > Her curse is being born expecting purity in a filthy world
  308. > I can relate.
  310. > Both our complexes seem to be the result of poor motherly role models
  311. > I predict its the cause of much of our disfunction
  312. > Celestia is a bad mom
  313. > Because deep down I know that she will dispose of me
  314. > It’s how its always been
  315. > My death was planned before my birth
  317. > Birth
  318. > Study
  319. > Become princess
  320. > Fail
  321. > Die
  323. > Celestia's school for gifted unicorns secret motto
  324. > She’s like a mantis
  325. > Killing her most loyal subjects to keep the kingdom alive
  326. > Feeding on us till death
  327. > And when we fall we die without honour
  328. > She props us up, blames us for her failings then knocks us down
  329. > As a student of Celestia, it is my destiny to die by her hooves
  331. > Normally, I found this information terrifying
  332. > I had spent my entire life trying desperately to postpone the inevitable
  333. > But in this moment I was slowly making peace with the concept
  334. > There was no escaping this fate
  335. > Celestia will kill for this
  336. > And that's okay
  338. > I smiled and looked over at Amethyst
  339. > Such a nice mare
  340. > So simple
  341. > So purple
  342. >.....
  343. > Wait…
  344. >...
  345. > Purple!
  347. > Sweet Celestia!
  349. > How could I have not seen it sooner?
  350. > Amethyst!
  351. > She was indebted to serve me during this mission
  352. > I am a princess
  353. > Her indentured servitude during this mission must make her my student!
  354. > Meaning….
  355. > To ensure my own survival, this can only end one way…
  357. > To save Sugar Mountains a purple pony must die
  358. > And to save myself it must be Amethyst who falls
  359. > It's not ideal, but it's the only way
  361. > I've never had a student before
  362. > This was exciting!
  364. > I will do all I can to protect her
  365. > Discipline her
  366. > Love her
  367. > And teach her
  369. > She is my purple pony
  370. > She is my saviour
  372. “Amy.” I called gently
  373. > Her chewing stopped and she looked at me oddly
  374. > I tapped the mattress seductively
  375. “Come a little closer.” I cooed
  378. > She was a little apprehensive but sat beside me
  379. > I scooted close to her
  380. > Dragging my fat belly along the food stained sheets
  381. > I could see the sweat glistening over her fur like dew
  382. > It rolled down her flabby body like honey
  383. > It drove me mad with excitement.
  384. > I dragged my hoof down the flaps of her belly
  385. > When I pulled it away a collection of sweat was smeared along my hoof
  387. > I drank it.
  389. > And my belly groaned agreeably
  390. > I started to laugh
  391. > I’ve never felt this way before
  393. > I was burning up in hot flashes
  394. > Producing puddles of perspiration profusely
  395. > Though it was painful, I felt clean
  396. > Baptized in a baste of my own fluids
  398. > All of my stress had subsided and I was falling into lust
  399. > Not sexual lust
  400. > Something primal and untapped
  401. > And it feels really good…
  402. > With Amy taking my place I can not only have my cake, but eat it too!
  404. > I ran my hooves up and down her side
  405. > Petting her like a puppy
  406. “You know what Amy? I think you’re beautiful.”
  408. > I pressed my greasy hoof into her cheek and dragged it down her neck, around the ball of her shoulder then over her heart
  409. > I rested it there for a short moment, feeling the throbbing of her organ
  410. “Wow Amy, you have a very big heart.”
  411. > “Thanks?”
  412. “Maybe your power is love?” I winked “I wonder what part you’ll play before…Well…We won’t get into that now. Until then I’m going to need to help you serve your purpose to Equestria.”
  413. > “What in the world are you talking about?” She was starting to look annoyed
  414. > I dragged my hoof down to her stomach and began prodding at her organs
  415. > Liver, kidneys, stomach…
  416. > They were probably severely damaged from all the fast food
  417. > Probably inflamed…
  418. > Fatty and salty too…
  420. > My heart began to beat faster
  421. > I gripped her fat tightly
  422. > The howling of my stomach grew and my heart started beating faster than a wonderbolts wings
  423. > She's so soft…
  424. > I grabbed a hunk of her meat in my hoof and squeezed tight as I could
  425. > my stomach began to roar
  426. > “Ow!” Amy whined
  427. > My stomach stopped rumbling and I was taken aback
  428. > Silence
  430. > “Why are you pinching me?”
  431. “You’re such a meaty mare.” I giggled “Don’t worry, just keep eating…”
  432. > I dug my hoof into her side and began roughly massaging her torso, prodding it into her left kidney
  434. > Her stomach mumbled gently
  435. "You feel it too, don’t you?"
  436. > "Feel what?"
  437. > I slammed my hoof to her tummy
  438. "Your stomach is in pain. I know it hurts, but you’ll learn to love it. Soon it will be all you can think of, Stress can make a mare do crazy things.”
  439. > She rested her hoof over her stomach
  441. > “What's happening to us?” She whimpered “Are we doomed? Why can’t we control ourselves?”
  442. > What was she going on about?
  443. > I don’t know
  444. > It doesn’t matter
  445. > Time for her to serve her princess
  447. “I want a taste.” I demanded
  448. > “What?”
  449. > I put my hoof over her breast
  450. “I want your milk…I need it.”
  451. > “Princess I can’t...”
  452. > I shut her up by throwing my hoof over her mouth
  453. “Shhhh….Obey your princess.” I whispered
  454. > She looked fearful
  455. > Yes
  456. > Fear the princess of foodship…
  458. > I grabbed her breast and stuck her nipple in my mouth
  459. > It was unusually hard and tasted salty
  461. > I Began to suck
  462. > Coiling my lips around her teat and inhaling deeply
  463. > I began bobbing my head back and forth
  464. >Tightly gripping her nipple in with my lips
  466. > After doing this for a couple minutes her breast began to dribble
  467. > Small portions of milk discharged in excited bursts
  468. > It tasted as I expected
  469. > Sour
  470. > But despite tasting like sour cream it was satiating my needs and I was rewarded by the depressed gurgles if satisfaction howling from my gut
  472. > Her breast began to cry and spill its contents into my mouth
  473. > Her floodgates were opened
  475. > waves of satisfaction jiggled across my tummy turning my tender fat into a dancing pool of paste like flesh
  476. > I harshly drained the mare of her calcium
  477. > She began to moan and squirm, kicking her back legs in frustration
  478. > When I looked up her eyes were closed tight and she was biting her bottom lip
  479. > I pulled my mouth away, leaving her nipple soaked in sauces
  481. > “Twilight…I don’t think I like this.” She whined
  482. > I pulled myself over her breast and rested my head
  483. > The sound of her factories were slow and dull
  484. > Like a machine coming back to life
  485. > Her milk sat docile in her breasts for far too long
  486. > I’m going to restart her systems by tugging on her tits until she can’t stop lactating
  487. > Her breasts will bleed milk for my pleasure
  488. > And she won’t be able to stop it
  489. > Her body will be mine
  491. > I rolled my hoof over her distended belly where the eggs rested
  492. > She’s so close to breaking
  493. > And when I start adding stress onto her there won’t be any part of her left to stuff that annoying personality into.
  494. > Complete control
  496. > My tummy wriggled at the thought
  497. > I’ve never felt more alive
  498. > She will be all mine….
  499. > And when the time comes….
  500. > Is this what being a princess i
  501. > I dug my hoof into her liver and she let out a small cry
  503. “Shhhh….I’m here for you.”
  504. > She started to cry
  505. > “I’m sorry…” She whimpered
  506. > What's with this crying?
  507. > It was really ruining the mood
  508. “What!? What's wrong!?” I snapped
  509. > “I just feel like I’m losing control. Like…I try so hard but I always fail.”
  511. > I felt like flipping out on the mare
  512. > But I kept my composure
  513. > She knows little of her value
  514. > “It's not your fault…You may be a unicorn but you’re no Starswirl…You failed at everything because you’re an imposter. You don’t deserve all the chances you’ve had. In the grand scheme of things you’re just another purple pony…Like me! But you know what? That's okay! Because being a purple pony is great. Equestria is a system…A system of purple pony eating princesses! And that's an honour no other pony will ever have. Will you be my purple pony?”
  515. > She looked confused
  517. > “What are you even saying anymore!?"
  518. “I dub thee, student to the princess of foodship! and your first project is to run in the Sugar Mountains election on behalf of the throne!”
  519. > I’m a genius!
  520. > “You’re crazy! I’m running in this circus!”
  521. “Well I can’t run in this election! Ponies here hate me! The fate of Sugar Mountains depends on you! You’re the only mare that can save us!”
  522. > “Why me? Why do I have to do this?
  523. "No offense Amy but you're a simple mare. Meaning that ponies will relate to you.”
  524. > "I doubt it " She grumbled
  525. > “Amethyst, I believe in you. You’ll make a great candidate.”
  526. > She hung her head and sighed
  527. > “Okay princess, if that's what I must do.”
  531. “Perfect!”
  532. > The weight of the stress fell from my shoulders
  533. > Now that Amethyst was running I didn’t have to worry about suffering Celestia's wrath
  534. > That was her problem now…
  535. > Whether she wins or loses
  536. > I’ll be eating well.
  537. > And for the princess of foodship
  538. > That's all that matters
  540. > I rested my hoof over her stomach and smiled back at her
  541. > “Do you really think I can do this?”
  542. “Of course you can.”
  543. > I pulled my hoof up to her face and dragged it along the edge of her bottom lip
  544. > She didn’t seem to mind
  545. > Curious
  546. “You aren’t worried about germs anymore?
  547. > “What's the point? Look at me. I’m a dumpster fire.”
  548. “No! You’re not a dumpster fire. You’re my very special student and you’re very pretty.”
  549. > “Princess please…”
  550. “You're so cute I could just eat you up!!”
  551. > I tackled Amy and put my mouth on her stomach and began blowing raspberries
  552. > She began to giggle
  554. > “Princess! Stop!” She laughed
  555. > I placed my hooves over her front legs and locked her in place
  556. > She looked up at me smiling
  557. > “What are you gonna do?” She chuckled nervously
  558. > I placed the edge of my hoof over her heart and slowly pressed down into it
  559. “Got room in there for one more, honey?”
  560. > “Ummm…I don’t know? Maybe?”
  562. > “Are you asking me if I love you again? I’m sorry, but I just don’t feel that way about you.”
  563. > She pushed my hoof away slowly
  564. > My eyes were locked on her delicious body
  565. > I slid myself between her legs and began sucking on her teats
  566. > “P..Princess! I…I…”
  567. > Her breathing became quicker
  568. > I sucked as hard as I could
  569. > The milk was still sour
  570. > But after enough sucking she will taste amazing!

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy