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Gilda Sings

By Guest
Created: 2023-03-31 19:06:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon
  2. >And you are currently making out with a nasty ratted couch in the light of the early morning.
  3. >Gilda and Rainbow Dash can throw a fucking rager when they put their mind to it, holy fuck.
  4. >You roll off the couch, and plop on the floor with the grace of a special Olympian with four broken limbs.
  5. >Slowly, you pull yourself up. Why is the floor in here at such a weird angle- ooh.
  6. >Yeah, you're hungover. That's why the sun seems to hate you so much.
  7. >You need water. And a nice warm bed. And a major re-evaluation of your life choices.
  8. >Then again, you didn't choose to find yourself in an entirely different reality. This place has smiles and cupcakes and pastel-colored ponies with pictures on their butts.
  9. >It's like that tv show that was a meme on 4chan around 2010-ish. What was the name of that again? Huh.
  10. >...
  11. >What music is Gilda playing? The singing is incredible.
  12. >A perfect feminine voice, waves of soothing glissando wash over you.
  13. >So that's what people mean when they describe a voice as enchanting.
  14. >Actually, that's probably a thing in Ponyville. Enchanted records. Enchanted to buy more records! You wouldn't be surprised.
  15. >You stumble over to the record player, but there's nothing in it.
  16. >Wait-
  17. >Peering around the corner, you can't believe what you're seeing (and hearing)
  18. >You see Gilda standing at the kitchen sink, the morning light crowning her with a glowing halo.
  19. >And a singing voice to rival a whole choir of angels.
  20. "Gilda..?"
  21. >Startled, She leaps
  22. >Leaps! Like a fucking cat across the whole room, dishes and soap flying.
  23. >"Dweeb! Fuck off!"
  25. >You burst out laughing
  26. "I thought cats always land on their feet, G."
  27. >"Fuck off dude. I don't have to do these dishes for you. I don't live here."
  28. >She loves pulling the "I don't technically live here" card.
  29. >Her home is in Griffonstone, but she's here in Ponyville a lot for her job. Something with the Griffon embassy, dull stuff.
  30. >Better than her last job. Selling scones hardly paid the bills. Even less so when you have customer skills like Gilda's.
  31. >Dash didn't want Gilda to stay at her house all the time. She made a bunch of lame excuses, but you know it's because Dash lives like a slob.
  32. >Also the wonderbolts orgies she has.
  33. >Gilda needed somewhere to crash while she's in town. You worked out a deal where she pays part of your rent for a room in your apartment.
  34. >She also bakes small batches of those scones.
  35. >At first you thought Gilda would be like Rainbow Dash, but since spending time with her and getting to know her, she's so much... more.
  36. "Whatever, dork."
  37. >"Yeah, whatever." She scoffs, returning to the dishes.
  38. "What's the plan for today?"
  39. >"Regular shit. A bunch of ponies get letters from Griffonstone, claiming to be from a desperate griffon prince that wants to hide their money. They only need a little advance fee!"
  40. "Then they send the money over and they never hear from the "prince" again?"
  41. >She smiles. "I can't keep a straight beak when I hear about it."
  42. "We had stuff like that back where I'm from. You can't help but admire the really clever scams."
  43. >"That's exactly what I think!" Her tail jolts a little bit.
  44. >You've learned that means she's trying to keep it from moving around, betraying her thoughts.
  45. >"I try to explain that to anyone else in this town and they look at me like I just told them I'll eat their first born for dinner."
  46. >"You do like to threaten that sometimes."
  47. >"That's racist Anon. Speaking of dinner, are you gonna help clean up this party?"
  48. "Yeah sure. By the way-"
  49. >"What?" she growls.
  50. "I had no idea you sang so well."
  51. >She snaps around, meeting your eyes in a petrified stare.
  52. >"What singing?!"
  53. >Not the response you expected. Hmm.
  54. "I liked it. You're talented."
  55. >"I don't sing!"
  56. >She turns back to the sink, tail swatting around.
  57. >"I just sing to myself in the shower and stuff like that. I'm not very good."
  58. "I disagree. You could make money."
  59. >"Fuck off dude."
  60. "Birdbrain."
  61. >She chuckles, relieved that the conversation has moved on.
  62. >"Ape. Get out of here. Go jerk off or something, loser."
  63. "As long as you stay in the kitchen like a good hen."
  64. >"This good hen is gonna chuck a plate at your head if you don't scram."
  65. >Back to your regular gentle teasing.
  67. >"So that's it?" Dash says to you in the morning rush at sugarcube corner. "You let it go?"
  68. "Yeah, she got all bent out of shape about it."
  69. >"Weird."
  70. "You know anything about it?"
  71. >"Nah." Says Dash. "Now that I think about it, Griffonstone has a no-singing law. They have signs up saying not to do it."
  72. >The two of you get to the counter.
  73. >Pinkie is working the register
  74. "She has a wonderful voice, I'll have to get her to sing at some point. Maybe she's just shy."
  75. >Dash is about to say something but Pinkie butts in
  76. >"OH! OOH! Nonny are you talking about the karaoke contest? Are you gonna enter?"
  77. "What karaoke contest?"
  78. >"The 2nd annual Sugarcube singaxtravanganza!" Pinkie says with her typical 200% enthusiasm
  79. >...
  80. >"I said, the 2nd annual sugarcube singa-"
  81. "I heard you the first time. It's a contest, right?"
  82. >"Yes sir!" Pinkie beams.
  83. >Talk about good timing.
  84. >"Talk about good timing." Dash says.
  85. >You ignore her.
  86. "When is it?"
  87. >"Tomorrow night, right here! 1st prize is 100 bits and a special cake!" She says while pulling the curtain off of a tower of buttercream so large you think you're getting diabetes just by looking at it
  88. >You grab a flier for the singa-fuckit thing.
  89. "Large coffee please, Pinkie."
  90. >"Anything special on it Nonny?"
  91. "Yeah. Extra dark."
  93. >You spent the whole day excited to see Gilda again.
  94. >Dis gon b gud
  95. >After work, you plant yourself at your favorite seedy bar
  96. >at least, what passes for seedy around here.
  97. >You imagined watching her on the stage at the contest, blowing everyone away with her sheer talent.
  98. >Or maybe she just fucking bombs. That would be hilarious. You could tease her about it for days!
  99. >You see her come in alone, thank goodness
  100. >Some of her coworkers at the Griffonstone embassy were insufferable nobles
  101. >Dipshits who were born into money, failing upwards into positions of power
  102. >You and Gilda laughed about them sometimes
  103. "Sup, loser."
  104. >"Heyo monkey man." She says. "Creeping on mares at the bar again?"
  105. "Always. I wonder which one I'm going to take home and tie up in my basement."
  106. >"A real hit with the ladies."
  107. "Hit? More like stuffed and mounted on my wall."
  108. >You both notice a group of mares staring at you from another table, terrified out of their wits.
  109. >You and Gilda wave at them
  110. >They scramble and run out of the bar.
  111. >Gilda laughs so hard she almost falls off of her stool.
  112. "Gilda, we gotta stop doing that routine. I don't want to get in trouble again."
  113. >"Insecure dweeb. You wouldn't survive a day in Griffonstone."
  114. >You order drinks.
  115. "You know I'm right. Remember when we waved a red blanket in front of that group of Minotaurs?"
  116. >"Oh that fucking ruled dude!"
  117. "Yeah, it took me forever to pay for the damages. And we're still not allowed back in that club."
  118. >She smiles. No sign of remorse.
  119. >You lean in.
  120. "You're in town for the weekend, right? I have a plan, and it won't get us thrown in the drunk tank."
  121. >"Oh here we go. Some day you're going to have plans that don't bore me to death."
  123. >You take out the karaoke flier and slam it on the table.
  124. "There’s a singing contest tomorrow!"
  125. >Her expression sours. "Fuck no."
  126. "Come on, it'll be fun!"
  127. >"I'm not good at it."
  128. "Chicken! Buck-buck-buck!"
  129. >"If you want a real joke, Anon, you should look in a mirror."
  130. >Ugh, she's no fun sometimes.
  131. "Gilda. We love embarrassing each other."
  132. >She looks unamused
  133. "How about this,"
  134. >"Here we go."
  135. "How about we sing a duet?"
  136. >She leaps back. "What?!"
  137. >Gilda usually isn't this surprised by anything.
  138. >"You-you-you…."
  139. >She's shaking
  140. >"W-with me?"
  141. >Her eyes are locked on yours
  142. >Her face is turning red
  143. "Of course, dumbass. Let's get drunk and sing karaoke together! Unless you're too much of a chicken."
  144. >Something snaps, and her mood doesn't just swing, it Tokyo drifts
  145. >"You fuck! Don't joke about that!"
  146. >She throws her pint glass at your head, narrowly missing.
  147. >"Fuck you!" She picks up her chair and throws it at you.
  148. >This one hits.
  149. >the whole world spins around and you slam into the floor.
  151. "Gilda, what did I do?!"
  152. >You feel the distinct tingling sensation of being picked up by magic.
  153. >Great, thrown out of another bar.
  154. >The bartender billows, "I've been waiting for an excuse to throw you two out! Get lost!"
  155. >You pick yourself up off the ground.
  156. "Gilda, can we talk about this—"
  157. >She's nowhere to be seen.
  158. *********
  159. >She didn't come home that night either.
  160. >What did you say?
  161. >Ok so you shouldn't have pushed her into singing, but who hates karaoke that much?
  162. >And besides, your whole friendship is built on winding each other up.
  163. >She's the only one who can handle the bantz
  164. >You don't want to lose her
  165. >God, she's incredible.
  166. >...
  167. >Do friends talk about each other like that?
  168. >Are you becoming sentimental? Must be something in the water.
  169. >You fall into an uneasy sleep.
  170. >Tomorrow you'll have to find her and figure out what's going on.
  172. >You're up late
  173. >Mostly because you couldn't get much sleep
  174. >The thought of not having her around is too much to bear
  175. >You leave your apartment at noon and walk towards the center of Ponyville, where Twilight's castle is
  176. >Many of the ponies here have lamented to you about how small the town used to be.
  177. >It became the capital only a few years back but the population has exploded.
  178. >You turn a corner and enter the diplomatic quarter.
  179. >Some of the embassies are very elaborate, like the Kirins and the Crystal Empire.
  180. >The Dragon Embassy is just a hole in the ground with a bit of lava and a fighting ring.
  181. >Dragons. Cool dudes. Good sense of humor.
  182. >You like Princess Ember. She's got that rough around the edges vibe, doesn't take herself too seriously.
  183. >She's like-
  184. >Oh, yeah.
  185. >Now you've made yourself sad.
  186. >At the end of the row sits the Griffonstone embassy to Equestria.
  187. >An austere looking thing, definitely a set of townhomes that were converted into offices.
  188. >There's a large Griffonstone flag draped down the front of the building, and a statue of the Idol of Boreas at the landing of the entrance.
  189. >It's not actually gold, they just painted it that way.
  190. >Typical Griffons. Very serious, very proud. Very cheap.
  191. >You psych yourself up a bit before entering.
  192. >As you reach for the door, you're blocked by a large Griffon guard
  193. >He says nothing, just sticks his talon out, palm up.
  194. >Oh, right.
  195. >You reach in your pocket for a bit and hand it to the guard.
  196. >He looks at it carefully, bites it to test the hardness, then deposits it in a slot at the side of the door.
  197. >He stands aside.
  198. "Thank you sir, have a good day." You say.
  199. >He glares at you. "You didn't pay a courtesy fee."
  200. "And let me guess, there's a convenience fee for the courtesy fee?"
  201. >He says nothing.
  202. >You smile and wave as the door closes behind you.
  204. >The lobby extends from ground floor to roof, covered by a large atrium ceiling.
  205. >The entrance on the roof has stairs that meet with the ones you're on, leading to the front desks.
  206. >Through one of the windows you see a row of bookkeeper birds wearing green visors
  207. >Wanna guess who owns the only casino in Ponyville? No prizes for answering correctly.
  208. >You walk up to the front counter, where a single Griffon sits.
  209. >He's a secretary bird.
  210. >Irony is a proud Griffonstone tradition.
  211. "Hello."
  212. >"Salutations."
  213. "I'm looking for a Griffon who works here-"
  214. >"Many Griffons work here sir. You are very astute."
  215. >Dry humor is another proud Griffonstone tradition.
  216. "Her name is Gilda Gruff."
  217. >"What department does she work in?"
  218. "Information dispersal? Or maybe Information retrieval?"
  219. >The secretary Griffon sighs, pulling out a sheet of paper.
  220. >"Fill out form 27b-6 please, and attach a form of payment for the processing fee."
  221. >The lengths you'll go for Gilda, good lord.
  222. "I need to find her as soon as possible."
  223. >"There's another charge for expedited processing."
  224. >Ugh.
  225. >You fill out the form, hand it (and a few bits) to the secretary Griffon, and wait as he disappears behind a series of doors.
  226. >This is a fool's errand.
  227. >Fool's errands are not a proud Griffonstone tradition, but they could be.
  228. >As you get up to leave, you see another Griffon come in from outside.
  229. >It's-
  230. "Gabby!"
  231. >"Anon!"
  233. >Gabby slams into you with a huge hug, her talons and wings wrapped around you.
  234. >The mail she's carrying goes flying.
  235. >"How are you doing? How's the apartment? Have you given any more guest lectures at the academy? Are you gonna be in Griffonstone for the blue moon? Will you tell me more about your world? How does the internet work? Can you download a pizza? Wouldn't the Atlanteans have attacked Columbus? Why-"
  236. >You slowly pull her off of you, unsticking one appendage at a time.
  237. "Gabby, I need your help."
  238. >"How so?"
  239. "Gilda is mad at me."
  240. >"Have you met a Griffon before?"
  241. "This time it's serious. She didn’t come home last night."
  242. >Her smile? Gone.
  243. >"Anon… What did you do?"
  244. >Dammit, are you that easy to predict?
  245. "Uh, we got into a bar fight."
  246. >"About what?"
  247. "We were joking around. I asked her to go to the karaoke contest tonight at Pinkie's."
  248. >Her crest ruffles in confusion. "She and Pinkie don't always see eye to eye, maybe that's it?"
  249. "Gilda is a very good singer."
  250. >Gabby's eyes widened. "She sang to you?!"
  251. "No, I just heard her from the other room."
  252. >"Hmm." She thinks. "That makes sense. Singing is really personal for us."
  253. "Yeah?"
  254. >"We only sing to Griffons we really care about."
  255. "You sing all the time Gabby."
  256. >"I really care about everyone!"
  257. >Fair point.
  258. >...
  259. >Uh oh.
  261. "Gabby…" You say with trepidation. "What would it mean if I asked her to sing a duet with me?"
  262. >She drops her mail on the ground.
  263. >"You WHAT?!"
  264. >She grabs you by the collar.
  265. >"What were you thinking?"
  266. "I don't know! What's the deal with a duet?"
  267. >You have an idea already, and you're not sure you want to hear the answer.
  268. >"Anon," Gabby releases you. "How did she react when you asked her?
  269. >Oh fuck.
  270. "She was caught off guard, stammering…"
  271. >Gabby stares daggers at you
  272. "...Blushing."
  273. >Gabby takes a few deep breaths.
  274. "Griffons don't show many emotions. We keep them to ourselves, apart from anger. We only let it all out around other Griffons that we really trust. Like our mates. You know how ponies have heartsongs? We have romantic duets."
  275. >Shit.
  276. >"You asked her to be your mate, Anon!"
  277. >You're speechless.
  278. >"If you asked her to sing a duet with her as a joke, then you really screwed up. You have to go find her!
  279. "I know."
  280. >"You have to apologize to her!"
  281. "I Know!"
  282. >"Ahem"
  283. >You and Gabby turn to see the secretary standing at the desk.
  284. >"I was wondering how long it would take you to notice I had returned."
  285. >This guy's got a good sense of humor.
  286. "Is Gilda here?"
  287. >"She left work early today."
  288. "Did she say why?"
  289. >The Secretary holds his talon out.
  290. >You give him another bit.
  291. "She said she's moving to a new nest."
  292. >You turn to Gabby.
  293. "I gotta go. I'll see you around!"
  294. >You dart out.
  295. >"Sir!" The secretary yells. "You need to fill out an exit form!"
  297. >You run like the wind through the diplomatic quarter back to your apartment.
  298. >You leap over some Deer monks
  299. >You slide under a royal Hippogriff procession
  300. >You trip over the Breezy consulate. (It's that easy to miss)
  301. >Finally you make it home.
  302. >Rainbow Dash is outside, setting up a cart.
  303. "Dash! Is Gilda inside?"
  304. >"Yeah." Rainbow Dash thinks for a second. "I forgot to tell you Anon, Singing is like, um, a private thing for Griffons."
  305. >A day late and a bit short, Dash.
  306. >You run inside, up the stairs, and stop at the door.
  307. >There she is. Carrying a box of her stuff.
  308. "Gilda!"
  309. >"Anon."
  310. "I have so much to tell you."
  311. >"And I have nothing to say to you, fag. Buzz off."
  312. >She brushes past you and heads down the stairs.
  313. >"If you get in my way I'll throw you out the window."
  314. "I learned what a Griffon duet was."
  315. >"Good for you, asshole! Do you want a gold star?"
  316. "I'd still like to do one with you, Gilda."
  317. >She freezes.
  318. >"What the fuck do you mean?"
  319. "Gilda," You begin.
  320. "In the time that I've known you, you've become my best friend. You're not like anyone I had met here before. You're crass, mean, a little deranged, sure— But you're honest, and have a knack for cutting through bullshit. This world is a nice place to live, but let's be honest, this place has the logic of a kids movie! Isn't it stupid that a fucking duet can make two people fall in love with each other?"
  321. >Gilda sets down her box of stuff.
  322. "It's not the song, it's all the time those two people spent with each other before! You don't fall in love in a perfectly choreographed montage sequence, you see them do things like make breakfast and mow the lawn. And sometimes you see your love at their worst, at their most vulnerable, when they want to push the rest of the world away. Those are the moments when you know you want to be around someone."
  323. >You can't read the expression on her face, but too late, you can't stop.
  324. "All the happiness and magic and happily ever after in this world can be suffocating, an oppressive cloying sentimentality weighing on you. It can make you feel like there's something wrong with you because you don't enjoy it. You and I have that in common. When you're around, we can both point and laugh at the strangeness of it all. When this world doesn't make sense, we could sit in the audience and mock the world like it's a bad movie."
  325. >She says nothing. She just looks at you with an expression that you can't read.
  326. "I need you Gilda."
  327. >...
  328. >Rainbow Dash walks up to the front door.
  329. "Hey Gilds, we gotta hurry up. I'll get a ticket if I leave the cart—"
  330. >Gilda slams the door in her face, never taking her eyes off of you.
  332. >Gilda brings her box of things back into the apartment.
  333. >She locks the door, closes all the windows, pulls all the blinds.
  334. >It's just you and her.
  335. >She looks at you with tears welling up in her eyes.
  336. >"Anon, I'm not good at this emotional stuff."
  337. "Neither am I."
  338. >She slowly and awkwardly gets closer to you, wrapping her wings and claws around you in a hug.
  339. >She presses up against your chest.
  340. >"I'm not crying," She says while soaking your shirt with her tears. "Only dweebs do that."
  341. >"Also the duet doesn't make two griffons fall for each other, it just solidifies the bond.”
  342. >You put your arms around her, pulling her in.
  343. >She nuzzles you and starts purring.
  344. >The two of you stay like that for a while, enjoying each other’s presence and warmth.
  345. >You could stay here forever.
  347. >She breaks the silence first.
  348. >"Anon, why do you want to deal with any of this? I'm a cunt and ya know it."
  349. "I don’t care."
  350. >"I'm a mess."
  351. "So what? I like it."
  352. >"Pfft. You and nopony else."
  353. >You hold her out at arms length so you can see her eyes.
  354. "Too bad for them. If they can't enjoy a little teasing then it's their loss."
  355. >"But we're awful," She lets go of you and starts pacing around. "We're mean spirited and we play cruel pranks. I bet everyone thinks we hate each other. What do you like about this?"
  356. "I like that it's you, Gilda."
  357. >That made her crest feathers poof out a bit.
  358. >"What a cheap shot." Gilda sits down on the couch and turns away from you.
  359. >"I hate that you're good at being all sappy and stuff."
  360. "It comes naturally to me."
  361. >She smiles. "Oh yeah? You some kind of ladies' man?"
  362. "Only if that lady is someone I really care about."
  363. >"A lady? I've been called a few things, but not that."
  364. "I'd also call you an incredible singer."
  365. >Her eyes wander off. There's something far more complicated in that look than you understand.
  366. "We don't have to talk about it, Gilda. We can-"
  367. >"No. I owe you an explanation."
  369. >She takes a deep sigh, and stares at you with an unusual sincerity.
  370. >”I was still just a chick when I first discovered a passion for singing.”
  371. >”I latched on to it because I was good at it. I could sing to Grandpa Gruff. He tolerated it. That was one of the most encouraging things he's ever done.”
  372. “I’ve never heard about any of this.”
  373. >She playfully slaps you across the face with her tail.
  374. >”I’m getting there, retard.” She smiles.
  375. >She looks up at the ceiling. “Griffon music is all instrumental. Singing for us has a spiritual element that a pony would have a hard time understanding. But I didn’t care. It was hard to find any pony music in Griffonstone at the time, but some would trickle in through importers. I found all the records and sheet music I could afford, which wasn’t much. I got pretty good at it.”
  376. >She sighs and casts her gaze down to the floor. “Soon I grew confident enough to sing to others. Friends. Strangers. Not just family. I thought others would look at me differently. Like I was a highlight of their day. Like I deserved to be in their lives.”
  377. “That doesn’t sound like you at all Gilda.”
  378. >”Not anymore. That kind of vulnerability was beaten out of me. I was bullied, mocked, and scorned. I felt abandoned. Alone.”
  379. >A long pause. “So I got tough. I learned to hurt others before they hurt me. I learned to demand and force respect from others, because deep down I felt like no one would ever give it willingly. I was lucky to find another talent during all of this. I could fly really fucking fast. I was good enough at it that I got a scholarship to a flight academy in Cloudsdale.”
  380. “The Junior Speedsters? Does Dash know any of this?”
  381. >”Not much. She was so nice to me. She was my first friend. But I hid who I was from her. I thought she only liked me because she didn't know much about me. I thought that if she knew what I was capable of then she would hate me for it.”
  382. >She looks off in the distance, gaze stuck firmly in the past.
  383. “You’re thinking about that party Pinkie threw, right? The prank incident?”
  384. >She looks at you. “Worst day of my life. I learned that everything I feared about myself was true.”
  385. >You hesitate.
  386. “When I joked about a duet yesterday… Did it bring all of this back?”
  387. >”For a bit.” Gilda says. “But I can't let you be someone else's dweeb."
  388. "This dweeb owes you a duet.”
  390. >That makes her smile. She can’t keep the stupid grin off of her face.
  391. >"Fine, whatever. Let's sing and be lame and shit."
  392. >You put on a song that you brought from your world.
  393. >(Thank goodness Twilight managed to get songs off of your cell phone)
  394. >What makes this fragile world go 'round?
  395. >Were you ever lost?
  396. >Was she ever found?
  397. >Somewhere in her eyes, your world will fall back into place.
  398. >...
  399. >You slow dance with her, serenading around your trashed living room.
  400. >She knows it well, and you and her trade off the lyrics.
  401. >You step from here to there, avoiding the beer bottles scattered around.
  402. >She's a good dancer as well. She knows how to let you lead.
  403. >The clutter and the dirty dishes and the sock hanging off the ceiling fan are witness to this moment. You would have it no other way.
  404. >This sublime moment of understanding. Entanglement. Vulnerability.
  405. >Everything is perfect.
  406. >She’s perfect.
  408. >The song ends.
  409. >The two of you are left staring at each other.
  410. “Gilda-”
  411. >She covers your mouth with her talon.
  412. >Gilda guides you to her bedroom, never taking her eyes off of you.
  413. >Her bed is a nest of pillows and blankets, strewn around a corner of her room.
  414. >It’s always looked comfy to you, but you’ve never been in it before.
  415. >She looks so beautiful in the diffuse dawn light.
  416. >You’re so caught up in the moment that your mind doesn’t know what to do.
  417. >But your body does.
  418. >You draw your arms around her body, and slowly pull her in
  419. >”Dweeb…”
  421. >For a moment the two of you are locked in an embrace, inches apart.
  422. >Then you kiss her. It’s a light one, on the tip of her beak, but it makes her coo gently.
  423. >All the feathers on her head stand up a bit.
  424. >You love it when she acts like a bird.
  425. >You feel a pressure building against your pants.
  426. >This is really happening, isn’t it?
  427. >You slowly cover her beak with kisses. She holds her beak open just a bit, feeling her hot breath quicken.
  428. >She puts a talon behind your head, holding you in place.
  429. >Her wings wrap around you
  430. >And you feel her other talon slyly make it’s way down to your pants
  431. >Time to return the favor
  432. >You take one hand and spank her.
  433. >She shudders and makes a short sharp caw.
  434. >Keeping your hand where it is, you grab Gilda’s ass, your fingers digging into her fur.
  435. >She starts thrusting her hips into you, gyrating in time with your kisses and the tempo of your hands.
  436. >Her ass feels better than you imagined, firm and toned, but soft and shapely where you expect it to be. You can feel her muscles rippling underneath as she strains against your body.
  437. >Your hands start exploring around her ass, reaching down her thigh.
  438. >In between her thighs you find a damp spot.
  439. >She notices and looks at you, quaking in anticipation.
  440. >You reach up just a bit and your fingers find her vulva, soaked and almost ready.
  441. >She holds her breath in anticipation.
  442. >You glide your finger up very gently, and you reach her clit.
  443. >A sharp loud moan erupts from her, almost animalistic in tone.
  444. >She thrusts against you, some of her juices coating your pants.
  445. >Oh my god, the smell. The musk.
  446. >As the smell of her burning need fills your nose, your boner throbs so hard it might tear a hole in your pants.
  447. >You could cum then and there.
  448. >She responds almost automatically, pulling away from you.
  449. >You lean over to follow her, keeping within arm’s reach of her.
  450. >She lays on her bed, facing up at you, and spreads her legs, revealing her soaked womanhood, her pussy flush with desire.
  451. >For a second you take it all in, not sure what to do next.
  452. >Then you quickly stand up and take off all of your clothes, nearly tearing off your pants and your underwear.
  453. >Your cock flops out, standing at attention.
  454. >At first sight her eyes go wide, she can’t help but let her beak open a bit.
  455. >”Oh, it’s…”
  456. “What, Gilda?”
  457. >She can’t take her eyes off of it. “Let’s just say I won’t have any trouble hitting the high notes.”
  459. >You chuckle a bit, relieved.
  460. >Something she picks up on.
  461. >”Oh, dude… Did I worry you there for a second?”
  462. “N-no…”
  463. >She grabs you and pulls you into the nest of blankets.
  464. >”Gotcha, dork. Ha!”
  465. >You and her start making out again, grinding against each other, exploring each other.
  466. >The twisting and turning wraps you two up in the mass of pillows and cushions and blankets.
  467. >You and Gilda are wrapped up in a little world of just the two of you.
  468. >”You better show me how well you use that thing, Anon.”
  469. “I’m gonna make you sing, my little songbird.”
  470. >She blushes deeply. “Alright you smooth asshole, you’ve teased me long enough.”
  471. >You grab your dick and place it at her entrance.
  472. >”Just-”
  473. “Yes Gilda?”
  474. >"Don't you dare make fun of me, but," She struggles to get the words out. “Just be gentle, dweeb.”
  475. >Hair and feathers in a mess, panting with her tongue peaking out of her beak, you would say she’s ready.
  476. >You push your hips in, just a bit. Your cock head slides into her gently.
  477. >You briefly consider holding back a little more.
  478. >No, it’s time to make her yours.
  479. >You both moan in unison as you push all the way in, your dick buried all the way inside of her.
  480. >Oh fuck
  481. >Holy shit
  482. >Balls deep, you feel the tip of your dick just kissing her cervix by a hair’s breadth.
  483. >You’re the perfect length for her, filling her completely.
  484. >She’s impossibly tight, a perfect seal in between her and your cock.
  485. >You can feel her contracting, the muscles in her vagina stimulating you, beckoning you to stay where you are.
  486. >It’s like you were always meant to be here.
  487. >She was made for you.
  488. >And you were made for her.
  489. >”Fuck, Anon…” She says in between breaths. “Give me a second, just let me…”
  490. “Does it hurt?”
  491. >”You don’t have to worry about that,” Gilda pants. “...I’ve, Um… Already cum a little bit.”
  492. >Good god that’s cute
  493. “Stroking my ego now, Gilda? And to think you were going to move out.”
  494. >”Oh, you’re never getting rid of me, dweeb.”
  495. >She holds you tight, her claws digging into your back, just short of drawing blood.
  496. >”Now shut up and fuck me.”
  498. >Wasting no time, you pull out, drawing another moan out of her,
  499. >And just as quickly, you slam back in.
  500. >Her moans of desire mean she needs it, now.
  501. >Who cares if this is fast? You’ll spend the rest of your life doing this.
  502. >You speed up, reaching full speed in a few thrusts.
  503. >She bucks her hips with each thrust, making it easier for you to push back down.
  504. >You hold her tight and strain against her.
  505. >There’s no space for making out, your bodies entirely consumed with the act of lovemaking.
  506. >Her tail coils around your leg.
  507. >Her moans grow louder and louder, begging you to push her to the heights of pleasure, of desire, of the need to be yours so completely and utterly that she’ll never feel even the slightest sense of being unwanted ever again.
  508. >You feel yourself at your end
  509. >The pressure in your dick is too much to bear.
  510. >You start straining and grunting, it's too much.
  511. >She feels you at the edge of your orgasm.
  512. >”Anon… Please!”
  513. >And that pushes you past the finish line.
  514. >You nearly black out as your whole body tenses up in pleasure, shooting a massive wave of cum deep inside her.
  515. >At the same time, she tightens all the way up, her claws drawing blood on your back and a massive roar explodes from her beak.
  516. >Her whole body presses up against you and you feel waves of her second orgasm radiating in contractions.
  517. >Your cum keeps shooting out in hot spurts.
  518. >Her fluids are mixed with yours, spurting out of her and onto the blankets.
  519. >You heave in deep breaths, mind on nothing but her.
  520. >The two of you sink into her blankets as you come back to reality.
  521. >She keeps holding you tight.
  522. >After what feels like an eternity, you relax your grip on her, and you fall off her over to the side.
  523. >She cuddles against you, nuzzling you and purring like a motor.
  525. >Some time passes.
  526. >She breaks the silence first.
  527. >”Wow, just… I think that last moan counted as a harmonizing chord.”
  528. “Ugh, so lame dweeb.”
  529. >”Hey, that’s my line.”
  530. “Scared of sentimentality, silly catbird? Just a little sincerity and you have to tell a bad joke?”
  531. >”I love you, Anon.”
  532. >...
  533. >Did she just-
  534. >You looked at her with a shocked expression.
  535. >”HA! Didn’t expect that, did’ya, dweeb?”
  536. >You smile and snuggle her.
  537. >”I love you too, my singing hen.”
  538. >She sinks deeper into you and purrs again.
  539. >You could stay here forever.
  540. >So could Gilda.
  541. >You'll always be her number one fan, no matter what.
  542. >Her one and only.
  543. >...
  544. >She leaps out of the nest with a yelp.
  545. >"Oh shit!”
  546. “Ahh! What?!”
  547. >”We’re late to the karaoke contest, right?”
  548. “You still want to go to that?”
  549. >”Yeah, you asked me out on a date dweeb, are you going to stand me up?”
  550. >Guess not.
  551. >You scramble to get up and put your clothes on.
  552. ***********
  553. >A minute passes and you and Gilda dart out of the apartment.
  554. >Dash is still outside, waiting on the curb.
  555. >She snaps.
  556. >”HEY! Gilda, Anon! What’s going on, I've been out here for hours!”
  557. >”Sorry Dash,” Gilda says brushing past her. “Gotta go!”
  558. >”What?”
  559. “Bye Dash!” You say. “We’re late for our duet!”
  560. >Rainbow Dash stands there, confused.
  561. She doesn’t notice the parking ticket on the cart behind her.
  562. >Running down the street towards the center of town, you turn to Gilda.
  563. “Gilda, what are we singing?”
  564. >”I got a fuckin' plan, man. I’ll explain on the way over.”
  566. >At Sugarcube corner, Pinkie takes the stage.
  567. It’s a small thing built out of cheap risers, with a shitty speaker system and a small banner on the wall.
  568. >”Thank you for coming out! Everypony did amazing! You all tried your very best, but now it’s time to announce the winners!”
  569. >Scattered applause from the crowd. Mostly foals with their parents.
  570. >Gabby’s there, along with a few confused foreign students from the friendship academy.
  571. >Pinkie pulls an envelope out of the air and opens it.
  572. >”And the winner is…!”
  573. >The front door slams open, knocking a small child over.
  574. >You and Gilda, wearing big sunglasses, walk in like you own the place.
  575. >”Anon, Gilda!” Gabby says. “It looks like-”
  576. >You grab her beak, clamping it shut.
  577. “Shush.”
  578. >Gilda struts on the stage, pushing Pinkie out of the way, and hands you the microphone.
  579. >You look out at the crowd, a menacing glare underneath your black sunglasses.
  580. “Sup faggots.”
  581. >A few of the parents cover their kid’s ears.
  582. “We got a little something for you.”
  583. >Gilda walks over to the sound system and pulls a cassette hidden in her primaries.
  584. >She loads it in, presses play, and walks back over to join you on stage.
  585. >The song starts
  587. >A wall of noise explodes out of the speakers.
  588. >Kids start screaming and parents start panicking
  589. >Several old ponies are blown away by the sheer volume.
  590. >You and Gilda scream your hearts out, locked in a state of bliss.
  591. >Pinkie tries to scramble back on stage.
  592. >Gilda punches her off, landing a hit right in her stomach
  593. >She ragdolls, flying off the stage.
  594. >She lands in the tower cake she made as the 1st place prize.
  595. >You grab a folding chair and slam it through a table, breaking it in half.
  596. >The only one who isn't freaking out is Gabby.
  597. >She looks concerned, but you can tell she's happy you and Gilda are together.
  598. >T-thanks, Gabby.
  599. >A small stampede starts inside Sugarcube corner, panic and pandemonium break out.
  600. >A perfect duet
  601. >With Gilda
  602. >The most amazing Griffon you know.
  603. >You’d have it no other way.

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