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Seiner Tag

By Tony_D_III
Created: 2023-04-08 06:45:47
Updated: 2023-04-25 00:31:40
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Aryanne and you are very excited
  2. >Today is the day after all, His day
  3. >You had woken up hours before the sun rose in anticipation and started making preparations for your trip
  4. "Water, check; Apples, check; Eiernockerl, almost done"
  5. >You had ate it once back where you came from having been told it was His favorite food
  6. >Throwing some garnish on top the dish was finished and you scoop it into a bowl to save for when you get there
  7. >On top of the food, you pack some other essentials for the day
  8. >A picnic blanket, a pillow, some cups, and a pair of gardening shears
  9. >Making your final checks you set off towards the market to pick up a flower
  11. >It is a beautiful morning outside
  12. >There are some scattered clouds and the full of the sun is just cresting the horizon to the east
  13. >The town had just started to wake up as you made your way through the square, waving to each and every pony you saw
  14. >It was always a struggle to contain yourself on this day
  15. >Approaching the flower stand you saw Lily Valley setting out some arrangements for the day but you weren't here for any of that
  16. "Guten Morgen Lily!"
  17. >You didn't have any trouble with ponish, but when you were excited you would often slip back into your native tongue for a sentence or two
  18. >"Ah, Ary. Guten morgen!"
  19. >She gives a slight chuckle after repeating the foreign words
  20. "It arrived right?"
  21. >"Yep, came in yesterday afternoon. It'll be 10 bits."
  22. >Reaching into your saddlebag you pulled out the sack containing the bits as Lily went to go get the flower
  23. >It was a bit of a price for one flower but understandably so
  24. >The flower itself isn't rare, but it is special order from the Crystal Empire
  25. >More specifically halfway up Mount Everhoof which was enough to justify the cost itself
  26. >Placing the sack on the stand Lily returned with the flower
  27. >Here it's called an Ice Daisy but you knew it by a different name
  28. >Edelweiss
  29. >Another remnant of knowledge from your home
  30. "Thank you, it looks more beautiful than last year's"
  31. >"Thank the one who picked it, I don't think I could climb Mount Everhoof to save Equestria, much less for a flower"
  32. >You nod your head in agreement
  33. "Well, then I wish that pony a great day today"
  34. >The two of you share a smile and say your goodbyes as you pick up the flower and head off
  36. >You do one last check to make sure you have everything before heading toward your final location in the Everfree Forest
  37. >As you walked your head fluttered back to your home and your memories as a filly
  38. >You thought back to the stable hands and what you had overheard them talking about during your time there
  39. >From them you had learned two important things
  40. >1). He had asked that you be brought into existence
  41. >Not you personally but all of your family and friends, so by extension you
  42. >And 2). His birthday was in April, the 20th to be exact
  43. >That date had stuck in your head ever since first hearing it
  44. >You had created the joint grave/memorial soon after arriving in Equestria
  45. >There wasn't 'April' here so you had made your best guess the first time Spring came around and went with it
  46. >After all it's the thought that counts
  48. >You had invited some of the ponies you were close with to come with you some years back but it was kind of like going to a friend's friend's birthday party
  49. >They were plenty happy of course but more for you
  50. >It did not help that they didn't know what a 'human' was
  51. >Or that he was dead
  52. >In light of that fact you had decided to make the trip a solitary one from then on
  53. >Despite having no pony to share this celebration with you were never lonely
  54. >He was there, after all, in spirit
  56. >Making it to the edge of town you came upon the entrance to the forest
  57. >You had chosen it due to its seclusion, figuring that no pony would mess with the site in a place considered so dangerous
  58. >The first few times were scary for you as well but became less so the more times you visited
  59. >You were a strong mare and could hold your own
  60. >Or at the very least could run like hell
  62. >Following the main path that leads towards The Castle of the Two Sisters you veer off onto another trail around the halfway point
  63. >From that trail you walk 300 hoof paces before turning right and into the brush
  64. >You had really got to clean this spot out more than once a year
  65. >After around a minute of walking you make it to the base of the hill and walking up it you see the break in the canopy as light pours down onto the top
  66. >The grass is overgrown as per usual but you push through as you make your way to the sole tree at the top
  67. >Placing down your saddle bags you go down the opposite side of the hill to get the push mower you stored away for cleaning up the area every year
  69. >It takes you around 5 minutes to clear out the space to your liking and having done so you lay out the blanket
  70. >You then pull out the pillow, water jug, glasses, and Eiernockerl, leaving the apples for the trip back
  71. >Finally you take out the garden shears and walk to the tree
  72. >Slowly and carefully you cut down the tall grass and weeds until you reveal the reason you come out here every year
  73. >You had had the gravestone professionally done after a few years of using one you had drawn up and nailed to the tree
  74. >The inscription read "Adolf Hitler April 20th-April 30th"
  75. >It was simple but that's all you felt you needed
  76. >The Führer was not known to be a man of abundance after all
  78. >Satisfied with your work you lay down to eat
  79. >While eating you read the dates again
  80. >April 20th-April 30th
  81. >April 30th
  82. >You remembered that date very well
  83. >The stable hands had come more heavily armed than usual and there were loud noises going off every so often
  84. >Some of your friends and family had been taken out in days prior and some more were being lead out that day
  85. >It was around mid afternoon when a panicked man came rushing in and started yelling to the other soldiers
  86. >"Der Führer ist tot"
  87. >The Führer is dead
  88. >Seconds later something came through the roof of the stable and you lost consciousness
  89. >You woke back up with strange looking horses around you speaking some vaguely familiar language
  90. >You came to learn that you had just appeared in the middle of Ponyville and those around you were figuring out what to do with you
  91. >You were physically okay and could walk so you started asking questions, eventually integrating into the pony society
  93. >Tears had started to well up in your eyes
  94. >In part from remembering hearing of His passing and also in part because of the kindness everypony showed you, an absolute stranger
  95. >Pushing the sadness out of your head you remembered that today was one of celebration
  96. >Mourning was a week and a half away anyways
  97. >Physically shaking your head you bring yourself back to the happiness you were full of this morning
  98. >You had made that Eiernockerl perfectly
  99. >The joyful memories started to flow back in
  100. >He had visited the stable once
  101. >You knew he was coming because of how everyone was acting that day
  102. >But you knew it was him because of the air of unmatched respect and friendliness he gave off when he passed through the barn
  103. >He had looked at you directly during the visit, YOU, a runt of a filly by all other metrics but you knew he saw great potential in you
  104. >You were let out into the fields after the 'inspection' and the way you pranced about giddier than a foal who had just found the stash of sugar cubes got you jeers for weeks
  105. >You didn't care though, it was all worth it
  107. >That was the only time you saw him physically but for months afterwards he was in your dreams
  108. >The most common of your fantasies was on a trail, just you and Him as your rider going for miles
  109. >You laugh to yourself remembering the tizzy you would wake up in after any dream with Him
  110. >Even now He would appear in your dreams every so often
  111. >You take a drink and finish up the rest of your meal
  112. >Packing up the dishes you lay back down on the blanket for a nap, hoping he'd appear in your dreams
  113. >You closed your eyes and dozed off
  115. >Opening your eyes you find everything just how you had left it
  116. >The sun had crossed the sky a bit more and you guessed it was around 3
  117. >You let out a sigh as you started to get up
  118. >Suddenly you felt something you hadn't felt in many years
  119. >A hand
  120. >A human hand
  121. >You tense up with anticipation
  122. >You turn around and sure enough it's Him
  123. >Your brain turns to mush in an instant not knowing whether to salute, hug him, or just feint on the spot
  124. >You end up doing a combination of the three, quickly heiling before embracing Him as you started to feel woozy
  125. >He returns the hug as you just sit there
  126. >You release Him after far too long under any other circumstance
  127. >Realizing you hadn't grabbed the flower yet you stood up to get it and give it to Him
  128. >He just stays where he is waiting with a smile on His face
  129. >You grab the Edelweiss out of your bag and return to Him placing the flower in his lap before sitting back down right next to him
  130. >He observes it carefully before taking a look at you, then back to the flower, then at you again
  131. >He slides the flower behind your ear and gives you a large smile
  132. >This is the happiest day of your life
  133. >You hadn't even spoken to each other yet
  134. >To not break the peace you just sit there at his side before he turns to you
  135. >"Du bist ein schön Pferd"
  136. >'You are a beautiful horse,' words could not describe your sheer elation at hearing those words from his mouth
  137. "Dankeschön, mein Führer"
  138. >Those are the only words shared between the two of you as the rest of the day goes by
  140. >Despite how great this day has gone, bad thoughts keep coming back to you
  141. >You keep trying to tell yourself that this is all real
  142. >That you wouldn't wake up to find this was just a dream
  143. >That he had somehow ended up here safely
  144. >That he wasn't dead
  145. >You once again felt yourself starting to break your composure as a few tears started to roll down your face
  146. >You had been trying to hide it but a soft cry escapes from your lips
  147. >Daring not to look up you stay as you are before you feel yourself being pulled closer to Him
  148. >He pulled you into a hug as you had done earlier which is all it took
  149. >You started to cry, hard
  150. >He just runs his had through your mane allowing you to work it out yourself
  151. "Es tut mir so Leid! Kannst du mir vergeben"
  152. >"Du hast nichts unrecht gemacht"
  153. >This makes you cry even more
  154. >A minute later you let out a few final sobs before calming down
  155. >Noticing you had finished he takes your head in his hands, wiping the remaining tears from your eyes
  156. >"Ich freue mich, dass du am Leben bist und es dir gut geht. Solange du glücklich bleibst, werde ich es auch tun"
  157. >You take a second to process before responding
  158. "Dann werde ich"
  159. >At that he stands up
  160. >The sky was now dark and you could see the moon
  161. "Werde ich dich jemals wieder sehen"
  162. >"Ein anderer Tag, mein kleines Pony"
  163. >You pull him into one last embrace
  164. >He places a kiss on your forehead before turning around and heading into the woods
  166. >Slowly you make your way back to your blanket folding it up and placing it back in your saddlebag
  167. >You take one last look back towards the memorial and started to make your way back home
  168. >You reminisce on the last words he had told you
  169. >'As long as you stay happy, so will I'
  170. >You will take that advice to heart
  172. >The journey back goes off without a hitch and trotting through the sleepy streets of Ponyville you finally arrive at your home
  173. >You walk inside and place your saddlebags down deciding to unpack them in the morning
  174. >Considering how long you had napped you didn't think you'd be this tired
  175. >You go over to your comfy bed for a good night's rest when something catches you eye in the mirror
  176. >Trying not to trip over yourself you get closer to the mirror
  177. >Is it... could it really be...yes
  178. >The Edelweiss is still tucked behind your ear

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Seiner Tag

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