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Three Purple Ponies Try To Solve The Worlds Problems 2.5

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-04-12 02:34:29
Expiry: Never

  2. Drei lila Stuten Versuchen Sie das zu lösen Heimat Probleme!
  4. It's all downhill from here....
  6. Twilight Sparkle:
  8. > My eyes fluttered open
  9. > Spit dribbled from my bottom lip into Amethysts lap
  10. > pain throbbed through my head in waves
  11. > It was sharp and felt electric
  12. > The drum of a painful migraine pulsated between my ears
  13. > The most unpleasant would rise just as quick as it fell
  14. > At its peak it felt like a needle was being shoved into my left eye
  15. > For the brief moment the stinging subsided I closed my eyes and sighed
  17. > The pain began to rise and I dug my hooves into the sheets
  18. > The fabric was wet with a mysterious orange sauce
  19. > I don't know what it is, but it doesn't matter
  20. > My mind was inflamed with piercing pain
  21. > It was like my every nerve was screaming
  22. > I inhaled deeply and the drumming slowed until it stopped completely
  23. > With my head cleared a sense of confusion rested over me
  24. > Lightheaded with the pain still ringing in my head I slowly lifted myself off Amy's lap and nursed my aching skull with my hoof
  26. > What even happened?
  27. > What time is it?
  28. > How did I end up on her lap?
  30. > The last thing I could remember was taking a bite of a chicken wing then suddenly…
  31. > I don’t even know.
  32. > Did I black out?
  34. > I wanted to ask but all that came out was yawn
  35. “Amethyst…How are we doing for the election?”
  36. > “It’s going great!” She cheered “I think I’m ready to hit the road and start my campaign!”
  37. > Did I hear her correctly?
  38. > She's running in the election?
  40. > My head started to hurt again
  41. > My eyes retreated back into her lap
  42. > Her thighs were basted in sweat and syrup
  43. > I wiped my cheek
  44. > Crusty flakes of drool mixed with dehydrated plum sauce peeled off my cheek like dandruff
  45. > I bucked my head backwards and leaped off the bed
  46. > My hooves fumbled when they hit the floor and I staggered a little as I tried to regain my balance
  47. > The food trapped inside my gut sloshed violently as I bounced from hoof to hoof trying to keep my balance
  48. > The room stopped spinning and I felt recovered
  50. > My eyes fell to a small puddle of milk beneath where Amy was sitting
  51. > Or at least it looked like milk?
  52. > It dripped from her breasts like a broken faucet
  53. > A mix of white and green and was incredibly thick resembling nothing I had ever seen expel from a healthy body
  54. > From her nipple the Viscus milk breached her milk ducts
  55. > It had the consistency of artists paint
  56. > And every now and then, cylindrical chunks of an unknown substance forced its way from her nipple
  58. > My mind jumped glue sticks
  59. > tiny chewed up glue sticks
  60. > Celestia knows what they were but she was hemorrhaging them like crazy
  61. > “Princess…” Amy chuckled
  62. > “You broke them.” Her face scrunched as she laughed
  63. > I was stunned
  65. > She scooped a hoof full of milk and brought it below her chin
  66. > She began lapping the milk off her hoof like cat
  67. > Her back legs trembled
  68. > She wasn't shy about her pleasure
  70. > Her fur was covered in various spreads and food
  71. > Ketchup, peanut butter, olive oil, anchovy paste and grease coated the mare
  72. > She smelled as foul as she looked
  73. > Though, I don’t think she noticed or cared
  74. > She was relishing in the filth which no doubt was skin deep
  76. > With her legs spread wide I could see her ravaged sex leaking green ooze and mixing with the chunky milk
  77. > Stretch marks were tattooed over her distended belly
  78. > She was a disaster
  79. > But she didn’t seem upset
  82. > “Twilight, tell me I’m a good mare again.” She asked batting her eyes
  84. > I began to try putting the pieces together
  85. > I awoke with my face rested over her lap
  86. > A gap in my memory
  87. > I’m completely naked
  88. > I glassed over the room which was a state of disaster
  89. > Half eaten pieces of chicken laid sadly over the carpet alongside discarded bones and slivers of skin
  90. > The walls were covered in sauce
  91. > Between the pools of grease saturated into the wallpaper were long strokes of ketchup and jam smeared along the walls
  92. > They looked like they were done by hoof
  93. > One particular group of streaks almost looked like writing
  94. > But I couldn’t make heads or tails of what it was trying to say.
  96. > The air was sticky and smelled like death, chocolate and chicken, milk and sex
  97. > Amy herself had an oder of her own
  98. > She smelled like a McHoofies dumpster on a hot summer's day
  99. > She put her hooves over her breasts and began rubbing the food into her skin
  100. > “I’m a dirty mare. Come clean me.” She moaned
  101. > I shook my head in disgust
  102. > I didn’t want to admit it
  103. > But there was only one logical explanation for this turn of events
  104. > Amy somehow was able to drug me and in my unconscious state tried to rape me
  106. > It was the only logical conclusion
  107. > I don't know how we became so filthy
  108. > Celestia knows what led us to this point
  109. > I've been thinking that since we arrived
  111. > Amy slid her front left leg between her breasts which were dangling over the edge of the bed
  112. > The sound of her hoof penetrating her cleavage made a loud squeak
  115. “Ewww! Amy! what the heck!?”
  116. > She tilted her head “What's wrong Twilight?”
  117. “Were you coming onto me!?”
  118. > “No! You were coming onto me! And I’m super honoured that you did!”
  120. > I rolled my eyes
  121. > Amy is such a liar
  122. > Is there anything redeemable about this mare?
  123. > “We talked for hours. You helped me realize that my fear of germs is just a coping mechanism for the neglect I felt as a filly."
  124. "Did I now?'
  125. > "Don’t you remember? We cried in each other's hooves and then you slathered me with cooking oil and licked it off me. It felt weird at first, but it was the most love I’ve felt in a long time…The entire experience made me weep like a baby…You helped me realize how foolish I was being. ”
  126. > I stumbled over to the desk and resumed my study into Griffon elections
  127. > I didn't believe her for a second
  129. > “I think you unlocked something in me Twilight…I love being filthy…It's so liberating and sexy. I’m never gonna shower again.”
  130. > She began rubbing her hoof in slow circle over her pussy
  131. > In all my life I have never witnessed such degeneracy
  133. > My stomach began to rumble and I created some food
  134. > Deep fried potatoes doused in ketchup
  135. > Not what I was thinking, but they looked delicious
  136. “Amy, you smell like a dumpster.” I scoffed
  137. > “I know! I’m a filthy, filthy mare!”
  138. > Why am I always in the company of the most crazy ponies?
  140. > “I’m so happy that you’re letting me run in this election on your behalf! You’re the greatest pony ever!”
  141. > What was she talking about?
  142. > Had she finally lost her mind?
  143. > Why would I let her run in the election?
  145. > I shuffled through her notes which laid scattered across the desk
  146. > Beneath the paperwork were posters with pictures of Amy in all her filthy glory
  147. > “Vote for Amethyst for a fatter future!”
  148. > I couldn’t believe this
  149. > She was actually running
  150. > How long was I out?
  152. “Amethyst you fool! If you run in the election you’ll take votes away from me!”
  153. > “But you said…”
  154. “Those Changeling eggs are messing with your head Amy.”
  155. > “No! I mean…I don’t know…They could be! Twilight! Are they!?” Amy began to panic
  156. > I spawned a cake made entirely out of frosting above my head and began dipping the potato wedges into the frosting
  158. “Probably. Who knows what chemicals those things are entombed in. It’s probably corroding your brian.”
  159. > “Oh my gosh! Do you really think so!?”
  160. > I rolled my eyes
  161. > It was possible, but highly unlikely
  162. “Never mind that! You’re really making things really complicated for me Amy.”
  163. > “I’;m sorry Twilight. Its just that…You said I would make an amazing mayor. I really liked the idea of being a mayor…”
  165. > Stupid mare
  166. > I wouldn’t trust her with a staple gun let alone control of the most volatile city in Equestria
  167. > Sugar Belle may be an idiot, but at least she was consistent
  168. > Amy doesn’t even know if she wants to live a life of clean living or surrender to her primal urges and become gutter trash
  169. “Don’t worry Amy. I can fix this.”
  171. > “You can?” Confusion riddled her voice
  172. “Amy, I need to win this election. It’s my duty as the princess of friendship to represent the throne. Not you.”
  173. > “I’m so confused. You sent me to get posters made and we created an entire campaign….”
  174. > She seemed genuinely confused
  175. > Maybe she wasn’t behind my sudden blackout
  176. > Something strange was happening
  177. > I could feel it in my gut
  179. > “Twilight, you said I was going to run for mayor…”
  180. “Well we have a new plan now.”
  181. > “But…We made posters and everything…”
  183. “Don’t worry Amy, we can use all your ideas for my campaign and sabotage your campaign in the process.”
  184. > I scanned the mare for a moment
  185. “You still hate creatures right?”
  186. > “Well…I don’t really like creatures but I wouldn’t say I hate them…”
  187. “Perfect! Then you will represent the anti creature party!”
  188. > “Wait…”
  190. “Equestria is moving towards a progressive future. Sugar Mountains is most progressive city in all Equestria. So when you get on stage and tell everypony how you think ponies are superior and how you want to eradicate creatures you’ll have no chance of winning!”
  191. > “I can’t do that! I’ll get killed!”
  192. “Amy please, you must stop being so self centered.”
  193. > I took a bite of my cake and the my belly started to rumble again
  194. > great…
  196. > “Twilight, I really think you should reconsider this plan, you and I have already made policies and I think they’re pretty good! We can work together!”
  197. “Like what?”
  198. > “We were going to build schools, create sugar mining jobs, and public gardens along the shoulders of every street and best of all, we were going to keep the griffins out of Sugar Mountains!”
  199. > I must have been in some kinda way when we made all these plans
  200. > I don’t wanna kick the griffins out completely…
  201. > And all those gardens would cost a fortune!
  203. “Amy!” I giggled “We can’t do that! We need to focus our energy into bringing Sugar Mountains up to the royal standard. Celestia won’t fund the town until we convince these rebellious ponies that celestia's way is the best way!”
  204. > She sighed
  205. > “And how are we gonna do that?”
  206. “Ponyville is a prime example of how to run a town by Celestias guidebook! In fact, I think I have the book in my bag!”
  207. > I pulled out the book out of my luggage
  208. > A thick seven hundred page book on how to run a city by Celestias standards
  209. >I began to read
  211. “A good city includes statues of the princesses to symbolize our legend, every building must be painted in a bright pastel color, bakeries on every corner and schools must teach “Equestrius Dox 1.5.”
  212. > “I always hated that book.” Amy grumbled
  213. “It’s all part of her peacekeeping technique!”
  214. “You’re policy is anti creature and pro Equestria. While mine is status quo, pro Celestia.”
  215. > “I actually can stand behind both of those sentiments….So we’re just giving the ponies the illusion of choice?”
  216. “Between us? Yes. We still have a griffon to contend with and Celestia knows what he stands for.”
  218. > Amy scratched her head
  219. > “Twilight, I don’t know how I feel about all this…My reputation will be ruined if I start telling ponies I hate creatures…Ponies don’t take kindly to that kinda talk anymore.”
  220. > Amy is such a whiner
  221. > I glanced down at the puddle of milk below her hooves and I hatched a brilliant idea
  222. “Amy, I think I can settle your nerves.”
  223. >”Really?”
  224. > “Yes! The only question is, are you ready to become worst pony?”
  225. > “I guess?” Amy stuttered
  227. > I shoved my hoof into the milk and smeared it across her face
  228. > The milk was thick and stuck to her fur like glue
  229. > “Twilight…What are you doing?”
  230. > I pressed my hoof over her lips and hushed her
  231. “Shhh….I want you to trust me.”
  232. > “O..Ok…”
  233. “Do you believe that Equestria is the greatest nation in the world?”
  234. > “Y..Yes.”
  235. “Will you do anything to save her?”
  236. > “Yes.”
  237. “Will you do whatever it takes to clean the filthy creatures from her lands?”
  238. > “YES!”
  239. “Then with the power bestowed upon me by Celestia, I pronounce you the leader of the Mares First Party!”
  241. > “The Mares First Party?”
  242. “Yes! The mare's first party! How does it feel…Ary?”
  243. > A smile crept along her face
  244. > "Ary..I like that. I wish you luck in the upcoming election Princess.”
  245. “Same to you my little nationalist friend.”
  246. > Her smile grew and she began to rub her hooves together
  248. > She won’t last a day on the campaign trial
  249. > Only the most hate filled, ignorant ponies would vote her
  250. > Right?

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

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The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

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The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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