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Pies and Slander

By Hugh_Neutron
Created: 2023-04-15 08:30:58
Updated: 2023-04-16 19:21:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Short green inspired by this post:
  2. >>39831014
  3. >Some of the shit I read on there actually makes me nervous. No one wants to talk about the man-hating femcels because the joke about the angry red-haired feminist is old, but they're still out there fantasizing about causing massive misfortunes they can bring upon some unsuspecting guy who would have no support if they were to try anything. You might be able to take on a female MMA champ in the ring by visiting Planet Fitness once a week, but some femcel with a twitter account can say the magic words to make all your friends and family and professional relationships disavow you and no amount of legal action can undo what happened to you.
  4. >From a social standpoint, we're extremely vulnerable. If only we had a big strong mare to protect us.
  5. ===
  6. >You take another sip from your drink, the fourth one today.
  7. >Things are better here in Equestria but you still find yourself in the bar three times a week.
  8. >Thankfully they don't distribute records here like they do on earth and they don't seem to mind your tattoos.
  9. >Maybe they think it's cultural.
  10. >If only they knew.
  11. >Ponyville is nice, everypony seems to care.
  12. >You're always polite but you don't let anyone or anypony get close.
  13. >You don't know if you can trust them, after all they're just like people.
  14. >Some things are different and that's what lets you slip in.
  15. >They treat men like women and women like men.
  16. >Strange but you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  17. >Ponies see you sulking and drinking and ask questions sometimes.
  18. >Today it's BigMac.
  19. >"Is everything alright Anon?"
  20. >His baritone is soothing, almost lulls you in.
  21. >Everything is not alright and you're unsure if it ever will be, but you mention none of that to him.
  22. >You tell him it's a long story.
  23. >You secretly hope they never know.
  24. >"You should really get out more Anon. We hardly see you spend time with anypony."
  25. >You mull over his words.
  26. >You have been here for a while now and it hasn't blown up in your face yet so maybe he's right.
  27. >You ask him if he knows when the next party by that Pinkie Pie pony is.
  28. >He freezes up and looks away.
  29. >"You haven't heard? She raped a stallion, TrenderHoof."
  30. >Immediately you think that's not possible.
  31. >PinkiePie?
  33. >In prison, your readings of people get pretty sharp and you never sensed anything but benevolence there.
  34. >Okay there was a bit of malice with pranks but that's normal.
  35. >She organized a party for you when you first arrived.
  36. >You weren't a party animal but you adored her events.
  37. >She made you feel like a person for the first time in a long time.
  38. >Pressing BigMac on the details doesn't yield much.
  39. >An article from a newspaper fingered (hoofed?) Pinkie as a rapist.
  40. >Starting three days ago, it's a he said-she said situation.
  41. >You ask if the guards are involved.
  42. >"Not yet."
  43. >It doesn't add up to you and it's making your hackles rise.
  44. >You don't let BigMac see that it's affecting you personally.
  45. >"The Cakes have turned her out. Good riddance."
  46. >Turned her out?
  47. >They threw her out of the goddamn house?
  48. >"Yeah. They got foals Anon, they can't risk somepony like that."
  49. >Your head is spinning.
  50. >Flashbacks are assaulting you like a pack of wolves.
  51. >Is PinkiePie staying with his family?
  52. >"Nope."
  53. >Pinkie isn't staying with his family even though Pinkie is a friend of AppleJack, his sister.
  54. >Is she staying with RainbowDash?
  55. >"Nope."
  56. >Fluttershy?
  57. >"Nope"
  58. >You get a sinking feeling.
  59. >Rarity? Twilight?
  60. >"Nope and nope."
  61. >You ask if as far as he knows, Pinkie has anywhere to stay.
  62. >"Nope. Anon can we talk about something lighter please?"
  63. >You give him a lame excuse about returning some tapes.
  64. >Works every time.
  65. >Right now you need to get out there.
  67. >You find Pinkie on a park bench, after running all around town with four pints in your belly.
  68. >Running while plastered is not enjoyable, but you're driven by a demon in the back of your mind.
  69. >It's dark now and the only light is the streetlamps, one of which she sits under.
  70. >The chilly night air nips at your sweaty skin.
  71. >You approach her still out of breath.
  72. >She looks normal, she even smiles at you.
  73. >You can tell it's fragile like an eggshell though and she has a suitcase with her.
  74. >"Hey Anon, It's pretty late to be jogging isn't it?"
  75. >It's pretty late to be...sitting on a park bench.
  76. >Her smile cracks, oops did you say that out loud?
  77. >"I'm just enjoying the night is all. I'm not staying here because I have nowhere to go HAhaha."
  78. >Her nervous laugh is not convincing you.
  79. >You ask if everything is alright between her and the Cakes?
  80. >Another crack in her smile, this is painful to watch.
  81. >"No but it's uhh.. just a big misunderstanding! I just need to talk to the Cakes about some things."
  82. >You ask if she has anywhere to stay tonight.
  83. >She's crumbling before your eyes.
  84. >"Well I was thinking about sleeping on this super comfy bench!"
  85. >She lays down to prove the comfortability of the bench but the impact of wood on skull makes you think otherwise.
  86. >You ask about her friends, the rest of the Mane 6, why doesn't she stay with them?
  87. >She's barely held together, stuttering and on the verge of tears.
  88. >"T-They all seemed to be super busy or needing privacy and couldn't spare a bed or couch or inflatable bed or inflatable couch or a floor. You know, preeetty normal right Anon?"
  89. >You tell her BigMac told you everything.
  90. >She looks like someone just shot her.
  91. >Her hair deflates and she covers her eyes but the tears still fall.
  92. >"Its not true. Its not true. Please its not true. It was three weeks ago. I scared him and snapped a picture, thats it! I swear Anonymous, Pinkie swear, human swear, or any other kind of swear."
  93. >You sit down, and tell her you believe her.
  94. >Her eyes are red and her nose is dripping snot.
  95. >She's not bawling, yet.
  96. >You hand her a bar napkin from your pocket and tell her she can stay at your place.
  97. >"I-I don't think that's a good idea."
  98. >You ask why not.
  99. >She doesn't say anything but you can see it in her eyes when she looks at you.
  100. >She’s afraid.
  102. >Is it because you're male?
  103. >Is she scared that you're going to accuse her too, or that somepony will make more rumors?
  104. >You don't know what's going through her head.
  105. >"Why...Why do you believe me Anon? Nopony else did. I don't get it."
  106. >You clench your jaw instinctively.
  107. >Consciously relaxing your jaw, you tell her you believe her because a similar thing happened to you.
  108. >It's the whole reason you came to Equestria, to run away from it.
  109. >It was a long time ago and it took years from you, but this isn't about you right now, it's about her. She needs help.
  110. >And until you see the evidence yourself, you will always believe her over some dingleberry from out of town.
  111. >"Wow"
  112. >She's no longer on the verge of bawling, now she just looks exhausted.
  113. >She closes her eyes and grabs her head.
  114. >"Everything is so upside-down Anon. I don't know what to do."
  115. >You pat her on the shoulder, it's cold.
  116. >You both sit there for a while.
  117. >Is it 1 am now? You can't tell.
  118. >"Anon, can I please sleep on your couch?"
  119. >You tell her she can stay as long as she needs.
  120. ---
  121. >Things didn’t get better for Pinkie.
  122. >Trenderhoof rescinded his statements on threat of lawsuit, but the damage was done.
  123. >Every pony shunned her, and gave you shit for sheltering her.
  124. >Eventually she was driven out of town.
  125. >You gave her your bug out bag for bad situations, and told her to keep in touch.
  126. >She went back home to her family's rock farm and hadn't had a party since.
  127. >Her passion for life had been murdered and buried.

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