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The Misadventures of Derpy Hooves Part 2

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-04-18 04:56:03
Expiry: Never

  2. Fluttershy:
  4. > Muffins sat across the table staring down at the lone muffin which her dad had placed in front of her some time ago.
  5. > She was unusually quiet and looked distraught
  6. > I could always tell when she was feeling down
  7. > It's not like she could keep her feelings a secret even if she tried
  9. > I had seen her adorn every mood
  10. > But usually it was coupled with her signature unstoppable energy
  11. > It wasn't usual seeing her this quiet
  12. > Or to not tell me what was bothering her
  13. > Since we met she was never shy of expressing herself and never kept any secrets from me
  14. > At least as far as I'm aware
  16. > So we sat in the kitchen across from one another in silence
  17. > I didn’t know what to say
  18. > All my questions were met with shrugs and sighs
  19. > She didn’t look me in the eye and hadn’t even touched her muffin
  21. > Across the kitchen, Mr. Hooves was putting away the dishes
  22. > Not even the shuffling of glass filled the room
  23. > Because Mr. Hooves doesn’t own any glass dishes
  24. > He told in me once that he stopped buying breakable utensils for Derpy because she has the habit of dropping breaking them
  25. > I can't imagine how frustrating it is buying a brand new set of dish-ware only to have them broken in a couple weeks
  27. > The old house began to creak as a particularly harsh wind blew through town
  28. > Stepping into Muffins house always gave me anxiety
  29. > I always fearer the entire place would topple over at the slightest breeze and we'd be trapped under a hundred pounds of wooden planks
  31. > The seemed well built but the years of neglect were prominent
  32. > I guess neglect wasn't the best word, because Mr. Hooves seemed to always be keeping himself busy fixing something
  33. > But as hard as he tried, some problems were beyond his talent to fix
  34. > The most alarming example of decay was in Muffins room
  35. > I’ve known Muffins for years and her room still has a gaping hole above her bed
  36. > No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t fix the roof
  38. > Muffins calls it her sunroof
  39. > I don’t know if she actually believes that's what it is or if her dad told her that to hide his failure as a roofer from her
  40. > The entire house was a depressing scene
  42. > Behind the peeling wallpaper, termites had punctured hoof sized holes
  43. > I squinted through one of the larger holes and peaked outside, using the structural damage as a tiny window
  44. > I watched the leaves blow down the lonely old street
  45. > I sighed
  47. > It’s the first day of summer and I was stuck inside with a miserable Muffins and her basket case father
  48. > I sighed again
  49. > I know I shouldn’t think of him like that
  50. > Too many ponies in town treat him like dirt
  51. > He likes to pretend I don’t see it, but anypony with eyes could see how ponies clear a path whenever he’s in town
  53. > Muffins dad isn’t a rich pony
  54. > At least not anymore
  55. > Apparently their was a time he was one of the wealthiest ponies this side of Canterlot Mountain
  56. > He was some kind of union leader or mayor
  57. > I don’t fully understand what he did
  58. > Even though he’s taken every opportunity to talk my ears off about his work
  59. > Negotiating, making deals and being an important part of Old Ponyville history
  60. > I guess that's because all he has left is stories
  63. > The ponies in town proper call the entire mining area Old Ponyville
  64. > Despite it being founded years after the Apples settled here
  65. > I don’t know…
  66. > Ponyville history is strange and I try to stay out of it the best I can
  68. > All I can say on the matter is that it’s only Derpy and him who live out here and it’s the loneliest piece of Equestria I’d ever laid eyes on
  69. > I in a way I kinda live in “Old Ponyville” Too
  70. > My cottage isn’t too far from Muffins house
  71. > It’s on the other side of the mining camp on a small plot of land my parents bought for me
  72. > They got it for really cheap and I’m thankful every day for forking out the bits for my own place where I can wake up and place my hooves on solid ground
  74. > The three of us debated even buying the place, but with a little charm and a couple promises I was able to win them over
  75. > I didn’t like living in the clouds
  76. > Cloudsdale is a busy place and all the ponies there are too lost in the hustle and bustle to appreciate the more gentle parts of life
  77. > I silence is nice too
  78. > No more arrogant Pegasi flying a hundred miles an hour over the house or zeppelins cutting through the backyard
  80. > It’s just me, myself and I
  81. > And thats how I like it
  82. > Personally, I don’t think I’m a pony who would ever want to live with any pony
  83. > I like my peace and quiet way too much.
  84. > Mom and Dad keep saying that’ll change, but I have my doubts
  86. > Theirs no better place for a pony like me than on the outskirts of Old Ponyville
  87. > It’s cheap
  88. > Quiet
  89. > And I have Ponyville proper just a short trot down the hill
  90. > Though, I don’t know what happened to Old Ponyville
  91. > Mr. Hooves has all kinds of stories about pretty much everything that happened in town
  92. > And he never just speaks casually about it either
  93. > His voices fills with arresting passion when talking about his union leader days
  94. > He practically founded the place
  95. > But he never talks about how it became so empty…
  97. > Nowadays, he just stays home
  98. > He decided to retire from that life and choose a life of solitude
  99. > He keeps himself busy with other things now
  100. > His hooves are always dirty doing something
  101. > Gardening
  102. > Cooking
  103. > Carpentry
  104. > Roofing
  105. > Painting
  106. > He seems kinda lonely
  107. > Like he’s trying to fill a hole
  109. > Sometimes I help him with his chores
  110. > Celestia knows he needs all the help he can get
  111. > As much as I mock it, this place would’ve probably collapsed years ago if he wasn’t stapling it together every week
  112. > After our chores he pays me a couple bits and he he’ll usually tell me story about the good old days
  113. > His union job
  114. > His time as mayor
  115. > His wife…
  116. > Which is always a difficult conversation to navigate.
  118. > Though, he mostly talks a about Muffins
  119. > I can tell just by his tones that he cares about her a lot
  120. > Now, many ponies would assume that being a her father that him loving her is to be expected
  121. > But none of my other friends parents talk about their filly like Mr. Hooves does Muffins
  123. > The way his eyes light up and his goofy smile wiggles across his cheeks says it all
  124. > But sometimes I fear he may be a little overprotective
  125. > He worries a lot about her
  126. > And confines in me more than I’m comfortable with
  128. > I’m not a fan of how he tries to pry things from me
  129. > I guess its because he has no other pony to talk to
  130. > And Muffins isn’t the easiest pony to get a straight answer from
  132. > Heck, I’m her best friend and sometimes it feels like pulling teeth trying to get her to explain whatever crazy idea is going on in her silly head
  133. > I hate to say it, but she’s been dubbed “Distracted Derpy” for a reason
  134. > Muffins doesn’t have many friends
  135. > She tells me that the fillies in flight school have started calling her “Derpy” Because of the way she flies and her wonky eyes
  136. > Her speech impediment is also a point of mockery
  138. > I promised Muffins that I wouldn’t tell her dad about the things we talk about
  139. > Knowing that I’ll keep her secrets has led her to open up more to me than she otherwise would
  140. > And I try my best not to talk about the bullying with Mr. Hooves
  141. > Because I know for a fact it would cause him to worry more than he already does
  142. > Mr. Hooves reached his hoof over my head and placed a cup of orange juice in front of me
  143. > He then grabbed a seat between the two of us at the table
  144. > We shared a quick glance
  145. > He looked distraught
  147. > His tired brown eyes sunken into his skull
  148. > He looked frazzled
  149. > This isn’t my first time playing therapist for Mr. Hooves
  150. > And I know that the longer Muffins kept her silence, the more worried he’d become
  152. > “Muffins…I would like you to tell me what happened today at Flight School.” Mr. Hooves said in a soft voice
  153. > She was still as a statue
  154. > Eyes locked on the muffin her dad set out for her ages ago
  155. > Usually she devours them quicker than he can cook them
  156. > Today must’ve been a very bad day
  158. > “Muffins…I want you to talk to us. Fluttershy came all the way across town to see if you were okay. What's on your mind?”
  159. > She glanced up at him through her bangs but her eyes shot back down to the table
  160. > Her hooves resting along the edge of the table stroking the wood anxiously
  162. > Mr. Hooves looked back at me
  163. > His expression said it all
  164. > Whenever Muffins was in one of her moods he would ask me to come visit
  165. > I’m pretty good at cheering her up, but she looked absolutely heartbroken
  166. > I sighed and reached my hoof out towards her
  168. “Muffins, you don’t need to be shy…We care about you very much, and it’s always better to talk about your problems than bottling them up inside. We know something’s bothering you. Just tell us. What do you need to get them off your chest?”
  169. > She peaked her head up nervously
  170. > I shot her a smile
  171. > “Y..Y..You don’t underst..a..a..nd…I..I just don’t…wanna… about it…”
  173. > She had the Cadence of a stuttering engine and sounded like her mouth was clogged by marshmallows
  174. > It was hard to understand her sometimes but with a careful ear I could usually make it out
  175. > Believe it or not, their was a time when her speaking was much worse
  176. > I don’t think she possesses much control over her tongue
  177. > But her speech therapy has help her come a long way
  179. > Mr. Hooves leaned back into his seat
  180. > I could tell he was stressed
  181. > I could only imagine how long he had been trying to get her to open up before I arrived
  182. “Muffins…I’ve been hearing rumours…I know what's being said about you isn’t true…”
  184. > I glanced over at Mr. Hooves
  185. > Sometimes I feel like I have to choose my words carefully to spare his feelings
  186. > Sometimes I think his feelings are more fragile than hers
  187. > After all, she's all he has left
  188. “Just tell us what happened.”
  190. > "I..I said I d…d…don't wan..nnnnna talk about it!"
  191. > She grabbed the muffin off the table and began marching out of the kitchen
  192. > She stopped in the doorway into the hall and turned to us
  193. > “Y…Yoooouuuu…!... m…mmmm…m..make me…sssssooo…soooo…sssoooo… aaaannnnngry!”
  194. > “Muffins, please.” Mr. Hooves pleaded
  195. “I…I…I d..don’t w..w..want t…to talkkkk..a..a..a..about it!”
  196. > She stormed out of the room and I could hear he hooves stomping upstairs to her bedroom
  197. > Mr. Hooves sighed
  199. > “Fluttershy, can you go talk to her?"
  200. "Of course."
  201. > I pulled myself from my seat
  202. > "Tell me everything." He said in a very serious tone
  203. > I nodded gingerly and made my way upstairs
  205. > I entered her room and she was pacing around her room in a rage
  206. > Her room was a severe case of arrested development
  207. > Stuffed Animals littered the floor and she had a tattered Daring Do blanket draped over her untidy bed
  208. > “I…I hate F…light S..S…chooool F…llllutttterssss! It’s sssstupid!”
  209. > She picked a teddy bear off the floor and began smacking it around
  210. > I needed to calm her down
  211. > I could hardly make out what she was saying
  212. “Relax, we didn’t mean to upset you, we just wanted to know what's wrong. You can tell me what happened…I won’t tell your dad if you don’t want me too.”
  213. > She stood wiping her tears
  215. > “Ponies are making fun of me because my boobs haven't grown in!”
  216. > I was taken aback
  217. > Of all the things I thought she would be angry about this was the last thing I expected
  218. “Oh…Well, that's okay. I’m sure they’ll grow soon.”
  219. > “They're calling me a teatlet!”
  220. > Ponyville sure has some strange words
  221. > I've never heard of a "teatlet" until I moved down here
  222. > And I hadn’t seen ponies with bust this big either
  223. > It must be in the food
  224. > From my understanding Pegasi aren't supposed to have big breasts anyway
  225. > But around here, it seems like having a normal breast size is unheard of
  227. > Derpy is a couple years younger than me
  228. > But sometimes she acts like a filly
  229. > I love her like a good friend
  230. > But she can be a little overwhelming
  231. > “I’m flat Fluttershy! Flat! No pony likes a mare with no tits!”
  232. > Muffins was cursed with many unfortunate qualities aside from her speech impediments and her eyes
  233. > She was on the heavier side and was a little slow
  234. > It’s not that she’s stupid, she just thinks differently and it takes her a while to reach the same conclusions
  235. > Though her eccentricities may make some uncomfortable, I always found her quirks endearing
  236. > No pony is more approachable or kind than her
  237. >
  238. > I jumped on her bed and invited her to sit
  239. > She hopped up beside me and wrapped her hooves around me tight
  240. > I felt warm chills run up my spine
  242. > I’ve always had a soft spot for this silly filly
  243. > “Cloudchaser’s mean…She says I’m flat.”
  244. “What did I say about listening to Cloudchaser?”
  245. > “To…Not to…?”
  246. “She’s just a spoiled brat. She’ll get what's coming to her eventually.”
  247. > She nuzzled her face into my chest
  248. > “I guess…I just hope she doesn’t do it again.”
  249. > I sighed
  250. > Once her stuttering stopped I knew she was calm
  252. > Whatever she was hiding was starting to gnaw at me
  253. > But I know how to get answers out of her
  254. > I just need to ask my questions in a less direct way
  255. “So, you aren’t back to talking with Cloudcahser are you?”
  256. > “No…I mean…She said that…She wanted to be friends again..but…C..Cloudchaser can be very mean…”
  257. “She didn’t hurt you did she?”
  258. > “Not physically.”
  259. “Well, what did she do?”
  260. > “She’s been telling ponies that I’m slow…I’m not slow! I’m the fastest pony in the entire school! It's just my stupid eyes!”
  261. > Bless her heart
  263. “Well…Maybe your dad can take you to the doctor.”
  264. > “No! I hate the doctor! They always poke me and tell me something I don’t like.”
  265. “Such as?”
  266. > “He said I was fat! Doctors are just bullies like Cloudchaser.”
  268. > I was at a loss for words
  269. > Sure, she’s a little chubby, but I wouldn’t call her fat
  270. > She's a normal size, being half earth pony and all
  271. > Not the most elegant Pegasi
  272. > And generally not the smartest…
  273. > I’ve heard her mix described as “turkeys”
  274. > Depending on how the traits are spliced she had the potential
  276. > Instead, Muffins got the worst of both races
  277. > She stores fat like and earth pony, but has the fragile bones and height of a Pegasi
  278. > Standing, she’s half the size of her peers in her age group and I have little faith she has much more growing to do
  280. > She’s a Pegasi like her mother
  281. > Heck, she even has the same eyes and coat colour
  282. > But had the physique of her father
  283. > Large barrel an
  285. > For her sake I hope those earth pony genes give her earth pony breasts
  286. > Just so she can be a little less self conscious about herself
  288. “I wouldn’t worry about what Cloudchaser has to say about anything. She’s got nothing down there herself. Don’t sweat it for a second.”
  289. > “I guess you’re right.” She sniffled
  290. > I felt a little guilty about not being t Muffins like I should
  291. > The poor mare needs a destruction
  292. > I’d like to believe she isn’t the type to engage in stress preening
  293. > But I don’t think any Pegasi is
  294. > We all have our breaking point
  296. > I’ve been debating about inviting her to Rainbow, Pinkie and I’s get together
  297. > They both see her as a friend
  298. > My only fear is that the outing would prove stressful
  299. > Our parties might be a little too “mature” for her
  300. > I bit my tongue
  301. > At least for the time being
  303. “How about the two of us go for a walk?”
  304. > She nodded her head and squeezed me tightly
  306. —----------------------
  308. > Muffins and I walked through the abandoned streets of Old Ponyville
  309. > It was what we did when she felt sad
  310. > The streets here are littered with warning signs concerning some sort of gas leak in the area
  311. > Mr. Hooves says not to worry about it
  312. > But it makes me nervous
  314. > Since I moved into Old Ponyville I’ve been getting frequent migraines and dizzy spells
  315. > I asked Muffins if she ever felt weird but she said she didn’t
  318. > Dash and Pinkie says I worry too much
  319. > Worrying too much can be bad for your health
  320. > It can cause
  321. > Ulcers,
  322. > Brain tumors
  323. > Heart attacks
  324. >...
  326. > I think I’m worrying too much again.
  328. > In all honesty, It must just be my body adjusting to the ground
  329. > I’ve read that pure blood Pegasi aren’t supposed to remain grounded for long periods of time
  330. > I haven’t gone back home in a couple of years now and it severely stunted my normal growing
  332. > My legs are long slender tubes connected to a tiny, bean shaped body
  333. > My wings have shrivelled to the size of clothes pins and my head is slightly larger than my body
  334. > Because my legs are so long and thin, walking is a struggle
  335. > I’m always placing one hoof before the other and fumbling around like a klutz
  336. > And like Muffins, I have my own eye problems
  337. > Being too close to Dashes rainboom caused my pupils to burst
  338. > Now I see everything…
  339. > My once wide green eyes are now bulbus black circles consuming three forth of my face
  340. > Muffins says they look like black granite marbles peppered with sprinkles
  341. > I don’t know where she comes up with this stuff
  342. > When I look at myself in the mirror and stare into my eyes I only see large reflective bulbs, a tiny snout, a long snake like neck eyes, and legs more fitting for a giraffe than a mare.
  343. > I can still see, especially in the dark
  344. > But the light causes creates a blinding white effect that consumes my vision like a poorly mixed potion or a sour mushroom
  346. >
  347. > “Where should we go?”
  348. “Oh…I don’t know…You can pick..”
  349. > Muffins had the entire town to herself
  350. > I’m sure most fillies would love to have a place like this
  352. > I don’t know what happened to all the residence in Old Ponyville but wherever they went they sure left in a hurry
  353. > When they left, everything became Muffins property in spirit
  354. > She had a music store with all kinds of instruments
  355. > A tiny book store on the corner of First and Oak
  356. > She even had her own saloon
  358. > It was as an odd situation
  359. > She had an entire town to herself but no pony to share it with
  360. > I don’t know where she would be without me
  361. > At the same time, I don’t know I would be without her
  363. > I never thought I’d ever need another pony in my life
  364. > But I’m happy it’s her.
  365. > I think I'll invite her to the party
  366. > She needs friends and I need some pony to get close to
  367. > I just hope she doesn't catch onto how I feel...

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy