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Original story by FulLR3tarD
>"Oh Anon, please, more!!"
>The pleasure is unreal; you had no idea it felt this good
>she felt lucky that you accepted her lewd request
>you were baffled that someone, especially her, wanted you like this
"Fuck, this feels good"
>her shit eating grin turned into a goofy smile as her eyes rolled back
>you decide to take charge a bit; test out the waters
>"O-oh... OH ANON, PLEASE"
>faint sound stops the one-way to coitus town
>"Wait... what is that?"
>Her stopping and complete disregard for continuation is full fucking bonerkill
"Uhh, nothing. I-I'm sure it's nothing."
>Hoping she lets it go
>noise gets louder
>Now you both hear it very clearly
>Gets louder
>"FIRE ALARM!!" she screams and her body turns into a tornado of redness and embarrassment
>left alone, naked in the janitor's closet, blue balled
>be Anon
>eyes shoot wide open
>Alarm clock going off
>realizes it's Monday
>reaches over to stop the ear-shattering noise
"Just my luck. Can't even seal the deal in my dreams," you mutter to yourself.
>30 minutes later. Showered, clothed, consumed shitty breakfast
>bus arrives
>You sit in the back in the usual spot
>Your own seat is the perfect reminder that you are the only 11th grade junior on this bus route that doesn't drive a car to school
>Earlier in the year, you expected to get shit for same reason, but not even Trixie felt like bitching out at 6:30 AM
>open phone
>"No new messages"
>The Monday morning bus ride might have been better if the dream could have finished, but there was no Tang Train to be had for Anon
>As if the morning could not get any worse, you remember what your first class you be
>With that Applejack chick assigned to the seat right next to you
"Fuckin' hell, man."
>As the bus pulled onto school campus, you hear "The Pot!!" from a few of the freshmen up front
>the Pot was the pothole that was constantly being 'fixed' by the groundsmen once a month, only for the hole to get bigger when the new asphalt crumbled
>"Shut up, stupid freshmen!"
>You hated to admit it, but you agreed with Trixie for once, even if she was only a sophmore
>hallways busy as usual before homeroom, you find your way to your locker, still not 100% awake
>the sound of younger freshmen girls still somehow excited to be in high school, thinking of it as a gold mine of older guys instead of the pointless four year prison it actually was
"They'll figure out soon enough," you mumble in between chuckles
>Home and Away jerseys with the number '85' hung up on your locker hook, books now in place on the bottom
>Before you get into homeroom,
>"Hey Anon." It was Flash.
>"Wheels hurt his knee over the weekend. Coach says you're starting on Friday."
>Homeroom, boring as usual
>If not for Norman sitting next to you, it would be aneurysm-inducing levels of boring
>"Hey Anon, you know what I did over the weekend??" he asked
"No, Norman. I haven't the slightest..."
>"Well see, it all started when I texted Rarity on Friday after schoo..."
>As if the gods of Monday gave you a blessing, time seemed to shift forward to the bell ringing
>"... and this morning on the way to homeroom, I kinda brushed against her arm on accident. So yeah, pretty much slid into 3rd base, if ya know what I mean."
>With Norman's pathetic story over with, it was time to get to English
>go downstairs towards English class
>Before you get into class, you meet eyes with one Sunset Shimmer passing you in the hall
>she smiles and waves at you
>your return smile was a bit too wide and toothy, and you immediately feel spaghetti hit the floor
"Dammit. Fuckin' smooth, Anon" you mumble to yourself when she gets out of sight
>Sitting in your normal seat in English, you meditate silently to bring your autism levels down from the disaster in the hall
>vowing to never show teeth again
>You open your eyes and regain normal heart rate again
>Who sat next to you in English was always a mixed bag
>Seat next to you is still empty, as so it remained some days
>Peering around the class you notice a pattern
>Most of the guys left a seat next to them open, which was odd
>"Aite y'all, I'll see ya at lunch!"
>You could hear Applejack outside the door
>suddenly the open seats made all too much sense, but such things did not worry your mind
>Applejack had hot friends, not to mention the bumpkin wasn't too shabby herself
>and by not too shabby, you had already accepted upon seeing her the first day of school that she was far out of your league
>the blonde walks in the class and takes a second to look around, choosing which sitting station shall be blessed with the scent of Malus domestica
>The boys, all too hopeful she would saunter towards them and grace them with her presence, practically began drooling
>you drop the situation from your thoughts as seeing their response to her was numbing your intelligence
>you have heard from the football team that she was the heartbreaker, never agreed to date anyone that asked her
>they just wanted the fruit they couldn't have
>you look back up only to see her walking towards your adjacent desk
>Time slows down and "Mississippi Queen" starts playing in your heard as you *try* to inconspicuously check her out
>praying to deities you don't believe in that she doesn't notice
"The Monday gods have truly not forsaken me," you think to yourself
>As she turns to sit down, you steel yourself
>Time for internal pep talk
"It's not about being the 'cool' guy Anon, she'll probably see right through that," your mind tells you. "It's about not giving her the 'Time for Maximum Rape' smile that you just gave Bacon Head.
"Agreed," says your dick. "Converse with the female."
The Balls speak up as well. "Nigga you fuck this up again and Imma strangle yo ass."
>pep talk over
>truthfully, you had minimal interest in pursuing anything with her.
>If nothing else, you were smarter than to let yourself look like a buffoon because of some hot legs
>She turns to you, and gives a complimentary grin.
"Nice boots."
>almost caught off guard, AJ looked at her boots
>"Heh, thanks. Fav'rit pair."
"Are those riding boots?" you ask.
>clearly now past formalities, AJ lifted an eyebrow. "Yeah... yeah they are. You don't like the feller that would know something about horses though."
"Uncle owns a farm outside of the city."
>Applejack twists her body to face you. "Really now? What kind of horses does he have?"
>You can't for the life of you remember the answer
>You know that he told you what breed his horses were, and now of all times, you forget when you need that info the most
>Seconds go by without an answer
>AJ starts to look doubtful, thinking you're lying to her
>Fear of Josh Peck level pit stains seep into your mind
<"Listen here, Anon. If you ever want the attention of some ole' country girl, just mention horses. Bumpkins lovve horses. Remember that I own Quarter Horses. They are non-gaited, and their most popular color is called Bay, which is a stupid way of saying brown."
>Back to reality
"He has Quarter Horses. Bunch of Bays, too."
>The look of mild shock is takes over AJ's face as she is pleasantly surprised
>Her cheeks singe with a bit of color as she genuinely smiles at you this time
>"Heh, for a second I though you was lyin' to me. I'm more of a Tennessee Walker or Saddlebred gal mahself, but it's nice to know someone else likes horses here."
"Nah, I'm not really the lying type," you say with a chuckle
"Bullshit" your brain tells you.
"How unbecoming," says Dick
"Nigga you gay," says Balls.
>There is a silent pause between you two
>AJ fidgets with her pen
>"I'm Applejack, by the way," as she purposefully looks away from you
"I'm Anon."
>"Anon? Is that a nickname or somethin'?"
"No, Anon is my real name.The only nickname I have is FNG."
>"What in tarnation does 'FNG' mean?"
"Fuckin' New Guy. The rest of the football team gave that one to me since it's my first year here."
>"You're on the football team??"
>This time, it is her turn to check you out
"Uh, yeah."
>"Heh, well, uh... my brother plays on the team too. Maybe you know 'em. Big Mac."
"Yeah, I know Mac! He's the big red one, right?"
>"Sure is, Anon."
>She builds up the courage to look back at you, this time, eyes half closed and a sultry look
>"Maybe I'll be cheerin' for the both of ya at the next game," as she ends with a wink
>As class ends and you put your book up, AJ slides a folded piece of paper at you
>"I'll see you later, FNG," she says with a giggle
>Open the paper
>it's AJ's number... with a heart at the end
>Applejack went to her locker, to get her book for the next class
>as she was about to close it, she saw you walk out of the classroom and walk the other direction
>Rainbow approaches AJ
>"AJ, you got a pencil I could borrow?"
>AJ couldn't hear Rainbow
>if there was a hell on Earth, it was the idea of math
>and if there was one thing worse than regular math, it was mixing letters into math problems
>It's not like you were bad at it, it was just awful
>"Okay class, who can solve number four on the board for me?"
>One girl who raised her hand had purple hair
>You've seen this purple haired girl, she's one of AJ's friends
"Purple Smart?" you think to yourself. "No, that's what the team calls her. It's uhhhh..."
>"Okay Twilight, you come up and do it."
"Twilight, that's right. It's Twilight," storing the name in your proverbial filing system
>Twilight works the problem out for probably a minute
>Without even letting the teacher check the answer, she walks back to her seat
>Trixie speaks up with a irritated 'humph', "Why even bother? Of course Twilight will get it right."
>"Twilight, I'm afraid this is incorrect."
>A hushed gasp lets loose in the class
>Apparently Twilight wasn't wrong too often in this class
>"Let's let someone else have a try. Maybe someone who hasn't worked a problem today."
>The teacher looks around
>You are staring out of the window
>"Anonymous, please try to solve this problem," the teacher says
>Of course she would call on you
>Your book isn't even open
"Uhm, which problem is that, again?"
>The class quietly laughs, but more at you than with you
>"Page 108, problem number 13, Anonymous." The teacher shoots you a light glare. "It might behoove you to pay more attention in class."
>More snickering
>Turn to the page as the teacher erases Twilight's work
>Twilight looks on, smug look and all, sure that you will fail harder than she did
>Write problem on the board. "2(a -3) + 4b - 2(a -b -3) + 5"
>As if trying to teach you a lesson, the teacher adds, "Explain how you solve the problem to the class."
>Someone in the back pulls a bag of popcorn out of hammerspace and waits for the comedy to begin
>Moondancer, next to Twilight whispers, "I heard he's on the football team. How funny is it going to be when he proves the 'dumb football guy' stereotype right??"
>"I know. If I can't solve it, no way this meathead wannabe can," Twilight whispers a bit too loud.
>Loud enough where you heard every word
>bitch, fucking watch me
>Power level increase
>Where's a damn pocket protector when you need one??
"Well first you have to simplify into like terms. We'll have to distribute."
>You write "= 2a - 6 + 4b -2a + 2b + 6 + 5"
"Since we have A, B and regular numbers, we should solve the problem to only these. Once you do the math, it will come out to this."
>You write "= 6b + 5"
>There is no mic, so you drop the marker in similar fashion onto the tray
"Twilight simply forgot that 2A-2A does not equal A, but rather 0. Very close to correct, but still..."
>turn to look Twilight in the eyes
>You could have heard a pen drop in the class.
>Twilight seemed to have lost her smug face
>the same one you now sported
>"Very good Anonymous," the teacher complimented. "Now if you'll all turn to the next page we'll go over..."
>put in Applejack's number on the way to your locker
>put up books, and grab gym clothes
>Canterlot High was the only high school in your district that made their students take PE after middle school
>Principal Celestia prided her school in having the least percentage of obesity in the district as well
>tfw she actually cares about that crap
>Change into gym clothes and walk into the basketball court
>"Alright class, today we're going to be doing timed miles"
>Rest of class: "Awww, cmon."
>Rainbow Dash: "YES."
>You turn to another one of the football player's in the class
"What's her deal, anyways?"
>"That's Rainbow Dash. She's the soccer captain. Everything is a competition for her, and she always wins the fastest mile time."
"She's that good?"
>"Yeah man, don't even try it. She set the school record when she was a freshman and she beats her own record every year."
"Ha, you'd think she has wings or something."
>"Might as well."
>You have no interest in trying hard for your mile time
>PE Teacher speaks up when you all get to the track
>"After your mile, you all have free time. Just don't be late for your next class."
>You figure you'll just do whatever the football guys do after the run
>off they go
>Dash sprints ahead of the pack before the first turn comes up
>"See ya, slowpokes!" she says to those behind her
>there's no way you'll catch up to her, but you could try a little to let off some steam
>you finish ahead of non-athletes, but nowhere near first
>Mile time, 5:45
>RD mile time: 4:56
>Rainbow is waiting at the finish
>"Not a bad time, for a football player."
>You would respond, but you heave in air to your lungs
"Th-thanks" you wheeze out.
>you walk over towards the bleachers to take a breather, but you don't hear the quick, light footsteps behind you
>A running shoe connected to a blue leg sticks out in front of your left foot
>fall face first
>RD now over you. "Just like your run time," she says with a mean chuckle. "Gotta be faster."
>football guys finish as you get up
>"Bruh, did she just trip you?"
"Yeah, don't worry about it though; I'm fine."
>"Sorry man, she gets that way sometimes."
"Like I said, I'm good."
>Check your face for bleeding
>No blood, just a scrape on your cheek
"What do you guys want to do?"
>"Well there is something you haven't done yet Anon. It's kinda like an initiation procedure for the football team."
"Okay, what is it, then?"
>"You have to climb Woody, the giant tree behind the stadium."
"What tree??"
>The guys look at you with an evil smile
>the guys take you out back the stadium
>the tree they mentioned was enormous
>branches not starting for a good 8 feet
>tree itself was over 60 feet high
>and you had to climb it
>"C'mon Anon, you can do this."
"What happens if I don't?"
>You jump onto the first branch and start to ascend
Where's a Twilicorn when you need her?
>Near the top, the tree starts to sway with your weight
>"Anon, grab a small branch from the top and bring it down
>Lactic acid builds in your muscles, as your arm shakes to get the top branch
>got it
>You descend back down. very carefully
>When you get to the lowest branch, you let your body fall and flop onto the ground
>No hazing for dis bitch
>"Yeah, whatever. That's not even impressive," says a cocky RD coming to the tree
>Your team members speak up for you. "Well let's see the soccer captain try, then, if it's so easy!"
>"Yeah!" says the rest of the group
>RD takes off her jacket. "No sweat. Move aside, String Bean."
>she jumps onto the first thick branch like a cat onto a counter-top
>she speedily ascends, faster than you, she would add
>She actually makes it to the top
>bell ring
>"Hey Anon, let's go. Time to get changed, or else we'll be late."
>Rainbow somehow found a way to get onto a higher branch than you
>"No sweat for a REAL athlete, unlike you guys"
>the other guys go back, you wait a few seconds to watch her descend
>She gets near the bottom branch
>foot slips
>branch snags the shirt off of her body
>she falls to the ground
>yfw you see it happen [pic]
>the guys far away from earshot now, did not hear or see anything
>just you two there
>RD grunts, "Ahh, ow."
"Karma's a bitch, huh?"
>You walk over to see if she's alright
>it was only a 9 foot drop or so, and she landed on her back, but still, she could need medical attention
>she rolls over
>no bra
"You should help her," says Brain
"Breasts" says Dick
"Titties" says Balls
>Beyond all reason, though she purposefully made you face plant not even thirty minutes ago, you go over to help her up
>Not exactly a nice guy, but you weren't a monster either
>As you extend your hand to help her up, Rainbow realizes she's topless; thinking you're going for the fun bags
>"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!!" as she rolls away from your presence and hides behind the tree
>this shit
"I was offering to help you up, Rainbow."
>"Yeah right!! Shut up and GO. AWAY."
>gettin real sick of her shit
>out of your line of sight, Rainbow's cheeks flared up; more humiliated from her epic fail than embarrassed from her nudity
>Fine. She wants to be that way, she can be that way
"Have it your way, Rainbow."
>you take a few steps to walk off
>completely torn shirt in the tree
>turn to see her peeping her head to the side of the tree, looking at you
>"I can't go back like this!"
>"Anon! Please!!"
>How did she know your name?
>"ANON! they'll laugh at me for an eternity if I go back topless!!"
"Like how you laughed when you made me faceplant? On the track, no less?"
>"Anon, please. I'll do anything. I just need a shirt."
>you think
>even if she was acting like a cunt, you were above that level of behavior
>walk over to her and forcefully throw your shirt at her
"Wash it tonight and give it back tomorrow."
>As soon as the clothing his her hands in mid air, she quickly puts it on
>she looks towards you, but you're halfway to the gym\
>though she would be late for the next class, she doesn't move
>she puts her head down in shame, regretting making you fall for no reason
>a few minutes go by and she slowly walks back to the gym as well
>a few guys still in the locker room as you get there to shower and change back into school clothes
>"Walking around with no shirt? Anon, your pecs aren't that good, man."
"Bro, don't even ask."
>quickly shower and change
>you leave
>as you do so, some of your friends leave behind you
>They see RD with a shirt that's too big for her, clearly not the one she was wearing
>they stop behind you, mouths agape
>"Oh my god."
>"Bro, I know right??"
>turn to each other
>"Bruh, Anon got it."
>Chem goes without incident
>usual spot in class
>usual half-interesting lecture
>something was in the air, though
>The only thing you noticed was the girl "Marsh-mellow" (thank you football team nicknames) occasionally looked at you and giggled at Sunset Shimmer
>Sunset Shimmer
>hopefully she wasn't too weirded out by the 'rape smile' you gave her earlier
>either way, you did your good deed for the month
>and received a free phone number to boot
>as long as no further incident occurred, today would be alright
>bell rings
>lunch time
>as you walk to the cafeteria, you can't help but wonder if Rainbow is okay
>speak of the Devil
>if the Devil was running towards you
>preparing for violent impact
>no impact
>Not making eye contact, "Anon, I, uh.. I showered and I'm okay."
>she suddenly took your arm and pulled you to the stairwell
>waiting for it to empty
"Look if you're going to punch me, just get it over with so I can eat something before it's too late."
>"What?? No, no I'm... I'm not here to punch you."
"... okay."
>Rainbow looks around, nervous
>"So.. uh, what... what do you want?"
"Excuse me?"
>"Anon... I said I would do anything... I know you didn't have to help me."
>"I.. uh, um, I don't think I'm very good at..." she stutters
>RD started to literally get hot from nerves
>"Anon, how do you like it???" she blurts out.
>your stomach rumbles
>[pic] = yfw
"Washed, dried, and in my hands tomorrow morning"
>Her shock"Wait..wha..?"
>You grab her/your shirt and smell it
"Smells like shit anyways"
>cafeteria in sight
>mission so close to accomplished
>the second step foot into the giant room, you hear a sound that sucks the life out of you
>"Anon, I need to talk to you."
>before you even turn around, you know it's Purple Smart
>you turn
>Purple Smart
"Look Twilight, I'm really hungry and not in the mood for a brow beating"
>"I'm not mad at you, Anon."
"What? Really?"
>"I knew the right answer in my head but for some reason I wanted to be dumb and write '0A' instead of leaving it out of the answer. I forgot to put the 0 in, however."
"Great, can I get in line now?"
>"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm sure you heard me being rude when you got called up to work the problem." Twilight was twisting her hair around a finger. "I can get a bit... zealous... about grades sometimes, and sometimes I get carried away. So, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, I guess."
>Twilight brighten up with a smile. "You're smarter than you look, uh..."
>"Right, Anon. You must be really good at math."
"Oh, not really."
>Twilight looks at you with a questioning face. "What do you mean? You explained and solved the problem in front of the whole class!"
>your smug face
"Odd number problems have answers and explanations in the back of the book, Twilight."
[pic] = Twilight's face
>walk away
>get food
>as soon as you sit down
>bell ring
>despair on your face, you throw away the untouched food and leave
"Fuck. Me. Sideways"
>The day was more than half over, and it's been unusual from the get go
>Apparently Applejack likes you
>Twilight was rude, then apologized
>You helped an LGBT flag put some clothes on
>Missed lunch
>There wasn't this much excitement going around in your entire last year
>And the day isn't over with
>Current mission goals: Find something to eat, finish school without incident, go to practice, get home
>on your way to History, you feel a tap on your shoulder
>turn around, and it's a younger kid on the team
>third string for sure
>"Hey Anon, coach wants to see you in his office."
>Your stomach twists from nerves this time, instead of hunger
>it also twisted from hunger
>what could Coach want before practice??
>knock on door
>"Come in!"
>You open the door and see coach at his desk
>"Get in here and close the door"
"Yes sir."
>He turns away from his computer screen to look at you
>He is not pleased
>"Anon, you know why you're here?"
"No sir."
>"Does this help?"
>He throws a piece of paper at you
>It's an algebra quiz, with your name on top
>Score: 68
>"That's your name, right?"
"Yes sir."
>"And you took that quiz, right?"
"Yes sir."
>"You like math, son?"
"No sir."
>"Now, this doesn't make sense to me. Why would a kid who just got bumped to starting position on this team fail a quiz? Don't you think he knows what happens when an athlete at this school fails a quiz or test?"
>"Anon I'm practically holding my breath to keep myself from screaming."
"Yes sir."
>"Anon, you know why I'm angry, don't you?"
"Yes s... yeah."
>"I don't fully agree with Celestia's strict policy of 'Fail a test/sit out a game', but I don't make the rules here. And if that isn't bad enough, Wheels is already out for at least a game or two. So as I'm sure Flash told you, you are now the starting Tight End."
"I see."
>Coach face palms and gets out of his chair, silently mouths, "Fuckin' kids"
>looks back at you
>"You're lucky Celestia likes her athletes, Anon. Damn lucky. I convinced her to let you retake the quiz on Thursday. If you pass it then, you can play.
"Okay, that's good right?"
>"It's only as good as your grade on Thursday, Anon. Don't screw this up, or I'll run you ragged for the entire next week."
"Yes sir."
>you get up to leave
>"I've taken the liberty to schedule you some help from a tutor after practice today and tomorrow. You better be there. If you don't show, I'll know it.
>Not actually great
"I'll be there."
>"Study your ass off, son. The third string TE is garbage and everyone knows it. Here's a late slip; get to class."
>open the door to leave
>"One more thing, Anon. If you think for one second that you are getting special treatment because you are an upperclassman athlete in this high school... you're damn right. Don't forget it, either."
>so life just got a bit harder
>but you figure that tutoring would be good for you in that class
>not that your dumb or anything
>but homework isn't really your speed
>good thing history class was a breeze
>in, fact, there was someone missing in class
>it was a lot more quiet, and the teacher was almost uninterrupted the entire time
>You'll probably remember tomorrow
>empty halls, back towards Cooking
>open the door, but no lecture going on
>everyone in pairs working on something
>hand late slip to teacher
>"Alright Anon, today's assignment is a group project. It's a two day project to see which group can make the best cake. Every table has all the ingredients you need and then some. Find someone who doesn't already have a partner and start working."
>look back at the class, everyone in sight already has a partner
>back left table
>one person working at said table
>you've heard of her before
>she's the cute one out of AJ's friends
>timid, shy, bashful
>you approach her table slowly, as if trying to not scare her away
>remember Anon, she's fragile
>walk to her
"Hey, it looks like you're the only one left without a partner. Mind if I join?"
>"Oh, um, not at all."
>easier than expected
>You have no experience with cooking, let alone baking
>might as well be a foreign language to you
>"You're... Anon, right?"
"You're one of Applejack's friends, right? Uhh... Fluttershy?"
>"Yes." All this time she is mixing the batter, she never looks at you
>she looks nervous
>need an icebreaker
Not the mints, either
"I'm not very good at baking, so you might have to teach me how to help. Sorry, I guess."
>"Oh, that's.. that's not really a problem. I kinda like baking."
"Yeah? Are you any good at it?"
>blush. "I would.. hope so. I'm guessing you're not?"
"Well if pop-tarts is baking then I could teach the class."
>adorable giggle
>now she seems less on-edge
>"Well if I teach you how to bake a cake, you have to teach me how to 'bake' a pop tart."
>you laugh, and smile
>moments of silence
>she's still focusing on the batter
>for some reason, now seemingly more nervous than before
>In a hushed voice, "Rainbow told me what happened earlier..."
>she's apparently friends with Rainbow as well, but how close?
>what did Rainbow tell everyone?
>did she say you were an ass about it?
>did she lie about it?
>Damn. Might be time for damage control
>try to remember what you said to Rainbow, check for mistakes
>realization that if Fluttershy for some reason doesn't take this too well, she could screw your grade up on this project and you certainly wouldn't play on Friday
>realization that this shy girl controls the fate of not only everything that could happen this week, weekend, but also all next week during practice
>Nightmare style daydream of Coach riding a golf cart behind you as you run your 13th mile during practice, whipping you with a bull whip, telling you to go faster and not stop
>the puking you would be doing all week during practice
[pic] = your mind rn
>your mind is screaming "DEFCON 1, PEOPLE!!!"
>you think about what to say at this point
"Listen, I know I prob..."
>she interupts; quickly looking at you now
>"I just think it was really sweet that you helped her out, even after what she did."
>she drops the whisk into the batter bowl
>quickly wraps her arms around you
>"Thank you" she whispers
>you awkwardly receive the hug, not sure whether to hug back or not
>she lets go, and back to batter
>then stops
>reaching into her back pocket, she pulls out a sticky note, folded in half
>"Rainbow wanted me to give this to you if I saw you today."
>you reach for it and open it
>"After what she told me, I added mine as well."
>Two phone numbers
>you look up towards the front of the class in pure disbelief, away from Fluttershy's view
>then you check the back of your shirt for a similar sticky note that either says, "Give me your numbers today, ladies" or "I'm 7 inches flaccid."
>check your back
>no such note
>Fluttershy is saying something but you're not paying attention
>this is beyond all reason
>why is this happening?
>if science class taught you one thing, it was the scientific method
>Observation: weird shit goin' down with girls today
>Question: Why is weird shit goin' down today?
>Hypothesis: Soon after their time of the month? No way, it would have been a pattern by now
>Hypothesis 2: Something new in the water? Possible. Note: Bring water bottle to school tomorrow
>Hypothesis 3: Practical joke? Unlikely. What would the endgame be, after all?
>you forgot the rest of the scientific method
>so that was pointless
>back to reality
>" for my friends."
>Flutters looks away from you and back to the batter again, almost sad. "But, uh, you don't have to call or t-text me... if you don't want to..."
>you consider putting your hand on her shoulder
>but that would be weird
"Aww, uh... don't worry Fluttershy, I like having new friends. I'll text you tonight."
>Upon hearing this, she lightly rocks her head forward to have her hair block your view from her face
>her half embarrassed/ half happy smile stays hidden from you
[pic] = her face
"So, how does one bake a cake?"
>"Well, first you have to whisk the batter until it's light and fluffy."
"You've been whisking for 20 minutes, Fluttershy..."
>"Oh... so I have."
"Is whisking usually a 20 minute process?"
>"Umm.... no."
>If today's cooking class taught you anything, you found out that Fluttershy's cooking abilities was no joke.
>oh and the fact that your body apparently was the pheromone master
>school is over; time for football practice
>walk into the locker room, the rest of the guys already in there immediately stop talking
>all stare at you
>one of the seniors walks up to you, putting his arm around you and turning to the crowd
>he speaks with volume and tone of a game show host
>team actually gathers
>it's that weird shit; it's happening again
>a war cry, nearly loud enough to shake the lockers themselves is let loose in the room
"I didn't think climbing the tree was THAT big of a deal..."
>Game show host gives you a good slap on the back
>"Hahaha, good one Anon."
>Three of the younger players come up to you
>"uhh, Mr. Anon, sir? Could you teach us your ways?"
"The fuck? Ways of what?"
>Another senior speaks up. "You know man, how did you get her?"
>"Rainbow Dash, man! Every time someone on this team asked her out, swing and a miss. But YOU, you hit a line drive. I don't know what base you got on, but that makes you a legend."
"Guys, I didn't do anything with Rainbow."
>Same senior stands up. "Don't kiss and tell huh? You suave motherfucker!" He points at you while looking towards the underclassmen in the room. "Boys! Learn from him!"
>underclassmen bow at your feet. They chant, "Teach us your ways sensei."
>"Enough!" calls out another senior. "Don't bother him with your immature bullshit. Anon will teach you when he feels you are ready." He walks towards the door. "Anon, from now on, you can sit with the seniors at lunch." Walks out.
>is there something wrong with the water?
>Pads on
>walking to the field
>with the seniors?? whatever
>You see a hand extended towards you from one of them
>in it he has a pinched wad of what looks like wet grounded up tree bark
>"Anon, here."
"The hell? Why would I put dirt in my mouth?"
>he laughs
>"It's not dirt, Anon. Stick it between your gums and the side of your mouth."
"What is it?"
>more chuckles. "Cmon man, you've never had this? I guess it makes sense, it's kind of a senior thing."
>the guys with you open their mouths to show massive wads of the stuff in their mouths as well
>"You'll know when you try it. Just make sure not to swallow it. Spit out the juices as often as possible."
"Meh, okay."
>freshman sees you take the stuff, but couldn't hear what was said
>Seniors share evil smile
>"Sure thing, kid."
>Freshman takes a huge wad, and accidentally swallows it
>not even 15 second later, puking his guts out
>After the initial run drills, you're starting to feel this stuff kick in
"Guys, what is this stuff anyways?"
>"Dip. You'll want to spit out the wad before hit drills, by the way."
>20 minutes after you put it in, you spit it out; buzzin' like a drunk bee
>Hit drills
>get paired against Big Mac
>you are given the ball
>get set
>"HIT" Coach calls out
>Mac trucks you... hard
>you fly backwards, landing on your back
>get set
>"HIT" Coach calls out
>you run at Mac a little harder this time
>Mac trucks you again, but not as bad
>this dip is keep the subsiding a bit of the pain
>no wonder the seniors use it
>"Anon!" Flash calls out, as he pulls you towards him
>"You have to hit lower for big guys like Mac!"
"Okay" you say, head spinning now
>get set
>get pissed off
>"HIT" Coach calls out
>Mac wasn't playing around
>you weren't either
>this time you aim lower, and as soon as you two met in the middle, neither fell down
>Mac picked you up and threw you on the ground
>"Good enough, Anon. NEXT."
>couple of the guys huddle around you after your time with Mac
>"Bro, good job man. Don't worry, no one hits as hard as Big Mac"
>"Yeah man, good job."
>Mac walks over. "Y'alright?"
"Yeah I'm good."
>Practice being over, you hit the showers
>Time for your tutoring after this
>You wonder who the tutor could be
>walking down the hallway
>tired, coming down from a buzz, head spinning from being trucked
>you look for the right room
"When did we even get tutors that stay this late after school?"
>"If you think for one second that you are getting special treatment because you are an upperclassman athlete in this high school... you're damn right."
>present reality
"Oh... right."
>you see the room number that you're supposed to go to
>who would you find here?
>maybe the teacher, but that's got to be overtime pay
>hell, with your luck it would be Twilight and she would just savor the fact that she was your tutor after you embarrassed her
>oh god
>please don't be Twilight
>please don't be Twilight
>you open the door
>please don't be...
"Sunset Shimmer??"
>within a millisecond, your mind goes over a thought
>it was only this morning that upon being surprised by the presence of someone like Sunset, whatever room or hallway you occupied instantly turned into a spaghetti slip-n-slide
>now your heart rate doesn't even flutter
>is it confidence you gain from these girls?
>or is it that you just don't care anymore?
>either way...
>she looks up from her papers at you. "Anon?"
>you look at the paper that had the room number on it
"Oh, sorry, I must have the wrong room."
>"Yeah. I'm actually here to tutor some some football player in algebra."
>tfw anyone would be better than Twilight
>le sigh
"Nope. I'm in the right room."
>"YOU need help in algebra??"
>"Oh, well, uh okay? Take a seat here, I guess."
>You sit down and take out some paper and the book out of your bag
>look back up, and she's still looking at you, in denial
"Uh, is everything okay?"
>she shakes her head. "Yeah, can I just ask you something real quick?"
"I guess so..."
>"Why did you fail the last quiz?"
"I'm just in love with not starting during the next football game."
>Sunset moves her eyes away from you toward the sides of the room.
>"Okay, dumb question I guess. Also, when did you get a starting position?"
>you raise an eyebrow
"How did you know I was even on the team?"
>she gives you a 'really?' look
>"I go to the games, Anon. Plus, you're on the roster along with your position. I may not be very good at sports, but I have school spirit too, ya know."
"Fair enough. And to answer you, I don't often dip my hands in what you would call 'homework.' Also I look out of the window a lot in class."
>she laugh/snorts
>"Anything interesting outside?"
>you chuckle as well
"No, never."
>"Good to know"
>you take a pencil out of your pocket
"We should probably get started."
>"Right. Okay, so let's start here. Can you work this one..."
>1 hour later
>"Alright, so how do you feel about the quiz?"
>Sunset takes all of her papers and neatly puts them in a folder
"Actually, a lot better. You said that what you taught me is what the quiz will be over, right?
>"Right," with a head nod.
>look at the time
>past 7pm
>after no lunch and a long day, you're starving now
>and you have to walk home
>you two leave the room and walk towards the main doors
"Then yeah, I feel good. It's a shame I have to do this tomorrow as well. Speaking of which, are you getting paid to do this?"
>With a scoff, "I'd hardly equate 'payment' to a few community service hours."
"Ouch. Why do it then?"
>She avoids eye contact. "Umm, it's kind of a long story." Grabs her own arm. "Let's just say some community service... isn't optional for me until I graduate."
"So, in other words, don't ask?"
>"Yeah, don't ask."
>open the door and look outside
"Huh, it's getting dark already"
>somewhat worried, she asks "Hey Anon, can I ask you for a favor?"
"This better not be what I think it is..."
>"Could I get a ride home?"
>you've never been happier for a platonic request in your life
"Oh, uhh, sure..."
>she brightens up
"...If I had a car."
>brightness.exe has stopped responding
"I mean, where do you live?"
>"468 Canterlot Way."
"You live on Canterlot Way??"
>Sunset wrinkles her nose in anger
>"Look, okay? I know it's not the nicest.."
"No," you interrupt. "I meant that I live there too. Just a few blocks away."
>"Could.. we...?"
>as you two get off campus toward the same direction, the sun almost disappeared; it would be dark before you two got home
>though you're not really the 'nice' guy, it's probably best you walk her home
>shit happens when it gets dark, yo
>and she seemed nice enough
>"Let's play a game."
>"Yeah, to pass the time. We have a long way to walk."
>this shit
"Okay, I guess. How does it work?"
>"I ask you a question and you answer. Then you ask me a question and I answer. Ready??"
>walking her home was a huge mistake
>with the least amount of enthusiasm possible, you answer
"I was practically born ready for this game."
>she chooses to ignore that
>"Okay, what is your favorite color?
"Yeah, is that not manly enough for you?"
[pic] = your face
>"No, no, it's just... I don't often hear "Yellow" out of a football player's mouth"
>like you were some kind of meat head
>Like it was wrong to not say Black or Red or some dumb shit
>your turn
"Okay then, what is yours?"
>"Either red or yellow."
"The color of your hair? How original..."
>"Hey, that has nothing to do with it."
"Yeah? How's that?"
>"Maybe subconsciously I like yellow because the Sun is yellow and part of my name is Sun, but also, I think the sun is beautiful, what, with all it means to life."
"And that has nothing to do with your name literally being 'Sunset'??"
>"I don't know, maybe it does. Your turn."
"Okay, you said you're not good at sports. How do you know?"
>"huh, let's dig deep while you're at it..."
"I would hardly call that 'deep'.
>she thinks a moment, considering her answer
>"To be fair, I guess I don't. I have no idea if I'm good at sports here."
"You never tried??"
>"Not really.
>"It's a long story.."
"Really that's all I get? 'It's a long story?'"
>"It has to do with the 'don't ask' thing."
>tfw she's not even playing fair in her own stupid fuckin' game
>"So where are you from?"
"Hold on a damn second. You didn't answer the last question. That means I get to go again."
>You both stop. Clearly, this means something to her.
>"Well, uh, okay. Go again."
>Continue walking
"Okay now I have a serious question for you."
>"Go for it."
"Are you trying to go out with me?"
>Sunset stops
>you stop with her
>"No!" she exclaims. "What would make you think that?"
>aside from every fucking thing that happened today? oh I don't know
>still you have to assume that she don't know shit
"You sure?"
>"Yes! Positive."
>you start walking again; she follows
"Okay good."
>she stops again
>"Good? What the hell? Anon, you're really starting to sound like an ass. What does that even mean??"
"I am an ass. And you're taking that the wrong way. I know it sounds weird, but I like you more knowing that you don't want to go out with me."
>"I don't follow; and I'm still kind of offended."
"It's been a long day."
>"That won't cover it, Anon."
"Look, there's been a lot of weird shit going down today for me, okay? I'm just..."
>Why would you even say this?
>your first real conversation with her, was her teaching you algebra!!
>you had no reason to give any bit of trust to her, or anyone for that matter!
>but, she seemed disinterested in romance with you,
>and as much as you hated it
>maybe you could, in a sense, take advantage of her past, so that she won't betray you
"I'm just looking for someone I can trust someone at this school."
>Sunset looks at you, eyes wide as saucers
"Fuck, why did I just say that?"
>there is a silence between you two
>you had said enough
>you would wait for her to say something
>"Anon, I..."
>"I know exactly how you feel."
>yeah fuckin' right
>she's one of the hot girls that hangs out with Twilight's group!
>so what she got in trouble in high school?
>she couldn't know your struggles
>moving all the time to different schools
>in the end, losing interest in making friends because you would just leave again because your parents had to move all of the damn time
>how dare she equate her struggles with yours?
>who cares if she has a past?
>any guy you know on the team would gladly go out with her
>fuck this bitch
"I'm not playing your game anymore."
>if she doesn't like that
>Sunset stops again
>"Anon, what do you mean??"
"I'm done."
>"Why? What did I say? Why are you acting this way? I thought we were friends??"
"Who the HELL said we were friends??"
>Sunset started to tear up
>yeah, like you needed this today
>she stops again
>"Why are you acting this way?? I just wanted to be friends!!"
"Because you have no idea, Sunset. Even if I do want to be your friend, you have no idea..."
>grabs you by the shoulders
>"And what makes you think you have any idea about what I'VE gone through??"
"Because all the other girls I talked to today want me... in a way that's more than friends, and I don't even know them!!"
>Suddenly, she had no emotions. "You know what Anon? If this is about your ego, then I'll walk myself home. Goodnight."
>"And for what it's worth, I thought I could trust you."
>She stomped off, then started a brisk run towards her house
Balls: Nigga, what the hell you doin???
Dick: Kind sir, please relieve thine Man Card.
Brain: I hate to sound like Dick here, but: You just fucked up.
>Now you're back to where you where in the beginning of the school year
>alone, and with no real friends
>wake up
>groggy as hell
>5 minutes before your alarm will go off
>there's no way what happened yesterday WASN'T a dream
>It's Monday and you'll go to school being the second string TE that no one really cares about
>check phone
>it's Tuesday
>you still have a few minutes to think before you need to start getting ready
>lots of weird shit went down yesterday, but why did you flip out on Sunset like that??
>or was that a dream?
>no way that was real, why would you lose it on her for no reason?
>she said she wasn't interested
>you'll inevitably find out today what was real and what wasn't
>usually school prep
>get out of shower and dry off in front of the mirror
>as a few trickles of water roll down your face from the shower
>your mind envisions Sunset's tears trickling down her face
>because of something you said
>get your mind right Anon,
>you'll handle this if you actually fucked up
>suddenly you remember something
>you were supposed to text Fluttershy last night
>you promised
>she is in control of your grade
>check phone
>you texted her last night
>You: hey Fluttershy, it's Anon
>FS: Hello Anon
>You: Listen I'm really tired. Long day. Just wanted to make sure you got my number
>FS: Okay, I'll see you in class tomorrow. Thank you for texting me. :) "
>but why do you not remember that?
>bus arrives
>get on bus
>look at your seat in the back
>Trixie is sitting in your seat, waiting for you
>this face
>you approach your seat
>"Why, helloooo Anon. Trixie wishes to welcome you to our bus."
>with a look of 'too tired for this shit,' you look at her
"Trixie, what are you doing?"
>"Trixie was hoping to converse"
"Well if 'Trixie' continues to speak in third person, Anon is finding another seat"
>Trixie almost looks embarrassed for a second
>You scoot your ass past Trixie to get the window seat
>while doing so, the bus takes a sharp turn
>your reflexes grab the first thing your hand can reach, without looking, to keep from falling
>Trixie's thigh
>She lets out a quiet 'eep' upon this action
>her eyes turn into saucers, looking straight forward, seemingly past the next seat and into the future
>As you practically careen into your seat without smashing your head into the window, you realize where your hand is
>thankful that your hand found something to prevent a faceplant to the window
>bus stops the turn and you get into your seat
>hand is still grabbing something, and it doesn't feel like a seat cushion
>look over at hand
>you're grabbing Trixie's thigh
>Trixie is looking forward, eyes as big as saucers, as if she'd seen a ghost
>though you didn't ask for this, it's hard not to look at the scene of the crime
>your hand, though you tell it to, just won't move
>you put the fact that this will turn into an ordeal very soon, into the back of your mind
>you've bean-balled by Life too many damn times yesterday not to deserve some underclassman thigh for a few seconds
>so you exhale, still looking at it, allowing yourself to just soak this in
>You can't help but notice that she's wearing a skirt today, a light blue one, no doubt to complement her blue skin
>and your hand is not near her knee either, it's brushed up some skirt
>it's almost on the part where her thighs touch
>wait, your hand is moving on its own
>your Spidey-senses tingle
>look around
>who is watching this??
>everyone else is talking to each other, no one saw what happened
>your hand give her thigh a squeeze
>damn, that's firm. She works out
>ayy, underclassman got some leg
>snap back to real time
>remove hand
"uhh, sorry."
>regaining color to her face and still looking straight forward, Trixie responds, "Th- there is no need to apologize. Trixie understands it was an accident."
>you shoot an angry look at her
"What did I say about third person?"
>without missing a beat
>"I understand it was an accident."
>a few moments of silence
"What did you want to talk about, anyways?"
>Still seeing the same ghost, she doesn't move her head
>"Trix... I... do not quite remember what I was going to ask you."
>look out of the window
>boner, not now
>wait a second
>Life didn't throw throw you any bean balls, it threw you curve balls
>just because this is against what you're used to doesn't meant you can't enjoy it
>what if
>what if you just swung anyways?
>what if you just enjoyed this while it lasted?
>tbh, you know it can't keep on like this, so why not just ride the magic carpet while the ride lasted?
>why not throw your hands up and scream a little until the roller coaster stopped?
>you think of what happened with Sunset
>no, that was definitely real
>you would mend that, if at all possible
>you didn't need to be a douche about the situation
>or be a complete douche about everything that happened
>but you could handle being the fuckin' man for a few days if your entire class apparently demanded it
>look back to Trixie
>totally nervous, cracking her fingers
"Still can't remember?"
>she looks at you
>"Is it true that you hooked up with Rainbow Dash yesterday?"
"What? No. She tore her shirt and I let her use mine until she could change."
>"Is that really what happened? Or do you want to keep what actually happened a secret?"
>Apparently underclassman got some balls, despite firm, albeit, hot thighs
"No, that's actually what happened. We didn't hook up."
>"If you say so... but you do realize the implications if you DID, do what the rumors say, right?"
"Yeah, the football team made sure I knew."
>"You're on the football team??"
>this again
>"Trixie has underestimated you, Anon."
>shoot look at her
>"Sorry. I'll work on that."
>"I... don't suppose you might field a few more questions?"
>"um, so who are you going to ask?"
>ask what?
>"Who are you asking to be your date?"
"Dating isn't really my thing..."
>"I mean like to the homecoming dance..."
"Oh, when is that?"
>"This.. weekend?"
>"Oh, I'm probably not going."
>Almost dejected, "Why not?"
"Dances are equally not my thing, and it's a bit late to ask as well."
>"It's not too late... for everyone."
>you look out of the window, seeing the bus pulls into school
>"What did you think?"
>bus stops
>kids in front get up and grab their bags,
"Think of what?"
>Trixie looks away
>"My leg."
>your turn to get up and leave the bus
>you scoot past Trixie to get on the center aisle
>steel yourself for the rest of the day
>she stays seated
>as you move forward towards the exit
>turn around to look at her
"Pretty good."
>exit the bus
>you see a bit of commotion inside the doors to the school
>Flash comes running out
>"Anon! Bro, is it true??"
"Probably not."
>"you got with Rainbow Dash yesterday??"
>he stops, walking with you towards the doors again
"Yeah, long story, but we didn't do anything."
>"Half the football team told me that you two did something during PE yesterday."
"I told the guys that we didn't do anything; they didn't believe me."
>"If you're telling the truth, I'd be careful. Rainbow has a bit of a violent side to her"
"Yeah, no shit. Thanks though, I'll keep it in mind."
>you two walk through the doors of the school
>seemingly normal Tuesday
>but wait
>you have to be ready for weird shit again, and handle it like a b0ss
>just let it happen, Anon
Cue swag walk montage, but only 5% cheesy and nowhere near the douche level of Spiderman 3. Cue "Stayin' Alive" by the BeeGees
>you notice some people see you and whisper something to their friends
>you wonder how many people believe this rumor about you and RD
>some of the younger girls giggle upon seeing you
>the guys give you head nods as you pass by
>everyone has heard this rumor, apparently
>football team members yell out "Ayyyyyy!!!"
>Fluttershy gives you an innocent wave
>give her one back
>"Did Fluttershy just wave to you?" Flash asks
>Flash gives you a questioning look, but you don't see it
>continue montage
>you see Twilight talking to Applejack at their lockers
>AJ's back was towards you, but Twilight sees you
>AJ is wearing some tighter-then-usual jeans
>that really show off the shape of her legs
>damn son
>as you walk by
>look at Flash,
"Check this out."
>AJ still has not seen you
>Flash looks at you, waiting for whatever is about to happen
>you reach over and pinch Applejack's ass
>a reactionary squeak and jump comes from her body
>"HWUT THE.." she yells
>she turns to see you walking by
>you flash AJ and Flash a 'witness me' grin
>AJ's embarrassed but she's smiling, trying to cover the redness of her face
>"Damn it, Anon." she whispers
>Twilight sees all of this, "What the hell??"
>Flash sees all of this, "What the hell??"
>"Applejack! Are you going to just let him do that??" Twilight scream/whispers to her friend
>try not to show her face
>AJ: "Reckon I will."
>Twi: "WHAT?"
>AJ: "Twilight, quit screamin'"
>T: "Why are you acting so nonchalant about this?? He just molested you!"
>AJ: "Quit all that PC crap, Twi. I.. uh... I like him."
>any and all emotion on Purppol's face was quickly drained into a jaw drop
>"Oh my god..."
>back to you and Flash
>"Anon, what the hell was that? Why is she not stomping your face into the ground?? Do you even know who Applejack is??"
"I know her fairly well."
>"Is this some kind of practical joke?? You know you could get suspended if AJ tells Celestia about this."
"I got a hunch that AJ has no plans of informing Principal Celestia of anything."
>Flash stops
>"Okay seriously, what in the ever-loving fuck happened to you?"
>you stop as well, now at your locker
"Look, Flash, you're my friend, right?"
>not following where you're going with this, but he nods a 'yes'
"Okay look man, weird shit has been happening since yesterday. I don't know how to explain, but I'll make you a promise. I won't lie to anyone about anything, and I won't let this... whatever it is... get out of hand. Okay?"
>"Alright man. I guess that's fair, but you gotta get me up to speed on what's happened at lunch, okay?"
"You bet."
>time for homeroom
"Norman, chill. You probably heard wrong."
>"No way man, you kissed Rainbow Dash yesterday!!" he yells out far too loud
>rest of the class is now looking at you
>some unbelievers
>some very much so believing
>you look at the class
"Uhh, haha, he's, uh, he's just joking! It's a joke.... funny..."
>you get into whisper mode
"Norman, I will skin you alive if you do that shit again."
>he follows your volume level now
>"Sorry man, but that's so rad. Last time I heard that a guy kissed Rainbow, we were in middle school. You're such a pimp, man."
"Norman, I'm not a pimp. I didn't kiss Rainbow yesterday."
>"Whatever, that's not what I heard."
"The football guys are full of shit. I told them yesterday that it wasn't true."
>"Football guys? What are you talking about? Rainbow told me herself today."
>handle this, Anon
>but it would have to wait until PE
>English class
>no longer head in the clouds, at least until you get this situation settled with Rainbow
>until then
>AJ walks into class, comes towards the seat next to you
>Smug as ever, apparently recovered from the hallway incident
>"Howdy there, Anon."
>she sits down, starts to whisper
>"Quite the stunt you pulled back at them lockers, Anon."
>"I't be a shame if'n I had to tell Celestia about it..."
>your eyes are wide open now, heart rate reaching panic mode
>this isn't how you envisioned her reaction
>you whisper back, clearly worried
"Why would you do that??? I was just being flirty!"
>"Who said I didn't like it, Anon?" she answers with a bit too much coy in her voice
"I'm really lost right now."
>She chuckles. "Heh, you're dumb as dirt Anon, but 'cha got a pair. Tell ya what, maybe I'll rethink tellin' Celestia if'n ya come by my place after school."
"I would, but I got practice and tutoring after school. I won't be leaving until pretty late."
>still smug, almost evil smile. "Fine by me."
>slips you a note with her address on it
>"oh, and Mac knows my feelin' for ya. Hit 'em low, Anon."
>she looks around the class, making sure no one is looking, then kisses you on the cheek
>"See ya tonight,"
>you're really in this shit now, Anon
>sit down in algebra
>see Twilight talking to Moondancer
>she looks at you
>gets out of her seat and takes her books
>sits next to you
>pls no
>"Having fun, Anon?" she asks. Clearly a baited question
"It's math, of course not."
>"Don't play dumb with me."
"Fine. No, this conversation is already not fun."
>steam exits her ears
>"You might think your little 'player' game is fun, but it's not when you mess with my friends"
>"Most people would be fine with just having Rainbow Dash, but now you want Applejack too? You just piling up your little herd? Who's next? Me? Are you going to ask me out next?"
"I can promise you, I won't be asking you out anytime soon. Also, not playing any 'player' games."
>seemingly t-boned by your response, she doesn't look as angry
>almost looks hurt
"I don't know what's going on, but I didn't do anything with Rainbow yesterday. I just let her borrow my shirt. We didn't kiss, or do anything else for that matter."
>"You're lying. She told me that you two made out yesterday. Plus, even if I DID believe you, what makes you think that you can get away with what you did to AJ in the halls?"
"She certainly didn't seem to mind..."
>"That's not the point. I'll be watching you Anon. I don't know what you've done to sway Rainbow and Applejack, but you're up to something. I can feel it, and there's no answers in the back of the book for THIS problem. Tread lightly Anon. You're on foreign ground."
>she moves back to her seat
>what the hell just happened?
>You're on foreign ground.
>Twatlot must be one of those losers who memorizes quotes from obscure works just to quote them in heated moments
>couldn't lie, her body was an easy 8
>but like mama always said
>"Never stick it in the crazy, Anon."
>bell rings
>shape up
>PE time
>getting some answers from Rainbow
>spot Rainbow on the way to the gym
>you almost yell out why she's been lying to people about you
>but if it's true that she's been lying, having you exclaim it in the hallway where everyone can hear would be exactly what she would want
>you're doing this your way
>come up behind Rainbow without her seeing you
>just quiet enough where she can hear you
"Don't stop walking."
>"I wasn't going to."
"Got anything for me?"
>she looks at you, then points her eyes forward
>"Your shirt is in the gym. I washed it last night."
"In the gym? Why did you put it in the gym?"
>"Because you'd need it for PE, dumbass."
>you two walk outside
>she's avoiding eye contact
"Nice. I save you from a year's worth of ridicule and you call me a dumbass."
>"Shut up Anon, no one cares."
"Are you PMSing or are you just always this bitchy?"
"Ya know, after what happened yesterday I would think.."
>She cuts you off. "Think what? That I owe you something?"
"Maybe some gratitude for starters, Rainbow."
>you two get inside the gym
>she heads for the back corner
>you still follow
>she tones her voice back down
>"I tried giving you my 'gratitude' yesterday and you turned it down like a stray puppy"
"Why do you care? I did the nice thing by not asking you to do something you clearly weren't comfortable with!"
>Rainbow suddenly stops, and turns to you
>that sound was your mind putting it together
>it all made sense now
>it wasn't about re-payment
"I get it."
>"You get what??"
"I understand now. This has nothing to do with losing your shirt."
>you fold your arms as she is getting visibly irritated
"This whole thing is a game, isn't it? And by me turning you down your 'payment', you lost. You've never offered that before, have you? And the first time you do, you get turned down."
"See, now it all makes sense. You DID lie about yesterday, didn't you? Because if anyone found out that you got denied, it would kill your rep, wouldn't it?"
>in seconds, Rainbow unnaturally went from fuming to calm
>"Yeah, good job. You figured it out. Your shirt is in the closet."
>she starts back towards the door at the corner of the gym
>"I heard about you and AJ, by the way.." she casually mentions
>"But you know what the difference is between me and her?"
>you walk in the closet and look for your shirt
>Rainbow comes in behind
"No, I don't know."
>"Applejack likes to EARN whatever she wants."
>Rainbow pulls out a key and silently locks the door behind you two
>as you realize your shirt isn't in the closet, you quickly turn to the door only to an evil smile
>suddenly realizing what she's done, your eyes widen as you look at her
>then she grabs your shirt and pulls your head down to her face
>"Me...? I just. Fucking. Take it."
>the last thing you see is that evil smile as she flicks the light switch
>Rainbow pushes you back and you hit the wall
>you feel movement in the room
>she quickly appears in front of you again
>she punches you in the gut... hard
>apparently she's stronger than she looks
>your upper half is keeled over, arms wrapped around yourself
"What the hell Rainbow! The fuck is your problem!?"
>"That was for embarrassing me yesterday, asshole."
>few seconds go by
>pain is still present, but you get upright again
>as you try to move, you feel her arms wrap around you tightly
>then you feel her breath on your ear as she whispers "This is for helping me."
>you feel a hand grab your jaw as it is pulled down a bit
>she locks her lips onto yours and slowly kisses you
>your Brain, Dick and Balls all say in unison: "Just let this happen, Anon."
>if this is actually going to happen and she wants some, you're damn sure going to enjoy it
>you return the favor, making sure not to use tongue yet
>you feel her hands rubbing your back
>take the liberty to put your hands to use, so you grab dat ass
>she gives a reactionary, silent gasp, and kisses you harder
>you give both cheeks a tight squeeze
>"mmhmm" she moans. "You fuckin' like those, Anon?" she says through her teeth
"Hell yeah."
>RD might have got the jump on you, but your instincts kick in and you feel an urge to take over the situation
>starting with reaching around and giving that ass a hard smack
>she grabs two fistfuls of your shirt and cranes her head back, letting out an exhale
>she repays your spanking by shoving her tongue down your throat
>She jumps on you, continuing the mining of your mouth
>wrapping her legs around your torso
>you feel her legs flexing
>damn, this girl got leg
>this continues for a few minutes
>she moves onto biting your neck, but not hard enough to leave a hickey
>"I'll ask one more time, Anon" she breathes into your ear
>"How do you want it?"
"Surprise me"
>she jumps off of you
>it's still pitch black in the room
>can't see a damn thing
>but you start to feel her hand rubbing your inner thighs
>your bulge is turning into a mountain
>shit, this is hot
>hear an unzip
>she grabs your member and pulls it out of your pants
>you hear her spit
>then you feel a wet hand caressing your dick
>legs twitch
>eyes fly wide open
>she twists and pulls at it
"Oh my god, Rainbow..."
>"Oohhh, I know you like this."
>she kisses the snake eye
>as if you couldn't get harder
>started to slowly pump
>then she put her mouth on in
>it wouldn't last long though
>you hadn't fapped for nearly a week, just to see if you could
>oh my god, she started using her tongue
>head bobs back and forth, using her hand at the same time
>your head leans back and your eyes close
>heart rate increasing
>hands shaking
"Rainbow... unf, I-I'm gunna cum" you stutter out
>"Good boy," says she with a mouthful of your dick
>you feel it about to happen
"Dash, faster..."
>she obeys
"oh, oh... OH MY GOD"
>your body opens the flood gates, and it feels so good
>you suppress yelling out
>you realize you came in her mouth
>"Damn, Anon. That was almost two swallows"
>yfw she swallowed
>you feel five pounds lighter
>knees collapse, you're sitting on the floor
"So where does this leave us?"
>"We're even now. And don't let this get to your head. We're not going out."
>"Oh, and if you tell a soul about this, I'll murder you."
>you can't see her face, but you can tell she's serious
>"Put your pants on, Anon. It's time for PE."
>she gets the key and opens the door
>she leaves
>get pants on
>you leave the room
>Flash is outside of the door, mouth agape in shock from seeing you come out of the same private room with Rainbow
>you look at him for a second, eyes still wide open
[pic] = your face
>Flash is still not moving
>his eye starts twitching like he's having an aneurysm
>"uh, A-Anon?"
>you realize he's the only one that saw you and Rainbow walk out
>you realize he probably heard you... finish
>you realize that with the way he's acting now, there's a good chance he'll go full retard about it
>you never go full retard
>and by full retard, you mean he'll tell everyone, starting my screaming it in the gym
"Flash, I need you to do me a favor, okay?" you talk to him as if he's an unstable wild animal
>his head is literally twitching on his neck
"Flaasshhh? I need you to be very quiet, okay??"
>"uhhhhhuhh, A... A-Anon???"
>you reach your palm out towards him, signalling him to calm down
>you get close enough to him to whisper
"Flash, listen now, there is absolutely NO REASON to flip out right now, okay? Let's just take it easy and go about our day, alright??"
>Flash blinked himself out of his trance and gave his head a good shake
>then he almost looked angry
"Okay, look. I'll tell you what happened, but when I do, you have to promise that this stays between you and me, and I mean ONLY YOU AND ME. Because if Rainbow finds out that I told anyone, she said she would kill me. And if she DOES kill me, I'll come back from the dead to stick used AIDS infested heroin needles in your arm while you sleep."
>"Okay, fine. I won't tell anyone. I don't even need details; I'll just imagine them later tonight. Just answer this: Did what I think just happen... happen???"
>you look around the gym; no one is near you
>you double take all directions just to make sure
>you look to the right of you to avoid his eye contact
>wind suddenly escapes Flash's lungs in a staggered motion as his top half keels over, much like when RD punched you
>he mutters non-sensical phrases at volumes too low for even you to hear
>one hand is grabbing his stomach
>the other is holding his forehead
>he tries to walk it off but he falls in the process
>he doesn't even put effort into getting back up
"Flash, what the hell, get up, man!"
>you meet eyes with him
>his pupils have dilated far beyond any normal scale, giving you puppy-dog eyes of wonder
>he starts to say something, but you can't hear it
>you bend over to get your ear closer to his mouth
>"Y-y-you..... You are..."
"Flash, I can't hear you, man, what's wrong?"
>"The.. prophecies were true..."
>oh no, pls no...
>"Y--You are... YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE."
>the Chosen One
"Flash, you're starting to remind me of that kid who ate glue in the first grade."
>Still in his dumbass little trance, "You have achieved nirvana..."
>now this is really irritating
"Dude, I am going to lose my shit if you don't get up and keep your nonsense to a minimum."
>you put a hand on your forehead as you look off into the distance
"I can't believe you're popular here..."
>Flash gets up off the floor
>"Look, don't act like this ISN'T a big deal."
"It's really not, Flash. If you could grow a pair in the next few seconds, that would be great."
>"Shut up, man. How did you even ask her out??"
"I didn't.. it was a one time thing."
>turn to Flash, seriously unamused
"Flash, I'm about to destroy your life if you don't chill out. Plus, aren't you supposed to be the 'cool' guy in our grade?"
>"Well not now, now that you're racking up the girls!"
"Are you SERIOUSLY buying into this hype?? People find out that a guy has any kind of physical interaction from ONE popular girl and everyone LOSES THEIR MINDS?? Is that REALLY how it works here??"
>as soon as he says that, you reach the door to the locker room
>a wave of denial overcomes your body, and you reach for the wall to keep yourself propped up
>a sharp pain hits the top of your head
>slight nosebleed
>"You okay, Anon?"
"Yes, just, just an aneurysm out of sheer stupidity.."
>You find your gym shirt in the locker room
>that cheeky bitch,
>but you weren't complaining
>PE teacher made you and Flash run 3 miles instead of just one, for your lateness
>Rainbow got out of the extra two miles because she's a girl
>Since you two have to run at the same time, might as well talk while running
>"...Fine. I won't tell a soul about it, and I won't flip out about it anymore.
"You promise?"
>"Pinky promise."
"Did you just say Pinkie Promise??"
>Flash slowly retracts his pinkie finger
>"Uhh, no."
>moment of pause
"Look man, you've been my friend since my first week here. We're even on the team together; I just don't get why people are making a big deal about this... especially the football team, man."
>"I think you're missing the point, Anon. It's not just about the girls. I mean, it kinda is, but also not.
"I'm listening..."
>"I don't know. Every once in a while you see a girl get interested in a guy below her own league. A lot of times, he lets it get to his head and he turns into an ass towards his old friends."
"Well I was already an ass, so I got that covered."
>"Not what I meant, but whatever. It's.."
>he looks away for a moment
>"It's nice to see someone buck the system and make it work for them, especially when they're a friend. People see that shit, man. And as far as the team goes, we're a unit. Almost a family. If one of us makes it big, we all kinda make it big."
"Wow that was actually kind of deep. Anymore of that and I thought you'd get into some homo shit."
>you both laugh as he punches you in the shoulder
>"Whatever man..."
>another silent pause
>"So, uhm... how was.."
>you interrupt before he can finish his question
"Dude, I'm going to murder you."
>walking to chem was a bit of a lighter experience than usual
>maybe because your balls were still empty
>still, it felt good to be 'cool' even if you knew the idea of popularity was dumb
>the occasional double take from a few girls
>the high-fives and shout outs from guys
>you see Marshmellow coming from the other side of the hallway
>going to the same class
>your mind slows down time
>giving you time to think
>Mayo Girl is best friends with Twilight
>no way she secretly likes you
>more than likely she has no opinion of you
>"I'll be watching you Anon... you're up to something."
>present time
>Twilight might have employed her to do some investigating
>instead of waiting for an attack,
>why not play hardball on this?
>no reason to start anything, but step up to the plate
>Dad always said to never swing first
>real time
>she's about to walk into class
"Hey Rarity, mind sitting next to me in class?"
>"Not at all, I've been meaning to talk to you."
>game on, snowflake
>enter the class together
>let her choose where to sit
>she chooses in the back where you usually sit
>both sit down and get your books out
>neither of you plan on listening to the lecture
>like you ever do
>"I've been hearing quite a bit about you recently, Anon."
>don't be abrasive, but stick to your sarcastic guns
"Rumors are always the best way to learn about someone."
>Rares cocks and eyebrow up, then shoots a 'notbad.jpg' face towards the front of the classroom
>"Well said. Maybe I should be more specific. I am friends with Rainbow Dash. Do you have a.. thing? For her?"
"No, not at all. I talked to her earlier today to clear things up."
>"Did you now? She told me that you two had, kissed."
"I think she was spreading that around to mess with me."
>didn't say that you DIDN'T
>but you certainly didn't want anyone to know what happened
>"I will not lie; I don't know you well enough to fully believe you, but I can attest to Rainbow having quite the mouth on her."
>no comment
"I can believe that, for sure."
>"It has occurred to me that you are new this year, Anon. What can you tell me about yourself?"
>keep the ball in your court, Anon
"Eh, who cares about that? I'd rather know more about you."
>for less than a second
>you could almost detect
>a smile
>keep her talking about herself
>"Well then, what would you like to know? Let me guess; If I am single?"
"I hadn't even thought of asking, but if you feel like sharing, sure."
>"Really? That- That's not what you were asking for?"
"No? Should it have been?"
>"I apologize. That's... usually what boys ask for."
"It's okay. I could guess why."
>activate cheeky grin supression
"I was looking for more like... hobbies, interests and stuff."
>"In that case, there are many things I dip my hands in. I am a fashionista, for one." as she flicks her hair with a hand
"A fashion-what?"
>"Anon, please. Don't embarrass yourself. A 'fashionista.' It means I am always on top of the new fashion lines."
>that was somehow insulting and friendly at the same time
"I see. Certainly not one thing we have in common. What else?"
>"As it is. I pride myself in generosity."
"Isn't it a bit, conceited... to call yourself generous?"
>"Hmm. Maybe so. Perhaps 'I always try to improve my generous actions' would be a better phrasing."
"Would the guys you've turned down for a date agree with that?"
"I mean, I AM on the football team. I know a few guys that have apparently tried..."
>she crosses her arms
>"Some of those boys aren't worth the words I have to give them in order to turn them down. They think just because they have made a spot on the school team, that it shall somehow excuse their brutish behavior towards women."
>well dodged, Rarity
>even as a straight male, you had to admit that some of those who tried her hadn't a chance in hell from the beginning
>"Also, when did you get on the football team?"
"I've been on the team since the beginning of the year, Rarity."
>"Have you now? How is that?"
"I like it."
>"That is good, I suppose."
"What kind of music do you like?"
>"I am actually very selective in the music I partake in."
"Partake?? Like listen to or play?"
>"Both, actually. My friends and myself used to be in a band together. I sing and play the keyboard."
"You really don't strike me as a keyboard player..."
>"I'll take that as a compliment. I just took my old piano lessons and used a keyboard to assist the band."
"That sounds like it was fun. Is the band still together?"
>"Not exactly. We mostly stopped after we defeated the three evil magical monsters last semester."
>you cock an eyebrow at her
>just don't ask, Anon
"Uh-huh. Okay. Back to the fashion thing. Does that mean you also make clothes?"
>"It doesn't automatically, but I am working towards doing so."
"Like, for a living?"
>"Only in my most sacred dreams."
"Does that include all clothes, or just like, dresses?"
>"Mainly dresses for certain, but I would make any type of clothing if called upon."
"That's pretty cool, Rarity."
>she gives you an unbelieving smile
>"Anon, you don't have to lie. I know you have no interest in fashion."
"Oh, I could care less about fashion. I just think it's cool that you know what you want to do in life."
>"Really now?"
"Yeah, really. It's cool to live in the moment and all, but I think too many people... especially here at this school... make huge deals about something that won't matter next month. It's nice to hear a change in that."
>"Well, Anon, that's very.. sweet of you to say. And quite wise as well."
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
>"I have heard that quote before! Do you study philosophy?"
>time passes
>bell rings
>you leave quickly, practically starving
>and you're not letting anyone get in your way this time
>you shall eat all of the horrible school lunch
>you don't however, notice Twilight walking towards the chem class door
>she spots Rarity and speed-walks to her
>T: "What did you find out?"
>R: "Twilight, I think you have made a mistake. He seems just as honest as can be. In fact, I wouldn't mind speaking with him more often."
>R: "Heavens no. But he seems genuine."
>T: "Did you find out who he asked?"
>R: "Apologies, Twilight. It completely slipped my mind."
>be in line to get food
>stomach growl
>stomach, chill
>as you receive toxic waste on your plate, you hear a whisper
>"What was it like?"
>turn around
>"You know, Rainbow Dash."
>this again
"Look, uhh..."
>she turns away
>"M-Moondancer. My name is Moondancer."
>this is the chick that heckled you in Algebra
"Yeah.. Moondancer? It was just a rumor. I never kissed her."
"Yes. Really."
>"That's not what I hea.."
"Then you heard wrong. Look, I know that's a rumor going around but you can't believe everything you hear."
>more slop is placed upon your tray
>"I heard it from Rainbow. She must really like you, to make up something like that.."
"She doesn't like me like that."
>"Don't you want her to though?"
>what did this nerdy fuckin girl just say?
"No. I've talked to her too much to like her."
>"I think you're the only guy who wouldn't go out with.."
"No, I'm not. I'm probably the only guy who doesn't even want to hit it and quit it."
>she's taken aback, eyes wide open, mouth agape with shock
>"Why would you hit her??"
>huge facepalm
"Christ, it's a metaphor. Just ask Twilight later. Hint: it doesn't mean to physically assault her."
>"Oh," she pushes her glasses back up her nose. "I see."
>more slop
>"Are you angry at me for what I said yesterday?"
"You can't be angry at people you don't care about."
>damage control
>no, fuck that
>look over at Moondancer
>she's studying...
>the floor
>"I... I-I understand."
>before you can damage control
>"It's just... sometimes I do things to try and impress Twilight. I'm still not very good at.. making friends."
>"... or speaking to... uhm.. persons of opposite gender."
"Look, that came out wrong. I'm, uh, I'm not mad at you, okay? I'm sorry; that was really rude. I'm sure you're a really nice person."
>she's still looking down
"And uh... and you look cute today."
>a pair of be-speckled eyes with swollen pupils looks at you
>final slop on your tray
"Um, yeah."
>feelin' the need to GTFO
>start to walk away
>turn back
"And, maybe not heckling guys is a good place to start for that second problem..."
>Moon quickly takes out a pen and a pad
>writes down, "Don't heckle boys I like."
>as you walk away, you hear your name being called
>by a guy this time
>look around
>guys at senior table wave you over
>oh yeah
>so that's a thing now
>sit down
>a few variations of "What's up, Anon?"
"Not much, bois."
>"Hey Anon, who you baggin today?"
>so this is what senior dialect is like
>improvise your answer into something they can understand
"Skies are clear today, fellas."
Brain: Skies are clear? Are you retarded or something?
>"Ayy, everybody's got to have a day off, huh?"
>chuckles and "huhuh, yeah"
>switch to Twilight's table
>T: "Is that Anon over with the seniors?"
>R: "Yes, I believe it is, actually."
>F: "Isn't that only for seniors?"
>Twilight angrily pouts. "Yes, I believe it is, actually."
>back to senior table
>steer conversation off of women
>if at all possible
"So who are we playing this week anyways?"
>"I don't know man. Some nobody team. Anyone know their name?"
>chorus of 'nope'
>"I guess we don't know then. It's the homecoming game, though, so they'll be easy to beat."
>that only means
>"Speaking of which, who did you ask?"
"Ask for what?"
>"Haha, come on man. You know, the homecoming dance!"
"Oh, that. Uhh, I didn't."
>seniors stop eating
"I mean on top of that fact that I forgot it's homecoming week, dances aren't really my thing."
>"You bad at dancing or something?"
"Wouldn't know; never been to a dance."
>you're getting some weird looks rn
>guy next to you puts down his fork and leans over
>"Bruh, look. It's your choice if you don't want to go; but you got a lot of options as far as girls to take."
>guy across from table points his fork at you
>"And on top of that, you don't even have to dance there if you don't want to. Lots of guys just stand around and chill. It's always fun."
>guy on the other side of you
>"No shame in going stag, too. Dance with more girls that way."
>another speaks up
>"And don't tell anyone but we're spiking the punch this year."
>"Yeah man. Homecoming is a funny way of saying 'You're gettin' laid.'"
>game show host chimes in
>"Hey, it's your choice man. Just promise us that you'll think it over, aite?"
"Yeah, yeah I can do that."
>"Speaking of choices, here comes one right now."
>rest of the guys quietly let out (in unison) an 'aayyyyyyyyy'
>tap on your shoulder
>turn around
>R: "Hello Anon, we were wondering if you wanted to sit by us today?"
>she points to Twilight's table
>look over at the guys
>a single unison head nod
"Yeah, okay."
>before you get to your new seat you see some high-fives given at the senior table and one little-too-loud 'That dude is unstoppable.'
>Rarity sits down
>leaving one spot between AJ and Twi
>this won't be uncomfortable
>sit down with tray
>before you can even look up after sitting down
>it takes a few seconds for the ringing to stop
"Hey, Pinkie. I'm Anon."
>"I know who you are, silly!! Rainbow and the girls told me all about you!"
>unseen by the others, you look at Rainbow Dash
>RD: 'Of course not, you idiot."
>end telepathy
>nervously laugh
"Well maybe we can be friends anyways.."
>Rarity snort/laughs, but quickly stifles it
>she was the only one that got the joke
>AJ: "So, uh, Anon. Senior table, huh?"
"Oh.. yeah I guess so."
>AJ: You must be gettin' purdy popular then, huh?"
"I certainly wouldn't say popular. You guys are more of the popular crew, anyways."
>R: "Well you certainly did SOMETHING to evoke such an acceptance."
>T: "What did you do, anyways?"
>Rares was being nice, but Twilight is trying to grill you without the rest picking up on it
"Honestly, I have no idea. They're all idiots, but they're cool."
>R: "They do seem a bit, barbaric but one can see how they have a good time."
>T: "Really? Because I thought it might have been because of the rumor about you and Rainbow..."
your brain's initial response: [Embed]
>collect yourself
>you can handle this
"Someone must have seen Rainbow walk into the gym with my shirt after our PE class, but I'm sure Rainbow spreading the rumor herself didn't help the matter."
"Hurry up and agree with me you dumb cunt."
>"You lost the privilege of calling me a cunt when I swallowed."
>end telepathy
>RD: "I heard the rumor from some kids and thought it was funny."
>R: "I failed to see the punchline..."
>RD: "Look I'm not really known for overthinking things, alright?"
>the entire table nods in agreement
>T: "So you guys DIDN'T kiss yesterday??"
>RD: "Twilight, I've already told you. No. We didn't kiss yesterday."
"Though I have to admit," you chuckle out. "It has been funny to see some people's response to the rumor, even after I deny it. It's unreal, actually."
>PP: "UNREAL? Haha, that's a good one, Anon! You know what else isn't real?"
>her smile turn into a very serious face as she stares right into the depths of your soul
>you can almost feel reality in itself start to chip away at your mind as you start to lose capacity to understand what is happening
[pic] = your mind
PP: "This entire story."
>her face goes back to a smile as she looks away from you to take a bite of her lunch
>everything goes back to normal again
"... what the hell?"
>R: "Sorry Anon. She does that sometimes."
"Okay, I guess."
>AJ discreetly slides her hand on your leg
>you look at AJ
>she silently mouths "Try not to squirm"
>what are you, in 7th grade?
>leg rubbing isn't even a turn on anymore
>starts at your knee and tickles it
>someone is asking you a question
>F: "Umm, Anon? Did you hear me?"
"Oh, sorry. Could you repeat that?"
>F: "Oh, that's alright. Are you excited about the game?"
>as you are about to answer, AJ ranks up her tickle game
"Oh, yeAH. SHOUld be fun!"
>F: "That's nice."
>you shoot AJ a dirty look when you're done answering
>she's smiling, and gives you a wink
>you admit it
>it was hot
>as conversations go on, AJ slowly slides her hand up your leg
>oh god
>she's going to
>she gets close to your upper thigh
>blood drains from your face
>no expression. trying to hide what is happening
>grabs your inner thigh with a squeeze
>alarms are going off all over your body and mind
>boner no
>look around
>how has no one noticed this???
>she slides her fingers slowly past your upper thigh
>too late
>the member decides to go down the pant leg AJ is rubbing
>she's dangerously close
>if she moves up another inch up...
>this time it was her turn for her to have a blank face, after she realizes what happened
>quickly turns back into half-lidded eyes
>she leans over, quietly asks
>"That easy, huh sug?"
[spoiler] "No, it's pretty hard right now..." [/spoiler]
>doing everything to keep a straight face
>she rubs a finger on the tip
>bell ring
>think of disgusting things to get boner back down
>people are getting up and leaving
>you can't stay here much longer without looking weird
>naked grandmother
>other men's peni
>getting dick ripped off (not for sexual)
>RD: "Anon, you sitting there all day?"
>AJ smiles
>almost barf
>dick immediately reverts back inside your body and brings your balls in with it
furries OP nerf pls
>immediately get up
"Yeah I'm coming."
>history class
>Pinkie is here
>that's why yesterday it was so quiet
>doesn't sit next to you though
>teacher is about as exciting as a 5lbs bag or fertilizer
>cue Charlie Brown teacher noises
>phone vibrates
>pull it out
>[Hey Anon]
[Who is this?]
>[It's Rainbow]
[Okay, what's up?]
>[We have to tell Applejack what happened.]
>[Quit with your bullshit Anon. You know this changes everything. You know why this is a problem, right?]
[You said we couldn't tell anyone, before.]
[I know that, Rainbow.]
>[She didn't tell me.]
[Tell you what?]
[Wait.. you didn't know??? I thought you already knew about this! She was hitting on me yesterday!!]]
>[Apparently she only told Twilight and her brother. I don't know who she told but I wasn't on the list. I saw what she was doing to you during lunch.]
[Okay, I get why this has to happen. What do we do?]
>[She's my best friend. I'll think of how to tell her tonight and do it tomorrow morning before school starts.]
[I'm going to her house tonight..]
[She invited me to her place tonight. Actually it was less of an invitation and more of a 'come over or else' deal.]
>5 minutes go by
>[Well don't do anything stupid tonight.]
[C'mon, Rainbow. That's not really in my hands.]
>[Well then keep hers off of you.]
>Fluttershy already had most of the cake done by the time class started
>which was good, because that meant you would get a good grade in the class
>after the cake was baked and ready to turn in, you two still had at least 20 minutes before class was over
"Hey, Fluttershy. Can I ask you a question?"
>"Yes, you may."
"What do you do outside of school?"
>"Well, I really enjoy taking care of animals."
"Oh, do you like on a farm?"
>"Oh, no. I just, um, I just have a lot of pets."
"Haha, like four?"
>she mumbles something too low to hear
"What was that?"
>"Four... teen."
"Wow. So I guess you're not a fan of animals?"
>she giggles
>then gets serious again
>"It's just... I volunteer at the shelter a lot and every time I hear that one of them is about to be put down..."
"I understand. So which one is your favorite?"
>"Well, I try not to have favorites. Animals can tell, and it can make them sad."
>"But if you promise not to tell anyone..."
>like anyone cares,
>but Fluttershy is sweet and you don't have the heart to say so
>so you lower your volume and respond with
"I promise not to tell anyone."
>"Well, I guess my favorite is Angel. He's a little white bunny. Quite a handful sometimes, but when I have a bad day we'll lie in bed and he bundles up in my hair."
>you resist the urge to grab your heart and collapsing
>oh these feels
>that is adorable
>"So, uhm, can I ask you a personal question?"
"Sure, Fluttershy."
>"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but who are you asking to homecoming?"
"Oh, that. Well, I'm probably not going to the dance."
"Yeah. Is that surprising?"
>"It's just, well, most of the more popular people ARE going."
"Fluttershy, I'm really not that popular.."
>"But you DID sit with the seniors today! Not even Rarity can do that."
"Heh, Rarity could sit with the seniors anytime she wanted to."
>she quietly giggles
>"I guess you're right."
>"Still, why don't you want to go?"
>you think for a second
>after waiting a second, she sadly goes back to the cake
>"I'm sorry, I'm being invasive, aren't I. You don't have to tell me why."
"No, no, nothing like that. I guess there's a couple reasons. First, not a huge fan of suits. Second, dances and major social functions aren't really my thing. Lastly, aren't you supposed to ask your date at least two weeks ahead of time before the dance?"
>"I'm... not sure. Last year I just went with the girls."
"Last year? You didn't go freshman year?"
>"No, I didn't. I was too nervous to go, even though the girls wanted me to. Last year I caved in and went with them, and I'm really glad I did. I didn't think I would enjoy myself, but I had lots of fun."
>her cheeks turned a little red and her volume went back down for a second
>"I even had a few boys ask me to dance. It was really... nice. And social functions of any kind are definitely not something I enjoy, but I still had fun."
"I've heard that homecoming is really fun from other people as well. I promised the seniors I'd think about going."
>"Well if you do end up going... would you dance with me once?"
>nigga like you about to say 'no' or something
>mutual smiles
"Yeah. I can do that."
>brief pause
>"So we still have 15 minutes before class is over and the cake is already done. Could you show me how to bake a Pop-Tart?"
>she pulls a pack of Pop-Tarts from her bookbag
>football practice meant two things
>you were going to get rocked
>Big Mac might kill you
>AJ: "Mac knows my feelin' for ya."
>real time
>you are about to get your ass handed to
>prepare yourself accordingly
>locker room talk has waned a bit from you but the admiration of the team is still ever-present
>in the midst of conversation and putting your pads on, coach walks in the room
>something he rarely does
C = Coach
>C: "Listen up boys!"
>everyone stops what they do and listen
>C: "I've got some bad news."
>"What's up Coach?"
>C: "Remember that nobody team we are facing this Friday for homecoming? They just had a drug bust within their football team. As of today, their football schedule has been terminated until next season."
>eyes wide all around
"Then who are we playing?"
>Coach looks around, making sure everyone can hear
>C: "Crystal Prep."
>C: "And as you all know, that means this game isn't going to be easy. Put your pads on; it's running and hitting drills all day."
>Coach leaves the room, but the silence stayed for a few extra moments
>the fog of despair freezes the players in the room, giving them time to think about how fucked all of you are
>to your knowledge, CHS hadn't lost a homecoming game in a long time
>a very long time
>there was no outburst
>there were no throwing and smashing of water bottles
>everyone quietly put on their pads
>and walked onto the field
>as if accepting the hell they were about to receive
>as you do so, Mac sees you, but says nothing
>as the team gets into formation, the running begins
>and seemingly never ended
>and when it did, the hitting drills began
>Coach thought it would be a good idea for the ball-handlers (you) to start getting used to how Crystal Prep hits (hard)
>so all the running backs, quarterbacks, and receivers were put up against linemen in the hitting drills
>which meant that in between the exhaustion of the never-ending runs, you had the privilege of being rocked, several times in a row
>by the third time you got trucked, you started to think of what you would do to Coach if you were able, starting with disembowelment.
>Eventually... finally... practice ended. Sore all over, you wobble over to the water
>Mac is there, off to the side
"Mac, I need to talk to you."
>he casts a look at you
>"Earlier, I was fixin' to rip your head off Anon. But good fer you, AJ already told me about the Dash thing bein' a lie. So no, I ain't got no problem with you seein' mah sister. But if you hurt her, or do her wrong.."
>he picks you up by your pads like you're a can of soup
>"I'll bury you."
>he throws his water bottle at a freshman and walks off
>before he gets too far, he turns his head and says
>"I'll be sein' ya tonight, Anon."
>the showers never felt so good in your life
>but water doesn't wash away the bruises
>all over your body
>as you leave the locker room, you immediately dread knowing the fact that tomorrow's practice might be even worse
>still the day was over
>you figure you could go home and rest a bit before going to AJ's place
>all you needed to do before you went home was grab your bookbag
>as you open your locker, you see a book that made your day even worse
>you had to go to tutoring
>tutoring meant Sunset
>and that... wasn't something you wanted to think about
>but you had to go in order to play, and third string TE against Crystal Prep would be a nightmare for the team
>but your mind goes back to Sunset
>why did you yell at her?
>what did she even say that set you off?
>you can't even remember at this point
>and as reality set back in for you, you realized that you hadn't seen her all day today
>if she didn't come to school, then she wouldn't be tutoring
>which not only meant that you might have to deal with Twilight more than usual
>but you wouldn't be able to apologize to Sunset
>but you accept your fate
>as you open the door to the same room as yesterday you start saying
"Look Twilight please just..."
>look up
>it's Sunset
>she looked tired, and irritated
>very, very irritated
"I.. I didn't see you at school today.."
>"That's because I wasn't there."
>yeah, she's pissed
"So why are you.."
>"Here? Remember that part about non-voluntary community service? I'm here because I HAVE to be here."
"I just, didn't expect you to be here."
>"And why would that be, Anon? Is it because maybe you're an egomaniac and a full-time ass!?"
>in her mind, she's ready for you to try and excuse what happened to defend yourself
>still at the doorway, you answer
"Yeah. It is, I'm sure."
>Surprised, she let's out an involuntary "huh?"
"You're right about me being an ass. I won't even try to deny that. I had a lot of time to think about what happened last night. The truth is, I don't know what you've been through. Hell I barely know you at all. At the beginning of the semester, you struck me as one of the popular pretty girls that had their lives catered to them."
"But now I get the feeling that I was wrong about that. At first, I thought that I should give you some long and drawn out bitchy speech, trying explain myself. But that's not my style, and it wouldn't make sense anyways. There WAS no good reason to flip out. There is no good reason to be mad at you for anything.
"But you have EVERY reason to be mad at me. So, I'm sorry. If that isn't good enough for you, then I understand. But I'd be lying if I said I couldn't use a good friend."
>Sunset hears all of this and waits a second
>then her demeanor changes into a sadness
>"When I first came here to this school, I wasn't a good person to say the least. After I realized how badly I messed up, I asked for forgiveness. I'll spare you the details but after the fact, Twilight and her crew accepted me as a friend. They forgave me. If they hadn't, I wouldn't have friends at all."
>"I do forgive you Anon, and I will be your friend. However, you flip out like that again and I'm punching you in the face."
"That's more than fair."
"Uhh, thanks, by the way. I appreciate that."
>"Just remember. Punch in the face."
>you sit down in front of her
"Right. So, what else do I need to learn for Thursday?"
>"You're set for Thursday, as long as you truly understand what we went over yesterday."
"Yeah, I do."
>"Well, I can't leave until you leave."
"I can't leave until we've been in here for an hour."
>"Well uh, okay.."
"Hey do you sing?"
>"What? Uh, sometimes... why? Where did you hear that?"
"Just some locker room chatter."
>"Oh. Well I don't really sing that much anymore."
>"Who are you guys playing on Friday?"
"You won't believe it, but the original team backed out. Now we're playing Crystal Prep."
>"Crystal Prep?? For homecoming? That's a nightmare."
>she puts on a playful smile
>"Good luck getting knocked out."
"Aww that's so sweet of you, Sunset."
>you quickly grab her hands into yours
"Will you do something for me, Sunset?"
"When I get knocked out there on that field... will you hold my hand and sing me a lullaby?"
>"... so yeah, if I had to choose a favorite genre, it would probably be rock."
>check time
>you're clear for takeoff, b0ss
"Nice. Well listen, I think we can go now."
>you put your stuff up in your bag
>"Awesome. Here's my phone number. Being that I'm your tutor, it's Celestia's school policy that I give it to you in case you feel like you need help again."
"Really? I've never heard about that policy before. Does that rule apply to everyone who goes to tutoring?"
>she rolls her eyes
>"Nope. Only athletes."
"..oh. Well, thanks again for your help."
>"No problem."
>get outside
>already dark
"You walking home again?"
>"Oh, no. Dad let me use his car today."
"Alright, cool. I'll see you later."
>"Do you want a ride home?"
"That'd be cool, sure."
>"Alright, I'll drive; you DJ."
>get in car
>car starts
>you plug in your phone and play "On the Road Again."
>"Anon, are you serious??"
>you laugh
>every time you get the cord, you have to troll a little
>people have revoked your aux cord rights in their cars before
"Of course not! Here, you'll like this."
(plays this) [Embed]
>turn it up to near deafening volume
>as the beat plays, the head bobbing is just a natural bodily reaction
>you both have to shout in order to talk
>"Damn, this song IS good!!"
"I know right??"
>after the car pulls into your driveway, you turn off the music
"Thanks for the ride, Sunset. You coming to school tomorrow?"
>"No problem. And yeah, I'll be there."
"Cool. Have a good night."
>shut door
>take your shit inside
>sit down for a few minutes
>need to plan how to handle seeing AJ tonight
>most importantly, you need to figure out how to avoid anything that could get you in trouble
>anything that might involve the taking off of clothes will be an issue
>that feel when you still really want to see her take off clothes
>not that you had 'feelings' for her, but she was hot
>the obvious answer was to not show up
>but if she told the principal about your stupid hallway stunt
>you would suffer
>team would suffer
>you would suffer even more
>would she actually tell if you didn't show up?
>you couldn't risk it
>you have to go; but somehow stay platonic
>what if...
>what if you played hard-to-get..?
>yfw that could work
>that way
>it would prevent anything sexual happening tonight
>giving enough time for Rainbow to tell her tomorrow
>if it goes well tomorrow and she still likes you
>if tomorrow doesn't go well
>abort; act like you weren't interested from the beginning
>she IS forcing you to come over anyways; not like you asked to come over
>either way you would end up on top
>unless it works out and then you prefer the bottom position
>quick change of clothes
>out the door
>with your plan in mind, you afford a smile on your face
>this might not be so bad after all
>however. one thing kept running around in your mind
>why would AJ only tell like two people about her liking you?
>if Dash was her best friend, why not tell your best friend something like that?
>you wipe it away from your mind as you approach AJ's place
>As you approach the address given to you, your eyes ponder the change of scenery as compared to most of Canterlot
>The closer you get to AJ's place, the more the environment reminds you of your uncle's place
>there was something you liked about visiting him, when you could
>away from society and worries of suburban/city life
>thinking on this calms your nerves
>everything would be alright as long as you weren't a complete idiot
>hell, maybe you might even enjoy yourself
>As you come upon a mailbox with a variety of apples painted on the side, you don't even check to see if it is the right household before you start down the long dirt driveway
>can't help but notice a few apple trees in the front yard to the side of the driveway
>huh, Apple..jack
>you look at the house
>it's a quaint, smaller-sized, two-story place
>you hear something scattering somewhere
>a smaller sized dog charges at you from underneath the front porch
>thinking it's about to attack, you get into triple-threat stance
>that thing is lightning fast
>and barking like crazy
>it gets within range and jumps at your feet instead of on your face
>it looks..
>on its haunches, it raises its front paws in the air
>it wants to be picked up
>you oblige the little dog and pick it up
>happily barks and licks your nose
"Aww, who's a good boy?"
>the thing turned ugly and mad as it made a mean 'grrrrr'
"Okay, who's a good... girl??"
>back to happy dog
>you give her a good pet and put her back down
>she follows you as you get to the porch and knock on the door
>before someone answers, the dog picks up her paws again and whines for you to pick her up once more
>you do so
>door opens
>little read head answers
>she looks at you for a moment
>before saying anything to you she turns her head back towards the inside of the house
>back to you
>AB: "Howdy! You must be Anon."
>the dog licks your nose again
>AB: "Aww, she likes you!"
"I get that feeling as well. What's your name?"
>AB: "I'm Apple Bloom, AJ's little sis."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Anon, but it seems like you already knew that."
>AB rolls her eyes. "Yeah, it's hard NOT to know your name in this house, what with Applejamphhm.."
>before she can finish the sentence, Applejack appears and covers her little sister's mouth, while also pushing her out of the doorway
>AJ: "Heh, sorry about that Anon. 'Bloom here just enjoys flappin' them jowls sometimes."
>she has an uncomfortable smile as one hand reaches behind her head
>"AJ: "Lil' sisters, am I right?"
>you shrug
"I wouldn't know. Only child."
>AJ: "Well they're a handful, I tell ya what."
>off to the side
>AB: "I'm right here!!"
>an irritated AJ turns to her unseen sister and lowers her voice; trying to keep you from hearing her, but failing horribly
>AJ: "Apple Bloom, go do some homework or something!"
>AB: "Fine."
>the younger Apple passes the doorway to go upstairs and waves at you while doing so
>AB: "Good meetin' ya, Anon!"
"You too."
>dog takes the second of silence as a green light to continue licking your nose
"I don't think she wants to be put down."
>something about that image pulls on the heart strings of AJ
>AJ: "Aww, lookie there. Winona likes you!"
"Rather, I think she likes my nose."
>AJ picks up the dog and puts it down on the ground
>AJ: "Go on, Winona."
>Winona quickly runs back under the porch
>AJ: "It ain't too often she likes new folk coming around here."
>she pulls you in for a hug
>AJ: "Just warms my heart seein' her like you."
>you just had your character judged
>by a small dog
>releases the hug
>AJ: "Well come on in!"
>step inside
>AJ closes the door behind you
>doesn't lock it
>that's a good start
>you hear a voice from what you guess to the be kitchen
>sounds like an old woman
>"Applejack! Who's at the door? Is that the Pony Boy you's talking about earlier??"
>your eyebrows both raise
"...Pony.. Boy?"
>look at AJ
>AJ: "Yeah Granny, he's at the door!"
>GS: "Aite, well you kids have fun!"
>AJ: "C'mon, let's go upstairs."
>she grabs your hand and pulls you up the creaky stairs
>enter what you guess is her room
>"What do ya think?"
"So, we're just not going to talk about 'Pony Boy' and whatever that means?"
"It's not because I told you that I knew what a Quarter horse is, is it?"
>she wraps her hair around a finger
>AJ: "Uh, nope."
>decent sized bed
>minimal decorations
>one closet
>hell, put up some lame posters from middle school (that you for some reason never took down) and it could be your room
"Nice room."
>she shuts the door and walks ahead of you into her room
>"Thanks, sug."
>as she moves forward, you finally take notice that she still has those tight jeans on
>also doesn't help that her hips have more of a sway now that you two are along
>boner, not now
>the calm you felt before knocking on the house door left faster than a thief hearing an alarm
Brain: You got this buddy. Just focus. Be strong. Use some of that wit to get out of a sticky situation.
>what wit?
>she jumps on her bed
>AJ: "So whatcha want to do Anon?"
"Um, I don't know."
>she chuckles
>"Ya know, by the way you pinched my ass earlier I thought you'd be a bit more decisive than that."
"And by the way you were going to blackmail me if I didn't come over made me think you had something in mind."
>"Whew boy, you gotta mouth on you, huh? Startin' to sound like Rainbow."
>you flinch at the name, but say nothing
>it's awkward standing next to the door, so you get closer to the bed
>but not too close
>the temptation is real
>"Sit down, Anon. Plenty of space on the bed."
>she pats a spot extremely close to her
Brain: [Embed]
"I'm good standing, actually."
>"Playin' hard to get huh?"
>she grabs your front two belt loops with her fingers and pulls you to her so fast that you actually trip
>the unexpected motion causes you to become face to face with her
>"You sure you don't wanna pinch my ass some more?"
>her eyes are half closed
>her smile is evil
>she licks her front teeth
>she whispers to you
>"Or do ya wanna try.. something else?"
>meanwhile, in your mind
"Bridge to Engineering, what just happened?"
>"Captain, our engines just got hit! We can't move!"
>"Sir, shields are failing!"
"Damage report!!"
>"Decks 7-32 have been hit!"
"What is still operational, goddammit??"
>"Sir the cannons are at full power!"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures, gentlemen."
"Activate stealth mode and turn on auxiliary brain function."
>real life
>still face to face with her
>you shape your shock into a sultry look
"Something else sounds real nice. How about you show me how you ride...
>her face gets hot
>she starts to unbutton her shirt
>you notice her fingers shake, but only a little
>"Now we talkin' Anon."
>Applejack freezes like a statue
>in the process of releasing the next button
>"You wanna... ride horses?"
"Yeah! Is.. that a problem?
>"What? Are you... serious? You really want to?"
>there is a problem
>you haven't been on a horse since you were 12
>and you know this chick isn't a beginner level rider
>but have to do something... anything to stop her advances
>boner, down boy
>AJ unfreezes, and doesn't look nearly as shocked as you thought she might
>"I'll be. You know what? That DOES sound fun! We can feed 'em after we're done riding, too."
"Great! You wanna go now or..?"
>"Sure thing, sug."
>you open the door
>turn around
>she opens her closet and reaches in for something
>pulls out a stetson hat, one exactly like hers
>throws it at you
>"Here. Can't ride without proper head gear."
>you follow her downstairs
>AJ: "Granny, we goin' saddle up and ride for a while! We'll feed 'em after we're done!"
>GS: "Okay! Don't be out too long!"
>AJ looks at you
>"Aite, let's go."
"Where is the farm at?"
>"Right here, silly."
>you follow her off of the porch and around the house
>pitch black outside
>can't see anything except what the house lights illuminate
"I can't see anything, AJ."
>"Don't worry, I'll hit the lights for ya."
>you follow the sound of her footsteps until they stop
>"Just a sec, gotta find the switch."
>she fiddles with something, then you hear a click
>as you hear the click, four stadium lights turn on revealing a huge tract of grassy land
>the field was as big as at least two football fields
>in the pasture are a couple of horses grazing
>the outsides of the rectangular field were lined with huge trees
>the back of the pasture had two barns
>how did you miss this coming to her place?
"Holy shit, Applejack.."
>"Heh, yeah, it does look pretty at night with the lights on, don't it?"
"Yeah, it really does."
>you look at where while she's in front of you
>shadow cast upon her head leaves only her long blonde hair shining in the light
>your hand reaches out toward her, and you have no idea why
>you take off her hat
>remove the hair bands that keep the pony tail
>"Havin' fun there, partner?"
"I've never seen you without these on."
>her hair was truly golden, even reflecting some of the artificial light into your eyes
>and she looked good
>she takes her hat back and puts it on again
>"Gotta wear the hat, sug. How else are we gunna match?"
>you remember that you had the same style hat on as well
>it felt... good
>you stand there a while and just look at everything
>"Welp. You ready, cowboy?"
>snap out of your daze
"Yeah, yeah I'm ready."
>she jumps over the gate to the pasture and you follow suit
>after you jump, you see the gate can easily be opened from either side
>why even jump over it?
>this the Dukes of Hazzard or something?
"How long have you had this place?"
>"I was born here. Hard to believe this is technically Canterlot, huh?"
"No kidding. I feel like the city is 50 miles away."
>"When was the last time you rode?"
"It's been a solid couple of years, actually."
>"Aite then, we'll start off slow."
>before you two get to the barn you ask her a question
"Applejack? Now that I'm here, I wanted to know... would you have really turned me into Celestia if I didn't show up tonight?"
>she looks at you with a half smile
>her head cocks a little to the side
>"Of course not! Anon, that was a joke.. you didn't think I was serious right?"
"No.. no of course I knew you were kidding."
>you two get to the barn
>the thing is huge
>stalls where horses are fed line one side
>while grain/oats/hay are lined up on the other
>the place is dusty as hell, but that comes with the whole 'barn' thing, you suppose
>she saddles up two horses
"Now, you're going to give me a slow one, right? I don't want some crazy colt to throw me off."
>"Of course, sug. I'm surprised you even know the difference between a stallion and a colt. You know what a gelding is?"
"Sadly, yes."
>she gives you a hearty laugh
>those poor things...
>she jumps on her horse
>you place one foot in a stirrup and swing your leg over the horse
>place other foot in other stirrup
>didn't kick the horse's ass while doing so
>mount successful
>you both start at a walking speed
>"So what are some things you like to do, Anon?"
"Uh not too much, I guess. Football is fun. Hanging out with friends. Video games, and such. You? What's something about you that would surprise me?"
>"Well I keep myself busy with school and chores around the house and barns. Annnd as far as something you might be surprised about... I know you might not believe me, but sometimes I play the bass guitar."
"No way! I don't believe you!"
>"True as the day is long, Anon. I'm lettin' Apple Bloom try to learn it so it's in her room right now."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
>"After the ride, I'll play you a lick or two."
>the ride so far is better than expected
>horse seems very calm and obedient
"So how long has your family lived here?"
>"I reckon I don't rightly know a number, to be honest. Granny was young when her and Pappy Smith bought the place. Apple family has been here since."
"Damn, that's a long time. You plan on keeping tradition?"
>"I take it one day at a time. Maybe I'll move, maybe I'll stay. I guess we'll see. What about you? You stayin' in Canterlot after high school?"
"I guess I'd give the same answer. I don't know."
>as you near the entry gate towards the house, you see Big Mac, just looking at you two
>AJ waves to him, "Don't worry Mac! We'll feed the horses when we're done!"
>he stood there, looking at you for a second, then nodded and went into the house
"Have you and Mac always taken care of the horses?"
>"No, not always."
"Who took care of them before you did?"
>"My mom used to. She's the reason we still have these dang things around. I tell ya, they're a pain to take care of sometimes."
"Why have them, then?"
>"Mom and Dad died when we were young..."
>oh god
>you pull on the reins to stop your horse
"Applejack, uh.. I'm sorry."
>she stops her horse as well
>"It's fine, sug. Happened a long time ago."
>after a few moments of silence, she puts her horse back to a walk
>you follow
>"She loved these horses. Used to ride them every day. She'd get so excited about it too. Dad never cared for them much but when I was young I remember he'd watch her ride some days."
>"She's the reason we keep the animals around."
>when she finished, your body slouched a little bit
>no wonder you didn't see her parents in the house
>no wonder Mac is protective of her
>and at that moment, you remember that her best friend gave you head about 10 hours ago
>and AJ didn't know about it yet
"Can I ask you one more question? Why did you want me to come over today? Like, why me of all people?"
>"... I thought you liked horses."
>so this is what a piece of shit feels like
>there is nothing you would rather do than just go home right now and just get tomorrow over with
>now she doesn't seem like a hot girl with a crazy crush
>she seems like someone who misses her mother
>and you might have used her for sex if it weren't for Rainbow finding out about her crush
>Applejack sees your sadness
>"Hey, listen Anon, you don't have to feel bad for me. It was a long time ago. I'm okay now, alright?"
"Yeah, I gotcha."
>you need to do something to get away from this conversation
"You wanna go faster?"
>"If you think you're up for it, hell yeah!"
>you dig your heels lightly into the horse's sides, signaling it to go faster
>it starts to trot
>as you two have walked the animals down the length of the field, you turn the horses around
>but unbeknownst to you, your horse is hungry
>and it sees the barn where it gets fed
>it starts going faster
>you're losing control
"Hey, whoa boy. Slow down."
>it does the opposite
>within seconds, it's in a full gallop
>you've never gone this fast on a horse before
>the speed and velocity of the horse makes it harder to stay on
>"Anon! Pull the reins!!"
>you pull, but to no avail
>you've lost control of the animal
>the fast steps of the horse now matches your heart rate
>this won't end well
>now you're in full panic
>the horse senses this, and goes even faster
"you're about 100 feet away from the barn
>about 20 feet ahead of the horse, a long snake loudly hisses and raises its head out of the grass
>the horse sees this and immediately gets spooked
>full stop
>the immense deceleration throws you forward off of the horse as your back and head slams into the ground
>before you black out, you can hear a muffled scream
>vision gets less black
>look around and you're not sure where you are
>but it's warm and fairly comfortable
>you want to close your eyes again and go back to sleep
>but some alarm in your body tells you not to do that
>disorientation is still very much so present
>something scratchy is on the back of your head
>you put your hand behind your head
>it's hay
>you're sat up against some hay
>you fell off of a horse
>you are in Applejack's barn
>you hear boots running toward you
>she rushes around the corner and grabs your face
>"Anon! You're up! Are you okay?"
>you check your limbs for broken bones
>nothing so far, but the headache is killer
"I think I'm okay."
>Applejack gets on her knees and hugs you tightly
>"Oh my god, Anon. You had me worried there for a second."
>she gets back up after the lets go of you and runs back to around the corner
>comes back around with some water
>"Here, drink up."
>she sits beside you, wrapper her arms around you from the side this time
>she rubs your chest
>"Is there anything I can do you for?"
>still a bit dizzy, your head is still kind of wobbling
"No, the water is fine, thanks."
>you stay seated to drink; still seeing a few stars
>her phone buzzes a few times
>"You mind if I check that?"
"Of course not; go ahead."
>she leaves out of sight again to check her phone
>you would never ride another horse as long as you lived
>a minute goes by and you get up, feeling a little better
>walk out of the hay-stall to find AJ
"AJ, I'm feeling a little better. I think I'll go home now."
>no response
>as you go outside the barn, you see her looking at her phone
>"Anon.. I thought for sure.."
>you couldn't see her face but she sounded emotional
"AJ, I'm okay. I promise; I'll be fine."
>she turns around to look at you
>you readied yourself for her to try and kiss you
>you weren't ready for the fury in her eyes
>or the haymaker she threw at you cheek
>you lie in your bed
>it was a long and painful walk from the Apple house
>you didn't even ask why she hit you
>you knew why she hit you
>aside from the pain of not only the fall, but the surprisingly hard punch to the jaw; your mind wouldn't let you sleep
>someone told her about Rainbow
>but who?
>Flash wouldn't tell anyone; you knew him better than that
>plus he didn't even have AJ's number as far as you knew
>Rainbow was going to tell AJ tomorrow before school started
>Neither one of them had a reason to tell AJ tonight
>Someone must have seen you two go into that closet
>but who?
>as your mind replays who was and wasn't in your PE class, you slowly drift to sleep after hours of laying in bed thinking
>you're in the gym
>looking for someone
>you don't know who, but you're looking
>no one is in the gym
>but you continue to look anyways
>you hear a voice in the gym, but no one is there
>"I'll be watching you Anon..."
>that was Twilight
>Twilight said that
>Twilight appears
"TWILIGHT!" you scream, scaring her
>Fear in her eyes, "What!? No! I wasn't here, Anon! I swear!"
>you run towards Twilight, but as soon as you get to her she disappears
>suddenly, screaming outside
>Rainbow walks in the gym
>man, she looks good
>you don't like her like that though
>suddenly, you're not in control of yourself
>you see yourself run up to her and kiss her tenderly
>she pulls out of the kiss after a while
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING ANON??" you scream, but no one can hear you
>"Hey Anon, will you do me a favor?"
>"Of course, Rainbow... anything" the other you says
>she hands him a handgun
>"Hold this, will ya?"
>he takes the weapon and puts it in his hand
>"What are you doing here, anyways? PE is over. Go to class!"
>"Alright," he says.
>she runs out of the gym
>other Anon walks out
>he sees a body lying on the ground, bloody and dead
>it's Applejack
>you are in control of yourself again
>you see the body and cry
>why would Rainbow do this??
>look up
>you are surrounded by police
>you comply
>"That son of a bitch killed her!!"
>they cuff you
>the student body is now all around you
>they think you did it too
>Celestia walks up
>"Anon, you are formally expelled from this school!"
>"Bring him over to the killer."
>Big Mac gets out of a police car
>Fury like you've never seen before in his eyes
>"Hold the bastard up," Mac says to the cops
>Mac beats you to an inch of your life
>the pain is unreal
>open eyes
>in jail
>Rainbow is outside of your cell
>that evil fucking grin on her face
>"How ya doing, Anon?"
>she laughs maniacally
>her face turns expressionless
>"Yeah, good job. You figured it out."
>as she walks away
>"I heard about you and AJ, by the way.." she casually mentions
>time stops
>you've heard that before
>close your eyes
>open eyes
>you are looking at Rainbow in the gym
>"Yeah, good job. You figured it out. Your shirt is in the closet."
>she starts back towards the door at the corner of the gym
>"I heard about you and AJ, by the way.." she casually mentions
>wake up sweating
>sheets wet
>clothes wet
>eyes bloodshot
>heavy breathing
>more angry than you've ever been in your life
>lift your torso out of bed
>veins are showing on your neck and head
>clench your fists are hard as possible
>you scream aloud
>your body should have been too tired to do damn near anything
>not to mention the fact that your jaw was swollen and your head plus back still hurt like hell
>but you believed in mind over matter
>you might show up to school looking like you were undead
>but you weren't going to show up to school too tired to take care of business
>for the first time in a very long time, you brew a pot of coffee
>not a usual coffee drinker, but you knew you needed some
>usual school prep
>chug three cups of coffee
>out the door you go
>waiting for the bus to arrive
>you have a few minutes for the caffeine to set in
>a few minutes to calm down before the storm arrives
>a few minutes to think about what to do
>as to what you would do, you weren't 100% sure
>but what you WOULDN'T do, is let that bitch ruin the rest of your week, let alone the rest of the semester
>what you WOULDN'T do is let her off easy
>and what you WOULDN'T do is be okay with what she did
>what still didn't make sense
>rather what you didn't know was, who told AJ last night??
>and why?
>only a few people knew that she liked you
>and wouldn't people assume that she knew about it already, since her and Rainbow are best friends?
>then it hit you
>there was no reason to tell AJ at all
>Rainbow was just fucking with you some more
>in the midst of deep thought, you hear the rumble of the bus from a distance
>bus pulls up
>you enter
>the people that would have normally greeted you choose to stay silent when they see you
>dark circles under your eyes
>a frown that could be considered a face-workout
>swollen jaw
>you look scary
>like a hungry bloodhound
>Trixie saw you when you boarded the vehicle but doesn't look at you when you get close
>"Anon, shall we share a seat again?"
"Trixie," you say just above a mutter
>"What's wrong, Anon? Down in the dumps?" she asks in sing-song
>then she looks at you, and is shocked of your condition
>"Anon! What happened?"
"A bitch. A huge bitch."
>Trixie is slightly put off by your language
>being that she's been called a bitch a few times in her life
>but you have seniority
>and you don't look like you're messing around today
>"Trixie is.."
>you shoot her this look [pic]
>"I am.. sorry to hear that. Are you alright?"
>you think to yourself
>what if everything goes to shit?
>what if the seemingly dumb Rainbow Dash has actually figured out some master plan to destroy your life?
>it wouldn't matter
>you would tell her off and accept your fate thusly
>you will refuse to be a piece in her bitchy little game
"I'll be alright once this day is over with."
>"May I ask you a question then?"
>you really don't want to answer her
>but you also realize that you would have to explain why you wouldn't answer is you refused
>it would take more effort to not answer than just to answer her stupid fucking question
>"Do you think I should go to the homecoming dance?"
>you shoot her a 'really nigger?' face
>but holding it too long would take up valuable energy
>energy you needed for when this bus stopped at school
"Oh my god, you're kidding me."
>you talk into your palms as they both grasp your face
"Here's a question for you. Why is this damn homecoming dance like some kind of religious experience to people here? I didn't go my first two years and I'm fine."
>you sigh
"Why are you asking me this, anyways?"
>"You seem to be a bit more.. popular now."
>take your hands off of your face
"Oh, so I get a few new friends and suddenly I'm the Homecoming Monk?"
>"I didn't mean it like that! I just... didn't know who to ask. I thought you might know if... someone like me... should go to the dance."
>you see out of the corner of your eye that she's rubbing her own hands
>there is no way you could possibly care less this exact moment
>there is an equal amount of chance you would think of a good answer for her
"Someone like..?"
>she just looks at you with some dumb, sad face
"You know what? I'm not going to even ask."
>you sit back and think of something else, while giving your mouth free reign to say whatever
"I think dances and social functions are dumb, to say the least. I've never been to a high school dance in my life. At this point, I think a better question, at least for you, is 'why do I want to go or not go?'"
>"Why do you say that?"
"Because you strike me as the type of someone who strives for fulfillment by getting the attention of others, which in itself is a self-destructive, shitty way to get your kicks. You should work on that, by the way."
>Trixie looks a shocked; clearly wasn't ready for you to drop a bomb
>"Why.. would you.."
"Drop it, Trix. I couldn't care less how you live your life. If you want to go, go. Simple. But don't go if the reason for attending is to make fun of other people the entire time while waiting for someone to drool over how good you look in a dress so you can hide your insecurities. If you're going to the dance, go because you want to actually make friends and have a good time."
>"I.. I can't believe you said that."
"I certainly can."
>she's shellshocked
>"That was...blunt... but true."
>"Are YOU going to the dance?"
"Probably not."
"I routinely never take my own advice. Plus, who cares? Homecoming will still happen without me, Trixie."
>"I'm not saying it wouldn't Anon. I'm just..."
>"I would.. enjoy a dance... with you."
>bus stops at school; you get up to leave
"You know what Trixie? If the stars start falling and I actually go to this fucking thing, I'll give you TWO dances."
>she gives you a heartfelt smile with a "Thank you, Anon."
>walk off the bus
>you're not going to that dance
>being the quiet guy in middle school gave you more time to observe people
>years of observation gave you social knowledge
>and knowledge is... never mind
>but said previous observations gave you the ability to pick apart someone like Trixie fairly easily
>she would probably be really nice and sweet once she got over her bullshit
>and she was.. attractive
>for an underclassman
>you might have even enjoyed a dance with her
>you also admittedly... eventually.. somewhat enjoyed Rainbow's mouth around your cock
>and look where that got you
>just the thought made you furious again
>you were going to put Rainbow in her place
>even if it would cost you those sweet Applehips
>because if you were honest to yourself, that WOULD be the price
>if those two are as good of friends as you think, you doubt that the friendship would end permanently even after the huge fuck-up that Rainbow pulled
>what worried you the most
>is that Rainbow's friends might side with her on this
>which could put you in the shit instead
>but you couldn't just back down now
>you needed to confront Rainbow before homeroom started
>you couldn't wait around and have this boil up during class
>now all you needed to do was find her
>but you couldn't find her in the hallways
>where is this bitch?
>you consider asking around for her whereabouts, but that would attract unwanted attention
>if someone outside of the situation saw you confront Rainbow, you would look like the bad guy
>maybe she's in the gym
>you head over towards the gym, but you would never get there
>you hear Rainbow's voice
>stop immediately to look around
>it's not coming from the hall
>it's in a room
>look to your right
>there is a classroom with no class present, but you know she's in there
>your body literally shakes in anger
>but if you totally lose your shit on her, you'll be in the wrong
>no matter how much she deserves it
>so you pull it together and contain your rage
>you slowly open the door and stand in the doorway
>RD: "...which is true, but it wasn't his fau.."
>Rainbow and her five besties were all in the room
>the other five see you and turn their attention away from Rainbow before she stops talking
>Rainbow sees this and doesn't finish her sentence
>as the six get a good look at you, they notice how bad of shape you're in
>you look awful
>they all, even Rainbow, look worried.. for themselves
>you sarcastically, and slowly, golf clap
>with a half smile, you feign happiness
"Well done, Rainbow. Well done."
"You have played well, I must admit. You really had me there for a moment. I'll also readily admit that you're smarter than you look. But a smart bitch is still exactly that. A bitch."
>you turn to the door and slowly close it
>turn your head to stare at Rainbow with an evil smile
>you lock the door
"Feel familiar, Rainbow?" you ask all too quietly
>your tone gets serious
"No one leaves until I'm done here."
>now they are truly worried as to what you might do
>Twilight stands up out of the desk. "Anon, I don't know what you're doing but I think you should calm down."
>without raising your voice, you quietly respond
"Twilight, you're going to sit back down.. right now. I have a question for you and Applejack; and you will both answer."
>Twilight looks at her desk and quickly nods
"Where you in the gym yesterday when I had PE?"
>"What? No! I was in class! Why would I be in the gym??"
"Because, and I quote, 'I'll be watching you Anon.' Ring a bell?"
>"Yes, but I didn't mean I would be spying on you! I just.. didn't trust you."
"So you didn't send Applejack a text last night??"
>"No! Here, look at my phone."
>you take a look through her messages
>according to her phone, she didn't text AJ all day yesterday
>she could have deleted certain single texts if she wanted to, in order to hide something
>you look at Twilight
>aside from the worry on her face, she looked.. sorry
>back at her phone
>for whatever reason, your gut told you to believe her
>walk over to Applejack
>Applejack looked at you with pleading eyes. "Anon.. I'm so sorry."
>she extends a hand towards your bruised jaw, but you swat it away
"Not now, Applejack. Who was it?"
>her eyes look in a direction away from you
>you follow her line of sight
>to Rainbow
"I fuckin' knew it."
>you walk back towards Rainbow
"I FUCKING knew it!"
>she puts her palms out towards you like she's preparing to stop a train
>RD: "Anon, wait! It's not what you think!"
>you get in her face
"How the fuck.. is it not exactly what I think?? You expect me to BELIEVE YOU after everything that happened??"
>you back away a bit
>RD: "No... I don't."
>you turn to the other five
"Ladies, you're about to hear the non-fiction version of what has really happened since Monday."
"But before I do that, I have one more question."
>you turn back to Rainbow
"Is THIS what you wanted??"
>point to the bruised jaw
"Did you WANT your best friend to fucking punch me in the face??"
>she forces herself to look at your jaw, then at your bloodshot eyes
"Did you want me to be so worked up about the situation that I would lose my mind??"
"Did your fucked up mind games work according to plan??"
>Rainbow is trembling
"You almost had me, too. But last night in a dream I remembered something. I remembered that you DID know about AJ's feelings for me before you locked me in that closet and FORCED ME TO CUM IN YOUR MOUTH!!"
>there was a collective gasp of disbelief from everyone in the room except Rainbow and Applejack
>R: "Rainbow... is.. is that true??
>Rainbow just looked at Rarity and said nothing
>R: "Oh my god.."
"That's right."
>you notice Rainbow is trying to not look at you
>she slowly complies
>almost emotional
"But I'm going to do us all the service of not telling Celestia about this. Not for your sake, but because I want this to be DONE!!"
>there is a voice behind you
>"I think you will all have some explaining to do."
>turn around
>it's Principal Celestia
>and she's pissed
>"All of you. In my office. Now."
>all 7 of you sat in chairs across from Celestia's desk
>there was about 5 minutes of silence after everyone sat down
>this time was used by Celestia to eye every one of you before she said
PC = Principal Celestia
>PC: "Who wants to go first?"
>more silence
>you thought about speaking up, but only you and Rainbow both knew the whole story
>Rainbow lowly says, "I'll do it. It's my fault, after all."
>PC: "I'm listening."
>RD: "It all started on Monday morning during PE; a class I share with Anon. I had known of Anon for a while but I never said anything to him. After our mile run, I tripped him and made him fall..
>RD: "..when I fell, my shirt ripped. I hid behind the tree and Anon gave me his shirt to wear until I could get changed. In the gym, I heard rumors that Anon and I had kissed, but I didn't do anything about it."
>RD: "..I told him that I owed him and that I would do anything he wanted."
>PC: "Implying..."
>RD: "Yes.
>PC: "Did you know this, Anon?"
>PC: "Go on, Rainbow."
>RD: "I had never.. offered that before. And he didn't want it.
>RD: " I had Fluttershy give him my number."
>RD: "..since he never texted me that night, I thought I had been rejected. The thought alone made me pissed off.. but also kind of... turned on. I got to school and spread the rumor that we DID kiss the day before."
>RD: "..heard that Applejack liked him."
>RD: "...told him that his shirt was in the gym closet"
>RD: "...then I..."
>PC: "You what, Rainbow?"
>RD: "Locked the door behind him, threw the key to the side and turned off of the lights. After that, I.. uh.. forced him to take head."
>large stacks of fine china plates simultaneously broke in Celestia's mind
>PC: "WHAT??"
>she realizes she just made an outburst and sits back down in her chair
>PC: "Anonymous? Is this true??"
>still looking pissed, you give a single nod
"Yeah. Only she forgot to add that she first punched me in the stomach. Oh, and after that, she told me and I quote, 'If you tell a soul about this, I'll murder you.'"
>Rainbow forgot she said it like that, but she nodded her head signaling that it was true
>RD: "I didn't mean I was going to actually murder him, but I know how bad that sounds."
>PC: "You don't have a clue how bad all of this sounds, so far."
>RD: "..thought he might like call me after that or want more.. but apparently not."
>RD: "I thought me might have.. been into that or something."
>you stay seated, though you start to feel sick
>you really didn't want this to be public information
>RD: "...but after I saw first-hand that AJ actually liked Anon and he liked her back, I knew I had done something wrong to the both of them."
>RD: "I texted him and told him not to do anything to her because I knew he was going to her place last night. I told him I would tell AJ this morning what happened because I wanted to do it face to face. He agreed it was the right thing to do. But last night I felt... really bad. I felt like trash because of what I had done. I couldn't wait any longer to tell AJ. I thought Anon would have already left her place by then, but apparently not. I texted her that I gave him head..."
>AJ: "But before I got the texts explaining the situation, I punched Anon in the jaw. That's what the bruise is from. I got the explanation texts a few minutes after that but by then Anon was long gone from my place."
>AJ turns to you. "Anon, I'm so.. so sorry. I didn't know until it was too late. I hope you know I would never.."
>Celestia puts her hand up. "There will be time for that later, Applejack. Continue, Rainbow."
>RD: "Applejack told me what happened after I explain what I did, so after that I called all of the girls to meet me before school. I was going to tell them what I had done and apologize to Applejack. After that, I was going to try to apologize to Anon when he got to school."
>RD: "But he found us before I could explain it to the girls."
>PC: "Did he hit any of you this morning?"
>RD: "No."
>the rest of the girls shake their heads in agreement
>PC: "Anon. Anything you would like to add? Has Rainbow told the truth on this matter?"
"She did tell the truth. The only thing that I would like to add is that the only people involved are Rainbow, Applejack and myself. No one else did anything. I thought Twilight might have been behind some of this, but I was wrong. As as far as a confession goes, I did pinch Applejack's butt yesterday at school. I'm sure that's against school rules."
>PC: "I appreciate your honesty, Anonymous. Applejack, did you have a problem with that? Was he harassing you by doing so?"
>AJ got a little red. "No ma'am, I didn't mind it. He wasn't harassing me."
>PC: "Very well. Have you anything to say to Rainbow Dash?"
>you think
>this would be the perfect time to call her a cunt
>to call her stupid
>to try and make her feel like you felt last night
>but at this point, that would be too far
>PC: "Rainbow, anything you want to say to Anon?"
>RD: "Anon, please... I never meant for any of this to happen. I just.. thought you would be into it. I'm sorry I'm an idiot. I know I've acted like a... cunt."
>PC: "Rainbow! Language!"
>RD: "Sorry Principal Celestia. I promise Anon, I'll never bother you again after this. I just.. I'm sorry, okay?"
>Celestia has her knuckles buried into her forehead; eyes closed
>she thinks for a moment
>PC: "Everyone except Rainbow Dash, wait outside of my door."
>you all do so, and shut the door behind you
>no one looks at each other outside
>while the rest of the group just look down at the floor, you cross your arms and look at the lockers across the hall
>what did you do to deserve this bullshit
>even if Rainbow didn't mean to ruin your week, this was now an ordeal
>an ordeal where you are the epicenter
>T: "Anon, I know you could have told Celestia about what I said yesterday in math class. Thank you. And... I'm sorry for not trusting you. I never knew.."
"I know."
>AJ: "Sug... does your jaw hurt? I can't tell you how much of an ass I feel like right now. After Rainbow told me last night, I realized why you uh... changed scenery from my bedroom. It took some real character to do that. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"As much as I appreciate that, character won't get rid of this situation. And unless you want to chew my food for me, there's nothing you can do about my jaw."
>no more words were spoken outside
>inside Celestia's office, however
>for a split second, Celestia's eye twitched
>PC: "Rainbow, I need to ask you something. Did you partake any illicit drugs over the weekend?"
>RD: "No ma'am! Drugs aren't allowed here, especially on the sports teams!"
>Celestia adjusts herself in her large chair. "Rainbow, off the record... just for my own knowledge. What were you thinking??"
>RD: "I thought he was cute, so I wanted to mess around. I didn't know how to go about it because... because I'm not good at that kind of stuff. I thought... he would enjoy what I did. But I swear! I never meant for all of this to happen!!"
>PC: "Rainbow, do you even know what the word 'rape' means!?"
>RD: "But I.."
>PC: "Because tricking someone into a closet and then locking the door behind you, not allowing him to leave and forcing any kind of intercourse sounds EXACTLY like rape!! On top of that, from an objective standpoint, it sounds like you've manipulated Anonymous's life by making Applejack hit him! Do you realize how much of a nightmare this is for yourself, and everyone involved including me? I have to do something about this!"
>RD: "I didn't though! I never wanted him to be harmed in any way after I realized I had already done that!"
>PC: "What part of 'no' did you not understand from him the first time?? Do you know what this means for the school as well? Your FACE is on the cover of half of our sports edition newspapers! I can't have 'rapist' be the face of our soccer team!"
>RD: "Principal, please! I know I did wrong. I'll take the punishment, but please don't kick me off of the soccer team!"
>Celestia was now angry. She lowered her voice to keep from screaming.
>PC: "Rainbow Dash, you clearly don't understand the gravity of the situation. Rape is a felony crime. If Anon decides he wants to press charges it's out of my hands. You don't get kicked off of the soccer team OR even out of school. YOU GO TO PRISON."
>from outside of the door, you could only hear bits and pieces of the conversation
>but what you heard before the faint sound of sniffling
>was prison
>the rest of the girls heard that part too
>as if they were robots, their eyes opened wide and the looked straight forward
>but not a word was spoken
>the office door opens
>out comes a crying Rainbow Dash
>and a stern looking principal
>Dash went to Twilight for a hug and tried to quit crying
>the rest of the girls joined her hug, trying to help
>PC: "I need to make several phone calls and think very hard on how to handle this. You all will be at my office immediately after school. For those of you who partake in after school activities, you will not be attending said activities today. It would behoove you to keep this situation quiet, though I doubt any of you will want to shout this from the rooftops. Go to your classes."
>Celestia walks back into her office and shuts the door a bit harder than usual
>Inside, she finds her way back to her chair
>she puts her hands on her face and pulls the skin in a downward motion; then rubs her temples
>she then picks up the phone and dials a number
>Rainbow tries to calm down but it's not working
>she turns to look at you with hot tears in her eyes
>RD: "ANON! I'M SORRY!!!!"
>the blue girl stumbles as she begins to run down the hall
>T: "Rainbow! Wait!"
>the girls go after Rainbow
>all but Applejack
>AJ stays where she is for a second, and if only for a moment, looks at your with sadness
>not blame, not anger, not fury
>but sadness
>she exhales, and her shoulders drop
>then she walks towards the direction of the girls
>as you stand there watching AJ leave, the bell rings
>check the clock
>time for algebra class
>and you really
>don't want to go
>head to your locker
>grab book and head to class
>upon entering, however, the teacher calls you to her desk
>oh god
>not more shit, please
>"Anonymous! You look awful! What happened?"
"It's... a really long story."
>you don't even mean to, but you look awful dejected to her
>"Did you get into a fight??"
"No ma'am, not exactly."
>the teacher just looks at you for a moment, then grabs something out of her desk
>looks back at you, almost like she feels sorry for you
>"I normally don't do this, but we're not doing anything too important in class today. Go to the nurse's office and feel better, okay?"
>you look at the pass the teacher just gave you
>look back at her in near disbelief
"Um, thanks."
>"I heard you have completed your tutoring for your make-up quiz tomorrow. Do well, okay? I hear the team needs you on Friday."
>she gives you a wink and a smile
"Yeah, I'll try."
>walk out of class
>knock on the nurse's office door
>"Come in."
>she's at her desk writing something
>without looking at who came in the door she asks, "What seems to be the problem today?"
>you put the slip in front of what she's writing, and she reads it; still without looking up
>finally, she looks at you
>"Anon? Heavens, you DON'T look good."
>Nurse Redheart was also the team medic on game days
>she was super cool and knew all of the players by name and number
>only the older football players were allowed to call her by her nickname "Red"
"It was a combo deal. Comes with how I'm feeling right now."
>you sit down on the table and she gets up to examine you
>"Nice shiner on your cheek. Did you win?"
"It wasn't exactly a fight."
>"Well who was he?"
>Redheart chuckled at you
>"Sounds like someone screwed up pretty good."
>you chuckle; only Redheart could make you laugh at a time like this
"Yeah, no shit."
>she pressed on the jaw
>"Wow, that's swollen. Did she hit you with a brick or something?"
"Might as well have."
>Redheart gets a bag of ice and hands it to you
>"Lie down and keep this on your jaw for a while. Your eyes look awful, too. Did you sleep at all?"
"Not enough, that's for sure."
>"I'm almost afraid to ask, but did you get injured in any other capacity?"
"Well, I did fly off of a horse."
>"Of course you did. Open your eyes wide for me."
>she checks your eyes with a flashlight
>"Looks like you skated right past a concussion, so that's good. Your jaw is going to hurt for a while but if you ice it often today and tomorrow, you should be clear to play without too much pain."
"Great. Thanks, Red."
>"It's what I'm here for."
>she goes back to her desk
"So, can I not go back to class for a while?"
>she looks up with a smirk
>"Yeah, I'll write something for you. But you can't stay too long."
>Redheart gets back to writing
>after a moment, without looking at you she asks, "So was she worth it?"
>"You know, the other girl. Was she worth the knuckles you got?"
"Oh, I didn't cheat on anyone."
>"Well what did you say that pissed her off?"
"I didn't say anything..."
>"You sure about that?"
"Trust me, I'm positive."
>"So you got clobbered by a girl that you didn't cheat on, and you said nothing wrong to or about?"
>Redheart looks at you with a lifted eyebrow, then back to her writing
>"Yep, that's high school. Don't worry, college is way better."
>your cheeky smile
"Uh oh, I get the feeling that Nurse Redheart got into some trouble in college."
>"I don't know what you're talking about, 85. Nurse Red-Hot never got into any trouble in college."
>your mind immediately pictures what she would have looked like in college to earn that nickname
"I'm not going to ask anymore questions."
>"Good play, 85."
>as Redheart says this, Sunset walks past the nurse's office
>Sunset glaces inside, clearly on her way somewhere
>she double takes when she sees you
>SS:"Anon?? What's wrong? Why are you in the nurse's office?"
>the icebag on your face blocks her view of the jaw
>you remove it to talk to Sunset
"I'll have to tell you later."
>Redheart sees Sunset walk in the office and shoots you a smug smile meaning "you sure she's not the other one, huh?"
>you shoot her a frown that says "I'm positive, Redheart."
>SS: "Oh my god, Anon. That doesn't look good."
"Doesn't feel great, either. Don't touch."
>SS: "I won't. When did THAT happen?"
"Last night."
>SS: "Where?"
"I just said I'd have to tell you later.."
>SS: "Fine, but text me after practice."
"I can't go to practice."
>SS: "Why not?"
>give her da face
>SS: "Right, okay. I'll talk to you later."
>Sunset leaves the room
>waves goodbye to you
>you wave back
>bell rings
>look at Redheart
"So, there isn't a way I could just stay here for the rest of the day, is there?"
>she looks up
>"Nope. Get to class, Anon. Leave the ice pack here."
>you feign dreamy eye
"Aww c'mon Red-Hot, not even one more class??"
>"I'm sorry, I don't know who this 'Red-Hot' is that you speak of."
>she hands you a nurse's pass
>"Get out of here, player."
>you almost step out of the door, but quickly turn around
"That's right! I AM a football player! You sure you can't exercise some kind of loophole where sports players can have extended stays in the nurse's office?"
>"Anon, being on the team might get you free head but it doesn't mean you can skip class."
>on to PE you go
>as you walk out the door, the term "free head" repeats in your mind
>before this week, that might have been hysterical
>now it just reminds you that the nightmare isn't over yet
>you just wanted today to be over with
>you hand the PE teacher your note and she allows you to not partake in the day's activities
>you sit on one of the bleachers next to the track
>you notice Rainbow isn't in class
>after the required mile is done, Flash comes and sits next to you
>"What's up man? Didn't see you this morning. You look awful by the way."
"Yeah, I know Mom. I was either in Celestia's office or the nurse's office."
>"Did you get in trouble?"
"Not sure yet. I have to wait until the end of the day to find out."
>"Does it have to do with... yesterday?"
>"Damn dude. That doesn't sound fun. I'm guessing someone told on you two?"
"Not exactly."
>you think about what to say
>he already knows half the story...
"Look, you already know some of what happened. Did you tell anyone?"
>"No, of course not! I know I can be dumb sometimes but I wouldn't get you into trouble like that... even if that IS legendary."
>you sigh and choose to ignore the latter part of his statement
"Okay, I'm going to tell you what happened but you have to promise not to tell a soul."
>"You got it, man."
"And you can't flip out like you did yesterday."
>Flash thinks for a second
>"Okay. No problem."
>you tell him the story from beginning to present
>you wait for him to say something
>"...Applejack likes you!??"
>"Hey, I'm just saying..."
"Flash. You.. you are actually retarded. Like, 100% serious, no joke, full retard."
>"I guess that does makes more sense."
"Plus, you don't think that her best friend possibly going to jail might damper that situation!?!?"
>"Yeah, you're probably right. So what do you do now?"
"Survive until the end of school. Man, I've never felt like skipping as much as I do right now."
>"I'd skip with you but I have a quiz today."
"I appreciate the thought."
>"Hey, you're still playing on Friday, right? I mean, you look like trash but you're still cleared to play right?"
"Redheart said I'll be good. As long as Celestia doesn't have a problem with it, I'm still playing."
>"Good. We'll need all of the bodies we can use. Have you ever gone against Crystal Prep before."
"My old school did. We got creamed... hard."
>Flash tries to suppress his toothy smile
>"Kinda like how Rainbow made you.."
>before he could finish you punched him in the stomach; then walked off
>in the halls on the way towards Chemistry
>you really don't want to go
>See Sunset
>"Anon, you feeling any better?"
"The ice helped my face but.. I'm probably going to skip the rest of classes."
>"You're going to skip??"
>you weren't sure, but people would be asking you how you got your jaw messed up for the rest of the day
>on top of that, you're still exhausted
>and you already know you won't pay attention in any of the classes
"Yeah. I'm skipping."
>Sunset looks around for a moment
>"Alright, c'mon."
"C'mon what?"
>"Just follow me."
"Where are we going?"
>"Don't say anything too loud, Anon."
>she starts walking and you follow
>but your mind goes to distrust
>you've had enough of shit for one week
>grab her by the shoulder and turn her around
>speak quietly
"I'm not going anywhere until you say where you are taking me."
>Sunset is fearful for only a moment
>but somehow, she gains a hint of understanding
>"My car, okay? Just don't say anything to anyone. If people know we're leaving school, we'll get into trouble before we even leave."
>on the way to her car, you grab your bookbag
>people who hadn't seen you in the morning were now looking at you wondering what happened to your jaw
>and why your eyes looked so red
>but no one said anything
>you two get to the parking lot without incident
>as you approach her car, she turns to you again
>she places a hand on your shoulder
>"Look, I'm not going to ask what happened if you don't want to tell me. But I saw Twilight and the girls today and they were acting weird too. If you feel like getting it off of your chest, I'm all ears. If not, that's fine too."
>you wait for a second
>she was actually being thoughtful instead of nosy
"Thanks. I appreciate that."
>she walks around to the driver door and gets in
>"You getting in or what?"
"Where are we going?"
>"My place."
"You sure you want to skip school? I can just walk home..."
>"I'm feeling the senioritis today."
"You're a junior."
>"So are you. Get in, rebel."
>it didn't take very long for you to throw your bag in the back
>as the car pulls out of the campus drive, you realize that only mere hours ago you were hellbent on confronting Dash
>you had done so, and now her friends knew the truth
>what you didn't see coming was Celestia getting involved
>and if it wasn't already getting out of hand, Dash might be sent to prison
>why did you feel guilty about that?
>she was the one who did wrong, not you
>you didn't even rat on her
>either way, you knew you wouldn't get it off of your mind until you told Sunset
>you turn off her radio
"You're going to figure it out sooner or later."
>"Figure what out?"
"What happened. You're friends with Rainbow and the group so I'm sure they'll tell you eventually."
>you fill her in with every detail
>as she pulls into her driveway and parks the car, she looks forward in shock
>"Oh my god. Are you serious?"
"Nope. Pulled the whole thing out of my ass."
>apparently she ignores that
>"I can't believe she would do all of that.."
>"So you have to be back by the end of school?"
>as you get out of the car, you're unpleasantly surprised that the distance from school didn't mentally distance you from thinking about it
>"Wow. I didn't know Rainbow had it in her."
>your mind processes what was just said
>if someone else had said that at school, they would have been punched
>but this was Sunset, and this was outside of school
>you weren't even sure if she meant it like that
>and though it was wildly inappropriate, you can't help but laugh
>"C'mon, I'll make us some lunch."
>follow Bacon Head to the front door
"I didn't think you were one for rape jokes."
>"I'm not, but you needed the laugh."
"Yeah, whatever."
>something about her joking lifted the weight on your shoulders
>maybe you COULD enjoy some time without this weighing you down
>before having to go back and hear Celestia's verdict
>she opens the door
>you walk in
"This place isn't bad, Sunset. Why were you so defensive about it on Monday night?"
>"Anon, you know most of the kids at CHS have parents that are loaded. This is 'poor' compared to some of their houses."
"Fuck that; this is alright."
>you plop yourself on the couch as she goes into the kitchen
>turn on the TV
>"Jeez, make yourself at home, Anon."
>you had to admit
>teasing her was only fun because of the reactions she gave you
"Why thank you Sunset! I believe I will. What's on the menu?"
>"I don't know. I'm thinking about letting you starve."
"Think again, Chef 'Set! Papa's hungry."
>"'Papa' is about to get a pan over his head if he doesn't shut it."
"Quick question."
>"What's that?"
"Does the pan have food in it?"
>you and Sunset sit on the couch eating sandwiches while watching some old cartoons on TV
>there's a 'kitchen bitch' joke in there, but you save it for a later day
"Alright, what's something about you that I don't know?"
>she finishes another bite
>"Let's see. I guess I still really like watching cartoons."
"That's too boring and obvious to count. Try again."
>she tries lightly hitting your head but you dodge that shit like the ninja you are
>"Shut up, ass. Okay... Oh here's one. I uh... I used to go out with Flash."
>you immediately and violently choke on your food
>"Anon, are you okay!?"
>get up off of the couch and walk off into the corner
>you get the food down
>only to replace the choking with loud, hearty laughter
>Sunset realizes her mistake in telling you this
>she's already getting tired of your shit
>and it hasn't even been an hour yet
>but she's kinda smiling too
>"It was only for a little while."
>you sit back down
"That's hysterical. You two sound like a GREAT match. Shit, maybe Flash should give ME advice on girls!"
>you go back to laughing
>"Keep it up funny boy. You'll be dead before he can give any advice to you."
>the joke gets old after a while and you sit back down to continue eating
>"What about you? Any girlfriends before CHS?"
"I had a girlfriend in 9th grade for a few months. We both got tired of each other and ended it on mutual terms. She's cool but I don't hang out with her anymore."
>"Why not?"
"Hanging out with exes is like sticking your foot in shark infested water. You're only asking for trouble."
>"That's a bit cold, but also fair I guess."
>something pops into your mind
"Hey, here's a question. I know you're friends with Twilight and that group, but I rarely see you hanging out with anyone else. In fact it's not too often when I DO see you with that group. Why is that?"
>she exhales, no longer sporting a playful smile
>".. it's complicated."
"Is it about the 'don't ask' thing?"
>there is silence for a few seconds as you look away from her to go back to your sandwich
>"Have you ever met a drug dealer that said he quit selling?"
>you think back to your old school, where some guy got busted for dealing
"Actually, yeah."
>"Okay, so how did people react to him saying that?"
"Wait, were you a dug dealer??"
>she facepalms
>"No, Anon. Just shut up and answer."
"They didn't believe him."
>her shoulders fall
"I'll say this as a friend and nothing more. You're hot. Like, really hot. You seem really nice. I mean, you didn't hold a grudge against me even after I lost my shit on you. I don't think people distrust you as much as you think."
>"...and the worst part is, I don't blame them for not trusting me."
>she's sad now
>really sad
"Even if it was THAT bad, I'm sure people will trust you in time; if they don't already."
>more silence
>"What happened to the drug dealer?"
"What? What does that have to do with anything?"
>"Just... answer, Anon."
>you look off to the side
"He, uhh... he got caught selling again."
>her bottom lip quivered as a tear fell from her face
>now you've done it
>how do you solve this?
>this isn't how you wanted to spend your time skipping school.
>fuck, now you have to be all feely to make her stop crying
>you stand up in front of her
>pick her up off of the couch and hug her
>it's not your thing, at all, but if it brightens up the mood...
>she weakly accepts the hug and puts her head on your chest
>"I'm sorry I'm being emotional.."
"Uh, it's alright."
>she takes a few seconds to calm herself down
>quick, say something funny to stop her crying
"Hey, Sunset?"
"You know we're a couple of losers, right?"
>the force of honest laughter breaks through her subtle crying as she wipes her eyes
>looks at you
>"Y-yeah, you're.. you're probably right."
>six friends stood in line for lunch, in silence
>six friends silently sit in their usual spots, in silence
>Rainbow just looks at her food for a minute
>darkness looms in her mind, thinking of the judgment to come later in the day
>the rest can feel it in the air, choking conversation out of their minds
>Rainbow just looks at her food for a minute
>RD: "I'm not hungry. I'm going to play some soccer outside."
>R: "Rainbow, please, you need to eat!"
>Rainbow had already dumped her tray and gone through the door
>five friends awkwardly look at each other, waiting for something to be said
>R: "Girls. We need to talk about this."
>T: "Rarity is right. As uncomfortable as it may be, we shouldn't just ignore it."
>R: "Applejack, I'm sorry to ask but, how do you feel about all of this?"
>Applejack slouched and pushed away her food
>AJ: "I don't know, y'all."
>she sighs
>AJ: "I've been best friends with Rainbow since I can remember. But I can't bring myself to excuse what she did, and if we're being honest, I can't say I wasn't a little hurt by what she did. I mean, even Rainbow admits that she was at fault here."
>AJ: "Even with all of that said, I'm not going to drop our friendship like a hot potato."
>F: "What about Anon?"
>AJ: "What about him?"
>F: "Do you still want to see him?"
>AJ: "I don't know, Flutters. I kinda do. But hell, I don't even know how he feels about me now. Either way, it would feel awful dirty to act like nothing happened. I have to think about it."
>R: "A wise choice, I'm sure. All I know about Anon is this: He could have done much worse to Rainbow."
>T: "You're right. He even when out of his way to make sure that Principal Celestia knew the rest of us weren't involved with Rainbow's actions. That says a lot about him. Now more than ever, I feel terrible for grilling him yesterday."
>PP: "Aw, Twilight, don't worry. I'm sure Anon isn't mad at you!"
>R: "Pinkie Pie is right, Twilight. No need to beat yourself up about it."
>T: "Fluttershy, what do you think about Anon?"
>F: "He was.. really easy to talk to. I don't want to see him get in trouble because of all of this. But I also don't want to see Rainbow in too much trouble either.
>nods all around
>F: "I think we should just wait and not root for one side or the other."
>R: "I for one, agree with Fluttershy. Rainbow is our close friend, though we can all admit she's done wrong. Anon is a decent person who doesn't deserve further punishment. Being on one side or another gives the wrong message."
>AJ: "I'll tell you one thing I'm not going to do. I'm not going to let Anon take any blame for this.. bullshit. That fella went out of his way to make sure my feelings weren't hurt, and I didn't make that an easy task. Anon ain't gettin' in trouble for this. I owe him at least that."
>T: "I never thought I would say this before today... but I actually feel bad for Anon."
>five friends silently nod and slowly eat their food
>not another word was spoken on that table until lunch ended
>back at Sunset's place
"God, this is harder than I thought it would be."
>"Yeah, I can see. First time I tried, I was awful at it. Don't worry, you get better with practice."
"I can't get the rhythm right."
>"Try your other hand?"
"Hell no, that would be even worse."
>"Oh oh OH you're getting it!"
>"It's almost over!"
>15 seconds later
"Shit. Rock Band guitar is pretty difficult."
>you're about to take the guitar off of your body
>she puts the drum sticks down
>"Let's play another song!"
"I don't know..."
>"Aww c'mon! I'll make you a deal. If you play guitar again, I'll sing the next song."
>you wanted to hear her sing anyways
"Alright. Let's hear them pipes."
>she picks up the rock band mic
>she looks for a specific song
"Hit it."
>"Sweet. This is my favorite song on the new song pack."
>Sunset takes a power stance with mic in her hand
>pulls out a pair of shades and puts them on
>ayyy, she's getting serious
>song starts
>you somehow nail the intro guitar solo
>then she starts singing
Warriors, torchbearers, come redeem our dreams
Shine a light upon this night of otherworldly fiends
Odin's might be your guide, divorce you from the sane
Hammer's way will have its say, rise up in their name, yeahhh
>damn, she's actually really good
>seeing her get into the song kind of gets you headbanging
Oh, Memory and Thought
Jet black and clawed
Children of the Elder God
Children of the Elder Goddddd
Scourge of light upon the dark
>holy shit, she just hit that high note
>eyes closed, she's acting like she's on stage
>also headbanging to the rhythm
Scratching hag, rake your claws and gnash your crooked teeth
You've taken slaves like ocean waves, now feel the ocean seethe
Father Thor, bless this war, between the dark and light
In their songs let their wrongs bring dissolution's night
Ohh No!!!!
Memory and Thought
Jet black and clawed
Children of the Elder God
Children of the Elder Goddddd
Scourge of light upon the dark
>you butcher the solo a little, but not too bad
>"Not bad, Anon!"
Memory and Thought
Jet black and clawed
>about a minute later
>you two finish the song
>you put down the rock band guitar
"Well shit, Sunset."
>her shit eating grin
>"Yeah, I'm pretty good."
>your smug face
"No I meant you're awful. Never do that again."
>she lightly punches your arm, causing you to laugh
>"Screw you too, Anon."
>she's smiling tho
>you look at your phone to check time
"Shit. I think I need to go back now."
>you have nothing more to say
>all the information you know of was already either told by you or Rainbow
>speaking of Rainbow, she doesn't look well
>but she stays silent
>you look around at the girls individually
>only Twilight looks nervous
>she's nearly sweating and rubbing her hands
>Celestia sees this and looks at Twilight for a few seconds
>T: "I sh-should say something."
>PC: "Alright Twilight, go ahead."
>T: "I just wanted to say that I was rude to Anon on Tuesday. I thought he was trying to take advantage of Rainbow and/or Applejack, but I didn't actually know what was going on and I didn't actively do anything against him."
>PC: "Alright Twilight. Thank you for your honesty."
>Rarity loudly sighs
>R: "Twilight asked me to learn more about Anon on Tuesday as well. She didn't say why. I thought it was just to get to know him. I talked to him during our chemistry class. I too, did nothing active against Anon, but if Twilight receives punishment then I should share it as well."
>PC: "That's very decent of you to say, Rarity. I'll keep that in mind. Anyone else?"
>PC: "Alright then. I had to make several phone calls today in order to handle this correctly. I want all of you to understand that nothing about the situation is funny and this is a very serious matter."
>everyone nods
>at this point, not even Pinkie thought it was funny
>PC: "Because the matter involves a federal crime, there are some legal issues to handle before I give my judgment. The first two matters could usually be handled by school rules, but things are different this time."
>she gets a clipboard with a legal document on it, and a pen
>puts it on her desk towards Applejack
>PC: "Applejack. Anonymous has admitted to, and I quote, 'pinching your butt.' This is technically sexual harassment if you did not give him consent to do so prior. If you feel as if you were wronged by this action, sign at the bottom of this paper."
>AJ: "I gave Anon here 'implied consent' the day before when I gave him my number."
>AJ looks at the clipboard and immediately pushes it back
>"No need, Principal. Anon didn't do anything wrong to me."
>PC: "Very well."
>Celestia takes a quick breath before continuing
>she pulls out another clipboard and pushes it towards you
>PC: "Anonymous. Applejack has admitted to assault by punching you in the jaw. Since this happened off-campus, I cannot assume direct control and punish her myself with something school related like formal suspension. However, if you feel as though she should be punished legally, sign here."
>you look at it
>your jaw still hurt
>she flew off the handle at you
>and now it hurt to eat food
>but in the end, you knew she was sorry for what she did
>you knew that for a fact
>even though punching you was a bit unreasonable,
>it still kind of made more sense than all the shit that Rainbow did
>if she actually felt something for you, which you were to understand did not happen often with AJ concerning most boys
>and you knew for a fact she would never punch you again...
>you weren't going to do this to try and have sex with her
>you were going to do it because you just wanted it to be over with
>you push the clipboard away from you
"No need."
>very quickly, you see Celestia have a breath of relief
>PC: "Very well."
>she slowly reaches for something else
>as if she doesn't want to
>she pulls out another clipboard
>replaces it with the one you pushed away
>PC: "Lastly, and most importantly. Since this is an undisputed federal offense, I am going to review what I understand with you."
"Yes ma'am."
>PC: "On Tuesday, yesterday, Rainbow Dash tricked you into going into a closet in the gym. Once you were in, she locked the door behind you two, threw the key where you couldn't find it and proceeded to turn off the light. She then punched you in the stomach. Once this occurred she kissed you, took off your pants and performed oral sex. Is this accurate?"
>PC: "And you never gave consent for this, nor asked for the service?"
>PC: "Then I will give you this."
>puts the new clipboard in front of you
>the rest of the girls look away
>Rainbow stares at the clipboard
>her face is white as a ghost
>PC: "This is a formal request for a police investigation into what happened. I considered signing it myself, but I feel like it would only be fair for you to decide, Anonymous. It just needs your signature at the bottom."
>unlike concerning the form with Applejack, you pick up the pen this time and think
>you think while twirling the pen around
"What happens if I sign this?"
>PC: "Obviously an investigation will occur. Police will look into what happen. However, with the admission that Rainbow Dash has already given to me it is highly likely that she would be sent to prison."
>Rainbow had been quiet the entire time, until that
>Celestia snapped
>PC: "RAINBOW DASH. Don't you even try to sway his decision now!! You should have thought about this BEFORE you did something that stupid!"
>Celestia calms down again
>PC: "Make no mistake, Anon. Rainbow will be punished no matter if you sign that or not. But if you feel as though she might do something like this to another person, or if you feel she deserves it regardless, then sign your name. I understand this is very important, so take all the time you need to decide."
>you will take your time
>the random guilt you felt earlier; now gone
>you hadn't thought about the possibility of Rainbow doing this to someone else
>and for the first time in the entire situation, you were now in control of what happens next
>no surprises
>no plans behind your back
>no more lies
>you stare at Rainbow Dash, thinking on this
>she looks like she's about to cry again
>look back at the clipboard
>PC: "No?"
"I'm not signing this."
>PC: "Are you sure, Anonymous?"
"Yes, and I'll tell you all why."
>you turn in your chair so you can face not only Celestia, but the girls as well
"I've had it up to my ears in this drama garbage since Monday. It's true, some people like the idea of me kissing Rainbow, such as the seniors on the team; but this part of the situation is not something I like right now, and it's definitely not something I want to continue in the future. Rainbow, I obviously don't appreciate what you did, but I'm not going to act like I feel as if I am damage goods or something. I'm not sure what to believe as far as if you just had a moment of stupid and thought this would be cute, or if you're actually that insane. At least there was a 'happy ending.'"
>Celestia's eyes widened in discomfort, but she lets you continue
"You seem honestly sorry, and my gut tells me that you won't bother me again like that. But if you try that again, I'm going to lose it. Overall, I just want this to be over with."
>PC: "If you feel that way, there will be no investigation. Now onto MY judgments."
>PC: "Applejack, you disappoint me. I thought you were more reasonable and level-headed than to fly off of the handle and punch someone in the face. I was going to give you three days of detention, but Anon here seems to think that your punishment should be minimal, so I will strike it down to only one day of detention tomorrow after school."
>AJ breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes ma'am."
>PC: "Anonymous, pinching a girl's body, especially her buttocks, in the school halls is not acceptable behavior. However since it doesn't warrant harassment due to Applejack's testimony, and you've clearly been through enough this week, I'll let this one slide. Don't make that kind of behavior a habit."
>you were off the hook
"Yes ma'am."
>PC: "Rainbow. Anon has shown you mercy and will not call for a police investigation. But I will not allow this type of behavior to go unpunished. You do seem very sorry for what you have done, and Anon's request for this situation to be ended quickly has swayed my decision. You will be suspended from school until Friday afternoon after school."
>you exhale
>that's fair, in your opinion
>PC: "There is a twist to this."
>of fuck, what does that mean?
>PC: "I of course am offended by your physical actions upon Anonymous, but I am also disgusted at your manipulation of events in his life. I found it rather difficult to think of a way to balance things, but I believe I have the solution. You WILL be suspended, but I am going to leave what shall be said to the other students up to Anonymous. If he decides that the students should know of your crime, then he has the liberty to tell others that you are suspended and the reasoning thereof. If he feels you have learned your lesson, then he has my permission to lie and say that you are sick; preventing anyone from gaining knowledge that you are suspended. The records will reflect Anon's decision. I personally am not excited to tell the world that someone was raped at my school, but I do have a conscience and I will not force it to be swept under the rug. "
>PC: "Twilight, Applejack and obviously Rainbow; you girls will be pulled from the homecoming court for your actions. But because you were honest with me, you are still allowed to spectate the game on Friday and attend the dance on Saturday. Rarity, I do not deem you ineligible to be considered for homecoming queen, but I hope you do not take this lightly. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy will receive no punishment as I understand they took no part in this. Anon, do well on your make-up quiz tomorrow. I understand the team will need you. That is all. You all may go now."
>PC: "Rainbow. Anon has shown you mercy and will not call for a police investigation. But I will not allow this type of behavior to go unpunished. You do seem very sorry for what you have done, and Anon's request for this situation to be ended quickly has swayed my decision. You will be suspended from school until Friday afternoon after school."
>you exhale
>that's fair, in your opinion
>PC: "There is a twist to this."
>of fuck, what does that mean?
>PC: "I of course am offended by your physical actions upon Anonymous, but I am also disgusted at your manipulation of events in his life. I found it rather difficult to think of a way to balance things, but I believe I have the solution. You WILL be suspended, but I am going to leave what shall be said to the other students up to Anonymous. If he decides that the students should know of your crime, then he has the liberty to tell others that you are suspended and the reasoning thereof. If he feels you have learned your lesson, then he has my permission to lie and say that you are sick; preventing anyone from gaining knowledge that you are suspended. The records will reflect Anon's decision. I personally am not excited to tell the world that someone was raped at my school, but I do have a conscience and I will not force it to be swept under the rug. "
>PC: "Twilight, Applejack and obviously Rainbow; you girls will be pulled from the homecoming court for your actions. But because you were honest with me, you are still allowed to spectate the game on Friday and attend the dance on Saturday. Rarity, I do not deem you ineligible to be considered for homecoming queen, but I hope you do not take this lightly. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy will receive no punishment as I understand they took no part in this. Anon, do well on your make-up quiz tomorrow. I understand the team will need you. That is all. You all may go now."
>as you and the girls leave the room, Celestia stays seated
>you close the door behind you
>as soon as this happens, Celestia gives a huge exhale and her shoulders drop
>her demeanor completely changed
>her hands almost shaking
>she nearly escaped a public ordeal
>with a tired look on her, she puts her hands on her face and pulls downwards to stretch the skin
>Celestia quickly gets up from her chair after a few seconds and checks the halls outside
>nobody there
>she closes her door and sits back in her chair
>pulls out a fancy glass bottle full of a light amber colored liquor from the drawer of her desk
>she pours herself a huge cup-full of the stuff
>starts to slam it down
>Vice Principal Luna walks in the room as this is happening
>Luna sees what her sister is doing, which is completely out of character for Celestia
>SunButt finishes the chug and slams the glass down on her desk
>Luna says nothing, but gives her sister a face that says 'oh shit, what happened to you?'
>Celestia looks at Luna with desperate eyes
>"This fucking job, Luna. I swear..."
>a mix of relief and awkwardness clogs the air you breathe leaving the school halls
>you and the girls go outside in silence
>as you near the doors, the sleep deprivation kicks in full gear
>as soon as all of you get outside, Rainbow stops you
>the rest stop in their tracks as well, looking at you two
>RD: "Anon, just hear me out."
>you just want to go home
>you already know the gist of what she's going to say
>you just want to go home
"Rainbow, look, I just want to go home, okay?"
>RD: "I know that! I won't take long.."
>cross your arms
>RD: "I just... I just wanted to say thank you. And I really mean it. You can't imagine how scared I was about going to jail. I just... I hope you can understand that I thought you would think what I did was sexy, not... wrong."
>RD: "If you tell everyone tomorrow why I'm not at school... I would understand."
>RD: "...and I know I deserve it, plus more. I swear I'm not going to bother you anymore about anything. I'll see you at the game, I guess."
>Rainbow and the rest walk towards the parking lot
>except Applejack
>AJ: "Anon... sug,"
>you extend a palm at her
"Save it."
>AJ: "I am saving it; savin' it for later."
>she takes your hand and gets closer to you
>AJ: "Look, two days ago I had a crush on ya. I feel like that much was obvious. Even though the this storm happened right in the middle of that, you proved that you had some character about you. I still like you, Anon... now more than ever."
>you retract your hand, sensing the next part
>AJ: "But... I have to be there for Rainbow, even if she WAS totally in the wrong. And I can't be there for her if I'm with you right now."
"AJ, I not going to wait forever."
>you say as you start to walk away
>but as you do so, AJ grabs your arm and pulls you back to her
>there is zero space between you two now
>she smiles up at you with sultry eyes
>AJ: "I can't wait too long either, Anon."
>she takes her finger and runs it down the center of your chest, stopping at your belt
>AJ: "Tell ya what, when Rainbow's suspension is over with, you come and find me."
>she pulls you in for a kiss
>she tastes.. really good
>she releases her lips from yours
>AJ: "We'll have us some fun..."
>she runs away to catch up with the girls,
>well that happened
>maybe when you get some sleep you'll appreciate it more
>you decide to go by the football field to see what they're doing for practice
>after a few minutes of watching, you would go home
>as you approach the field, you notice something strange
>Moondancer is watching the practice
>surprised, she turns around
>"Anonymous? I thought you were on the football team??"
"I am; couldn't go to practice today."
"Long story. What are you here for?"
>"I, uh, actually had a question for you. I was going to wait until you were done with practice but it seems I won't have to do that."
"Okay, what is it?"
>she looks away, nervous about whatever the question is
>"Well, um... my friend.. is having a bit of.. trouble."
"Your friend?"
>"Y-yes. My friend."
"Okay, trouble with..?"
>she messes with her glasses
>"T-talking to someone. My friend, uh.. wants to ask someone to homecoming, but he or she doesn't know h-how."
>this is adorable
"Well Moondancer, I would tell... your friend... that the best way is the direct approach. Just go out there and do it. Walk up to him or her and just say 'I want to go to homecoming with you' and leave it at that."
>she looks up in wonder
>"It.. it's that simple?"
>she mulls it over for a second
>"Thank you. My friend... will be very pleased to hear this."
>be Sunset
>9pm Wednesday night
>finish your homework
>put everything in your bookbag, go outside to put bookbag in car for tomorrow
>as you throw the bag in, you see another already in the back
>Anon forgot his bookbag in your car
"I'll just walk over to his and give it to him."
>start the short trek
>you'll ask how the meeting went while you're over
>get to his house
>knock on the door
>no answer
>knock again, harder this time
"Anon, you in there? You left your bookbag in my car."
>door opens
>"Heya Sunny. C'mon in."
>you notice he's talking a little weird
>you hand him his bag
>"Oh shit, I was wondering where that was."
>he takes it and put it on the ground
>only to come back to pick you up in a hug
>to your surprise, he's pretty strong
>"You're the best."
>you cautiously return the hug
>he smells weird too
>he puts you down
"Are you feeling okay?"
>he walks to the couch, sits down, and picks up a bottle from the floor
>"Well I'm drunk, so yeah I'm feeling great!"
"You're DRINKING??"
>he rolls his eyes
>"Yes, and now that my neighbors know, I'll take another swig."
>he lifts the clear bottle to his mouth and has an obscenely large amount of the fluid go down his throat
>you run over to him and grab the bottle
"Anon! Chill out with that, okay? You're not even old enough to drink yet!"
>he finishes the last gulp and swipes for the bottle back
>"And you're not old enough to be my mother; give it back."
>you've never drank before
>you take a whiff of the contents of the bottle
"Oh my god that smells terrible. How do you even put this in your body?"
>"Through my mouth hole."
>he successfully swipes the bottle back and takes a small swig
>you're worried he's over doing it, but he seems to be in control of himself
>you sit down on the couch as well
"Whatever. How did the meeting go?"
>"It went great. No one went to prison, I got off the hook, AJ has detention, Rainbow is suspended until Friday afternoon."
"So why drink, Anon?? You're not even with people!"
>"I am now.."
>something about that statement hit you hard
>"You want to know why I'm drinking for real? I'll tell you Sunshine."
>he starts to get a bit animated
>"Celestia has granted me the power to decide what happens to Rainbow's social life. In her infinite wisdom, she has granted me more weight upon mine shoulders by giving me two options. Either tell everyone what Rainbow did and destroy her social life; OORRRRRRRRR... LIE FOR THE GIRL THAT CAUSED ALL OF THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER."
"Have you decided what you're going to do?"
>like a flick of a switch, Anon goes back to normal speaking volume
>"Ha," he laughs. "'Decide' you say. What a quaint and interesting use of the word."
>he looks at you seriously now
>"There is no decision, Sunset. Don't let Celestia's words fool you. She gave this responsibility to me because she doesn't want to dirty up her hands with this any more than she has to. She doesn't want the school to have a black eye. She knows I'm not going to tell everyone because it would make me AND Rainbow look bad. So it's swept under the rug real good and no one has to know about it."
>he takes another swig and looks away from you
>"Don't get me wrong, I respect and admire how Celestia strategically dodged every bullet from this situation. I admire her as a leader, even if she is just a principal. Hell, she's kinda hot for an old bitch..."
>hearing him describe your principal as a 'hot, old bitch' was off-putting to say the least, but you chalk it up to the drink and let him continue
>"But also... fuck her, fuck Rainbow Dash, and fuck being the nice guy. Tomorrow I'm going to get up, put my clothes on, get to school, and I'm going to do the very last thing I want to do: lie to everyone so Rainbow isn't humiliated when she returns to school."
>you're surprised he already figured out what he's going to do
>he pauses and takes another swig
>"I can go to school and have almost any girl I want. The football team acts like I'm a Greek god and I'm not even in trouble for anything that happened this week."
>he turns to you
>you see his eyes, black circles underneath
>"So why am I fucking miserable right now?"
>you can't think of anything to say
>he doesn't look 17 to you anymore
>he looks much older
>you can't believe this is the same guy that you played Rock Band with only hours ago
"Anon, all of this will be over soon. Rainbow will be back to school and she won't bother you anymore. You're still going to be revered by the team and most of the school. I'm just saying, I think you've had quite a bit to drink. Maybe you should at least slow down."
>"Look, I don't break promises, even when I'm drunk. I told you I wouldn't ever flip out on you again, and I meant that. But if you're going to complain about me drinking all night, it's best you go ahead and leave."
>you're almost put-off by that, but he's right; you would have just complained about it more
>you almost get up to leave, but you remember that he held you while you cried, only hours ago
>you look at him for a second
"If you're going to do something stupid like drink, you shouldn't do it alone."
>you grab the bottle and put it to your lips
>as you have a small swallow, your body immediately rejects it
>you spit it out all of his coffee table
>Anon is dying of laughter
>"You don't fuckin' chug liquor for your first drink, Sunny!!"
>you're feeling pretty stupid right now
>you feel your cheeks light up in embarrassment
"Oh, Anon, I'm so sorry. Let me clean this up."
>Anon stumbles up off of the couch to get some paper towels, still laughing
>"Nah I got it."
>he comes back and starts wiping the liquor off of the table
>"If you really want to drink you'll probably want to mix it with something.. but I'd say you're better off without the stuff."
>you look at the bottle
>it's half empty
"Seriously, how do you keep that down?"
>"Family genes, I guess."
>15 minutes go by and you both are watching TV
>you said you were going to have a drink
>he mixed a pineapple juice/vodka drink for you
>then you asked for three more
>he put cartoons on
>you don't feel tipsy, but you do feel relaxed
>and a little flirty
>you look over, and you can plainly tell the alcohol has taken effect on him
>his head sways, his reaction time is slowed, and there is seemingly no filter to what he says
"Hey Anon,"
>he's focused a little to hard on the cartoons
"What's the first thing you noticed when you saw me for the first time?"
>"Umm.. your hair. For sure."
>"Yeah. You have pretty hair," he says very casually
>he unglued his eyes from the TV and looks at your hair, then uses his hand to start playing with your hair
>you feel your body heat up by at least 10 degrees
>your immediate reaction was to turn your head, embarrassed again
>he starts to drunkenly giggle
>"Hey it's only weird if you make it weird."
>"My turn! What part of this damn demi-god body drops the most panties?" he says as he points to himself.
>you laugh so hard that you snort
"'Drops the panties??' If your ego gets anymore inflated, your head will pop!!"
>"Yeah, whatever. Answer the damn question."
>you know the answer
>you've known the answer for a while
>usually you would never tell him
>but the liquid confidence has done a work on you
>you put a hand on his chest
>you put on a faux seductive face
"I know this is kinda weird but I like a guy with a strong chest. And he's gotta be strong enough to pick me up."
>"Hell yeah. Strong chest? Dats me, fo sho yo."
>you ignore his drunk talk
"It's just, I've never seen yours..."
>he's looking back at the TV
>"Well, duh. I usually wear a shirt in public."
>that flew right over his head
>you facepalm
>he looks over at you
>"Hey, speaking of shirts, that's a sick jacket. Where did you get it?"
>you look at your jacket
>it's the black biker-style jacket you've worn on the regular for a long time
"Oh, uh this? I don't remember. I think it was a Christmas gift.."
>you weren't sure if he was staring at your tits or your jacket
>right now, you were fine with either
>he grabs your jacket and pulls you closer to him
>to inspect the jacket
>then he quickly takes it off of you
>is he...?
>then he tries to put it on himself
>it's entirely too small, but he can put both arms in
>he's acting like he's at a fashion show
>"Huh? What do ya think? Hot, right?"
>you giggle like a little school girl (which you technically were)
"I think it's a little small on you, Anon."
>he chuckles
>"Yeah good thing you got a decent rack or else I couldn't even put it on."
"Oh? You like my rack?"
>"I'm a fan of most racks. But I really like the jacket. This thing is dope."
>he's got to be kidding
"Well I'm a fan of my jacket too, how about you give it back?"
>"Nope! It's mine now!"
>you get up next to him
>"Wait, wait, I know what would make this better."
>he takes off the jacket
>then his shirt
>is he..?
>then he puts on the jacket again
>he might as well be shirtless
>you get a good look of him from the belt-up
>you're actually a little turned on
>"Alright, NOW how do I like?"
"Umm, pretty good."
>He's really drunk now and starting to slur his words a bit
>you know this
>you allow him to keep the jacket on for now
>he has no idea that you're flirting with him
"Yeah you 'like' pretty good, Anon."
>"What? I didn't say that! I said look! Open your ears, Sunny."
>you laugh
"You said 'like'"
>you sit back down on the couch
>then he jumps to the couch and practically lands on you
>he puts his lips right next to your ear
>"I said look"
>he gets off of you and you roll your eyes
>you need another drink to get through his bullshit
>but it was cute, and you weren't about to lie about that
>as you are about to get up, he pulls you into a side hug on the couch
>he's looking back at the TV, but he says
>"Thanks for coming over tonight, Sunset."
>you bite your lip and look away so he can't see your smiling face
"No problem, Anon."
>and suddenly you're not even irritated that he's oblivious to your flirting
>suddenly you get the holy grail of ideas
>you run to the kitchen and grab two cups
>come back and pour a hefty amount of liquor in both
>"What are ya doin'?"
"Starting a game. I ask you a question and I take a sip. You ask me a question and you take a sip."
>he grabs his cup and takes a sip
"Anon! You're supposed to ask me a question first!"
>"Oh oh, right. Okay, umm. Oh, here's one. Who do you think will be homecoming queen this year?"
"You care about that?"
>"Nope, but I bet you do. Also, you just asked a question. Sip it up, Sunny."
>you growl a little bit but you did ask a question
>you sip some of the liquor
>oh god that's awful
"Rarity. I'm positive."
>"Yeah, you're probably right. Your turn."
"When was your first kiss?"
>you take another sip
>"Hell, I was in fourth grade. You?"
>he takes a sip
"Ummm, last year."
>he keels over laughing
"What's so funny about that!?"
>"I'm calling bullshit. I don't believe that at all. I know ugly people that got their first kiss way before that, and you're not ugly."
"Screw you, but thanks. How much can you bench?"
>"Now THERE'S a good question. I just hit 235 last week."
"No way. Now I'm the one calling bullshit."
>"Oh look at you! Get some alcohol and suddenly you got a pair! I could bench your little ass 20 times."
>you squint your eyes
"Prove it."
>he took that bait faster than you thought he would
>within seconds he's on the ground literally benching you
>you might have actually kept count if his hand wasn't on your ass
>"Done! Fuck yeah! Never doubt the A-Train!"
"You're an idiot when you're drunk."
>you both sit back down on the couch
>"Shit, now I'm hot."
>he takes off the jacket and sits back shirtless
>bonus points?
>"... I can't think of another question..."
"Okay I'll go again."
>you have a few big gulps from the cup for this one
"Why do you pretend to be an ass when you're not one?"
>"Pretend?? You crazy. I am 100% all natural, organic, free-range asshole."
"Yeah, whatever. Here's another one. What was the hardest part of not having sex with Applejack?"
>"Probably the fact that she was seemingly into it, but I don't know, I would have felt bad about it."
>"AJ is really hot too, so that made it kind of more difficult."
>ignore that
>"Hey let's stay away from the personal questions, aite? Here's one for you. How big are your tits?"
>you're really feeling the alcohol now
>he takes his sip
>you grab your tits with your hands and bounce them a little
"This big."
>"WHOA WHOA, that's all I get!? 'This big' isn't very descriptive, ya know!!"
"Later, horny boy."
>he laughs
>you take another sip
"Okay. What do you think of sex outside of a relationship? Like, what if a girl you were friends with wanted to have the occasional sex with you but didn't need to be your girlfriend?"
>he practically jumps off of the couch
>"Hell yeah I'm down for that!! Who is it, Applejack!?!?"
>ignore that
"You'll find out soon enough."
>he sits back down and looks back at the TV
>"Damn, I wish I knew now.."
>you want to tell him
>but you're not sure of it yet
>now you're drunk and this isn't how you envisioned it
>you wait
>some time goes by
>Anon is, as he would say, fucked up
"Hey it's your turn."
>"Oh, uh right. Listen I'm pretty hammered; I think I'm done."
>he slurred every one of those words
"Okay. Mind if I get a snack?"
>he lifts his hand up
>"Yeah, go ahead."
>you go to the kitchen
>as the blood flow increases, you start the process of sobering up
>you pull a snack from his fridge
>as you do so, you feel an urge
>like a voice in your head saying "Just do it."
>you think for a while as the courage builds up
>finally you rip off your shirt and walk back into the living room
"Hey Anon, you wanted to know how big they were..."
>you look at him
>he's passed out
>there is nothing left to do but quietly laugh at yourself and put your shirt back on
>there will be another time
>you look at the clock in the kitchen
>it's well past time for you to go home
>you look at Anon again
>you should put him in his bed
>you try picking him up, and do so
>careful not to hit his head on anything, you plop him onto his bed
>as you tuck him in, he starts mumbling something
>he keeps mumbling something
>he must not be able to hear you
>probably in between a stupor and sleep
>you put your ear up to his mouth
>you barely make out what he's saying
>"Hey Sunny I was just thinking you wanna wear my Away jersey on Friday?"
>you have to cover your mouth
>to try not to squeal
>you giggle and bite your lip
>think for a second
>kiss him on the cheek
"Yeah, I'll wear your jersey. Good night Anon."
>knowing he can't hear you
>leave for your place
>be Anon
>open eyes
>opening eyes is kind of difficult, they feel dry and sticky
>get your bearings
>feel the massive headache set in
>preferred non-bearings state
>roll out of bed
>onto the floor
>feel helpless
"Oh my god..."
>that drinking was such a mistake
>what even happened?
>how did you even get to bed?
>try to remember what happened
>Sunset came over
>you had too much to drink
>the rest is a blur
>but you have to get up
>skipping today isn't an option
>you have your quiz today
>"Anon, I very much like your shades."
>you have darkened spectacles on your face to reduce the pain of light around you
"Thanks Trixie."
>she grabs the shades off of your face and puts them on
>"How do they look, Anon?"
>you grab them back and put them on again
"Better on me."
>"Are you going to wear those all day?"
>"I like it. It fits you."
>she looked awful... bright today
>like she was happy about something
>and for some reason, you could feel a cockiness about her as well
>physically you were hungover, but even to you the day had the air of good possibilities
>the RD problem was contained until she returned and you would tell people she was sick until then
>not because you were trying to be nice
>but because you wanted your life back
>but this meant something else as well
>you were free to do as you please again
>no more drama to hold you back
>and if anything, you guessed your time in Celestia's office might make you even more of the 'bad boy'
>"Well, I have some good news, Anon!" she says with a bright smile
"The suspense is killing me."
>she takes your sarcasm in stride
>"I guessed it might have, so I'll just tell you. I'm going to the homecoming dance!"
>you weakly raise an arm to the sky
>it never made it past eye level
>she bats her eyelashes
>"Who are you bringinnnng? One MIGHT have heard that a lucky Applejack had a visit from our Anon the other day. Planning on not telling me?"
"Trixie, I'm not going to the dance. And my personal business is none of anyone else's business. Who told you that, anyways?"
>"I wouldn't worry about that. Everyone knows. Concerning the dance, well why not?? It will be fun!"
"We've been over this. I'm glad you're going, but I'm not."
>you look to see puppy dog face
>"Oh, Anon. That's a shame..."
>she takes her hand and touches your thigh, much like AJ did the day before
>you feel your thigh being caressed in back and forth motion
>mixing that with her slowly scratching at your jeans
"You don't want to see more of Trixie?"
>before you can scold her about third person again,
>she takes her leg closest to you and intertwines it with your own leg, exposing her blue upper thigh
>her skin slides over your denim covered leg with ease, as the heat from her leg seeps onto yours
>it's only now that you notice, she's wearing a short skirt
>and there's not much left to the imagination
>damn those thighs
>if Trix ever had a damn chance, it was those damn legs
"What happened to you between now and yesterday?? Where did all of this come from?"
>"You happened yesterday, Anon. You see Anon, I must give you thanks. You were the one who gave me the confidence to decide to go in the first place."
>she slides her hand farther up your thigh, now firmly gripping your leg
>involuntary boner is brewing
>"So when deciding who to ask to the dance, I thought, why not go for gold? Ask the boy who told me to go!"
"Trixie, I.."
>"But Trixie is no fool. If you go, you'll go with someone else. I have come to accept this. But maybe Anon could use some... practice."
>she winked at you with that last word
>"I can show you a picture of me wearing the dress I bought, if you'd like to see it. I think it looks pretty."
"Trix, I'm good. Really."
>her smile is beyond coy at this point
>her hand hits danger zone
>as her fingers touch the tip
>she gets close to your ear
>"Hmm? Or maybe one... without the dress, would better suit you."
>she shoots da face at you
>"I think you ARE going, Anon. I can feel it. I can feel it in my loins."
>the fuhh
"In your loins?? Do you even know what loins are? Show me where you think loins are."
>no wait
"Never mind. Don't do that. I'm not going, okay?"
>you actually hear the Danger Zone song in your head
>Why are you backing away from this?
>goddammit, you're Anon
>elected alpha wolf in a school of Wondercolts
>no gf, no dates, no problem
"You really want me, Trix?" you ask with a smooth smile
>"Yes," she whispers again
>take control of the situation; keep her guessing
>as the guitar solo in your head starts
>take off your shades
>you pull her into a kiss
>her look of shock turns into a pleasant lip biting smile
>bus stops
>get up
"Trixie, next time you get that thirsty.."
>get past her onto the aisle
>put your shades back on
"... go get some water."
>you're the motherfuckin Top Gun now
>you see Goose... you mean Flash, when you get off of the bus
>Flash sees you get off of the bus as well
>"Wearing shades to school, huh? So are you a full douche now or just part time?"
"Nice. Did your mom write that one and put it in your lunchbag?"
>"No, she wrote 'I love you.'"
"So what's up man?"
>"Hate to start your day with garbage but people are wondering where Rainbow Dash is. I'm guessing it has to do with yesterday's meeting with Celestia?"
"No I think she's sick."
>"Wow, really?"
"Of course not, she's suspended. But you can't tell anyone that, Flash. The story we tell people is that she's sick.
"Because if people don't know she's suspended, then the whole situation gets dropped when she comes back to school. And I for one, very much so want things to go back to normal."
>"Huh, that makes sense. What about what people think of you? You're pretty popular because of that whole debacle..."
>you open the door for the both of you
"Look man, I'm not an idiot. This ride will end soon enough no matter what happens. Probably sooner than we expect. I'll go back to being a background character in this school before you can blink your eyes."
>"Maybe so, but I'd be surprised if things ever went back to the way they were before this week.
>you stop at your locker
"What makes you say that?"
>"I don't know man, things just change. Equilibrium points move with a mobile supply and demand. All I'm saying is this: don't do something stupid because you expect to be knocked down the totem pole soon."
>you pause in the middle of getting your books
>look at Flash
"Wow. That was.. actually really smart."
>Flash cheeses hard
>"I have my moments."
>"If I were you, I'd ditch wearing the shades inside that scream 'I am a douche.'"
"I'm not wearing them to look cool; I'm wearing them because I'm super hung over. I'll take them off for classes."
>"Should I ask?"
>"What about homecoming? Still a no-go on the dance?"
"Still a no-go. Maybe next year."
>"Alright man, I'll see you at PE."
>as Flash leaves, you realize Trix could have been handled better
>maybe pretending to be Maverick wasn't the best move
>but it wasn't the worst either
>could something like that with her still be an option??
>did that even happen in real life?
>you could still be cool about this, regardless
>even if you missed out on them thighs
>something about having the ordeal basically over with made the air smell better
>you take a deep breath in
>and blow it out
>yep, that shit smelled better to you now
>now to conquer the day
>as you get your books ready
>there is a commotion coming towards you in the hall
>it's Norman
"Chill, man. You alright? What's up?"
>well, no shit
>that honestly made you happy
"Hey congrats, man. You must be feeling pretty good!"
>you pat him on the back as you two head towards homeroom
>N: "It was the craziest thing, man! She just went up to me and said 'I want to go to the homecoming dance with you.' Just like that!"
"Really? That's pretty cool, Norm. She's a cutie for sure."
>a thought pierces your mind
"Norm, you didn't do anything stupid when she asked you, did you?"
>N: "No way man! C'mon! She asked me, then I ran over here to tell you!"
"... you... answered her... right?"
>N: "No, I just ran over...."
>Norman stop immediately and realizes what he just did
>looking like he had just seen a ghost
>he flies towards the direction he came from
>sitting in your desk
"Haha, hey Norm, what did she say?"
>"Oh my god, Anon, I haven't been that embarrassed in so long. Thankfully, she thought it was sweet that I was excited about her asking. We're still going together. All's well that ends well, right?"
>you think on that for a second
>sit back in your seat
>shit eating grin on your face
"You're damn right, Norm."
>he leans towards you a bit
>"Hey so, word is that you went to Applejack's place this week."
"Before you even ask, we didn't do anything. For anything else, I plead the 5th."
>"Haha, you just HAVE to one up me, don't you?"
"No way man, you got the date. I'm as single as the last Pringle."
>even Norman looks at you weird, hearing you saying something that stupid
>"Umm, you feeling alright, Anon?"
"Yeah man, except for this headache, I'm feeling good today."
>"Got a headache? Maybe you should get some pills from the nurse's office."
>the idea strikes your mind in a pleasant manner
>you get a stupid grin on your face
"Good idea, Norm. Maybe I should."
>bell rings
>walk into English
>AJ is already sitting down
>you take your seat
>she's wearing the same boots that she wore on Monday
"Nice boots, Applejack."
>she weakly smiles
>"Thanks, they're riding boots."
>you're not hitting on her, just being casual
>you say just loud enough so those directly around you can hear as well
"Hey listen, how's Rainbow? I heard she wasn't feeling too well."
>AJ sinks into a real smile this time, but still looks emotionally tired
>"I think she'll be alright, Anon. Thanks for asking."
>the teacher starts teaching
>AJ leans over to you and whispers, "Hey I was thinking about something..."
"Look, about what you said yesterday, I agree. I think we should wait to talk.. or do anything.. until... Rainbow gets better."
>AJ nods slowly and looks away towards the teacher
>"Yeah, uh, me too."
>another pause
>"... your jaw looks better."
"Still hurts a little," you say a little too fast
>you wouldn't dangle that in front of her for too long, but you weren't about to lie to make her feel better either
>"Sorry.. again."
"Forget about it."
>you hear the teacher saying something
>" today's assignment is to take ten minutes and write a creative work. It can be a short story, a poem, or any literary type you desire. Take out a sheet of paper and start now."
>any normal day, you would have scoffed and wrote down garbage
>but today felt different
>you decided to play along with the assignment
>hell, why not make something decent?
>you weren't a writer, but how hard could it be to make words rhyme?
>you would actually try
>as you write down on your paper, you notice AJ seems pretty into it as well
>ten minutes go by
>"Anonymous," the teacher says. "Will you read what you have written down?"
>again, any other day
>this might have bummed you out
>but today, you're totally okay with this
>it's no great work
>but it's something
>you stand up; paper in hand
travelers of weary
many places of dread
and dreary
those tired from heat
of searing
and jungle clearing
Beyond the hills
a place where we are fed
A place of wonder
milk and honey
streets are clean
days are sunny
My eyes have seen
and still I'm told
the haven skies
beautiful; red and gold
Let us go
to this place
wash our feet
wash our face
Grab your things
let's not delay
surely this city
is where I shall stay
>you sit down as a few people clap
>you are satisfied with your work
>nothing to brag about
>but not too shitty
>"Well done, Anonymous. I liked your use of imagery."
>the teacher once again speaks, "Applejack, will you read your work aloud for the class?"
>she hesitates, but stands up and clears her throat
>god, you almost felt bad for her
>if her accent mirrored her literary skills
>then she was fucked
>but you didn't feel bad
>she decked you
>this is karma
>AJ: "Uhh, I don't think it's that good..."
>"Don't worry Applejack, you only had ten minutes. Read what you have."
>you lean back in your chair and stretch your arms
>dis gun b gud
>AJ: "Alrighty then."
>she reads aloud
Strenuous work
must be a perk
it hurts, the pain
I'm not the same
Bending backs
facing facts
I'm no charmer
I am an apple farmer
Fam'ly still breathing
fam'ly we're grieving
it hurts, the pain
I'm not the same
lessons still learned
wheels to be turned
both green and red
eaten and dead
chances are lost
I know the cost
it hurts, the pain
I'm not the same
>what the hell just happened
>was that... deep?
>why was that... good?
>Applejack sits back down
>"Applejack... that was excellent."
>teacher claps and the rest of the class follows suit
>surprised faces all around
>even you clap
>who knew the bumpkin had a relatively artistic handle on the English language...
>take seat in math
>Twilight walks in
>give her subtle head nod
>she weakly gives one back
>she knows
>she talks to the teacher about something and then sits down at her desk
>enter Moondancer
>she's practically beaming
>you can't help but smile upon seeing her smile
>fuck, you hate feels
>but it felt nice to help someone like that
>she sees you and quickens her pace to get to you
"Hey Moondancer, I heard you had a good morning."
>she practically runs into you and hugs you while you are still sitting
>"Anon... thank you."
>you hug her back
"Glad I could help. Was it difficult?"
>"OH, it was indeed, at first. But it felt so good afterwards! I, um, hope this isn't too personal but I believe in myself more now because of this. Thank you for believing in me."
>you weren't even aware you 'believed in her' but fuck it man, just take the hug and enjoy it
"Have fun at the dance, okay?"
>"I will."
>she lets go of the hug and pushes her glasses up
>her cheek are warm
>"I am... um, extremely excited."
>she stands on the tips of her shoes
"I can see that."
>"I've never attended a school dance before. I am nervous, but also very excited."
"Well I hear people love the dances here."
>there is a pause
>"It would be nice to see you there as well, but if you do not attend, I hope you have a good Saturday."
"Thanks, I will."
>she's not sure what to say
>she quickly looks around for a second
>"Um.. okay. Goodbye Anon."
"See ya."
>she scurries over to her desk next to Twilight
>teacher asks you to her desk
"Yes ma'am?"
>"Principal Celestia asked that you take the make-up quiz in her office. Twilight has agreed to make copies of the notes for you while you're gone. Here's the quiz. Come right back after you're done."
"Yes ma'am."
>on your way to the office
>you could take this quiz anywhere
>why Celestia's office?
>you're not an idiot; there's more to this than the quiz
>you just pray to Zeus that you're not in trouble for something
>get to the office
>knock on door
>"Come in!"
>cautiously walk in
>"Anonymous. Good to see you. Your face looks better."
"Uh, thanks. Still hurts a bit, but not as bad. Why am I taking the quiz here?"
>"I wanted to talk to you a bit. Also I am making sure you don't cheat."
>though you had not planned to cheat
>you sit down
>"Anonymous, there is a reason why I wanted to speak to you alone on this matter."
>you knew it
>"I hope you are aware that I promote honesty and integrity at this school."
>"I, however, was very relieved when you turned down the chance to file charges against Rainbow Dash. I was further relieved when I was told you had chosen to tell people she is currently sick.
>how did she even know this?
>"You seem as though you are an intelligent young man. I'm sure you could take a guess as to what a public incident such as what happened could do to the reputation and well-being of this school. Off the record, this school, and myself, owe you a debt of gratitude."
>"I am not allowed by principle to show favoritism to any of my students. So I am not offering you two free tickets to the dance this Saturday. Am I clear on this?"
>oh, so you're not in trouble
>rather being rewarded?
>ayy this day is alright
"Well, yes. But I'm not going to the dance."
>she was caught off guard
>almost let down
>"Why not? The dance is always a fun event, every year. I even paid extra for a more high-budget DJ this year."
"A multitude of... personal reasons."
>she thinks for a moment
>"Then I will keep these in case you change your mind."
>there are a few seconds of silence between the two of you
>"Take your quiz, Anon."
"Yes ma'am."
>you finish the quiz, confident in your knowledge
"I'm done. I guess I'll go back to class?"
>"Not yet. I'll be grading your quiz."
"You taught math before?"
>"There are such things as answer sheets, Anonymous."
>you hand her the quiz
>she puts on a pair of glasses and proceeds to grade
>she makes a few red marks and writes down a number at the top
>hands it back to you
>says 89 at the top
>"Looks like you'll be starting tomorrow."
"Sweet. Thanks."
>get up
>you open the door to leave
>"How bad is the hangover?"
>you turn back, eyes full of fear
>she's looking with a knowing smile
>"I could smell it when you sat down. Mouthwash is great for that problem."
>you just got busted for underage drinking, and you're not in trouble
>you look around for a second
"In that case, it's awful."
>shuts the door behind you
>back to math class
>sit down
>only a few minutes left in class
>bell rings
>Twilight comes over
>"Here are the notes from today's class."
>you look at them
>they are 500% more detailed than any of your notes from any class
>on the back page of the notes she gave you
>are the words 'Thank you.'
>before you get out of the locker room from changing you hear someone ask another
>"Yo where's Rainbow?"
>breathe in
>breathe out
"I think she's sick, at least that's what Twilight told me."
>"Oh gotcha."
>as you open the door
>"Hey Anon, what does she have?"
>oh shit
>you didn't think this through
>but wait
>you're not besties with her
>you don't have to know
"Um, I don't know. Twilight just said she wasn't feeling good."
>"Oh okay."
>"Hey maybe one of us will win at something today..."
"Yeah maybe so."
>crisis averted
>PE teacher switched things up and wanted everyone to play basketball
>you're terrible at basketball
"Hey, I have a headache. Can I go to the nurse's office?"
>"You can after 10 minutes minutes of basketball, Anon. What with you going to the nurse's office this week, anyways? Got the hots for Redheart?"
>give deadpan look
"Oh yes. The fire rises."
>some of the guys in the class hear this and chuckle amongst themselves
>one of the football guys shout, "GO GIT 'ER ANON."
>the teacher just looks at you with a 'wat' face
>you play for 10 minutes
>you get owned pretty hard by guys who are fair to decent at bball
>but you didn't get crossed
>and you didn't get injured
>so that's a win
>increased blood flow causes your head to pound again
>but the effects from last night's consumption are wearing off
>on the way to Redheart, you see Sunset in the hallway
>she waves
>"Hey Anon, how are you feeling?"
"Awful as expected. Hey,"
>you pull her in closer
>so that you may talk with lower volume
"What happened last night? All I remember is that I drank a lot and you came over."
>be Sunset
>Anon pulls you closer
>is he going to kiss you or something?
>"What happened last night? All I remember is that I drank a lot and you came over."
>this could be a very awkward conversation if he remembered anything you did past your fourth drink
"...umm, well what do you remember? I mean in specifics."
>he scratches the back of his head
>"Well I remember that you came over to drop off my bag. Then we talked for a while and I think I mixed you a drink."
>you nod, looking away
>"Also, I could have sworn I was benching weights at some point last night, but that could have been the dream I had."
>okay think, Shimmer
>he doesn't remember anything past the fact that you might have had a drink
>he knows nothing else
>as far as you know
>but what about this dream?
"What was your dream about?"
>"It was a ton of weird shit, honestly. It would take too long to explain."
>no dice
>start with minimal information
>see if that jogs his memory any of the stupidity you tried last night
"Okay, so when I saw your bag in my car I walked over to give it back to you."
"You answered the door and you were already on your way to being... pretty loaded."
>don't tell him that he called you Sunny
>and that he picked you up to hug you
>or that you liked it
"I kind of, complained about what you were doing and you told me that if I was going to complain about it all night, that I should leave."
>he looks disappointed
>"Sunset, my god, I'm so sorry. Did I say anything that hurt your feelings??"
>you respond very quickly
"No no! No, you were super nice the entire night, I swear. I did kind of act like I was your mother when I first got there. We talked for a while and you told me about what happened earlier and why you were mad about it. Anyways, uh, I tried to take a shot, but that didn't work very well. I made a mess of your table and you cleaned it up."
>"Huh, I thought that table smelled weird this morning.."
"Sorry about that..."
>"Aww don't worry about it. That shitty table is older than we are."
>you're thinking about how nice he being about the fact that his table is going to smell like bile and liquor for a good amount of time
>you're not thinking about the fact that there was like 10 second of silence while you're looking off into nowhere
>"Uh, Sunset?"
"Right, sorry. So after that..."
"... I asked for a mixed drink and you made one for me. I had a few more but nothing too serious."
>"Oh so you didn't get drunk? Good. At least one of us was making good decisions..."
>good decisions
>he has no idea
>at least he has no regrets, other than drinking too much
"Um, yeah. We watched a lot of cartoons. Oh, you tried on my jacket."
>"This jacket you have on? I was able to put that on?"
>you both laugh
"Yeah, somehow."
>"Ayyy, I bet that looked hot."
>some things just never change
"Sure. After some time we did a drinking game, part of which was that I dared you to bench press me..."
>don't tell him about what you said concerning his chest
>don't tell him that he asked about your breasts
>don't tell him about you topless
"...and then you passed out."
>"That's it? So we didn't... right?"
>you try not to look dejected
"No. No we didn't."
>"Okay good."
>you just blurted that out
>you immediately retract your body away from him a bit
>he'll know
>he has to know now
>he looks at you, confused
>"Sunset, what's wrong?"
"I just don't know what you mean."
>"I'm just glad I didn't do anything stupid to you, that's all."
>he doesn't know
"Oh, okay."
>"I do have kind of an embarrassing question for you though..."
>oh god
>don't panic
>answer calmly, no matter what
"Okay, go ahead."
>he gets closer to you again
>"Did you put me into bed last night?"
>this shouldn't be embarrassing
>why is this embarrassing?
>it just a nice gesture so he wouldn't wake up on the couch
>it wasn't like you...
> you kissed him goodnight
>you are never drinking again as long as you live
>but he might already know the answer
>and if you lie, he won't trust you anymore
"Yes. You passed out on the couch and I go you to your bed. Sorry if that's weird.."
>"No, thanks for doing that."
>he leans in to whisper something
>"I know this is kind of awkward, but it was, in a way, a part of my weird ass dream. I must have been really drunk though because in my dream it was that my mom tucked me in and kissed me goodnight."
>he talks at normal level again
>"But I know you didn't do anything like that, so it's all cool."
"So, uh, you're not mad at me for bothering you about your drinking and spewing all over your table?"
>he looks surprised
>"Mad?? Hell no! I'm glad I have a friend that would come over so I don't have to drink alone."
>he picks you up in a hug like you weigh five pounds
>"You're the best, Sunny."
>you hold your breath to try to control your heart rate
>if you could feel your face after he said that, you would know that it was as red as the streaks in your hair
"You too, Anon."
>the hug wouldn't last forever
>but you held on tight while it did
>eventually he put you down
>"Hey, are you going to the game tomorrow?"
>of course
>of course you're going to the game
>you were going to go anyways, but now you had to
>maybe you could try to do something cute..
"Yes, absolutely! I can't let our team down by NOT being there! Go Wondercolts! Right?"
>he gives a laugh
>"Hell yeah, that's the spirit. If you cheer like that tomorrow night we might have a chance."
>you smile really big
>you can't believe that just worked
"Then you can count on it."
>"Sweet. Well my head is pounding so I'm going to go to the nurse's office. I'll see you later, okay?"
"Yeah, definitely."
>you both turn and walk away
>before you get too far, you hear your name being called
>"Hey Sunny, I forgot to mention..!"
"What's that?"
>"I made an 89 on the quiz!"
"That's great, Anon."
>"Thanks for your help."
>he turns again and you do the same
>should you have told him that you took off your shirt for him?
>no, that would have been weird
>Be Anon
>walking towards Redheart's office
>As Flash gets dumber over time, Sunset seemingly gets cooler
>at least she's someone you can count on
>should you have told her that you saw her topless in your dream?
>no, that would have been weird
>but if her rack looked like that in real life...
>Damn Son.
>knock on door
>"Yeah, come in."
"Hey Red."
>she looks up from her desk
>"You know 85, I'd have a lot less to do if it weren't for you this week."
"Aww c'mon Red-Hot. You know you missed me."
>"Anon, there is a vial of poison with your name on it if you keep calling me Red-Hot."
"You'd lose your job if you kill me."
>"At this point, that's the only thing keeping me back."
>she looks at your jaw
>"Your jaw looks better."
"So I'm told."
>"So what do ya need?"
"I got a massive headache. Think you got something for me?"
>she gets up from her desk and goes to one of her drawers
>pulls out a pill bottle
>"Two or three?"
>she shoots you a grin
>"Three it is."
>gets three of the pain pills
>before she gives them to you, she grabs your chin to open your mouth, then smells your breath
>"Yeah, I thought so. Too young for that stuff, 85."
"Seriously? I can't even smell it! I brushed my teeth this morning!"
>"It's all about the mouthwash, Anon. But you didn't hear that from me."
>you chuckle
"Yeah who would have thought that someone with the nickname 'Red-Hot' might have had a drink before."
>her turn to giggle a little bit
>"Fair enough. Fun night?"
"Not exactly..."
>she checks her watch
>"Alright, I'll bite. What happened?"
"Hey if it buys me more time with my favorite nurse..."
>"Favorite? Oh I bet you've just got lines of nurses begging to take care of you."
>you think of where to begin
"I'm not supposed to tell the story, so I'll give the short version. Some bitch in my class went full retard and did something stupid that involuntarily involved me. Then we get called into Celestia's office, and basically Celestia made me decide who should get punished and how badly."
>"She let you decide something like that?"
"Yeah, tell me about it. It was killing me and I was done thinking about it by the time I got home. So I went home for a chugfest and replaced beer with cheap vodka. And I replaced inviting friends over with being alone."
>"I hate to be 'that lady' but where are your parents through all of this? They're okay with you drinking?"
"My parents both do international business. They're gone for a long time and then come home for a long time. Right now they're gone."
>"Okay, so you didn't have ANYONE over?"
"Not at first. One of my friends came over."
>"That was nice of him."
she cocks an eyebrow at you
"Nothing like that. She just came over to drop off my bookbag and ended up staying a while."
>"Aww that's cute."
>"Forget I said a word. So did you black out?"
"Passed out and blacked out."
>"Moderation, Anon. Moderation. Plus, you had a girl over! You probably did something stupid with her, didn't you?"
"Apparently not. Speaking of girls, you know anyone that needs two homecoming tickets? I have 'acquired' them and I'm not using them."
>she bats her eyelashes at you
>"What, you aren't going to ask me to the dance?"
>you're in a dark place
>you hear a voice through what must be a PA system
>"And now for the main event!"
>cheers and hollers
>"Gentlemen, may I now present..."
>song plays
>spot lights show a stage and a curtain
>open curtain, revealing Redheart
>crowd goes insane
>she's wearing a skimpy nurse's uniform, with heels and an extremely short skirt
>she sucks on her finger with a smile, knowing what she's inciting
"h-h-h-holy shit"
>she begins moving her hips and rubbing her thighs
>moves her head to her breasts
>currency showers the stage
>moves to center stage
>there is a pole on center stage
>she slowly unbuttons her shirt to reveal a very revealing bra
>she shakes her ass for the crowd
>a man tries to hand her a 100
>she saunters over to him, takes the bill, rubs her crotch with it while she rolls her eyes back and makes an 'o' with her mouth, then puts it in her bra
>the wraps a leg around the metal, swinging her body around the pole
>she grabs the pole with her hands, jumps, and puts her legs above her head, then clamps her legs together on the pole to hang upside down on it
>this causes her skirt to fall to gravity, revealing her sterile-white thong
>she gets off the pole to slowly remove her skirt, swinging her hips while she does so
>her ass is backed up onto the pole as she puts the metal between her cheeks and begins moving up and down
>then she looks right at you, winks, and says, "Ohhh Anonnn?"
>shake your head
>song stops in your mind
>you're back in the office
>boner, pls no
>"Anon? You okay? You know I was kidding right?"
>get your bearings
>play this cool
"Yeah, of course."
>"You're cute 85, but you'd need to be about 10 years older for that dream to come true."
"Yeah I keep forgetting you're 30."
>"28 Anon!!! I am 28! Even so, staff can't go to homecoming with the students."
"Well if you feel like breaking some rules..."
>she laughs
>"Yeah, I'll let you know. Plus, I'm already going. Our dearest Celestia has asked me to chaperone at the dance."
"Sooo, what are you doing afterwards?"
>"Get out of here, 85."
>jump off of the table
>as you leave the room
"See ya Red-Hot."
>you close the door right before you hear
>go back to PE with a a few more keks and a little less headache than before
>headache gone, and the day never looked brighter
>bell rings and you go to chem
>sit down in your regular spot in the back
>Rarity comes in and walks towards you
>"Do you mind if I sit here?"
"Of course not, go ahead."
>"Thank you."
>she sits down and crosses her legs
>"Darling I'm sure you know what I wanted to talk about."
"I'm sure I do."
>"What you did for Rainbow was most admirable. I very much so appreciate that."
"I'll say 'you are welcome' but you should know that I didn't handle everything the way I did for Rainbow's benefit."
>"I understand. That is, after all that happened, a fair way to look at it. Still, even with your confrontation yesterday morning, you behaved as a gentleman."
"I called your friend a bitch..."
>"Well... still. You could have been reasonably harder on her. Twilight informed me that you're not telling people Rainbow is currently suspended. That much is what I call 'kindness.'"
>you see Sunset walk in class
>she looks to where her and Rarity usually sit
>then she sees Rarity sitting next to you
>as she's about to sit down by herself, she sees you wave her over
>she smiles and sits next to you, opposite side from Rarity
>SS: "Hey guys."
>R: "Sunset, you wouldn't believe the day we had yesterday."
>Sunset smirks
>SS: "That good, huh?"
>you and Rarity look at each other and reply in unison "Hardly."
>Sunset giggles
>SS: "I know, Rarity. Anon told me last night."
>R: "At least it's practically over now. I know it was a bad situation but it was handled well in the end. It all could have been much worse."
"Yeah, that's true."
>Rarity looks at you again
>R: "So Anon, who do you think will win homecoming king and queen?"
"Couldn't care less, but if I had to guess I'd say it's going to be some senior and you."
>R: "Me?? Anon, I'm positive I won't win."
>SS: "Rarity, c'mon. You know you at least have a good chance of winning."
>R: "I believe it is customary for the winners to be seniors."
"I don't know, usually the guy is a senior but a junior girl has a good chance of winning."
>R: "I suppose we shall see. Still, though it would be exciting to win, these things can hardly be considered 'achievements' rather than popularity contests.
>one guy in the table in front of you turns around
>"I voted for you, Rarity."
>another guy did the same
>"Me too, Rarity!"
>Rarity, caught off guard
>R: "Ahh, well, thank you kind sirs."
>SS: "See? Even if it is a popularity contest, you're pretty popular Rarity."
>you could see a bit of excitement in Rarity's face, even though she was trying to hide it
>R: "I suppose we shall find out on Friday."
>you three quietly talked through the lecture
>it was cool being friends with Sunset and Rarity
>getting your food
>a yellow/golden girl is next to you
>she looks up at you
>"Hey, you're Anon, right?"
"Yep. Who are you?"
>"Spitfire. I'm on the soccer team. I heard about you guys are playing Crystal Prep on Friday."
"Yeah, we are."
>slop of disgusting food
>"Listen, can you do me a favor?"
"Maybe. What is it?"
>"I used to go out with a guy on their team, can you give him a nice hit for me?"
>you laugh
>slop of disgusting food
"Hey, why not? What's his number?"
"Do you know what position he plays?"
>she looks away for a second
>"Damn, I can't remember exactly. It was on defense, I know that much."
"Okay, well was he a safety, they guy in the back of the defense?"
>"No, shit, that's not it."
"Okay what about cornerback? The guy who tries to make sure the receivers don't catch the ball?"
>"No, try again."
"Lineman? Front of the defense, in the middle?"
>"No, but it had 'line' in the name..."
>slop of disgusting food
"Oh, linebacker. The guys right behind the linemen reading the play. Second line of defense."
>"Right! That's it! I will straight up give you money if you put him on the ground."
"Hell yeah, you got yourself a deal, Spitfire."
>slop of disgusting food
>"Hell, it would be money well spent."
>you two laugh as you shake on it
>tray has food
>move towards senior table
>sit down
>"Ayyy Anon! Where were you yesterday?"
>if you tell them you were in Celestia's office, they'll ask why
>but if you say that you skipped school, they'll be mad that you skipped practice before a game with Crystal Prep
>obviously the lesser of two evils must be chosen
"I skipped school, then Celestia wouldn't let me come to practice."
>"Shit man, we thought you got sent to the Brig."
>Coach often referred to Celestia's office as 'the Brig' because it always meant trouble for football players
>Redheart's office was dubbed 'Sick Bay'
"No, man, it's all good. Don't worry, I'll be at practice today."
>they turn to each other
>you're almost certain they're going to be pissed about you skipping practice
>"Damn, Celestia never lets anyone have some fun!"
>they turn back to you
>"Don't worry. Bad-asses gotta skip every once in a while, man. Welcome to senior life."
>they laugh and give each other high fives
>they go into meaningless conversation and you input every now and then
>then one of them says something at the end of the table
>"Hey guys, here's one for you. If you have to choose a girl that was either a gymnast, librarian or school girl, which would you choose?"
>"Shit, man that's tough. I'd probably go with a cute school girl."
>"Yo, I'm sayin' librarian. She can do your homework for you."
>"We're talking about sex, you idiot, not homework."
>"Then I change mine to gymnast. They can do some crazy positions!"
>a chorus of "hell yeah" went around the table
>"Yeah, I'm going with gymnast, too."
>"Yo Anon, what do you think?"
"I say school girl; they're cute."
>the whole table stops
>"Why? Bro think of the gymnast positions, man."
>you look up with a shit eating grin.
"Any girl is a gymnast if you bend her hard enough."
>as the high fives, fistbumps and 'hell yeah' finally ended, you continued to eat lunch
>the others talked about nonsense that you didn't care about
>lunch ends
>on your way to cooking
>be Twilight
>still eating lunch
>you and the girls plan on going to homecoming as a group
>it's been the plan for weeks now
>not that there weren't any guys to choose from
>but it just seemed less awkward that way
>lunch ends
>before class you spot Sunset
"Hey Sunset, got a minute?"
>"Yeah, sure Twilight. What's up?"
"The girls are all going to homecoming as a group. You're still coming with us, right?"
>"Actually, I don't know."
"What? Why? Has something happened?"
>"No, it's just... I might just hang out with someone instead."
"Sunset, homecoming is really fun! We all went last year!"
>"Yeah I know, and it was fun! It's just..."
>"I'm going to see if Anon wants to hang out. He's not going and, I don't know... he's pretty fun to be around."
"Well, okay. But if you change your mind, you're more than welcome to come with us, even if it's last minute."
>she hugs you
>"Thanks Twilight."
>be Anon
>cooking class
>Fluttershy is at her normal spot
>sitting by Fluttershy almost guarantees good grades in this pathetic excuse for a class
>you will do so from now on
>and that decision was definitely based on the fact that she promises you good grade
>and not on the fact that she's super nice, cute, and an all around good friend
"Hey Fluttershy."
>"Anon. How are you doing?"
"Pretty good, all things considered."
>"Twilight told me about Rainbow..."
>she looks at you, happy to the point of almost emotional
>fuck, not the feels
>anything but the feels
>"...being sick."
>she hugs you with the strength of a bear
>attacked by a wild feel
"Oh, it's okay Fluttershy."
>she hasn't let go
>you can't breathe very well
>"You've been so nice to Rainbow..."
>oh please don't cry
>checks for sound
>okay sweet she isn't crying
"Yeah, I, uh... I guess."
>she lets go
>you can breathe again
>"I was going to invite you to come with me and girls to the dance, but you're not going."
>"So um, I thought, instead, I could come to the game tomorrow and cheer on my new friend, Anon."
>did she just ask permission to cheer you on at the game?
>fuck, here you are smiling at her being adorable
"Yeah, I think 'Anon' would like that. You're a good friend, Fluttershy."
>"You are too."
>this conversation is too feely for your taste
"So do you have any new pets?"
>she lights up
>"I do actually! Yesterday after the meeting with Principal Celestia, I fed the dogs at the shelter. There were these two little puppies in one of the cages. I gave food to one of them, but he wouldn't eat until the other puppy ate first. I just had to take him home after that."
"Aww that's cute. What did you name him?"
>at first when you heard this, you though you didn't hear it correctly
>"I named him Anonymous."
>that's... cute
>then the more you thought about it, it seemed a bit weird to name a pet after some guy in your class
>but she was sweet
>and cute
>and apparently a little weird
>but you could look over that
"After me?"
>"Well, somewhat. I actually like the name Anonymous, but also the puppy was really nice, like how you were really nice to Rainbow. I think it fits."
>okay, so now it's not as weird
>and a bit more cute
>she's smiling really big at you
>say something
"I'm flattered, Fluttershy. That means a lot."
>eventually class ends and you leave
>feeling like you have a bastard son
>History goes by quickly
>Pinkie gives you a high five and a 'thanks' with zero context
>she's definitely the weird one out of the bunch
>bell rings
>school is over
>which means one thing
>Thursday practice
>Thursday practice was different from any other day of practice
>Friday being game day, Thursday practice was taken very seriously
>it was customary to speak as little as possible before and during practice
>the locker room was often silent
>the field had minimal noise, except the quarterbacks and the coaches, of course
>Apparently the seniors from many classes ago started the tradition and the coach liked it so much that he kept it
>you walk into the locker room
>guys are already changing
>those who see you walk in give you a silent nod, and you return one as well
>get into your gear
>you wipe your mind of anything that happened during the day so that you may focus
>ready yourself
>because Thursdays were also the hardest practices
>as you walk out with the seniors again, you all look at the field
>tomorrow night, there will be hundreds of people sitting in the stands next to the field
>students, parents, siblings, grandparents, school staff, alumni, locals
>all yelling and screaming
>but today, the field was silent
>it was almost holy ground
>green grass and white lines
>some boys would earn scholarships to college because of what happens on this field
>hitting drills
>pass plays
>for more than two hours, this process repeated
>sweat dripped off of your pads as Coach called a team huddle
>the team gathered around him and took a knee
>sometimes Coach would yell and scream at practice, but even he didn't do so on Thursdays. His after-practice speeches reflected the serious and reverent mood that the team had
>"Boys, tomorrow is game day. I know this is technically our homecoming game, but we aren't facing a homecoming team. You're going to be tempted with thoughts of the girl you're taking to the dance on Saturday, or what you're doing with her afterward."
>there is a quiet chuckle shared by the entire team, but it is quickly silenced
>"You're going to be tempted to stare at the cheerleaders in their uniforms. You're going to be tempted to do something stupid during school. But make no mistake, tomorrow will be the biggest season game of our schedule. Don't let the homecoming festivities keep you distracted; there will be no fooling around tomorrow. When you walk into the school tomorrow morning, you will walk in as a team. When you eat lunch tomorrow, you will eat as a team. When you are presented to the school during the pep rally, you will be a team."
>there is a collective "Yes sir"
>"Right after school, Principal wants to take the fall sports pictures with yourselves and the cheerleaders. So get your gear on as soon as your last class ends. Rest up tonight. We've got a hard game ahead of us."
>as practice ended, the talking was resumed
>you stayed to talk to some of the guys
>as time came, you went to get some water before you went home
>as you get your last sip
>you hear a deep voice behind you
>turn around
>it's Big Mac
"Hey Big Mac, what's up."
>"Walk with me."
>you do so
>after you two get out of ear range of the rest of the team, he stops
>"Applejack told me what happened yesterday and Tuesday."
"...what did she tell you?"
>"Everything. Just wanted to thank ya for lookin' out for my sister, and uh.. not takin' advantage of her. I know she can get a little 'pushy' when she gets her mind set on something, and I'm sorry she punched you."
"Don't worry about it, Big Mac. I've been hit harder; though I admit she popped me pretty good. She's strong for a girl."
>"Yeah, farm work will do that to you. Anyways she tells me you ain't going to the dance on Saturday."
"I don't plan on it, no."
>"If you end up not going, I'll be at the house watching the college game onTV. You're welcome to come by test your liver with some liquor. And don't worry; AJ will be at the dance, not at home."
>you had your fill of liquor for a while
>but Big Mac seemed like he'd be cool to hang out with
>hell, maybe you'd be in the mood to drink again on Saturday
"You're grandma is cool with us drinking?"
"Well then, thanks Big Mac. I might just do that."
>he begins to walk away
>"My friends just call me Mac, by the way."
>yeah, today was alright
"Thanks Mac. Have a good one."
>walking home was usually a chore
>it's not like it was a three hour walk, but the only thing you could usually think about was what you could be doing if you were already home
>today, was different
>the whole debacle would be 100% over with by tomorrow
>Rainbow had the option to even be in the stands when you face Crystal Prep
>and yeah, you played it pretty cool all week
>but you'd be lying if you said you weren't pretty damn excited about finally having the starting position
>you weren't an outsider anymore at school
>but more importantly, you didn't turn into some fake dudebro when it happened
>even if all this new 'popularity' was taken away as early as tomorrow, you would still be the same Anon
>and now you had the option to hang out with Mac on Saturday while everyone else flips their shit about getting sweaty in nice clothes to lame music
>hell yeah, drinking with Mac sounded damn good
>so, yeah
>the walk home was different today
>you didn't think about what you could be doing
>you weren't angry about anything
>you weren't worried about anything
>you look around and notice things that you apparently tend to overlook
>how green the grass is next to the side walks
>the small whispers of autumn wind
>the bright colored leaves on the ground
>the smell of oak trees
>and the sun
>for the first time in far too long, you see the sun slipping past the horizon
>it's... beautiful
>bright, piercing gold hues fading into a deep red
>the sky near the horizon sheds its natural blue for a majestic pink
>your mind goes to what you wrote in English today
My eyes have seen
and still I'm told
the haven skies
beautiful; red and gold
>it's so pretty that you stop walking, and just watch the giant star sink out of your sight
>maybe you stood there for 2 minutes
>maybe 20 minutes
>all you knew was that you were smiling when you started walking again
>goddamn you were in a good mood
>you weren't even that guy to have a moment with nature
>but that was a pretty sunset if you ever saw one
>speaking of pretty sunsets
[Hey Sunny, what are you up to?]
>be Sunset
[Homework and dinner, you?]
>[Going home. Have you ever looked at something like 100 times before you realize how profound and beautiful it is?]
>what did he see, a snail?
[Umm, not really, no. What did you see?]
>[The sun setting. I guess you could say the 'sun set shimmer.']
>have mercy that was cheesy
>so why did you just save that message to your memory?
[You're such a loser, Anon.]
>you're crying on Anon's chest
>"Hey, Sunset?"
>"You know we're a couple of losers, right?"
>real time
>[Yeah and what does that make you?]
[An even bigger loser. I guess we're a couple of losers.]
>[I wouldn't say you're a bigger loser. You're more like the pretty loser. But... that makes me the hot one.]
[You know what? I'll take it.]
>[Haha. You got your dress ready for Saturday?]
>just ask him now
[I'm probably not going to the dance.]
>[What, what? Why? I thought you would definitely go. I bet you'd look good in a dress.]
[I was thinking about doing something else instead. What are you doing on Saturday?]
>[Probably going to AJ's place]
>[To hang with Big Mac. He invited me over after practice was done.]
[Oh, okay.]
>[Surprising, right? Who would have though that Mac would be cool with me? What are YOU doing on Saturday??]
[I'm trying to hang out with some other friends of mine and I was going invite you to that.]
>you're lying
>you wanted to ask him to hang out with you
>[I'll probably have to pass. Mac is going to have the college game on and his grandma is cool with us drinking too.]
>[But if the thing with your friends doesn't work out, I'm sure Mac wouldn't mind you coming over too.]
[Thanks but college football isn't really my thing.]
>you put your phone down
"Stupid Sunset..."
>you should have asked him to hang out when you had the chance today
>now he has other plans
>you see your phone vibrate
>[Well okay. But you're still coming to the game tomorrow, right?]
>pick up your phone
[Absolutely. Wouldn't miss it for the world. I bet you guys are going to do great.]
>[Sweet! Alright well I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight Sunny.]
[Goodnight, Anon. Sweet dreams.]
>put your phone down
>turn it off
"Screw this. I'm telling him tomorrow."
>be Anon
>game day
>as you wake up, you clear your mind of anything that has happened in the past week
>including the dream you had of Sunset
>there is nothing but today
>and today is game day
>game day was different to you than any other type of day
>you had Fridays on the off season
>you had game days in-season
- [Embed]
>game day was the reason you practiced all summer in the grueling heat for two-a-days, sometimes even three-a-day practices
>you gave game day your time, sweat, energy and blood
>and in return, game day gave you a second family
>game day meant waking up early in the morning to get your mind right
>it meant sitting in silence, meditating for a few minutes after waking up
>it meant doing a few push ups before your shower to start your day right
>sometimes, game day was the only reason you even went to school
>some game days, the team was the only family you saw
>and even though practices sucked
>and though there were times you wanted to quit
>you never did quit
>you don your home jersey as a shirt, as was tradition
>you grab your bookbag as well as gym bag
>you are out of the door
>you step outside with your bags, waiting
>no football player rode the bus on game days
>as a car pulls up to your house, you walk towards it
>as you step into the car, you see your brethren inside
>they give you a head nod
>you return one
>as the driver pulled out of park he simply says "Game Day, 85."
>the car ride wasn't long
>but it was long enough to make your hands sweat
>nerves were just a part of game day
>and playing Crystal Prep wasn't a joke
>as you step out of the car, you see the the other players in front of the school
>and if it were any other day, that is all they would be to you
>other players
>but you have goosebumps as you see them now
>all of them silent
>as if a ceremony is about to begin
>the sight reminded you of something
>no matter how old
>no matter how talented
>no matter your personal interests
>on game day at CHS, you had a sense of belonging
>for today is game day
>and from freshman to senior, the team will all walk into school together as equals; as brothers
>as VP Luna once called the team, School Warriors
>as Mac passes by you towards the doors, he gives you a fistbump
>he gets to the front of the group and stands to the side
>once he sees everyone is present, he turns to the coach and says "Yessir."
>Coach looks back at the rest of the players and says to Mac, "Lead them."
>Mac makes a silent nod to all of you and starts toward the doors
>you all follow his lead inside and stay behind him
>the school doors burst open
>as the team walks single file behind Mac, the people look on
>there are cheers coming from everyone who wasn't on the team
>the students wish you luck as you pass them
>some teachers even come out to clap
>Celestia just looks with pride
>the cheerleaders at their lockers, wearing their cheer uniforms, yell out "Go Wondercolts"
>you see Sunset at her locker and give her a smirk
>but the team stays silent, as was tradition
>walking, marching
>making a statement
>It is Game Day
>And we're motherfuckin' here
>the team walks straight to the locker room to put up their football gear
>then immediately dispurses to your individual lockers to begin school
>and thus, the school day begins
>or rather, the pre-game starts
>"So Anon, what do I have to do to be a part of the Game Day Walk?"
"Being on the team is a good start, Norman. Why didn't you try out this year?"
>"I don't know man. I don't think I'm the jock type."
>you turn to him in your seat
"Really dude? Do I look like the jock type? Do I act like a meathead?"
>he shrugs
>"I guess not, but they seem to like you."
"Exactly. If you can take a hit, you can play the game. Doesn't mean you'll make the team, but you'll never know until you try it."
>"Meh, still. I don't know if I'm cut out for it."
"Look man, my parents didn't think I was cut out for it when I started playing, but I made the team. You never know."
>"What's it like being on the team? I mean really."
"I guess it depends on who you ask. I like it. I made a lot of friends because of football. Gives me something to do, a way to stay in shape, and something to look forward to. I guess girls tend to like athletes but if you try to join just because of that you're probably not going to like it. It's a lot of work to just use as a pick up line. But since I don't do that, I like it a lot."
>he thinks for a moment
>"You know what man? If you're still here next year and still on the team, I'll try out."
"Fair enough, Norm. I'd like to see you do that."
>he lowers his volume
>"Hey Anon?"
"Yeah bud?"
>"Moondancer told me what happened between you two. What you told her, I mean."
>he rubs his hands slightly
"Hey, no problem man. Glad she did it."
>"Yeah. Me too."
>the worst part of every game day was sitting in all of your classes
>you and the entire team wanted nothing more than to put on your pads and get the game going
>but it didn't work that way
>you had to try and be patient and keep your mind focused for hours on end before you even saw your pads
>you believed the most patient people in your age group were athletes who had to sit in school all day before a game
>someone should do some kind of science study to prove that
>Twilight could probably do it
>the Game Day Gods seemed to have blessed you today
>so far your classes didn't seem to drag on for too long; making them almost bearable
>AJ said you looked good in the jersey, but didn't really hit on you
>Moondancer & Twilight both seemed to be in a good mood when they greeted you; both for far different reasons, but still
>the PE teacher let the football guys do pass plays while the rest of the class had to run two miles
>sometimes it must have sucked to not be an athlete at CHS
>the weird didn't happen until chem class
>Rarity was nice as usual, but Sunset didn't sit by you guys
>she, for whatever reason, opted to sit alone
>you even walked over to her before class started and invited her to sit with you and Rarity
>she declined
>she also seemed nervous about something,
>but she would tell you if she wanted you to know
>so you didn't ask
>also, you knew that feel
>there were days when you just didn't want to talk to a lot of people
>and you didn't always have a reason, either
>it just happened sometimes
>wasn't always a bad thing
>sometimes you just needed some space to think on something
>so you went back and talked to Rarity during class
>Rarity was cool
>so far, she wasn't the snob that the football team warned about
>in your mind, you kinda wanted her to win the HC Queen
>she seemed like she could sport the Queen tiara quite well
>but you didn't say that too her
>because there was no way to say that in a not-weird way
>the population of lunch tables were usually separated by cliques
>nerds, jocks, populars, emos, hipsters and such
>but on game day, there was a new paradigm
>jerseys and non-jerseys
>it wasn't an elitism move either, though some failed to grasp that
>it was a... oh how did they put it?
>a 'mechanism' to keep the players' minds focused
>there was talk at your table, sure
>but most of it revolved around memorizing pass routes and blocking strategies
>going over Crystal Prep plays and strategies as well
>meatheads were really good at studying
>when they put their minds to it
>and when it was football related
>sometimes you could sense some animosity from those not at the table
>especially from the non-athlete guys
>but today it seemed different
>almost as though even the guys jealous of not being on the team understood what it meant to face against Crystal Prep
>in one way, it was almost magical
>like the whole school coming together to beat an unbeatable team
>in another way, it was terrifying
>because even people who didn't play knew how hard this game would be
>and now the nerves set in
>last time you played this team at your old school
>you practically got your shit pushed in
>you remove the thought from your mind
>nothing about that will help now
>you must focus
>lunch ends
>fistbumps all around from the team
>and you head to cooking class
>while talking with Fluttershy
>phone vibrates
>discretely check it
>from Sunset?
>[I need to talk to you.]
[Sunset. Game day. Get with the program, haha]
>[Anon, I'm being serious.]
[Oh, okay, go ahead.]
>a minute goes by
>[No, like in person.]
[Alright, I'll find you after school.]
>[Right now, Anon.]
>oh shit, is she mad at you?
>why would she be mad at you?
[What is it? I'm in class.]
>[So am I. Meet me in room 208 in one minute.]
[Are you sure you're being serious?]
>[Positive, Anon.]
>something weird is going on
>what can't wait until after school?
>whatever, you trusted her so it must be important
>she wouldn't ask you to do this if it was something dumb
>you raise your hand
>"Yes, Anon?"
"Can I go to the restroom?"
>"Yes you may."
>you get up out of your seat and leave the classroom
>as you close the door behind you, you enter the silent hallway
>walk towards the room
>you start to wonder what could be so important
>what if it had something to do with Rainbow
>what if she somehow found a way to get you in trouble
>as you realize that the ordeal may very well not be over, but rather just beginning again
>your heart speeds up and your hands shake a bit
>this was not the day for something like this to go wrong
>you look at 208
>there's no one inside from your view outside
>but the lights are on
>this could be bad
>you're not sure why, but you knock on the door before you enter
>as you open the door, you almost expect to see Twilight and her friends plus Celestia waiting for you
>but as you enter, there is only Sunset inside
>close the door behind you
>approach her
"What's going on? Is this about Rainbow??"
>she looks more nervous than she did in chem
>"Rainbow?? No, it has nothing to do with that."
"Okay, so what's wrong? All you alright?"
>"I-I'm fine. There's nothing really wrong..."
"You mean you just pulled me from class and there's nothing at all wrong?"
>"Well, I mean... I guess that's.."
>your brow furrows
>she's got to be kidding you
>did she really just pull this?
"Sunset, I'm all about skipping class when I can but today really isn't the day for this alright? It's goddamn game day. And this time I have a starting position, too! It kinda means a lot to me, and I'm not going to screw that up so we can just chit-chat."
>you turn to walk away
>"Wait! Where are you going??"
"Back to class, Sunset."
>before you can grab the door handle, she cries out
>your hand freezes, as does the rest of your body
>"I lied to you about what happened Wednesday night."
>you creak your head to look at her
>she's almost upset-looking
>oh fuck
>you DID do something to her, didn't you??
>what did you drunkenly do to her??
"Sunset... what did I do to you??"
>"You didn't do anything."
>your hand goes back to your side as you walk back toward her
"Then what really happened??"
>Sunset exhales as her shoulders drop
>whatever happened, she has a hard time spitting it out
>she's looking at the floor
>fuck, it must be bad
>"We both were drinking. And in the midst of that... I started to feel... different..."
"Drinking will do that,"
>"...about you."
>"I started hitting on you, hoping maybe something would happen. I said some things I sort of regret saying but they were true. The worst part was, you didn't even know I was hitting on you. You asked me how... big my 'rack' was."
"We all do and say things we don't mean when we're drunk, Sunset."
>she cringes a bit and becomes embarrassed
>still not looking at you
>"I.. wasn't drunk."
>she said that so quietly that she could teach Fluttershy lessons
>slight fear enters your eyes
>but you say nothing
>"We were kind of flirting and I wanted to show you what... they... looked like, but I didn't have the courage until it was too late. By the time I walked into the room with no shirt on, you were passed out."
>you take a step back
"Part of the dream I had that night was that I saw you with no shirt on."
>"I thought you were passed out?!?"
"I'm sure I was close enough. Anyways Sunset.."
>"OKAY WAIT. Before you say anything, just let me finish."
>"I thought you were okay.. when we met. Before that, the only thing I really knew about you was that you could be an ass and you were some football meathead."
>"BUT I WAS WRONG. You let Rainbow get the minimum punishment, even when you had every right to do the opposite. You apologized when you yelled at me. You held me when I was crying. I know I told you I didn't like you like that before, but now I... do."
>you're trying to process all of this
>you pinch yourself to make sure this isn't another dream
>"...and you were right last night. I WAS excited to go to the dance; I do have a dress. But if you're not going, then I'd rather spend time with you instead. I never planned to go out with friends on Saturday. I wanted to ask you to hang out with me, but I waited too long."
>"I like it when you call me Sunny. I like it when we hug. I like it when you pick me up. I like being with you, Anon."
>you're unaware of this
>but your face has a look of shock
>a face that she takes with a different meaning than what you mean to portray
>she starts getting a little emotional
>her hands shake a bit
>"I-I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship. I'm sorry if I ruined our friendship. But I had to tell you this today because it's been eating me up since I realized how I feel. Because DAMMIT I LIKE YOU, ANON."
>your still shocked
>Her eyes get teary
>her jaw quivers
>"I knew it. I-I knew I would ruin this. Now even YOU can't trust me. Y-You've had such an awful week and I j-j-just made it worse."
>she begins to fast-walk towards the door
"No, wait!"
>she looks at you; tears running down her face
>"I-I'm so sorry Anon."
>before she can grab the door handle
>you run over and grab her by her hips
>pull her into a hug
"Don't go..."
>you grabbed her before she could reach full on cry-mode
>she looks at you, not understanding
"My turn."
>you smile
>also sigh, not knowing how to start this
"So, remember how I said I'm not really into long boring speeches?"
>she nods yes
"Good. I'll spare you the details and just say this. You're hot."
>she doesn't know where you're going with this
"You're also my friend, but you being hot isn't why you're my friend. You forgave me when I was an ass to you. You hung out with me when I was sad and even drank with me just to make me feel better. You're the nice, forgiving, more fun person out of the two of us. I generally have a good time with you."
>she stops crying
>you smirk
"...but having that goddess body doesn't hurt matters either.."
>she turns a shade red and giggles a bit
"And look, I'm not going to pretend to know what this is going to end up as, but if you're down to be more than just friends..."
>you take your thumbs and wipe the tears from her face
"...then hell yeah. I'm down."
>with one hand, you pull her close by her hip
>with the other hand you grab her hair and lightly pull to tilt her head back so you can kiss her
>as your lips lock, she kisses back fervently
>after a few seconds, you can feel her hot breath enter your mouth at an irregular rate
>you pull out
"Sunset, are you okay?"
>she looks worried about something
>"A-Anon, what if this turns out to be a stupid mistake for us? What if something happens and we're not friends afterwards??"
"I can't see a time where we aren't at least friends. You're too damn cool for that to happen."
>you give her a knowing smile
"And as far as dumb, you should have thought about that before you got a crush on a guy who needs tutoring for high school algebra."
>she giggles again and playfully punches you in the stomach
>"You're such an ass sometimes, you know that?"
"Yeah, I get that a lot."
>"Plus, I couldn't help it."
>she grabs your shoulders and pulls you into another deep kiss
>after about 30 seconds, she pulls away
>"I'm, uh, sure you have to get back to class," she says as she looks away, biting her lip
>you sigh, realizing her truth
>"What are you doing after the game tonight?"
"I'll probably talk to some of the guys afterwards for a bit, but I'm sure I'll be too tired to go anywhere else other than home. We can talk more on the way home if you want."
>"Yeah, I'd like that."
>"Well look, good luck at the game today. I'll be there cheering you on... 85," she says as she winks at you
>she kisses you on the cheek
"Thanks, Sunny."
>then leaves the room
>then comes back quickly
>"Umm so do you want to hang out on Saturday?"
>you chuckle
"Yeah, I do. I'm sure Mac won't be too disappointed."
>her happy facial expression falls into a sad realization
>she forgot about you going to Mac's place
>"Oh, right. Listen we don't have to..."
"Sunny. We're hangin out."
>she smiles real big
>she leaves again
>you stand there, taking everything in
>what in the hell just happened...
>...whatever it was
>you were a fan of it
>as you sit back down in class, your phone vibrates
>who is it this time??
>you check
>it's from Sunset
>[ <3 ]
>well that happened
>you saw her in a different way before this week started
>she was hot... sexy even
>but she was your friend
>but you never expected her to be this cool
>or have that rack on her
>where did those things hide, anyways?
>but now you had an awesome friend and a little something on the extra as well
>it almost felt weird, actually
>Monday morning
>Before you get into class, you meet eyes with one Sunset Shimmer passing you in the hall
>she smiles and waves at you
>your return smile was a bit too wide and toothy, and you immediately feel spaghetti hit the floor
"Dammit. Fuckin' smooth, Anon" you mumble to yourself when she gets out of sight
>real time
>that wasn't even one week ago and now she's into you
>did she like you because of your newfound popularity?
>she liked you because you two hung out and she got to know you
>was this some kind of false reality
>some kind of dream?
>it was just what happened when you put yourself out there
>you may not have been some kind of pimp
>but you were the king of your own destiny
>enough thinking about this
>back to game day mode
>you would have plenty of time to think on this after the game was over
>still in cooking
>pep rally is replaces next class
>no history
>as the team exits the gym, the coach speaks up again
>C: "Alright boys, most of you have done this before. When it's time for you to go in, you walk in single file. If you're a starter, your name will be called out. When this happens, take a step forward, then step back. This pep rally is just to get more people to come to the game, and Principal Celestia loves big crowds at her school's games like she loves wh..."
>dear lord
>he was going to say whiskey
>this is why Coach was cool
>C: "...wins. She loves her teams to win. So don't do anything stupid."
>when Coach stops talking, the rest of the team starts
>"Yo Anon, who's the lucky girl THIS weekend??"
>this is too easy
>but it's fun
"I don't know, fellas. I guess we'll see soon enough."
>"Hey hey, everyone knows that Anon likes to keep his private life... private."
>"Yeah, he'll tell us when we need to know something."
>a small freshman walks up to you
>"Um, Anon? I was just wondering..."
>a senior flies out of nowhere, "What do you want, freshman??"
>you look at the senior with a pseudo-serious face and the voice of a priest
"Let him speak."
>freshman, "I was just wondering if you could... help me ask someone to the dance."
>you (jokingly) ponder his request in front of the rest of the team
>you extend a hand to his head and touch his scalp
"No, my child. You must do this by yourself. But, depending on who you want to ask, I might give you my blessing."
>still totally in character
>someone in the background whispers "oh shit..."
>freshman, "She's... uh... her name is..."
"Fret not, my son."
>"Her name is Sweetie Belle."
>the older guys suddenly, in a way, respect the younger kid
>"OOOHHHHHHHHHH SHIT! Freshman got some balls asking Rarity's sister!"
>Good choice, freshman!"
>"Damn, man, if I were three years younger..."
>you wait for the crowd to quiet down
"Then you have my blessing. Ask her before the game."
>the kid looks at you with wonder in his eyes
>as chuckles are passed around the team, you look through the door's window to see what's going on inside
>most of the students are already there
>cheerleaders are in the center of the gym
>music comes on and they do a routine
>as far as the routines went, there were eh
>but the cheerleaders themselves were... spicy
>among others,
>there was Sonata and Adagio
>their friend Aria wasn't on the squad; not enough "school spirit" if you recall
>Pinkie Pie; who was cute but also scared you
>Trixie; who you knew quite well by now
>Roseluck; you didn't know her very well but apparently she had a thing for flowers
>Carrot Top
>three freshmen who called themselves the "Crusaders"
>and last but not least, Derpy; who, despite having laughably crossed eyes had an ass that could make an old man tear up
>it was beautiful
>and she probably didn't even know it
>you watched as they finished their routine
>then you heard Luna and Celestia's voices
>as you hear Celestia talk in the mic, your heart starts pumping faster
>you had been playing football for years
>but now you were finally a starter
>on the most important game of the season
>you almost get a cold sweat
>were you ready for this?
>Mac lays a hand on your shoulder
>"You okay bud?"
"Yeah, I'm good. It's just.. I won't lie; I'm a little nervous."
>"Why? I hear you been pretty popular with the women 'round here..."
>he looks off in slight disgust
>"...even if one of 'em is my sister."
>you really don't want him upset with you
>he looks back at you without the disgust
>"If you can do all that, what's the problem with a pep rally?"
"I've never been a starter before. I've never had my name called out at the pep rallies."
>he chuckles
>"Yeah, but you've played every game since you came here. It ain't nothing, really. Only difference is when you start playin'."
"I guess so."
>"Trust me, it's a pep rally. No one really cares. Ev'ryone's just glad to get out of class."
>Coach calls out, "MAC, ready up!"
>"Hey, gotta go. You'll be fine, bud."
>he moves to the front of the line
>fuck, Mac is cool
>Mac is right
>you're going to be fine
>enjoy the moment
>this song plays
- [Embed]
>C: "Move out, boys!"
>under the command, a single file line of football players enter the gym behind Mac
>and this time, you were far more towards the front that usual
>something about the music makes you feel in control
>you're not nervous
>you're goddamn 85
>as the team enters, students wail out in cheer
>the music is loud, the gym is loud, and you walk with a smile
>you look out into the students
>you spot Twilight and her friends, as well as Sunset
>who gives a big smile and a wave to you
>as if you needed to smile more
>as the walking stops, the team faces the crowd of students
>VP Luna reads out the starters' names as well as their positions and numbers
>"First on the team, number 52, left guard, Big Macintosh!"
>Mac casually takes a step forward with a similar casual smile
>the girls practically cause a flood
>also your ears ring with their screams
>though it didn't surprise you, you had no idea Mac had command of the feelings of half the girls at CHS
>and somehow, though you didn't think possible, that made him even cooler
>mostly because he couldn't care less
>on down the line, Luna called out the players
>she finally got to you
>"Next we have number 85, starting offensive Tight End, Anonymous!"
>you try to hide it, but you can't
>the giddiness you're experiencing washes a big smile on your face and you take your step forward and point to the crowd
>and to your surprise, the cheering for you was louder than expected
>you see all of your friends yell out
>but to your surprise you see some girls you don't even know were adding to the volume
>even Twilight and her friends lightly cheered
>Sunset however, could have lost her voice with whatever sound she was making
>you step back
>you were promoted to starting position
>and you would help your team win
>throughout the entire rally, your smile didn't fade
>as the pep rally winds down, Celestia takes the mic again
>PC: "I know we are all excited about tonight's game and the crowning of the new homecoming king and queen. I encourage all of you to attend in support of our Wondercolts football team!"
>a small cheer from the students
>PC: "You are now dismissed. Have an excellent weekend."
>Celestia and Luna walk over to the team without the mic
>PC: "I know that playing Crystal Preparatory for our homecoming game isn't... favorable, but I know you boys will make this school proud no matter the final score. Be strong and play well."
>VPL: "I agree. Fight with valor."
>both leave the gym
>Coach speaks up again
>C: "All right boys, pre-game dinner is at 5 so be back here at 4:30. And don't do anything stupid, either."
>as the team scrambles off into different directions, you go to find Mac
"Hey Mac."
"Hey, I forgot to tell you earlier. I won't be able to hang out tomorrow night."
>"Heh, that's fine. Have fun whatever you're doin'... or whoever."
>he gives a knowing smile at you and turns towards the parking lot
>"I gotta get AJ home, I'll see you in a few."
>it dawns on you
>you have nothing to do until 4:30
>meeting up with Sunset was a desirable option
>but so was taking a nap
>nap would win
>as you walk towards the locker room
>phone vibrates
>it's a group message
>"Hey Coach forgot about sports pictures. Come back ASAP if you left and get your gear on."
"Well, no shit."
>you were already going to the locker room anyways
>as you start to get your gear on for the pictures, a horde of disgruntled players walk in as well
>"I knew I was forgetting something."
>"Is Coach even showing up for these?"
"I doubt he has to. It's mostly just for the players and cheerleaders."
>"Yeah, probably right."
>"Hey, any time with the cheerleaders is a good time!"
>"Yeah, until her parents walk in!"
>a hearty laugh is shared by the entire team as you finish putting on your cleats
>you head out
>after a few seconds, you hear your name called out
>"Anon! Wait!"
>it's Flash
"What's up?"
>"I gotta talk to you, remember?"
"Right, right."
>you slow down your walking speed to let him catch up
>"Hey, so I got something serious to ask you."
>"And I can't say this enough, I'm being really serious when I ask this."
>"How bad was it?"
"How bad was what?"
>Flash seems really nervous about something
>"You know... uhmm... Rainbow?"
>you immediately stop walking and look him in the eyes
"You being serious right now? You're not asking me this just to piss me off?"
>"Dude, I swear. There's a reason behind me asking. I thought I should wait until everything is over and she's off of suspension now, right?"
"Yeah, she is."
"What do you want to know?"
>"Like, was it violent?"
"She punched me in the stomach, but I already told you that. Other than the punch, no."
>"So like, was it a bad time? Because when I imagine nutting in a girl's mouth it's not exactly a bad time."
"Yeah, me too. It really wasn't that bad, and she wasn't too bad at it either. The whole thing is really based on principle and law. The fact that I said no before and she hid the key so I couldn't get out or leave technically makes it rape. But when I think of the word rape, it leaves a lot of negative connotations in my mind that honestly weren't present in that situation. It's kind of hard to explain but let me put it this way: in my mind, the worst part of the situation wasn't that it happened, but rather the consequences of it happening. It wasn't traumatic at all, if that's what you're asking."
>"Because you wanted Applejack, right?"
>"Does she still like you?"
"Who knows, man? She kissed me on Wednesday after school but I'm sure shit has changed since then. Also I'm starting to have second thoughts on her anyways."
>"Why? She's hot as hell, man."
"Trust me, I know. But I think I remember my uncle saying some to the chord of 'Don't stick it in a girl who hits harder than you'"
>"Maybe she was emotionally invested?"
"Whoa Flash, using big words now?"
>"Shut the fuck up."
>you start walking towards the field again
>"So, uh , Anon."
>"What do you think of Rainbow now? Like do you think she's hot?"
>you stop
>now he's joking
>he has to be joking
"I'm not sure if I'm going to punch you or not."
>"I'm serious, man."
"You can't be."
>"You know that.. thing.. that she did to you?"
"Being a total cunt?"
>"No, I mean the whole 'not asking for consent or permission' and 'forcing you into intercourse' thing."
"I'm guessing that's faggot-speak for rape. And did you really just use air quotes to say forcing you into intercourse??"
>"Yes on both. See, I'm.. uh.."
>he lowers his voice
>"I'm kind of into that..."
>your body stops again
>did he just...
>let it sink it
>Flash just continues to surprise you with his shit
"You'd do well in prison, Flash."
>"NOT LIKE THAT. Like, a hot girl doing it."
"Like her putting something up your.."
>you take a moment to soak that in
"You're being serious right now?"
>you think on this for a second
"You know what Flash? If you're dumb enough to still like her... or god forbid, you like her BECAUSE of this, then go for it."
>"I'm torn between saying fuck you and thanks."
>you walk towards the field again
"You can say both. C'mon, let's get these pictures over with."
>as you two get on the field, you see the cheerleaders already doing pictures
>and who else but Photo Finish is in charge
>at least most of the girls are hot
PF = Photo Finish
>PF: "Alright, here come the football players. Finally. What took so long?"
"We forgot."
>PF: "Of course."
>you and Flash were the first to arrive so you had to wait for the rest of the team to show up
>after about five minutes, everyone was present
>PF: "Okay we'll start with the team photo. Arrange yourselves with the shortest in front taking a knee and the taller guys in the back."
>everyone gets in position
>PF: "Great, this will work. 51, please move left a bit. Perfect."
>she gets her camera ready
>that shit looks expensive
>PF: "Everybody smile!"
>someone on the team says "We don't smile!"
>PF: "Do it anyways!"
>you smirk for the picture, because that's cool, right?
>PF: "A few more! Hold the smiles! Yes, yes, very good."
>this is already getting old
>PF: "Okay now look tough! No smiles!"
>over the years you put far too much time into thinking whether or not it's actually more manly to have just an expressionless stare into the camera that gazes into the very soul of whoever saw your picture
>rather than trying to look mean on purpose
>in conclusion?
>you had no idea either way
>but you went with the expressionless face
>off to the side, you hear your name whispered
>"Yeah, that's him alright!"
>when the team picture is over, you see three of the smaller cheerleaders run at you
>Apple Bloom speaks up, "Hey there Anon!"
"Apple Bloom, how are you doing?"
>"Ya know, pretty good."
>"I'm Scootaloo."
>"I'm Sweetie Belle."
>AB: "My friends thought I was lying when I told them that you came over to my place this week."
>everyone froze what they were doing to stare at you
>she said that way too loud
>you turn around to those looking and say
"...For Applejack."
>everyone present, "Oohhhhhh."
>AB: "So why haven't ya been back?"
"Well partly because I flew off of a horse, and... because I've been busy. I was actually going to hang with your brother on Saturday but something came up."
>AB: "Well shucks. Maybe AJ didn't show ya how to ride right! Next time you come over, I'll show ya what ridin' looks like!"
>PF: "Let's move onto the class pictures! Players and cheerleaders of the same grade get together for a picture. Let's start with 9th grade."
>Now Photo Finish is giving you the stink eye
>of course Apple Bloom would use the worst phrasing possible, not knowing what it sounds like
>While you answer Apple Bloom, you stare right back to Photo Finish
"I don't know Apple Bloom, I don't think HORSE RIDING is for me."
>she gives you a weird look
>AB: "Why did you yell out the horse part?"
"Long story. You three go get your pictures done."
>as the three skip along, you look at Sweetie Belle
>good choice, freshman
>that kid who got your permission to ask out Sweetie Belle, bashfully approaches Sweetie
>"Hey, um Sweetie Belle, do you want to stand next to me for the picture?"
>SB: "Umm, okay!"
>the poor freshman goes beat red when Photo Finish asks the cheerleaders to sit on the boys' shoulders
>he looks at you in panic
>you shoot him a smile and the thumbs up
>he lifts her onto his shoulders and tries not to smile too hard
[pic] = your face
>good job freshman
>the 9th graders take forever on their pictures
>in the midst of talking to Flash
>Trixie walks up to you now
>it's more of a saunter, but you try not to notice that
TL = Trixie Lulamoon
>her evil smile doesn't not mean anything good
>TL: "Hello Anonymous."
"Huh, I didn't know we were on a full name basis."
>TL: "What, don't feel like playing along?"
"I would call you by your full name, but I didn't care to ask what it is."
>TL: "And I didn't know you liked them that young."
>she looks at the Crusaders
"Hey, whoa I was absolutely not..!"
>TL: "Oh, silly, I know that, but does Big Macintosh know that?"
>this shit
"You know what? Go ahead, Trixie. Tell him that. Because Mac is my friend now, and I don't think he'll lose trust in me because some gossip girl tried to stir the pot. Strike one."
>her evil smile washes to one of irritation
>TL: "Well played then. Why weren't you on the bus today?"
"You know damn well that the football team doesn't ride the bus on game days."
>TL: "Maybe so, but I thought maybe you might reconsider after... yesterday morning."
>she pulls your arm so your ear is next to her mouth
>TL: "Because when I got off of the bus, I was preparing to send you my... special... picture. It's a shame, because I don't have your number."
"My number is 85."
>TL: "Oh, is that so?"
>Trixie moves in front of you and backs her ass up on your crotch, ever so slowly moving side to side
>TL: "Maybe.. I should ask for it?"
>you were stronger than this
>yes, this did feel good
>but if you back down now, she has control
>and as much as you hated mind games, you knew what losing one to someone like Trixie meant
"Maybe you should, Trix."
>TL: "Oh? You think so?"
>you smile
"Yeah, I'd like you to."
>she turns around
>TL: "Then I won't. You're not a challenge anymore. And now we both know that you'll be thinking of me all weekend until you can get my number."
>PF: "Sophomores! Your turn!"
>your turn to whisper in her ear
>you almost got angry
>you almost lost your mind
>so close to it
>but a funny smile appears on your face instead
"You're right Trixie. This weekend when I'm plowing out one of the hottest girls from my class, the only thing I'll be able to think of is some insane underclassman who can't make up her mind."
>Trixie squints her eyes in anger
"I think that's your class, by the way."
>you say with a smile
>almost at a mumble she replies
>TL: "This isn't over."
"Not by a long shot."
>she stomps over towards her classmates
>to be honest, you had no idea if you were actually getting any this weekend
>but Trixie didn't have to know that
>Flash walks up
>"Hey what did she want?"
"Probably a downgrade on daddy issues."
"Nothing. Which cheerleader do you want?"
>"What, are you their pimp now?"
"No, you idiot, their sitting on our shoulders for the picture. Which one do you want on your shoulders?"
>"I don't care man. Maybe Roseluck?"
"Good choice."
>10th grade didn't take nearly as long as the freshmen
>PF: "Juniors! You're next."
>your classmates gather around
>Photo counts all of you
>PF: "Looks like there is one extra girl to guy. 85, can you carry two?"
"Yeah, I think so."
>"Alright, 85 stand in the middle."
"Photo, you know my name. We're in the same class."
>PF: "Less talking 85."
>as soon as you look to make your choice, there is a cheerleader on either side of you
>and Sonata
>dis gon b gud
>PF: "Hop on girls."
>oh yes
>hop on, girls
Sonata Dusk = SD
Derpy = D
>SD: "Hey Anon! How's your day been?"
"Just keeps getting better and better!"
>D: "Hey, that's great to hear!"
"Thanks Derpy."
>SD: "Derpy I call left shoulder!"
>D: "Then I'll get the right one!"
>thank god for all of those leg days at the gym
"Sounds good to me."
>you squat down so they can mount your shoulder pads
>they both get on
>sweet merciful heavens this felt good
>Derpy's huge ass was less than an inch from your face
>Sonata was very free with her legs
>you stand up
>you put one hand on their legs to hold them on
>between the two of them, they were probably like 250 pounds
>again, thank god for weight training
>Sonata giggles
>SD: "Hey! I can see my house from up here!"
"No you can't. I'm not even that tall..."
>D: "He's right. I can barely see anything at all."
>SD: "Hey Anon, can you grab a little harder towards my thigh? I really don't want to fall off."
>D: "Yeah, same for me too."
>you move your hands a little up their thighs and add more pressure
>SD: "Much. Don't worry, we won't bite."
>you chuckle
"Yeah but I might."
>Derpy looks at you
"Why would you bite us?"
>as you held your laugh, you hear Adagio to your left
Adagio Dazzle = AD
>AD: "I doubt it. You have to have balls to do something like that."
>the few people that heard that remark give a look of 'oh shit'
>who the hell is this bitch?
>Flash is to your right
>FS: "Dude, did you hear what she just said??"
>you start to look at Flash, but end up answering towards Adagio
"Yeah, I bet Cheese Puff knows a thing or two about having balls."
>the football guys cackle loudly
>Sonata puts her hands over her mouth, but explodes in laughter
>SD: "PffttHAHAHA, Adagio, he called you Cheese Puff!!! You know, because of your hair!!"
>you hear Derpy giggle a bit too
>you look at Adagio again, expecting fury
>but instead, she's smirking
>AD: "Finally, someone who can serve it back."
>somehow, you knew what that meant
"That hard to come by these days?"
>AD: "You'd be surprised, loser."
>oh, so it's a game
>she climbs on top of one of the guy's pads
"Hey Sandal, don't let her balls touch the back of your neck."
>Sandalwood hears this and moves his neck forward to avoid contact
>she lightly slaps the back of his head as she says to him
>AD: "I don't actually have balls, you idiot."
>as Photo Finish takes the pictures, every so often the two girls would wiggle their way back to a comfortable spot on your pads
>no complaints from you
>you didn't see how the pictures turned out, but you had a good guess that you looked pretty good in them
>or rather, the girls looked good on top of you and you looked good by ways of osmosis
>either way
>you'd take it
>PF: "Okay, seniors now!"
>you let go of the girls' legs as they slide off of you
>"Thanks Anon!" they say in unison
>Adagio walks past you, seemingly inspecting you
"Your move, Cheese Puff."
>she turns around with a half-smile
>AD: "Oh I know."
>then she walks off
>you check your phone
>message from Sunset
>[Hey what are you up to?]
[Sports pictures. You?]
>[Not sure if I should stay here and wait for the game to start.]
[Sunny, it doesn't start for hours. You should probably find something to do until then.]
>[You got some time?]
>you check the time
[I can text, but I don't have enough time before dinner to hang out.]
>[Meh, that's okay.]
[So anything in specific you wanted to talk about?]
>[Just wanted some ideas on what we're going to do tomorrow.]
[Idk. I'm not one for planning ahead too much. I'll meet you at your place and we'll go from there.]
>[Okay, let's do that.]
>time to get cheeky
[Of course we're doing that. I came up with it.]
>[So when did you turn into the genius?]
[It's not about being a genius, Sunny. It's about being in charge.]
>you look away from your phone and chuckle
>sometimes you made yourself laugh with your own idiocy
>[Oh?? So you're in charge now?]
[Implying I was ever not in charge.]
>[We'll just see about that, big boy. ;) ]
>you put your phone in your pocket
>seniors are done with pics
>time to get the pads off
>then eat dinner
>be Applejack
"Yeah Granny??"
>"C'mere and have some dinner!"
"Comin' Granny! Gimme a minute!"
>you look back at your yearbook
>there's you and all of your friends in the same class
>including Rainbow
>you didn't talk to her too much since Wednesday, though you did check up on her to make sure she was okay
>you were angry at her for a bit
>but she was sorry
>and though her logic was flawed
>she WAS still your friend
>but that didn't stop you from examining yourself
>you didn't know why you liked him
>he wasn't the hottest guy you had ever seen
>he was nice, but he wasn't the nicest guy
>he wasn't rich, as far as you knew
>he probably wasn't into the same things you were
>but you couldn't lie to yourself and say you felt nothing
>and you had done wrong
>this was partly your fault
>as you put the yearbook back up on the shelf
>you realized that the possibility for you two to have a relationship was probably gone for a very long time
>maybe you still liked him
>maybe you didn't
>what if he found someone else?
>you would be happy for him
>what if he liked you?
>you would give it a shot
>Rainbow was forgiven; she was still your friend
>you were forgiven; for now, you would be his friend
>you pull out your phone
>new message
[Good luck at the game tonight.]
>To: ...
>To: Pony Boy
>you smile as you walk downstairs to eat dinner
>be Anon
>pre-game dinner was good
>watched some films of the other team, discussing strategy
>during this, you receive a good few texts wishing you luck tonight
>one even from AJ
>but as time gets closer to kickoff
>you turn off your phone
>you need to get focused again
>you had your fun with Sunset
>you had your fun with the cheerleaders
>now it's time to get serious again
>as everyone finishes their food, you all walk back to the locker room
>by now, you knew the drill
>the team would enter the field to warm up without pads
>stretch your legs
>get the blood flowing
>run some pass plays
>after about 20 or 30 minutes, back to locker room
>don pads and full gear
>wait for time to enter the field for the game
>then kickoff
>waiting was the hardest part
>as the team entered upon the field for warm up, the sun was setting
>the star's rays and the glare made it feel like you were in a movie
>but you weren't in a movie
>this was real life
>you could see the colored leaves falling from the trees
>you could feel the moisture on the green turf
>you could see people finding their stadium seats
>people pulling out lawn chairs next to the field
>but your team
>the team could sense the light breeze before battle
>the calm before a storm
>it was something you had learned to smell
>there was something beautiful about being on the field before the game
>because the game was the ultimate high school equalizer
>you could be the biggest loser in school, but a good performance out here made something; someone
>you could also be a popular ladies' man in school
>you could be the wealthiest kid on the planet
>but if the ladies' man or the rich kid couldn't play the game right
>he wasn't shit out here
>you had the maturity to know that in 10 years your life would hardly see this game as a turning point in your life of any kind
>but in this moment,
>this game was the only thing that you could think of
>after warm up was done, Coach lead the team back to the locker room
>goosebumps and chills run down your body
>as the nerves begin to take hold of you
>pads on
>senior gets up and hits play
- [Embed]
( song plays ignore outro if you get that far )
>though they were skeptical, Celestia and Coach both knew the power of music
>and though the team might have grown very fond of you
>only seniors could control the locker room music
>no exceptions
>everyone was sitting, in silence
>the music was loud
>some eyes were closed
>others looked at the floor
>until the team left the locker room to enter the field again, a word would not be spoken
>the game you had looked forward to all week was finally just minutes away
>you sit in a ready position, eyes closed
>the game would be here when you left this room
>until then, you would be still and soak in the music
>whoever picked this song had matched the atmosphere perfectly
>some in the room expected doom against Crystal Prep
>some were hopeful
>but all knew it would be tough
>the equalizer
>girls couldn't help you
>how many friends you had didn't matter
>and the crowd's cheering wouldn't put points on the board
>it was up to the players to decided the outcome of the game
>you slowly fill your lungs with air
>then slowly let the air out
>close your eyes
>become nothingness, if only for a few minutes
>a minute goes by
>open your eyes
>everyone is scanning the room
>head nods are shared
>close your eyes
>feel a tap on your shoulder pads
>open your eyes and tap the guy next to you
>the tap signified a state of readiness
>you would soon leave the room
>helmet in hand
>you're ready
>seconds go by
>Mac is by the door
>Coach nods to Mac
>Mac gets up from his seat
>the team does the same
>door opens
>game time
>the team assembles outside
>C: "Big Mac, any words for the team?"
>he looks off for a moment, then back at the team
>"Give 'em hell."
>a voice you didn't recognize chimes in from outside the team
>"I second that."
>"C: "Boys, for those of you who don't know this man, this is Shining Armor."
>some of the seniors almost lose their shit
>"Shining? Holy shit, man!"
>as he steps into the middle of the team, you finally see him
>whoever he is, he has some kind of Class A military uniform on
>he sees Mac and gives him a fistbump
Shining Armor = SA
>SA: "You've sprouted up, Mac."
>C: "Shining here is an alumni of CHS; former captain of the team. He led this school to our only victory against Crystal Prep."
>"How did you guys do it?"
>SA: "The same way I got through OCS... which is military training. I just didn't quit. I had a great team behind me and we never stopped. You guys have a chance to do the same tonight. I'll be in the stands cheering with the rest of the school. So like Mac said, give 'em hell."
>C: "You heard the man! Get to the edge of the field and wait for the music to start!"
>you all walk towards the field
>out of earshot from the rest of the team, Coach and Shining talk
>C: "OCS already?"
>SA: "Yeah... it was rough."
>Twilight and friends including Sunset sit down together
>T: "I really hope they win..."
>the people around her give her a weird look
>T: "... more than I usually hope they win."
>R: "Yes, of course. I myself have never been the sporty type but there is something exhilarating about supporting a team towards victory in competition."
>Sunset nods
>SS: "Definitely. I mean, if nothing else, maybe a loss could knock a chip off of the Crystal Prep shoulders."
>T: "Yeah, that WOULD be pretty great," she says with a laugh
>AJ: "PRETTY great? I wish I could wipe the smug right off of their faces myself."
>F: "The other team does like pretty... big."
>R: "That they do, Fluttershy. But we must believe that our team will prevail."
>some footsteps come towards the group
>they look over at who it is
>Rainbow meekly looks at them
>RD: "Room for one more?"
>the friends look at each other then back to her, smiling
>AJ scoots over, leaving a spot open between herself and Twilight
>AJ: "Of course there is, Rainbow."
>as the team nears the field, you can hear the marching band play a tune
>the other team was already on the field
>and they looked huge
>Mac stopped outside of the field
>C: "Wait for the song to drop!"
>band stops
>a few moments of silence
>the stadium speakers light up with this song
- [Embed]
>after about 20 seconds of the song plays, Mac charges the field with the team behind him
>the drop hits as soon as the team steps onto the field
>jumping and screaming like wild men, the nerves release from your mind
>cheerleaders start cheering
>crowd stands up with yells
>parents lift up their phones to record the moment
>the other team pays no attention to all of this as they continue their warm up
>in the stands
>Luna turns to Celestia
>VPL: "Sister, I thought you did not like this metal music?"
>as Celestia looks on, she gives a smile
>PC: "I don't particularly care for it myself, but the boys seem to like it."
>as the team gets to your sideline, you see Wheels on crutches
"Wheels, you made it!"
>Hell yeah, man! My fucked up legs couldn't make me miss the Crystal Prep game."
>you pat his shoulder
"Good to see you, bud."
>"Hey man, it's good to be here. You'll do fine out there."
"Thanks man."
>Coach sends Mac and two other seniors to do the coin toss
>they come back with a thumbs up
>C: "Tell them we want to receive the ball!!"
>Coach turns to the sideline
>C: "Kickoff return team, get out there!"
>as the song ends, you hear voices from the speakers
>"Welcome Canterlot, to tonight's high school football game! I am Gold Lung alongside Grid Iron, pleased to present tonight's face off against Canterlot High and Crystal Prep."
Gold Lung = GL; Grid Iron = GI
>GI: "That's right, Gold. Tonight is going to be a sight for sure. Crystal Prep stepping onto the field with zero, and I did say zero, losses so far this season. But don't count Canterlot out just yet because they are still just 6-1 so far."
>GL: "It looks like CHS has won the coin toss, and they will be receiving the ball. Grid, what do you think their strategy should be in order to win against Crystal Prep?"
>GI: "Gold, I think their best option right now is to put points on the board as quickly as possible. If they can get some elbow room, maybe CHS can find away to focus on their defense. Crystal Prep is known for their hard hitting so I hope the CHS coach has plenty of players in reserve for substitutions."
>GL: "Well said, Grid. It looks like the teams are ready to go."
>before kickoff
>you take a look at the players on the other team
>they actually were big
>maybe you could beat them with speed
>the ball is kicked
>one of your receivers picks it up and runs a few yards before getting slammed into the ground
>it's time for offense
>you run onto the field
>the first play is a pass play where you run a route
>as you look for the ball, one of the defenders slams into you and knocks you on your ass
>get up
>incomplete pass
>play is over
>get back to huddle
>next play, you block for a run play
>you run out to find a defender, and barely keep him for reaching the half-back with the ball
>he got 7 yards
>you put more force and effort into blocking than you wanted to admit
>if this was how the game was going to go
>then you were fucked
>air horn goes off
>GL: "...and at the half time the score is, Crystal Prep 21, Canterlot 14. Grid, if you're the CHS coach right now, what is going through your mind?"
>GI: "Gold, I tell ya, the first thing I'm think of is getting my defense ice cream after the game. These kids don't have nearly the size that the Crystal offense has, but they have shut down a good many possible points from the Crystal team. If it weren't for quick thinking and fast feet, I don't think CHS would even have a chance at this point.
>GL: "I agree. The Canterlot offense has been doing alright, but it seems like they're having trouble moving the ball. The O-Line is doing all they can and let me tell you, their left guard could stop a truck."
>GI: "You're not kidding. I bet there's a scholarship waiting for 52 if he wants to go to college."
>GL: "Still, Canterlot came into this game as the underdogs and they are definitely holding their own right now. We'll have to see what the second half of the game brings us. By the way, tonight's game is brought to you by..."
>steam came off of your body as you entered the locker room
>Coach went over new strategies to beat Crystal
>afterwards, the team gathered around and did a few war cries
>CHS was still in this game
>C: "Now get outside. They're naming the king and queen in a minute."
>oh yeah
>you forgot about that
>you walk out towards the field and stand on the side line
>people are getting in pairs and lining up to stand on the field
>Photo Finish is trying to organize everything, while Celestia and Luna stand off to the side
>Photo gives you a dirty look
>what did you do now?
>was this still about Apple Bloom?
>the girl isn't even that young
>she's a freshman and you're a junior
>you wouldn't...
>but you could
>but you wouldn't
>Photo moves on and talks to some of the homecoming court people
>damn, with their dresses, some of these girls looked real good
>like, reallllllly good
>of course, you couldn't enjoy the view too long, for Photo was now storming towards you
>"Anon! What are you doing?"
"Casually standing on the sideline, trying to enjoy the view."
>she facepalms
>"Just.. shut up."
>She grabs you by your arm and pulls you towards where the HC court people are
"What are you doing??"
>"What do you mean? You're on the court!"
"Since when??"
>she stops and looks at your weirdly
>"Wait, you actually didn't know?"
"Of course not! No one told me about this!"
>"Where were you on Wednesday?? That's when everyone voted and people where chosen."
"Umm... long story?"
>"Whatever, just stand next to Sonata."
>Homecoming Court
>never would have guessed this two years ago...
"Hey Sonata."
>"Anon! Can you believe that we're on the homecoming court?"
"Not really. I actually just found out that I was on it..."
>"Really? Where were you Wednesday?"
"Umm... long story?"
>she shrugs
>"Meh, okay. Are you nervous?"
"Not in the least bit. You?"
"Really? Most people think that this is a big deal."
>"Yeah, I know! I mean, I'm going tomorrow either way."
>PF: "Alright everyone, get ready. When the music starts, go to your spot."
"Sonata, where is our spot?"
>"Don't worry, I'll show you."
>as you let it sink in that enough idiots actually voted you to be here
>you also allow some mental free time from game mode
>if you're going to stand here for a few minutes
>might as well enjoy the rest it provides
>you extend out your elbow as Sonata grabs onto your arm
>everyone orders themselves single file down the side line and waits for the music to play
>Celestia and Luna get on the 50 yard mark and face the crowd
>a signal is given and music starts playing
- [Embed]
>SD: "Hey, I actually like this song!"
>Celestia turns on the mic in her hand and tests for sound
>then begins speaking to the home crowd
>PC: "Ladies and gentlemen. So far this year has been a wonderful year for the school of Canterlot High. I'd like to take this time to thank the parents and supporters of this school for all of your efforts into what keeps Canterlot High an amazing place."
>just layer it on, Celestia
>just layer it on
>PC: "Let's hear it for the football team, and their valiant efforts in the first half!"
>most people lightly cheer, though some are already getting tired vocal chords
>for the first time in the night, you examine the crowd
>to your surprise, the vast majority of the students are actually attending
>and many, many family members are present as well
>you spot some of Sunset's friends
>and notice that Rainbow is present
>and at this point,
>you could not care less
>you give a small wave towards them
>as you see them smile and wave back, you notice there is something small on Fluttershy's lap
>it's a puppy
>and shit, that thing is cute
>she takes one of its paws and waves it at you as the little thing gives a few high pitched barks
>goddammit that's cute
>Fluttershy does a quiet-ish yell and says, "Anonymous says hi!"
>it's your bastard son
>in the stands
>Twilight and the crew heard what Fluttershy just said
>there is a silence between them for a moment
>T: "Umm, Fluttershy? Did you.. name your puppy after Anon?"
>F: "What? Oh, not really. T-then again, sort of... but not really. I got the puppy after Anon was nice to Rainbow on Wednesday, but I really just liked the name."
>there is an awkward look shared between AJ and Twilight
>Rainbow sees this
>RD: "Twilight I know what you're thinking. Fluttershy is right. I messed up and Anon was nicer than he had to be. Don't know if I would name a pet after him... but it's not my puppy.
>T: "Though I agree across the board, that wasn't exactly what I was thinking."
>AJ has a chuckle
>AJ: "Who-wee, I thought that was goin' to be weird."
>PP: "That WASN'T weird? Whew, that's good!!"
>back to silence
>Twilight gives a light cough
>T: "Uhh, so Fluttershy... you don't like Anon more than a friend, do you?"
>Flutters looks confused
>F: "Oh no. What would make you think that?"
>T: "Well most people don't jus.."
>Applejack stops Twilight in mid sentence
>AJ: "Twi, I'd just as soon let it go, Sug."
>Twilight carefully considers this
>T: "Yeah, you're probably right."
>she looks back to Flutters
>T: "He's a cute puppy, Fluttershy."
>AJ: "Sure is."
>Fluttershy smiles and pets Anonymous, "Oh, isn't he?"
>back on the field
>PC: "With no further wait, I'd like to present this year's CHS homecoming court!"
>mostly proud fathers scream their lungs out
>as the first couples get to their spots, the line continues to move forward
>and as everyone spreads out you can actually see who is in front of you
>first are the seniors
>you see Mac with..
>from what you knew, she had stuck-up tendencies, but still
>nice, Mac
>couple other seniors
>then people from your class start
>there is Sunset with Micro
>how Micro got voted on is beyond you
>there's Rarity with Sandalwood
>then you and Sonata
>you two walk down the 50 yard line
>you just go where Sonata walks towards
>eventually you go off to the side a bit and turn around
>then you see who's behind you
>Flash is there with Roseluck
>you'll start giving him shit when you find out who's left in your class
>behind Flash is Moondancer... with Norman??
>Norman made court???
>ayyyy lmao
"Hey Flash!"
>FS: "Anon!"
"You with your wife?"
>Roseluck dips her head a bit trying not to laugh
>FS: "Screw you too Anon, you with yours?"
>without a beat missed, Sonata responds, "Nope! We aren't married!"
>Roseluck holds in a laugh and says "Hi, Anon!"
"Looking good, Rose."
>FS: "Just let me enjoy the moment, okay Anon??"
"10-4, buddy!"
>you look behind you to see Sunset...
[spoiler]Forgot to add the name on the last post, but it was me[/spoiler]
>and damn
>now that you're closer to her, you are 100% positive that
>she looks damn good
>more than that, really
>Monday morning
>you meet eyes with one Sunset Shimmer passing you in the hall
>she smiles and waves at you
>your return smile was a bit too wide and toothy, and you immediately feel spaghetti hit the floor
>real time
>she's wearing a long teal dress with slits on the sides that traverse to her upper thigh
>and it matches her eyes
>you take a good look up and down at her and lose track of time
>you're not even in a flashback anymore
>but you feel like you did Monday morning when she waved at you
>and a quick realization hits your brain like a ton of bricks
>all of the bullshit that happened over the week was exactly that
>but you admired Sunset before this week happened
>why should you act differently now?
>and knowing that girls such as AJ might or might not have had/still have feelings for you
>didn't change the fact that you could still feel spaghetti hit the turf
>she catches you in the midst of eyeing her up
>with a bashful smile, she asks
>SS: "See something you like?"
"Uh, yep."
>okay caveman, you can do better than that
"You look..."
>fuck, just spit it out
"You look... really pretty, Sunset."
>she tries to hold back a smile
>"Thanks. Those shoulder pads do you well."
"Thanks.. Sun.."
>you shake your head
"Hey wait a minute. Sunset, you didn't tell me you were on the court!"
>SS: "Yeah, you didn't know that?"
"I didn't even know that I was on it!"
>she giggles
>SS: "Hey Anon?"
>SS: "You're on the homecoming court."
>your eyes roll
"Hysterical, Sunset. Where would I be without your infinite knowledge?"
>she holds back more laughter
>SS: "Maybe on the homecoming court?"
>she then lets out her laughter
>goddammit, Sunset
>while all of this happened, the freshmen started walking
>the last couple to come onto the field
>wait, was that the freshman from the team?
>with that Sweetie girl?
>hell yeah, freshman
>Rarity sees her little sister
>R: "Awww doesn't she just look adorable??"
Sandal nods his head, "Yeah, she IS pretty cute."
>Rarity turns to give him a stink eye
>R: "Don't even think about it, Sandal."
>Celestia gets her mic up again
>PC: "Ladies and gentlemen, the homecoming court."
>PC: "And now let's find out who are our runner-up king and queen!"
>Luna hands her two envelopes
>SD: "Oh oh oh, who do you think will win, Anon? My bets are on Rarity!"
"I would say either Rarity or Fleur for the girls. I don't know about the guys, though."
>PC: "And this year's runner up queen is..."
>she opens the stationary
>pulls out a note
>>PC: "Rarity!"
>applause and cheering
>her close friends yelled their lungs out
>stars envelope her eyes as she gracefully waved to the students
>one older guy in the stands literally almost went scream-volume
>but that had to be her dad
>at least, you hoped
>it was no surprise to you, honestly
>if she was actually as cool as she had been to you, then you were totally fine with her getting some limelight
>Rarity looked like she might explode out of excitement
>and you know what?
>good for her
>you would bet money that there were a lot of guys who voted for her...
>you look at her
>...but who can blame them?
>SD: "See!? I told you!"
"I told you too! Rarity was basically a shoe-in for at least runner up."
>Celestia takes the second envelope in hand
>PC: "And the runner up king is..."
>she opens the stationary
>pulls out a note
>PC: "Big Macintosh!"
>most of the school went ballistic
>the football team turned into a horde of wild animals
>Mac was definitely a hometown favorite
>SD: "Aww, what a classic! Big country guy with a little city girl!"
>actually, Sonata wasn't too off with that
"I'd have to agree. I'm just glad that people I like at least made runner up."
>Mac and Rarity traded escorts so they were together in the middle
>camera flashes came from many different parts
>Rarity, beaming with a smile
>Mac, smirking
>you see this and yell out
>he hears you and gives you his trademark nod
>PC: "Let's hear another round for the runner up couple!"
>more applause
>team settles down
>Photo Finish got closer to the couple and took probably 50 pictures
>Rarity went into about 10 different poses
>Mac didn't move a muscle
>then they took a few steps back
>PC: "And now it is time to reveal the CHS homecoming king and queen!"
>Luna hands Celestia two more envelopes
>PC: "This year's homecoming queen is..."
>she opens the stationary
>pulls out a note
>You look over to Fleur
>Fleur was hot, there was no denial
>Fleur was fancy and elegant
>Fleur could, as you heard, be irritatingly elitist
>and everyone knew that Fleur would milk her looks to get whatever she wanted
>which from what she usually wore to any occasion
>was money from daddy
>you would honestly prefer someone like Moondancer to win
>because how cute would that be?
>that would be way better than Fleur winning
>Luna winning would be better than Fleur winning
>Fleur has a cocky smile, with her nose up in the air a bit too much for your liking
>everyone knows she's going to win
>including her
>but she didn't have to act like a bitch about it
>she takes her arm off of her new escort and literally takes steps toward the center
[spoiler]>PC: "Sunset Shimmer!"[/spoiler]
>no shit
>you immediately grin
>Fleur stops in mid stride
>her eyes agape with shock
>the crowd is silent for a moment
>you turn to Sunset
>her eyes are bigger than Fleur's
>hands over her mouth
"...Sunset? You okay?"
>Sunset stands completely still, unable to move
>the crowd roars in celebration as Sunset gets a hold of herself
>some of the guys in the crowd scream out, "I VOTED FOR YOU SUNSET!"
>you have to laugh at this
>not only because now you have to ask Mac if you can still come over
>assuming he's not going with Rarity now
>but also because, and probably more importantly, it was only two days ago that Sunset was worried that people at the school didn't trust/like her
>for whatever reason she still won't tell you
>and now she's the homecoming queen
>you mentally say 'hell yeah'
>Sunset deserved this
>you turn around to give her a smile and a thumbs up
>SS: "Anon.... I won!!"
>she says in a disbelief/excited tone
"Haha, so I heard!"
>after what seemed like a full minute of applause, the crowd finally dies down
>PC: "And now to the final reveal. This year's CHS homecoming king is..."
>Sonata whispers to you, "Anon, I think you're going to win."
>you have no idea why she's whispering
>it's not like people can hear you talk
>but you whisper as well
"Yeah, sure."
>SD: "No, I'm for-cereal. I heard a lot of people voted for you. I did too!"
>you stop whispering
"Wait, are you being forreal?"
>she happily shakes her arms
>SD: "Forrealzies!"
>there was no way
>with at least four other senior guys to choose from
>no way a junior would be king
>you might have been thrown into popularity
>but did enough people consider you to be some kind of pack leader that should beat senior guys?
>no way
>your popularity was wildly limited to the football team, anyways
>and they wouldn't just go around and brag about you, for you
>it all started with the rumor about you and Rainbow on Monday
>and that shit apparently spread like wildfire, even beyond the team
>and even though you denied it, most people didn't believe you
>and now that you think about it
>Rainbow was probably suspended before she told anyone outside of her friends that it was a lie
>she probably didn't have enough time to tell people that she lied about it
>and even if she did have enough time, she probably wouldn't want to bring more attention to herself in case someone second-guessed the reason for her not being at school
>you wouldn't be pissed off if you won
>especially since Sunset won queen
>but literally every other guy out here cared about this more than you did
>after thinking about this, you see Celestia open the envelope
>but before she pulls the note out, she looks at you
>and winks
>what did that mean??
>Celestia pulls out the note
>and with a smile on her face reads...
>PC: "Anonymous!!"
>no shit
>you knew that being homecoming king was basically being crowned King Nothing
>which, there's a metal reference in there somewhere
>but you would get a crown
>and though you hated to admit it
>King Anon had a ring to it
>in the midst of that thought, about 120 pounds jumps on your right side
>this takes you out of head space and back into reality
>the crowd cheering is very loud
>the team turns into a riot
>so that's what jumped on you
"Yeah... yes we did."
>you put an arm around Sunset to keep her from falling off of you
>and use the other hand to point to the crowd
>SS: "Can you believe it??"
>her smile is infectious
"Honestly, no."
>SS: "Look, I'm just happy we won. We don't have to go to the dance tomorrow if you still don't want to."
>you had been fairly adamant about not going to the dance
>functions like that just weren't your thing
>but if Life gave you lemons...
>actually, this was far beyond that
>Life didn't give you lemons
>Life grew the tree, picked the lemons, squeezed the lemons, put the juice in a glass, and added sugar
>and what idiot wouldn't want to have some free lemonade?
>and though you still weren't 100% sold on going
>you looked at Sunset and knew that she wanted to go
>if it made Sunset happy...
"Ah, fuck it. We're going."
>you look at Sunset
>she looks back at you
>with sincerity she quietly says, "Thank you."
>as the camera flashes start going off by the hundreds, Sunset gives you a big kiss on the cheek
>and in reaction, the cheering got louder than before
>you snort out a laugh
>no way that won't be in the yearbook
"Hey there, Queen. Don't leave too much lipstick on my face."
>she giggles back
>SS: "Little late for that one, Your Highness."
>yeah, that was a little hot
>PC: "Will the king and queen step forward?"
>you walk over towards Celestia and Luna
>still carrying Sunset
>as you stop in front of the women, you let Sunset slide off of you
>she stands next to you, wearing her dress
>you wearing your football gear
>while Luna places a tiara on Sunset's head, Celestia puts a crown on yours
>as Celestia crowns you, you whisper to her
"What was that wink about?"
>"I don't know what you're talking about.."
>she gives you a smirk when the crown is on your head,
>you can't buck the feeling that
>something weird might be going on here, as far as you winning
>but you put that to the side
>"Oh, and you might need these."
>Celestia pulls out the two tickets and hands them to you
"Wait, how did you..."
>she steps back away from you and then steps to the side
>Luna does the same to Sunset
>Photo hands the mic back to Celestia
>Sunset grabs your arm with both of her hands
>PC: "Ladies and Gentlemen: the homecoming king and queen."
>a final round of applause and cheer is given
>as everyone starts to walk off of the field, you hand Sunset the tickets
"Hey can you hold onto these for me?"
>she looks at the tickets in your hand
>"Did Celestia just give those to you?"
"Yeah, it's a long story."
>you get to the sideline again and the team rushes you in congratulations
>and by doing so, separates you from Sunset
>SS: "I'll see you after the game, Anon!"
"You got it!"
>Coach walks over
>C: "Good job, 85. Now take the crown off, get your helmet on, and get your ass in gear. We got a game to finish."
>GL: "Aaaaaaaaand we are back, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the second half of the game! Grid, you've seen both of these teams play before, what can you tell us about their second-half strategies?"
>GI: "Gold, I think this game will be won or lost by the second string players. The starters will of course start during the second half, but this game has been pedal to the metal throughout the entire first half. Even if these boys are in the best shape of their lives, you eventually get tired out there. If these coaches are smart, they are going to use their subs often. Crystal Prep will most likely start out strong, but they are still ahead by one touchdown. At this point in the game, if Canterlot makes any big mistakes, it might lose them the game."
>GL: "Well put, Grid. Principal Celestia would like me to remind everyone that the concession stand is still open, and Grid, let me tell you, these nachos are amazing."
>GI: "They sure are, Gold. Looks like the teams are getting back onto the field. Canterlot received in the first half, so it looks like Crystal will have the ball this time."
>GL: "And that is exactly what Canterlot doesn't need. If Crystal Prep scores at all on this first drive, Canterlot might be sliding down a long and painful slope."
>GI: "Both teams are on the field and ready to, folks. Here comes the second half!"
>you hear this
"Heh, phrasing."
>you didn't play defense so you had some time on the sideline
>GL: "Crystal Prep receives the ball and runs it to the 35 yard line their side. Let's see if the Canterlot defense can hold up again."
>you were watching the game
>you knew what was going on
>but you couldn't help but think on what had just happened
>not only were you homecoming king, but Sunset was queen, and now you were actually going to the dance
>looks like Trixie would get her two dances after all
>but now that the dust settled on the Rainbow ordeal
>you also thought of Applejack
>and Trixie
>Tuesday night, AJ's room
>"Playin' hard to get huh?"
>she grabs your front two belt loops with her fingers and pulls you to her so fast that you actually trip
>the unexpected motion causes you to become face to face with her
>"You sure you don't wanna pinch my ass some more?"
>real time
>AJ was hot, and clearly wanted you
>now that the dust settled, she might still be interested
>were you honestly willing to give up on that?
>and then you thought of Trix
>Wednesday on the bus; sitting next to Trixie
>"I would.. enjoy a dance... with you."
>bus stops at school; you get up to leave
"You know what Trixie? If the stars start falling and I actually go to this fucking thing, I'll give you TWO dances."
>she gives you a heartfelt smile with a "Thank you, Anon."
>real time
>behind her irritating ego bullshit
>you had a feeling that Trixie liked you
>and she wouldn't be that way if she opened up
>because, beyond all reason in your head you knew that Trixie was hot
>even if she had a bitchy side to her, there was a point where you saw how honest and real she could be
>and even though AJ punched you
>she was really hot, and now that your jaw was fine
>you had a tough time trying to be mad at her
>then there was Sunset...
>you're still in your head space, not listening to the real world
>now you were listening
"Yes sir!"
>you run out to the field, rest of the team waiting on you in the huddle
>fuck, you needed to get the drama out of your head until this game was over
>you get in the huddle and hear the play
>it's a pass play and you're running a route
>you run the route and dodge the linebackers
>you look towards the QB and see the ball coming at you
>you catch it and run forward
>but not for long before a defender tackles you
>back to the huddle
>"Good job Anon. Keep it up."
>run play; you block
>miss your block
>running back dodges, no harm done
>gains six more yards, first down
>on the way back to the huddle, you take a look at the crowd again
>Sunset is back with her friends now, back into regular clothes
>Applejack is in the group
>Trixie is cheering with the squad
>and they all look good
>get into the huddle, but your mind is occupied
>they call a pass play, you run a route
>play starts and while thinking about the girls, you run the wrong route
>in the midst of running the wrong route, you realize your mistake and sprint to where you should have been
>but in this process, accidentally run into one of your own receivers who was wide open
>the ball flies to where he would have been; pass incomplete
>you get back to the huddle and get some shit from your guys
"Sorry guys, my bad."
>"Whatever man, just stay focused. We can still win."
>Run play; you get your block this time.
>on the way back to the huddle you hear your number being called
>from the Crystal sideline
>look over
>it's a couple of girls
>there's a handful of them over there
>but two stand out
>one has green hair, the other has white hair
>Whitehead isn't saying anything, but the rest are calling your number
>you can't tell if they're mocking you or giving you praise
>either way, you need to block them out
>pass play; run route
>you're not going to fuck this one up
>play starts, you run route
>you're open, so you look for the ball
>catch ball
>as you turn to look down field, you see the numbers '58'
>before you are slammed to the ground
>he can hit
>he walks over your body
>"Don't get up."
>you get up
>he's standing in front of you
>you get in his face
>he's the same height, but he has more muscle mass than you do
>your immediate instinct is to shit-talk
"What, did your private schooling teach you that one?"
>he pushes you off of him
>"No, it taught me how to hit harder than you."
>you're going to wipe that smug fucking grin off of his face
>That's the guy Spitfire wanted you to target
>go back to the huddle
>mostly because you don't want a flag thrown for this
>he'll get his real soon
>Crystal Prep sideline
>the Shadowbolt girls are talking/cheering
>Sour: "So THAT'S the homecoming king? Not impressed."
>Lemon: "What's wrong with him?"
>Sour: "He's not even that strong, for one. And two, he's probably a player."
>Lemon: "Of course he's a player, he's standing right there on the field."
>she says with a laugh
>Sour: "You know what I meant!"
>Sugarcoat, decides to chime in in her usual fast-paced speed
>Sugar: "From a sociological standpoint multiple females attracted to a single male often points towards attractive traits in the male. Not only physical traits such as firm jaw line and muscle mass but traits that often aid in survival. Though we as a species have manifested growth in civilization beyond most situations that require the same type of survival that our ancestors experienced we are still programmed to view these traits as desirable for good reason. Athletes for the most part exemplify these traits that can be but are not limited to speed strength endurance stamina and will power. However team based athleticism in specific breeds more modern styled traits such as patience sacrifice and cooperation which may inevitably give said athletes not only an advantage over competition in the work force but also the drive to dominate said force. To females this would not only secure socioeconomic security but assuming the ex-athlete maintains acceptable physical shape it would also nearly guarantee physical security from threats. The aforementioned traits may also be equipped in the aid of reproduction to enhance pleasure of coitus regardless if conception occurs."
>she finishes and crosses her arms
>Sour: "...what??"
>Sugar: "If he is popular there are clearly reasons for this. Consider myself interested in 85."
>there is silence
>Lemon Zest looks around for a moment
>Lemon: "I don't know what most of that meant, but I am ON THE 85 TRAIN, WOO WOO!!"
>she says as she jumps in the air, feigning a conductor's train horn
>Canterlot got a touchdown
>but Crystal kicked a field goal afterwards
>GL: " With 10 minutes remaining, the score is 24-21, Crystal Prep winning."
>GI: "Canterlot might have the ball, but their offense is tired. If they lose possession, they're going to have a tough time winning this game."
>your anger only increases in time
>you keep dropping the ball
>missing your blocks
>generally being a terrible Tight End
>the play is called and it's a pass play
>you block this time
>when the play starts, the defense does a blitz
>and who else comes right toward you but 58?
>you aren't low enough to stop him and he pushes you to the side
>to tackle your quarterback
>on the Crystal sideline you hear some cheerleaders scream out "Go Soarin!!!"
>the play is over and you see the third string tight end run onto the field
>you're being replaced
>"Anon!" the kid says. "You're out."
"Got it."
>you run off of the field to the sideline
>you see Coach and he's already pissed
>C: "85! What are you doing out there??"
"Sorry, Coach."
>you get some much needed water
>as much as Coach can piss you off, he's right
>you can't get your mind right and your performance is showing it
>and to make it worse, now you're on the sideline
>after the ceremony, you and the girls change back into regular clothes
>you get back to the game
>in the crowd sits Twilight and your friends
>beside your group is Norman
>Moondancer walks over and sits next to him
>you sit in between Norman and Twilight
"What did we miss?"
>T: "We're still losing but not by much."
>you look on at the game
>compared to the first half, Anon isn't doing too well
>and as more time goes by, he's not doing any better
>something must be bothering him
>you begin to think
>what if he really doesn't want to go to the dance?
>what if he regrets saying yes to you earlier today?
>what if he's thinking about you and he can't focus?
>normally you would be proud of that
>but this game means a lot to him...
>... maybe you should have waited to tell him your feelings
>you look over to Norman and Moondancer
>she grabs reaches over and holds his hand
>with no words exchanged, he just smiles at her
>what if Anon loses this game because you were a distraction
>he would be furious
>as these thoughts sink in, your shoulders start to sink
>you look at Applejack for a moment
>and realize that if you screwed up your chance with Anon
>he might go out with her instead
>then you remember something, and your head springs back up
>look over to Norman
"Norman, do you know where Anon's locker is?"
>"Uhhh, yes? Why?"
"C'mon, show me where it is."
>you get up from your spot
"Girls, I'll be right back."
>be Anon
>as you drink your water, you think
>you need to make a decision about this whole girl thing
>if Coach puts you in the game again, you need to actually not fuck up
>and you will absolutely fuck up if you don't get this straight
>so many question clog your mind
>who is hottest?
>who wants you more?
>with whom are you most likely to score with?
>who is the most fun?
>but one stands out
>who do you care about the most?
>and after this entire week, you have quite a bit of material to go over
>but going through the scenarios of the days
>the answer is quite easy to figure out
>and your answer is easily found
>GI: "Only one minute left in the game and Crystal Prep has the ball again!"
>well looks like you're done for the game
>as you think this, you see one of the defense guys gets rocked and hobbles towards the sideline after the play
>C: "How bad is it, son?"
>"It's just a stinger but I need a sub."
>C: "Dammit!"
>Coach looks around and sees you
"Coach, I'll do it!"
>C: "85. Think you can play defensive end?"
"I've played it before at my old school."
>C: "Alright 85. Don't let them score!!"
"Yes sir!"
>you put your helmet back on and look to the crowd
>you see who you're looking for and wave
>she waves back; smiling
>you run onto the field
>though you hadn't played D-End in a while, it felt good to be here again
>if only for a short time
>you do pretty well but the ball hasn't been run to your side yet
>GL: "30 seconds left in the game!"
>one of the lineman shouts "DON'T LET THEM SCORE AGAIN!"
>hold it down, Anon
>just don't let them score again
>the next play, the running back comes to your side
>you run to stay outside of him until tries to run down field
>when he does this, you and a linebacker tackle him
>now your last play wasn't a fuck up
>you see Mac come onto the field to sub in for a lineman
>"Guess we're all playing defense tonight, huh Anon?"
"Guess so."
>as the ball is snapped, Mac charges at the opposing line and tries to get through
>they double team him and he doesn't get through
>the runner is stopped at the 5 yard line
>GI: "With only 6 seconds left on the clock, Crystal Prep is on the 5 yard line."
>that's one or two more plays maximum
>you ready yourself for a run towards your side
>you can't let them score again
>the ball is hiked and the quarter back backs up for a pass
>you hit the tight end and push him away
>you might get a sack on the QB
>what a way to finish a game
>but before you can get close
>Mac charges through the line like a freight train and rams into him
>the ball flies out of the QB's hand and falls on the ground
>time stops
>your mind's representation of yourself walks into an old diner
>ironically this version of you has 15 more pounds of muscle, and has 2 extra inches on real life you
>not important
>goes straight for the jukebox
"hmm, not in the mood for pop... country... rap... rock....wait, there's a genre here called Euro Trash??"
>scroll through more genres
"Ah, here we go. Cheesy 80's Speed Metal."
>Inserts two coins into the machine and pressed a button
>Speed Demon by Keel starts playing in your head as you see the ball hit the ground
[spoiler] (Might have to repeat) [/spoiler]
>you are the closest to the ball
>grab the ball off of the field
>one guy on the other team tries to grab the ball as you pick it up but you fling him off of you
>tuck the ball into your arm and you're off to the races
>you see two opponents in front of you
>check your shoulders to see who's behind you
>GI: "It looks like Wondercolts Number 85 has picked up the ball!!"
>Sunset hears 'Number 85' and her eyes open wide
>SS: "Girls! That's Anon!!"
>rest of the girls stop what they are doing
>R: "What!?"
>RD: "oh my god"
>Fluttershy jumps with hands flailing, wildly out of character. "GO ANON!!!"
>Anon Jr barks loudly
>you hear the CHS crowd roar, but your mind quickly drowns it out
>the two Crystal running backs are yards ahead
>two Crystal players are chasing behind you
>fuck Crystal Prep and their backup plans
>First running back dives at your knees, but a quick jump over him, and his body trips one of the attackers behind you
>he trips you up, but only for a second
>GL: "A hurdle has taken two of his opponents out of the chase!!"
>GI: "Look at this kid go!"
>Any turbo you have left in your body, you call upon
>Sunset holds her hands over her mouth and whispers below the wild screams of the student section, "Anon... yes..."
>you recognize the last guy ahead of you
>he's not a running back
>he's the linebacker that was shit talking you
>he's sprinting toward you, but slows down, expecting you to try and juke him
>in English class
>AJ tells you that Big Mac knows about her liking you
>you hear Applejack's voice in your head. "Hit 'em low, Anon."
>real time
>you feel the deafening heartbeat in your ears
>he's too fast to try and juke
>FUCK this guy
>if you're getting stopped by him, you're going to make sure he feels it
>Now he's only five feet away from you
>bend your knees, keep your head up
>with your last step before you hit him, you push with all the strength your legs have to give
>close your eyes
>the adrenaline in your body makes you feel nothing
>where you on the ground?
>did you fumble?
>are you still alive?
>but with a millisecond check, you open your eyes to see that you are still on your feet
>your next step was on the chest plate of his shoulder pads
>and now the linebacker is on his back behind you
>off in the distance you hear Spitfire scream her lungs out
>the CHS crowd is so loud you feel the field rumble through your cleats
>one guy left behind you
>kick on the overdrive
>running like your life depends on it, you can hear the Crystal player gaining behind you
>Your lungs are dying, burning for more air than you can provide
>30 more yards until touchdown
>you can feel the last guy behind you; he's getting too close. You can't go any faster
>and he's still gaining on you
>20 yards
>the steps behind you are too close
>but you're out of gas
>10 yards
>you hear a leap behind you
>if you ever wanted anything to come true in your football career
>it would be to get this touchdown
>your right leg is the one he's trying to grab, to stop you before you can score
>he's going for your foot
>you can feel two fingers trying to grab the back of your cleat
>if he can pull hard enough on your cleat. you'll trip and fall
>you quickly look at the clock
>no time left
>they would immediately win
>you feel a strong breeze on your back
>you pull your foot forward as hard and fast as you can,
>his fingers don't grab on
>he was just short, as you feel the fingers slip off of the back of your cleat
>you hear his body hit the ground
>5 yards
>your raise both of your hands and point the ball plus your fingers to the sky
>walk the last yard to score
>Touchdown: Anonymous
>the speakers practically explode with this song
- [Embed]
>spike that motherfuckin' ball
>chunk that helmet off of your head
>War cries from your team come closer to you as you turn around
>student section wildly pours onto the field
>Celestia gives a 'well done' smile, then winks at Principal Cinch from across the field
>Vice Principal Luna punches the sky with a loud, "YES!"
>your entire body aches, but you ignore it to jump around like a wild man
>your attempt to do a celebration dance is poorly executed, but you couldn't care less
>the team rough-houses you as they pile around you
>GI: "Did you see that kid? I mean, he got that ball and just turned into a missile!"
>GL: "Absolutely. You don't see that every day; this kid is getting on the paper for that one."
>Every student is seemingly saying or screaming something in celebration
>the team is pushing you around like a rag doll, jumping as they do so
>suddenly, things quiet down,
>something is coming through the crowd; fast. And it's coming towards you
>people make way for whatever it is
>about 5 feet away the aisle is opened
>About 3 feet away, you see Sunset
>she jumps in the air and onto your torso, wrapping her legs around your back
>grabs your face and pulls you into a long... long kiss
>The cheering resumes louder than before, this time mixed with some "wwwwwwwwwWWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" and "AAWWWWW YEAHHHHHHH, ANON!!"
>You two finally break the kiss
>her face is practically glowing with a toothy smile
>"Anon, you did it!!"
>you look at her
>she's wearing your away 85
>you give your staple smug smile
"Those numbers look good on you, Sunset."
>the celebration is unreal
>it feels like you just won the Super Bowl
>everyone is still jumping around like crazy people
>one of the seniors screams out "Party at my place afterwards!!"
>more cheer goes out in response to this
>you look to Sunset
"Don't suppose you want to go to a party tonight?"
>she laughs
>SS: "I thought you were going straight home after the game?"
"Are you kidding me?? After THAT just happened, I absolutely have to party! And I want you to come with me, too. I promise we won't stay long."
>she looks away for a second and smiles
>SS: "Of course I'll go with you. But first, let me say bye to my friends."
>you give her a hug
"Alright, go ahead."
>she escapes the crowd to see her friends
>it was several, several minutes before the crowd on the field started to disperse,
>but the football team stayed and continued to be rowdy
>Flash finds you
>"Holy shit man! That was insane!"
>you fistbump
"I know right? Man, I'm going to enjoy this party afterwards!"
>from what has turned into basically a mosh pit, you end up on the outside of the group
>then you hear someone behind you call out "Hey homecoming king..."
>you turn around to see three Crystal players
>what you didn't see was one of them slam one of their helmets onto your head
>everything goes black
>you're standing up
>look around
>you're at school
> standing on the front lawn, the green grass is soft under your feet
>the sky outside is a deep, dark purple
>the stars in the sky are easily seen, but they do not add beauty to the scene
>there is a cool wind, but something feels wrong in the air
>as you look next to the statue, you see something odd
>you see Sunset and Twilight fighting over... a tiara?
>but instead of Sunset's usual happy countenance
>she seems angry, and she seems to be the inciting the altercation
>she seems very different than the Sunset you know
>she gets a hold of the tiara
>a hole in the sky is torn and a giant beam from the sky hits her
>you witness something happening to her as she is lifted from the ground
>she opens her eyes revealing their pure whiteness
>parts of her body start to change form, but your vision is impaired by the bright beam
>as the beam disappears, you don't see Sunset
>but instead a giant, red, flying demon
>you can't hear what is said, but something is terribly wrong with what is going on
>the demon powers up and destroys the front entrance to the school
>you see the students walk towards to entrance, but there is an eerie glow to their eyes
>their slow movement indicates something is wrong with them
>you look at the demon again and you notice that the students and the demon now share the same eyes color
>there is a panic among Twilight and company
>but soon enough, Twilight and her friends also change from some kind of magic
>with some power unknown to you
>they combine their powers and strike down the demon
>the blast is too blindly bright to look at
>but when you look back
>you see a beaten Sunset
>she was the demon
>the image fades to darkness
>you're in the school, right past the front doors
>you turn around to see the entrance
>it is still under construction, not yet fully fixed
>you see many people you recognize, but some you don't as well
>there is an air of light-hearted awkwardness
>but people in the halls seem pleasant; content, even
>cliques of friends talking before classes start
>a few guys hitting on girls
>everything seems fairly normal
>suddenly, the halls become nearly silent
>the mood has changed completely
>no one seems happy anymore
>instead the happiness is replaced by an anger of intolerance
>most people open their lockers and look inside, but it doesn't seem as though they are taking any books out
>it seems like they are busying themselves to avoid something
>you hear a pair of shoes walking down the hall
>Sunset appears, walking towards a class
>she looks different here as well
>her body language doesn't give way to evil intent
>but she isn't happy either
>she walks with sadness in her step
>her face displays a feeling of loneliness and regret
>you look around her
>the other students mostly don't look at her
>the ones that do simply scowl at her
>one guy leaves his locker and bumps into her
>he clearly did that on purpose
>"Hey, watch it!" he barks at her
>she sidesteps to avoid falling down
>SS: "S-sorry."
>this also is not the Sunset you know
>she grabs the book she was holding and crosses her arms underneath it
>then squeezes the book to her chest as hard as she can muster, hanging her head, as she continues to walk
>only a bit slower this time
>you can almost be sure that her eyes are welling up
>but you're not positive
>she closes her eyes for a moment
>she doesn't talk to anyone
>no one else speaks to her
>she enters a classroom
>as she entered, the light in the hallway reflected off of a single wet streak down her cheek
>fade to darkness
>you open your eyes
>vision is blurry
>there's a light hitting you from your right
>you blink and rub your eyes
>everything is clear now
>look around
>it's your room
>and it feels
>it seems odd, but it truly feels peaceful
>you feel at peace
>everything, including your own movements happen a bit slower than usual
>but this doesn't cause you worry
>it brings more contentment to you
>you pull the sheets off of you
>and you feel a little colder than usual
>you slowly swing your legs off of the bed and get up
>you look towards the light invading your room
>it's coming from the window
>you open your blinds and look out
>it's snowing outside
>your eyes adjust to the bright white
>but once they adjust, you are not met with only a bright white
>you see all kinds of colors outside from the numerous decorations and lights beaming festive hues
>and every color just seems so saturated with a warm brightness
>as small white crystalline shapes pour from the sky, you open your window
>stick your hand out, and a snowflake falls into your palm
>it melts almost instantly, but it looked beautiful
>a frozen breeze intrudes upon your room as you close the window back
>you gander at your front yard
>your lawn has festive winter lights and decorations strewn about
>a car drives down the road, but it is alone in its travel
>you look across the street
>the lights inside your neighbors' houses are on
>you feel excitement in the air as silhouettes, both large and small move about with energy in the houses
>some of the yards across the street have kids having snowball fights
>laughing and giggling in their winter jackets
>you hear a faint, catchy, familiar melody as one of the houses is playing Christmas music
>it's Christmas
>it makes you smile and think of the holidays when you were younger
>you feel... happy
>as you find socks to put on
>you smell something delicious
>you smell breakfast
>pancakes to be specific
>that means...
>your parents are home for the holidays
>they came back from their business trips
>you open your door and walk into the living room
>your dad, on the couch, greets you with a smile and a singular "Son."
"Morning, Dad."
>your mother is in the kitchen
>upon hearing Dad speak, she turns around and sees you
>"Anon! Merry Christmas!"
>she puts the pancake batter down and walks over to give you a hug
"Merry Christmas, Mom. I'm glad you guys are home," you say, still in the embrace
>"Oh, you know we would never miss Christmas."
>"Hey Anon," your dad calls from the couch. "Why don't you grab yourself a coffee and we'll watch the game?"
>you grab a cup of coffee and sit down next to your dad
>when you sit, he pats your shoulder
>"Hey kid, I know I told you this over the phone, but I just want you to know how proud me and your mother are of you. I know it's probably rough being here alone all of the time, but you continue to keep your grades up and do well for yourself..."
>he gives you a smirk
>not totally dissimilar to the one you give to people
>"...and I watched that game of yours against... uh, who was that team?"
"Crystal Prep?"
>"Yeah yeah, that one. Hell of a game son; you did real good."
>it wasn't often you got praise from your father, but when you did, you really earned it
"Thanks Dad. That means a lot."
>your mom speaks up from the kitchen again
>"But your grades are still more important, Anonymous!"
"I know Mom!"
>your dad shakes his head and laughs, "Mothers..."
>you two sit back and while you both sip on your coffee, you watch the professional football game
>watching football together was something you two did since you were young
>it felt nice to be able do it again
>as your mom finishes breakfast, she calls you two over to the table
>as you dine, you are asked questions about what is new in your life
>when you finish answering, you ask about their business trips
>when the meal is finished, your mother speaks up with a smile
>"Anon, we invited your girlfriend to come over for present-opening. We got her something too!"
>you smile real big
"That's awesome!"
>you go to your room to put on some decent clothes before she arrives
>as you exit your bedroom door, there is a knock at the house door
>your mom calls out to your dad, "She's here!"
>the morning was already so amazing
>the cherry on top of this entire day would be seeing your girlfriend and being with her
>you open the door and see Sunset with a winter jacket on
>her head is down and her hood is on
>she's shaking and sniffly
>she's got to be freezing
"Sunny, come on in! It's warm in here."
>though you beckon her to enter, her legs do not move
>she slowly pulls up her head from looking at the ground
>the Christmas music you heard is replaced by this
>time stopped being slow
>the saturation of the colors faded to dull and dark hues
>the temperature drops
>the sky grew darker as the breeze turned into gusts
>you look over
>there are no kids on the lawns
>the neighbors' lights are all off
>she looks up at you
>her makeup is running as drops of tears course down her face, leaving wet trails of sorrow and pain
>your hair stands on end as you realize something is horribly wrong
>the frigid temperature and gusts of wind does not cause her shaking
>it is her tired weeping that causes her body to tremble and ache
>her countenance is not one of anger
>but... it is one of broken spirit; disintegration
>she tries to stop her sobbing, controlling the noise her throat produces
>but this only makes it worse
>her crying racks her body as she sobs into her hands
>"How.. Anon..?"
>the pain she feels is immediately shared to your own body, but you don't know what caused this
"What? Sunny, what's wrong?"
>she takes her hands off of her face to look at you
>she looks so... hurt
>"Y--y-you don't g-get to call me t-that... anymore."
"Whoa, wait, why??"
>the temperature and wind didn't bother you when you answered the door
>but now your whole body shivers
>you feel cold; mind and body
>"Y-you know why," she says looking away from you
>you take a step back
>you had done something to her
>you hurt her
>your brain thinks back to anything that might have caused this
>you can't remember anything
>your hand pulls out your phone and goes to your inbox
>you see a message
>it's from Applejack
>[Did you think I wouldn't find out about Trixie?? I felt like shit enough being your ONE girl on the side. We're not doing this anymore, bastard]
>your eyes go wide
>you drop your phone
>your breathing becomes irregular and forced
>you didn't do this
>you don't remember doing what the text implies
>you want to hug Sunset, but you feel truly frozen as your body refuses to move
>"Anon, w-why? Why did y-y-you do this to me?"
>you try to say something to her, to comfort her, to explain
>but your mouth does not move
>memories appear in your mind
>of you having sex with AJ
>then with Trixie
>you cheated on Sunset...
>Sunset grabs your hand
>"Anon, WHY!?!"
>she pleads out in desperation
>auditory senses start to go out as everything starts to darken
>the houses across the street start to tear apart and crumble
>the snow around you builds far too fast
>you look behind you, but there is no house and no parents; only a black void
>you look back in front of you and there is only void
>except Sunset, who still is grabbing your hand
>you are forced to look at her
>you cannot look away
>unable to do anything
>as she sobs out your name
>"Anon! Anon! Anon!! Anon!!! Anon...."
>you caused this
> blackness
>you can't see anything
>but you hear a muffled sound
>you start to hear Sunset's voice again
>something is grabbing your hand
>You yell out a "NO!!" as your torso flies off of the ground where you lay and your eyes open wide
>your heart is beating out of your chest
>you don't know where you're at
>to your left, Sunset is holding your hand
>"Whoa there, 85," you hear a familiar voice say from your right
>your breathing slows back down to normal as your eyes un-blur themselves
>SS: "Anon!"
>she wraps herself around you
>you look around while being embraced
>you're on the sideline of the football field
"Sunset?? You're not mad at me??"
>she pulls away for a moment to look at you
>SS: "Mad?? Of course not!! I'm just happy that you're up!"
>Redheart is next to you on your right
>on the ground
>you're still trying to get a grip on reality
>you look to Redheart
"How do I know this isn't a dream??"
>she reaches down and pinches the shit out of your forearm
>it's finally real life
>no more nightmares
>no more awful dreams about Sunset
>Sunset lets go of you
>RH: "Hey, you asked. Here, I need to check your eyes."
>you turn to Sunset
>you look at her, almost paranoid
"Sunset, are you okay???"
>SS: "Of course I'm okay! Are you alright??"
>you're not 100% sure you're alright
>if this is real life then those were the weirdest dreams you've ever had
>SS: "I just saw you lying on the ground; not moving..."
"It's okay, I'm sure that I'm fine."
>you turn back to Redheart
"I am okay, right?"
>she pulls out a small flashlight
>RH: "I need to check to make sure."
>as she says this, you feel your head pound
>Sunset holds your hand
>she looks at your eyes, then clicks the light off
>RH: "Well I got good news and bad news..."
>Sunset puts her other hand over her mouth in worry
"Lay it on me."
>RH: "Your eyes are fine, so it's safe to say you're not too injured."
>RH: "Bad news is, you were out for almost a half hour, so it's more than possible that it's a mild to moderate concussion. You're going to need to see the doctor tonight before you go home."
>your shoulders sink
>RH: "I wouldn't expect to play or practice for at least another week or two, if not more."
>you sigh and roll your eyes
"Of course. What happened anyways??"
>RH: "Apparently a few of the Crystal boys weren't too happy with losing. Two of them came over to talk garbage to you guys; one smacked you on the head with his helmet."
"Fuckin' punk."
>RH: "Celestia was going to call the police but Cinch begged her not to after insisting she would handle it. The two guys are going to be kicked off of the team and suspended; the one kid is already expelled. Don't worry, the team went ballistic on all of them until Mac almost sent the one to the hospital. When Big Mac threw that first punch, that fight was over."
>SS: "How's your head feeling?"
"Pounding, actually."
>RH: "As to be expected for a while. The doctor will give you some medicine for that. Can you get up?"
"I think so."
>as you get up off of the ground, you feel a little dizzy
>you really didn't want to go to the doctor, but you knew that you should
>GL: "Ladies and Gentlemen, 85 is on his feet again!"
>you look over to the stands to see people clapping
>the team comes towards you with hopes that you feel better
>as the team pats you on the back, Coach walks up
>C: "Anon, hell of a play out there. It's a shame about your head. I'm sure you won't be able to play for a while but when you're good to go, consider yourself a starter from here on out."
>hell yeah
"Thanks Coach."
>you look over to the stands to see that people are leaving
>they must have waited to see if you were okay
>when you look back, there are more people coming towards you
>Norman waves with the hand that isn't around Moondancer
>N: "Anon! Are you okay??"
>MD: "We didn't want to leave until we knew you were okay."
"Thanks. Aside from a splitting headache, I should be okay. Redheart says it's probably a concussion so I have to go to the doctor, but I guess it could be worse."
>N: "Totally; he could have split your head wide open!"
>Moonie gives Norman an elbow to his side and gives a look of disapproval
>MD: "We're just glad you're not too hurt. Is it safe to assume that you're going to the dance tomorrow, being that you're homecoming king?"
>oh yeah
>you almost forgot about that
>you chuckle
"Yeah, I mean, unless the doctor says that I can't dance then I should see you guys there."
>Norman puts his hand up for a high five, which you return
>N: "Cool! Well we'll see you there, Anon."
"Will do, bud."
>Twilight and the gang approach
>AJ: "Good to see ya up and kickin' Anon. We were worried for a while."
"Mom always said I had a hard head."
>she chuckles
>"Looks like it finally came to use. I wish you coulda seen Mac take care of that kid, boy he was pissed."
"Yeah, I bet that was a sight on its own. Thanks for coming to the game, girls."
>T: "You can't put a price on seeing you guys beat Crystal Prep. That was really something."
>R: "Right she is. The sport is a bit brutish, but a victory over Crystal Prep in anything is worth celebration."
"Yeah, it is. Congratulations on being runner up queen, Rarity. It suits you."
>R: "Thank you darling. Sunset tells us you two will be going as well?"
>you look to Sunset, who is smiling at you
"Yeah, we are."
>Rainbow looks at you with a half smile
>RD: "You did great, Anon."
>minus how much as your head hurt, and the reason why it hurt...
>today pretty much kicked ass
>you felt some snarky sarcastic response forming in your head when Rainbow spoke to you
>but you were too damn tired and too content with today's events to ruin it by starting anything
"Thanks. Glad you're back, Rainbow."
>there was a collective but silent sigh of relief among the group after you said this
>no one would anything about it, but they were hoping you and her would be okay now
>Redheart speaks up, "85, I'd get to that doctor soon."
>SS: "Yeah, we should go. I'll see you girls tomorrow, okay?"
>they offer their goodbyes and hopes of you feeling better
"Sunset you don't have to drive me there.."
>SS: "Anon, I'm not going to make you walk to the hospital with a concussion."
"Well then, thanks."
>20 minutes earlier
>be Sunset
>walking towards your friends
>not only were you happy that the Wondercolts won
>but you were relieved that what you said to Anon earlier didn't cause him to play poorly
>at least, at the end
>maybe you went a little overboard with the celebration after he won the game...
>but he didn't seem to mind
>and to top it off, you two were the homecoming king and queen
>and though you knew Anon could care less, it felt good to have proof that the school didn't dislike you for what you did so long ago
>and maybe you read into that too much, but you didn't care
>today was a happy one
>and you were going to enjoy the last part of it
>because tomorrow you and Anon would go to homecoming
>as you find Twilight, you're about to tell her that you're going to the party with Anon
"Hey Twilight!"
>but before she could respond, the sound of a crack and a gasp from the crowd stopped the conversation
>you turn around to see what happened
>there seems to be a fight going on
>you start putting distance between yourself and the situation
>until one of the football players yells out "Anon's down!!"
>you stop immediately and turn around
>maybe you heard that wrong, and Anon is okay
>but you couldn't just sit there if he needed you
>as you quickly start towards what's going on, Twilight follows you
>before you even get to the scene, you see Big Mac in the middle of it
>he cocks his elbow back and buries his fist into one of the Crystal players
>the target drops immediately, and the fight stops
>as the other two Crystal players see this happen, they grab their downed friend and run away before they share the same fate
>a few Wondercolts start to chase after them, but Mac orders them not to
>you and Twilight get to the epicenter of the old storm and find Mac
"Big Mac, where's Anon??"
>he looks around for Anon
>"One of 'em dropped him with a helmet."
>you find Anon not moving on the ground
>T: "Don't move him yet, we should check for bleeding and broken bones first!"
>the team forms a large circle around Anon, making sure no one else can harm him
>others, still staring at the other team, want nothing else but to throw some more punches; but Mac didn't fool around when he gave an order
>as you, Mac, and Twilight check Anon's body, the team offers their help in whatever way needed
>Redheart gets into the circle and asks everyone to give her some room
>you get up and do as Redheart says
>within about a minute, she's done checking him
>RH: "He's knocked out for sure, but I don't feel any broken bones. His pulse is fine, and his head isn't bleeding. Someone bring him to the sideline."
>Mac carries the limp body over to the sideline
>RH: "Lie him down here. We need to wait until he wakes up. I don't know how bad his concussion is."
>it hurt seeing Anon like that
>you two weren't even an item, but you did have feelings for him
>the more you looked at him, the more upset you became
>he didn't do anything to deserve this
>he was nothing but nice to everyone the entire week...
>what if he has severe brain injuries?
>what if he... didn't wake up
>as your mind went to darker places, it became more difficult to hold it together
>you didn't notice, but everyone else saw how you were clearly upset by this
>you turn to Mac
"Big Mac, who was the guy who hit Anon?"
>he looks a bit worried to tell you, but he does it anyway
>you look to see that the other team is still on their sideline
>their principal is having a fit at the boys who started the conflict
>as soon as she leaves them, they all stand around and talk to each other
>you start to make your way over there
>you wipe any wetness from your eyes and shake your head
>as you neared the team, you spot 58 talking to some of his friends
>he's rubbing his jaw; you wish Mac would have broken it
>when you get close, they see you coming and look at you
>your face no longer sports sadness or fear, but rather a sultry smile
"Hey boys.."
>"Uhhm, hey," they respond
>you get close to 58; still rubbing his jaw
"58, you did really good tonight."
>his mood suddenly cheers up
>"Hey, thanks. Who are you?"
>his buddies leave smirking, not wanting to be a cockblock
"I go to CHS, but we all know you guys should have won the game."
>he's getting more cocky as you talk
>"Yeah, I know, right? Those losers just got lucky."
>you place a hand on the front of his shoulder pads
"I was wondering if I could... borrow... you for a little while?"
>he gets the idea,
>he gets closer to you and asks "Where should we go, princess?"
"Follow me. I know just the spot."
>he gives an almost evil laugh as he complies
>he follows as you head off of the field
>he's behind you as you walk, still talking
>"You look pretty good from the back, babe."
>you hold back a vomit as he says this, trying to stay in character
>you get inside the school building and find an empty, open room
>as you open the door,
>"By the way did you see me knock that loser out after the game? I think he's still passed out!" he says with a laugh, as he's clearly proud of what he's done
>he gets in the room and you close the door behind him
>"So how's about that shirt coming off, sweet thing?"
- [Embed]
>you drop the sexy facade as a very emotional fury is plain on your face
>you try to control your breathing before you explode; your body shakes
>but his last comment about knocking Anon out sent you over the edge
>you feel a familiar yellow energy glow all over your body
>the energy is something you didn't want to release; you had promised to not use it again unless absolutely necessary
>but it was too late; you would transform into phoenix if you didn't control yourself
>and every time you tried to calm down, all you could see was Anon lying limp on the ground
>you could feel your hair moving without the aid of wind as the aurora around you only grew brighter
>he looks in shock
>"What the hell??"
>you put your hand out as the energy grabs 58 and slams him onto the wall
>"What ARE YOU???"
>you float over to him, holding back a cry
>your energy still holds onto him as he's on the wall
>when you're close enough that your noses are almost touching, you once again try to keep your emotion back
>fighting tears, you say
"Y-you had better.. hope he wakes up."
>you witness the terror in his eyes
>"O-okay. Sure, whatever you want."
"B-because if he doesn't.."
>"Please don't hurt me! I'm already going to be expelled!"
>he was probably right
>if he wasn't arrested, there were too many witnesses for him to not get into major trouble
"W-what's your name?"
>"Soarin! My name is Soarin!"
>you stare into him with anger
>you want to injure him like he did to Anon
>but that would put you in the wrong
>and as much as he deserved a further beating, you couldn't let yourself lose it
>but if Anon didn't wake up, you would find him
>you let him go and your energy went away as you went back to normal
>you get in his face again
"This never happened, and you never saw me."
>"O-o-okay. You got it... I swear."
>20 minutes later
>be Anon
>RH: "Anon, wait a second."
"What is it?"
>RH: "Are your parents home?"
"No, why?"
>RH: "If the doctor prescribes medicine for you there has to be an adult guardian to buy it for you. I'll drive myself there and meet you at the front."
>because you weren't 18 yet
"Oh okay. Thanks, Redheart."
>walking towards Sunset's car
>with Sunset
>the headache is ever-present, but the dizziness has faded
"Sunset, do you have a towel in your car?"
>she doesn't know where this is going
>SS: "Um, no?"
"Shit. I'm still pretty sweaty and I'm sure I smell awful. Really don't want to stink up your car."
>she waves a hand
>SS: "Oh, don't worry about it."
>as you reach the parking lot, you see the Crystal Prep players getting on the bus
>you spot 58
>all of the anger that you missed from being knocked out before the fight began, suddenly arose in your soul
>you weren't mad that you got knocked out
>you weren't trying to impress Sunset
>but you'll be damned if you'll just walk away without saying something to 58 before you leave
>drop your gear and put your arms out to your side
"Hey 58! Want to try that again?!?"
>Sunset sees this and holds onto your arm, trying to prevent something from happening
>SS: "Anon, no... you already have a concussion," she pleads
"No, fuck this punk."
>Soarin sees Sunset and takes a step back in fear, remembering his encounter with her
>"Nah man! I'm, I'm good bro! I'm sorry!!"
>his teammates see this
>"Soarin, what the hell man? Did you grow a vagina or something?"
>"Shut the fuck up, guys."
>he quickly jumps on the bus for safety
>you see this and grab your gear to continue to Sunset's car
>thinking that he's scared of you
>you look onward in disgust
"What a bitch."
>Sunset was worried Soarin might spill the beans on why he was really scared, but thankfully he didn't say anything to you
>and hopefully anyone else, too
>what was worry on her face turned into disapproval
>SS: "Yeah, because you need to be in another fight, Anon."
"Technically I wasn't in one to begin with."
>SS: "Yeah well trying to start one after you're already injured might be the dumbest thing you've done all week."
"I knew he wouldn't do anything. I'm sure Mac punched some sense into him. Plus, the last thing I want to do is fight him."
>Sunset looks up at you in confusion
>SS: "What? Then why did you just do that?"
"I know that he's stronger than me, and would probably knock my lights out in a fair fight, but it's the principle of not being a bitch. It's all about the mental game. If I walk away with my tail between my legs then I'm the bitch."
>SS: "So you would take a butt-kicking knowing that you're already injured because of principle?"
"Something like that, yeah."
>Sunset waits a moment before saying anything
>SS: "You're an idiot, you know that?"
>you laugh again, but it stops short due to the pain it causes your head to feel
"Yeah, I do."
>she sends a light laugh back
>SS: "Whatever, let's get you to the doctor."
>she opens her trunk and you put your gear in
>as the car tires roll on the road, you realize that your headache is getting worse
>to take your mind off of the pain, you roll down the window and look outside
>the sky is dark; nearly black with no clouds in sight
>the stars shine bright as some twinkle in the distance
>the car's headlights shining upon the road spill over to reveal lush grass that is soon to wither once winter sets in
>when the car slowed at a stop sign, you could hear the crickets sing their nighttime songs
>the cool breeze blows past your head as it starts to numb your face
>this almost makes the headache less awful
>but the chill goes beyond your neck and gets onto your shirt, which soaks with sweat
>and you knew that could cause chills worse than being shirtless
>as you strip the soaking shirt off, Sunset looks at you with a smirk
>"Getting comfy over there?"
"This shirt will make me colder than the breeze alone."
>then you remember something
"Hey, you're a girl.."
>she looks at you with a 'really?' face
>"Well I'm glad you noticed."
"You didn't let me finish. I was going to say that every girl always keep spare clothes in the car. You wouldn't have a shirt I could borrow, would you?"
>"Really? Every girl...?"
"Please, Sunny, you know I'm right."
>"Just because you're right doesn't mean it would fit you..."
>she reaches back at the next stop and gets you a shirt from the backseat
>"If it fits, go ahead."
>you put the T-shirt through your head and stick your arms out
>it was a little tight, but it would do
>you look over to her
"I just remembered that you're still wearing my jersey..."
>she looks down at your jersey and smiles
>"I'd offer to trade shirts but you already got that one all sweaty."
"Yeah, I wouldn't want that off of you anyways."
>she giggles a little
>"I really look that hot in a jersey that is 5 sizes too big for me?"
"It's more of the symbolism..."
>though it's dark in the car, you're almost positive her cheeks gained a little color
>you gaze back towards the outside and lose yourself in the view
>listening to nothing but the soundtrack of the night
>"So.. homecoming king? Did you ever imagine that happening?"
>the question brings a sour feeling in your mouth
"No, not at all."
>"Why not?"
"Meh, I don't know, it's kinda stupid..."
>she tried an impression of you and said "Lay it on me."
>you tried to not laugh, but it failed
>you look out and think
"It's not that big of a deal to me either way, but I never would have imagined that happening to me. Like, if you asked the middle school Anon if he thought he would be homecoming king one day, he probably would have cussed you out and walked off."
>Sunset tries to picture of a younger you and laughs
>"Aww, little Anon was an angry kid?"
"Yeah, I just didn't have that many friends back then."
>Sunset's joking mannerisms quickly faded
>"I, uh, I know what you mean."
"That sounds a lot worse than what it was, to be honest."
>"How is that?"
"I mean sure, there were times where I wished I could have hung out with more people, but I also saw how stupid some of the more "popular" kids could be about their social status. And to be honest, it's part of the reason why I never cared much for school functions -- because the air heads practically lived for them. In a way, I'm really glad I wasn't popular when I was younger because I might have become one of those idiots."
>Sunset brightened up a little
>"Huh, I guess you have a point."
>the mood in the car lightened a bit to a joking air
"Of course I'm right. I'm always right."
>she looks at you, smug
>"Except on your algebra quizzes."
"Wow, shots fired. Tell me why I need to know algebra in real life, Sunny."
>she looks back at the road, thinking
>"You know just because I can't think of a reason doesn't mean that there isn't one!"
>you give a fake evil guffaw in victory
>then your head hurts again
>probably shouldn't do that again for a while
>it has been days since you an Sunset became friends
>and yet, your mind still just can't wrap around how it all happened
>it turns out that you two have a bit more in common than you had originally thought
>to make it more unbelievable,
>she liked you... more than a friend
>you look over to her
>she lowered her window and the winds blew her hair back, like she was in some action movie
>as if she was the captain of a sea vessel
>but instead of an epic sea vessel, there was a used car
>the point is: she looked pretty
>hot as always, but especially pretty right now
>the passing street lights lighted up half of her face as the car went by, and put a majestic shadow on the other half
>except this wasn't a movie
>this was real fucking life
>and though you were on your way to the hospital, being with her somehow made that fun
>you reach over and put your hand on her hair
>as your fingers play with her red and blonde locks
>she looks at you, enjoying what you're doing
"Hey it's only weird if you make it weird..."
>her hair was soft and thick like woven silk
>but there was no hair product in it whatsoever
>which was good because sticky fingers wasn't something you wanted from hair
>"It's not weird at all."
>she playfully scoffs a little
>"You know what's funny?"
>"You said that exact same thing on Wednesday night when you were playing with my hair?"
"Oh yeah? What else did I say?"
>"Not too much. You were too busy shoving the light end of that liquor bottle down your throat."
>she puts on a look of faux concern
>"Speaking of which, are you sure you like girls? That bottle went pretty deep."
>oh hell no
>she just went there
>if it's a roast she wants...
>you put on a smile of your own
"Well I like you right now, so probably not."
>"I don't know, maybe I'm a lesbian... we might not work out then..."
"Well if you are..."
>she snickers
>"No, I'm not a lesbian, Anon."
"...because that would have been kinda ho.."
>"Don't even say it, Anon."
>the ride to the hospital was... comfortable
>it wasn't weird when neither of you were talking and it wasn't weird with silence
>it was like how it was in the locker room before a game started
>there was just an understanding
>you liked talking to her
>but you didn't have to in order to be comfortable
>"You had me pretty scared when you were knocked out."
>you looked over expecting to find some playful nonsense type of expression on her
>but she wasn't joking
"Aww c'mon Sunny. Look at me, I'm fine."
>"I guess so. Hopefully the doctor will agree. What will you do if they don't let you play for a while?"
"That would suck pretty hard, but I guess it could be worse. I'll find something else to do until I can play again."
>"I don't know if you would even remember this, but when you woke up, you were kinda... freaking out. Were you dreaming something before you came-to?"
>you immediately think back to one of your dreams while you were knocked out
>whether it was a good idea to talk about it was one thing, but since she asked...
>you needed to get something off of your chest
>telling her about the demon one or the last one would be more than weird
>but maybe the second one actually happened after whatever she didn't want to talk about
"I did have this one dream when I was passed out.."
>"What happened?"
>now you were a little nervous
>what if this weirds her out?
>does it say something about you if you're having dreams of her?
>then again, it wasn't like a wet dream
"It was about you."
>she looks over for a moment with concern
>"Really? About me?"
>you look out of the window again, wanted to avoid eye contact
"Yeah, it was... kind of sad, actually."
>"What happened?"
>you think for a second before answering
>a minute ago everything was fun and joking
>and this would be a huge buzzkill
>maybe you shouldn't tell her
"Sunny, it's kind of a mood killer. Like I said, it was sad."
>"Anon, please tell me what it was?"
>you're not sure why
>but she really wanted to hear this dream
"I don't know if I can remember all of it. It was a weekday; mid-morning, I think. I was in the school next to the front entrance. Everyone was having a good time. Then you appeared and the mood changed. Everyone was pissed off and angry, looking in a different direction from you to avoid your eye contact. No one said anything to you. You were... upset about this, but I don't know what caused it all. That's basically it."
>as you finish, the car approaches a red light
>Sunset comes to a full stop and looks dead at you in disbelief
>"You... you dreamed that?"
"Yeah, it was really... weird."
>what was a comfortable atmosphere in the car, quickly went away
>you had a feeling that you just stirred the emotional pot
>there's a silence between you two, longer than you found to be even remotely comfortable
>you want to break the silence, but it would be forced
>you had to wait for her to say something
>she sighs
>"That's because it actually happened... for months on end," she meekly responds
>so that dream DID happen...
>they REALLY didn't like her
>usually you didn't know what to say in these situations, especially if a joke wasn't a suitable response
>maybe that was because you weren't very good with difficult emotions yourself,
>but as you felt your mouth open, you made a quick and silent prayer to whatever god you didn't believe in, in hopes that wouldn't say anything too stupid
>maybe because the last thing you wanted was Sunset to feel bad
>and maybe
>maybe that said something about you as well
>"Anon, I.."
"Wait, before you say anything..."
>here it goes
"Do you remember what you told me on Wednesday? I remember what you said on Wednesday, about people not trusting you because of... whatever you did in the past. I just wanted to tell you that what you did before doesn't matter to me. I don't know what it was that you did and I don't care. If what happened in the dream was your life for a while, then you've paid your dues..."
>you wipe your forehead
"By voting you queen, I think that symbolizes everyone else moving on from their old opinion of you. I kinda hope you can see that. And I'm really hoping you can move on from how you see yourself, too. You don't seem like some evil person.. to me. "
>fuck, that was corny
>you keep your eyes towards the outside, unsure if you said the right thing or not
>you take a peek at Sunset, and you can't tell if she's getting emotional
>think of something to say
"Also, just a daily reminder that we're a couple of losers.."
>she quietly laughs and wipes her eyes, coming to another stop
>"Don't make me kiss you while I'm driving, Anon."
>crisis averted
"As hot and tempting as that sounds, I'd prefer to not die in a car crash tonight."
>the car comes to a full stop once again
>she puts the car in park, reaches over and pulls you into another kiss
>as she lets go she says
>"You're getting one anyways."
>you try not to pop a boner
>in the doctor's office
>"Well Mr. Anonymous, I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"
>you look at the doctor whilst sitting on the patient's table
"Gimme the bad."
>"You won't be playing or practicing for about a month."
"A month!? C'mon Doc, there's no way it's that bad! I feel alright! Bump it to 2 weeks?"
>"It could be much worse. If your skull or brain was to receive any amount of punishment between then, the damage could be permanent, if not fatal. The good news is, it's ONLY a month and there shouldn't be any long term negative effects unless this happens again."
>the dream wasn't exactly crushed, but it sucked shit that you would have to wait an entire month to play again
>hell that 3rd string kid might end up being good and taking your starting position permanently
>yeah right...
"I almost don't want to ask, but I'm supposed to go to a dance tomorrow. Can I still go to that?"
>he rubs his chin
>he continues with the chin rubbing
>"Well, I'd hate to say no. The less blood flow your brain gets, the less severe the headache will be. But... if you promise to take it easy, then you can go."
>"Your chart indicates that you're 17 so it goes without saying: no alcohol. On top of you being too young to drink, mixing it with the pain pills you'll be taking is very dangerous."
>"You shouldn't need prescription painkillers for this, so take 4 or 5 of these three times per day after you eat something. If you need more, it's OTC at the store."
"Got it."
>as he begins to write something down he asks, "So who did you guys play tonight?"
"Crystal Prep."
>he gives a hearty laugh, "Oh boy, that's awful. Crystal Prep for a homecoming game? How bad did you lose?"
"We didn't. It's about time those snotty rich kids lost."
>he stops what he's writing to look at you with disdain
>"My kids go to Crystal Prep."
>he hands you your chart and opens the door for you
>"You can go now."
>he walks you out to the waiting room
>you hold in a grin
>because no matter what you say, you already have the medicine
>Sunset and Redheart get up
>you go straight next to Sunset
>SS: "How bad is it?"
"Not too bad. Shit part is, I'll be out of football for a month. But the doc is right, it could be worse."
>behind you two, the Doc and Redheart meet eyes
>"... Red-Hot..?"
>as you hear this
>you immediately stop and turn around to see whatever fucking miracle is about to happen
>because now you have blackmail against Redheart
>not like you'd ever use it for something bad towards your favorite nurse
>but maybe you could get some favors from her
>what favors would you want? You haven't the faintest idea
>but you would have time to think about it
>this though put a nice shit-rating grin on you
>but even if you never remind her of this ever again, it was worth its weight in gold to just see it happen
>Sunset witnesses this and whispers to you, "Am I crazy or did he just call her Red-Hot?"
>you do your absolute best to hold in the insanely hard laughter that is begging to escape your body
>"Wow... it's been a while. You still look great."
>RH: "Yeah... college was pretty fun."
>Redheart clearly doesn't want to talk to this guy
>"How are you doing these days?"
>RH: "Pretty good. Listen, I gotta take these kids home..."
>or be seen in public near him
>"Oh oh, of course! Look,"
>he pulls out a business card
>"When you get a chance, gimme a call, okay?"
>RH: "Sure, yeah!"
>she takes the card
>and proceeds to shoo you and Sunset towards the door
>as the three of you get outside, Redheart gets close to you
>RH: "Never speak of this."
>there is a trash can outside of the door, in which she throws away the business card
"Aww, Red-Hot, not even one call?"
>RH: "He was a loser."
>be Sunset
>driving Anon home
>all the excitement from the day made you tired
>but the exhaustion really hit when you stepped outside of the hospital
>as the cool breeze hit you, it temporarily woke you up again
>but you wouldn't trade anything for today
>the only bad part was Anon getting hurt,
>but he was okay now
>everything else was perfect
>you think of how nervous you were last night thinking about telling Anon how you felt
>lying in bed, hoping you wouldn't say anything stupid
>but it all went great
>better than you could have dreamed
>and... you briefly saw Anon without a shirt
>you were already so excited for tomorrow
>"Hey Sunny, thanks for the lift again."
"Don't worry about it, Anon. I'm just glad that you're okay."
>"Yeah, me too. You got a snack in here somewhere?"
>you giggle a little bit
"You just get out of the hospital and the first thing you want is food?"
>"Well, yes. But also I'm supposed to eat before I take my painkillers."
>well that made sense
"No, I don't keep food in here."
>he shrugs
>"Oh well," and throws the pills down his throat
>of course he would do that
>you shake your head
"I'm just not going to even comment, Anon."
>"Well since I already did it, that would be a waste of words anyways."
"Yeah, whatever."
>even in his stupidity, it was hard to actually be irritated at him
>"Hey, you know what you should do?"
"What's that?"
>"Sing a song."
>you scoff
"I don't feel like singing."
>he throws his hands in the air
>"Of course you don't! You should though; I'm an injured man."
>you play along with his shenanigans
"First of all, injured? You just said you were fine! Also, you're not even 18 yet, kiddo."
>"Oh okay, I forgot the part where concussions felt good. Also, kiddo... hell no. I'm older than you are!"
"You totally don't even know that!"
>"I can feel it, Sunset. I can feel it in my loins; I am older than you. By how much? Doesn't matter."
>you give him a weird look
"Feel it in your loins??"
>he gives a snort-laugh
"Yeah, someone said that to me this week. Looking back, that's hysterical. Also you should sing."
>you give him the 'talk to the hand'
"Keep talking. I'm not singing. Why do you want me to sing so badly anyways?"
>he leans in towards you does an awful British accent
>"Can the king not enjoy the queen's voice just once?"
>mercy, that was cheesy
>..and it worked
>you roll your eyes
"Fine, but I choose the song. If the radio doesn't play anything I like, you'll have to wait."
>you start up the radio
>he leans back
>"Fair enough."
>this song plays
- [Embed]
"Oh, I know this one!"
>"Let's hear it."
>and though southern rock wasn't your favorite type of rock, you did like this song
>you turn the volume down a bit
>as you softly sing the lyrics of the song, you become more comfortable singing the song
>you have to keep your eyes on the road when you sing and drive, else you become too distracted
>Anon hasn't made some sarcastic comment about your voice yet
>which means it's either really good
>or it's horrid and he's too nice to say it
>but you're pretty sure it's not horrid
>the song nears the end, and Anon still has not said a word
>you look over and he's sleeping
>mouth wide open, but not snoring
>if you were tired, he must have been dead-tired after the game
>plus getting the crack on his head
>Tuesday while tutoring Anon
"Crystal Prep?? ... Good luck getting knocked out."
>"When I get knocked out there on that field... will you hold my hand and sing me a lullaby?"
>real time
>you grin pretty big looking at Anon
>looks like he got that lullaby after all
>you reach over and hold his hand to finish off the deal
>you'd hold onto the homecoming tickets for him until tomorrow
>and maybe his jersey until he asked for it back
>it was a good couple of minutes before you got to his place
>as you pull into his driveway, you gently shake his arm
"Anon? Anon, we're here."
>be Anon
>Photo used the wrong lens for the pictures
>you have to do them again
>you squat down to let Sonata and Derpy back onto your shoulders
>they get on, but this time instead of facing outward and having their asses towards your head
>they straddle your shoulder pads, asses facing outward
>SD: "Looks like you'll have to hold onto your asses this time, Anon. That's not a problem, is it?"
"N-no, not at all."
>you place a hand on each... firm ass
>Sonata uses her feet to slightly push against your body
>SD: "Uh oh, Anon. I think I'm slipping off. You might have to..."
>she bends her torso over to lightly bite your ear
>Derpy finishes the sentence, "...hold us tighter."
"Y-yeah, sure. No problem."
>you practically squeeze their asses to keep them on you
>the camera flashes start
>PF: "Ladies, turn up the heat. These magazines don't sell themselves! Adagio, you want in on this? Start stripping him down."
>be Sunset
>Anon isn't waking up
>but he's mumbling something
>you turn the radio off to try and hear what he's saying
>as you do this, he giggles like a little girl
>"hehe, she doesn't even balls."
>what is he dreaming about??
>a few seconds go by and he starts to grin in his sleep
>a few more seconds and he squirms a little
>shake him again
>he lets out a moan
>be Anon
>your eyes shoot open
>you wake up in Sunset's car
>man, hell of a dream
>"Anon, we're at your house," you hear Sunset say
>you look around and get your bearings
>the painkillers must have kicked in during your nap, because your head feels better
>"Did you even hear me sing at all?"
>you think back to the southern rock song
"Yeah, it sounded nice."
>you wouldn't mind being with her a little longer
>maybe catch another performance
>but you're out of it and you need to shower and go to bed
>you get out and grab your stuff from the trunk
>and start towards your house
>"No goodnight hug?"
>you turn around
>give a sarcastic look
>she gets out of the car
>"Shut up."
>you lay your gear down on the lawn as she approaches
>"I don't know why I put up with you sometimes.."
"Trust me, I don't either."
>arms wide, you pick her up
"Thanks Sunny."
>you put her back down and she starts back toward her car
>"Good night Anon, see you tomorrow."
"Good night Sunset."
>pick your gear back up and head towards the front door
>be Sunset
>you arrive back at your place
>as you put the key into the front door lock, you stop
"... she doesn't even balls??"
>after thinking of what that could mean, you shrug and enter the house
>after a shower, you walk to your room; towel wrapped around you
>put on a pair of panties and look for some pajamas
>none are clean; you forgot to do laundry last night
>look around for something else to wear to bed
>you see the 85 jersey hanging on your door and smile
>as you lay in bed, you check your phone
>text from Twilight
>[Hey is Anon okay?]
[Yeah we went to the doctor. He's not going to be able to play for a while but he's okay.]
>[That's great; about him being okay.]
>[I'm guessing you like Anon?]
>you think before typing
>a little worried
[Is it that obvious?]
>[Haha, pretty much. The make-out session after he won wasn't exactly subtle.]
[Yeah... it was kind of an 'in the moment' thing.]
>[Hey I'm not judging at all. I thought it was cute. Didn't look like he minded too much, either ;) ]
[No, I guess he didn't :) ]
>a few minutes go by
>[I don't want to sound nosy so you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Are you guys like.. going out?]
[I.. actually don't know.]
>[Are you wanting to?]
[... maybe.]
>be Anon
>laying in bed after a hot shower
>get your phone
>text from Flash
>[Hey man, how ya feeling?]
[Better. Doc gave me some painkillers.]
>[How long are you out?]
[... a month.]
>[Damn that sucks.]
[Ay Flash, I gotta tell you about the dreams I had when I was passed out.]
>[Okay. Hit me.]
[No, I mean I'll tell you tomorrow.]
>[You can't tell me now?]
[Nah man, it's too long.]
>[Alright bro. By the way, don't be late to the dance, I got a surprise.]
[What is it, are you asking Rainbow to be your lawfully wedded rapist?]
>[Screw you. I can't say what it is, but you'll want to be here for it.]
[Got it, bud. I'll see you there.]
>be Rainbow
>after school was over on Wednesday, you thought the hardest part of the situation would be over with
>after Celestia's final ruling and your apologies to your friends plus Anon, you thought the worst was over with
>to your surprise, you couldn't have been more wrong
>getting in trouble at school was small beans
>you were told that you got your energy from your dad
>he was energetic, athletic, and dedicated to what he cared about
>and in turn, he got a little excitable sometimes when he was angry
>especially when you got in big trouble
>so you expected to get yelled at
>when you got home on Wednesday, you told him that you needed to talk to him about something
>he sat down at the table and listened to what you had to tell him
>he didn't flip out when you told him you got suspended
>but when you told him what you did...
>at the time, you just didn't want him to yell at you
>but now
>now you wished he would have
>because he didn't say anything; at all
>his face turned pale as a look of horror faced you
>then, within seconds, he closed his hanging lower jaw, regaining control of himself
>his face fell expressionless
>after you finished explaining he just got up out of his chair... and walked away
>he went into the other room to turn on the TV, sat down, and said absolutely nothing to you
>you couldn't believe what just happened
>you knew that you deserved to be punished at home for what you did
>you'd probably get grounded for months
>you didn't know how to react
>he had never done this before
>you go to your room and think about what that means
>it was unnerving to watch him act so out of character
>but something about him not saying anything at all hurt more than any time he ever yelled at you
>maybe he was trying to teach you a lesson by being silent to you
>if this was the case, you definitely learned the lesson
>you felt awful
>in an hour, there is a knock at your door and an out of character monotone, "Dinner."
>you open your door, hoping he wants to talk now
>maybe he just needed time to think of what to say
>maybe now he's ready to punish you
>but as you look out of your door,
>he had already left your sight
>you walk over to the table again
>pull out your regular seat and sit down
>and for the first time in your life, you hoped he would yell at you now
>your dad brings over a plate of spaghetti and puts it in front of you
>during dinner is when he always asked about your day
>about your friends
>about sports
>about your life
>he always loved hearing you talk
>that Wednesday night during dinner, he didn't ask a single question
>when he wasn't eating his food, he just stared at his plate
>you felt like you had a hole in your heart
>you didn't care about what he might say
>you just wanted him to speak to you
>you would take any punishment over this
>he says nothing
>he doesn't look at you
"Am.. am I not grounded or something?"
>still watching the plate, he drones
>"I guess not."
>your emotion shows through your voice cracking
>he shrugs his shoulders lightly as if in a trance
>his face shows sadness, but he doesn't look away from his food
>"Do what you want, Rainbow."
>as he says this, the air in the room feels like it's getting thick
>it becomes harder to breathe
>your eyes start to feel hot
>but you know there isn't anything wrong with the air
>you tried to eat, but the pain of seeing your energetic dad like this hurt too much to consume any reasonable amount of food
>he didn't finish his food either
>after a few minutes of neither of you moving, he calmly gets up and takes your plate
>he throws the food away, again, something he normally didn't do
>he mumbles something about overcooked noodles
>you look at him with pleading eyes
>but he isn't looking
"No, dad, th-they were.."
>but before you can finish that sentence
>he grabs his keys and goes towards the door
>"I'll... I'll be back later tonight."
>but before he goes out the door, he looks at you with the same pleading eyes you gave him
>door shuts behind him
>you don't know where he's going
>but as you hear his car leave the driveway, you are left sitting at the table
>you knew that 'later' meant really late
>as in after you go to bed
>and he didn't say goodnight
>as the sound of the car fades into the distance, your breathing turns into sharp, shallow inhales through the nose with staggered exhales
>your bottom lip quivers as you try to hold it back
>your throat feels like it's being choked
>you never meant for anything like this to ever happen
>but as you realize what you have truly done, it felt like your heart sank to your feet
>it hurt bad enough to know that you had wronged your friends and especially Anon
>but this was unbearable
>your dad wasn't trying to teach you a lesson
>he wasn't playing mind games
>he wasn't even mad
>he was hurt
>you hurt him
>when you finally understood this, you couldn't hold it in anymore
>your throat became frozen as you broke down into a sob
>you bury your face into your hands as the tears start to pour
>still alone
>after several minutes of letting it out
>you drag yourself to your room again and lay on your bed
>your phone has several unread messages from your friends, but you didn't feel like reading them
>hours later, you feel your body needing sleep
>but you can't fall asleep
>the concept of time seemed to slip away as you stare at the spinning ceiling fan
>you can only think about your dad
>and everything that he's done for you
>you lie in bed, sheet and covers flailed about
>the hours go by as you think of some of the cool times you had with him
>he used to tell you stories about his escapades in high school and college
>listen to you talk and complain
>poke fun at you when you needed it
>you two were close
>and he worked his ass off making sure you had everything you needed
>you were old enough to understand... appreciate this
>he wasn't perfect
>but he loved you
>and he always took care of you
>your mind goes back to last year, when you both saved up some money and took a trip to the beach
>the laughs you shared
>the adventures you went on
>it was amazing
>and after that, you could never understand why other kids didn't want to go on vacations with their parents
>because that week at the beach was one of the best weeks of your life
>then you hear something in the house that takes you away from your thoughts
>it was the front door
>you look over to your clock
>3:12 am
>you had fallen asleep
>as footsteps near your door, you close your eyes and pretend that you weren't awake
>you know it's your dad
>the slow click of your bedroom doorknob
>the quiet creek of the door opening
>your dad peeks in your room, looking at you
>he waits there a second
>when you don't move, he quietly and slowly tip toes past the door
>he stands next to your bed
>his palm slowly extends towards your head, then stops
>he hesitates for a moment
>but his palm eventually connects with your hair
>he gently and softly pets your hair
>every once in a while, you hear a quiet sniffle
>but he makes not other noise
>a tear falls onto your cheek
>he wipes his eyes to prevent it from happening again
>after about a minute, he removes his hand from your head
>at the doorway, he turns to look at you once more
>and quietly leaves your room, shutting the door behind him
>as the door shuts, you open your eyes again
>the shadow of his feet are still outside of your door
>he's not moving
>but eventually they do, and you hear his door shut not longer after
>you knew your dad would never physically hurt you in any way
>so when you heard you door open, there was no worry in your mind
>maybe he didn't say anything
>but him taking the time to show that he didn't hate you; even if it was just petting your hair
>meant the world to you
>now you could finally sleep
>when you open your eyes again, light peers into your room from the window
>you look at the clock
>9:45 am
>the faint smell of cooked eggs hits your nose
>dad is making you breakfast
>you fly out of your sheets and swing your door open
>but when you look into the kitchen, he isn't there
>you knock on his door
>did he leave again??
>you mind goes to dark places thinking of the possibilities
>you nervously walk around the kitchen
>was he trying to say good bye to you last night?
>were your actions the final straw for him?
>...did you make him leave?
>did he leave for good this morning?
>as you start to get emotional again, your eyes see something on the fridge door
>it's a note
>you rip it off of the magnet and begin to read
>[Breakfast is in the fridge.]
>as you put the note down, you remember something
>he's at work
>he works the long shift on Thursday's
>he would be back around dinner time
>as your mind relaxes, you feel your stomach rumbling
>you open the fridge door and see a plate of eggs and bacon
>everything seemed a little more okay then
>as you ate, you decided to check your phone
>most of your friends had texted you last night, asking if you were okay
>but the last message from AJ said
>[Anon's tellin' people that you're sick. No one is going to know what happened. I hope you're okay, sug.]
>and though your reputation wasn't nearly as important as your dad
>Anon's decision took enough weight off of your shoulders to allow you to survive until your dad got home
>the day seemed to crawl along at a pace slower than you wanted
>you just wanted him to be home
>you didn't know what to say to him
>but anything would be better than nothing
>after working out, going for a run, eating twice and watching TV,
>the clock hit 5pm
>he would be home in about an hour
>as the clock neared 6pm, suddenly, you weren't sure if you were ready
>you paced around the house, thinking of what to say
>your mind was going 1000 miles per minute
>but 6pm finally came around
>and at about 6:10, the front door opened
>your dad found you in the kitchen, still pacing
>you stopped and looked at him, waiting to see what he would do
>you two looked at each other for a few seconds
>then he put his things down on the table, and looked back at you
>"Rainbow, go sit on the couch. We're going to talk."
>he sounded stern, but not furious
>he began walking towards the next room
>you followed him
>you sat down on the small couch facing the TV
>he sat on the chair facing the window
>there was silence again as he looked at his shoes
>then he looked back at you
>his face looked different than it did the night before
>he didn't look like he had seen a ghost anymore
>instead, he looked exhausted
>"I needed some time to think about this. I wasn't ready for what you told me."
>you look away for a moment, again feeling guilty
>then you meet eyes again
>"I called your principal today during my break at work."
"Y-you did?"
>"I did."
>he paused for a moment, like it was difficult to speak
>"Rainbow, I never thought I would have this kind of conversation with you. There's no way you can possibly understand how hard and uncomfortable it is to have to talk to you about this."
"O--okay. I'm sorry."
>"You did something wrong to this boy, and you hurt your friend's feelings doing so. And even if you thought that this 'Anon' guy would think that..."
>he looked like he might be sick, but he took a second and continued
>"... that what you did would be... hot, it still wouldn't have been okay. I think you know that."
>you nod your head 'yes' trying to keep it together
>"Principal Celestia told me that Anon has the power to tell the school of what you did. You know that I hope he doesn't do that, but Rainbow, look at me when I say this..."
>you look back at him
>"I also know that he has every right to do that. Do you understand why?"
"Yes... but Applejack texted me today and told me that he's not going to."
>your dad sits back for a second, trying not to show his relief
>then he leaned forward again
>"Celestia told me that Anon could have had you arrested, but he denied the option. Now you tell me that he's covering for you? Does he like you or something?"
>you shake your head
"No. No he doesn't. I think he might have liked Applejack, but I'm not sure. Dad, he didn't even tell on me; he was just going to tell my friends the truth... because I lied to them about what happened. That's when Celestia heard us."
>"Why is he practically letting you off of the hook like this?"
"He just kept saying that he wanted it to be over with."
>your dad thinks on this for what seemed like hours to you
>"Are you ever going to do something like this again?"
"No... I swear. I-I didn't know it would be like this. I thought... he would like it."
>you meant that too
>the thought of you giving oral make your dad want to vomit
>but he put that behind him so you wouldn't feel worse
>"Rainbow, you're at the age where sex is very common. I've always told you to be wise about this subject. Sex is one thing, but you made a mistake. A huge mistake. I know you already feel bad about it, I can tell. But I also know that what happened isn't okay, and feeling remorse isn't enough to make this right. I don't know what drove you to do something like that, but you can't do that again."
"I won't. Ever."
>"It sounds like this Anon guy is taking some hits for you, and I don't know why. But if he's as nice as Principal Celestia makes him out to be, then that makes what you did even worse. You ARE going to be grounded for a very, very long time. I don't know how long exactly, but I'll tell you when you're not grounded anymore. While you're grounded you'll be doing all of the house chores as well. I haven't decided if I'm going to let you play sports during this time, but we'll talk more on that later."
>"But the first thing you're going to do is find out how you can make this right for Anon. I'm not going to let you just take his mercy like it's free food; you're going to earn it. You can't undo what you did, but you can do right by at least trying to make it up to him."
"I will, I promise. I honestly want to do that anyways. I know what I did was wrong, and I swear that I never meant to hurt anyone, especially you. I swear, I've learned my lesson."
>"Good. One more thing. I don't hate you, even if what you did was very wrong. I'm always rooting for you, and I'll always be there for you. We'll get through this together, Rainbow; like we always have. No matter what, you are my daughter and no matter how badly you mess up, I love you."
>you needed to hear that so badly
>your legs seem to operate on their own as they fly the rest of your body towards your dad
>he gets up out of his chair with a smile and his arms open
>you wrap your arms around his grimy work uniform as you cry for the last time that night
>he hugs you back tightly
"I l-love you too, Dad."
>As you drive back home, you think about how your week has been
>Dad would let you go to the game and the dance since you already bought your ticket
>grounding started on Sunday
>you were nervous about coming to the game at first, but as soon as your friends invited you to sit with them, everything started to feel better
>you cheered on the Wondercolts until your voice got hoarse
>and while you didn't say anything, you really hoped 85 would have a good game
>and your hopes became reality when he scored the winning touchdown
>as you and the girls were getting ready to leave, you saw Anon get hit on the head with a helmet
>you had to stay, even if everyone else left
>because aside from the fact that you honestly wanted to make sure he was okay
>you needed to start going out of your way to be nice to him
>because your dad was right
>Anon could have crushed your entire life
>and yet he chose not to
>as he finally got up
>you told him that he did great during the game
>he responded with "Thanks. Glad you're back, Rainbow."
>and what lifted the weights from your shoulders was the fact that he looked like he meant it
>he and Sunset went off to the hospital
>you went home
>and while driving home, an idea popped into your head
>you step into the door of your house and see your dad watching TV
"Dad, I have an idea."
by Momo64
by Momo64
by Momo64