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Celestia's bloodbath by Anon

By Guest
Created: 2023-04-24 21:50:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Celestia's bloodbath by Anon
  3. 08/03/2014
  6. ---
  8. >There's something about Celestia that I want to do. We're both really close, but I wonder if she would want to
  9. >Fuck it, can't be that beta, I need to ask her
  11. >You walk into Celestia's chambers, where she is reading something
  12. "Celestia?"
  13. >"Oh Anon! Good afternoon to you! How are you doing?" Celestia seems very happy today
  14. "I'm fine. Listen you got a minute? I want to ask you something." Your voice cracked during that. Why did it crack?
  15. >"Oh? It seems very personal, I can hear it in your voice." She thinks about something, a faint blush can be seen on her cheeks, but fades away, "What is it? You can ask me anything."
  16. >Here it goes
  17. "You're immortal right? Like nothing will kill you, not even severe brain damage?" You gulp
  18. >"Well, yes I am. But why does that matter?" Her neck stiffens "Are you trying to take over Canterlot? I hate assuming things, but I really hope that isn't the question." She seems pissed.
  19. "N-no. Actually well... I was wondering if, oh man mind if I take a seat?"
  20. >She nods, you pull the chair in front of her
  21. >You begin shaking as if you had a fever
  22. "I was just wondering if....I could maybe....slice your neck and shower in your blood."
  23. >Her eyes widen
  24. "N-not that I'm trying to kill you. Never. You see I have a weird, ehm, fetish. When I see your neck, your beautiful long neck, I just want to slice it open like a mango and just shower on what comes out. Do you know what I mean?"
  25. >Her expression hasn't changed one bit. Here's hoping she doesn't send me to the moon
  26. >"You want to...slice my neck and bathe, in my blood?!" She seems very confused. Pretty sure anyone would be
  27. "I-if it's not too much! It would mean very much to me! Honestly! Y-you don't have to do it if you don't want to! I understand, really. It was a stupid thing to ask you to begin with, I'm sorry Celestia I really hope-"
  28. >"Fine." She says, in a terrorizing voice
  30. >"But in one condition, you will have to perform some hard labor over the next weeks. We need the help and I can't let you loiter all over town anyways."
  31. >You gulp. Is this really happening?
  32. "Th..Thank you Celestia. When can we do it? Soon hopefully? Because just thinking about it makes me very happy. The fact you said yes is just amaz-"
  33. >"We can perform it right now in the shower. That should make it easy to clean." She stands "Do you have anything sharp?"
  34. >You shake your head
  35. >"No matter, we can use this" She pulls out a decorative rapier, covered in sun and moon logos. Why would a pony need one?
  36. >"Don't question it Anon. I know you are. Let us proceed with this act. We don't have all day." She seems very dominant over this situation. Guess it's natural
  37. >You follow her into her bathroom, she is standing away from the drain.
  38. >"I don't know how you can have such weird fantasies, but standing there won't make this last long."
  39. >She gives you the sword. It has a really nice grip and is very sharp.
  40. >You twirl it around like you know shit about swords
  41. "Now that I think about this, won't it hurt you, like a lot?"
  42. >"That is for us to find out. Come on!"
  43. >You're getting nervous again.
  44. >You begin taking off your clothes, only leaving on your undies. Don't want her seeing your package increasing in size.
  45. >Now that you think about it, you got something going on.
  46. >No matter, you step into the shower tub, looking at the blade, feeling it with your finger.
  47. >"Don;t worry Anon. I promise I won't do anything after. But please hurry before somepony snoops in" She extends her neck. Her chin is barely over your forehead
  48. >Here it goes
  50. >You place the edge of the sword on the side of her neck. You've seen enough beheading videos on where the most blood is located
  51. >Her eyes are closed. yours arent
  52. >You choke the handle, placing it very close to her neck. your other hand behind her neck
  53. >As you place it on her neck, her eyes close. Either that's a tear or sweat. It's blood god time
  54. >You push it into her throat, hearing her shriek. Some blood can be seen trickling down her neck. She is shaking
  55. >You feel her pulse rattle the sword. You push it in deeper. She begins to cough out blood.
  56. >You hear a gasp of air escaping her fatal wound. Oddly enough you both are still standing.
  57. >Slash
  58. >Across her neck is just a deep wound of nastyness. The blood sprays across your face like a broken sprinkler. It relaxes and poors out like a hose
  59. >The blood sprays all over your body and down the drain. You can taste it. Metallic.
  60. >You begin to think this over, why the fuck are you a sick fuck? Why didn't your parents love you
  61. >Why are you getting hard as she tries to breath through her throat.
  62. >As that happen, more blood sprays out. It's constant
  63. >You drop the sword and begin your shower of victory
  65. >You rub it in deep, like a dirty african child who just discovered soap. Celestia is still gasping through her throat
  66. >You lather yourself like a barbarian. Your skin will be red for ages. Celestia is wiggling around, forcing her neck to remain tall
  67. >You rub it all over your scalp, ignoring the fact that Celestia could be dying. She is still producing gallons of blood through her wheezing throat.
  68. >She occasionally spits out blood through her mouth and nose. Chunks of it. You use this as soap.
  69. >You cover your chest in it. The blood is streaming all over your neck. It's warm
  70. >Celestia is trying to speak, but all that comes out are coughs and gasps for air. You start washing your legs
  71. >Now covered in blood, you start to lather your pits some more. Celestia is hopping. She is in pain, while you're in pleasure
  72. >You think for a moment and say fuck it. You grab a mouth full of her blood and use it as mouth wash. Her blood is turning brighter.
  73. >You do this twice, you want to remember the taste of pure blood. She is crying blood.
  74. >You think for a moment and rub some on your privates. The warm sensation makes you smile. Her mane is pulsing, eyes white
  75. >You look down, the drain is clogged and the blood is ankle deep. The sword is nowhere to be found. Celestias chest is red
  76. >Gazing into her throat you can see everything moving. Her throat wobbling up and down, the blood is getting less and less. The wounds are healing up
  77. >You stick your fingers into her throat. Her tail raises up. You feel inside, moving everything around. She coughs uncontrollably. Blood is on your eyes
  78. >You think for a moment. You're the only man to bathe on his princess's blood, and live to tell the tale.
  79. >Celestia tries to kick you with her front legs. She is very weak.
  81. >You take this moment to take advantage of the situation. You stick both your hands down her throat. Stetching it. She is gasping, crying, squirming. She kneels down
  82. >You have no expression for what's happening, you want more. You pull on some of her throat. Her chin is on your wrists. She is begging for mercy.
  83. >Her iris's are very large. She might faint. There is less blood coming out of her. Her muzzle is covered in chunks of blood. She is forcing herself to be awake. She wants to rest
  84. >Your arms begin to wobble, she is using her last body energy to separate the both of you. Blood begins to seep outside of the door. You become weak.
  85. >You are lifted up and knocked back to the wall, banging your head. Your sick fuck mind snaps out of it
  86. >You see a weak Celestia and a pool of blood around her. You look down and see you body. You begin to cry. Celestia begins to gain back her color.
  87. >Her wound is healed
  88. >You feel slimy, wet, and dirty. You vomit out blood and other shit. You havent eaten all day, yet you drank two mouth fulls of her blood.
  89. >Celestia walks towards you, with a faint smile. No scars, just blood. She coughs out and snot rockets more blood. It's black
  90. >She raises your chin with her front hoof. "Anon, that was one of the weirdest thing I have ever done in my life time," She coughs more blood. Her eyes are aggressive
  91. >"If you need time to be alone, I understand. Don't worry about the mess, I'll clean it up."
  92. >Hearing this produced more tears to run down your face. It's your mess and your sick fetish. You hug her
  93. >She hugs back
  94. >"There there Anon, don't worry. It's not your fault." She coughs more blood down your back. It's cold.
  95. >You wipe some of the blood off your face and walk back to your room, leaving behind your bloody foot prints. The guards are in shock.
  97. >"So Anon now that you have mentally recovered" agressively, "I think its time for a little community service. If you do a good enough job, I might reward you." She winks
  98. >What the fuck
  100. >"Incredible Anon! You've cleaned the whole castle in hours! A team of cleaners would've done it in days! But you! You're just one!" Celestia's face is beaming
  101. "Yeah well I guess I'm a hard worker." That's a lie. You just want that reward
  102. >And to see her smile after what happened
  103. >"Does your race always work this hard?"
  104. "Only the mexicans."
  105. >"Fascinating! However let us discuss your race later, about your reward..." Celestia looks nervous
  106. >"But about the other night, I have to tell you something about it. I actually enjoyed it. Like as much as you did."
  107. >Your mouth dropped
  108. >"Yes you have every right to be surprised. It wasn't the fact that I enjoyed someone, ehm..Bathing in my blood, but the feeling of my life force fading away. It made me feel mortal. Like how you guys are. Do you understand?"
  109. "yeah I do."
  110. >You fucking don't. This bitch is just as insane as you are
  111. >"And well, if you're not tired right now...I would like for that to happen again. Tonight." Her face is asking for it. Is she just as sick as yourself?
  112. >You think about it. Eh what the fuck. Maybe you can dismember her like you did to your action figures. Maybe she will like that
  113. "Alright sure, but actually I want to try something new."
  114. >"And what would that be?"
  115. "I want to break your legs"
  116. >Her face dropped, eyes larger than Micky Mouse on crack
  117. >"My legs? Let me get this straight, you want to break my legs?" She turns around, facing away from you
  118. "If it isn't too much. I mean slicing your neck is one thing but something is ticking in my head. I want to snap your thin legs."
  119. >There's silence in the room. The air gets heavy
  120. >"We shall do that then." Her head raises, she turns to you. "But nothing else. I don;t even think I can handle such pressure on me."
  121. >You smile, she smiles back
  122. >"How about right now Anon?"
  123. >You nod
  124. "Back to the bathroom?"
  125. >She nods
  127. >You both are standing in the middle of the tub, she has removed her "jewerly". You are only wearing your undies and a pair of gym shorts.
  128. >She raises her front leg, you grab it, tightly
  129. >You examine her leg, from the hoof to her chest, rubbing it
  130. >You get besides it, grabbing it harder. Her leg begins to shake.
  131. >She begins taking deeper breaths
  132. >With one clap, you snap her leg on the joint. She yelps
  133. >Her leg is flopping around, now useless
  134. >Tears are forming on her eyes. She begins grunting
  135. >You drop her leg, it flops down
  136. >You grab the other leg and proceede to do the same. Celestia is stumbling to stand on her hind legs
  137. >Crack
  138. >Both of her legs are now crippled. If this was a normal pony, they would be in shock
  139. >But not Celestia
  140. >She begins crying, no longer can hold it back
  141. >While you have a death stare, walking to her hind legs
  142. >Forcefully, you lift it up
  143. >She stumbles and falls, putting a ton of pressure on her front legs, trying to sooth the pain
  144. >She turns her head, looking at you
  145. >Eye contact, you apply pressure on her knee with one of your hands
  146. >A snap so brutal, it would make spectators cry
  147. >She gasps, tears are flowing down her face. She wants to scream, but cant
  148. >You look besides the tub and see the sword, with your sick fuck intentions, you pick it up
  149. >it's covered in dry blood. Celestia nods to you
  150. >Holding the sword above your head, you strike it down
  151. >Slicing her leg from the joint. She screams, and raises her floppy front legs to her, unable to cover her screams
  152. >She bites her cheeks, her tears become violent, her only hind leg is kicking around. Her body is squirming
  153. >You toss her dismembered leg out of the way. It begins to wither
  154. >Blood squirts out of one of the arteries in her leg. A bit less than her neck, but it's leaking
  155. >You grab her other leg. Stroke her inner thigh and flip the sword in the ice-pick position
  156. >She looks away.
  158. >With great force, you stab her leg like putting down the master sword back into it's stone bed.
  159. >The tip touches the floor. Celestia grunts while kicking her legs.
  160. >Blood begins rushing out of her thigh. it begins twitching
  161. >You grab the handle with both of your hands and pull it towards your body, down her leg
  162. >The blade cuts through it like paper, blood continues to leak out of her legs. Celestia is banging her head on the wall
  163. >The sword touches her bone. You lift up the sword and begin stabbing it. She is shaking violently
  164. >With one final stab, it breaks. She gasps.
  165. >You continue going down, to the hoof.
  166. >The same thing as before, you stab it until it breaks. Her leg is split in half
  167. >Celestia is mumuring to herself. Her front legs are healing on their own. You grab the sword and slash her tendon behind her knee
  168. >Her head is on the floor. She is motionless. Tears continue running down her face
  169. >Thats not enough. You want more
  170. >You begin rubbing her belly. Her eyes widen
  171. >You place the tip of the blade over one of her ribs and you apply pressure
  172. >She twitches. Her whole body is moving around. You place one knee on her neck
  173. >The sword glides down, slicing her body, exposing her damaged lungs and stomach
  174. >Her head rests again. She knows shes useless here.
  175. >You begin slashing her belly, removing all of the muscle and skin away until it's just exposed organs
  176. >The sword isn't enough, you place that away. Time to use your bear claws
  177. >With each tear, her spine shivers. You are a monster, killing its prey
  178. >You toss her hanging skin to the side, everything is exposed now
  179. >Her legs are getting healed slowly, but that doesn't matter, she's still weak
  180. >You look at her ribs. You could use some of them as poking tools
  181. >Grabbing one, you try to snap it off. It's too strong for your wimpy arms
  182. >But not your legs
  184. >You stand up, Celestia looks like an abandoned dog, all beat up. Begging for death
  185. >You raise your foot over her ribs and give Celestia the curb stomp of her life
  186. >Snap. Crack. Squish
  187. >She yells. Her ribs are now broken, her lungs ruptured
  188. >Her heart hanging
  189. >The guards are banging on the door, "Celestia! Are you ok? We heard what sounded like you were in pain? Answer now or we will enter!"
  190. >"D-don't worry my guards!" She's struggling to even say a word. She stairs at you, you stair back, "I'm just-cough- going number 2. You know how those cakes go right through me!" Her voice seems clogged. She winks at you. You smile back
  191. >"Of course Princess. S-Sorry to disturb you! We will be at our designated posts!" They trot off
  192. "That was a close one huh?"
  193. >She smiles, "Now, where were we?" she lays her head down again.
  194. >You grab her torn lungs and place them by the sword. These organs are obviously not used. Meh, pony magic
  195. >You grab her still beating heart. It increases.
  196. >With a tug, you pull it out. Celestias eyes widen. Her mouth open. There's no sounds coming out
  197. >She locks up, her whole body is stiff. The bleeding still flowing to the drain
  198. >You hold her heart in your hands. You play with it like a kid would with play-doh. Its squishy, slimy, wet
  199. >You squish it between your hands. It oozes out blood before it pops.
  200. >Celestia is motionless. Could she be dead?
  201. >You go to her neck and feel for a pulse. Then you laugh since her heart is in your hands
  202. >Her head turns to you and her muzzle points to her chest
  203. >Inside is a small heart, increasing in size.
  204. >She is weaker than before now. Her mane now lifeless, no longer flowing. Play time is over.
  205. >You stand up and watch how everything regenerates back, first the heart, then the lungs, then everything else
  206. >Her stomach starts to close up, a magical glow seams everything back together.
  207. >how can something so destructive look so beautiful
  209. >Her legs were fully healed before this mess, so missing her legs form back was disappointment.
  210. >She lays there like a cow giving birth. Motionless. Blinking at an unpredictable beat. Her mouth is slightly open
  211. >Her mane begins regaining color, she regains her strength and stands up.
  212. >She turns to you and smiles. She uses her magic to clean you up, and the mess around you
  213. >You both smile and hug it out

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