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/bcg/ - Reviews
By ClubManager
Created: 2023-05-03 17:20:55
Updated: 2023-05-17 19:20:54
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Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell
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6/10 |
"I guess I'll begin, since it's officially Monday. Let's talk about Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. So, the books are short, which makes sense, since they're for kids. I think they could have at the very least doubled the length, and it would still be fine. I read this one in an hour. I admit, I don't care for Twilicorn. That's a problem, since that's what this book focuses on. Twilight has just ascended and has no idea what the fuck to do. I feel for her, she was just some nobody who lived in a library just the other day, and now she is a princess. God, what a boneheaded development. But I'm sure you've heard this take a million times already though. Twilight solicits advice from Cadance. Here, we get some backstory on her, which is my favorite part of the book. Did you know she was a pegasus originally? I didn't. So, she instead had to earn a horn instead of wings, the opposite of Twilight. Anyway, the show definitely needed to explain Cadance's past and failed to do so. This book fills in the gap. Twilight then asks her friends for advice, but their suggestions are all fucking stupid. Apparently, Twilight is in the wrong for dismissing them. She manages to hurt Rarity's feelings, which sucks because she's my favorite pony. Oh well. Gilda and Trixie have teamed up, which is probably the worst part of the book. This match-up is completely nonsensical. They try scamming people, which is more of Flim and Flam's thing. The show would later contradict their depictions here. I guess one thing I like about newer seasons is that Trixie's show is perceived in a more positive light. So, I don't care for its negative appearance in this book. At the end of the day, friendship is the answer to all of Twilight's problems. It's almost like it's magic or something. For the first book, I'll give it a 6/10. I don't have anything else to compare it to yet, so I'll be nice and give it a passing grade. It's nothing too amazing, though." |
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ClubManager |
8/10 |
"Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell is a book about Twilight being unable to figure out how to be a good princess, and Cadence tries to help her. The book features all of the Mane 6, plus characters like Trixie, Gilda, Shinning Armor and Mrs.Cake. G.M. Berrow writes these characters in such a way that they really feel like the ones you'd normally see on screen, although, the book assumes you already know the characters and locations, and fails to describe a lot of things. Future readers are advised to know the chronological position of the books beforehand, to not spoil the TV show. For the moral lesson of this story you need to understand that the crystal heart necklace is used as a metaphor of the mind and heart. The book tries to teach that negative feelings and thoughts grow rapidly and can get out of control. In other words, the book teaches the importance of self-control and to stay away from negative influences. Did you know? Princess Cadence was a Pegasus from her birth and was made a princess when she defeated Prismia, an unknown pony. Then Celestia turned her into an alicorn and adopted her as her niece. Knowing this is the reward for reading this book. Twilight Sparkle is still one of my favorite ponies and I haven't read the other books yet, so this may be biased. I just really liked the book. I rate it 8/10." |
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Anon |
7/10 |
"I just finished the first book and I liked it, not sure if I'm going to write a whole review but for now I'll say It was comfy." |
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Anon |
6/10 |
"It's very much a children's book. Obviously the language is simple but Berrow still writes well. She's good at evoking a scene without relying too much on droning over-description like a lot of kids' authors. Everyone feels in character and their dialogue sounds like them. It does do a bit too much re-treading of things that happened in the show for my liking, I get that it's there for readers who might not have seen those episodes but for anyone who has there's quite a bit of needless exposition. The Cadence backstory lore dump is kind of interesting, but also very rushed. I'd have read a whole book about the events of those three pages or so and it would probably have made for a more interesting story. The message of the book is about finding a balance between living for others and living for yourself, and it uses Gilda and Trixie as a kind of "voice of selfishness" (in contrast to Twilight's more selfless instincts) which becomes more appealing to Twilight after she realizes how difficult and frustrating it is to try and cater to everyone else's very different desires. That said, if Trixiefags thought she was hard done by in the show, this book makes it worse. She really does do nothing wrong here and yet Applejack still tries to ruin her livelihood. Fucking how is it a scam just to put on a magic show and charge for it? I'd say I mostly enjoyed the book until the last few pages, it felt like it wrapped up far too quickly and not necessarily with the best moral. Twilight just realises she's becoming self obsessed and ignoring her friends, so decides to use her new position as Princess to do the things they wanted to do anyway, which doesn't really address the problem of her feeling like she wasn't being true to herself. I guess it was being true to herself to do whatever they wanted? Nepotism is Magic." |
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Pinkie Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party!
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6/10 |
"PPatRPP is a fun little novel about Pinkie Pie doing what she does best. The story includes all of the fun Pinkie related touches from the show such as her high energy antics and insatiable appetite for parties. The plot details her attempts to win over her family's trust after their rock farm is about to be closed down because of the increase in gems since the Crystal Empire returned. Pinkie thinks the best way to save the farm would be to throw a massive "rock" party, but her family is reluctant and believes that parties can't solve everything (they're wrong of course). It was nice to see Pinkie's family brought to life, especially since they wouldn't be given voices and personalities until season 5. One of the more humorous moments in the story involved Pinkie going into serious mode to please her parents, much to the chagrin of everyone else. Sadly, while the story has a fun idea, it quickly loses steam and it feels like everything just kinda resolves itself off screen, but I didn't expect much from a chapter book for 8 year olds. The finale involves a rock concert featuring some punny bands, Barrow can't seem to help herself with the horse puns (and who can blame her?)." |
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ClubManager |
7/10 |
"Ponypalooza Party is a story that features Pinkie Pie and her family, with brief mentions of other ponies like the Mane 6, CMCs, Cheerliee, and a comeback of the creepy Pinkamina Diane Pie. Basically, Pie's Rock Farm is going bankrupt because the Crystal Empire is back, the Pie family goes to PonyVille only to ask Princess Twilight Sparkle for help, Pinkie Pie is happy to see her family again after a long time and wants to help them, but they intentionally hurt her feelings cruelly in every possible way. Is really hard to not hate Cloudy Quartz and Igneous Rock after reading this book. Anyway, the book revolves around the idea that Pinkie Pie is going nuts after that, until Spike saves the day and then Pinkie drops the "rock" party wink wink. Once again, G.M Berrow manages to capture well the essence of mlp characters and bring them to life in the prose. However, I must warn you: If you have seen the fifth season, then you already know the shy Marble and the agressive Limestone but ... THEY ARE NOT THE SAME IN THE BOOK, THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE ALL WRONG. But is not author's fault, this book came two years before the debut of that episode. >moral lesson The lesson of this story is not for the kids, is for the parents. I presume that the message is to love and tolerate your son/daughter even if you can't bear and understand their personalities, likes and talents. >Did you know? 1. This book oficially reveals that Maud Pie is older than Pinkie Pie. Poor Pinkie. 2. Cheerliee doesn't like popular things and fashion stuff!. >Personal opinion I just didn't like that Pinkie Pie's parents were such massive jerks, and the monotonous Limestone and Marble (they are written like Maud Pie I swear Celestia). Ignoring that, is really good book." |
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Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Double Dare
Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity
Applejack and the Honest-to-Goodness Switcheroo
Fluttershy and the Fine Furry Friends Fair
Discord and the Ponyville Players Dramarama
Lyra and Bon Bon and the Mares from S.M.I.L.E.
Starlight Glimmer and the Secret Suite
Trixie and the Razzle-Dazzle Ruse
Princess Celestia and the Summer of Royal Waves
Princess Luna and the Festival of the Winter Moon
Princess Cadance and the Spring Hearts Garden
Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Forgotten Books of Autumn
Schoolhouse of Secrets
The Tail of the Timberwolf
Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe
Peryton Panic
Cursed Crusaders
Journey to the Livewood
Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore
Daring Do and the Eternal Flower
Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds
My Little Pony. Poni nimeltä Spike
The Journal of the Two Sisters
Journal of Friendship
The Stormy Road to Canterlot
My Little Pony: The Movie: The Junior Novel
Pinkie Pie Steps Up
Rainbow Dash Rights the Ship
Fluttershy Balances the Scales
The Movie: Adventure Awaits
Through the Mirror
Rainbow Rocks
Rainbow Rocks: The Mane Event
Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine
Friendship Games
Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise
Legend of Everfree
Magic, Magic Everywhere!
A Friendship to Remember
Rainbow Dash Brings the Blitz
Twilight Sparkle's Science Fair Sparks
Pinkie Pie and the Cupcake Calamity
Make Your Own Magic: Starswirl Do-Over
Wondercolts Forever: The Diary of Celestia and Luna
Canterlot High Tell-All