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"Hard blush" MLP/EG WallflowerxAnon Greentext

By Guest
Created: 2023-05-09 21:39:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Currently staked out at your local playground
  3. >But not in some white van no
  4. >That would be a dead give away
  5. >Instead you sit in some bush with a pair of binoculars observing the local wildlife
  6. >Barely legal girls
  7. >At least in the state of canterlot which is 15 and nowhere else
  8. >At least you hoped that these girls were 15 because that was your excuse if you ever got caught
  9. >Hey voyeurism and peeping was just a misdemeanor right?
  10. >But deep down you knew what you were really out here for
  11. >Brushing the thoughts aside you continued to watch the objects of your desire run around in short skirts, tight waist hugging shorts, tank tops, sports bras, and all kinds of loose or tight articles of clothing
  12. >You just loved the summer time
  13. >Oh god were those spats?
  14. >Letting out a low moan you tucked you stiffening erection into your waistband
  15. >Could even just say you were bird watching, if anyone asked
  16. >Law enforcement in this down was almost non existent and the citizens so naive
  17. >...
  18. >Does that make you a bad guy?
  19. >Your train of thought was smashed as a couple of girls too young to be in high school but dressed as cheerleaders started doing cart wheels and other cheer type activities
  20. >Every so often you’d get a quick flash of some panties, causing your mouth to salivate in need
  21. >As you started at the troupe you noticed something behind them that caught your attention
  22. >A young girl sitting by herself at the swings
  23. >Her skin was a light green with even darker long green hair, that she seemed to use to hide her face under how messy and disheveled it was
  24. >Despite it being summer she wore ratty jeans and even a sweater
  25. >Jeez imagine the stink on her
  26. >...
  27. >You then begin to imagine the stink on her
  28. >Unf
  30. >>39864895
  31. >Now that you think about it
  32. >You have seen her before
  33. >More than just a few times as a matter of fact
  34. >Why did you never notice her before though?
  35. >Looking around it seems like no one else in the area does either
  36. >She's like a total ghost
  37. >In the world but not of it
  38. >You begin to ponder on that when you start to hear more activity behind you and get spooked
  39. >As another gaggle of girls come pressing through you drop your binoculars into the bush and try to slide out of the foliage as inconspicuous as a man who just slide out of some bushes can
  40. >You didn't worry about the binos
  41. >They were well hidden enough
  42. >Something else was on your mind
  43. >Something much more devious
  44. >And it call had to do with that one green girl
  46. >Fast forwarding a week later and you’re back in the very same park
  47. >A little later than usual but all part of the plan
  48. >Tonight was the night you lost your virginity
  49. >And the “Ghost of canterlot park” as you have dubbed he would be the answer to all your problems
  50. >No one would notice her gone you were sure
  51. >Making this all too perfect
  52. >Keeping out of sight of your target you didn't need to be hiding like usual at this time of hour, besides it was past playtime and everyone had gone home anyway
  53. >Everyone except her
  54. >Perfect
  55. >As she sighed and got up from the swing she looked down at the ground, kicked a rock and slowly walked away
  56. >silently you followed, large steps getting you closer with every second
  57. >Trailing behind it was when she got to a intersection on the side walk you finally closed the gap and warped a arm around her and started to guide her to the left instead of the right she was originally going for
  58. >Eyes wide and shocked she looked up at you
  59. >”H-hey who i-i mean what are you-”
  60. “Shhhh dont worry about it”
  61. >Kids were so easy to talk too
  63. >>39864904
  64. >Placated that your autism had gotten you this far without a hitch you walked as fast as you could with a scared and confused girl against your hip to the parking lot
  65. >You were almost at your car and scot free when in your autistic haze you failed to notice a smiling Miss Cheerilee
  66. >”Oh hello Anon how are you! Fancy running into you here.”
  67. “Oh ugh im great miss Cheerilee just enjoying a nice summer walk! Haha!”
  70. >”Well it’s good to see I'm not the only one enjoying the weather while it lasts, I can't wait to see you again at our book club this week! Till then ta-ta!”
  71. “Oh uh yes Ta-Ta! Haha”
  72. >Waving her off you cringe that she had to remind you in public about the book club you shared with her
  73. >You just couldn't help but lust after cute book girls there
  74. >Those cute and funny book girls…
  75. >Getting lost in thought you started to move forward when a unfamiliar weight at your side caught your attention
  76. >Looking down you were quickly reminded of just what you were doing moments before
  77. >The realization that you had just gotten away with it was beginning to fill you with a euphoria never felt before when you noticed her sad face
  78. >The fear on her face was no longer apparent and instead she just had the same look of sadness as she had on the swings
  79. >Shaking your head you had no time to dwell on this as you rushed over to your car with her opened your side door and grabbing her sweater collar and leg you picked her up and tossed her comedically into your car, accentuating it with clapping your hands together afterwards
  80. >Closed the door Hopped in the driver seat and sped away slight above what the speed limit was
  81. >Gotta stay safe after all
  83. >>39864915
  84. “I'm on my way!”
  85. >Singing along you were completely lost in thought as you drove down deserted roads
  86. >Turning the radio down a bit you started to think to yourself
  87. >What were you gonna make for dinner again?
  88. >Did you actually have anything cookable at home?
  89. >Maybe you should stop by the grocery store before going home
  90. >I mean it couldn't hurt to make a quick-
  91. >”How long is this going to be?”
  92. “Bwahhh!”
  93. >Being completely caught off guard at the sudden voice from the backseat you involuntarily gave your best hank hill impression and almost drove into the ditch
  94. >Regaining control of the wheel you pulled over and took a steady breath before looking back at the stowaway
  95. “Excuse me, what are you doing in my car!?”
  96. >”Uhhh you were kidnaping me? Remember?”
  97. >Were you?
  98. >Taking a second you thought about it before everything came rushing back to you
  99. “Oh yeahhhhh i was wasn't i?
  100. >Chuckling you face palmed yourself
  101. “Cant believe i-”
  102. >You cut yourself off as you noticed that sad sad look once again on her face mumbling something out
  103. >”-Always forget”
  104. “...what?”
  105. >”I said everyone always forgets about me”
  106. >Rubbing her arm she continues as she looks down
  107. >”People are always forgetting about me or never notice me. Sometimes i just feel like i'm invisible”
  108. “Er well im sure thats not 100% true”
  109. >”Miss Cheerilee was my teacher for a whole year and didn't even notice me with you”
  110. >Oof
  111. “Well she probably thought i was just your dad or some-”
  112. >”She's met my parents multiple times on parent teacher nights”
  113. >Double oof
  114. “W-well teachers sometimes forget i mean-”
  115. >”They play bridge together on weekends”
  116. “...”
  118. >>39864918
  119. >Leaning back into your car's seat she sighed and you looked devastated
  120. >You really didn't know how to deal with this
  121. >As your brain ran idea after idea of just what to say or do she spoke
  122. >”Are you going to rape me?”
  123. >The way her voice was so deadpan shocked you at what she just said
  124. “Uhh i mean-”
  125. >”It’s okay if you are”
  126. >Fuck what.jpeg
  127. >”None of the boys in my class look at me or talk to me”
  128. >”Not even the older, more lonely, desperate ones. I've read online about these things called femcels, forever alone girls and how when you turn 40 you turn into a wizard or something? I don't want that to be me”
  129. >You honestly could not believe what you were hearing
  130. >Who let her have unrestricted internet access?
  131. >”So as long as you drive me home and don't hurt me im ok with you raping me. I promise I won't tell anyone. It's not like any other boy would look at me or even want to touch me anyway”
  132. >As she started sniffling at the end of her sentence she looked to be battling back tears
  133. >On one part of your brain you were jumping for joy
  134. >You got to rape a girl, and she wouldn't tell anyone and you didn't have to like tie her up or do some brainwashing or mind breaking or anything like that
  135. >But on the other hand you felt kinda bad
  136. >She really was a cute girl and the thought that no boys would look at her was crazy! You’d kill to have a girl like her with you when you were her age
  137. >Matter of fact he whole story was kinda sad
  138. >This girl really was a ghost
  139. >Thinking to yourself you started to feel like this wasn't such a good idea anymore
  140. >...Or was it?
  141. >Goddammit brain stop it
  142. >But your brain did make a good point?
  143. >Should you go through with this?
  144. >Rape this girl and finally lose your virginity?
  145. >Or maybe make her feel better?
  146. >Hmmm…
  148. >>39864930
  149. >Be Anon still, driving into a deserted parking lot, you put your car in park
  150. >”Where are we now?”
  151. >You point a finger to the sign of the establishment you pulled up on
  152. “Can’t read? It’s my favorite, Dennys”
  153. >She takes a long look at it before slowly looking back at you
  154. >”You’re really gonna have me do it in the bathroom stall at a dennys?”
  155. “W-what!? No get those thoughts out of your head im not raping you”
  156. >”Oh… ok”
  157. >Looking absolutely crestfallen she hung her head allowing her long hair to cover up the sadness on her face
  158. >Regardless of the absurdity of the situation your heart was breaking seeing her like this
  159. “Hey what i mean is maybe we can get to know each other first, i don't exactly feel comfortable going through with well… “that” anymore”
  160. >”I'm sorry about that”
  161. >This goddamn girl was apologizing for everything that she shouldn't be!
  162. >Was she Canadian?
  163. “Come on i know something that will cheer you up”
  164. >Getting out and opening her door she hopped out and you walked besides her
  165. >”name…wall…blush”
  166. “Pardon?”
  167. >”I said my names Wallflower Blush”
  168. “Oh well, that's pretty name for a pretty girl”
  169. >What you guessed was a blush crept up on her face as she quickly hid it from you under her hair
  170. >Pretty accurate name
  171. >”So what's yours?”
  172. >You mentally locked up at that
  173. >Should you tell her?
  174. >Logic finally came back to your brain as you realized she was still in the middle of a kidnapping and you would be giving her kidnappers, said name
  175. >Should you-
  176. >”Yo Anon!”
  177. >God damn it
  178. >You forgot all the staff knew you on a first name basis
  179. >Maybe you were here just a little “too” much
  180. >Looking down you could see a smirk on her face
  181. >”Pfft what kind of a name is Anon”
  182. >You wanted to say something back but the small smile on her face kept you from it
  183. >It was the first time you saw her have a expression other than sadness
  184. >But just as quickly as it showed it disappeared as she noticed you staring
  185. >Progress?
  187. >>39867508
  188. >Fast forwarding you sipped your milkshake as Wallflower sipped hers swinging her little legs idly, as she did
  189. >Her cuteness was having an effect on you as it brought a smile to her lips
  190. >Milkshakes always cheered you up on a bad day and you were glad they were having the same effect on her
  191. >Laughing to yourself you thought milkshake would be a funny name for a cat
  192. >Your autistic thoughts were quickly halted as a small voice spoke
  193. >”Anon why did you kidnap me”
  194. >Quickly standing up out of your seat you looked around to make sure no one heard what she just said
  195. “Jeez Wallflower not so loud with that”
  196. >”Ah sorry”
  197. >Cringing she rubbed her arm in embarrassment before continuing
  198. >”But yeah why me?”
  199. >You had to think this one through
  200. >Because you were an easy target?
  201. >Because you were completely invisible to everyone around you?
  202. >Because you were least likely to scream?
  203. >Looking quizzically at you, you needed a answer
  204. “W-well because you were special”
  205. >”Special?”
  206. “Yeah i mean there was just something about you that called to me”
  207. >Smooth Anon, after all you weren't technically lying
  208. >Blushing she hid behind her hair again, her cute scratchy voice filled your ears
  209. >”I-I don't think I've ever been called special before”
  210. >The way her eyes quickly looked into yours before darting back to the ground made your heart flutter
  211. >Were you actually falling for Wallflower?
  212. >You barely knew her for a day and already she’s cast a spell on you
  213. >Smiling you rested your head in your hand
  214. “You know you’re pretty cute for a 15 year old”
  215. >”15?”
  216. “Uh ya i mean… you are 15 right?
  217. >Smirking at you she folded her hands under her chin and rested her head on them looking up at you
  218. >”Anon im 13 you goober”
  219. “...”
  220. “Uohhhhhhhhhh!!”
  222. >>39867576
  223. >Finishing up your milkshakes
  224. >You both smiling got up and headed for the exit happy with how everything had gone so far
  225. >Till you heard one of the workers calling out to you
  226. >”You and your daughter have a nice night Anon!”
  227. >Ex-fucking-cuse me?
  228. >You were only in your 20s!
  229. >How fucking old did you look?
  230. “Wha- shes-”
  231. >”Very thankful for her daddy~”
  232. >Wiping your head back around with a enough speed to give you acute whiplash you stared down at Wallflower holding your hand and looking up innocently at you
  233. >”Come on “Daaad” let's hurry home already!”
  234. >Dragging you by the hand out you were too lost in the façade to react till you were back sitting in your car
  235. >Hopping into the passenger seat Wallflower on all fours beamed at you
  236. >”Pretty good cover right?”
  237. “Uh yeah i-”
  238. >Unable to suppress her giggles they quickly turned into a laugh
  239. >”You should have seen your face Ano- eh i mean “Daddy~”
  240. >Blushing yourself you gripped the wheel trying to not to play into her act too much
  241. >Holding her pose she quickly broke down as you didn't take the bait
  242. >”Come on I've never done this “being cute” thing before”
  243. “I’ll admit it caught me off guard”
  244. >”Well it would have probably looked bad if the real reason you were hanging out with a 13 year old came out”
  245. >Cringing at the thought you fasten your seatbelt as Wallflower quickly sat down and fastened hers
  246. >She was a quick thinker for sure and despite her age might be smarter than you gave her credit for
  247. >”So where to now?”
  248. “Now i take you home”
  249. >”My place or yours~”
  250. “L-lewd! Where did you learn these words?”
  251. >”My parents give me unrestricted internet access”
  252. >Ugh you had a feeling that was the reason why
  253. “No I'm taking you to YOUR home”
  254. >”Oh”
  255. >And just like that all the joy and whimsy she had before faded instantly
  256. >But a spark remained as you drove off
  257. >”But we’ll see each other again right?”
  258. >Should you
  259. >...
  260. >Part of your brain was saying to stop this immediately and take it as a blessing you didn't find yourself in a jail cell already
  261. >But on the other hand
  262. >C U N N Y
  264. >>39867639
  265. >...
  266. “Ehhhhhh”
  267. >”Ehhhhh?”
  268. >...
  269. “Alright ya”
  270. >Smiling she did a little fist pump
  271. >Rolling your eyes, her charm was starting to really get to you now
  272. “Now give me directions to your place”
  273. >After about half a hour of driving you reached your destination
  274. >Pulling up a block away from Wallflowers house to avoid suspicion you put it in park and looked at each other
  275. >Wallflower Was first to speak sporting a blush that her light green skin did 0 job hiding
  276. >”You know this was my first date right”
  277. >You resisted the urge to say “me too”
  278. “I can't wait to be there for your 2nd as well”
  279. >Giggling she reached into her pocket and pulled out a flip phone
  280. “Damn haven't seen one of those in a long time”
  281. “Shut up, my parents dont think i need a touch screen at 13”
  282. >Brushing the hair out of her face she gave you a sly smile
  283. >”But maybe my daddy~ could buy me one”
  284. >13 and she already knew how to manipulate men
  285. >Good thing she didn't use that phone when you first threw her into your car, then immediately forgot about her
  286. >Rolling your eyes you exchanged numbers
  287. “Since tomorrow is a Saturday you want to-”
  288. >”Yes!”
  289. >...
  290. >”I mean if I'm not busy or anything sure”
  291. >Smiling you leaned in and kissed her cheek
  292. >Blushing she tapped her fingers together before speaking
  293. >Could we maybe try a…”adult” kiss?
  294. >Blushing yourself you swallowed some saliva and nodded
  295. “Ya sure”
  296. >Leaning back Wallflower got to her knees and held the sides of your face before awkwardly smushing her lips into yours
  297. >Holding them together you gently broke it and leaned back from each other blushing
  298. >”N-not bad for a first kiss”
  299. “Y-yeah”
  300. >Looking down and shuffling her hands together she quickly turned and opened the door
  301. >”WellseeyatomrrowAnonbye!”
  302. >Seeing her jog up to her door made you laugh
  303. >Upon reaching the top of her steps she gave you one last smile and a little wave before disappearing into her house
  304. >Leaning back into your seat you took a deep breath before driving off, alone with your thoughts
  305. >So much had just happened in one day of your life
  306. >But maybe it was for the better
  307. >Tomorrow you had a date lined up!
  308. >And even though there was this annoying little voice trying to give you advice on how much of a bad idea this was and this and that, you just didn't listen
  309. >You never listened to good advice before. Why start now?
  311. >>39867795
  312. >Be Anon currently camped out in your car waiting for Wallflower to show up
  313. >It was Saturday and you decided to meet some distance away from her house in a secluded area so no one she knew would see her getting into a car with a stranger
  314. >Her idea not yours
  315. >As you idly tapped along to the soundtrack of one of your favorite movies you checked your watch
  316. >12:45
  317. >She should be here any minute now
  318. >As if on cue your phone buzzed
  319. >Opening the text notification you could see it was from Wallflower
  320. >”Make sure your car doors unlocked”
  321. >Uhhhh okay?
  322. >Reaching over to unlock your car door it's then you spot a certain young green girl
  323. >She was wearing the same clothes as last night but this time with a blue ball cap and shades
  324. >...
  325. >Was this her attempt at a disguise
  326. >As she got closer and rounded a corner she shimmied along the wall looking all around her
  327. >You leaned in just to see if her hat had words on it
  328. >Nope no “Please be patient” to be had here
  329. >With one final visual sweep she walked to your car quickly
  330. >Opening the door and hoping up on the seat she looked at you
  331. >”Drive”
  332. “Yeah the songs from drive how did you-”
  333. >”No, i mean move the vehicle silly”
  334. >Oh
  335. >Shifting into drive you pulled onto the streets and drove away from whatever Wallflower was trying to stay inconspicuous from
  336. >After a couple of blocks you stopped at a stop sign
  337. >Letting out a sigh she took off her aviators and smiled
  338. >”Just wanted to be extra careful you know? Don't want to lose my boyfriend after just a day”
  339. >Boyfriend?
  340. >Leaning over she gave you a quick kiss on your cheek
  341. >Blushing yourself, this was moving way too fast for you
  342. “W-where did you learn all this?”
  343. >”Oh well I um…”
  344. “Um?”
  345. >...
  346. >”W-well sometimes I watch these cartoons from japan a-and well I'm kind of a fan of their romantic comedies”
  347. >As her sentence started to end her voice became more higher pitched and quieter at the same time, most likely from embarrassment as she held a fierce blush
  348. >Laughing heartily you honestly didn't expect your little loli to be a anime fan
  350. >>39872386
  351. >”H-hey why are you laughing!”
  352. >Reaching over with one hand you lifted her hat and ruffled her hair
  353. >Pouting at you, you finished your laugh and responded
  354. “Don't worry I'm not laughing at you I just didn't expect you to be into anime, and you can just call it anime and romcoms for short”
  355. >”Oh, alright, I just thought you were laughing at me or something, some of the other kids who like “anymays” get bullied
  356. >You chucked at how she pronounced “anime”
  357. >”But it's not just anime, I see how my mom and dad sometimes act and well I wanted to try it on you cause, well ya know… they both look really happy with each other”
  358. >...
  359. >”A-Anon?”
  360. >You are absolutely dying of sweetness
  361. >She's so pure and innocent and cute (and funny) it was killing you on the inside
  362. “T-that's very sweet Wallflower”
  363. >Blushing she stared at the road ahead as you drive for a bit before speaking up again
  364. >”So where are we going for our date?”
  365. “It's a surprise”
  366. >Giving you a smile you returned it with a smile of your own before continuing down familiar roads
  368. “Alright one more turn and…surprise”
  369. >Gesturing out before you held out a hand at the small building in front of you
  370. >”Is this an arcade?”
  371. “Ya I've been going here since i was a kid, it's also behind all these other buildings on the street so it's kind of out of the way”
  372. >”Less chance of us seeing someone we know”
  373. “Exactly, but also I just really like arcades, and if your not a gamer it's okay too, they got like skeeball and stuff”
  374. >”Oh I'm a gamer alright, got candy crush on my phone and everything
  375. >...
  376. >How do you break it to her?
  377. >Seeing the look on your face she starts laughing and giggling
  378. >”I'm just messing with you Anon i got a Nintendo and everything”
  379. >Grinning art her cunning joke you both walked towards the entrance before stopping her real quick
  380. “Oh yeah but just in case anyone asks, let's just say we’re cousins, cause well I mean, we’re both green, ya know?”
  381. >”I guess but I'm gonna miss calling you daddy, daaaddy~”
  382. >Deep breaths don't pop a boner right now
  383. >Opening the door and ushering her in you shake your head once out of her vision
  384. >Kids these days were too lewd too young!
  385. >...
  386. >And part of you absolutely loved it
  388. >>39872522
  389. >Time passed quickly as the 2 of you partook in a variety of activities
  390. >From skeeball to, Time crisis to, dance dance revolution
  391. >Since a few of the regulars knew who you were of course the question of why you had a cute little girl with you came up but as soon as you said you were cousins all suspicion faded away
  392. >You still tried to not get too touchy feely while you were there and especially when people could be watching
  393. >But that still didn't stop you grabbing her soft little tushy when no one was around, getting loud squeaks and quiet protests betrayed by a bright blush and smile every time you did
  394. >You were playing with fire Anon, and it excited you
  395. >You even set her up on the various classic game cabinets and laughed as she failed beat even the easy levels of the games you grew up on, burning quarter after quarter of your hard earned cash
  396. >This new generation was so soft
  397. >But after awhile it was time to go
  398. >Looking at your watch you needed to leave now if you wanted to make your next stop
  399. >As wallflower concentrated hard holding her last skeeball she took a breathe and with one fluid motion rolled in down the ramp
  400. >Slamming it right into the most difficult hole she scored a pretty respectable score as she squealed loudly and jumped in girly glee
  401. >Looking at her antics you couldn't help but smile
  402. >She was so sweet it was going to give you cavities
  403. >The difference of the sad quiet girl she was when you first “Picked her up” was astounding
  404. >Reaching down she collected her tickets and looked up at you
  405. >”Not bad for a newb huh?”
  406. “No not at all, but were going to have to wrap this up to get to our next destination”
  407. >As she Let out a moan of disapproval you laughed
  408. “I know you're having fun but I promise where we’re going is also fun too, but now comes the best part of the arcade! Trading in your tickets for prizes!”
  409. >Seeing her eyes light up she took her ever growing pile of tickets in both arms and walked with you to the counter
  410. >There sure were a lot cooler prizes than you remember
  411. >But in the end she settled with some candy, a keychain of some anime character she claims to know and a couple fidget spinners
  412. >Well whatever keeps her happy you guessed
  414. >>39872748
  415. >Once outside you opened your car door for her like a gentleman before getting in yourself
  416. >Leaning back she placed all her prizes on your back seat before sitting up straight in her seat
  417. >Giving her thighs a light slap she smiled at you from under her long messy hair
  418. >”Thanks for taking me here Anon, is the next place we're also going to a secret?”
  419. “Ya but its not gonna be too crazy I assure you”
  420. >you were about to turn the ignition when a hand stopped you
  421. >”H-hey just so you know it wasn’t fair that you got to grab my butt a bunch and I didn't get to do anything in return”
  422. >Puffing up her cheeks she pouted at you and crossed her arms
  423. “I'm sorry wall flower, i promise next time you can grab my butt”
  424. >Reaching over you rustled her hair getting a cute giggle out of her before she got serious again
  425. >”Hey you don't need to call me by my name all the time too, you could call me like b-babe or honey or s-s-sexy”
  426. >That last word was barely a whisper when it left her lips
  427. >You blushed a bit
  428. >She was kinda right
  429. >If you really were gonna be her boyfriend it made sense
  430. “I'm sorry babe next time for sure”
  431. >Pushing her palms against her face she made the cutest little sounds that you couldn't really describe as she looked away from you hiding her face under her hands and hair
  432. >Calming down a minute later she again gave you a serious look her face the reddest you have ever seen it so far
  433. >”S-since you got to grab my b-butt i should be allowed to grab y-your um… pe-i mean your dick!”
  434. >...
  436. >>39873004
  437. >Both frozen in time staring at each other you slowly scratched the back of your neck blushing fiercely
  438. “I-I don't think we should move that fast just yet”
  439. >Giving a loud huff she deflated into her seat
  440. >”Fiiiiiine! But could we at least maybe… hold hands?”
  441. >How was what she just suggested way lewder!
  442. >LEWD!
  443. “Uh yeah I'm fine with that
  444. >Tentatively you reached out and took her hand into your own
  445. >It was so small, soft and smooth
  446. >Enjoying the feeling and touch of wall flower you rubbed your thumb idly over her hand
  447. >”T-this feels really good actually”
  448. “I-I know, it's pretty great”
  449. >Staring into her eyes you started to get lost in their beauty
  450. >Her beautiful brown eyes Stared back into your own
  451. >For a minute you two were having a real connection before snapping back to reality
  452. >Breaking eye contact you pulled your hand away from hers and looked around hoping no one saw your tender moment
  453. >Seeing that the coast was clear you looked back at Wallflower only to see her a little disappointed
  454. >”Paranoid much?”
  455. “Better safe than sorry but don't worry”
  456. >Starting up your car you quickly headed to your next destination
  457. “I only need one had to drive”
  458. >Holding your hand out low enough so no one could next to your car could see it Wallflower took your hand
  459. >Her little fingers had trouble intertwining with yours but she soon figured it out
  460. >Both holding a blush you smiled the whole trip
  462. >>39873105
  463. “Alright here we are”
  464. >Putting it in park you looked happily at Wallflower who after realizing where you were looked at you with a smirk
  465. >”I thought I recognized where we were”
  466. >Yes sir no where else but the local cinema
  467. >The “movies”
  468. >Not many places better for a date than this
  469. >Walking into the big, open, air conditioned theater you breathed in deep
  470. >Freshly popped popcorn
  471. >One of your favorite scents
  472. >Nearly as soon as you walked in Wallflower started bouncing around from poster to poster
  473. >Talking about each film in detail with all them them, the ones she's seen and the ones she hasn't seen
  474. >Nodding along you did your best to listen but she was starting to drone on
  475. >Finally after exhausting all the movies and topics she looked up at you
  476. >”Pretty cool huh”
  477. >You somewhere along the line got lost
  478. “Uh ya super cool, now which one of the movies do you actually want to watch?”
  479. >”Oh umm”
  480. >As she stared at the list above the concession stand you pleaded with fate that she was one of those girls that could actually make a freaking decision
  481. >Please no cape shit, please no cape shit
  482. >After a almost a whole minute of a droning hum of “Ummmm”
  483. >She pointed to one of them
  484. >How about “Daring do and temple raiders crusade!”
  485. >Actually not a bad choice you kind of wanted to see this movie
  486. “Awesome now for the best part… snacks!”
  487. >Excited she did a little skips towards the stand while you elected to walk normally
  488. >Seeing this you started to fantasize what she would look like in a skirt
  489. >Then started fantasizing about all the other cute, elegant and sometimes sexy outfits you could put Blush in
  490. >Soon a tug on your arm brought you back to your senses
  491. >”Anon it's our turn”
  492. >Oh crap seeing that you were at the front of the line now you must have daydreaming for at least a solid 10 minutes
  493. >How embarrassing
  494. >Shrugging it off you cringed at the prices of this place before sucking it up and ordering Movie goer standard
  495. >2 sodie pops and 2 bags of popcorn
  497. >>39876543
  498. >Shuffling into the theater itself you were glad to finally be able to sit down
  499. >Wallflower insisted on the seats at the back which you didn't mind
  500. >You got a great view of the movie and was out of the way of everyone
  501. >Sitting and down you noticed that there wasn't too many people here with you
  502. >Well it was the last day they were showing this specific movie so it was to be expected, everyone who wanted to watch it already did.
  503. >As the lights faded and the previews for all the other boring movies you would rather pirate than pay money for showed on screen you started to relax and let down your guard
  504. >Today was going pretty well
  505. >Lost in your own little world you munched on your snack and took a sip before a rustling broke you out of your bliss
  506. >Looking to your right Wall flower slid out of her chair and started to crawl on the floor
  507. >Must have dropped something
  508. >At least that's what you thought before she crawled between your legs and placed a hand on your knee
  509. >Leaning in you whispered quickly, panicking
  510. “W-what are you doing!?”
  511. >Smirking deviously at you she whispered back
  512. >”Getting revenge for you touching my butt!”
  513. >Before you could protest she reached over and forcefully yanked your pants and underwear down your hips till your cock was exposed!
  515. >>39876603
  516. >Due to the mix of shock and the air hitting your bare skin, you started getting a erection as your penis slowly started getting longer, thicker, and straighter
  517. >Gazing at your package in wide wonder Wallflower almost looked like she had stars in her eyes
  518. >”Wooooow! I've never seen one go from soft to hard before! That's so cool!”
  519. >Cringing you were glad these previews were unnecessarily loud enough to drown out her voice
  520. “Not so loud! What are you even-”
  521. >”I mean it was small before but now it's huge!”
  522. >placing her elbow on your lap she used her arm to measure it
  523. >”I mean look! It's like the size of my entire forearm!”
  524. >You wanted to restrain yourself but her cute compliments made your dick twitch
  525. >Wallflower seeing this giggled and grinned
  526. >”Did that mean you liked my compliment? Or are you just really excited?”
  527. >Before you could muster anything out you were stopped by a hand lightly gripping your shaft
  528. >The unfamiliar sensation sent a shock up your spine
  529. “I thought you only watched anime not hentai”
  530. >There was a slight panic in your voice that she laughed off
  531. >”I learned a lot of things online. Like even just a few months ago i learn how to masterbate”
  532. >The metal imagine of what she just said filled your mind and there was no doubt anymore that you were the most erect you had ever been in your life
  533. >”Hentais also great because i get to see what a girl my size would look like having sex that normal people porn wont show”
  534. >Before you could critique Wall flowers porn watching habits and try to convince her NOT to watch such things she slid forward up your body
  535. >Giving you a kiss on your lips, she the gave you a kiss on your cheek, then finally on your neck
  536. >Such a sensitive spot caused you to jolt in your seat as she slid back down
  537. >Looking down her small hands made you look huge as she started rubbing it with both hands and touching you all over
  538. >Experimenting and touching you all over your penis from the head, to the shaft, to the base, rubbing veins and even cupping your balls
  539. >”It's so spongy yet r-r-reg-a-did?”
  540. “You mean rigid?”
  541. >Blushing she nodded clearly embarrassed at her still filling vocabulary
  543. >>39876676
  544. >Again you were split
  545. >Part of you wanted to relax put your hands behind your head and let Wallflower play with her new “toy” all movie
  546. >The other was screaming to pull up your goddamn pants
  547. >But you didn't have to think about it long as out the corner of your eyes you could see a few more people here and there filling into the theater and getting closer to you
  548. >Oh crap!
  549. >Reaching down and grabbing her she looked a little shocked and scared before you flipped her around and pulled her against you into your seat
  550. >Haha nothing to see here ladies and gents just me with my young Cousindaughtersister whatever sitting on my lap innocently, nothing lewd or illegal happening here haha
  551. >As everyone finished sitting down in the rows in front of you, you let out a sigh of relief as no one sat in your aisle
  552. >Crisis averted
  553. >...
  554. >At least you thought till you felt a pressure rubbing against your crotch
  555. >Wallflower putting her hands on your arm rests started to grind her little butt into you!
  556. >Letting out a gasp you started breathing heavily
  557. >The friction of something other than your own hand rubbing against your most sensitive spot made you shudder
  558. >Between almost getting caught and this your heart could barely take it
  559. >Back and forth, up and down she pushed herself into you
  560. >Suddenly stopping you took a breathe only to see Wallflower turn around, give you a toothy grin and lift up the back of her shirt and sweater before draping it over your cock and slamming her back into you
  561. ”Oh fuck!”
  562. >Unable to contain your voice you and Wallflower both moaned as you melted into the seat
  563. >”I-its so hot! It feels like its gonna burn my back”
  564. >Your cock was squarely in the center of lithe back, running up it
  565. >moving back and forth on your lap, your cock was massaged by her soft skin
  566. >This was your first time having someone else's body touch your dick and the experience was surreal
  567. >Pushing the head of your cock into her soft supple skin your pre cum slickened her back making you glide against her much more easily
  568. >her back curved perfectly for you as it pushed against your own body
  569. >Trying her best to make you feel good she did what she could rub against or with your motions, moaning softly at the contact of your two bodies
  570. >Going faster her long hair started to slide in front of her face, and every so often she would raise her hand from her stable arm rests to move it out of the way before eventually giving up letting some of it veil her
  571. >Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined this actually happening
  572. >You weren't gonna last very long
  574. >>39876722
  575. >Moving your left hand you moved it to the front of her shirt and slid under it rubbing and lightly squeezing her soft tummy
  576. >Getting soft giggle out of her you slid your arm further around her grabbing her hip and started to rock her body up and down like she was a doll
  577. >She was certainly light enough for it to the point it almost felt like fucking a doll
  578. >A cute, small, young, silky smooth, living doll
  579. >As you sped up you were getting closer you could feel it
  580. >Letting out a low moan you tried to stay as quest as possible but you were losing this battle as your reached your limit
  581. >Arching her back around Wallflower looked up at you with eyes too sexy for a girl her age to have as she ran a hand under your chin before hooking it around your neck
  582. >Pulling you in you shared a proper adult kiss tightly closing your eyes as you bucked your hips to climax
  583. >Pulling away from the kiss you grabbed her with your other hand and held her firmly against you as you shot rope after rope of hot cum all over her back
  584. >Locked together you rode out your orgasm as quietly as you could as the sounds of shitty action movie advertisements filled your ears
  585. >Breathing heavily your mind no longer clouded from lust started to regain its self as wallflower with a free hand reached around and scooped some of your cum up with her finger, bringing it in front of her
  586. >”So this is see-men huh? It's not as white as i thought it would be”
  587. >Rubbing it between her 2 fingers she seemed to study it holding it closer to her face
  588. >”Its like super sticky and slippery”
  589. >*Sniff*
  590. >”It kinda stinks too, like in a powerful way”
  591. >Sliding her two finger into her mouth she swirled her tongue around to collect all of it before swallowing
  592. >”Eh it doesn't really taste that great either! This is nothing like my hentais!”
  593. >Laughing you thought her sudden realization was quite funny till she ran her hand down her back
  594. >”W-wait just how much did you shoot out!”
  596. >>39876775
  597. >Angrily she reached over and grabbed napkin pushing it into your hand
  598. >”This is my favorite shirt and sweater! Don't let this stuff got on and stain it or stick to it or make it stink or whatever your… “stuff” does to clothes”
  599. >Seeing her get all worked up you couldn't help but let out a little laugh as you started wiping up and down her small back trying to clean her up the best you could with napkins
  600. >Wetting a couple with saliva you do the best you could to keep her clothes from getting soiled dropping balled napkin after napkin on the dirty theater floor
  601. >You were sure the janitor cleaned up worse
  602. >With one last wipe you inspected your handy work before sliding her shirt back down
  603. “There's the best I can get it wall-... what are you doing!”
  604. >Looking down at the wallflower she ignored you as she continued to unzip her pants and raise her ass out of your lap so she could slide them down enough to expose her… panties?”
  605. >W-what was she doing with such adult clothing!
  606. >”Ahh man i got my moms panties all wet and stuff”
  607. >Why was she wearing her moms underwear?
  608. >Was she wearing them for you?
  609. >Never mind that, why did they look like they weren't that loose on her?
  610. >...
  611. >Was her mom one of those “Legal lolis” you've heard about?
  612. >L-lewd
  614. >>39876791
  615. >Before you could conjure up any thoughts about her possible loli mom Wallflower turned and looked at you
  616. >”So are you gonna help me out now?
  617. >Holding her pants open so you could get a window into her underwear you blushed
  618. “Wall I'm really thinking we should maybe stop before we get caught
  619. >”Are you kidding me? You got to feel good, why can't i?”
  620. >Sighing loudly she slid out of your lap an back to her seat
  621. >Phew
  622. >You felt kind of bad but after a couple minutes you’re glad she understood
  623. >Looking over your were about to rustle her hair and thank her when you noticed her starting to slump in her chair
  624. >Did you really hurt her feelings that much?
  625. >seeing her slide her pants down then moving a hand down you realized she wasn't sulking at all
  626. >Leaning over you whispered into her ear
  627. “What are you doing!”
  628. >Pouting she looked at you
  629. >”Like i said it's not fair you got to feel good but i didn't”
  630. “But we’re in public, What if we get caught!”
  631. >”Then keep a lookout and make sure we i don't get caught silly”
  632. >You couldn't believe this
  633. >Your cute underage girlfriend was currently slumped down in her chair masterbating in a goddamn movie theater in public!
  634. >Was she autistic? Or just a daredevil, or a degenerate, or trying to tease you, or whatever possible solution you could think of as to WHY!
  635. >Looking around every so often and trying not to stare at her you couldn't help but look down are her occasionally
  636. >Her little fingers were rubbing, poking, and massaging her vagina
  637. >You couldn't see much as her big “For her size” panties covered up “no no zone”
  638. >This was starting to make you sweat… and arouse you
  639. >Stopping she looked up at you before rolling her eyes at your nervousness and grabbing your hand
  640. >”Here if you want to speed this up help”
  641. “W-what do you mean “help”?”
  642. >She didn't have to tell you the answer as when she shoved your hand down her waist you got the idea
  644. >>39876824
  645. >Gulping you could believe this was happening
  646. >Slowly sliding your middle finger up and her slit you were amazed at just how small but wet she was
  647. >This was fucking crazy on soooo many levels
  648. >Bucking her hips holding your hand in place she used your hand and fingers to masterbate herself as you were too shocked and nervous to do anything on your own
  649. >Grabbing your middle finger she pointed it at her entrance before pushing down on your hand sliding it into her
  650. >letting out a loud scratchy moan you were really afraid someone heard that, but after a few seconds it looked clear
  651. >Grabbing the sides of your hand with both hands she moved her hips into you as her hands pushed your finger into her over and over
  652. >Fuck she was tight
  653. >She was gripping your finger tightly every time it slid out of her
  654. >If she could barely take a finger, how was she gonna take your dick?
  655. >Ahh bad thought!
  656. >Moving back and for more sporadically she looked to be getting close as she was squirming more and more making moan after moan
  657. >Grabbing your ring finger she pushed it along side your middle as deep as it could into her cunny before arching her back and letting out a low moan along side short breaths
  658. >She was cumming!
  659. >Having a orgasm with your own fingers and it was so tight it was beginning to hurt your hand as she clamped down like a vice
  660. >Riding out her orgasm she slumped into her seat exhausted as it finished breathing heavily
  661. >Her vagina finally starting to loosen up you slide your finger out with a slick wet sound before string at them in front of your face
  662. >They were slick with her juices
  663. >So this was the girl cum sex juices you heard so much about
  664. >Feeling a poke you looked at Wallflower as she breathless pointed to what little napkins you had left
  666. >>39876865
  667. >Handing them to her she started to clean herself the best she could with what she had
  668. >You tried not to look but the clean up of a girl after masterbating was something you had never seen before
  669. >You felt like you were in a nature documentary watching this play out
  670. >As she finished up and threw the napkins to the floor she pulled her pants back up and wiped what fluid was left on her hand on her pants
  671. >You did the same as she grabbed her bag of popcorn from the empty seat next to her and started munching away as the movie was finally beginning to start
  672. >You honestly could not process everything that had happened in such a short amount of time, so you didn't even bother
  673. >Shrugging and being glad was just over you grabbed your own popcorn and started munching
  674. >As you were about to take another handful you felt a kiss on your cheek
  675. >Climbing back over from your seat to hers she sat down and gave you the cutest most innocent smile betraying what she had just did as she her eyes flicked back onto the movie
  676. >...
  677. >Your Wallflower Blush might not be as innocent as you thought she was
  678. >Looking back at the screen you decided to follow suit and enjoy the movie the best you could
  680. >>39876940
  681. >Well the movie was pretty good so you consider yourself pleasantly surprised
  682. >”That was a totally good movie”
  683. “I totally agree”
  684. >Laughing together you both got out of your seats and joined the flow of people leaving till Wallflower stopped you
  685. >”W-wait I kinda need to go to the bathroom”
  686. >Now that you think of it you needed to go too, that soda was making its way out already
  687. “Same actually, you uh good to go in on your own or?”
  688. >”Anon I'm 13 not a kid I think I can use a bathroom”
  689. >Sometimes you doubted that
  690. “Oh yeah ha sorry”
  691. >A little embarrassed you both entered your respected bathrooms
  692. >You finished quickly and after washing your hands you stood outside the bathrooms waiting for Wallflower to get out
  693. >A little embarrassed you started messing around on your phone trying not look like a creep that hangs around outside of the girls bathroom
  694. >As a few minutes passed you started to get impatient
  695. >You knew it took a long time for girls to piss but this was getting kinda crazy
  696. >But you couldn't just go in to check on her right?
  697. >...
  698. >S-she could have fallen in or something, ya know she was quite small
  699. >It would be irresponsible not to check up on her, yeah!
  700. >At least that's what you had to say to yourself to mentally prepare
  701. >You decided to give the door a quick couple taps
  702. “Hey Wallflower you ok?”
  703. >Opening the door and peering in you could see Wallflower with her pants around her ankles holding her panties against the air dryer
  704. “Wallflower what the fuck are you doing!?”
  705. >You seemed to startle her at first as she jumped a little
  706. >”Hey Anon, I'm just drying off my moms panties. I borrowed them cause I wanted to… ya know, look sexy for you, but they got all wet.”
  707. “So you decided to dry them here like this!”
  708. >”Well I don't want to walk around with wet underwear, that's gross! I could get a rash or something”
  709. >Facepalming you looked around and were about to forcibly dress wallflower
  710. >”There all done”
  711. >Lifting her slim legs up one by one she slid her panties back on then her pants letting out a soft coo and shudder
  712. >”Ohhhh nice and warm!”
  713. “Wallflower!”
  715. >>39880620
  716. >Getting back in your car with Wallflower you listened to her retelling you all her favorite parts of the movie while you sunk into your seat and screamed internally at how crazy this date just got
  717. >Taking a deep breathe you started to relax as there was only one place left to go to end this date
  718. >Thank whatever god was on your side right now
  719. >As Wallflower rambled on she was cut off by a loud growling from her stomach
  720. >Hearing this you laughed as she blushed a little embarrassed
  721. “I guess that popcorn didn't really fill you up huh?”
  722. >”I didn’t each much today, I didn't want to get fat for our date”
  723. >You shook your head at how ridiculous she could be
  724. “One meal is not gonna make you fat, okay? So when we get there order as much as you want okay? My treat”
  725. >”And where is “there” exactly?”
  726. “You’ll see”
  727. >With a grin you left the theater to the one place you knew best
  729. >”Hi welcome to Denny's could I take your order”
  730. >That's right back at the Denny's!
  731. >”You sure do love this place Anon”
  732. “Well I do kinda like it but I also remember last time we were here we just got milkshakes and no food so I want to fix that”
  733. >Rolling her eyes she looked at the menu while you told the waitress to come back while you both decided
  734. >”I can't decide, what are you getting?”
  735. “Well I'm getting a slam burger, but there's some pretty cool kids menu stuff”
  736. >Lifting her head up from beneath the menu she pouted at you
  737. >”I'm not a kid! I'm thirteen, get it? I'm thir-TEEN! I'm a teenager”
  738. >Her outburst made you laugh a little
  739. “Right I'm sorry dear”
  740. >Hearing you call her “dear” caused her to blush and smile goofily as she hid he face beneath her long hair before brushing it aside and getting serious
  741. >”I’ll have what you're having! Miss we are ready to order!”
  742. “W-wait Wall you don't understand the slam burger is a pretty big meal”
  743. >”You did say I could order whatever and how much I wanted right?”
  744. “Well yeah but-”
  745. >”And one meal wasn't gonna make me fat right?”
  746. “Well yeah but-”
  747. >”Then it's settled!”
  748. >How did you just let this small little loli dominate you like this?
  750. >>39880687
  751. >”Miss two slam burgers please!”
  752. >Letting out a loud groan, the waitress wrote down your order
  753. >”Right and to drink sweetie”
  754. >”Two chocolate milkshakes”
  755. >Finishing writing down your order she smiled at you before leaving
  756. >”She sure is energetic”
  757. >Giving your best fake smile as she leaves Wallflower pouted at you kicking her legs under the table
  758. >”How come you never call me sweetie?”
  759. “W-well you're more cute and funny than a sweetie but there's not a nickname for a cute and funny girl”
  760. >Pouting she rested her head on her hand
  761. >”I can be sweet too ya know”
  762. >Feeling her foot starting to rub against the inside of your leg you tensed up
  763. >”Here let me show you~”
  764. >Hearing her kick off one of her shoes she slid down into her seat
  765. >Reaching her leg over she started rubbing the inside of your thigh with her foot
  766. “W-wallflower we’re in public”
  767. >”But I want to show you I can be sweet Anon”
  768. >Leaning down even more only her head appeared to be visible over the table as she fully extended to place her foot on your crotch
  769. >Grabbing the table you let out a quick breath as you felt yourself stiffening
  770. >”Aren't I sweet Anon?”
  771. >Lightly poking at your dick with her toe you shuddered
  772. “Y-you sure are sweetie”
  773. >”How sweet?”
  774. >Placing your cock between her toes she started rubbing you up and down
  775. “S-sweet as sugar”
  776. >Grinning she put more pressure on you and started rubbing faster
  777. >As bad as this one you couldn't deny just how turned on you were
  778. “S-sweet, oh gosh, sweet as candy”
  779. >You were struggling to keep your moans in and still sound normal
  780. >Placing her whole foot now against your crotch you couldn't help but moan
  781. “F-fuck Wall I cant hold it, i-im gonna-”
  782. >”Here's your order to slam burgers!”
  783. >Zipping back into a sitting position Wallflower smiled as innocent as possible at your waiter as she came around a corner order in had
  784. >Death gripping the table you did your best to act composed as your dick throbbed and craved attention
  785. >In a way you were thankful
  786. >You really didn't want to cum in your pants
  787. >Looking at Wallflower she simply blushed gave you a cute smile before taking a bite out of burger
  788. >She was starting be bratty young girl, correction might be needed soon if this was to continue
  789. >Picking up your own burger and taking a bite you decided to just right now, enjoy the meal with your “girlfriend”
  790. >Heh girlfriend
  791. >Still felt weird to say, even in your own head
  793. >>39880839
  794. >Finished your meal you and Wallflower both enjoyed sipping on your drinks and in-between chatting
  795. >Wallflower clearly didn't know what she ordered, because try she might, there was still a bit of food on her plate
  796. >She even got some of the yolk from the egg in her burger all over her face
  797. >She didn't notice it at first but it looked like yellow cum had basically shot all over her face
  798. >As hot as that was you handed her a napkin to wipe it off
  799. >A real gentleman you were
  800. >”I'm really glad you noticed me Anon, no one seemed to ever notice me no matter how hard i try”
  801. >You cringed internally when she said “Noticed”
  802. >I'm sure “that” wasn't the type of noticing she craved
  803. >”Even all the boys never notice me no matter how hard I try. It's not like I wanted to date any of them. I just wanted them to want to date me or at least think i was pretty”
  804. >You felt a little bad for your Wallflower
  805. >”I had always just guessed it was because I was ugly or something so I grew out my hair to hide behind it. Also because I'm a little… well, maybe, super, duper shy”
  806. >Ending her sentence quieter and quieter you laughed
  807. >Seeing you laughing she blushed and hid behind her hair again
  808. “Well you don't have to worry about boys ever again Wallflower, you have me now”
  809. >Placing your hand on top of her you both smiled
  810. “And just so you know i think you’re absolutely beautiful”
  811. >Blushing even harder now she moved the hair out of her face before leaving forward and motioning you to do the same
  812. >Leaning in she whispered into your ear
  813. >”Can we get out of here? I really REALLY want to kiss you”
  814. >Without any hesitation you called for the bill
  815. “Check please!”
  817. >>39880966
  818. >Walking back to your car as soon as you were inside, Wallfower wasted no time climbing on top of you
  819. >Planting her butt on top of your crotch she wrapped her arms around your neck and started kissing your lips over and over again
  820. >Her lips were soft and you wasted no time kissing back wanting more
  821. >After a couple minutes you broke the barrage of kisses by leaning back and putting a finger to Wallflowers lips
  822. “Hold on Wall, do you want to try something?”
  823. >”Uh sure what is it?”
  824. “Do you want to try French kissing?”
  825. >”French? Oh you mean like when we-”
  826. >She blushed and looked away from you
  827. >”W-we like, stick each other's tongues in our mouths?”
  828. “Y-ya why not?”
  829. >Moving a hand to her chin you lightly turned her face towards you
  830. >Blushing fiercely her eyes shifted around, looking into your own eyes before looking away again
  831. >She was just so adorable
  832. >You couldn't resist any longer
  833. >Sliding your hand around the the back of her head you leaned forward and lightly pulled her into you as your lips met
  834. >As you opened your mouth you started to slide your tongue out slowly and gently between her lips testing the waters before giving her teeth a poke
  835. >At first it seemed like she wasn't going to go through with it but then she opened her mouth further for you, and you wasted no time sticking your tongue into her mouth
  836. >As your tongues met and twisted together you explored her mouth more and more
  837. >Sliding and pushing your tongue against hers the flavor and feeling was so erotic
  838. >It was so slippery and intimate
  839. >Occasionally letting her stick her small tongue into your mouth or even lightly sucking on it you swapped spit and drool before breaking the kiss to get air
  840. >Both pulling back you panted for air with Wallflower as you started at each other faces red and covered in sex
  841. >Breathlessly you called her name
  842. “Wallflower…”
  843. >”Anon…”
  845. >>39887206
  846. >You were about to collide again when a pair of headlights started pulling into the parking lot about to shine into your car
  847. >Panicking you quickly grabbed Wallflower by her hips ,eliciting a loud squeak sound from her and you picked her up and tossed her into your passenger seat like a rag doll as the lights passed your front view glass
  848. >Phew that was a close one you really needed to be more care-
  849. >Looking at wallflower again she had a pout on her face as she looked at you snapping you out of your thoughts
  850. >”Are you going to be like this everytime we go out?”
  851. “I-im sorry honey it's just i don't want anything bad to happen to us. You understand right?”
  852. >She had a goofy smile on her face as spoke
  853. >”H-heh honey”
  854. >Before shaking it away and then groaning out loud
  855. >”Yes, yes i know i know, better safe than sorry”
  856. >Sighing it did upset you it had to be like this
  857. >But as Wallflower placed a hand on yours you started to feel better
  858. >”It's okay it just kind of makes this more special you know? I think this stuff is called… Forbidden love? We’re kinda like Romeo and Juliet even!”
  859. >Laughing you couldn't believe how cute she was
  860. >Ruffling her hair you gave her a quick kiss on the forehead
  861. >Ecstatic at your touch you kept a hand on top of her head while checking your watch
  862. >8:30
  863. “Damn it's getting pretty late, speaking of juliet i guess i should get my fair maiden home before her parents start to worry”
  864. >Immediately She got to her knees and started protesting
  865. >”W-what! No! We’ve been having such a great time together so far”
  866. “I know Wallflower mee too but your parents probably want you home”
  867. >”They probably don't even notice I'm gone. Everyone has a habit of forgetting me, even my own parents. I don't know what it is its like some curse or something”
  868. >You did remember how you forgot about her that one time
  869. >”But i promise you they won't notice, one time i was in the house for a week without talking to them or them noticing me and it was only when i got caught stealing desert before dinner they grounded me”
  870. >Wallflower seemed to live a complicated life
  871. >”S-so please?”
  872. “I-I mean please what wallflower? It's getting late, what would we even do?”
  873. >”Take Me home to your place”
  874. >...
  875. “What?”
  876. >”Why not? You live alone right? A-and it's saturday so i don't have school tomorrow”
  877. “Wall i-”
  878. >Climbing over the center of your car to you she wrapped a arm around yours and looked up at you pleading with those big, teary, doe eyes
  879. >”Please Anon? I don't want to be alone tonight”
  880. >...
  882. >>39887374
  883. “Well here we are, it's not much but… its not much”
  884. >”Are you kidding me! You got your own apartment!”
  885. >Immediately Wallflower began running from room to room exploring your apartment, her voice yelling at you from various rooms
  886. >”It must be so nice to have your own privacy and not have to do what other people tell you to do. I always have to do chores and stuff”
  887. >Running back to you she grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the entrance
  888. >”Well aren't you gonna give me the tour?”
  889. “Didn't you just do that yourself?”
  890. >”Chuckling quietly she responded
  891. >”Kinda but i still want you to give me it”
  892. >Going from room to room you showed off your apartment and described various things about the place and your possessions
  893. >It wasn't till you got to a closed door you took a deep breath
  894. “And here, is my room”
  895. >Opening the door you took a relaxing breath as you looked at your room
  896. >You were home
  897. >Stepping into your room you started showing Wallflower various things
  898. >Your TV, consoles, computer, figurines, posters and game collection
  899. >”Gee Anon you sure are kind of a nerd”
  900. >Embarrassed you laughed
  901. “Well ya i guess, but it's not like my entire personality”
  902. >Laughing she hopped up on your bed sitting of the side
  903. >”Its okay I'm just teasing you”
  904. >Kicking her legs idly she gave you a smirk and a mischievous look
  905. >”Sooooo what are we going to do on the bed~?”
  906. >...
  907. “W-what?”
  908. >Holding her hand in front on her face she laughed like a anime character before waving it off
  909. >”I mean what are we going to do now that I'm here?”
  910. >You never really thought about that
  911. >Honestly you never thought you’d get this far
  912. “Uhhhh you want to watch a movie?”
  914. >>39903563
  915. >As you sat down next to her and fired up your family account of Netflix you were stealing from, Wallflower grinned at you
  916. >”Netflix and chill” huh?”
  917. >Blushing your lack of dating experience was showing and you were starting to feel real embarrassed
  918. >That was until you realized this was probably Wallflowers first date
  919. “Now hold on, isn't this your first date?”
  920. >Looking a little taken back she tried to stammer out something
  921. >Oh no. You weren’t gonna let this one slide
  922. >You had her on the ropes and you were finally gonna take back control of this date
  923. “Let me guess, all these lewd things you've been saying and doing? You just got it all from hentais and anime”
  924. >Blushing from embarrassment she froze up and you ruffled her hair in response
  925. “It’s okay Wally, you don't have to go through every anime trope on a date”
  926. >”Wait what did you call me?”
  927. “Huh? Well I called you Wally, you know it's just a cute name that I came up for you. You did say couples usually give each other special names so I'm giving you one. Wally, short for Wallflower”
  928. >Blushing she looked down embarrassed, and maybe even a little sad
  929. “H-hey if you don't like the name I wont use it its just-”
  930. >”N-no I like the name, I actually like it it a lot it's just that well…”
  931. >Tapping her fingers together you leaned in a little puzzled
  932. “Well?”
  933. >...
  935. >Turning to look up at you her eyes were a little watery
  936. >”Truth is I have no idea what to do on a date and I really want you to like me and want to go on a second date, so I started doing things I had seen out of my animes and well… hentais too”
  937. >Ohhh, that explains so much
  938. >”I'm sorry if it got too weird I just wanted this to be a good date, and for you to like me back”
  939. >Looking away from you sad and embarrassed you wasted no time fixing her emotions
  940. “Wallflower it's okay, there are still many things about going on dates I have to learn too and so far honestly I've really liked being with you”
  942. >>39903691
  943. >Turning to look at you she listened to you speak as you placed a hand on hers
  944. “And to be honest, I guess I've been kinda liking the anime, hentai thing you've been doing. Its been really cute”
  945. >”A-Anon…”
  946. >Bringing her in for a hug you held her as tightly as she held you
  947. “You don't have to copy some cartoons, just do what comes naturally”
  948. >As wall flower started to laugh louder and louder it confused you a bit before she pulled back and explained it
  949. >”Dude did you really just hit me with the “Just be yourself bro” line?”
  950. >Starting to laugh along with it you shook your head
  951. “I guess I did yeah”
  952. >As your laughter both started to quiet down you took a moment to look at each other just enjoying the moment before giving her a quick kiss on the lips
  953. “Feel better now?”
  954. >Giggling she nodded
  955. >’Much better”
  956. “Good now pick a movie or a show”
  957. >As you reached over to grab a remote for the tv Wallflower stopped you with a sheepish tone of voice
  958. >”Wait, could we maybe do one quick thing beforehand?”
  959. “Uh yeah sure what”
  960. >”Looking embarrassed she got up from the bed leaving you a bit concerned you might have messed something up till she quickly turned around
  961. >”Could you maybe toss me onto the bed?”
  962. “Huh?”
  963. >”Well not only is it like the meme, but i also kinda liked how you picked me up so effortlessly in your car before”
  964. >Tapping her fingers together and hiding a blush under her hair you smirked and wasted no time
  965. >Getting up you quickly grabbed Wallflower by her hips and tossed her like she was a rag doll onto your bed
  966. >Giggling and laughing you smiled and laughed along with her as you walked to your bed and started to climb on top of her
  967. >”What are we going to do on the bed anon~?”
  968. >Grinning devilishly you leaned in real close to her
  969. >Her face a mix of excitement and nervous as she bit her lip looking up at you
  970. >Breathing against her ear she shuddered before you whispered
  971. “We’re gonna watch a movie of course”
  972. >Pulling back you smirked as Wallflower pouted and booped you on the nose with a finger
  973. >”Silly”
  975. >>39903810
  976. >Be Anon currently cuddled up with your girlfriend Wallflower
  977. >In the end you decided to watch a studio Ghibli movie and you were glad you did cause it was super good
  978. >As the movie ended you both looked at each other
  979. >”That was a really good movie, Anon. Thanks for watching it with me”
  980. “I should be thanking you. Watching a movie while cuddling someone is a feeling like no other”
  981. >Giggling wallflower pulled closer to you, placing a quick kiss on your cheek she smiled at you before starting to stare
  982. >Her eyes started to lock onto yours and her hand moved to your cheek
  983. >Leaning in she brought her lips to yours and started kissing you softly,
  984. >Running your fingers through her hair you kissed back tasting her soft lips
  985. >Feeling a tongue start to gently poke at your teeth you were surprised but soon relaxed and opened your mouth a little to allow Wallflowers tongue into your mouth as you locked lips
  986. >Pushing back and forth with your tongues playfully, you tighten your grip on Wallflowers body becoming more and more turned on as you touched
  987. >As you got more intense with your kissing Wallflower broke the kiss and climbed on top of your chest, straddling you between her thighs
  988. >”S-should we start taking off our clothes now?”
  991. >>39903990
  992. >Looking down at you blushing she had trouble looking you in the eyes as they dart back and forth from on you and then away from you
  993. “D-don't you think this might be moving a bit fast?”
  994. >”Not at all, I mean… don't you think I'm pretty?”
  995. >Her voice was uneven and hesitant
  996. >She seemed to be very nervous about taking these next steps
  997. “I mean Wallflower i-”
  998. >Unhappy with your response she grabbed the hem of her shirt and sweater and with one swift movement took them both off
  999. >No bra
  1000. >She was completely bare in front of you
  1001. >And almost completely flat too if it wasn't for her small bee stings called nipples
  1002. >You were staring at Wally's breasts and you couldn't believe it
  1003. >Wallflower blushing fiercely must not have liked your silence and staring as she covered up her chest with her arms
  1004. >”A-are you gonna say anything? I mean it's impolite to stare”
  1005. “I-i am sorry Wally i just wasn't expecting that i mean”
  1006. >”That's not what a girl wants to hear when they show you their boobs!”
  1007. >...What boobs?
  1008. >Red more from embarrassment she huffed and turned away angry before smirking nervously
  1009. >Slowly and shakily she trailed her hands down south
  1010. >”M-maybe t-this will get a better response out of you”
  1011. >Placing her hands on her pants button and zipper she first started with the button slowly undoing it
  1012. >This was getting to hot for you
  1013. >Your erection was bulging against your pants begging to be released
  1014. >Sliding her ass down until it nudged against the bump in your pants she grinned
  1015. >”Y-you seem excited. I'm Excited too”
  1016. >Taking a hand she slid it into her pants and rubbed it back and forth before pulling two fingers out
  1017. >Slick and wet they shined in the moonlight from your window
  1018. >She was soaking wet
  1020. >>39907479
  1021. >You couldn't take this anymore
  1022. >Grabbing Wallflower by her shoulders you rolled her onto her back as she yelped from your sudden actions you kneeled above her panting
  1023. >You could not contain your lust
  1024. >You were at your breaking point
  1025. >A sexual beast was brewing inside and you could not contain it anymore
  1026. “Wally you got to stop this. If you keep going I won't be able to control myself anymore”
  1027. >”Good”
  1028. “W-what?”
  1029. >”That's okay Anon, I WANT this”
  1030. >She has a serious look on her face
  1031. >You really weren't expecting this
  1032. >Nodding you leaned down and gave her a kiss
  1033. >Pulling back shortly after you moved a hand onto her chest and started squeezing her breast
  1034. >There wasn't much to grab but the skin felt a lot softer and squeezable around her nipple
  1035. >Her breasts must still be developing
  1036. >It made you wonder just how much they were going to grow
  1037. >Rubbing her nipple between your fingers Wallflower let out a soft moan
  1038. >Taking your other hand you gently ran it up and down her smooth tummy, before moving up to her other breast
  1039. >With both hands you preceded to rub and squeeze wallflowers tiny tits in your hands
  1040. >After a couple minutes you started to slide a hand down her stomach till it got to her waist
  1041. >You were about to slide it into her pants but a small hand stopped you
  1042. >”H-hey it's not fair if it's only me”
  1043. >Placing a hand on your shirt she gave it a little tug
  1044. >”Come on take off some of your clothes too”
  1045. >Nodding you took a deep breathe then shuffled back from her
  1046. >Taking off your shirt you started taking off your belt then paused for a moment
  1047. >Should you take off your underwear too or…?
  1048. >Fuck it
  1050. >>39907608
  1051. >Hooking your thumbs into your waistband you slid your pants and underwear off
  1052. >After that you leaned over and removed your socks throwing all your clothing onto your floor with a thud
  1053. >With that you were completely naked
  1054. >Turning to look at wallflower she held a bright red blush as she sat up to look at you
  1055. >There was silence between the two you until a couple minutes later Wallflower nodded and removed her pants and socks too
  1056. >Just like that you were both completely naked on your bed
  1057. >You couldn't believe it
  1058. >You had a beautiful girl completely naked on your bed
  1059. >As her long hair draped down her shoulders your voice got caught in your throat
  1060. >She was beyond beautiful
  1061. >She was perfect
  1062. >As she sat on your bed her leg turned away from you so it could shield her pussy from your eyes as you shuffled closer over your bed to her
  1063. >placing a hand on her cheek you had to let her know
  1064. “You're so beautiful Wallflower”
  1065. >Gently rubbing her cheek you gave her a quick kiss before sliding your hand down to her shoulder rand gently moving her head down onto your pillow
  1066. >Wallflower moving a hand to cover over privates she looked away embarrassed
  1067. >Gently rubbing her thigh you looked just looked at Wallflowers beauty drinking it in as her long hair splayed out around her
  1068. >It was beautiful like a painting
  1069. >You wanted to take a picture. She was gorgeous
  1070. “Can I see it Wally?”
  1071. >Placing a hand against hers she nodded and slowly removed it revealing her cunny
  1072. >It was small and smooth
  1073. >No hair on it or around it
  1074. >Placing a hand on it she shuddered as your skin touched hers
  1075. >Sliding your middle finger against it, you felt its slickness
  1076. >She really was wet
  1077. >Dripping practically now
  1078. >It took a lot in you to just not climb on her and stick your cock in right there
  1079. >Instead you pulled back you hand and laid flat on the bed, placing your face in front of her sex
  1080. >”H-hey you don't have to do that”
  1081. >Smirking you placed hands on her thighs and blow a little air on her vagina
  1082. >Wincing and shuddering she let out a small mix of a moan and squeal as you did
  1083. >Smiling and chuckling to yourself you thought to yourself how cute she was
  1084. >Leaning forward you gave her vagina a kiss, then a long, slow lick
  1086. >>39907664
  1087. >Shuddering she grabbed your head with both hands and held on tightly as you went to work poking your tongue between her folds and licking over and over again
  1088. >It tasted sweet and it smelt a bit sweaty but you couldn't get enough as you pushed your face deeper into her vagina
  1089. >Sticking your tongue as deep as you could inside her, she would tense up as you did sometimes and almost trap your tongue in her
  1090. >She was so tight
  1091. >You would have to loosen her up if you were going to have any hope of putting your cock inside her
  1092. >Moaning from your touch she tightened her grip on you and started slowly rolling her hips in motion with your licks
  1093. >She was clearly enjoying this and as time went on her movements started to get faster and more aggressive
  1094. >She must be getting close
  1095. >Pushing your face into her again you gave one last assault with your tongue shoving your face right against her pussy
  1096. >As she started to moan and squeal louder and louder you started rubbing her clit with your hand while your other moved to her back pushing her towards you
  1097. >”A-ANON! O-oh g-gosh A-Anon i-i cant i-”
  1098. >Feeling her thighs against the side of your head, she wrapped her legs around you and started spamming
  1099. >”I-im gonna cum Anon i-i IM FUCKING CUMMING OH GOD!”
  1100. >Squealing loudly as she did she arched her back up and like she was being shocked by electricity twitched and shuddered panting and letting out soft gasps
  1101. >Letting her ride out her orgasm with your face you lapped out any fluid that leaked out of her
  1102. >Gripping you with unnatural strength the lack of air was starting to scare you
  1103. >You were about to start struggling and attempt to rip her off of you but as she went limp, eyes closed tightly and sunk into your bed you took a deep breathe, thankful it didn't have to come to that
  1104. >Wiping your face with your hand you looked down at a panting Wallflower and felt your dick twitch as you looked at her
  1105. >It was erotic looking at what you had done to her
  1106. >Laying down next to her you wrapped a hand around her small waist
  1107. “You okay Wally?”
  1108. >Taking a deep breath she answered you with a smile
  1109. >”I'm better than ok Anon, that was wonderful”
  1110. >Laughing at her you gave her a kiss on the forehead
  1111. “It must have been, I think that was the first time I heard you curse”
  1112. >Blushing she opened her eyes just so she could roll them
  1113. >Looking at you her eyes drifted to your erect cock
  1114. >”I should return the favor shouldn't I?”
  1115. >Rolling onto your chest she started to slide herself down you
  1116. “You don't have to that Wally”
  1117. >”Nonsense, I didn't get to do it in the theater but I can do it now”
  1119. >>39907668
  1120. >Sliding off you and shuffling back on her knees she took a breathe as she looked at your imposing member
  1121. >Placing a hand on it she slowly gave it a few pumps with her hand moving it up and down
  1122. >Groaning at her touch you started to relax and melt into her touch, letting her take control
  1123. >Placing another on the head of your cock she with her palm rubbed the tip glazing it with your precum while her other stroked your shaft
  1124. >The feeling of both was surreal
  1125. >Her tiny hands were soft and despite the lack of experience she was gentle
  1126. >She was trying so hard just for you
  1127. >Taking her hand of your tip she shuffled her body closer to you
  1128. >Moving your head up you looked down at Wallflower who had her head inches away from your cock
  1129. >Licking her lips she gave the tip a kiss causing you to shudder and twitch
  1130. >Smiling she gave it another quick kiss before giving the underside of your cock a big lick from bottom to top
  1131. >Letting out a moan you let your head fall into your pillows and gripped your sheets as Wallflower preceded to give lick after lick of your member
  1132. >Getting creative she grabbed your shaft with one hand and circled her tongue around the head and started giving it big side licks
  1133. >She was treating your cock like she would a cone of ice cream
  1134. >As she gave another teasingly long lick you moaned her name speaking with heavy breaths in between words
  1135. “Wally, fuck, please”
  1136. >Smiling she understood what you said as she opened her mouth wide made a teasing “Ahhhhh” sound before placing her mouth over your cock and lowering onto you
  1137. >Letting out another loud moan you reached a hand out to Wallflowers hand that was on your thigh and placed it on top of hers
  1138. >Holding her hand you gripped it harder as she bobbed her head up and down whenever her tongue would hit a sensitive spot
  1139. >As much as she tried she could only get the head of your cock into her small mouth
  1140. >But even the the wetness and heat from her mouth was incredible
  1141. >After a couple minutes of doing her best to please you, you placed your other hand on the back of her head gave her a gentle head rub
  1142. >Every time she would slide her head up you would gently push in back down in a steady rhythm
  1143. >Things were going good till Wallflower tried to take more of you inside her mouth than she could handle and started gagging and coughing
  1144. >Removing your hand, Wallflower pulled herself completely off you and started coughing
  1145. “You okay Wally?”
  1146. >Wiping the saliva off her mouth she nodded and smiled at you wiping her tears from the coughing fit out of her eyes
  1147. >”I'm fine haha, sorry I can't take anymore than just a couple inches”
  1148. “Its fine, I was still enjoying it”
  1149. >Never moving your hand from hers you rubbed it as she gave you a romantic look only lovers could give each other
  1151. >>39907698
  1152. >”I'm glad I was doing a okay job but now, I think we can move onto what I've been waiting for”
  1153. >Getting up to her feet she walked on your bed so she could be above you before lowering herself above your waist, straddling you between her thighs
  1154. >Reaching behind her she lifted herself up and brought your cock forward so the tip of it was poking at her small, tight, little entrance
  1155. >You almost couldn't believe this was real
  1156. >If this was a dream you never wanted to wake up
  1157. >Putting some of her weight on you she made sure your cock wouldn't slip away as she placed both of her hands on your chest and took a deep breath
  1158. >As she lowered her hips down, your cock began to enter her
  1159. >Little by little her vagina started to open up and take the head of your cock inside her
  1160. >As she struggled and shook she stopped and took a deep breathe once your head was inside her
  1161. >Already you wanted to cum from the heat and tightness alone
  1162. >You waited for more but After a minute you thought something was wrong
  1163. “You ok Wally?”
  1164. >”Y-yeah I'm fine”
  1165. >You had a feeling it was not fine
  1166. >As she dug her nails into your chest she winced and let out a lil whine as she pushed down on you taking sharp breath after sharp breath
  1167. >”Wall-”
  1168. >”I'm fine Anon just let me-”
  1169. >She was gonna hurt herself at this rate
  1170. >leaning forward you wrapped your arms around her and placed her on her back
  1171. “Its okay Wally, you don't have to do all the work”
  1172. >Looking up at you, you wiped away her tears with your thumb and gave her a quick kiss
  1173. “Just relax, this will feel good for both of us”
  1174. >Closing her eyes she took a deep breath then nodded opening her eyes again
  1175. >Nodding back you looked down and positioned yourself back into position
  1176. >Moving your hips forward a bit you pushed the head of your cock back into Wallflower
  1177. >Moving her arms up she gripped her hands around you
  1178. >Pushing yourself further into Wallflower you met some resistance but you were determined to make Wallflower a woman. Your women
  1179. >As you got halfway in she tightened her grip on you, both with her hands and vagina, and let out a wince of pain
  1180. >Pausing you just let your cock soak inside her for a minute till her breathing started to get normal again
  1181. >Once she seemed stable you again pushed deeper into her
  1182. >”A-ANON!”
  1183. >Screaming your name you took a deep breathe as you were almost completely inside her
  1184. >Holding onto her you pushed with one last bit of effort and hilted yourself inside her
  1185. >As your hips slapped together connecting you as one, Wallflower let loud mix of a moan and a scream and she dug her nails into you deep enough to draw blood
  1186. >Locking her legs around your waist her whole body froze up as you tore her hymen
  1188. >>39907707
  1189. >As you rested your cock inside her you felt blood pooling up in her vagina and start to trickle down your dick
  1190. >It was already a really tight fit but with the pressure and wetness of her vagina her blood dripped out slowly
  1191. >You were her first
  1192. >Your Wallflower was now a women
  1193. >Your women
  1194. >Holding her close you held on for as long as she needed and she slowly started to catch her breathing
  1195. “You okay?”
  1196. >After a few seconds of silence she responded
  1197. >”I-I didn't think it would hurt that much. It always looked so much easier in the cartoons”
  1198. >Suppressing a laugh you leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead
  1199. >You wanted to be polite and give her all the time she needed but you had to start moving
  1200. “I'm gonna start moving ok Wally?”
  1201. >Nodding she took a deep breathe
  1202. >”Okay Anon”
  1203. >Moving your hips you pulled back before slowly thrusting against her
  1204. >But you didn't get the desired effects looking down you did it again getting a moan out of Wallflower
  1205. >She was so gripping so tight your cock was practically stuck inside her
  1206. >Moving back and forth you sort of just massaged your cock inside her pussy as you couldn't really slid in and out like you would with regular sex
  1207. >But even then it still felt really good
  1208. >It felt too good actually, you had just now noticed how long it had been for you and how much you needed this
  1209. >As Wallflower moaned and panted in time with your thrusts you started to get a rhythm down
  1210. >After only a shameful minute you felt a pressure building up
  1211. >You wanted to last longer for Wallflower but you couldn't hold it anymore
  1212. “W-Wally I'm gonna cum!”
  1213. >”I-inside p-please”
  1214. >She could barely speak and she moved her head from left to right lost in her pleasure
  1215. >Pushing yourself deep inside her you came
  1216. >Shooting load after load of your seed deep inside her you out a loud low groan as your orgasm rocked your body
  1217. >You don't think you had ever cummed as much or as long as before now
  1218. >As your body spasmed you chased the high as long as you could before exhausted you slumped over on Wallflower
  1219. >Breathing heavily you caught your breath as you looked down at Wallflower under you
  1220. >She had her eyes tightly closed and her fist in front of her mouth
  1221. >She was breathing quick steady breathes
  1222. >Slowly opening her eyes she looked at yours before turning away with a vibrant blush
  1223. >”This is how babies are made you know”
  1224. >Starting with a chuckle you started laughing loudly as Wallflower pouted playfully
  1226. >>39907721
  1227. >”It's not funny ya know, I could get pregnant”
  1228. >Finishing your laugh you responded jokingly
  1229. “I’d have to marry you then”
  1230. >Keeping her fierce blush she placed her hands on your cheeks
  1231. >”I'd be your wife then"
  1232. >Smiling you moved a few loose hairs that covered her face so you could see her clearly
  1233. “My mini wife”
  1234. >You couldn't help but start thinking about a small loli Wallflower with a big belly pregnant with your baby
  1235. >Or that same Wallflower in a bridal gown at your wedding
  1236. >Or even better
  1237. >All the sex you could have with your pregnant mini wife that very night
  1238. >Moving your hips forward in response you caught wally off guard as she let out a small shout
  1239. >It was then you noticed your cock never went flaccid after cumming
  1240. >it stayed hard the entire time
  1241. >Pulling back it seemed your cum was making the perfect lube for you as you slide your cock out before pushing back into Wally with a loud squelch
  1242. >Moaning you caught your breath getting ready for round 2
  1243. “You wanna go again Wally?”
  1244. >Nodding With eyes shut she tightened onto you
  1245. >Moving your hips you started thrusting into her with slow movements as cum slowly started to leak out of her between trusts
  1246. >This was going to make a mess of your bed but you didn't care anymore
  1247. >Your brain was too drowned out in lust and ecstasy as your cock plunged into fresh preteen pussy
  1248. >Speeding up your pace you moved a hand to Wallflowers and intertwined your fingers as you pushed it down onto the bed
  1249. >Moving your other hand down to her waist you gripped her soft skin and used it you better thrust into her
  1250. >”A-ANON!”
  1251. >Every moan, every whimper, every sound that escaped from Wallflowers lips as you fucked her was intoxicating music to your ears
  1252. >Getting a little rougher you started to get faster
  1253. >Sounds of sex filled the room as moans, slaps of skin, curses, panting and your bed creaking bounced against the walls
  1254. >Moving your lips to Wallflowers you engaged in a deep passionate kiss while keeping a steady pace as you smashed your hips against her, reaching deep into her cervix with your cock with every thrust
  1255. >Breaking the kiss Wallflower held on to you with all her strength speaking between wild moans
  1256. >”A-Anon somethings happening I-I can't control myself, I'm losing my mind! It's all going white!”
  1257. >Wallflower must be close to her orgasm
  1258. >You were getting close yourself
  1259. >Time to finish this
  1260. >With loud fast breathes you went as fast and hard as your body would allow
  1262. >>39907727
  1265. >Hilting yourself deep insider Wallflower you blasted her womb with another dose of your baby batter as you both screamed
  1266. >Bodys twitching as you both locked against each other riding out your orgasms you felt her walls tightening and constricting around your cock forcing whatever cum could be left in out
  1267. >As you regained your senses you now had just realized the spray of liquid hitting against your stomach
  1268. >Was she squirting?
  1269. >Looking down as wallflowers body spasmed and shook
  1270. >The stream of yellow liquid was starting to die down
  1271. >Oh great
  1272. >Taking a deep breath you hissed through your teeth as you slid your slowly becoming flaccid cock out of Wallflower
  1273. >With a loud squelch cum, blood and piss leaked down your cock and balls onto your bed
  1274. >Was a girl's first time always this messy?
  1275. >You would worry about that and cleaning your bed later
  1276. >Right now you needed to provide your mini wife with the aftercare she needed
  1277. >Laying next to her you pulled her close against your chest wrapping your arms around her
  1278. >As her body slowly started to stop shaking and her breathing returned to normal she opened up her eyes with tears of ecstasy
  1279. >Breathless and quietly she spoke
  1280. >”I love you Anon”
  1281. “I love you too Wally”
  1282. End

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