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Cannon for sale

By Guest
Created: 2023-05-10 12:40:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon and your at a garage sale, your local neighbor Penny Piena was moving and had to get rid of some stuff. She was selling to you a bright blue canon with two wheels that had a bright yellow detail on them, you found it strangely allureing so you decide to use something that always worked with her.
  2. “You want to sell me this cannon for free” you say.
  3. “No I don’t!” She says
  4. “Yes you do.” You say
  5. “No I don’t!” She says again
  6. “Yes you do.” You state calmly
  7. “NO I DON’T” she shouts
  8. “Look I’m telling you that you don’t want to sell that to me for free!” You yell angerly
  9. “And I’m telling you I want to sell it for free so take it!” She yells back rolling the cannon into your hands.
  10. >you fake sigh “alright fine…” then walk away with your treasure with a grin
  12. >your still Anon looking at the cannon your take it to a target range light it up and…..nothing
  13. >you grumble angerly and look into the barrel to see what’s wrong when a pink glob of goop is launched into your face! You try to take it off but it was stuck to your hands now! You felt your face be forced to smile as it gained a muzzle! Your eyes got bigger and turned a light shade of blue with eyelashes, you felt your hair puff up and tangle all around in a huge poofy mess! Your voice got higher as you started to laugh, you were getting lightheaded and forgot even your own name, your hands turned into hooves as you were forced to to all fours, your felt your backside expand becoming a huge flank that had grown from years of eating sweets, you felt a pink pony pussy form as your new flank jiggled as you just kept laughing uncontrollably.
  14. >you are…you are…you are Pinkamena Diana Pie! You loved to make others smile! You felt your flank get all warm as your cutie mark appeared, you bounced in place for a bit then entered your party cannon! Ready to fire yourself into the next ponepaste “See ya next Paste!” You yell waving to the audience only you could see and BLAM! Out of the story you fly! Where you end up? Who knows…
  16. >A investigation is still underway for the missing Anon, Penny was suspected of murder but no evidence had shown it…this case was left…Unsolved.

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