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Experiment R41NB0W D45H

By Guest
Created: 2023-05-11 18:10:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >You wake up to hear someone humming the my little pony theme song, a tall man in a surgeons outfit was looking over his tools and notices you
  2. “Ah! Your awake my little test subject! Now we can begin the surgery, what surgery you may be asking, why one to make you the perfect pony! Now to the question all of my experiments asks ‘why?’ Well it’s quite simple. Back when I was a child I was afraid of people in costumes because they were so lifeless! It scared me but I wanted to meet these characters so bad…so I decided ‘Hey why don’t I do what all the other companies are too afraid to do…and make people into the characters.”
  3. >this man was crazy, he hummed again as he pulled out a check list “let’s see here what shall you be…Ah I know! Let’s make you a Perfect Rainbow Dash, I’m sure you’ll be good friends with the Rarity I made a month ago. Let’s see do I have everything?” He says turning to a box and looking inside “Alright Pony Organs, Some Color dye, Eagle wings, and my favorite, Horse Teeth! Oh don’t start crying my little experiment I promise you’ll be asleep for the whole operation you won’t feel a thing…unless you want to? No Hmph your loss.” The man says as he placed a mask on your face “take a deeeeep breath in…nighty niiiight!” Were the last things you hear before you fall asleep on the old surgery table

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