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The misadventures of Derpy Hooves Season 2 Episode 3

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-06-10 00:02:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Season 2, Episode 3: Night Mares part: I
  4. Fluttershy:
  6. “Come on Muffins! You don’t wanna be late!” I sang as I pushing my way through the garbage.
  7. > She rolled functional eye and huffed
  9. > “I don’t wanna go out.” She grumbled
  11. “I know you don’t want to, But I think getting some fresh air would be healthy!”
  13. > She dropped her book and looked to the ceiling, stroking her chin in exaggerated motions.
  15. > “Hmmmmm……No. I wanna stay here.”
  17. > She picked her book up and buried her face between the covers.
  19. "But I have an entire outing planned for you! It’ll be fun!" I whined
  21. > She repeated the motion trying not to laugh
  22. > "Mmmmm……No thanks."
  23. > She returned to her book
  25. > I sighed and dragged my hooves through the tides of trash towards the washroom.
  27. > I kept a cautious eye to the ground for all of our new rodent friends who call mounds of trash home.
  28. > Garbage has consumed our home
  29. > A thick layer of trash of an offensive and pungent nature that the smell had scared off the all forest animals in the area.
  30. > All that was left was rats and roaches.
  32. > At the center of this catastrophe was Muffins, who was deaf to the unsanitary world she had created.
  33. > I hate living like this.
  34. > But I also feel like this is where I belong…
  35. > I’m a mare so despicable that she deserves nothing more than to live a life in hoof deep dirt.
  37. > I can feel the filth sinking into my pores deep down into my soul.
  38. > The garbage probably never felt more at home….
  39. > I feel how I smell
  40. > Awful.
  42. > No matter how hard I try, I can’t get muffins out of bed.
  43. > Learning that she isn't a Pegasi has stricken her with a severe case of depression, and I can’t imagine how crushed she feels.
  44. > Believing something about yourself for so long only to learn in your early twenties that it’s all been a lie…
  45. > I blame myself….
  46. > Everything is my fault….
  48. > Things between us have gone from uneasy to terrible.
  49. > She’s given up behaving civilly, and like a dying animal has dug herself into a corner of the house awaiting the inevitable.
  51. > Her breasts hang naked and free.
  52. > She lays unwashed with fur peppered in stains of various colors and origins.
  53. > Her right breast below her neck was hanging sadly over the bedside dripping milk into the tube like an iv.
  54. > Her left breast was being used as a hoof cushion.
  56. >This is how she spends her days.
  57. > Locked away in this humid place laying in a milk soaked bed doing word puzzles and eating junk food.
  59. > Her diet consists of sugar, fat, baked goods, cholesterol and preservatives.
  60. > Today was the third morning in a row she enjoyed an entire tub of ice cream for breakfast, and a tray of muffins for lunch.
  61. > Watering them down with sodas and ending her meal with a some “sugar toast” for dessert.
  63. > Her snout was still caked with leftovers from the morning, and mornings previous.
  64. > I didn't fall in love with Muffins because she’s well kempt.
  65. > But she's crossing the line of what I’m willing to tolerate.
  67. > Our bedoom is a chamber of the most wretched odors.
  68. > Sweat, garbage, milk and cum had seeped into our mattress so deep its faded from white to sickly yellow.
  70. > A thick layer of milk and sweat rolled like melted butter down her breasts.
  71. > Beads of perspiration dangle from her oily mane as she struggles to breathe.
  72. > Occasionally, she wiped her face with a pillow or a blanket, leaving dark stains with the outline of her face along the yellowed fabrics.
  74. "I'm going to take my medicine. I would like it if you were out of bed when I returned." I said trying to muster confidence.
  76. > I went to the washroom and removed seven bottles from the cabinet.
  77. > Four of them were to increase milk production and were written in a strange language I had never seen before.
  78. > I don’t know where Lotus found these or what they even are.
  79. > But after taking them daily for the past month, I’m too nervous to ask….
  81. > I swallowed them with a glass of water then popped open my anti anxiety medication
  82. > I've been taking these same pills since I was a filly. They help me keep calm and composed.
  83. > I took my anti-anxiety medication along with my antidepressants.
  85. > The antidepressants are a recent prescription.
  86. > They make me feel energized and happy
  87. > The doctor said to only have one a day, but I often take four or five a day.
  88. > This was my fourth pill today…
  89. > I think?
  90. > I don’t think they’re working as well as they used to…
  92. > Lastly was my calcium prescription, which was my most expensive medication.
  93. > It’s for grounded pegasi so their bones don’t turn to mush.
  94. > It's a nasty purple syrup that comes in a bottle with a hundred tiny warning labels printed on it.
  95. > I've been taking this medicine since the rainboom and if it wasn't for this very medicine my bones would have disintegrated years ago and I’d be nothing but a pile of mush.
  97. > I’ve been taking more than usual since I started packing on extra pounds.
  98. > My doctor doesn’t know.
  99. > She doesn’t need to know…
  101. > Around this time I start to feel really sick and the room would begin to spin.
  102. > I always keep an anti-nausea pill on hoof for whenever that starts happening
  103. > I swallowed some and the room slowly began to stabilize.
  104. > There’s no cure for my eyes because my pupils essentially exploded, but I find a pinch from an eyedropper reduces the dilation.
  106. > I close my eyes and wait for all the pills to dissolve into my bloodstream
  107. > This usually takes a couple of minutes
  108. > The entire process makes me tired and I feel floaty .
  109. >...
  111. > I sure would like a shower, but Muffins filled the tub with a random assortment of things she bought through from newspaper ads.
  112. > Heck, the entire house is cluttered with the things she buys from strange newspaper ads.
  113. > I don’t know why she buys these silly things…
  115. >....
  116. > Muffins is a good mare
  117. > I should be nicer to her…
  118. >...
  120. > I open my eyes after a couple minutes
  121. > My hooves tingle and I feel….happier.
  122. > I put the pills away and leave the washroom.
  124. > I return to the bedroom feeling a little lightheaded but in a better headspace.
  125. > I push my way through the garbage feeling a little less disgusted by it.
  126. > We may live in an ocean of garbage but I’ve made so many new rat friends!
  128. “Muffins, have you seen Lenny?”
  129. > “Lenny? Do you mean the rat?”
  130. “Yes! I haven’t seen him all day!”
  131. > “Fluttershy, I know you’re the animal expert around here…But I think “Lenny” May be a little bit…rabid.”
  132. “Oh nonsense!” I giggled “He just needs some TLC! Tickles Love and Cuddles!”
  134. > I sifted through the garbage calling out his name in a soft tone to not frighten him.
  135. > After a short search I found him hiding in an empty chip bag.
  136. > He’s a large white rat with bright red eyes and crooked whiskers
  137. > His mouth is constantly covered in white froth and he was missing a piece of his ear. He twitched his feet and neck sporadically and had large patches missing in his fur.
  138. > He's beautiful!
  140. “There you are silly! What are you doing down there?”
  141. > I placed my hooves near his face and he began to scurry up my leg.
  142. > He perched himself on my shoulder and nibbled my fur.
  144. “Isn’t he so cute!?”
  145. > Muffins gave me a blank stare
  146. > “Fluttershy…It’s sick…I don’t think you should touch him.”
  148. > How rude!
  149. > Muffins isn’t the healthiest mare herself.
  150. > She shouldn’t be so judgemental.
  151. > She’s gone from a cute, plump pony to fat a mare with a jiggly belly
  152. > She even has folds along her stomach!
  153. > And her cheeks are swollen like bee stings!
  155. > Muffins was never been a stranger to overeating. But Usually the fat would go straight to her rump and would NEVER affect the rest of her body.
  156. > But due to her lack of movement and copious junk food consumption, her belly has started to match the size of her rear and I'm starting to get worried.
  158. > She's gone from my silly little mare friend to a bratty ball of fat.
  159. > With nowhere else to go, the fat has invaded her body.
  160. > Her face, boobs, butt and belly have become pockets of lard slicked in sweat so smelly it assaults the nose with its sharp and salty odor.
  161. > It’s so bad that I can smell her from down the lane.
  163. > It’s not only her physical appearance that needs to be cleaned
  164. > Her tongue could also use a scrubbing.
  165. > Her sadness has made her sarcastic and rudely demanding
  166. > Whenever I’m not busy with work, she treats me like I’m her personal servant!
  168. > Rainbow Dash told me I need to put my hoof down if I want this relationship to work.
  169. > And that it's my responsibility to stop her from eating like a pig and talking like a spoiled filly.
  170. > But it’s so hard!
  172. > She fights me on everything! And I don’t want to lose her!
  173. > After two days of arguing and not accomplishing anything I've learned that I need to choose my battles.
  174. > If I fight her on everything she’ll stop listening to me entirely.
  176. > More than anything, I think Muffins needs to get out of the house and start socializing like a normal pony again.
  177. > She's already getting too comfortable being a freeloader with a bad attitude.
  178. > And the last thing I want is for her to become the mare version of Zephyr…
  180. > Muffins has been gorging herself like a starved puppy all week, and I don’t think it’ll be long until she balloons into an immovable ball of fat that I'll be rolling out of bed every morning.
  181. > I love Muffins with all my heart.
  182. > But that isn't the future I had hoped for us.
  184. > It's not all bad though.
  185. > Thankfully, her belly doesn't rival her breasts in size.
  186. > At least not yet.
  187. > And she’s been producing more milk than ever! > Milky even supplied us with some extra barrels to avoid waste.
  188. > Since Muffins isn't doing anything besides laying in bed and eating, she can fill twelve barrels a day.
  190. > Production has almost met demand at the Milk Bar, and even our middle class customers can afford a taste of her milk.
  191. > For better or worse, her unnaturally potent and highly addictive brew is reaching more ponies.
  192. > I don't feel well about that fact.
  194. > The spa sisters say that the quality of her milk has remained the same.
  195. > But I wouldn't know because I’ve sworn off drinking it.
  196. > It makes me irrational, confused and anxious.
  197. > Like drinking a hundred cups of coffee before bed.
  198. > It causes my body to tremble and my mind to wander into frightening places.
  200. > For the sake of my job/life I've tried everything to get her milk back up to their standard.
  201. > I’ve spent hours with my head between her legs.
  202. > Sucking, licking and prodding her slit
  203. > I've probably swallowed a gallon of her bodily fluids in a sour cocktail of cum, milk and sweat in an attempt to improve her milk's potency.
  205. > Being between my mare-friends legs may be one of my favorite places. But spending hours stroking my tongue over her nethers and swabbing spit sweat and vaginal discharge between humid thighs for the purpose of quality control isn’t my idea of lovemaking.
  207. > And the smell….
  208. > I hate to admit it. But her vagina has gone from smelling like flowers to smelling like a dead fish.
  209. > Her pussy lips have become sad, loose and fleshy just like the rest of her body.
  211. > I was hoping stimulation would make the milk better.
  212. > But all it did was make me feel ill.
  213. > I’ve even developed a couple of angry cold sores around the corner of my lip.
  214. > I don't know what caused them but I suspect it has something to do with her poor vaginal hygiene.
  215. > When she starts feeling better, hygiene will be the top priority for both of us going forward.
  217. > I stood beside Muffins next to the bed near the nightstand and stroked Lenny
  218. "Isn't he just adorable?"
  219. > Muffins shuffled away slightly
  220. > "He looks kinda crazy."
  221. "Looks can be deceiving, Muffins. You of all ponies should know to never judge a book by its cover." I nodded
  223. "I've seen him eat other rats…I don't trust him."
  224. > I grabbed my brush from the nightstand and began fashioning my mane
  225. "He's not properly socialized. In a couple weeks he'll be happy and healthy!" I cheered
  226. > Helping the helpless always warms my heart.
  228. > Aside from catering to Muffins every wish and pocketing my tongue inside her mare bits for hours on end. Aloe and Lotus have been helping me get ready for my meeting with the mayor.
  229. > Hopefully it will be brief considering it will take place during the mayor's fundraising dinner.
  231. > In preparation for the meeting Lotus and Aloe commissioned me a suit, styled my mane and gave me a makeover.
  232. > I woke up super early this morning and went to the spa where they cleaned my hooves, plucked my eyebrows, deep cleaned my pores and caked my face in a ton of makeup and blush.
  233. > My face radiated with life and I looked ravishing!
  235. > Aloe styled my mane but I still need to maintain it before the meeting.
  236. > They also gave me a complimentary massage along with the makeover to help ease my nerves. But during what was supposed to be my "relaxing backrub" Lotus was giving me an earful about how I should conduct myself at the meeting.
  238. > She stressed the importance of keeping calm and said that most of the heavy lifting has already been done through mail and that my presence was a show of respect more than anything.
  239. > By the end of the massage my head was spinning but I felt a little more confident about the meeting.
  241. > My biggest fear is that defending prostitution on their behalf will somehow tarnish my reputation.
  242. > I don’t wanna be known as the mare who holds radical sex positivity opinions.
  243. > I'd become a laughing stock!
  245. > During my back massage Aloe kept feeding me statements to say at the meeting.
  246. > Aloe is a pushy mare, but I think she only acts that way to impress Lotus.
  248. > Lotus gave me a complete body wash using lavender soap, and massaged my scalp with a generous serving of Alicorn Mane brand shampoo
  249. > I don't think I've ever been cleaner!
  251. > Despite looking the part of a Canterlot elite I don't feel like one. And I have a bad feeling in my tummy.
  252. > I don’t trust the spa ponies and I’m quickly starting to believe I can't trust anypony.
  253. > There's too much money involved in the milk business nowadays to expect ponies to act honestly.
  255. > The spa mares, Milky and I have won the lottery with Muffins milk.
  256. > Now it's all about keeping the bits flowing for a couple more months.
  257. > Then we can retire.
  258. > I'll be able to open my animal sanctuary
  259. > Muffins can spend all day in the kitchen baking
  260. > It will be wonderful!
  261. > I just need to do what's necessary until then.
  264. > Throughout this situation Muffins has been uncharacteristically lucky.
  265. > She sits in bed all day doing word searches while her breast lactate hundreds of bits without effort.
  266. > she doesn’t realize how much chaos her milk is causing, or how much money we make.
  267. > In a little over a month she's made us more money than most ponies do in a year and she doesn’t even realize it.
  268. > I don't tell her the real amount
  269. > I fear she'll spend all our money on muffins and impulsive purchases.
  271. > While her identity remains a secret her milk has become famous and coveted by many.
  272. > I see greed and lust in the eyes of ponies who utter the name "best pony"
  273. > I fear that nopony really cares about her.
  275. > They only want to use her as a product, or see her as an object to lust over. (Despite not knowing what she looks like.)
  276. > I've heard lots of theories about what "Best Pony" looks like
  278. > "She's an alicorn!""
  279. >
  281. > No. She's an earth pony with a large behind who spends all day in bed eating junk food who couldn't tell you what six plus six equals if her life depended on it.
  282. > Sad, but true.
  284. > It's my job as her special somepony to keep her safe from the greedy ponies who want to use her.
  285. > My entire life I've felt crippled by anxiety
  286. > But my love for Muffins has always given me the strength to overcome my fears.
  288. > I will wrestle our burdens down this dangerous path.
  289. > Muffins never asked for any of this, and it isn't fair for me to put her through my stresses.
  290. > Everyday we risk imprisonment, kidnap or death.
  291. > I got us into this mess, and I'll do everything I can to protect her until we can retire.
  292. > I take my vows very seriously.
  294. > So, as I prepare myself for my meeting with certain failure on the horizon I buckle my bra and look in the mirror.
  295. > I feel nauseous and scared.
  296. > But I can't help but feel excited too
  297. > It's almost like a thrill!
  299. > The pressure coupled with the excitement of doing what's right even though it's so, undoubtedly wrong.
  300. > It makes me tremble in the most erotic ways.
  301. > I don't know why, but my marehood tingles when I think about how naughty I am
  302. > I'm a very caring mare…
  303. > I'm a very bad mare…
  304. > A very naughty, sexy, loving mare…
  306. > "Fluttershy."
  307. > Lenny scattered down my leg and back into the garbage.
  308. > I looked down and Muffins who was pointing to her mouth
  309. > I knew immediately what she wanted
  310. "Of course honey!"
  311. > I dropped my brush on the nightstand and lowered my rump
  312. > My legs buckled as she unfastened my bra.
  314. > She weighed each breast in her hoof to see which was more full.
  315. > After careful consideration she decided on my right teat.
  316. > Muffins yanked my right boob across my left breast and shoved my teat in her mouth.
  317. > She began to suckle like baby goat
  319. > I looked at myself in the mirror across the room and made some last minutes adjustments to my mane
  320. > I was looking gorgeous!
  321. "Don't you just have the most beautiful mare-friend?" I giggled
  323. > I looked down at Muffins who was slowly drinking from me
  324. > She was wearing a disappointed expression
  325. "What's wrong?'
  326. > She spit out my teat and it swung back into its home between my legs
  327. > "Your milk tastes weird."
  328. "Sorry, but what do you mean?"
  329. > "It just tastes…off."
  330. "Well, I've been taking lots of pills recently and I think they may be affecting my milk production in more ways than one.”
  332. > She looked confused
  333. > "Why are you taking pills anyways? What do they even do?"
  334. "They're supposed to increase milk production. I make more milk now…But the taste just isn't the same."
  335. > Muffins nodded then grabbed my teat with both hooves and began sucking.
  336. > My milk may be a tad sour, but she was drinking from me all the same.
  338. > The truth is, the pills Aloe and Lotus gave me are awful.
  339. > They make me feel very tired and confused and some mornings I wake up not knowing who or where I am.
  340. > My life feels like static
  341. > Just a disorienting blur
  342. > A constant, discordant humming rings in my ears and in my vision.
  344. > The pills, stress, work, poor diet, living in the dumpster which was once my tidy little cottage and being Muffins depression pillow….
  345. > It's all so exhausting…
  347. > Muffins went between nibbling on her sandwich and craning her neck into my teat. Her eye never strayed from her word search.
  348. > She’s good at word searches, crosswords and all the other games you can find on the back of a newspaper.
  350. > The word search she was currently playing was in a large word search book
  351. > The letters are so small and the page are filled from corner to corner with tiny ink stain letters
  352. > They must be good for her eye because I can’t make out anything!
  354. > I watched her face closely and noticed that know matter how hard she tried to concentrate, her left eye floats around her head aimless as a fish in a bowl.
  355. > I always hoped she would one day regain control of that eye
  356. > But at this point I think it’s a lost cause.
  357. > I don’t even know if she can see out of it anymore…
  359. > As she drank from my teat and I dragged my hoof through her mane
  360. > “Muffins?” I whispered
  361. > She turned away from her game and we locked eyes.
  363. > My nipple was still in her mouth, cradled in her tugging tounge.
  364. > Her cheeks were swelling as she gently sucked back the milk.
  365. > I dragged my hoof down the side of her face along her plush cheek which was warm to the touch.
  366. > When I reached the blade of her jaw, I rode my hoof along her jaw bone to the edge of her chin
  367. > I tilted her head upwards and watched as she drank from me like a love starved puppy.
  369. > I look at Muffins and see a confused mare who was dealt an unfortunate hoof in nature's chaotic game.
  370. > It's hard for me to admit to her that I always knew she was an Earth Pony.
  371. > We all did.
  373. > She radiates a lovely warmth that could melt even the coldest hearts
  374. > Her fur is soft as an owl's tuft and her belly is squishy like dough.
  375. > Earth Pony beauty is unconventional compared to the other races.
  376. > Many say they’re a fat and unclean race.
  377. > But I think they’re beautiful.
  379. "Is the sandwich good?" I asked in a lulling tone
  380. > She nodded, and I buried my hoof into her mane
  381. "I made it with love." I hummed
  382. > She closed her eyes and sighed
  383. > The warm breath of her nostrils hit my breast like a hot breeze.
  385. > I could feel myself slipping into a calm and I felt my milk factories beginning to churn.
  386. > Milk began to flow freely now, and started to leak from the corners of her lips as she tried to swallow cups of milk at a time.
  388. > I treated her with a mothers affection and gently pressed her head into my teat
  389. > The milk rushed down her chin and began dribbling onto the blanket.
  390. > She looked down with concern, but I brought her eyes back to me.
  391. "It’s okay Muffins. What harm is a milk stain at this point?” I chuckled
  392. > Her eyes closed again as she gulped down the milk, trying to match the pace of the discharge.
  394. > She moaned and her tiny wings began to slowly plume along her back.
  395. “I'll always love you." I hummed
  396. > She pulled herself away and began to cough
  397. > a mouthful of bubbly milk spilled from her mouth onto the floor.
  399. > Her snout was caked in white as she breathed heavily.
  400. > She looked a little shocked as she wiped her mouth with the top of her hoof
  401. "You'll always love me too, right?" I peeped
  402. > She nodded in agreement as she caught her breath
  403. > “Yes Fluttershy….I will.” She choked
  405. > I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket and wrapped it around my nipple to catch the remaining drops of milk dripping from my teat
  406. > She finished her sandwich and tossed the crusts to the floor
  407. > She never eats the crust…
  409. > She gave my teats a gentle slap and I stood up straight.
  410. > She raised her snout into the air and began sniffing
  411. > "Fluttershy….You smell really good."
  412. "Oh! Why thank you."
  413. > She lifted her leg and sniffed her pit
  414. > “I don’t smell good.” She sighed
  416. "Well….you haven't showered in a month…If you want to wash, you need to move your things from the bathtub.”
  417. > She shot me an all too familiar glare of annoyance
  418. > For a split second I was nervous that I offended her, but then I remembered what Dash told me.
  420. > I struck my hoof to the floor.
  421. “Muffins. I would really appreciate it if you cleaned the shower of your things." I said sternly
  422. > Her neck pulled away subtly and she looked confused.
  424. > Rainbow told me that I need to be more assertive
  425. > She believed that it would make me the “alpha” of the house.
  426. > I don’t care much for those terms, but maybe Muffins will look at me the same way she does Twilight if I put my hoof down just a tiny bit.
  427. > She seems to respect that sort of thing
  428. > "Fluttershy. We're Pegasi. Heavy lifting is Earth pony work "
  430. "But, you aren't a Pegasi. You’re an earth pony.” I replied bluntly
  431. > I've done everything for Muffins and will always be her rock
  432. > But I can’t entertain this delusion anymore.
  434. > It was wrong of us to do such a thing to begin with, and in a way, this is the price I must all pay if I ever hope to see her grow.
  435. “I mean…You’re just one quarter Pegasi. Which still makes you a pegasi. Just not by much.”
  437. > "Well….You're a grounded Pegasi. You're probably less Pegasi than me!" She replied
  438. > "Muffins. Both my parents are Pegasi and their parents before were Pegasi. I'm not interested in playing racial purity games, but if either of us are more "purebred" it would be me."
  439. > She crossed her hooves and stared at her boobs below her neck.
  441. > "If you're so great why don't you clean the washroom?"
  442. "You know I can’t lift heavy things. My bones are frail."
  443. > "Yeah…b…but they heal quickly!"
  444. "Not always. And I don't want to risk any severe injuries. When you find the energy, please clean out the shower." I asked calmly
  445. > She looked up and away
  447. "The two of us can have a shower together after you clean it…" I sang
  448. > Her ears shot up and she began to turn her head towards me slightly.
  449. "We can turn the heat up all the way and make love in the steam. Doesn't that sound like something in one of your romance books?"
  450. > She nodded in agreement, though I could tell she wasn’t happy capitulating
  451. > “I guess that is kinda romantic….”
  453. “Great! I think we’ll have a lot of fun in the shower after you clean it!”
  454. > She leaned her head back over the headboard.
  455. > She looked baffled by her own submission.
  457. > My heart was doing backflips
  458. > All I ever wanted between us was cooperation and understanding.
  459. > I can feel a change is coming pulsating in my anxious, rattling bones.
  460. > Being in charge is difficult for me.
  461. > But I need to be dominant and fair if we want this relationship to work.
  463. > I buckled up my bra and walked to the end of the bed where I twirled like a ballerina.
  464. > I struck a silly pose and shot her an awkward smile.
  465. “How do I look? Rarity made me this lovely suit for my meeting tonight.”
  466. > “It looks nice I guess.”
  467. > Her eyes fell between my legs.
  468. “Thirsty again?” I sighed
  469. > “No…W…What's that bra made of?”
  470. > I pressed my hoof into the plush fabric and squeezed
  471. “I think it's cotton?”
  473. > “Can I have it?”
  474. >...
  475. “Well, no actually. I need it for my meeting tonight. It’s specially designed to go with the outfit.”
  476. > “I can tell that it's super absorbent.” She replied
  477. > I don’t think she was even listening.
  478. “But…I…Well….”
  479. > She stared at me blankly and I could feel my cheeks reddening
  480. > Compromise Fluttershy
  481. > Compromise.
  482. “Okay…Fine.”
  484. > I removed the bra and gave it to her
  485. > She ripped the tubes off her chest boobs and stuck the cups over her breasts
  486. > The vacuum sucked onto her skin which kept the tubes from falling to the floor
  487. “But what am I going to wear?”
  488. > Muffins scratched her head
  489. > “Oh!” She shot with a smile
  491. > She reached over the side of the bed and began rifling through a pile of garbage next to the nightstand.
  492. > I started to feel uneasy
  494. > She pulled a wrinkly old red chest bra from the bottom of the pile
  495. > It was soaked in milk and covered in stains.
  496. > Candy wrappers, and muffin sleeves clung to the fabric like flies in honey.
  498. > Neither of us had done the laundry in over a month and all of our clothes were in this condition.
  499. > It was a gross state of affairs, and I wasn’t all too pleased about it.
  500. > “This was my first chest bra! I’m sure you can use it around your crotch."
  502. “Muffins, you know this will never fit me. My bust is far too big.”
  503. > "Of course it will."
  504. > Not wanting to argue, I tied the bra around my backside.
  505. >The straps were strong but the cups were torn and threadbare
  506. > They were also very sticky.
  507. > Probably from being buried under ten pounds of wet garbage for the past week.
  509. > But worst of all was that it barely fit.
  510. > My breasts are much larger than Muffins and the cups were stretched thin between my bust, covering only half my teats
  511. > My boobs were pressed into my hips tightly and forced the fat of my breasts to leak over the sides of the cups.
  512. > I looked ridiculous
  513. > I felt ridiculous.
  515. "I can go out like this….I feel silly.”
  516. > I looked down at my nipples sticking out the sides of the bra like nails
  518. > "You'll be fine. Here, let me help you.”
  519. > I waddled next to her and she immediately grabbed my boobs.
  520. > She pushed them together and my teats slid inside the cup.
  521. > But now instead of sticking out from the sides of the bra, they had become wedged sideways between my breast fat and the coarse ridge running along the perimeter of the bra where the elastic had been sown.
  523. "Owww…." I moaned massaging my areola which was peeking from the fabric
  524. > "See!? You look great!"
  525. > I glared at Muffins
  526. > I’m getting a little annoyed with her
  527. > She’s been behaving like a brat since she became depressed.
  529. > I know she can’t help it, and I shouldn’t be mad at her.
  530. > But it's slowly chipping away at me….
  531. >.....
  532. > But!
  533. > This is what being in a relationship is all about!
  534. >...
  535. > I think?
  537. > She wrapped my crotch bra around her neck
  538. > The end result looked ridiculous
  539. > She had straps running all along her neck and shoulders in a disorganized fashion
  540. > I just sighed….
  542. > Aside from being the night of my big meeting with the mayor, I took it upon myself to organize a get together for Muffins and two smartest earth ponies in town.
  544. > I'm hoping that after she speaks with them she’ll be comfortable in her own skin again and will finally have the confidence to peel herself from her bedridden depression and go back to work.
  546. “Muffins. I need you to get out of bed now. I planned something very special for you and I won’t take no for an answer.”
  547. > “But Fluttershy! I don’t wanna go out!”
  548. “But don’t you miss delivering mail?”
  549. > “Y…yes…B..But that's Pegasi work.”
  550. > For the love of Celestia….
  553. > For the past week Pinkie has been running Derpy Deliveries while Muffins was in bed
  554. > I paid her a couple extra bits for her troubles.
  555. > But I really hate inconveniencing Pinkie Pie like this.
  556. > Being the mail collector and delivery pony is a lot of work for one pony.
  557. > And the longer she does, the more guilty I feel.
  559. “Muffins. If you don’t get out of bed I’ll….I’ll…I’ll stop letting you drink my milk.”
  560. > “You can’t! That's my favorite thing about you!”
  561. > I feel slightly insulted.
  563. > “You’ll just need to find another mare who’ll let you suck on their breasts.” I huffed
  564. > Muffins sat quietly and thought for a moment
  565. > Eventually, she decided to submit.
  566. > She threw off the covers and hopped out of bed only to fall face first into the garbage heap at her bedside with a loud “CRASH!”
  568. "Oh my! Are you okay?"
  569. > She used the nightstand to pull herself up
  570. > "I can't feel my legs….And I feel…Heavy..."
  571. "Well, you were in bed for a long time and you ate a lot this week."
  573. > Her stomach began to grumble
  574. > She poked her belly causing ripples to run across her squishy fat folds like waves.
  575. > "I hate my Pegasi metabolism." She grumbled
  576. "Muffins, Please! You and I both know you don't have a…"
  578. > I caught myself
  579. > I inhaled deeply and took a step back
  580. > I can't lose my patience
  581. > I've come too far
  582. > She’ll come around.
  583. > I just need to be patient.
  585. "Muffins. Have you ever seen a fat Pegasi?" I asked sweetly
  586. > She looked up in thought
  587. > "Other than you?"
  588. "Muffins! That's uncalled for! To know I'm not fat I'm just…squishy."
  590. > "Oh…Sorry Fluttershy."
  591. "It's okay Muffins…"
  592. > "You’re a VERY squishy Pegasi." She replied, staring at my stomach.
  593. >...
  594. > Is she doing this on purpose?
  595. > I can't even tell anymore.
  597. “Muffins. All I’m saying is that Pegasi don’t usually get as big as you.”
  598. > “Hey! Now you're calling ME fat!"
  599. “No! It’s just that…Well….”
  600. > What could I say!?
  601. > She looks like a stuffed turkey for Celestia's sake!
  603. “You may be just a tiny bit overweight. But not by muchJust...Maybe by a couple….. hundred pounds…”
  605. > She looked down at her stomach
  606. > “Why do you always say things to make me feel bad?”
  607. “Muffins, I’m not trying to make you feel bad, I’m just being honest.”
  608. > She leaned against the bed and stared at the floor
  609. > “Fluttershy.”
  610. “Yes, Muffins?”
  612. > “Am I a bad pony?”
  613. > Oh no
  614. > Not this again…
  615. “Of course not. I think you’re wonderful! You just need to apply yourself.”
  616. > “That was nice of you to say…I just wish I could tell if you were lying or not.”
  617. > I exhaled
  618. > Now I'm starting to think I'm a bad pony…
  620. > I rested my hoof over her shoulder and craned my neck to her eye level.
  621. “Muffins, we didn’t mean to hurt you. We just liked seeing you happy. We all knew that you were more earth pony than Pegasi. It was wrong of us to lie and I promise that from now on I will only tell you the one hundred percent, honest truth.”
  623. > “Promise?" She sniffed
  624. “Cross my heart and hope to fly…” I sang driving an X pattern over my heart with my hoof.
  625. > She looked back up and smiled
  626. > “One last question.”
  627. “Anything.” I cooed
  629. > “Is it just me, or are my boobs starting to get bigger?”
  630. > She started jiggling them up and down.
  632. "Yes, I do think they've grown."
  633. > "I knew it! I knew that they had gotten heavier over the past couple weeks!" She said almost proudly
  635. "They aren't uncomfortable are they?"
  636. > "Not any more than they've always been." She chuckled
  637. > Her smile faded and her eyes widened
  638. > "But what if they don't stop growing! What if they become as big as Twilights!"
  640. "I don't think they'll ever get THAT big." I giggled
  641. > "I sure hope not." She replied “But they are really beautiful…”
  642. > I nodded “You're right. Twilight is a very…”
  644. > Pretty?
  645. > Healthy?
  646. > Kind?
  647. >...
  649. “Twilight is a very….purple pony.”
  650. > It’s the best I could come up with.
  652. > Honestly, I don't see anything exceptional about Twilight's appearance.
  653. > In fact, I think she’s one of the less attractive mares in town…
  654. > Not to be mean, she's just extremely average looking.
  655. > Muffins dropped her breast and they bounced in place.
  656. > I could hear the milk sloshing inside them like half empty water bottles being shaken.
  658. "I think it's about time we get going. The sun will be setting soon and we're both on a very tight schedule tonight. We'll take my scooter and I'll drop you off at Gustoves before I head to my meeting."
  659. > Muffins nodded and we made our way to the scooter.
  660. > Now all I have to worry about is that she doesn't snap the scooter in half when she sits in it…
  664. Derpy:
  666. > We rode through Ponyville towards the sunset.
  667. > The scooter ride was cramped and awkward
  668. > I sat between Fluttershys legs with my breasts resting over the handles.
  669. > The bra Fluttershy gave me was padded with cotton and hid the tubes connected to my chest breasts well.
  670. > I decided to wear my milk collecting saddle that Rarity made me
  671. > It was fitted with tubes which connected to my breast
  672. > The tubes led to jars pursed along the sides of the saddle in pockets.
  673. > I always feel like I get stared at more when I wear this, but it prevents me from leaking all over the floor.
  675. > For some reason the saddle felt tighter than usual and the jars were already starting to fill.
  676. > We only made it halfway into town before they were completely full and I needed Fluttershy to stop so I could pour them out on the side of the road.
  678. > "Do you need help?" Fluttershy asked peaking over the bush
  679. "No, I'm okay." I replied pouring the last jar into the grass
  680. > "Okay, don't take too long though. We need to get you to the restaurant before your reservation expires."
  681. "Okay…Just a second."
  682. > I shoved the jar back into its pouch and began sliding the tubes inside the holes drilled into the top of the jars.
  685. > Fluttershy has been acting more bossy than usual and it's starting to get annoying.
  686. > I don't know why she wants me to go to this dinner.
  687. > I was very happy staying in bed.
  689. > On the bright side, she made a promise to only tell the truth going forward.
  690. > But she keeps telling me I'm an earth pony.
  691. > I think she might ACTUALLY believe I'm an earth pony…
  692. > She must be losing her mind.
  693. > Afterall, Fluttershy’s always been an emotional wreck.
  695. > I think she’s trying to break me…
  696. > Heck, she probably hates me!
  697. > I don’t know what I’m gonna do, but I can’t keep living under her roof
  698. > She’s a dictator!
  700. > I finished my business and we continued down the road.
  701. > “Isn't it beautiful out tonight?" She sang
  702. “It’s okay…”
  703. > I would much prefer to be in bed…
  705. > I could see the restaurant at the end of the road, but as we approached, Fluttershy slowed the scooter to a snail's pace.
  706. > “Muffins, can you promise me that you'll try and hear my friends out? They’re very smart ponies and I think they’ll help you with what you're going through."
  708. "I'm not going through anything….Everypony else is the problem…I mean….You all lied to me…"
  709. > "I know. And I'm very sorry. But we thought…"
  710. > Her voice petered off
  711. > "Nothing…Nevermind."
  713. > We arrived at the restaurant and Fluttershy escorted me to my table, which was at a table on the outside patio.
  714. > "They should be here very soon. When they arrive please keep an open mind."
  715. > I nodded
  716. > Fluttershy kissed me on the forehead and left.
  717. > I watched her mount her scooter from my table and disappear down the street towards downtown Ponyville.
  719. > I wonder where she's going…
  720. > She said she was attending some sort of meeting.
  721. > She's probably gone to hang out with Twilight and her friends.
  722. > They never invite me to go on adventures with them.
  724. > I miss Twilight
  725. > I can’t believe Fluttershy doesn’t think she’s pretty
  726. > Twilight is the most beautiful pony in Equestria.
  727. > She should consider herself lucky Twilight even spends time with her
  728. > I doubt Twilight even likes Fluttershy.
  729. > Twilight probably hates Fluttershy
  730. > I hate Fluttershy.
  731. >...
  733. > Maybe that's too far…
  734. > I just wish she was less bossy and not compulsive liar.
  735. > Nopony has shown me so much love and understanding as Fluttershy.
  736. > She even let me live with her when my house burned down…
  737. > I love Fluttershy, but I also hate her.
  738. > Relationships are weird….
  740. > The chair across from me began to shuffle and I was pulled from my thoughts.
  741. > I looked up and saw Cheerilee and nurse Redheart
  742. > They took the seats across from me.
  743. > "Afternoon, Derpy." Nurse Redheart nodded
  744. "Oh…Hi….Are you the ponies Fluttershy wanted me to talk to?"
  745. > "Yep, we're here to answer all your questions." Cheerilee replied
  747. > Deep down I was hoping she invited Twilight
  748. > It's just my luck that she asked Cheerlie and Redheart
  749. > Redheart is a pretentious mare who thinks she's better than everypony because she's from Baltimare and went to university.
  751. > She always has her nose scrunched like a discarded aluminum can looking annoyed by everything.
  752. > She gives off the impression that to her, life is just one big headache.
  753. > She glared at everypony at the restaurant and looked like she was ready to fight them for talking too loud, or using their utensils incorrectly, or simply existing without her permission.
  755. > "Have you ever been here before Muffins?" Cheerilee asked
  756. "Oh…Ummmmmm…..No….I never have actually…."
  757. > The thought didn’t occur to me until now.
  758. > I could never afford eating at a place like this until recently.
  759. > Having milk money sure is great.
  761. > "Oh! It's amazing! I've gone on tons of dates here!"
  762. > She started talking about all her favorite dishes.
  763. > I quickly became bored and tuned her out.
  764. > I just stared at her smiling lips wiggling up and down as she talked.
  766. > Cheerilee makes me sad.
  767. > Pinkie Pie has a reputation of sleeping with everypony.
  768. > But Cheerilee has the unflattering reputation of dating everypony and being very clingy.
  769. > She's dated most of the stallions in town, but none of her relationships last longer than a month because she gets obsessive.
  771. > She's desperate to have fillies, but she's nearing the end of her prime.
  772. > For the past couple years she's been throwing herself at every available stallion with the hopes of finding a husband and starting a family.
  773. > It makes me sad seeing a pretty mare like her grow old alone.
  775. > The waiter came around and took our orders.
  776. > Now I wish I was actually listening…
  777. > I ordered Two sugars toasts with whipped cream to start and four grilled cheese sandwiches, six eggs, a box of muffins and two extra large chocolate milkshakes.
  778. > I think they ordered salads…
  779. > I wasn't listening.
  781. > When the waiter left, Cheerilee looked around the cafe sadly.
  782. > She sighed then stared down at the table looking defeated.
  783. “What's wrong?”
  784. > “Nothing Derpy…It's just that seeing all the ponies here with their special somepony puts me in a bit of a funk."
  785. "I'm sorry Cheerlie."
  786. > "It's fine." She sighed
  787. > "I know I've told you this before. But I've always wanted to have fillies of my own. But it feels like the world is against me. I'm cursed to watch all my friends get old and start families while I get older and less desirable."
  789. "Don't be so hard on yourself, Cheerilee, you still have time."
  790. > "I'm forty…." She whimpered
  791. "Well…We can talk about it if you like."
  792. > Her neck snapped up and she smiled at me
  794. > "You really want to? Gosh, Nopony EVER asks how I feel!"
  795. "I don't mind." I replied
  796. > Honestly, anything was better than talking about me.
  797. > I don't wanna hear the lies Fluttershy poisoned them to say.
  799. > "I became a teacher because I love fillies. When I was around eighteen I met my first of many true loves in college."
  800. > Nurse Redheart lit a cigarette and rolled her eyes.
  802. > "Teachers don't get the respect they deserve. We work hard, don't get paid enough and our age of retirement is sixty five. My life has become so busy since I became a teacher and finding time to find "The one" is hard. Being a mare my age who lives in a schoolhouse and is still paying off student debt doesn't help me find a stallion believe it or not." She chuckled
  804. > "Anyways, I was thirty when my doctor told me I was losing my eggs and I had five years left if I ever wanted to have fillies.….
  805. > Redheart dropped her cigarette into Cheerilees’ complimentary water and interrupted her train of thought.
  806. > "No offense Cheerlie, but I'm REALLY not in the mood to get depressed." Redheart said
  807. > "Sorry, I didn't mean to."
  808. > "No problem. I know you don't understand just how utterly pathetic your life is but I can’t sit here all dinner listening to you embarrass yourself."
  809. > "Thanks?" Cheerilee replied in a confused tone
  811. > Redheart opened her carton and lit another cigarette
  812. > She took a long drag and looked at me.
  813. > "Fluttershy says you're having some kind of identity crisis. What seems to be the problem?"
  815. > I shook my head “no I'm not. I'm a Pegasi. The problem is everypony else thinks I'm an earth pony."
  816. > "Well I can say with confidence that just by looking at you that you are and Earth pony. Do you want me to elaborate?"
  817. "No…." I grumbled
  818. > "Well I'm going anyway."
  819. > Redheart takes every chance she can to prove she's smarter than everypony
  820. > I don't hate many ponies
  821. > But I hate Redheart.
  822. > She makes me feel stupider than I usually do.
  824. > "Judging by the size of your wings, the thickness of your belly and butt, as well as the thickness of your fur, broad shoulders and stocky neck. I can say with confidence that you possess more earth pony qualities than Pegasi. Your hygiene is also a dead give away.” She said, throwing her hooves over her nose.
  826. "What do you mean?"
  827. > "You smell like a dumpster fire! The way you care for yourself screams Earth pony. A unicorn or Pegasi would have fallen ill long ago if they pursued your lifestyle. You're gluttonous, unhygienic and you probably think about sex CONSTANTLY."
  829. "No! I think about sex just as much as any other normal pony."
  830. > "A normal earth pony." Redheart chuckled
  831. > I crossed my hooves and stared at them angrily
  833. > "Muffins, I apologize if this is a little intrusive.” Cheerilee asked “But I feel like I must ask. How many times have you had sex?”
  834. “Wh-? Why do…why do you wanna know that?”
  835. > “I think it would give us a good idea about how you behave.”
  837. "Oh….Well….I….I….Y..You see….I actually never had…That since I met Fluttershy."
  839. > Redheart started to laugh
  840. > "She won't even say the word!"
  841. > Cheerilee join in on the laughter and soon they were both hollering.
  842. > I could feel my face turning red
  843. > I hate this…
  845. > "Well you must have masturbated during all your celibate years. How many times a day do you touch yourself?"
  846. "I…I don't know….maybe like….six?"
  847. > "Damn!" Redheart laughed "You're a horny little slut aren't ya?"
  849. "I am not! I just like…well…I…I have fantasies and….wait! Are you saying that's not normal?"
  850. > "And I thought I over indulged." Cheerilee chuckled, nudging Redheart with her elbow
  851. > Redheart didn't acknowledge her.
  852. > Instead, she leaned towards me with her head over her hoof
  854. "So tell me Derpy. What gets you off?"
  855. > I felt so embarrassed
  856. > This is just like flight school all over again
  857. "I don't wanna say."
  859. > "Oh come on! What to worry about? I doubt a mare like you possesses the faculties for complex deviance. Let me guess. You like cuddling? Maybe a little spanking? Come on Derpy, tell us what flavor of vanilla you like the best.”
  861. "Well…I like the idea of being taken care of by a strong mare….a pony who is strong and smart….and like…a mother."
  862. > They stared blank faced
  863. > "You want to fuck your mom?” Cheerlie asked
  865. "No! A motherly mare! But dominant and strong who makes me feel good….Like…I mean
  866. ..I…I like a mare who will hug me and tell me that she loves me but will also slap me and put me in my place when I'm a bad pony….. Because I'm a bad pony who needs to be punished for having dirty thoughts and for being bad….I want to be her everything…I want to be useful…Sometimes I imagine me and Twil-.....I mean….Me and another mare being in a relationship where she’s my master and I’m her pet-wife. She would hug me tight and keep me close….I’d be wearing a leash and I would lick her hooves and be her pet. I want that kind of love.”
  868. > Redheart took a drag from her cigarette
  869. > There was a long pause.
  870. > "Derpy, have you ever considered donating your brain to science?”
  871. "No…W..Why?"
  872. > "Because I would love to see what makes you this way. I've heard of dominant and submissive unicorns. And I'm also familiar with beta and alpha Pegasi culture. But I don't know anypony who fantasizes about anything that you just described.”
  874. “You never?”
  875. > She shook her head
  876. > “No Derpy. In fact, I think that was one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard.”
  877. > My ears fell into my mane.
  879. > I could feel milk running down my side and I began to worry.
  880. > When I was describing my perfect relationship they began to leak because of how hot and bothered I was making myself.
  881. > But now I’m nervous and they’re pumping out milk like crazy!
  882. > I was starting to panic
  883. "I'm not that weird am I?"
  886. > “Are you a masochist?” Redheart asked
  887. “What's that? Is it bad?”
  888. Cheerilee laughed nudging Redhearts shoulder again only this time harder
  889. > "She's a mutt Redheart. She isn't normal."
  890. > "Shut up Cheerilee." Redheart snapped without looking at her.
  892. > "I think the three of us are going to have a lovely dinner." Redheart chuckled
  893. > "I wanna hear all there is to know about you Derpy. You have piqued my morbid curiosity.”
  894. > The waiter returned with our food
  895. > But I wasn't feeling hungry anymore..
  897. > I stared down at my six plates of food
  898. > I felt nervous and sick to my stomach
  899. > Redheart dropped her cigarette into the ashtray then put another between her lips and lit it.
  900. > "I'm fascinated by you Derpy. In the most unappealing ways."
  901. "You are?"
  903. > "More than anything.”
  904. "Oh…Okay…I…I…Ummm….You…I mean…"
  905. > She grabbed her fork and jabbed it into her salad
  906. > "So tell us Derpy. What's is it like being a degenerate?"
  909. Fluttershy:
  911. > I've only spoken to Mayor Mare on a couple of occasions, but she seems like a nice pony.
  912. > She's been the mayor for a very long time.
  913. > She rarely leaves her office, but I think she's done a very good job!
  915. > Tonight was her campaign fundraising dinner for her most wealthy supporters at town hall
  916. > I'm happy she allowed me to attend for the purpose of our meeting.
  917. > The sooner we meet, the better in my opinion.
  918. > I just hope I'm not impeding on her big night.
  919. > That would be awful!
  921. > When I arrived, the lawns outside town hall were occupied by ponies of every stripe and feather
  922. > Press ponies with their cameras pointed in the windows, protesters holding signs poking fun at the mayor, supporters of the mayor with her slogan written on flags, and an unusual police presence.
  923. > I’ve never seen Ponyville in such an uproar.
  924. > What kind of lion's den was I getting into?
  926. > I politely made my way through the crowd towards the entrance.
  927. > I gave my clearance pass to security and was escorted into the banquet hall where I was met with an all you eat buffet.
  928. > It was quiet inside in the banquet hall compared to outside
  929. > The sound of live adagio classical echoed through the hall, chatter, and kissing glassware drown out the noise of the circus outside.
  931. > The room was lit by candles casting shadows that were flickering along the walls and painted the white walls orange.
  932. > All along the hall servers stood behind counters while well groomed waiters mingled about the crowd, serving drinks and snacks.
  933. > Seeing all this food made me think of Muffins
  934. > She would probably love to be here.
  935. > But only if food options were less…Healthy.
  936. > Replace the garden salad with muffins and the fondue table with a chocolate fountain and she would be amused for hours.
  938. > I walked down the crowded hall and noted how well dressed everypony was
  939. > I too was adorning a quiet gaudy outfit, but I still felt like an outsider.
  940. > Attending a dinner party with some of the richest ponies south of the mount Canterlot almost made me feel classy.
  941. > It was comparable to the superiority one feels when attending the grand galloping gala, but on a more intimate scale.
  943. > The ponies in attendance were all the Canterlot types who had recently moved into town.
  944. > And though I couldn’t point them out by name, I recognized many of their faces from The Milk Bar.
  946. > I could tell they recognized me too.
  947. > When our eyes met they would look away and pretend they didn’t see me.
  948. > We're nothing but familiar strangers
  950. > As I wandered the hall looking for the mayor I could tell I wasn’t exactly welcome here.
  951. > I had seen so many of these ponies at their worst.
  952. > Drunk off Muffins milk and making fools of themselves.
  953. > cheating on their significant others, scrapping on the floor like dogs and drinking themselves into zombie-like stupors.
  954. > They became pitiful sights when they had the opportunity.
  956. > I received cold shoulders and nervous glances as I mingled deeper into the party.
  957. > As rude as they were acting, I don’t blame them.
  958. > After the stunt Pinkie tried to pull on them, I wouldn’t trust anypony outside of my trusted circle either.
  960. > After meandering through the hall for a while I was starting to feel increasingly anxious by the awkwardness of the situation.
  961. > Thankfully, I spotted the mayor at the back of the room.
  962. > She was in the company of three other ponies I’ve never seen before who were laughing and sipping wine.
  964. > I can always tell when a pony is from Canterlot by the way they dress and compose themselves.
  965. > The ponies Mayor Mare was speaking with were the perfect example of Canterlot money.
  967. > They wore brightly coloured three pieces, adorned with all the bells and whistles they could staple to themselves.
  968. > Gold buttons, watch chains dangling from their pockets, handkerchiefs plumming from their chest pockets.
  969. > It was all so gaudy….
  971. > Fashion is a sport to these ponies.
  972. > And Canterlot is the garden of gold where they frolic, wine and dine.
  973. > They live sheltered lives in the foreign city resting atop a mountain overlooking lesser Equestria.
  974. > I've observed these ponies for a while now, but there isn’t anything I could say about them that hasn't been said before.
  976. > They live excessive lives and don’t understand anything of Equestria beyond the golden gates of Canterlot.
  977. > To me they are all the same
  978. > Ponies of the Canterlot fashion show who prance about with a sense of superiority in their five two hundred bit dresses they purchased with inherited wealth.
  980. > In a town where most ponies wear nothing more than a bra and shorts to cover their genitals, these eccentric outfits turn heads for all the wrong reasons.
  981. > Ponyvillians are frugal bunch who spend what little bits they can collect on the essentials.
  982. > Food, shelter and cider.
  984. > Any excess wealth is saved and usually spent before a seasonal transition.
  985. > Winter proofing, spring cleaning, summer maintenance…
  986. > Things the ponies of Canterlot know nothing about because they live atop a consistently sunny mountainside.
  988. > I've made more subtle observations about them.
  989. > Like how they stand.
  990. > They hold their heads high with an almost with a diluted sense of purpose
  991. > Their shoulders tucked parallel to their necks which stand straight as a board.
  992. > It looked like an uncomfortable posture and it couldn't be healthy committing to such an unnatural pose for long periods of time.
  995. > I shuffled towards the bar and watched the mayor closely
  996. > I don't want to interrupt her, nor do I feel compelled to join in on their conversation.
  997. > I decided I would linger with a close eye couple paces away and wait for her acquaintances to disperse.
  998. > I’m already very nervous about speaking with her and would much prefer to speak one on one.
  1000. > Patience is the best friend of the nervous.
  1001. > When the moment is right, I’ll undoubtedly fumble my way towards the mayor with a smile and extend my trembling hoof.
  1002. > "So mayor…What do you think about prostitution?" I would ask
  1003. > My stomach was doing backflips
  1004. > This was going to end in disaster
  1005. > I can feel it.
  1007. > “Fluttershy? Is that you!?” A voice slurred from behind me.
  1008. > I spun around and saw Berry Punch leaning against the bar
  1009. > Her eyes were hanging low and I could smell the alcohol riding on her breath
  1010. > A string of drool and a frizzy mane only added to her disheveled appearance.
  1012. > I'm surprised to see her in such a classy place.
  1013. > She was even dressed somewhat nicely, despite having a face that looking like it had been run over by a wagon.
  1015. > She wore a pink collared dress shirt with a pocket on the front and a purple bra around her breasts.
  1016. > Her legs were decorated with four shimmering silver socks made of silk. covered in black gothic patterns.
  1017. “Hi Berry, what are you doing here?” I ask shifting my eyes between the mayor and Berry
  1018. > “The mayor always has me for her fancy dinner parties!” She slurred
  1020. "Are you okay? You look a little…tipsy."
  1021. > "Oh, this is nothing! The night is still young, Fluttershy."
  1022. "Oh, okay." I stuttered nervously
  1023. > "Did you know that they let you drink as much as you want here? It’s..AMAZING!"
  1025. “You know that they expect you to pay for all the drinks later right? They’re charging ponies a couple hundred bits for every glass of wine.”
  1026. > She started to laugh
  1027. > “I already had ten!....Why stop now!?”
  1028. > She slammed her hoof on the bar counter
  1029. > “One for me…And one for my good friend Fluttershy!”
  1030. “No, it’s fine really!” I pleaded to both the Berry and the server
  1031. > The server looked apathetic to my pleas and didn't seem to care for my sobriety.
  1032. > He poured my drink to the lip of the glass
  1033. “Oh…Okay,,” I sighed
  1035. > Berry grabbed the glasses off the counter and took a sloppy swig from her cup.
  1036. > She leaned into me and passed me my glass then began to whisper.
  1037. > “Fluttershy, You know the ponies here have been talking about the Milk Bar right?”
  1038. > My ears shot up
  1039. > I had a sudden interest in what these Canterlot ponies had to say
  1041. “How do you know?”
  1042. > “I was doing some business in the washroom a couple minutes ago…”
  1043. > She stroked her hoof back and forth near her snout and prodded her tongue along the inside of her cheek charading oral sex.
  1044. > “They NEVER suspect the whore to be listening.” She giggled
  1045. > I felt ill listening to her talk about her casual sex encounters
  1046. > This was what I was expected to defend?
  1047. > Oh, brother…
  1049. > Berry has been working for the spa ponies for years
  1050. > She’s their most trusted working mare who does all their dirty work and is often sent on important duties.
  1051. “What were they saying?” I whispered
  1053. > “Well…I don’t know if you’re in “the know” Like I am. But there's a pony Aloe and Lotus do business with that everypony calls “Best Pony” Because her milk is so good.”
  1054. “I see.” I replied sipping my wine
  1055. > “You need to try some of her milk. Cider doesn't even come close to the buzz you get off this mare's honey."
  1057. “What were they saying about this “Best Pony?"
  1058. > “Somepony very powerful is looking for her. I overheard something about Filthy Rich and the opening of a new milk bar which apparently makes our bar look like an outhouse. Honestly, I have no idea what they were talking about! I’m wasted!” She cackled
  1059. > “But I thought I should tell you, since we’re practically sisters of the cloth now.”
  1061. "Sisters of the cloth? No offense Berry, but I wouldn’t consider myself a….Well ..What exactly would YOU call your line of work?”
  1062. > “Whoring?” She laughed
  1063. “Yes…I’m definitely NOT in that line of business.”
  1064. > She wrapped her hooves around my leg.
  1066. > “This is how it starts Fluttershy! You’re a smart mare, you must know how this works. You’re far too deep into this now. You’re one of us! And I think the two of us are gonna have one heck of a friendship. But going back to your point, is there REALLY a difference between what I do and what you do? I let them stick it in, you let them suck it out.” She laughed
  1068. "I’m not too deep. I can leave the milk business whenever I want.”
  1069. > “Okay Flutterbutt.” She said taking another swig
  1071. > I may be treading water at the moment, but I’m not going to be doing this my entire life!
  1072. > Is that even possible?
  1073. > To be stuck working as a criminal forever?
  1074. > I don’t think I could handle that….
  1076. > “You know they go after the ponies you love the most, right? If you leave they’ll go after Derpy. It’s not just the spa sisters either. The mayor, the Canterlot ponies, Milky, they all know that you know SOMETHING about them that could ruin their lives. It’s just a fact. You know too much.”
  1077. > I hated to admit it
  1078. > But she’s right
  1080. > “That may be true. But that still doesn’t mean I’ll sleep with ponies for bits I’m not like that." I shot
  1081. > "No, you're just a tease." She huffed
  1082. "I am not!"
  1084. > "That's what all the ponies at the bar are saying. Look, I know it's not "dignified" work. But I know lots of ponies at the bar who would pay a lot of bits for a night with you. I know you and Muffins need the Money, she’s essentially unemployable for a number of reasons I don’t feel comfortable getting into, and you're making peanuts at the Milk Bar because you don't put out like the other mares."
  1085. “I am not doing that.” I huffed
  1087. > Berry looked up at me and her smiled started to fade
  1088. > "Actually Fluttershy. You should wait till you're clean before you sleep with other ponies. Most of us at the bar share stallions and we try not to get sick.”
  1090. "I'm clean!" I argued
  1091. > “No, you really aren’t.” Berry replied shaking her head
  1092. > Berry went into her bra and pulled out a makeup mirror
  1093. > I took the mirror and angled it to my face
  1094. > Berry was right!
  1095. > I looked awful
  1096. > The ring of inflamed red bumps near my lip had gotten worse!
  1097. > Pus was slowly leaking from the sores down my cheek
  1098. > I put my hoof over the red bumps.
  1100. > "How'd you catch that nasty piece of work?"
  1101. "It's nothing. Just some big bites."
  1102. > "Bug bites?" Berry laughed
  1103. > "Those look way too gross to be bug bites. They look super irritated."
  1104. > I don't know what could have caused this.
  1105. "But it doesn't make sense! I never had acne. Not even as a filly.
  1106. > “Whatever you say Fluttershy!” Berry chuckled, wrapping her hooves around my leg.
  1108. > “Did somepony say Fluttershy?”
  1109. > I turned and saw the mayor and all her friends staring at me
  1110. > I threw my hoof over my infection
  1111. “Hi Mayor….” I squeaked
  1112. > “Fluttershy! I’m so happy to finally see you! Come on over!”
  1114. > I staggered towards the mayor trying to kick Berry off my hoof, but she was stuck on my leg like a bad habit
  1115. >While I dragged the drunk with my back leg, my front hoof was placed over my cheek
  1116. > I must look ridiculous right now ..
  1117. > “Everypony, I would like you to meet Fluttershy. She's a very loyal mare."
  1118. > They all nodded and lifted their glasses.
  1120. > “How’s the weather up there?” One of the ponies teased
  1121. > They all laughed
  1122. > I rolled my eyes
  1123. > I’ve heard that joke enough over the years…
  1125. > Mayor mare grabbed my elbow and began to tug me
  1126. > “It was fabulous speaking with you all, but I must be going now.” She said to the ponies
  1128. > For the next hour I followed her around the room as she mingled with her supporters.
  1129. > She smiled and shook hooves and took lots of pictures
  1130. > When she was done making the rounds she led us to a private booth away from the crowd behind a purple curtain.
  1132. > "It's so good to see you Fluttershy. I'm very excited to have this chat."
  1133. "Of course. Thank you for your time."
  1134. > She looked over at Berry and smiled
  1136. > “And I assume you’re my gift from the spa ponies?"
  1137. > "Well it sure isn't Fluttershy." Berry replied
  1138. > Mayor Mare looked up at me then back to Berry
  1139. > "Definitely not.”
  1140. “Lotus wanted me to tell you that I’ll be at your service all night.”
  1141. > Berry slid into the booth beside the mayor and leaned in close.
  1142. > “What a precious gift. Tell them that I appreciate having my favorite slut to serve me on yet another stressful night.”
  1143. > “I will.” Berry moaned “And I just wanna say, that after so many years you're still my favorite customer.”
  1145. > “I bet you say that to all your customers.”
  1146. > Berry nodded “I do. But it’s only you I say it with any sincerity.”
  1147. > “You’re so dirty.” Mayor Mare hushed
  1148. > “Do you want me to get under the table?” Berry moaned
  1150. > Mayor Mare glanced over at me then back at Berry.
  1151. > She gently pushed Berry away then straightened her tie and put her hooves over the table.
  1152. > “I just want to say that this service will not interfere with how I run Ponyville county.” She said in her “professional, politician tone.”
  1153. > I rolled my eyes
  1154. > I guess defending prostitution won't be as hard as I thought…
  1156. > Berry crept close to her again and started kissing her along the neck
  1157. > “Berry, dinner will be ready soon…”
  1158. > “Mmmmhmmm.” Berry moaned
  1159. > “I think it’s time you assume the position.”
  1161. > Berry nodded and removed her clothes then laid belly up over the table.
  1162. “Berry, what are you doing!?”
  1163. > “My job? I told you. Mayor Mare always has me for dinner whenever a big event is happening.”
  1164. > I was so confused
  1166. > The waiters came through the curtain with large silver trays and placed bite sized portions of different kinds of cheese over Berry's body from her head to her back hooves .
  1167. > When the cheese was set another entered with a large pot and poured scalding hot, melted butter over her breast.
  1168. > Smoke rose and she moaned in pain and pleasure.
  1170. > A final server entered with a large spoon and bucket.
  1171. > She scooped big balls of vanilla ice cream from the bucket and whipped it over her naked marehood.
  1172. > “Brrr….That's cold.” Berry shivered with an uneasy smile
  1173. > The conflicting temperatures were making her squirm and milk dribble from her breasts
  1175. > The server with the bucket garnished her crotch with chocolate sauce and whipped cream then left.
  1176. > Berry inhaled deeply and stayed as still as she could.
  1177. > I could tell she was struggling to stay composed with the extreme, conflicting temperatures both freezing and burning her genitals.
  1178. > Mayor mare smiled at Berry
  1179. > “I’m going to take my time and enjoy my meal tonight. No squirming now.” She threatened playfully
  1180. > Berry nodded anxiously
  1182. > Mayor Mare grabbed a block of cheese off her belly.
  1183. > Berry squirmed fitfully but tried to remain still
  1184. > Mayor Mare was watching me expectantly
  1185. "Oh, thank you mayor, but I'm not really hungry."
  1187. > She picked up a block of white, crumbly cheese and passed it to me
  1188. > "I insist."
  1189. > I feel disgusting…
  1191. > I took the cheese
  1192. > The texture was soft like marshmallows and slowly melted in my mouth like goo.
  1193. > It was rich and tasted expensive.
  1194. > Something you’d probably find at an overpriced Manehatten cheese shop.
  1195. > “Well? How is it?” The Mayor asked
  1197. “It’s very good.” I replied between chewing
  1198. > "I thought you’d agree. You see, everything laid out over our drunk little friend here is made of mare milk.”
  1200. > I was shocked
  1201. > The mayor’s in on this too!?
  1202. > “The cheese, the butter, the ice cream. Even the chocolate sauce and whipped cream is made of mare milk.”
  1204. > I was frozen
  1205. > This had to be a five hundred dollar meal!
  1206. > But who was making this mare milk food?
  1207. > I always thought that I was in the know about all the milk producing mares in town
  1208. > Now I feel like I know nothing.
  1209. > This mare milk conspiracy reaches far wide and runs much deeper than I could have ever imagined.
  1211. > “Go ahead.” She urged “Be my guest.”
  1212. > She passed me a basket of garlic bread which I accepted
  1213. > The bread was plush
  1214. > I watched as she grabbed one for herself and began wiping it along Berry’s breast
  1215. > Milk began to drum from her breasts and mixed into the steaming, golden butter
  1216. > I wiped my piece of toast along the ridge of her nipple slow and awkwardly
  1217. > Milk began to accumulate and pour down her breasts and puddle onto the table in a mixture of yellow mare butter and hot milk.
  1218. > When I put the bread in my mouth the butter was hot and burned my tongue
  1219. > But at the same time it tasted so good…
  1221. “But how did you do this? I’ve never had food made of mare milk before. It’s an extremely expensive process.”
  1222. > “I have very important friends.” She replied with a coy smile
  1223. > Berry was starting to breath heavy and I was beginning to wonder if she was okay
  1225. > "Now Fluttershy, let's get down to business.” She began
  1226. > “My associates have already told me most of the details through mail. And I would like to start by saying that I really appreciate you for attending this meeting on their behalf. Though, I was surprised to learn you were involved in Aloe and Lotus' kind of work."
  1227. "I know, I try to keep it a secret." I nodded
  1228. > "Well, as you know the relationship between Lotus, Aloe and I is in a very complicated place right now and I'd like to take this moment between us to speak freely on the matter."
  1230. > I nodded in agreement
  1231. > She took a large sip of wine.
  1232. > After she finished her glass she hunched over Berry’s breasts and began to drink directly from her teat.
  1233. > After a couple seconds she pulled her head back up and wiped her snout with a napkin
  1234. > A server jumped in and offered her a boat of steaming butter which she happily accepted
  1236. > "Celestias degeneracy laws have long been ignored and under my watch. Ponyville has become the to go place if you're looking for indecent fun. Because of our popularity among Equestrias most deviant, a significant portion of Ponyvilles income would be considered by the state to be "dirty money." The truth is, many of my associates are in the business of providing these "unacceptable services." Pinkies under the table scheme was irresponsible and did not conform with my associates agreements. Ponyville is becoming more popular every week because of our “unique services” And the law is watching us like hawks. Do you understand what I’m saying so far?”
  1238. “Yes, mayor.”
  1240. > She poured the butter over Berry's breasts and I watched her panicked factories start to pulsate, and expel milk at an unnaturally high rate.
  1241. > Her face twisted and she was biting her bottom lip trying to wrestle the urge to move.
  1242. > Mayor Mare grabbed another piece of bread and swabbed it along her breast like a long, clean stroke of a pen.
  1243. > I was mesmerized and couldn't believe what I was seeing.
  1246. "Mayor, Pinkie made a big mistake. But she's trying to live an honest life now. She’s very sorry.”
  1248. > "Fluttershy, I know she's your friend. But many ponies believe she deserves to face trial. I've even flirted with the idea myself of course. Her persecution could be used as a great example to Celestia that we are enforcing her sex laws seriously. But on the other hoof I don't want to send Pinkie to trial. At Least not with a fair trial.” She chuckled
  1250. > She took a bite of the bread and rolled her eyes back in ecstasy.
  1251. > She passed me another piece of bread
  1252. > “Don’t be shy.” She laughed
  1253. > I grabbed the bread and wiped it directly beneath her teat then brought it too my mouth
  1254. > It was so good…
  1256. > “The ponies she slept with on the night of the party are two very important stallions, and if evidence of their wrongdoings were ever revealed in a free and open trial it could jeopardize many of my political and business partners."
  1258. > Mayor Mare poured herself another glass of wine and rested it near Berrys face
  1259. > No doubt to tease the poor alcoholic.
  1260. > "I’ll cut to the chase. Pinkie needs a handler. Those in my tightest circle have been trying to convince the federal authorities that her actions were the result of her being a victim of "sex addiction." A condition we have fabricated for our convenience. It’s basically an insanity plea to diminish anything she says.”
  1262. "I guess that could work. I can try to keep Pinkie decent. Is that all mayor?”
  1263. > She clapped her hooves and two servers entered with silver spoons
  1264. > One for me and one for her
  1265. > She dug her spoon into the ice cream over Berrys nethers and pulled out a generous helping.
  1266. > The ice cream was already beginning to melt down Berry’s legs.
  1268. > “No actually. I want you to testify against Pinkie at her mock trial.”
  1269. “Testify? But I’m not involved in any of this!”
  1270. > “Actually Fluttershy, you’re more involved in this than you realize.”
  1271. > I felt like I was going to faint.
  1272. > Maybe I won’t be able to escape this life afterall…
  1274. > “I want you to go on stand as a “witness” And tell the crown about all the bad things she’s done. If we were to get real witnesses to testify it could expose our entire conspiracy. We’ll write you a script of fabricated evidence, she’ll get the insanity plea and we’ll all sleep easy under the eyes of the law.”
  1276. > My stomach started to hurt
  1277. “I don’t know if I can do that…”
  1278. > She laughed and rolled her eyes
  1279. > Not a reaction I was expecting.
  1281. > “Fluttershy, I need you to do this. We have businesses to run. The town depends on these sex tourists. We can’t have the royal authorities looking into us, we’ll all go to jail.”
  1282. “I don’t know, mayor…”
  1284. > Her eyes went cross
  1285. > The laughter stopped and she became deathly serious.
  1286. > She dropped the ice cream in her spoon over Berry’s marehood
  1287. > Berry sighed and began kicking her back legs slightly
  1289. > The mayor held her cold spoon a couple inches over Berrys’ teat.
  1290. > “Fluttershy, please. I’m not a pony who begs.”
  1291. “But I’m Pinkies friend. I can’t do that!”
  1292. > Her face went sour and she pressed the freezing spoon over Berrys burning nipple
  1293. > Berry began to breath heavily and squirm fitfully.
  1295. > Mayor Mare slowly began to raise the spoon, which had been seared onto her nipple
  1296. > The cold metal spoon touching her burning hot nipple caused them to fuse together.
  1297. > I couldn’t imagine how much it burned.
  1299. > “Fluttershy. I don’t want anypony to get hurt. Lots of ponies will be out of work because of this. Many will face prison time…”
  1300. > As Mayor Mare slowly raised the spoon, Berry’s nipple began to stretch
  1301. > “Don’t get the impression that I’m above of making anypony who threatens our business “disappear.”
  1303. > I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes were glued on Berry’s poor teat
  1304. > Mayor Mare continued to stretch it beyond reason.
  1305. > Berry looked pained
  1306. > Her eyes were welling with tears and she was starting to panic
  1307. > Her breathing became heavy and fast.
  1308. > she was staring to sweat and cry.
  1309. > “Fluttershy.”
  1311. > I snapped my head back to the mayor.
  1312. > “You will play your part, correct?”
  1313. > Berry’s nipple was now stretched to an unnatural degree
  1314. > It had become a long string of flesh.
  1315. > Her nipple had distended around six inches between the freezing metal spoon and her breast, which was showing signs of distressed tension around the areola.
  1316. “Yes.” I hushed
  1318. > “Sorry?” Mayor Mare pressed
  1319. “I said yes! I’ll testify against Pinkie! And I will be her handler! Just please stop hurting her!”
  1321. > She dropped the spoon and Berrys nipple snapped back into place
  1322. > The spoon jiggled when slapped against her breast.
  1323. > It was still bonded to her red, fleshy nub.
  1324. > Mayor Mare grabbed another piece of garlic bread and wiped it along Berrys pained breast
  1325. > Berry herself was now crying.
  1327. > "Very good Fluttershy. I knew I could count on you. You know, being in a town of earth ponies all my life I’ve never had the opportunity to have a Pegasi associate. I've heard about your race's natural loyalty. I offer you my most sincere thanks for placing your trust in the right pony.”
  1329. > The spoon hung sadly from Berrys’ nipple, which was starting to bleed.
  1330. > “Fluttershy.”
  1331. “Yes, mayor?”
  1332. > “You're currently seeing that strange pony Derpy Hooves, correct?”
  1333. “Yes, mayor.”
  1335. > “She’s a very adorable mare. I want you to think about her before you ever consider crossing me. Do you understand?”
  1336. “Yes, mayor.” I sighed
  1338. > “Good. Now that business is out of the way we can enjoy our meal in peace. The moral authority will be here soon so I suggest we finish our meal soon.”
  1339. > She offered me a piece of garlic bread with a smile and I accepted the offer unenthusiastically.
  1340. > I’m saturated in filth both metaphorically and literally.
  1342. Theme:

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy