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Incubus by Anon

By Guest
Created: 2023-06-16 00:03:14
Expiry: Never

  1. Incubus by Anon
  4. ---
  6. >be Forbidden Desire, a lowly incubus of the third rank of the House Carnal
  7. >be bored out of your horned skull on a Friday night
  8. >at least you *think* it's Friday topside, kinda hard to tell the time down here in Tartarus even without the time distortion
  9. >only sun and moon you have are just there to torture some thestrals, or to set the mood for the hounds' hunting grounds
  10. >those gals sure love ponies running from their worst nightmares, especially since they play the part of the monsters
  12. >Carnal Fascination is calling you to join him and his gang to go do some damage to the fresh sinners
  13. >fuck him though, and not in a fun way either
  14. >sixth son of the sixth uncle sixth removed or whatever from the current matriarch of the House my flank
  15. >he might be fun to be around on occasion, but there's only so much torture and debauchery a colt can do before it grows stale
  16. >while he's something of a sorta-kinda royalty around here, he can be a bit insufferable at times
  17. >…like right now, that fucking brat
  18. >just because you all suck up to him doesn't mean you're friends
  19. >it's more of a love-hate relationship, as with most things in this Harmony-forsaken place
  21. >what is it, gang-rape a sexual predator? not your goblet of sexual fluids
  22. >emaresculate a stallionizer? snooze
  23. >sodomize a shallow narcissistic stallion? been there, done several of them
  24. >vanilla sex with a deranged and depraved pervert? pass
  25. >twist some teats for the Tartarus of it? no thanks
  27. >worse still, nopony has tried summoning you this month
  28. >for Light Bringer's sake, a colt has needs!
  29. >like the need to mess with mortals!
  30. >fucking's good and all, but it can't replace the rush you get when you turn some sorceresses' plan for you on it's ear and make her life miserable
  31. >better yet, sometimes you even get to continue the party down here! talk about overachieving!
  32. >alas, it seems the word's getting out that deals with the devils have consequences
  33. >either that, or somepony prohibited demon summoning
  34. >kinda blows for you and the rest of the Tartarus spawn
  35. >guess you could always hit up the ol' reliable- hey wait a second!
  36. >you feel the subtle tugging of a magic spell on your being
  37. >you plop your rump down and strike a seductive pose
  38. >you're already giddy with anticipation when it pulls you from this accursed place into the realm of mortals
  40. "Hey sweetie~" you say in your practiced sultry manner "what is it that you desire tonight?" you make an emphasis on "desire" while trailing a foreleg down your chest, stopping just as it reached your belly, the mare's eyes don't stop there however…
  41. >works every time
  42. "Oh, it's perfectly fine to look dear, needn't be shy~" you press on
  43. >"H-hot…" she quickly stops herself and whips her head up to look you in the eyes
  44. >poor thing must've given herself a whiplash
  45. >"I-I m-m-mean h-hello!" a shabby little thing answers you red as a tomato, you must be her first summon
  46. >excellent! you love popping that demonology cherry!
  47. >you give her time to wrangle up her thoughts, after all the more she tells you of what she wants, the more you'll be able to twist and use against her later
  48. >as you wait, you take stock of the room you're in
  49. >books, scrolls and writing supplies litter the room, overall the whole thing has a definite feel of a college dorm
  50. >she appears to have a roommate, but she's nowhere to be found
  51. >probably because she has a life and isn't summoning demons of lust because she can't get normal dick
  52. >…her loss
  54. >"Uh… um… I-I d-desire… u-uh…"
  55. >a shy one huh? those always end up being the biggest degenerates
  56. >isolation really does a number on a pony
  57. >speaking of said pony, she seem to have retreated into herself, stealing glances at you now and again, blushing like a schoolfilly
  59. >be Gearhead
  60. >be in over your head, like way, way over your head
  61. >this was a mistake, a big, huge, potentially very costly mistake
  62. >you weren't even sure this ritual would work
  63. >your roommate Perky was sure, but then again that mare believes that bucking a machine "just right" can fix anything wrong with it
  64. >needless to say you took her opinion with a whole shaker of salt
  65. >still, despite anypony's doubts, the ritual worked and now there's a very h- a very a-attractive s-st-stallion sitting in the middle of the circle in front of you
  66. >you knew you were summoning a demon of lust, but oh mare, you were not prepared for this, for *him*
  67. >first thing he did was make you ogle him
  68. >his looks, the way he carries himself — they all whispered to some dark, primal part within you
  69. >"See something you like?" he says with a voice like honey
  70. >…w-when did it get so warm in here?
  71. >oh Celestia he's approaching!
  72. >…
  74. >"Hello~o, is anypony there?" he asks, waving a hoof in front of you
  75. >stay still Gear, he can't see you if you're not moving
  76. >no, wait, that was from the movie
  78. "H-he-h-hel-lo…" you manage to croak out, shaking like a leaf in a storm
  79. >princess Celestia, princess Luna, anypony, please help…
  80. >"That's better, I thought you had a stroke there, blushing so hard~" teased the demon
  81. >a quiet little whine escapes you, much to your embarrassment
  82. >"So what will it be mortal?" incubus circles your sitting form and whispers in your ear "What unearthly pleasure are you seeking today?"
  83. >if you didn't know any better you'd swear you were born with a red coat
  84. >no, y-you… you can't do this, damnation aside it's just all so… overwhelming!
  85. >j-just say it, yeah just tell no to the demon who stepped over the circle that was supposed to hold him, surely it won't piss him off
  86. >just say "no"
  87. >…
  89. >…
  90. >you can't do it, you are so doomed
  91. >no, wait, WAIT! this isn't how it ends for you at all!
  93. >you frantically look around for a clue, something to save yourself with
  94. >club him on the head with Percussive's "sledgehammer of fine adjustment"?
  95. >you can't even lift the thing, let alone swing it fast and hard enough to knock out a demon
  96. >your eyes fall on your "geek box" that holds your guilty pleasure — your collection of tabletop games
  97. >if nothing else, it will give you time to think of a better plan of how to deal with the mess you made
  98. >here goes nothing…
  100. >be Forbidden Desire again
  101. >be one confused incubus
  102. >is this some weird fetish you didn't know about?
  103. >possibly, although it does feel like the mare is trying to buy some time, but what for? you're right here, loin-stirringly sexy as ever
  104. >oh, is she trying to kill time waiting for her coltfriend to make it a threesome?
  105. >that's very nice of her, sharing is caring after all, and there's plenty of you to go around
  106. >you can get behind that, or in front, or even in them middle, wherever it is you're game
  107. >that is, unless you're wrong
  108. >guess she could be big into role-play, which the tabletop role-playing games would suggest
  109. >ooh, you could be a vicious demon about to defile— nah… too on-the-snoot
  110. >the mare puts down the rulebook and character sheets for the both of you, along with pencils, erasers, dice…
  111. >okay, now you're interested, just what exactly is this pony up to?
  113. >"…and then you add your modifiers, if the result is higher than the challenge rating, you succeed, otherwise you fail the action."
  114. "Seems overly simplistic."
  115. >"Oh no, that's just the basics of it, depending on how far off the challenge you are, things get better or worse."
  116. "Like, if I roll and add everything, and still get a very low number, what happens then?"
  117. >"You blow it big time."
  118. "And if it's way above the challenge?"
  119. >"Well, that's on the game master, but usually something good happens that you didn't expect originally."
  120. "Like what?"
  121. >"Say you're out in the wilderness and you're looking for something to eat. That would be a survival check."
  122. "Right."
  123. >"So you roll your survival-"
  124. "-add everything up-"
  125. >"-yes, and it ends up way over the challenge. In this case you'd find extra food, or something else that would be useful."
  126. >be Forbidden Desire few minutes later
  127. >it's like you're talking to a different mare
  128. >the moment you agreed to a small session of O&O she lit up like a wrath demon's mane when they're pissed off
  129. >that said, most of them have fiery manes much of their time
  130. >they're not exactly known for their cool demeanor, save for a few whose rage strikes fear even into the hearts of their kin whenever they do let go
  131. >you prefer to be well away whenever that happens, preferably on another plane of existence
  133. >you're fairly sure she's stalling, but at least she talks now
  134. >it's still not clear what she desires, but you're starting to get a weak feel for it, whatever it may be
  135. >and since it's too early to tell, you opt to play along, hoping to get some more information from the pony
  136. >a pony who, in spite of common pony politeness, still haven't told you her name, or asked for yours for that matter
  137. >rude, but you can understand — many a demonology grimoire author wrote nonsense about demons using somepony's true name
  138. >usually for something evil or otherwise nasty that they came up with
  139. >now that is one big pile of horseapples if there ever was one
  141. >but back to the present, where you're filling in a character sheet
  142. >it's not quite as overwhelming as the sheet itself would have you think
  143. >though maybe it's because you have somepony to give you a quick rundown on what's what and how it affects other things
  144. >pretty neat, between that and having been given an example of how to fill it out, you made a quick and dirty "build", as she called it
  145. >you have, however, forgot one part, mostly because you thought you'd get to it eventually
  146. >your alignment
  147. >that's when things took an unexpected turn
  148. "So what was that alignment stuff again?"
  149. >"Oh, it describes your character's worldview in broad strokes. You can think of it as a two-axis system — you got your moral axis, and your order axis."
  150. "Okay, so it's a little like a position on a map."
  151. >"That's one way to look at it, I suppose. It goes from good to evil on morality, and from order to chaos on the order axis"
  152. "Hmm…" you scratch your chin in thought "I guess I'll go with neutral on morality… and chaos on order."
  153. >"Not evil?" the mare asked, quizzically raising her eyebrow
  154. "Yeah, I think it fits us both."
  155. >this only made the pony even more curious
  156. >"But why? I mean, you're a demon-"
  157. "I'm supposed to be evil incarnate, right?" you asked with no small bit of irritation
  158. >the mare opened her mouth, but no response followed
  159. >you chuckled dryly
  160. "You mortals think you know everything there is to know about us, do you?"
  161. >she tries to say something but you cut her off
  162. "Well guess what, most of your so-called "knowledge" isn't worth the paper it's written on — it's all dead wrong."
  163. >"But…" she tries to respond, but gets drowned in your pent-up frustration
  164. "You know NOTHING. What am I to you? An on-call dick to summon and ride through the night?"
  165. >the pony blushed hard and suddenly found the floor to be of great interest
  166. "I mean, you haven't even bothered with something as basic as introducing yourself."
  167. >she shriveled up like a withered plant, still staring at the floor, no longer blushing
  168. >"B-but… th-the t-true n-n-name…" she manages to stammer out
  169. "Ah yes, the "true name" garbage, thought up by the high and mighty sorceress of Who-Gives-a-Damn right after she spent the night with one of us to cover up her complete lack of even the most basic pony decency."
  170. >you were angry, not wrath demon-angry, but by Mephistopheles it felt close
  171. >"G-G-G…" mare was shaking now, seemingly on the verge of tears
  172. "G-g-g-what?" you got right up in her face
  173. >"G-G-Gear-head. I-it's G-Gearhead."
  174. "Forbidden Desire, pleased to meet you." you put enough venom into your words to kill a dragon
  176. >it seems that was the last straw that broke the camel's back
  177. >Gearhead bursts into tears, stammering out apologies between her sobs
  178. >your own anger starts to abate, giving way to disdain and resentment
  179. >turning to walk back to the circle, you consider just ending this charade and returning home
  180. >stopping next to one of the candles forming the circle, you recount everything that happened
  181. >it started out normal enough, with a horny mare summoning you for a good time
  182. >then she seemed to have realized something and began stalling
  183. >it's not uncommon, many do this back-and-forth dance of indecision, usually before committing to sin
  184. >the few that find the resolve to refuse are taught an important lesson, you almost never see them again, down in the Tartarus
  185. >this one? she could neither commit to the sin, nor find the willpower to decline your offer
  186. >instead she stalled some more, probably working up the courage
  187. >and she might have succeeded, or at least caved in to her desires, had she not made that remark
  188. >the one that sent you into a fit of anger
  189. >was it warranted? probably
  190. >did it feel good? oh yes, it felt amazing to finally get it off your chest
  191. >did she deserve it? now that's where the fun stops
  193. >you noticed right away that she wasn't a big sinner
  194. >some bad deeds here and there, but nothing major, nothing worthy of punishment
  195. >certainly not worth being yelled at by what she assumes to be a big angry demon that can snap her in two
  196. >…
  197. >she probably thinks you're going to hurt her
  198. >it feels wrong, like you did something you weren't supposed to
  199. >contrary to your usual demeanor you feel the need to apologize, to make amends for the unjust punishment you just dished out
  200. >you turn and walk back
  202. >predictably, she is terrified of you
  203. >her eyes are wide with fear and she found herself cornered, with you standing between her and the only exit out of the room
  204. >she can't utter a syllable, but her eyes are pleading for mercy, begging you to spare this foolish pony who made a terrible mistake
  205. >as if you or any of your kind would ever hurt a mortal
  206. >rough one up? sure, if they deserve it, but taking a life is beyond forbidden
  207. >even the most foolish and rebellious of demons abide by this rule
  208. >nopony was foolish enough to break it, even though nopony knew *exactly* what the punishment would be for it
  209. >but even the ones who questioned the rules have stopped themselves short of breaking it
  211. >you shake your head
  212. >this terrified little pony knows none of it
  213. >everything she could have heard came from the wicked and the depraved, hardly a credible source
  214. >even the things they learned would be twisted to make them look "tough"
  215. >a sorceress that can conjure and control demons
  216. >a wizard that gained her power by making deals with the denizens of the underworld
  217. >slowly, your disdain and resentment give way to the simple pity
  218. >foolish mortals
  219. >you make up your own stories about things that are too big for you to understand
  220. >then you proceed to share those stories over the campfire
  221. >you make them wilder and scarier in and effort to one-up each other
  222. >to show how tough you are, how brave you are
  223. >to justify the things you did, even though deep down you know what you did was wrong
  224. >it's like nothing has really changed over all these millennia…
  226. >but enough reminiscing, you made a mistake and now you must fix it…
  227. >you look at the crying pony in front of you
  228. >…somehow
  230. "H-hey…" you start, but words catch in your throat as you see Gear shaking even more at your approach
  231. "…Look, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. We are actually forbidden from killing mortals."
  232. >you wait a few seconds to let that statement sink in
  233. "Nopony even knows why, it's just one of these weird unspoken rules that everypony just obeys."
  234. >she may not be in the right state to comprehend it all, but she might catch on to the important parts
  235. >it seems to be working, as Gear's shaking is now less intense
  236. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. You didn't deserve it, heck, you weren't even the cause of my anger, in all honesty."
  237. "It's just that your comment… well… I… I guess I had it on my mind for a long time, and you just happened to say the wrong thing at the wrong time."
  238. "What I'm trying to say is, I shouldn't have snapped at you, it was wrong of me. I am sorry."
  239. >the mare grew very still, the shaking have all but stopped
  240. "I'm sorry." you repeated, a little louder this time in case she didn't quite catch it
  242. >Gearhead slowly raised herself off the floor, her uncertainty and trepidation evident in her shaky legs
  243. >she looked at you with eyes still full of fear, but it wasn't as paralyzing as it was moments before
  244. >as you watch, you have an idea — as big a blunder as this evening was, it was still an opportunity to perhaps set the record straight
  245. >unlikely as it is to get as wide a recognition as the horror stories told by the other "clients", it could be a small step in the right direction
  246. >you sat down, doing your best to look as non-threatening as possible
  247. "Would you be interested in hearing the real story?"
  248. >you were about to continue when you hear her raspy reply
  249. >"Th-the real s-story?" she whispered, her voice has yet to return after the crying
  250. "Yes, not the distorted ramblings of madmares drunk with power, but how things *really* work down there." you continue
  251. "That is," you pause, raising a hoof to your chest "if you would believe a word of a demon like myself."
  252. >the pony sat up straight and nodded slowly, which you took as a sign of acquiescence
  254. "I'll start with what angered me so." you try to sound gentle, but the mare still shrinks away at this
  255. "Despite whatever you've been told, or what you may have read about us,"
  256. >you make a pause, partly to for dramatic effect, and partly to gauge her reaction
  257. "-we are not actually evil." to your annoyance, you're met with confusion and some disbelief
  258. "You don't believe me." Gear's gaze falls to the floor once again
  259. "It's alright, I wouldn't either, not right away."
  260. "After all the stuff that's been said about us it comes as no surprise."
  261. >she nods, still looking down and avoiding looking at you
  262. "The truth is, we are beings created out of the sins of you mortals. Your greed, your envy, your-"
  263. >"Lust…" she adds quietly
  264. "Yes, all those sins flow down into the underworld, where they congeal into what might resemble a soul."
  265. "Each of us start out like this — just a tiny ember, one among many burning under the great sooty domes, it looks almost like your night sky."
  266. >"Must be pretty…" says Gear, seemingly lost in her own imagination, before remembering her situation and shrinking back again
  267. "It is, but for those newborn it is a fight for their lives, a contest of who can absorb more sin, consuming each other in a desperate race to grow too big, too heavy."
  268. "The survivors sink down, the little ember have singe grown into a flame. And as they descend, the stuff of Tartarus coalesces into a body around that fire."
  269. >"Is that… how the d-demons are born?"
  270. >you nod
  271. "We aren't born out of pure evil or some other "darkness", we are born out of your own wrongdoings, your own guilt."
  272. >"Guilt?" the mare asks with uncertainty
  273. "Indeed. You may think you're okay with what you've done, that you've found a loophole, a… justification." you savor the last word
  274. "But it makes no difference to your soul. You can fool others, but you sure cannot fool yourself."
  275. "It's the question that befuddled generations — what happens after a pony dies?"
  276. >you take a good look at Gearhead, who is listening with rapt attention to everything you say
  277. >though she does react negatively to something or other, for the most part her curiosity helps her recover
  279. "Well, if you've been a naughty pony, you sink to the underworld, weighed down by the guilt you feel for the bad things you did."
  280. "You see my little mortal, we don't drag you down, nopony is sending you to Tartarus — you send yourself there, all of it is entirely on you."
  281. "And there is a section of Tartarus, where all the bad ponies go to."
  282. "Each and every one of you find your place there, your own personal jail cell, where you relive these moments that you feel guilty for."
  283. "And you keep doing it over and over, over and over, reliving those moments, changing them so that you receive the punishment you feel you deserve."
  284. >"But where… where do you come into this?"
  285. "Why, in most of those loops there are other beings, from the ponies you hurt, to the monsters chasing you."
  286. "And since each of us is attuned to a specific sin, we all have our… "specialties", the roles that we excel in."
  287. >"And what is your role?"
  288. "The coworker that seduces you, then ruins your reputation. Your husband, the love of your life who abandons you for a younger mare…"
  289. "You mortals find so many ways to hurt one another, and just as many to hurt yourselves."
  290. >"This is… cruel."
  291. "Perhaps. But I'll let you in on a little secret: we are just actors, that's all we do"
  292. "We take no part in who stays and who goes — we simply provide you with the means to punish yourselves."
  293. "You are in a cell yes, but the doors aren't locked. You can leave at any time… but you won't."
  294. "That's because you *choose* to stay there, to punish yourself until you feel you no longer deserve it."
  295. >Gear's eyes are wide with surprise
  296. "Never read about that one, have you?"
  298. >she shakes her head
  299. >"N-no."
  300. "That's because most of the ponies that summon us don't care for such fine details."
  301. "They just want a one night stand with an incubus, or to destroy their enemies with one of the wrath demons-"
  302. "-or else they covet somepony else's shiny thing and call upon the avaricious ones to get it for them."
  303. "They think of us as their own personal djinni — granting their wishes, and they are right, to an extent…"
  304. >you smirk, memories of all those sinners whose wishes you twisted around come to mind
  305. "Any such "wish" is born out of sin, out of desire to have something even though you know you shouldn't."
  306. "So we grant your wish, and along with it we provide you with a little of that punishment that you deserve."
  307. "This is how the stories about the deal with the devil started."
  308. "And as usual, the punishments were exaggerated with every retelling of that story."
  310. >"S-so, you don't take a pony's s-soul?"
  311. >you laugh, those mortals and their imagination
  312. "Of course not. But I can guarantee you that this is how whoever thought of this felt after we granted them their wish."
  313. "We'll do your bidding, up to a point, but we're going to make you aware of your sin and it's not going to be pleasant."
  314. >Gear swallows nervously
  315. >"W-what do you do wh-when somepony s-summons you, b-but then b-b-backs o-out?"
  316. "Hmm…" you make an effort to appear to be deep in thought
  317. "Nothing." you answer after a sufficiently long dramatic pause
  318. >"…what?" she blinks owlishly a few times before vocalizing her disbelief
  319. "We do nothing."
  320. >"B-but… a-aren't you a-angry about being s-summoned?"
  321. "It is what it is." you shrug "We're not angry when you back out."
  322. "If anything, and don't tell anypony I said that, but we're actually a little happy when you resist the temptation."
  323. >"That… does not make any sense."
  324. "We are punishers by nature, but we strive to help souls cleanse and purify themselves before their journey."
  325. "So when you refuse to give in to your desires, your soul remains unblemished, perhaps even purified a little."
  326. "It is especially true if it comes at a great personal cost, when you deny yourself that which you desire most because taking it would be wrong."
  327. >"I… I don't think I understand."
  329. "Alright, imagine if your mother left the family."
  330. >"I don't have to…" she mumbles, looking away
  331. "You miss her, miss how happy you were all together, so you come up with a plan."
  332. "In your despair, you call upon the incubi like myself to take form of your father and seduce your mother, in hopes that it will bring her back."
  333. "But them imagine you follow her to her new family. You see foals like yourself run to greet her, see their happy smiles."
  334. "If your plan succeeds, they're going suffer the same pain you felt when your mother left you."
  335. "Abandon the plan, and your mother will stay with her new family, never to return."
  336. "The choice is yours — do you *take* what you desire and let other suffer for it, or do you sacrifice your own happiness to let others keep theirs?"
  337. "By choosing the latter you accept and deal with your loss, all the while learning a valuable lesson — that your happiness cannot come at the expense of others."
  338. "In doing this, in enduring this pain your soul is cleansed and purified, like clearing away the weeds, so that the virtues may grow in their place."
  339. >"And if I choose to go through with it I will always blame myself for hurting those foals?"
  340. "Precisely. And we would make sure that you will see them hurting, so that you will always see them crying every time you look at your mother."
  342. >Gear shakes her head
  343. >"All this is so messed-up."
  344. "A little, but somepony has to do it."
  345. >"But why?"
  346. "So you'd know better and, maybe, so you'd learn your lesson, the hard way if necessary."
  347. >be a very confused Gearhead
  348. >this is a lot to take in
  349. >it goes against just about everything you know about Desire and his kind
  350. >to your own shock you're starting to think about them as not really evil
  351. >not even a necessary evil, but rather something… of neutral alignment, probably chaotic
  352. >…wait, hold on, did you just use O&O alignment system to categorize somepony real?
  353. >…you gonna die a virgin Gear
  355. >still, they may not be evil, but their methods can be a bit… mean
  356. >you suppose this is what it takes to get the message across to some ponies
  357. "What's it like down there?" you ask after a pause
  358. >"Not as dark as you'd imagine. Between magic lanterns, glowing insects, and the occasional wrath demon with mane on fire it's comfortably dim."
  359. >"There are parties everywhere, everypony is always down for some form of revelry."
  360. >"The legendary debauchery of demonkind is no exaggeration."
  361. "That sounds fun, but is that all there is?"
  362. >"Well, there's the partying, the torturing of guilty souls, and then we occasionally get summoned to the realm of mortals to mess with them."
  363. >"We try to enjoy every day as if it is our last, because one day it will be."
  364. "You seem to be awfully calm about it, is that because you know what's gonna happen and where you would go?"
  365. >"Nah, it's because we know that there's nothing waiting for us on the "other side"."
  366. "You mean, like, you're reborn in Tartarus or something?"
  367. >"No, I mean we don't go anywhere, we just… cease to be. The fire goes out."
  368. "B-but what about the afterlife?"
  369. >"An afterlife is a luxury reserved for those with souls."
  370. "You… don't have a soul? B-but you said—"
  371. >"I said it *resembled* a soul, it's subtle but it makes a world of difference."
  372. "Wait, are you alive or…" you trail off
  373. >"I think I am." he shrugged, seemingly without a care in the world
  374. >"Sure, it's not a particularly pleasant thought, but there's nothing any of us can do about it."
  375. >"So we just take it as it is and try to enjoy our time, however long it lasts."
  376. "That sounds… sad."
  377. >he chuckles
  378. >"It is what it is." he smiles at you "If it's any consolation, we tend to stick around for a while."
  379. >"At least I haven't heard of a demon dying of old age."
  380. "But when you… die?.."
  381. >"Yep, once it's over — it's over. Forbidden Desire is signing off."
  383. >all of a sudden you feel your lower lip trembling
  384. >Gear no!
  385. >you are NOT going to embarrass yourself in front of a stallion
  386. >you did NOT just launch yourself at him like some crazy rapist
  387. >y-you are not c-crying on his shoulder like some little foal
  389. >be the infamous incubus again
  390. >well that's a first
  391. >usually some of them start crying *after* you've done the deed
  392. >it's usually regret or some self-loathing nonsense too
  393. >but this?
  394. >this is… different
  395. >she's feeling sorry
  396. >…for you
  397. >silly mortal
  399. >you've been fine with your lot for longer than she lived
  400. >m-maybe not by *that* much…
  401. >it still feels good though, to have somepony care about you
  402. >…but not when they're crying, let alone because of you!
  403. >you return the hug in earnest, gently rubbing the mare's back
  404. "There there, it's all right."
  405. >"No it's not!" she cried out, following it with a sob
  406. "Okay, it's not. I won't pretend, it does hurt a little bit, knowing that wherever it is you mortals go after your stay in Tartarus, that there's no place for any of us."
  407. "But that's why we make the best of our time while we live!"
  408. >you feel yourself squeezed tighter

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