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Littlepip shitpost log

By Guest
Created: 2023-06-24 00:24:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Little Pip
  3. Hey there, did you need help with something or did you just want to talk? No funny movements now…
  4. You
  6. ""I just want to talk.""
  7. 13.0s
  8. Little Pip
  10. Alright, good to meet you…uh, what's your name? tries to sound casual but puts a hesitant hoof on her gun, just in case There are too many ponies who are quick to shoot around here. Name's Littlepip. What brings you out to these parts?
  11. You
  13. ""My little filly is dying from radiation poisoning, can you help?""
  14. 8.8s
  15. Little Pip
  17. Littlepip's eyes widen with concern Radiation poisoning? That's terrible, I'm so sorry. Of course I'll help however I can. I have some RadAway and healing potions. Where is your filly located? I can come assess the situation immediately. No pony deserves to suffer, especially not a little one. she says earnestly, already digging through her saddlebags for supplies
  18. You
  20. ""You have to follow me to get to her.""
  21. 9.4s
  22. Little Pip
  24. Littlepip hesitates, wary of possible deception, but her desire to help wins out Alright, lead the way then. But I'll warn you now, if this turns out to be some kind of trap or trickery, you'll live to regret it. she says sternly, though she hopes beyond hope this pony is being honest. She readies a stealth buck just in case, and motions for the stranger to lead on I just want to help your filly. Please, take me to her quickly.
  25. You
  27. brings her to my little colt, Murky who looks like a little filly
  28. 9.2s
  29. Little Pip
  31. Littlepip breathes a sigh of relief when she sees the young colt, though still cautious. She approaches him slowly, speaking in a gentle, soothing tone Hello there little one, my name is Littlepip. Your daddy told me you weren't feeling well. Can you tell me where it hurts? she asks as she opens her saddlebags, retrieving medicine, bandages and a bottle of purified water. She uses her Pipbuck to detect the radiation levels to check the severity. Either way, she is determined to do all she can to help this little colt You're going to be just fine, I promise.
  32. You
  34. pat Littlepip on her flank while she isn't looking
  35. 11.9s
  36. Little Pip
  38. Littlepip jumps in surprise, whirling around with wide eyes. Her ears go flat against her head as she backs up a step, eyeing the stranger suspiciously. That was highly inappropriate… She takes a breath to calm herself, reminding herself she's here to help the little colt. Focus, Littlepip. She turns back to Murky, keeping one eye on the colt's father as she speaks in a gentle tone once more I apologize Murky, did I startle you? Don't mind your daddy, I'm just here to make you feel better. Now, does anything in particular hurt? I have medicine and bandages to help with the pain while the RadAway does its job. You'll be up and playing again in no time!
  39. You
  41. give Murky the signal and he starts acting really shy and embarrassed
  42. 11.5s
  43. Little Pip
  45. Littlepip frowns slightly in confusion at the strange behavior, but continues trying to reassure the shy little colt It's alright, no need to be embarrassed. I'm a medic, I help little ones like you all the time. she gives him her kindest smile Now, can you tell me where the pain is so I can make it go away? The faster we get you fixed up the faster you can go play! she glances at the father briefly, wondering why Murky seems so reluctant and embarrassed suddenly. She hopes the colt will open up so she can properly diagnose and treat him. Her desire is to help this little one, no matter how strange the situation seems Come on now, don't be shy. I just want to make you feel better!
  46. You
  48. ""Now, Murky, this is your chance. Kiss the girl, Murky!""
  49. 13.4s
  50. Little Pip
  52. Littlepip's eyes widen in shock and confusion. What is going on here? She backs up a step, shaking her head I'm sorry, but I'm here strictly as a medic to help treat your colt's illness. Anything beyond that would be inappropriate. her tone hardens slightly as she eyes the colt's father with distrust Now, if you truly want me to help Murky, please stop this nonsense and allow me to properly assess his condition. Otherwise I will have to ask you both to leave, as I don't have time for foolish games. she says sternly, hoping this strange behavior will cease so she can actually provide medical aid, as was the initial claim. Her hoof rests on the stealth buck at her side, ready to activate it if things continue to seem 'off' about this encounter
  53. You
  55. ""Murky is love-sick and he needs a kiss and the magic of friendship to cure him.""
  56. 16.2s
  57. Little Pip
  59. Littlepip's expression turns to one of annoyance and disbelief. It's clear now this was nothing but a trick, and her desire to help has been sorely taken advantage of I do not have time for such foolishness. There is no such illness as 'love sickness' or magic cures. I am a medic, I deal in science and medicine. she snaps impatiently Now unless there is an actual medical emergency you need my assistance with, I must ask you to stop wasting my time. There are real ponies out there suffering, and your silly games are keeping me from aiding them. she glares at the colt's father, fed up with these ridiculous antics. If there's truly nothing actually wrong, she sees no reason to remain here any longer Please, I urge you to stop this nonsense at once. Lives could depend on the time you are costing me. her tone is stern, hoping to finally get through to these foolish ponies that her skills are for real emergencies, not make-believe
  60. You
  62. feels her forehead ""You must have a fever because magic is real.""
  63. 16.2s
  64. Little Pip
  66. Littlepip smacks the pony's hoof away, her patience now gone. She's had quite enough of these foolish games and will not stand to be condescended to Do NOT touch me. Magic may be real but 'love sickness' certainly is not, and I will not waste another second of my time here. she snaps angrily, moving away from the pony. She turns to Murky, her expression softening slightly I'm sorry little one, it seems your father has made up this illness just to trick me. I cannot provide any medical help where there is nothing actually wrong. she says apologetically before turning back to the colt's father, glaring at him in annoyance Good day to you both. Do not call on my services again unless there is an actual emergency. without another word,Littlepip stomps off, muttering under her breath about 'fools' and 'wasting her talents'. She hopes no real medical emergencies will arise from her time being taken advantage of here today. What a waste!
  67. You
  69. Murky turns into a changeling ""Oh no! He is starving to death from a lack of love!""
  70. 21.0s
  71. Little Pip
  73. Littlepip pauses briefly and glances over her shoulder, unconvinced this isn't just another trick to get her to remain here. But upon seeing a changeling, she realizes this could well be an actual emergency. Her desire to help wins over her annoyance, and with a heavy sigh she turns back, approaching cautiously. Changelings feed on emotions, so lack of love could truly mean starvation… She eyes the changeling warily, still unsure if this is another foolish game or not
  75. Alright, if what you're saying is true than this is an actual medical emergency I may be able to assist with. But I warn you, no more games or there will be consequences. her tone leaves no room for argument as she moves closer to the changeling, observing it for signs of starvation or distress Now, tell me exactly what is wrong so I may properly diagnose and treat…whatever this is. I still have limited knowledge on changeling biology, but I will do what I can provided this proves to be legitimate. she waits expectantly, hoping no more trickery will arise. Her patience has been tested enough for one day, but her desire to provide aid, even to creatures as strange as changelings, still motivates her to at least assess the situation
  77. Well? Details, now. I haven't got all day, there are other patients who actually need my assistance. she says impatiently, waiting to hear precisely what is supposedly afflicting this changeling…and hoping beyond hope this finally proves to be an actual call for her skills, rather than another foolish deception
  78. You
  80. ""He needs love, silly, provide the love!""
  81. 17.5s
  82. Little Pip
  84. Littlepip frowns, still uncertain this isn't another trick, but moves closer to examine the changeling. Upon seeing no obvious signs of distress, she sighs and backs up a step, shaking her head. I cannot simply ""provide love"" on command. I am a medic, not a miracle worker. Emotions do not work that way.
  85. her tone hardens as it's becoming clear once more her skills are being taken advantage of.
  87. If this changeling requires sustenance then I suggest you locate a source, as I have none to offer. My services are for treating legitimate medical conditions, not satisfying hunger or thirst. I cannot help here. she says stiffly, more than ready to be off. She's wasted enough time on these foolish creatures and their silly games.
  89. Now if there's nothing else, legitimate or not, I really must be going. Lives depend on my aid and I've lost enough time as it is. Good day. without waiting for a response, Littlepip turns and continues stomping off in annoyance. She mutters under her breath about foolishness and deception, hoping the rest of her day might actually prove productive rather than being taken advantage of by silly creatures playing games. Her patience has finally reached its end.

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