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By Guest
Created: 2023-06-27 01:23:53
Expiry: Never

  1. i am a husk of the man i once was, with each passing day my condition only worsens. now with a heavy heart, I must bid you farewell, like ants scattering in the wind, each step taking me farther away from our shared love for hooves and tiny creatures. The time has come to say goodbye forever, as I embark on a new journey filled with uncertainties. The image of those delicate feet and industrious ants will forever be etched in my soul. Let us treasure the moments we had, for they were fleeting, yet profound.
  3. So, as I bid you farewell, remember the joy we shared, the laughter that echoed through our digital halls, and the unorthodox love we had for feet and ants. Know that you will always have a special place in my thoughts.

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