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/mlp/ hangout & group rules v3.1

By Guest
Created: 2023-07-12 09:38:30
Expiry: Never

  1. These rules are for both the Baltimare sim and its occupying /mlp/ group. You automatically accept these rules by being present on the sim and/or part of the group whether you read them or not.
  2. Ignorance to them is not an excuse for breaking them, familiarize yourself with them.
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  8. Notice of Applicability: These rules can and will be enforced more harshly against tourists, newfags, and offboarders at janny gumption.
  10. 1. No hooves = No rights. You are expected to be a quadrupedal and pony related avatar when at Baltimare or at any official /mlp/ event. If you are a "nohooves" you can be kicked, banned, etc for any reason the jannies deem fit. If any of the jannies ask you to change into a pony avatar, an avatar that is a quadruped pony, and you cannot do so on the spot you will be removed.
  11. 1a. Non-quadruped and Non-pony avatars can be kicked, banned, etc for any reason.
  13. 1b. MLP-related quadruped ungulates are tolerated (IE deer, kirin, changelings), with the caveat that jannies can use their best judgement to require avatar changes to ensure it is sufficiently in MLP style and conforms with R1 if necessary. Show-related quadruped creatures further away from ponies (cows, griffons, hippogriffs, goats, so on) are subject to scrutiny and may be asked to change into pony or pony-like avatar at janny gumption.
  15. 1c. It is required that users have a MLP pony-related avatar that they can change into should a janny ask them to. Examples: EP, Magik, OP, etc. This rule applies across Baltimare with the exception of rented private parcels. Using this clemency to flaunt rejection of an R1 compliant avatar will be treated as breaking rule 1 under normal circumstances.
  17. 1d. What is "Non-Pony"?: Any non-MLP media or topic (IE pokemon, etc) as well as any aesthetic deviating significantly from MLP visual style.
  19. 1e. Bipedal pony avatar models (upright, anthro, so on) are considered in violation of this rule. Note: This does not include things like the upright AO or other animations applied to a non-bipedal pony avatar model.
  21. 1f. The right of parlay means that, with the authorization of a janny, non-ponies may be granted temporary amnesty from rule 1 for practical reasons. This includes:
  22. -Avatars who are relevant to board culture (Example: Anon)
  23. -Avatars who stretch the definition of pony-like, but fit with an ongoing theme, event, or are just cool (Example: Spider Pony during Nightmare Night)
  24. -Avatars who are obvious shitposts by standing members of the community (Example: Sid's many avatars)
  26. 🐎
  28. 2. Don't be a retard. Retards are categorized as excessively disruptive or obnoxious individuals. This includes people spamming large amounts of objects or particles, people known for ruining field trips, or people who are just so insufferable they ruin the experience for everyone else.
  30. 2a. To clarify: While we don't mind a bit of fucking around on the sim we are not a weapons/grief testing sandbox, so don't treat it like one. Don't do anything that renders the sim unusable. Take your toys up to the weapons sandbox if you want to try them out.
  32. 2b. To clarify: While we are okay with ponies being lewd and flirty, and are not against a public buck, use your best judgement when doing so. If someone says no to your sexual advances you stop making them. Exercise consideration for others when doing weird kink shit, and leave your verbose scripted diaper at your private parcel.
  34. 2c. This extends as well to things like bullying tourists. While you can call them names and use your telekineses to toss them off the map all you like, please refrain from excessively spamming chat, launching 57 nukes at them, or any other excessively disruptive behavior. Such behavior can result in a warning at janny gumption, followed by further action as necessary.
  36. 2d. Use some common sense when it comes to group notices. (Examples: Posting sim crashers, breaking ToS, so on.)
  37. 🐎
  39. 3. Do not ruin field trips or official events. Ruining trips/events means making them untenable such as doing things that gets us all banned. This is relative to the trip, sometimes bans are unavoidable, sometimes more is permitted than usual, but you're expected to use your good judgement to discern what is or isn't appropriate.
  40. If in doubt:
  41. -No intentional griefing.
  42. -No genitals or sex outside adult areas.
  43. -No rezzing out objects that are blatantly offensive or otherwise against the rules of the sim the field trip takes place in.
  44. -Don't have an overtly disruptive/offensive avatar (EG: giant flying penis, blatantly offensive content, seizure flashing eyesore).
  45. -Avoid getting the attention of normies unless directed otherwise (they will silently report us to their mods and get us banned).
  47. 🐎
  49. 4. Do not break the TOS. I do not want to get banned from SL, I do not want any of us banned from SL. Do not do shit that is overtly malicious towards other people in general. If you actively and intentionally simcrash, graphics crash, doxx people, etc you will be considered a liability and removed.
  50. 4a. No child avatars or ageplayers: they either have, or will, break the TOS and we do not want them here. No foal/filly aged avatars, we do not care how you justify it. Up-aged characters are fine.
  52. 🐎
  54. 5. Tourist Control: As stated at the beginning of this document, the rules above are liable to be applied more harshly towards tourists. However, the following rule is to be applied only to them.
  55. To clarify, a 'Tourist' is anyone who is not active in the thread, did not come from the thread, and has not assimilated into the sim culture. 'Assimilation' is determined at the gumption of the public and jannies, but generally refers to any former-tourist who has integrated into /mlp/ culture and either become a newfag on the board or would otherwise not be considered a tourist at a glance without already knowing that they were.
  57. 5a. Sploder Lurking: Tourists who arrive solely to lurk during parties for the sploder and who are never or very scarcely in-sim outside of Sploder events are subject to ejection or ban at janny gumption. This only applies to those who explicitly show up almost exclusively for the Sploder, not those who lurk in general.
  59. 5b. Obnoxious Behavior: This could fall under Rule 2, but to reiterate here, tourists are far more prone to having action taken against them for disturbing the peace of popens around them. This extends to them being consistently annoying, creepy, or disruptive.
  61. 5c. Sim or /mlp/ Bashing: Tourists who become known for disliking, bashing, or harshly crticizing the sim or /mlp/ itself for reasons that amount to 'being evil 4channers' are subject to ban at janny gumption.
  63. 5d. Inviting: Tourists who invite other tourists, or were invited by another tourist, are subject to janny action against them. This is mainly in cases where they have failed to assimilate, and to eliminate invite chains of one inviting another inviting another inviting another.
  65. 5e. "DYEWTS?": Tourists who do not, have not, and have no interest in watching the show are subject to being told to watch the show and being treated more critically, including banishment from the sim.
  67. 5f. "WDYTWA?": Tourists who do not know nor come from /mlp/ are liable to moderator action at janny gumption.
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  71. BAN APPEAL: If you believe yourself to have been wrongfully banned, or wish to negotiate the duration of your ban, you may contact Rarapony, Scramble, or any of the jannies to discuss the matter. Depending on the nature of the case in question, you may be directed by other jannies to Rarapony or Scramble. The matter may then be discussed among the jannies to determine whether or not to accept your appeal.
  73. When you are found to be breaking the rules, the severity of the infraction will determine the proper disciplinary action. Small infractions are subject to a verbal warning or an ejection, whereas worse infractions will be subject to a ban with the time determined by the severity.
  75. If you want to report someone breaking the rules, take a screenshot and send it to one or more of the Jannies. They will then judge if it's an infraction and clean up accordingly. If you try to retaliate by doing something retarded you will be subject to moderation yourself. Please see Rule 2c. for behavior regarding this.
  77. If you want to report misconduct from one of the Janny staff, contact Rarapony or Scramble as privately as you wish and it can be discussed.
  79. These rules only apply to the Baltimare sim, its occupying /mlp/ group, and anything relating to one of those two (fieldtrips, public rants in Luna's about the evil 4chan chuds, so on). Please do not send us pictures of people breaking these rules outside of this because we do not care.

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