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[/opg/] Baltimare Land Covenant: 2023-04

By Guest
Created: 2023-07-12 09:44:56
Expiry: Never

  1. The following are the general rules of renting in both Baltimare and Horse Heights, questions or clarification can be directed towards the janitors. Not complying with the rules can result in eviction with no refund.
  4. - Follow the overall sim rules, keeping rule 1 in mind.
  5. - You can build/do whatever on your parcel, so long as it doesn't violate Second Life TOS, isn't disruptive to the sim, and respects your neighbors. Conversely if you have a problem with a neighboring parcel you can talk it out with the parcel owner directly or message a janitor. Janitors reserve the right to return objects or modify your parcel if it is deemed disruptive.
  6. - If you leave your parcel empty for more than a week you may be evicted, but external circumstances can be taken into account if you simply need time before you can build.
  7. - No more than 10 avatars are allowed on your parcel on a regular basis, the Baltimare hangout exists for that purpose. Hosting public events or having spontaneous gatherings is still okay.
  8. - Ban lines and ground level security orbs should only be enabled while it's actually being used, and if you leave them active too long you will be notified.
  9. - Skyboxes need to be at least 1000m in the sky.
  10. - Don't subdivide your parcel.
  11. - If you wish to move or swap parcel with another consenting person, you can contact a janitor to handle it.
  14. After the rental land is purchased, at least 1 week of rent is to be immediately paid to the rental terminal. After this, maintain your rental by adding additional weeks as needed. If your rental becomes overdue you will be notified, but if left that way for at least 3 days you will be evicted and the parcel put up for availability.
  15. SPECIAL CASE: The large 64x64 parcels in Horse Heights require permission in order to be acquired. If you wish to acquire one that is available, contact a janny. You will be asked what you're intending to build, as they are massive pieces of land that are important to the sim. Once you have this permission then you're good to go.
  18. Engaging in ageplay, gambling with L$ currency using a gambling device, copybotting, wearing a child avatar on the sim is against TOS,
  19. Sim crashers, graphics crashers, massive particle effects or objects, and most genuinely malicious forms of griefing are disruptive.
  21. Last Updated: April 2023

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