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About The Pie Sisters: Lewd Slice Of Life 199X Part (Late90s)

By Grey
Created: 2023-07-16 07:20:16
Updated: 2023-10-03 07:04:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >…
  2. >Well that was quite a traumatizing experience.
  3. >Your entire reputation being lampooned by a girl making sexual threats at you.
  4. >It’s not even clear to you whether she even meant that or not.
  5. >Maybe she was just caught up in the moment, but that part really don’t matter to you.
  6. >She beat you down in front of those other students for no good reason, that shit fucking hurt.
  7. >Spiritually and physically.
  8. >Even as you’re going about your regular school day, it keeps on coming back to you as you constantly try to think up your explanation to classmates when they inevitably ask/tease you about it.
  9. >Limestone beat the fucking shit out of you for no reason, because she was wrong about what happened with Pinkie’s pencil box.
  10. >You purposely go through the hallways you know you won’t see her, or at least hope you won’t.
  11. >The last thing you want is to see her again after she attacked you.
  12. >Other students giving you funny looks indicates that the word has already gotten out, so you better have your explanation ready.
  13. >Val is unsurprisingly the first person to actually bring it up with you.
  14. >Didn’t even ease into it, just straight up went “The fuck happened with you and Limestone Pie, dude?”
  15. “She did it when I had my back turned.” You tell him. “She pushed me and punched me before I could turn around.”
  16. >”With your backpack on?”
  17. “She punched the back of my head! It was a total cheap shot.”
  18. >Your brain has been struggling to both remember it as vividly as possible and repress it as thoroughly as possible.
  19. >Not even you are sure about the levels of truth behind what you’re saying.
  20. >You can tell that Val partially feels bad for you, but also kind of wants to laugh at you for getting beat up by a girl.
  21. “The fuck was I supposed to do? She attacked me while I had my back turned then stole the pencil box she thought I stole! I can’t hit her back, she’s a girl! It was totally unfair!”
  22. >Despite how solid your explanation is, you can slightly tell that Val doesn’t REALLY believe you.
  23. >He’s acting like he does, but he doesn’t really.
  24. >He walks away through the hallways, and you know exactly the kind of shit he’s going to say as soon as the subject comes up while you’re not in earshot.
  25. >Stamp your foot in incredible frustration.
  26. “God fucking damn it!”
  27. >Your reputation at school is totally fucked, especially so given the other students who were actually at the scene heard what Limestone shouted at you too.
  28. >She didn’t exactly whisper it into your ear or anything.
  29. >Everyone can hear you angrily slam your locker door every time you’re in between classes.
  30. >And they all probably know why by this point.
  31. >You’re the sissy that got beat up by a girl.
  32. >The worst part is that most of them probably forgot about it after a couple of days, but it’s almost all you can think about anymore.
  33. >This has never happened to you before, and it’s really getting under your skin.
  34. >You can’t focus in class, you can’t do your homework, and you’re still missing breakfast on most mornings because you never learn your lesson every time you either miss or almost miss the bus.
  35. >So now here you are sitting at lunch, mad that you used the last of your lunch money to get something that’ll get you through the rest of the day.
  36. >And you haven’t had a lot of money to begin with, so this really irritates you despite it being your fault anyway.
  37. >”Hey.”
  38. >You jump, still on some kind of alert mode.
  39. “Oh! Hi.” You breathe and grip your chest like you just had a heart attack.
  40. >”Can I sit here?” The gray purple haired girl in what kind of looks like a tunic asks.
  41. >You nod then go back to your meal.
  42. >But you’re not worried about what you’re eating for long.
  43. >”I’m sorry about what my sister did.” The girl says.
  44. >You double take.
  45. >”I’m Maud. Limestone’s sister.” She tells you. “Pinkie’s sister too, as you probably already know.”
  46. “It wasn’t what you heard. She attacked me from behind.” You reflexively start up. “She punched the back of my head then-”
  47. >”I don’t care how it happened. I just wanted to let you know that it’s not your fault.” Maud says to you.
  48. “It was a cheap shot.” You still try to prove yourself.
  49. >”Okay, it was a cheap shot. But Limestone owes you an apology either way, but she’s being too stubborn to do it.”
  50. “What do you mean by that? You mean she knows she was wrong now?”
  51. >”She does. But like I said, she doesn’t want to admit it. It’s kind of… how she is.”
  52. >You stare at Maud Pie.
  53. >”My sister Pinkie has been trying to get through to her about it but it’s not going anywhere.”
  54. “Okay, I see.”
  55. >”But I think you can agree that she really really owes you an apology for sneak attacking you. Correct?”
  56. “Yeah! That was such a cheap shot! Why didn’t she at least ask where I got that thing first!” You resume.
  57. >”It’s how she is, but Pinkie and I both agreed that this shouldn’t be allowed to slide, and that Limestone should apologize to you.”
  58. “So like… is she going to?”
  59. >”It doesn’t look like she wants to. Because Limestone doesn’t like admitting it when she makes a huge irreversible mistake.”
  60. “I guess that’s not too surprising.”
  61. >”I take it you’re not going to let it slide, right?”
  62. “No. That was fucked up.”
  63. >”Yes. So because of that, I would like to ask if you want to come over to our house sometime.”
  64. “You mean… so she can apologize to me? Why can’t she just do it here?”
  65. >”I still don’t think she wants to apologize at all, but even if she did, it would have to be somewhere not in school. Because she doesn’t want to look uncool.”
  66. “You mean her reputation or something?”
  67. >Maud nods.
  68. “HER reputation?! What about MINE?! She’s the one who went out of her way and did this to me in front of everyone!”
  69. >”I see what you mean, but I don’t think there’s going to be any other way to get her to apologize to you.”
  70. >You let out an annoyed sigh.
  71. “What the fuck, for real?”
  72. >You see a lack of expression in Maud’s face and tone, but you can tell through her choice of words that she is being at least some level of genuine.
  73. >She would have no reason to set you up for further humiliation if her sister Pinkie already told her the truth about it, that would make so sense.
  74. >”Unfortunately, this does seem to be case.” Maud says to you. “You have to understand, Limestone is extremely stubborn. She’s like a large granite stone that’s mostly buried deep within the soil, and you can’t just pick it up and move it. And even if it were resting on the surface only, it would be too heavy to do it without proper equipment and methods anyway.”
  75. “Okay, so does she need time or what?” You’re surprised someone would even need time to simply admit they wrongfully attacked and humiliated someone.
  76. >”She needs to be somewhere where she can’t avoid you anymore.” Replies Maud.
  77. “…Anymore?”
  78. >”She’s been avoiding running into you like crazy ever since the incident. Because she knows she was wrong to attack you and is probably hoping you’ll eventually either forget or stop caring. Probably the latter.”
  79. >Man, you wish you had a way outside of school to know what these people were doing.
  80. >You’d have been less in the dark about this, about her actually feeling guilty about it and not admitting it.
  81. “So you want me to come over to your house while she’s there.”
  82. >”I don’t think there’s any other way.”
  83. >You hang your head low and sigh, letting out an exasperated laugh.
  84. >”I’m sorry it has to be this way. I wish it could be easier.” Maud tells you.
  85. “Okay.” You wearily but enthusiastically nod. “Okay, alright, fine. So she’s just stubborn, then. Alright. I’ll do this.”
  86. >”Good to hear. Because Pinkie’s been really annoying about it too, since Limestone is always so stuck in the mud about these things. She finally dragged me into this and wanted me to talk to you while she tries to get Limestone to have a change of heart.”
  87. “Why didn’t she just talk to me herself?”
  88. >”She feels really bad about it and this whole thing is frustrating her because she thinks it’s her fault too for not telling Limestone about the pencil box in time, and she didn’t want to get you on board about this until she got Limestone to agree first, since she’s the obviously more difficult one. And Limestone still thinks I’m neutral on the matter too.”
  89. “Okay, got it.”
  90. >”So are you taking the bus home?”
  91. “Yeah, should I just get on your bus instead of mine?”
  92. >”That’s probably a good idea.”
  93. “What if Limestone’s on it? Would she just refuse to apologize there?”
  94. >”She surely would find it awkward if you were right there on the bus the entire time leading up to it. Knowing her, she might figure it out and run off out of spite.”
  95. “I can write down my address for you and you can pick me up from there if that works. I don’t think we live that far away.”
  96. >Maud takes a moment to consider this.
  97. >”That could work.”
  98. >You don’t figure her family’s the type to have those new Nokia phones, since you vaguely caught wind that they mine rocks or whatever it was you heard while learning about them.
  99. >So you’ll just write down your address for her to drive to later today, or maybe on Friday so that way there’s two cool-down days between the awaited moment and seeing any of these girls at school again.
  100. >The two of you nod and you pull out a pen and paper.
  101. ~
  102. >Such a stupid situation over a freaking pencil box.
  103. >”JUST SAY YOUR SORRY TO HIM AND IT’LL ALL BE OVER!” Pinkie shouts at her older sister.
  104. >Limestone responds by slamming the door to her room shut after stomping up the stairs.
  105. >”LIMESTONE!”
  106. >No answer.
  108. >”Fine!”
  109. >Pinkie feels a brief bit of relief.
  110. >”Fucking tell them! I don’t give a shit anymore!” Limestone finishes what she was screaming from her room.
  111. >Pinkie marches her way up the stairs and bangs on her sister’s bedroom door. “LIMESTONE!”
  112. >”Fucking forget it, Pinkie!”
  113. >”Why can’t you just say you’re sorry?!”
  115. >”O-oh I’m sorry! Didn’t know I had to clear it with you first, princess!”
  116. >”…F-f… FUCK YOU!” Limestone shouts from behind the door.
  117. >”You hurt him really bad, Limestone! You have to apologize!”
  118. >”I DON’T HAVE TO DO SHIT!”
  119. >”YES YOU DOOOOO!”
  120. >”FUCK OFF!”
  121. >Limestone tuns on the radio in her room and cranks up the volume knob as far as it can go.
  122. >The Marilyn Manson song fills the entire house, disturbing Marble sitting in her room.
  123. >”You’re being really stupid, Limestone! Silly, even!” Shouts Pinkie.
  124. >Limestone can’t hear anything over her radio now, and hops onto her bed and angrily stares at the ceiling.
  125. >Pinkie knows that banging on her sister’s door isn’t going to do much else by this point.
  126. >Limestone resists the cognitive dissonance in her head, but knows deep down that from that boy’s perspective, she had randomly come out of nowhere and smacked the shit out of him.
  127. >All because her sister gave him that stupid pencil box, which this whole stupid thing is about.
  128. >She grits her teeth and lets the deafening music drown out her frustrated grunts.
  129. >Back downstairs, Maud comes through the front door.
  130. >Pinkie comes racing down the stairs, almost tumbling off balance and doing a face plant into the dingy carpet below.
  131. >”Did you talk to him?” Pinkie asks, now relieved that Limestone can’t hear anything.
  132. >”We talked. He agreed to come over on Friday afternoon after I pick him up. He gave me his address.”
  133. >”Oh thank goodness!” Groans Pinkie. “Lemme come with you! I have to say I’m sorry to him too! I should have known Limestone would react that way!”
  134. >”You didn’t know she’d be on his bus that day.” Explains Maud. “There were a lot of factors that led to what happened. It’s not your fault.”
  135. >”Pleeeaaase!!! It’ll make me feel better!” Begs Pinkie.
  136. >”Alright.”
  137. >The two sisters agree on what they’re going to do on Friday, and let Limestone get all of her angst out of her system in her room until the volume knob is finally turned back down.
  138. >Mr. and Mrs. Pie come home from the business they had to attend to today and prepare supper for the family like every night.
  139. >Pinkie immediately goes up to them with a not-yet-related matter as they get the table ready.
  140. >”Are we still gonna get to do our pool party this weekend?! It’s gonna be really hot outside!”
  141. >”As long as Maud can still drive you three over to the lake.” Responds Cloudy Quartz. “But if you’re not back by sundown, you’re not allowed to go there or the mall again for a month.”
  142. >”Don’t you worry! We’ll be back on time! Pinkie Promise!” Pinkie excitedly hops around as Limestone enters the room.
  143. >”There you are.” Says Igneous Rock. “Was wondering when you’d come down.”
  144. >”I was just having more me time, dad.” Limestone scoffs.
  145. >”I know you were. Just glad you won’t let your dinner get cold this time.”
  146. >Limestone rolls her eyes and sits down as Pinkie cutely glares over at her.
  147. >Limestone glares back, and Pinkie sticks her tongue out at her.
  148. >”Real mature, Pinkie.” Reacts Limestone.
  149. >Pinkie looks over to both of their parents and grins at Limestone.
  150. >”Oh, what? Wanna tell them something?” Challenges Limestone. “Go on. Do it.” She crosses her arms in her seat.
  151. >”Tell us what, dear?” Cloudy Quartz asks, setting a plate down.
  152. >Pinkie hesitates, having just assured that her parents are in a good mood so she and her sisters can go on their pool party trip that was mostly only allowed because of continued good behavior.
  153. >”I uh… wanted to know if I can get Marble her floaty too!” Pinkie changes what she was going to say.
  154. >”We’re saving money right now, dear. Maybe next time.” Cloudy Quartz responds.
  155. >”Aw, okay.”
  156. >Limestone smirks over at her younger sister.
  157. >Pinkie huffs silently and crosses her arms.
  158. >This has been a certified family moment.
  159. >The two quieter sisters Maud and Marble come in and sit down at the table.
  160. >The family feasts.
  161. ~
  162. >Friday.
  163. >You stare out your bedroom window, occasionally eyeing the clock in your room as the time approaches 5PM.
  164. >4:53, she’ll probably be here before you have time to listen to another song on the radio in your room.
  165. >Turn the radio off after Stone Temple Pilots’s Interstate Love Song ends and prepare yourself for whatever the hell this is going to end up being.
  166. >You don’t expect anything good to come out of it.
  167. >But that’s probably your head messing with you; this whole thing’s gotten to you emotionally so badly that you haven’t been in the mood to jack off in over a week.
  168. >Just weren’t feeling it, man.
  169. >You’ve been so pent up that you imagine you could’ve beat up Val had he not been almost a foot taller than you.
  170. >But that’s not the point here.
  171. >The car pulls into your driveway at 4:58 and you start your way downstairs.
  172. >Step outside.
  173. >The back passenger door opens and out comes a familiar poof of pink hair.
  174. >”I’M SO SORRYYY!” Pinkie Pie instantly comes running up to you and trapping you in a bear hug before you can react.
  175. >You see Maud Pie in the driver’s seat, blankly staring back at you as her younger sister hugs you with all her strength.
  176. >This is the first time Pinkie has ever hugged you, and the first thing you notice is how… great… her chest feels up against yours.
  177. >You must not have been paying attention before now because holy fuck this girl is busty, and soft everywhere else too.
  178. >”I should have told her! I should have known she’d overreact if she didn’t know!” Pinkie holds you close with her big soft chest putting all kinds of new something into your mind. “I’m so sorry she hit you! Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay.”
  179. >She pulls away from you and you have to resist the temptation to look down and confirm that what you just felt was really that… endowed.
  180. >Oh yes, yes she is. You can see her cleavage out of the corner of your eye as you pretend to look at something to the side.
  181. >Pinkie doesn’t usually dress like this outside of school.
  182. “I…I’m okay.” You say to her.
  183. >She pulls you into another hug.
  184. >You wish it lasted longer than it did, but you’re sitting in the front passenger seat before you know it.
  185. >”She should be back from her friend’s house somewhere around 20 minutes from now.” Maud says to you.
  186. “Cool.”
  187. >”I’ll stand in the way of the stairs so she can’t go up to her room.”
  188. “Uh, okay. Is that… necessary?”
  189. >”Trust me.” Maud’s lidded eyes stay glued to the road. “It is.”
  190. >”Knowing Limestone, yeah.” Agrees Pinkie from the backseat. “She’s stubborn as a ROCK!”
  191. >You glance back into the rear view mirror.
  192. >The way the mirror is angled gives you a perfect view of Pinkie’s chest, from an angle neither she nor Maud can see your eyes looking from.
  193. >You now have a better view of Pinkie’s deep soft cleavage that roused your interest as she hugged you.
  194. >Eating all of those sugars and sweet must have really played a part in growing out those tits she has.
  195. >They’ve got to be at VERY least a full C cup pair, if things you learned from porno magazines under your bed are anything to go by.
  196. >Every pothole and bump in the road becomes your friend.
  197. >Anything that makes the car shake unavoidably makes Pinkie’s boobs very noticeably jiggle as she sits strapped into her seat.
  198. >See a little bit of her bright bra strap spanning up to her shoulder, probably straining to her her bra cups in place as more bumps in the road cause Pinkie’s breasts to jiggle from the jolting force.
  199. >Your lack of release in the past week is now catching up to you, and you can’t stop staring at this bubbly, busty girl’s bouncing tits in the rear view mirror with impunity.
  200. >For the entire car ride over to her house.
  201. >She doesn’t even know, holy fuck this is great.
  202. >Just imagine what it would feel like to cop a feel on those big soft things, cup them in your hands, gently squeeze your fingers, watch and feel them jiggling each time the car jolts… but she’d almost certainly not want ANY of that though, so yeah, don’t do that.
  203. >Don’t even daydream about it; stop being a fucking pervert and remember why you’re staring at the old looking house through the windshield.
  204. >Hide your boner the best you can until it goes away as you walk up the uneven gravel driveway.
  205. >”Would you like something to drink?” Asks Maud. “We have water.”
  206. >”I have orange juice and soda if you want!” Pinkie chimes in.
  207. >You put your hand up to indicate that you’re a-okay.
  208. >Pinkie continues smiling but looks a little bit worried about what’s going to happen when Limestone comes back.
  209. >A couple of minutes later, the floor boards on the second floor creak from someone walking across them.
  210. >The three of you look up to see who it is.
  211. >Making her way over to the top of the stairs is that familiar girl from school with her hair over one eye.
  212. >Wait, that must be Marble Pie. The fourth sister.
  213. >THAT girl is also the fourth sister of this family?!
  214. >Marble stops at the top landing of the stairs, and instantly recognizes you as she looks down.
  215. >She silently stares at you, wide-eyed, with a deep blush quickly spreading across her face.
  216. >”Hey.” Maud says up to her. “This is uh, a friend of Pinkie’s.”
  217. >Marble stands totally stiff in place, petrified.
  218. >She’s too far away for you to know for sure but she’s probably shaking.
  219. >After a brief pause, Marble meekly raises a hand and waves at you.
  220. >At this very moment, the sound of another car pulling up can be heard.
  221. >”You might want to go back into your room.” Maud tells her as Pinkie hides behind where the front door will swing open.
  222. >She disappears instantly.
  223. >This is followed by the sound of a bedroom door quietly closing.
  224. >She was… adorable.
  225. >Maud stands at the base of the stairs as the door swinging open nearly hits Pinkie in the face.
  226. >”Hey Maud.” Limestone walks into the front room of the house before noticing you standing there.
  227. >The first thing you notice is a bit of a toned ripple on her arm, barely noticeable, indicating that there’s a reason why it hurt so much when she punched you.
  228. >She’s strong as fuck.
  229. >At least, a lot stronger than you had expected a girl to be.
  230. >Her sharp haircut sways and bobs back and forth as her piercing eyes dart back and forth between you and Maud.
  231. >”What the fuck are you doing here?” Limestone glares right at you.
  232. >Pinkie closes the front door behind Limestone, looking cutely mad at her sister.
  233. >”We need to talk.” Says Maud.
  234. >”N-no we don’t!” Protests Limestone. “It was Pinkie’s fault too!”
  235. >”Guess what, Limey! I already apologized to him!” Says Pinkie with her hands on her hips. “Now it’s your turn!” She locks the door.
  236. >Limestone looks so betrayed in her facial expression. “Maud… how could you?!”
  237. >”How could I? Me? What about you?” Scolds Maud with slightly more emphasis in her voice than you’ve ever heard yet. “Both you and he know what you did.”
  238. >”Y-yeah well….” Fumbles Limestone. “Um…”
  239. “Why did you beat the shit out of me for no reason?” You just go ahead and say it.
  240. >There’s a long pause, with Limestone looking around like a cornered animal with a bad attitude.
  241. >Maud knows her sister isn’t getting past her.
  242. “Why did you beat the shit out of me, Limestone?” You repeat. “That fucking hurt.”
  243. >Limestone grunts, knowing she pretty much has no choice at this point.
  244. >If anything, she more angry at her sisters for entrapping her than she is at you.
  245. >”He just wants you to say you’re sorry!” Says Pinkie.
  246. >”Ugh, fine! I’m… fucking sorry, okay? Can I go now?” Blurts Limestone.
  247. >There’s another brief silence.
  248. >Welp, all of that hype around it and it was finally said.
  249. >It wasn’t very sincere sounding, and rather incomplete.
  250. >There definitely is something very incomplete about how this all still feels, and Limestone knows it, sensing it too.
  251. >She rolls her eyes before locking their gaze with yours.
  252. >”I’m sorry. That shit was fucked up. I didn’t know, but I should at least asked you how you got it first. I didn’t think and I’m… sorry. Okay?” Groans Limestone. “Okay?!”
  253. “Cool, awesome. Apology accepted.”
  254. >Limestone begins to pout with her arms crossed.
  255. >You can spot a tiny bit of her cleavage peeking out from the front opening of her top from her pushing her boobs together.
  256. >But you’re scared to look very long lest she catches you, has a change of heart and pulls your spine out or something.
  257. >It’s easy to tell that Limestone does feel bad about it deep inside, except she’s just not exactly willing to admit it.
  258. >She wants to be cool and edgy, not mushy and lame.
  259. >Cool people aren’t supposed to give a FUCK, they don’t apologize for things!
  260. >Even though Limestone knows she fucked up.
  261. >”C’mooooon, group hug!” Pinkie puts each of her hands behind each of your backs.
  262. >Your inner caveman ungabungas again and you politely try to decline out of fear of what might happen if you get a boner Limestone could sense.
  263. >But Limestone is stronger than you, and she herself pulls you into a hug probably to just get it over with.
  264. >Pinkie hugs you from behind, letting her busty chest mash into your back as Limestone’s slightly less endowed chest mash into your front.
  265. >Limestone has a pretty nice pair herself.
  266. >Even in this moment, you know you’re going to hate-jerk it to the thought of her and Pinkie putting you into a titty sandwich later tonight whether you intend to or not.
  267. >You weren’t even thinking about any of this in this way until today, and now you can’t shake it.
  268. >The hug breaks and you pray that the barely forming erection subsides now.
  269. >Limestone glares deep into your eyes with a deep red blush spanning across her face.
  270. >You gaze back at her.
  271. >”D-don’t think this means… d-… never mind!” She quickly walks around you towards Maud.
  272. >”Feel better now?” Maud asks her.
  273. >”Y-yeah, okay?” Confesses Limestone. “Let me go to my room now!”
  274. >Maud promptly steps out of the way.
  275. >Limestone pauses and looks back at you.
  276. >She looks so fucking mad that she was forced to apologize for beating you up.
  277. >Emitting a long agitated grunt, Limestone stomps up the stairs and over to wherever her room is, loudly slamming the door behind her.
  278. >”It’s okay, she’s… kinda like that.” Maud tells you. “She really is sorry though. She probably even wants to be your friend now.”
  279. >The door upstairs can be heard cracking open. “NO I DON’T!” Limestone yells before slamming her door again.
  280. >Maud smirks slightly, and you can tell this isn’t the first time she’s messed with her sister like this.
  281. >You finally ask for a drink of maybe water this time.
  282. >Compromise with Pinkie and she pours you half a glass of orange juice and fills it the rest of the way with water.
  283. >Mmm, yes. Just like at the restaurants.
  284. >You sit down with the two middle sisters and you chat about random things for several minutes.
  285. >Loud Post-Grunge and Nu-Metal songs begin blasting from the upstairs room that is undoubtably Limestone’s room.
  286. >She’s vibing the sappiness away it sounds like.
  287. >You recognize one of the songs playing, but try not to show that you recognize it.
  288. “So uh… there’s four of you.”
  289. >”Yup!” Pinkie jumps in. “You already met me and Limestone earlier! But this is Maud, and my youngest sister Marble is also up there in her room.”
  290. “Well nice to meet you all.”
  291. >”We should hang out more! Get to know eachother, you know? Limestone likes similar music to the music you like! And Maud, she knows a lot of cool rock facts that I bet you didn’t know at all!”
  292. >”Uh, Pinkie?” Says Maud.
  293. >”Yeah, Maud?” She gives her sister a cute smile.
  294. >”It’s getting closer to 6:00. If mom and dad come back early and see a boy here, we don’t get to have fun tomorrow.”
  295. >”Oh! Oh, right.” Pinkie turns to you. “We’ll pick this up some other time, okay?”
  296. “Sure.”
  297. >You stand up just to have Pinkie close you into one last group hug with Maud.
  298. >Now it’s Pinkie hugging you from the front and Maud going along with it all hugging you from behind; and now both girls are pretty much equally endowed in the chest.
  299. >You shudder a little bit in the titty sandwich as Maud’s busty chest mashes against your back with Pinkie’s big soft tits driving you crazy inside for the THIRD time now.
  300. >Consider yourself super lucky this girl loves hugging so much.
  301. >You don’t know who’s hugging you harder, Pinkie with her super emphasized bearhug or maud with her surprisingly high strength she has.
  302. >Maud actually might be even stronger than Limestone, and that tunic she’s wearing is hiding even more muscle.
  303. >Her arms through the fabric do feel kind of jacked, now that you think about it.
  304. >This group of sisters has a soft busty jubilant girl, a strong tomboy with a bad attitude, and and even stronger almost-goth girl who’s probably visibly muscular under all those clothes.
  305. >You uh… really like this family now.
  306. >It’d be hard not to take up Pinkie’s cheerful offer to not meet again soon… better sooner than later… as soon as possible.
  307. >All of this is buzzing around in your head as you get back into Maud’s car, this time alone with her as Pinkie stays in the house.
  308. >You’re now paying attention to the streets as closely as you can as Maud drives you back to your place.
  309. “What did you mean when you said you’re having fun tomorrow?” You ask.
  310. >”We’re all going to a secluded lake barely anyone knows about so Pinkie can pretend it’s a giant swimming pool and have a pool party there.”
  311. “Oh…”
  312. >”I wouldn’t mind if you might want to come along but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
  313. “Why’s that?”
  314. >”We’re not supposed to invite anyone else there, and it’s the first time Marble’s allowed to come with us to something, so my parents might be super protective about it and check in on us. And they’re already really protective about everything. It’s why I had to drive you out of there before they got back.”
  315. >Oh, so it’s also THIS kind of family.
  316. >You just KNEW there only being a group of *very interesting* sisters with no downside was too good to be true.
  317. >That’s just an untold law of reality.
  318. “It’s okay. We can still hang out in school.”
  319. >”I suppose Pinkie would be more than okay with that.”
  320. >Your head starts to ache as Maud drops you off at your house.
  321. >She knows where you live now, and you know where that address in the directory is now, and what the house looks like.
  322. >It’s probably your riled up hormones and libido talking but you kinda want to find where they’re having that pool party any way you can.
  323. >Maud’s about to close the door.
  324. “Hey Maud?”
  325. >”Hm?”
  326. >You gulp.
  327. “Could you ask Pinkie if she’s… okay if I asked if I can come along?”
  328. >Maud blankly stares at you, probably already knowing the implications of what you said.
  329. >She’s obviously not gullible or stupid, she can read into ulterior motives.
  330. >”I’ll… talk to her about it.”
  331. >Give her a double thumbs up as she pulls out and drives away.
  332. >You think long and hard to yourself as you’re back in your room.
  333. >If you had never simply taken that pencil box out of your bag on the bus into plain view which led to Limestone beating you up…
  334. >Literally none of this would have happened.
  335. >You sat on your bed all morning waiting to see Maud’s car.
  336. >Never got up this early on a Saturday before.
  337. >But the prospect of those four hot sisters in swimsuits coupled with your hormones rose you.
  338. >Being the boy your age you are, you fantasize in your bed.
  339. >Pinkie Pie’s cleavage already shows in her regular clothes.
  340. >Low-cut tops can’t hope to contain all that busty chest she’s got going on.
  341. >You know her boobs developed earlier due to her diet.
  342. >She’s second youngest yet the bustiest.
  343. >You often saw Pinkie Pie drinking milk and eating ice cream during lunch period for about two years.
  344. >All that dairy filled her chest out; sweets took care of her butt and thighs.
  345. >Getting gradually wider hips, Pinkie’s midriff got noticeably thicker.
  346. >Not too much to hinder her curvy body shape, but enough to make her tummy soft and cushiony.
  347. >One time in P.E. outside, she was running and leaping around.
  348. >Her tits already bounced around inside her gym shirt despite the bra she had on.
  349. >While she was in mid air, a gust of wind snuck its way under her gym shirt.
  350. >The wind gust forced Pinkie Pie’s gym shirt to ride further up her midriff than usual.
  351. >Giving a glimpse of Pinkie Pie’s soft bellybutton for an entire second or two.
  352. >She was having too much fun to notice, just like yesterday in Maud’s car.
  353. >The image of Pinkie Pie’s deep soft jiggling cleavage in that rear view mirror taunts you.
  354. >So does having felt her soft busty chest mush into you when she cluelessly hugged you.
  355. >Maud still has a nice pair going on under her tunic too, you felt it in that same titty-sandwich hug.
  356. >If Pinkie’s an upper C-cup then Maud is a lower C-cup.
  357. >While Limestone Pie, the eldest sister, is more likely a middle or upper B-cup.
  358. >It’s a shame she made you hate her by violently assaulting and humiliating you.
  359. >Because you KNOW Limestone Pie’s got pointy nipples.
  360. >Every time you saw her, you remember seeing bright bra straps on her shoulders.
  361. >Yet despite having a bra, the shape of her tits always noticeably showed through her top.
  362. >Sharper than other girls’ tits too, indicating something lewd either way.
  363. >Either Limestone Pie wears really thin bras…
  364. >Or Limestone Pie’s got a sexy pair of perky nipples under her bra cups the padding can’t handle.
  365. >Minute details point to the latter.
  366. >As for slender petite Marble Pie, you haven’t seen much of her chest yet.
  367. >She’s probably between an upper A-cup and a lower B-cup… so far.
  368. >You’re hoping the way she gazes at you means she has a crush on you.
  369. >If you ever get Marble to be your girlfriend, that means you could possibly see her tits in the future.
  370. >And if they’re even close to as nice as her sisters’ tits, you’re down.
  371. >You’re SO down for all four of the Pie sisters that any of them would do.
  372. >Even Limestone, even the fact that she’s RELATED to Pinkie and Maud would be enough.
  373. >If she didn’t already probably have perky nipples underneath her bra cups.
  374. >Now imagine them all wearing swimsuits.
  375. >Pinkie Pie’s big soft tits jiggling around in her bikini top as she simply walks around, deep full cleavage exposed hopefully with soft sideboob too.
  376. >Pinkie Pie’s bare midriff giving you unobstructed view of her soft tummy and bellybutton.
  377. >Her buttcheeks would surely be peeking out from her bikini bottoms too, at least a little bit.
  378. >Even thinking of Pinkie Pie alone is making you stroke faster.
  379. >Imagine her jumping around in glee, making those big soft titties bounce up and down in her bikini top, something you greatly look forward to if you’re lucky today.
  380. >You can’t wait until you finally finish to the thought of that titty-sandwich hug and the image of Pinkie’s jiggling tits on the rear view mirror.
  381. >Your pervy little Mr. Hyde will finally subside and you’ll care a lot less about their bodies and not fuck everything up.
  382. >Especially a day after gaining (most of) their trust.
  383. >Part of you doesn’t expect Maud to arrive anyway, so you’ve been taking your time edging yourself.
  384. >Building up to that grand finale after however many weeks it’s been.
  385. >A faint vroom vroom can be heard just outside your window.
  386. >Guess who’s car it is?
  387. >Guess who saw your face poke out to see who it is before you had time to finish?
  388. >You didn’t even realize your erection would have gone away faster if you quickly came, until a full three minutes of blood sluggishly returning from your member and allowing your brain to think again.
  390. >…
  391. >”What kind of shoes does he wear if it’s taking him this long to put them on?” Asks Pinkie from one of the back seats.
  392. >”They better be running shoes.” Replies Limestone. “He’s gonna need them if he thinks he’s gonna get slick-”
  393. >”Limey please! We just made amends with him! Please don’t screw this up, just be nice to him!”
  394. >”There was NO reason for him to come along!” Limestone gripes, shaking her fist in the air. “Maud already knows too! He’s just coming along cause he wants to perv at us!”
  395. >”You don’t know that!”
  396. >”Wasn’t the apology enough?” Shrugs Limestone with fire in her eyes and an angry, annoyed laugh bubbling out of her. “I-I genuinely don’t get it. I fucking apologize to the guy for making a miscalculation, we hugged and made up and now you want him to be alone with us at the fucking lake?! While we’re in our swimsuits? You seriously don’t fucking think that’s creepy as shit?”
  397. >Limestone turns to Maud.
  398. >”Fucking say something! Help me out, here! You’re the one who chose to drive him around!”
  399. >Maud slowly turns towards her older sister. “You mean to tell me you haven’t been horny and naughty as well? None of us are pure. Except Marble, maybe.”
  400. >”What kind of argument is that?! So fucking what if I stole a couple of pornos from the Blockbuster? So what if I’ve creeped on boys at night through their windows? They’re boys and I’m a girl, it doesn’t count! And it’s not like I went into their fuckin houses or anything!”
  401. >”And it’s not like there’s only one of him and four of us. Not to mention you alone already beat him up once.” Maud reminds her sister.
  402. >Marble sheepishly sits in the back as her three older sisters continue to argue over whether to let the boy from school tag along with them to the swimming hole in the woods.
  403. >Pinkie Pie makes the case that he’s not REALLY a pervert and they’re just misunderstanding him.
  404. >Maud Pie makes the case that even if he was a pervert with ulterior motives, it makes no difference since she and Limestone are both here for protection.
  405. >Limestone Pie makes the case that he’s obviously just a total pervert for wanting to come along and even if he doesn’t do anything, it’s “creepy as fuck” anyway.
  406. >None of them have any idea why you were taking so long to come outside, but here you come and they all settle on taking you to an ice cream parlor or something so they at least spent the day with you.
  407. >Much to Limestone’s demands.
  408. >Even though Pinkie and (silently) Marble want you to come to the swimming lake with them.
  409. >Maud is indifferent.
  410. >Limestone is super against it because she (claims she) thinks you’re gonna be a creep the entire time.
  411. >But is she really in the right or not?
  412. >…
  413. >You can see that all four of the Pie sisters are already in the car.
  414. >Pinkie and Marble are the ones in the back seats, while Maud is in the drivers seat while Limestone starts yelling at her from the passenger’s seat.
  415. >You give them a wave before watching Limestone undo her seatbelt and open the passenger door.
  416. >This activates your fight or flight instinct, and you already know fight is not an option with this girl, let along with this girl in front of her sisters.
  417. >Limestone glares directly into your soul, but forces a friendly smile somehow.
  418. >You stop in your tracks as she struts up to you.
  419. >”LIMESTONE!” Pinkie sing-songily blares from her seat. “Don’t be a meanie!”
  420. >You can see in Limestone’s eyes that she truly does want to be a meanie to you.
  421. >You’re too intimidated to even dare to look down at Limestone’s chest; even your subconscious libido is like “nope”.
  422. >Almost start stepping backwards in retreat before the girl in front of you puts her (casually open) hand up.
  423. >”Hey. Relax. I’m just getting out so you can sit in the front.” Limestone holds back the sneer in her tone. “Okay?”
  424. >Your heart settles down, and you let out a deep sigh.
  425. >She starts to look guilty for startling you like that, though it was pretty obvious she did it on purpose too.
  426. >”Look. N-no hard feelings about before. Alright?” She continues, with her voice suddenly dropping all of its threatening tone. “We’re just gonna go to Sugarcube corner and have a good time. Okay?”
  427. >”AND the lake after there.” Maud clarifies with only a slight increase in her tone just enough to get it across to her sister. “We’re going to Sugarcube corner for ice cream. THEN we are going to the lake to enjoy some fun in the water.”
  428. >Limestone starts to speak again.
  429. >”And HE is coming with us.” Insists Maud still as monotone as she can without hiding the emphasis she intends. “Are we clear?”
  430. >Limestone darts her eyes back and forth between you and Maud.
  431. >Maud playfully grabs Limestone from behind, erupting a growl out of her older sister.
  432. >You watch as Limestone struggles to free herself from Maud’s grip from behind, which she is not able to do.
  433. >Maud smirks a little, as well as Limestone as they both look over at you as Pinkie laughs from inside the car.
  434. >”Don’t mind us. Just some of the usual sibling roughhousing.” Maud says to you as she pulls Limestone back towards the car. “You can go ahead and hop into the passenger seat. Sugarcube Corner isn’t far from here.”
  435. >”So coming right back here from Sugarcube Corner shouldn’t take long either.” Limestone implies with a spiteful grunt.
  436. >”Limestone, he’s coming with is.” Maud says again as you walk past towards the car. “Be nice.”
  437. >You remember the fact that you just got finished edging before being taken by surprise.
  438. “I don’t have to join if you don’t w-“
  439. >”Nonsense!” Pinkie calls out. “Don’t let Limestone ruin everything, she’s just grumpy!”
  440. >None of the mare aware that you’re all pent up, but what are you gonna do, TELL them what you were just doing?
  441. >You’d pretty much have to explain why in order for them to not assume anything even worse, even though the truth ain’t squeaky clean either.
  442. >Lying would make them catch on and assume the worst because you were lying to them.
  443. >Sit down, buckle up, get ambushed by a surprise hug from behind, courtesy of Pinkie Pie.
  444. >Limestone gives another playful laugh as Maud hauls her around to the back car door to step into.
  445. >You already got a rude hint to how strong Limestone is before, and Maud is still overpowering her with not a whole lot of difficulty.
  446. >You now remember how jacked her arms and shoulders felt when she hugged you yesterday.
  447. >Just how strong IS she?!
  448. >You try not to make it obvious that you’re eyeing over to her as she starts up the car then pulls out of your driveway.
  449. >You can literally kind of see how built she probably is through that tunic she’s wearing.
  450. >So much muscle that it slightly shows through her layers of clothing.
  451. >You stop because you don’t doubt that Limestone is watching your every move.
  452. >Pinkie Pie immediately starts asking you a million questions at once anyway, including what your favorite ice cream flavor is.
  453. >”Do you like chocolate strawberry swirl?! I hear the store’s not gonna have them for very long! I used to eat chocolate strawberry swirl but cherry strawberry is my current favorite since three weeks ago!”
  454. >The moments Pinkie Pie starts chattering about the history of her favorite ice cream flavors, your mind revers back to thinking about all that ice cream going to her chest.
  455. >It just automatically floods into your mind like an entire river’s worth of water through a broken dam.
  456. >You forgot 80% of what Pinkie was talking about already, trying to keep your eyes from looking up to that rear view mirror, just in case Limestone is still paying attention.
  457. >Like, yeah, she’s more in the right that she even realizes, but still…
  458. >Why the fuck does Limestone have to be such a bitch about everything?
  459. >Fucking why?
  460. ~
  461. >There’s a lot to be said about just how repressed these girls have been in their lives after so much time spent not having fun with young life.
  462. >And they didn’t even know it.
  463. >…
  464. >Pull up to Sugarcube Corner.
  465. >Everyone gets out.
  466. >As you’re all standing there, you finally get a good look at Marble Pie, who’s been basically non-existent the entire time.
  467. >She makes eye contact with you and sheepishly waves to you, being by far the last of the Pie sisters to say hi to you.
  468. >You wave back, relieved that Limestone already went into the restaurant.
  469. >Pinkie had mentioned that she already has her swimsuit on under her clothes, so you assume the others do as well.
  470. >Try not to eye her deep soft cleavage as she’s talking to you; you might as well quickly go jerk off in the bathroom or something, or cum in your pants, or…
  471. >Damn this pink girl is busty in that clingy blouse.
  472. >That’s the main thing you think about before you start paying attention to what she’s saying once more.
  473. >”I’ve been thinking about working here, you know.” Pinkie Pie says to you, pointing up at the restaurant’s sign. “Have you ever been here before? REALLY great place! C’mon, I’ll show you inside!”
  474. >The hot summer air from outside instantly transitions to the cool, well-air-conditioned draft inside the ice cream shop as you walk through its front doors.
  475. >You recognize the song playing on the jukebox boombox device to the side as Sex Type Thing by Stone Temple Pilots.
  476. >You had listened to Interstate Love Song yesterday right before going to the Pie house and having things happen there.
  477. >One song later after that and you’re already conditioned into fearing that something else is going to happen at that secluded lake no one knows about where the four sisters are now in their bikinis and alone with you.
  478. >”Why’s it so fugging cold in here?!” Limestone crosses her arms.
  479. >”Limestone… they sell ice cream here.” Maud says to her.
  480. >All the girls except Maud are wearing daisy dukes shorts due to the summer weather anyway, of course at least their legs are going to be cold.
  481. >You momentarily can’t help but glance at Limestone, don’t know why.
  482. >Maybe your blood rushing out of your brain to somewhere else in the past several minutes is taking its toll.
  483. >”I’m freezing my ass off here, holy shit.” Limestone subconsciously rebounds on her heels a little bit to the beat of the song.
  484. >Momentarily lip syncing along to the lyrics she’s clearly familiar with.
  485. >You notice something happening through Limestone’s punk rocker t-shirt.
  486. >The almost conical, triangular-ish shape of Limestone Pie’s perky breasts shines through her clothes like the obviousness of a motorcycle under a cloak
  487. >Through both the t-shirt AND bra or bikini top she has on underneath said shirt.
  488. >And they’re becoming easier to see because the cold air in here is getting them erect.
  489. >She’s already fully aware of this, and crosses her arms over her chest to hide her visible nipples brazenly poking through.
  490. >She’d have assaulted you again had she caught you peeking just now.
  491. >She’s not glancing over at you then back to minding her own… chest.
  492. >was Limestone… biting her lip just now? Must have just imagined it.
  493. >You dare not mention your current fantasies of playing around with the erect stiffness of Limestone Pie’s sexy perky nipples.
  494. >The way they’d be even MORE obvious after taking her shirt out of the equation, leaving only her thin bikini top to try and hide those things.
  495. >You silently wait in line with the Pie sisters for a couple more minutes before Sex Type Thing concludes playing.
  496. >You can’t imagine why Limestone would agree to at least join the rest of you at the lake.
  497. >Given that you would definitely be leering her perky nipples through her bikini top she can’t really do anything about whether she likes it or not.
  498. >Either that or she wants to be protective of mainly Marble and Pinkie, or some combination of that and above.
  499. >The more you think about how much you’ve grown to dislike Limestone, the more the thought of her perky nipples in contrast to that gets you feeling all conflicted.
  500. >That and what she said she’d do to you the day you first “met” her.
  501. >When it’s her turn to place her order, Limestone leans down to see a few things on a lower display window below the counter.
  502. >You take the brief moment of no one seeing where you’re looking to eye the bottom of Limestone’s top slightly hiking up to expose a little bit of her midriff.
  503. >That girl you hate has a smooth lower back, and you can see the side of her tummy breathing in and out as she scans through the display window.
  504. >You could have thought about something normal, but you had your edging interrupted and now lust over the thought of what Limestone’s tummy against the inside of her shirt must look like.
  505. >Not to mention moving up a little and seeing her pointy breasts jutting through the fabric.
  506. >Look away early because you’re already losing consideration of your surroundings.
  507. >A couple of the usual skateboarders that meander around town enter the shop and recognize you with all four of the Pie sisters.
  508. >They don’t say anything and just give you a quick nod, probably having already forgotten about the rumors from school, despite a couple of them not even going to the same school anyway.
  509. >You’re all sitting together at one of the booths after paying within a couple of minutes.
  510. >Pinkie continues chattering on about all of her favorite flavors of ice cream.
  511. >And you can swear the official list has changed since she last spoke about it just outside fifteen minutes ago.
  512. >You listen intently, trying your hardest not to look down at her cleavage her blouse so kindly displays.
  513. >If your dumb ass had simply decided to finish 5 minutes earlier while daydreaming about that very same pair of tits while in bed, you’d actually be paying attention to whatever it is she’s saying.
  514. >And not reaching down to your very soul and trying to ignore your very inner hardwiring to not glance down at Pinkie Pie’s soft busty cleavage.
  515. >WHY did she have to sit across from you?
  516. >Even with a blouse on, Pinkie’s got so much cleavage showing that seeing it out of the corner of your eye is getting you hard.
  517. >All those years of her eating ice cream have really paid off and she’s still continuing today right now.
  518. >Not to mention the tall glass of milk she ordered as well.
  519. >You use your imagination to picture her filling up that glass on her own with those big soft tits of hers.
  520. >Can only estimate how stiff Pinkie Pie’s nipples must have gotten up against her bikini top underneath her blouse.
  521. >”Limestone’s right, it IS a little chilly in here. But we get tasty ice cream!” Pinkie then turns back to you. “So tell me, Nonny. Have you been here before?”
  522. “Once or twice I think.”
  523. >”I’ve been to Cold Stone Creamery before. They’re a lot like here. You should try them.” Maud says to you.
  524. >”Yeah but this place is more fun!” Continues Pinkie. “Does your place have a cool jukebox? Huh? Huh?”
  525. >Maud blinks. “I… don’t remember. I was reading about tectonic plates at the time.”
  526. >You wonder if her knowledge of people skills is as vast as her knowledge of rocks, in that case.
  527. >Everyone’s ice cream finally arrives, including your simple cone of chocolate ice cream you decided to get.
  528. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to eat ice cream before swimming? I’ve gotten cramps in the past from that.”
  529. >Your attention tries to stay away from Pinkie pushing her warm pillow-like cleavage together, giddily clapping for her tiny bowl of strawberry sherbet and whipped cream is set down before her.
  530. >”Oh it’s okay as long as it’s only a little bit of ice cream.” Says Pinkie as she scoots her glass of milk closer to her bowl. “I’ve worked this down to a science!”
  531. >Oh you can imagine she has, having done this enough times.
  532. >Maud, Marble and Limestone all agree when Pinkie goes on about how being cooped up at their house so often makes outings like this feel even better.
  533. >You haven’t heard Marble talk much at all, yet she seems to be glancing over at you much more often than she adds an occasional “mhmm” to a conversation.
  534. >Limestone glances over a you too, in a more “I’m watching you” sort of way.
  535. >She has her arms crossed over her chest, knowing full well how obvious her erect nipples are as long as she’s in this place.
  536. >All4One’s ISwear plays on the jukebox and Pinkie’s eyes light up.
  537. >She promptly starts singing along, asking her sisters to join in.
  538. >Limestone calls the song corny, Marble declines out of not wanting to sing in public, and Maud doesn’t know the words.
  539. >You’re almost a combination of all three of those things.
  540. >The next song playing is a much more new song, Green Day’s Good Riddance.
  541. >”You like this one?” Smiles Pinkie, staring at Limestone.
  542. >”Ugh, no.” Limestone pouts.
  543. >“Why not? It’s rock!”
  544. >”It doesn’t sound like real rock.” Adds Maud, who’s probably comparing it to hollering cavemen hitting pebbles together on the sides of canyons.
  545. >”Let’s… just go with what Maud said. It’s rock but it’s corny rock.” Says Limestone, who’s probably comparing it to Deftones.
  546. “I kinda like it.” You add.
  547. >”Yeah of course you would.” Mutters Limestone.
  548. >”Don’t be a meanie, Limestone.” Pinkie huffs at her. “It’s a nice song!”
  549. >”Just cuz something’s nice doesn’t mean it isn’t corny.” Limestone crosses her arms tighter, trying not to glare at you as she says it.
  550. >She must have caught you leering at some point without you realizing.
  551. >”Okay, so what isn’t corny?” Asks Maud. “The song you were singing along to when we walked in?”
  552. >”Kinda but still not really. But I still liked it.”
  553. >”So what’s the perfect kind of song, Limey? I’m curious.” Pries Pinkie.
  554. >”You wouldn’t get it! Okay?” Grunts Limestone. “Uuugh!”
  555. “I listen to Stone Temple Pilots too.”
  556. >”Yeah whatever.” Limestone looks off to the side, blushing slightly out of probably annoyance.
  557. >Everyone soon finishes their small amount of ice cream and beverages, getting ready to get up and go back outside into the heat.
  558. >Maud stands up first. “I’ll get the car ready.”
  559. >”So we’re driving back now, right?” Limestone interjects.
  560. >Maud looks at her. “You know where we’re going, Limestone. And he’s coming with us. You need to take a… chill pill. Yes?”
  561. >”Yeah? Well I’M the oldest and I say we g- hurf!” Limestone slouches forward when Maud’s hand clamps the back of her neck.
  562. >”I’m the one with the car. And I say we drive straight to the lake.” Maud tries not to grin as she sees the look on your face.
  563. >Pinkie laughs at the two, and Marble silently sits there and smiles.
  564. >…
  565. >Everyone sits in the car.
  566. >Limestone makes one last-ditch attempt.
  567. >”If he comes with us, I’m telling.” She says from the back seat. “Just saying.”
  568. >”What? Why?!” Marble suddenly protests.
  569. >”Limestone!” Pinkie huffs at her again. “We’re just trying to have fun and get to know Nonny some more! Why do you have to be a debbie downer?!”
  570. >”Why does he have to come along with us?”
  571. >”He doesn’t have to! He wants to!”
  572. >”Can’t we at least just go to the mall with him next weekend?”
  573. >”It’d be mean if we said no after making up with him! Stop being mean, Limey!”
  574. >”I just.. he’s weird, okay?” She turns to you. “No offense.”
  575. “Wow, ouch.” You reply. “At least you’re honest about it.”
  576. >”I think you two should talk more!” Suggests Pinkie. “Limey, you’re obviously still mad at Nonny for some reason and he’s afraid to talk to you because of it.”
  577. “I’m not afraid, I’m just… not thrilled about talking to someone who’s mean to me no matter what.”
  578. >You had decided not to say much all the whole time because of this.
  579. >That and the horny, of course.
  580. >”Limestone does this when she likes a guy.” Maud suddenly tells you.
  581. >”No I don’t!” Growls Limestone. “And you know I have a point anyway!”
  582. >”Yeah. You do.” Maud calmly responds. “You do for both. You have a point but it doesn’t really matter. I think you do like him though.”
  583. >”Don’t listen to her, she’s making that up.” Limestone finally talks to you more.
  584. “Why do you still hate me? Can you at least be nicer about it? Sheesh.”
  585. >”I don’t hate you, idiot!” Limestone blushes. “I don’t like you either though. Y-you’re… you’re just weird, okay?”
  586. “Fair enough. Whatever.” Your reply makes Pinkie Pie chuckle.
  587. >”Can you explain why you want to come swimming with us?”
  588. “Because you finally apologized to me and I kind of don’t want that to be the last thing we all know eachother for? Is that what’s weird here?”
  589. >Limestone doesn’t want to get specific about her (admittedly valid, you’ll admit) concerns while you’re sitting right here.
  590. >”I don’t hate Anon but I’m still telling if he comes with us.” Limestone makes a face at her sisters. “So ha!”
  591. >”If you tell about him sneaking out with us, I tell about you sneaking out at night.” Maud tells her.
  592. >Pinkie Pie makes a delighted surprised face. “Ooooooohhhh! She’s got you now!” She giddily begins to chuckle at her eldest sister.
  593. >Limestone grits her teeth, knowing she’s been thwarted.
  594. >”Limestone, it’s going to be fine. Please stop being a bitch.”
  595. >”Pfffffthahahaha!” Pinkie bursts out laughing at Maud using a curse word.
  596. >”Pinkie, please. Don’t rub it in, I’m just trying to make everyone happy.”
  597. >”UHH! What… ever!” Limestone crosses her arms back over her chest, blushing hard.
  598. >Pinkie grins at her. “You’re so dramatic, Limey! Stop being silly, it’s fine!”
  599. >…
  600. >The drive over here was oddly long.
  601. >This place really is pretty deep in the woods, yet still apparently close enough to the Pie residence to be within relative walking distance, as you’ve heard.
  602. >It just takes long to get here by car, after off-roading off of a side road outside of town and going past about half a mile of trees.
  603. >You arrived at the lake by noon.
  604. >You brought your own swimming trunks too; been wearing them inside your pants since this morning.
  605. >The car is parked and the lot of you immediately start throwing stones into the water, with Maud telling you about which ones are more likely to sink faster.
  606. >Several more minutes go by, and Maud mentions that she brought snacks in the trunk of her car in case anyone gets hungry after going back ashore.
  607. >She also brought five towels.
  608. >There’s really not a whole lot else to talk about.
  609. >It seems that a lot of the fuss was about whether you’d be joining the four Pie sisters here or not at all.
  610. >And not much about what you’d actually do or talk about once you got here.
  611. >Besides… go play in the water with them.
  612. >The first few minutes of waiting for the possibility of cramps to go away are understandable, since you all just ate some ice cream.
  613. >Pinkie pulls out an inflatable beach ball she brought to toss back and forth.
  614. >Your eye catches more glimpses of Pinkie Pie’s jiggling cleavage every time she runs and jumps around playing non-volleyball with her sisters for some amount of time.
  615. >You can also understand why there are several more minutes of hesitation after that, before the four Pie sisters begin stripping out of their regular clothes.
  616. >Because you’re here this time.
  617. >But they’re going to go into the water at some point.
  618. >Pinkie Pie is the first girl to take off her shirt.
  619. >She grabs the bottom and pulls it up, unveiling her soft tummy and midriff.
  620. >You finally see Pinkie Pie’s bellybutton again, and she keeps going.
  621. >She scrunches her shirt higher and higher against the tension from her big soft chest.
  622. >The tension breaks, and Pinkie Pie’s soft busty upper C-cup boobies drop out inside her yellow front-tied polka dot bikini top.
  623. >Pinkie’s deep soft cleavage is fully displayed, giving off a visible jiggle as you swear you could almost hear her huge tits gently slap as they fell.
  624. >Your clumsy eyes can’t decide if them staring is by accident or not, and you spin around in a stumbled step to look away from the temptation.
  625. >Only to find Maud Pie being the second girl to take off her shirt.
  626. >Though it’s more of a tunic, she still takes it off like a shirt, lifting it up and away from her midriff as she faces away from you.
  627. >You watch the back of that tunic scrunch its way up Maud Pie’s toned back, slowly revealing her smooth skin.
  628. >Slowly exposing Maud Pie’s bare toned back to you… with no bra to be seen as she pulls up her scrunched top past her shoulders.
  629. >”MAUD WHAT THE FUCK?!” Limestone hollers over.
  630. >Maud evidently just doesn’t give a fuck.
  631. >She stands there completely topless with her noticeably muscular arms being the only thing keeping you from being able to see her undoubtably bare tits.
  632. >She holds a limp bikini top in one of her hand.
  633. >Even Pinkie is blushing now. “Uhh… M-maud?”
  634. >You figure out that Maud is now undoing the front of her pants, and she lets them slip down.
  635. >Has to tug them further down past her hips, bending over and letting the top of her pants unveil the semi dark bikini bottoms she has on that fails to cover her buttcheeks.
  636. >The back of her pants fully slip away from Maud Pie’s smooth uncovered buttcheeks, letting them jiggle slightly.
  637. >Your eyes catch the side of Maud Pie’s exposed underboob wobbling slightly she she bends down getting her pants the rest of the way past her ankles.
  638. >Her sisters stare in shock, now not even noticing the fact that a boy is also staring.
  639. >They’re blown away by the fact that Maud did this with a boy PRESENT AT ALL.
  640. >You can just almost see Maud Pie’s exposed nipples, but only almost, before she stretches her bikini top around her upper body and makes herself decent.
  641. >Millimeters away from seeing what Maud Pie's fully bare breasts look like.
  642. >You shudder hard in repressed arousal, pretending you weren’t ogling as Limestone stomps over to Maud.
  643. >”What. The FUCK, Maud?! He’s right fucking there!!” Not even Limestone feels like blaming you this time; she gestures her sternly open hand in your direction with her palm to the sky. “HE’S RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!”
  644. >”I knew you’d react like this. Let me explain.” Maud begins, not a single hint of blushing on her face.
  645. >Marble on the other hand… her face is as red as a tomato.
  646. >”I considered your suspicion that around us in our swimwear, Anon here would have… wandering eyes. And you were completely right, but I knew there was no arguing with you about the severity of it.”
  647. >”So you take you TITS out right IN FRONT OF HIM?!?!” Limestone’s eyelid twitches and she grits her teeth. “Also what about the rest of us?! Just because YOU don’t care doesn’t mean WE don’t!”
  648. >”It’s simple desensitization tactics. Anon here saw me topless, but now sees me with a top ON, which is less stimulating than the former. Would you agree?”
  649. >”Oh. My. Fucking. God. Maud.” Limestone gawks in disbelief. “Just… oh my god…”
  650. >”I didn’t tell you until now so we wouldn’t be arguing about it the whole ride over here.”
  651. >Pinkie Pie, just as red in the face as you and Marble, giddily giggles in a nervous wreck at what her sister just did.
  652. >And at her misguided logic behind it, not to mention the fact that Maud openly brought this up into conversation at all.
  653. >If you had no notion before that Maud Pie may be socially autistic, you’re 100% getting it now.
  654. >”Surely you don’t care, right Pinkie?” Maud turns to her slightly younger sister who already stripped down to her bikini top and daisy dukes herself. “I think I know you well enough.”
  655. >”J-jeez leweez, Maud.” Pinkie can’t think of anything else to say through her snorting and chortling.
  656. >Pinkie turns to you, which prompts you to take your glance far away from her big heaving titties in that lewd bikini top trying its darnedest to contain them properly.
  657. >But it’s to apologize. “I’m so sorry, Nonny. Maud’s uh… kinda like this sometimes. It’s not her fault, really!”
  658. “I-It’s okay. It’s fine.” You hold back an awkward laugh yourself.
  659. >”I knew you wouldn’t mind. For obvious reasons.” Maud Pie walks towards you, getting you to notice her toned tummy and confirm to yourself that yes her arms are visibly kind of shredded with muscle.
  660. >You’ve never seen Maud Pie’s bellybutton before, and you now want to cum RIGHT onto it.
  661. >You don’t know HOW you kept yourself from leering at Maud Pie’s jiggling tits as she stepped towards you with her round hips swaying before you.
  662. >This girl is VERY in-shape.
  663. >She might as well be trying to come on to you at this point.
  664. >”Don’t panic. I don’t mind if you look at me.” Maud continues to unintentionally make everything more and more awkward.
  665. >”Can we PLEASE just start having fun now?” Begs Pinkie. “Y-yeah, boys being boys is totally a thing, that doesn’t mean you start talking about it openly like that.”
  666. >“I was aware of the situation and decided to address it before it addressed itself. What’s wrong with that?”
  667. >”Listen, nonny, since we’re gonna talk about this, all I can say is it’s fine you’re gonna be a… boy sometimes. We kinda act pervy too. Just please don’t be weird about it, okay? Unlike…” Pinkie cutely glares over at Maud.
  668. >Maud just shrugs back. “I fail to see how this was weird. It felt necessary. Or else it would have been weird anyway sooner or later.”
  669. >She’s… not wrong.
  670. >To your surprise, you suddenly notice Marble Pie slip out of her top.
  671. >Red in the face, she stares directly at you as she does so.
  672. >You’ve never seen Marble Pie’s bellybutton either, and something shiny dangles from it as Marble Pie tugs her top up her entire pale slender midriff.
  673. >It’s a bellybutton piercing, though it’s quickly apparent that it’s not a real one; it’s one of those fake clip-on piercings.
  674. >Marble hesitates with her top halfway scrunched up her sleek petite torso, smooth midriff fully exposed, acting like what’s next isn’t her bikini top but her bra.
  675. >But she braves through it and pulls her top above her blue bikini top hugging her body to cover her smaller B-cup chest.
  676. >Pinkie and Limestone apparently haven’t seen Marble with this false bellybutton ring on before, which must indicate it being brand new.
  677. >Right around the time you came along…
  678. >You have to torture yourself to not look at Marble Pie’s body as she shyly stands there in her bikini top and daisy dukes.
  679. >”See? Marble’s got the spirit.” Maud continues. “Nothing but fun on a hot summer’s day.”
  680. >Marble cutely stands there with a half-embarrassed smile and her hands locked behind her back. “M-mmm hmmm…”
  681. >”I’ll admit that bellybutton ring was quite… unexpected of you.” Maud Pie reconsiders that thing she said earlier.
  682. >Limestone watches in disbelief with her arms angrily crossed in defeat as all three of her younger sisters nonchalantly walk around in what might as well be their bras and panties around this obviously horny guy from school.
  683. >She’s usually the kind to support just dressing however one wants even if it’s revealing, but her beef with you has gotten her stuck on loyal defense mode.
  684. >”Come on in!” Pinkie Pie goes right back to ignoring the elephant in the room, splashing around and wading deeper into the lake. “The water’s warm!”
  685. >Marble quickly follows her, probably waiting for you to join.
  686. >They both kept their daisy duke shorts on.
  687. >”It’s okay Anon.” Maud watches you try not to look down at her fit body. “If you get urges, you can always just look at me so things don’t get weird with them. I won’t get mad. Just don’t try anything funny.”
  688. >You silently nod, in disbelief of what is happening.
  689. >”You want to take off your shirt and join us in the water? It should be fine since you’re not wearing one and the rest of us have bikini tops on.” Maud Pie turns to her eldest sister. “Even you, Limestone.”
  690. >Limestone turns bright red in the face and crosses her arms even tighter. “F-fuck off, Maud! I’m not gonna swim with you while HE’S here! uugghhhh!”
  691. >Limestone storms off down the shoreline of the lake.
  692. >Sits down on the ground to pout until it’s time to leave.
  693. >As you obliged to take your own shirt off and join the three girls in the water, you couldn’t be more thankful that you now have the perfect way to hide your erection.
  694. >The girls start having a bunch of splash fights, getting themselves even more wet if dipping fully underneath the water already wasn’t doing so.
  695. >Marble Pie seems insistent on splashing you the most often.
  696. >You let her, not exactly wanting to splash her back a whole lot as it might be seen as… well, you know.
  697. >The glare from Limestone’s eyes keeps you reminded just how protective of Marble she is.
  698. >You can tell she was not expecting that false bellybutton ring.
  699. >Limestone probably wanted to intervene and tell Marble she’s going home, but her rebellious side probably related to Marble too much, plus Maud is right there.
  700. >You can tell that Maud’s whole thing she did is starting to have an effect on the vibe of this entire afternoon.
  701. >Pinkie starts to get a little snarky with you, splashing you a lot as well just to mess with you.
  702. >Pinkie and Marble gang up on you and splash you from both directions.
  703. >The breeze feels cold against your wet skin, and surely does for the Pie sisters too.
  704. >Except Limestone who’s sweating and baking in the summer afternoon heat.
  705. >There’s a good chance Pinkie must have noticed by now that you’ve been glancing down at her sopping wet cleavage packed between her yellow bikini top.
  706. >You’ve noticed Pinkie Pie’s nipples start to get erect and poke through her bikini top.
  707. >So much so that you can start to make out the entire nipple outline of Pinkie Pie’s areolae through her bikini top.
  708. >It’s happening to Maud Pie’s nipples too; you can see them getting stiff through her bikini top as her toned muscles shine against the balmy summer sun beating down on her soaked skin.
  709. >But neither girl seems to care.
  710. >Maud is too aloof, and Pinkie seems to be starting to get… adventurous.
  711. >Pinkie Pie pushes her arms together, mushing her big soft sopping wet tits together in that lewd front-tie bikini top, flaunting her deepening cleavage right in front of you.
  712. >Pinkie Pie gets into a brief but intense splash-duel with you, letting her huge boobies jiggle around in that bikini top with all of her excited sudden movements.
  713. >She then retreats and whispers something to Maud, giggling at you before Maud whispers something back.
  714. >Marble continues splashing you and smiling at you.
  715. >Marble Pie’s erect nipples are beginning to noticeably poke through her blue bikini top too.
  716. >All three girls in the water know you’re able to see their stiff erect nipples poking through, and that you’re probably hard as diamonds under the water and they just can’t see it.
  717. >Except none of them are really doing anything about it, except check on the sideline to make sure Limestone isn’t fuming too hard.
  718. >Limestone has already gone back to Maud’s car to get something to drink.
  719. >Her arms, face and neck can be seen glistening with sweat.
  720. >It’s becoming obvious that she doesn’t want to get sunburnt.
  721. >And is trying to keep from having to take off her shirt as long as possible at all costs.
  722. >”Uh oh! Look, Limey! Anon’s creeping at us!” Taunts Pinkie Pie with a big smile, pushing her boobs together again while facing you.
  723. >Marble laughs along with her, Maud just blankly stares at Limestone who lividly glares back out at the lot of you.
  724. >Pinkie’s gotten so comfortable with this that she’s now joking around about it.
  725. >You meekly act like you’re not doing anything, but Pinkie Pie wades closer to you.
  726. >”It’s okay, Nonny. You like boobies, and that’s okay!” She’s not even pretending these undertones aren’t going on anymore. “You’re a boy and we’re girls. There’s nothing wrong with it.” She gleefully shrugs. “Just don’t be a weirdo about it.”
  727. >”Are you like, rock hard right now?” Maud asks you, standing behind you.
  728. >Pinkie giggles. “Ooh, I bet you are!”
  729. >They seem more like they’re just curiously messing with you than actually being on the verge of… sex… or something.
  730. >You only now realize just HOW hard your cock has been this whole time.
  731. >So much so that you CANNOT leave the water.
  732. >It’s no secret you’ve been leering them the whole time but Maud made it so awkward in the beginning that it doesn’t really hit as hard now.
  733. >Maud really broke the ice, so to speak.
  734. >Now Pinkie and Maud are playfully teasing you for fun, maybe out of just being immature on Pinkie’s end and socially tone-deaf on Maud’s end, you don’t know for sure.
  735. >”You can be a tiny bit of a perv just this one time, Nonny.” Pinkie tells you.
  736. >”As you can see, we kind of get a little perverted ourselves.” Maud adds. “But it’s all casual though.”
  737. >”It’s YOUR fault for bringing it up, Maud!”
  738. >”Alright, thaaaaaaat’s IT!” Limestone’s perturbed voice blares from the side of the lake. “You wanna see my tits too? You fucking pervert?! Here!”
  739. >Limestone finally surrenders to the heat and pulls the bottom of her shirt up, seeing as her three sisters have already gotten really… comfortable with you.
  740. >You get a good look at Limestone’s tight semi-fit body as she peels her damp shirt off of her torso.
  741. >Limestone Pie has a sexy bellybutton too, to go with her sexy tummy that just toned enough to be visibly firm but not full blown abs like Maud Pie.
  742. >Limestone Pie’s perky breasts protrude through her purple bikini top. “Yeah I bet you like this, don’t you?! No, go ahead! Look at them! Look at my tits! Sleazy fuck! Happy now?!”
  743. >”Be nice, Limestone.” Maud calls over to her.
  744. >”Hey Nooooony!” Pinkie lids her eyes. “Wanna give me a huuuuug?”
  745. >Your eyes unsubtly draw towards Pinkie Pie’s deep busty cleavage and soft tummy as she spreads her arms and wades towards you in the water.
  746. >Sudden splashing noises approaching indicates Limestone angrily approaching the rest of you in her own daisy dukes and bikini top.
  747. >Limestone Pie’s perky B-C-cup tits bounce around in that thin purple fabric they brazenly poke through.
  748. >You feel someone wrap her arms around you from the side… it’s Marble Pie.
  749. >Somehow was the one to take initiative despite not having enough fortitude to be as in the picture here as her three older sisters.
  750. >Her slim arms gently lock around you, and her relatively smaller chest mushes against you.
  751. >”It’s okay, perv. We’re just hugging you. Since you like our boobs so much.” Pinkie says to you, putting her hands on your shoulders. “Group hug! Give Nonny a titty sandwich!”
  752. >You’re basically paralyzed. Effectively paralyzed, even.
  753. >Trapped, cornered, surrounded.
  754. >”You’re lucky we ended up having fun with this. This might not happen again, so enjoy it. Just being honest.” Maud says to you, grabbing ahold of you from behind with her strength, rendering you unable to escape.
  755. >Pinkie hugs you from the front once again, pressing her big boobs into your chest even more directly this time since the only article of clothing between you is her thin bikini top.
  756. >”Heheheeeeee! Titty sandwich! Titty sandwich!” Chimes Pinkie, half-pretending she didn’t feel your full erection poke her under the water.
  757. >The pie sisters close in on you.
  758. >They wouldn’t have gotten this bold had it just been you and one of them.
  759. >But all of them in a group, as four sisters outnumbering you after the sexual tension ice was already broken, has gotten them brave and acting up.
  760. >”Enjoy it what it lasts, pervert.” Limestone grunts, searing with angst and frustration at you and what just happened, red in the face from the heat, and the moment, and the heat of the moment.
  761. >You’re completely boxed in by four pairs of soft tits squishing against your bare skin along with four bare sexy tummies.
  762. >Marble and Pinkie Pie wildly giggle against you as Limestone groans and rolls her eyes, while Maud sighs.
  763. >The tangle of their smooth arms and fast-breathing tummies entraps you and tightens as you squirm around a little.
  764. >Pinkie starts to sound more and more erratic; her pupils contract and her grin widens.
  765. >”Mmmmhyeah… you like that?” She starts to get waaaaaaay into this, having a bit too much *fun* with it. “You’re such a pervert, Nonny! Oh yeah!”
  766. >She begins grinding against your erection from the front, essentially dry-humping you and hyperventilating.
  767. >”I uh… think Pinkie’s getting a little too into it.” Comments Maud, but in a non-serious way. “…Again…”
  768. >”Pssssh, figures.” Scoffs Limestone as Marble giggles some more.
  769. >”Mmmmh yeah, you gonna cum for me? Hm? You gonna cum for me?” Pinkie suddenly throws THAT in there, thinking it’s the most hysterical thing in the world.
  770. >The other three now just stare at her, but you got your arms around Pinkie, feeling her wet skin against you as much as she has her arms wrapped around yours.
  771. >Her big soft tits press against you over and over, and her sisters’ tits hold you still in their enveloping “titty sandwich”.
  772. >”Uhh, Pinkie?” Says Maud.
  773. >Pinkie’s not listening.
  774. >She keeps grinding against your erection through her daisy dukes and your swim shorts.
  775. >Really… agitating it.
  776. >”Ohhh, cum for me, big boy! hehehe…”
  777. “Hnnnnnng~”
  778. >The face you made says it all.
  779. >Your masturbation session from earlier has not only been continued, but concluded.
  780. >”Is he actually fucking cumming?!” Limestone widens her eyes and steps back. “Holy shit! Pinkie what the fuck?!”
  781. >”Wait what?” Pinkie returns to reality and looks down.
  782. >You hunch over, letting the thick spurts of just-playing jizz tell the story of there not being enough sane people around to keep this gone-sexual situation under control.
  783. >Marble Pie can’t help but bite her lip as she watches you climax before her.
  784. >Pinkie Pie watches in shock at the events she herself caused to unfold.
  785. >”Gah! He’s fucking cumming in the water!” Limestone wades away.
  786. >”Oh, that’s real nice.” Maud looks down at the barely visible white squiggles in the murky water.
  787. >…
  788. >”I’m so sorry!” Pinkie follows you out of the water and grovels at your feet. “I swear I don’t know what came over me.”
  789. >”But you know what came in front of you.” Maud throws in.
  790. >”Maud, not now!”
  791. “No, I’M sorry! I should have known this would happen! Limestone was right!”
  792. >”What?”
  793. “Right before you pulled up, I was trying to jack off so I’d be less horny! I didn’t have time to finish, I should have stayed in bed and let you all go have fun. This was a mistake. My mistake. My fault.”
  794. >”Come on, Anon. That was kind of hot.”
  795. >”I didn’t mean to actually make him cum, Maud!” Protests Pinkie. “I just… I don’t know what I was thinking.”
  796. “What do you mean? Were you in a trance or something?”
  797. >”I think this is a good time to bring up Pinkie’s… episodes.” Maud says. “I think it’s a good time as ever.
  798. >”To be fair… we all were kind of acting horny back there.” Pinkie Points out.
  799. >”…Good point. I can’t say I’m free of the blame.”
  800. >Limestone walks over. “Yeah, no shit. You fucking started the whole damn thing.”
  801. >”You still gave in to it at the end!” Pinkie tells her.
  802. >”Yeah, so?! You were the one dry humping him until he came. And Maud, why didn’t you do anything?!”
  803. >”She was clearly showing consent, and he was too, so…” Responds Maud.
  804. >”I… I can’t fucking believe you people.”
  805. >The finger-pointing continues to fly back and forth.
  806. >No matter which way you look at it: The ice has been broken. The cat is out of the bag.
  807. >Everything’s got heavy sexual undertones now even if you move on from this as if nothing happened.
  808. >Where do you all go from here?
  809. >Like… start dating or something?
  810. >Just keep up this awkward friendship?
  811. >Limestone still hates you, she’s making that very clear right now.
  812. >But you know for a fact she wouldn't dare tell her parents about this, nor will any of the other siblings.
  813. >They secretly brought a boy from school with them to the secret secluded lake and then messed with him when he inevitably started perving at them, and then accidentally made him cum in the water.
  814. >If there’s anything this says, it says a lot about just how repressed these girls have been in their lives after so much time spent not having fun with young life.
  815. >And they didn’t even know it… until now.
  816. >Until it suddenly bubbled out of control after being held back for so long.
  817. >…
  818. >There wasn’t enough time left in the day to do much more with the Pie sisters.
  819. >Limestone stayed mad at you, pouting and blushing as she does.
  820. >But she remains in her bikini top and daisy dukes, as do Pinkie and Marble.
  821. >The elephant in the room of the fact that you came in the water not only keeps the girls out of the water, but it keeps you awkwardly looking away.
  822. >But the sexual undertones are still here no matter what.
  823. >It was probably a good thing that they were supposed to be back before it got dark.
  824. >None of the girls seem to mind your eyes wandering all over them anymore, even though Limestone is still visibly mad about it.
  825. >As you’re sitting there on your laid out towel, Pinkie Pie finally comes up to you as the sky begins to slightly change colors to dusk.
  826. >”Hey… it’s okay.” She can tell you’re still a little bit uncomfortable about some things. “You can hang out with us in the future if you want. We’ll never tell our parents about it.”
  827. “You… won’t?”
  828. >”Pinkie Promise!”
  829. “What about Limestone?”
  830. >”She won’t risk her own secrets getting revealed.” Pinkie refers to what Maud said earlier today. “Don’t worry about her, she’s just grumpy cause she probably likes ya.”
  831. “I’m still more convinced she definitely doesn’t right now.”
  832. >”Aww, don’t feel that way, Nonny! None of us hate you, things just got a little… weird… is all.”
  833. >Her warm smooth arms wrap around you once more.
  834. >”Gimme a hug, Nonny!”
  835. >You stare away from her.
  836. >”It’s okay! I know you can feel my boobies, but that’s okay!”
  837. >Pinkie Pie insistently leads the hug, letting her big soft boobies press onto you on purpose.
  838. >You breathe unevenly, but calm down once you start hugging Pinkie back.
  839. >Feeling her bare smooth skin against your arms and hands, running your fingers along her smooth shoulders…
  840. >”Same time next weekend?” Asks Pinkie. “I’ll try to get my parents to let us stay later if they’re not too strict about it.”
  841. >You nod with a smile, glancing down at Pinkie Pie’s sexy cleavage in her bikini top.
  842. >She blushes and giggles… not retracting her invitation.
  843. >…
  844. >You watch all three of Marble, Pinkie and Limestone huddle together from inside the car as Maud stands before them with a polaroid camera.
  845. >They all pose for a family picture of siblings, all of them in their daisy dukes with bikinis on top.
  846. >This is all you can think about during the whole ride back to your house.
  847. >It came as a surprise that this wasn’t all there was to that.
  848. >Maud hands a small square photograph to you before you enter your front door; she took two pictures and pretended to throw one away.
  849. >The photo is yours now, the implications Maud had with it isn’t hard to figure it out.
  850. ~
  851. >You sin in your bed all Sunday long.
  852. >This 10/10 polaroid picture of 3 of the Pie sisters is like lightning in a bottle to you.
  853. >The instance of them taking the photo together was so sudden and instant, as though it had been insisted that they wait until you were sitting inside of the car.
  854. >And you’re 100% sure that Limestone was the one who insisted this, and REALLY insisted that you never be shown the photograph.
  855. >The three sisters stick their tongues out in a silly manner, obviously just enjoying sharing a memory together.
  856. >Three high school girls wearing far less than you usually see on them in class.
  857. >Might as well be wearing just their bras and pairs of short shorts to take a dip in the small lake in the woods.
  858. >With no fear about being seen leering these girls’ bodies, you lock your eyes onto their bodies for as long as you want, remembering how their bodies felt up against yours.
  859. >Their dripping clammy bare skin, the warmth of their body heat, the gentle force of them leaning into you and pushing their soft boobs against you.
  860. >While KNOWING you were getting hard, but it apparently didn’t count since it was under the water.
  861. >Out of sight, out of mind, except it had to still be in their minds for them to play it off as a joke.
  862. >A really flimsy, clumsy joke.
  863. >Limestone Pie’s bikini top would make an ineffective bra.
  864. >Despite the light source in the photo, you can still make out how her stiff perky nipples noticeably poke through the fabric.
  865. >You can almost hear her voice yelling at you to stop looking at the photograph of her and her two sisters, but here you are beating off to it and she in the photo can do nothing but kneel there and smile with her cleavage and completely bare abdomen on full display.
  866. >Pinkie’s bikini top is struggling to hold in all that bustiness she’s usually been packing inside her tops.
  867. >Now with her glorious cleavage also on full display with nothing to really cover it.
  868. >All it would take is to untie that front knot of her bikini and her entire big soft breasts would come bursting free.
  869. >Hers and Marble’s nipple bumps through their bikini tops are less obvious than Limestone’s, but you can still make them out looking hard enough.
  870. >Marble’s bare tummy and midriff feels especially naughty to you considering her fake bellybutton piercing she has on there.
  871. >There’s all sort of things it makes you imagine about what her mindset was.
  872. >…
  873. >Sluggishly drag yourself back onto the bus, more lethargic than usual.
  874. >Sleep on the way over to school, sapped of energy.
  875. >Val leaves you alone on the bus, seeing that you’re catching some Zs and understands when those mornings happen.
  876. >Doesn’t stop him from pestering you in the hallway 45 minutes later.
  877. >”What about you, man? Make up with that girl yet?” He asks.
  878. “We talked at one point. She said she was sorry but she told me to never tell anyone.” You tell him.
  879. >”Ah, alright. I won’t tell anyone you told me.”
  880. “Fuck, dude, I don’t even care anymore.” You swim in your days-long afterglow.
  881. >”Well it’s not like she can sneak attack you again.”
  882. “Forget that. Forget what I just said.” You groggily fumble. “I’m just… I’m fuckin’ tired right now, okay? Sorry, yeah don’t tell her. Please.”
  883. >He fist bumps you then goes back over to the rest of your group of friends to continue talking to them.
  884. >Shake your shaggy hair around and haul yourself over to homeroom.
  885. >Then 1st period, 2nd, etc.
  886. >Your mind is 100% off of these girls now that you got so much out of your system.
  887. >Maybe you can go back to just making it through the rest of the school year now.
  888. >These sisters are hot as hell but putting up with the looming presence of their strict parents and Limestone’s angst is just too much noise for you.
  889. >You got a little jerk off pic out of it which you now have forever.
  890. >And the memory of them huddling around you while you were all swimming together and made you cum in the water.
  891. >And the fact that Pinkie Pie probably won’t care if you leer at her in school anymore… maybe.
  892. >Is this not enough?
  893. >Actually having sex with any of these girls would result in pregnancy, right?
  894. >You know for a fact you’re far from ready to be a father, or deal with the wrath of these girls’ father if someone has to figure out what to do about that kind of situation.
  895. >You might want to just take your W’s and get on with it already.
  896. >The last thing you need is this becoming something irreversible that completely escapes your control as it fucks up your whole life.
  897. >This is probably how it happens in those stories you hear about where someone’s teen daughter gets pregnant.
  898. >And it lets loose this whole fucking whirlwind of drama, stress and responsibility that gradually pulls the entire nuclear family of each party into it.
  899. >Does she keep the baby or does she get an abortion?
  900. >How does she continue school? What about college at this point?
  901. >Gotta buy a crib and baby food and endless other things, and sacrifice 99% of your free time for the next 18 years taking on this sudden responsibility you didn’t know you were so WOEFULLY unprepared for: parenthood.
  902. >You barely even know how to write a check or finish your homework on time, how the FUCK are you gonna raise a kid?
  903. >You always heard stories about how these other guys’ lives turned into hurricanes of stress and responsibility.
  904. >Can’t hang around their friends anymore, their parents won’t let them do anything fun at all anymore, gotta take care of a baby with the girl from school they knocked up, it’s hell.
  905. >All slapped under the umbrella idea of “being a man”, and it’s like “fucker, I didn’t wanna be a man I just wanted to get my dick wet”.
  906. >Too fucking bad, you should have thought of the consequences more.
  907. >Back when you had control over your own situation. Now you don’t.
  908. >In addition to all of this you think about, you also begin to think about the alternative: some girl aborting it.
  909. >Yeah, word would get out, her dad probably shoots you or something, you’re still not allowed to do anything fun until you move out, still gotta help pay for the procedure anyway.
  910. >Either way, it’s a whole lot of noise you do NOT want or need in your life.
  911. >With that said, you might want to stop while your ahead and pray that these girls don’t actually want to go all the way… because you don’t know how you’d say no.
  912. >Yeah it’s usual for the mindset to be “if the hot girl want to fuck, you got lucky” for almost any guy anyway.
  913. >Except it’s four hot girls, and at least one or two of them showed genuine interest in you.
  914. >And you wouldn’t have heard those stories of others had the girl not been interested in having fun too, wouldn’t you?
  915. >You gotta remember that guys aren’t the only ones that get horny and curious, ANYONE could slip into making this unintentional pregnancy mistake, and it happens all the time around the world.
  916. >Do NOT let it happen here.
  917. >There’s a reason why they teach you sex ed so early on, because they KNOW they can’t completely control you.
  918. >And they KNOW you got certain… things… going on in your minds.
  919. >Even before your brain fully became rational in life, and your decision making process and by extent your actions are a slave to that shit until you’re at least in your late 20s.
  920. >It’s the same with drugs; lots of teens out there ALWAYS find a way to smoke some weed or something, regardless of whether their parents approved or not.
  921. >It’s sad how guys like you and girls like the Pie sisters rebel and “do as they will” because they don’t want to be controlled by their parents.
  922. >Only to be controlled EVEN MORE by parenthood or addiction, or got forbid both at once.
  923. >Again, there’s a reason why they taught you sex ed pretty early on.
  924. >And now that reason is sitting in the desk next to you.
  925. >You forgot you share this class with Pinkie Pie.
  926. >And her pencil box you’re now afraid to touch.
  927. >And her big soft rack you can’t stop glancing at.
  928. >What were you just thinking about again?
  929. >”I got an extra cinnamon bun this morning! Want it?” She quietly chimes, careful not to let the teacher hear.
  930. >It’s going on in both of your minds.
  931. >She’s thinking about it too, even when rambling on about things she likes, you can see something else in her usual smile.
  932. >She’s thinking about what happened as much as you are.
  933. >Not much else happens in class, but your mind is having a civil war.
  934. >…
  935. >Limestone Pie glared at you when you passed her in the hallway at the end of the day on Tuesday.
  936. >But you felt less intimidated this time.
  937. >A lot of the blanks that were left not filled in last time weren’t filled with what you imagined they’d be over the weekend.
  938. >When she gives you that “I don’t fuck around” face, it doesn’t mean as much now.
  939. >Meanwhile, you noticed her shoulders look really smooth today, trying to keep your mind away from this stuff for only other reasons now.
  940. >But the two of you warmed up to eachother more than you probably realized.
  941. >Every time you’re near one of the Pie sisters at school, you just start feeling funny.
  942. >And you have a feeling at least one of them feel funny around you too.
  943. >Knowing this only makes it worse, as it probably does for them too.
  944. >Maud is the only one who doesn’t seem to care, but Marble’s been acting really shy even before all of this.
  945. >Hers might be the most deep-rooted of them all, if that’s even what it is.
  946. >But based off what you know so far, it probably is.
  947. >Part of you wished you’d have met their parents already so you’d know for sure just how dangerous this can get for you.
  948. >You can’t imagine what interactions must be going on over at their house.
  949. >…
  950. ~
  951. >”Do you have any idea what kind of perverted stuff must be going through his head right now?” Limestone glares at Pinkie from the other side of her room.
  952. >”I can’t say it’d be too different from what goes through each of your heads time to time.” Maud adds.
  953. >Pinkie huffs cutely and nods in Maud’s direction.
  954. >”Like that’s going to help in any way! If he knew that it’d just encourage him even more!” Protests Limestone.
  955. >”How do YOU know that?” Says Pinkie. “It’s not like you didn’t egg him on too in the lake.”
  956. >”I don’t think when I’m mad sometimes, alright?” Limestone stands up and lightly stamps her foot on the carpet. “I say things I don’t mean, I do things I don’t mean. And not he probably thought it was for real too.”
  957. >”Well ditto! And?”
  958. >”That’s BAD! Don’t act like you don’t know he’s a perv. He pretty much already proved it and literally none of you even care!”
  959. >”Aren’t we SUPPOSED to be a little perverted at our age? What’s wrong with having a little fun? It just got a little out of hand.”
  960. >”Yes, and why was that, Pinkie? Think REALLY hard!”
  961. >Pinkie remembers how she was the one who made him do… that… in the water.
  962. >”Yeah you’re thinking about it right now, are you? You did a lot more to him than I did!”
  963. >”Well uh… that would be MY fault and not his anyway! So why are you still blaming him, then?”
  964. >”I’m not, I’m blaming you all for taking him with us.”
  965. >Pinkie glances over at Maud, who just shrugs back at her.
  966. >”Oh no you don’t!” Limestone turns to Maud. “It was YOUR idea to take him with us too! And you’re the one who insisted when I tried to stop you. And you also went topless right in front of him! What the fuck did you think was going to happen eventually?”
  967. >”I’ll admit I made a miscalculation.” Confesses Maud, remembering the photo she had given you. “…Several miscalculations.”
  968. >”Yeah, all the way there to the lake. Maybe don’t assume you know how things are going to go next time.”
  969. >”Limey please stop being mean!” Begs Pinkie.
  970. >”I actually have an EXCUSE to be mean this time, Pinkie! He’s obviously a perv and the two of you just acted like complete idiots!”
  971. >”BECAUSE WE ARE!” Hollers Pinkie, her eye twitching. “We ARE idiots! We’re teenagers, we’re ALL horny idiots sometimes! It’s not a bad thing.”
  972. >Limestone stares at her.
  973. >”L…let me rephrase that…” Bumbles Pinkie.
  974. >”It’s bad if he gets you pregnant or something!
  975. >”Oh come on, it was nothing like that! We’re just having fun! Nonny was horny, I was horny, it’s just some fun. So much better than farming rocks or sitting in school all day long. What’s wrong with being a horny idiot?”
  976. >”Remember when you SWORE he wasn’t that horny?” Mentions Limestone. “What happened to that?”
  977. >”I-I was wrong, okay? But it doesn’t matter!”
  978. >”HOW doesn’t it matter?!”
  979. >”How DOES it?! It’s not like he touched us without our permission or anything!”
  980. >”No, but YOU touched HIM without HIS permission! You wanna go there?”
  981. >”So did you.” Maud brings up. “And he’s probably actually scared of you.”
  982. >”HA! Yeah, let’s go there, Limey!” Pinkie grins sinisterly.
  983. >Limestone turns red in the face and begins to stutter.
  984. >”It’s really hard to argue what you’re trying to argue when all four of us were to blame for this.” Maud tells her.
  985. >”I… w-well it’s not… f-fffFUCK YOU!” Limestone blurts and then storms out of the room. “I’m gonna go take a shower! If you’re smart like me, you’ll forget about this too by the time I’m out”
  986. >Pinkie sticks her tongue out at her as she disappears around the corner.
  987. >Marble Pie is passing her by in the hallway, hiding the little box she has in her hands from her eldest sister.
  988. >…
  989. >Cloudy Quartz and Igneous Rock Pie both seem hesitant to allow the girls to go back to the small lake again.
  990. >Not because of any new information that might have come up for them —none has— but because they might all have to go somewhere over the weekend and strict parents are going to be strict parents.
  991. >Pinkie is told that she already got her “day at the pool” and is going to have to wait until summer break to go somewhere again, because the family is going to be busy.
  992. >Maud Pie appears completely unaffected by this.
  993. >Marble Pie is quietly but surely let down by this, hiding a little box under her bed.
  994. >Pinkie Pie is loudly and surely let down by this, constantly begging to still at least do something fun over the weekend or maybe the next weekend after.
  995. >Or maybe the weekend after that.
  996. >Or maybe the weeken-
  997. >”No.” Each of her parent’s tell her.
  998. >That was the last discussion about having real fun Pinkie ever got to have with her parents for a while after that.
  999. >Limestone Pie is half relieved and half let down.
  1000. >Being stuck doing a bunch of lame shit with her sisters and parents is going to be a drag.
  1001. >But it’s a necessary price to pay for not having to risk anything else happening with that guy she doesn’t have a slight crush on.
  1002. >Something about the idea of him being so… affected by her in that way is kind of funny.
  1003. >Doesn’t know why.
  1004. ~
  1005. >It didn’t take you long to get word that they have to call off the next lake trip due to unrelated reasons.
  1006. >Strict parents are gonna strict parent.
  1007. >There’s a partial sigh of relief and a partial sigh of disappointment from you.
  1008. >These girls are hot, really hot in their bikinis, but they also kind of scare you with how not-normal they are.
  1009. >It’s what growing up on a strict farm does to a girl, you suppose.
  1010. >Let alone fuckin’ 4 of them.
  1011. >There’s definitely a debate going on somewhere in the world about what level of craziness or weirdness in a girl makes how hot she is not worth it, even if she likes you back.
  1012. >Maybe vice versa too.
  1013. >The rational side of you has got to keep your head about this; things aren’t SUPPOSED to automatically play out the way you want them to or even anything close, unless the odds are in your favor.
  1014. >”Maybe your best bet is to see if Maud’s interested first.” Val tells you. “She’s the calmest one from what I know, and Limestone clearly hates you.”
  1015. >You don’t want to mention how things might play out with Marble to him.
  1016. >You already told him enough.
  1017. >Not too little, but not too much either. Just… enough.
  1018. >”Pinkie and Limestone are a little too crazy, but Maud is just weird, so it’s an improvement.”
  1019. “You think so?” You lean your elbow onto the lunch table at school.
  1020. >”Crazy’s more dangerous than weird.”
  1021. “Like, I get that but, what if she’s the type that’s quiet all the time in public but gets unhinged or something when no one’s around?”
  1022. >”You mean like freaky in bed?” He asks.
  1023. “No, dumbass. I mean like, if she collects knives or some shit. I don’t fucking know what she does outside of school besides mine rocks or whatever.”
  1024. >”Yeah, she’s jacked as hell, right?”
  1025. “Yeah.” You’ve seen more than Val’s seen. “That’s also part of what I’m worried about. How the fuck do I stop her if she like… I dunno…”
  1026. >”Jacked girls are kinda hot, man.”
  1027. “I know but, lemme finish, alright?”
  1028. >Val leans back and nods.
  1029. “How the fuck am I gonna stop HER if she decides to sacrifice me or some shit? Like, she locks me in her room and decides to pull out a giant shovel or whatever she uses to mine rocks.”
  1030. >”I think you’re over-imagining it.”
  1031. “Maybe I am, dude. Maybe I am. But what if I’m not? What if Pinkie and Limestone are the other prisoners and Maud’s Hannibal fucking Lecter?”
  1032. >Val raises his eyebrows. “Fair point.” He listens intently as you lean in again.
  1033. “See, we don’t fuckin’ know, man. They don’t say shit like ‘it’s always the quiet ones’ for no reason.
  1034. >”Yeah you’re right, you gotta be smart about this.”
  1035. “Exactly! I gotta be smart about this.”
  1036. >”So like… you wanna go for Pinkie? She’s probably just as likely to stab you or some shit.”
  1037. >You sigh.
  1038. “Pssh, fuck, dude.”
  1039. >”And Limestone?”
  1040. “She’ll probably slash my tires. And THEN stab me.”
  1041. >The two of you chuckle a little.
  1042. >”And you’re sure it doesn’t look like Marble’s into you?”
  1043. “Positive.”
  1044. >You hadn’t told Val a whole lot about her; she’s probably still not even sure about how she feels and you just don’t know it.
  1045. >Plus, you in actuality wanna go for Pinkie first.
  1046. >But you don’t know if she’s the most likely or the least likely to stab you.
  1047. >Sure she’s happy and bubbly as her usual self, but you saw that madness in her eyes when she… when she…
  1048. >That was hot either way but, damn that was one crazed look in her eyes.
  1049. >”Look, man, I just don’t know what kind of advice I can give you. I haven’t had any crazy girlfriends so I can’t really halp you there.”
  1050. >You sigh again.
  1051. >”Well they said they can’t hang this weekend anyway so…”
  1052. “Yeah, maybe I’m just wasting my time with all this. But I just know at least ONE of them’s gotta be picking up on some frequencies.”
  1053. >”You know that for sure?”
  1054. “No, but I want to find out for sure.”
  1055. >Val shrugs. “I can understand that at least.”
  1056. “Yeah, man.”
  1057. >The two of you go back to eating your lunches before the bell can ring.
  1058. ~
  1059. >In science class the next day, everyone has to pair up to be lab partners.
  1060. >Pinkie already sits next to you, so of course you could guess what would happen next she she started looking right at you when an assignment with lab partners were announced.
  1061. >Can’t tell if you’re lucky or unlucky that they’re not choosing them for you.
  1062. >Because now Pinkie is pretty much choosing for you, and she scoots her desk closer to yours.
  1063. >Her soft busty chest swaying side to side as she moves her desk towards yours.
  1064. “Last lab assignment of the year, eh?” You start off. “Thank god.”
  1065. >”Aww don’t look at it that, way, Nonny! I’m gonna miss you so much over the summer.”
  1066. >Remember that thing about how you have to be smart about this?
  1067. >It’s gone now.
  1068. >Her pretty eyes bat their lashes at you as your own eyes do everything you can not to wander their gaze down to her partially exposed cleavage.
  1069. >You want to arrange and lock in some sort of meetup with Pinkie Pie even if it’s only her alone at all costs.
  1070. >She says she’ll miss you over the summer, but you’re certain you’d miss her more.
  1071. >What was that she did with you in the water again?
  1072. >Can that happen again please?
  1073. >All the blood is leaving your brain and going somewhere else.
  1074. >You’re not even scared of that bright pencil box in the corner of your eye anymore.
  1075. >Just looking at how soft and curvy Pinkie’s body is through her thin top is enough to make you want something.
  1076. >Do not dare ask to stand up right now.
  1077. >That little side smile Pinkie’s doing as you complete the assignment together lets you know that she’s thinking about some things too.
  1078. >Past events you shared together.
  1079. >Past… events.
  1080. >Both of you have ulterior motives these days, and they might involve the same endgame.
  1081. >But you both pretend that it’s not obvious.
  1082. >Still gotta get something set up before the school year ends; neither of you have any way of contacting one another once that happens.
  1083. >If you call her house and her dad answers, the jig is up.
  1084. >And you think that neither Pinkie nor her sisters are allowed to have their own numbers for you to dial onto your Nokia phone.
  1085. >”So… the fair is back to town.” Says Pinkie.
  1086. “Is it?”
  1087. >”Yeah! Comes back every summer, every year! It’s going to be really fun! I’m sure I can get my parents to let me and my sisters go at least once or twice during summer break.”
  1088. “When do you think I can-“
  1089. >”Yes!”
  1090. >There’s a pause.
  1091. >”Uh… I mean, I’m available whenever you are, Nonny.”
  1092. “You sure?”
  1093. >”I… don’t really have a lot to do at home. And all my friends might be busy with their summer jobs lots of the time.”
  1094. “Alright then. So whenever works for you?”
  1095. >”Yeah! You can join us whenever you like! They even couple up with the waterpark…” She holds back a giddy… something in her voice.
  1096. >She knows what that put in your head.
  1097. >You spent the rest fo the class trying not to glance at her chest despite the implications.
  1098. >It was decided that after school’s no longer in session, you’ll meet at the fair at noon every weekend to find out where this is going.
  1099. >Or at least every Saturday and Sunday you go to the fair and Pinkie is there as well.
  1100. >That will be your way of knowing.
  1101. >And you your reason to stick around.
  1102. ~
  1103. >It was a bit sudden of a decision, but as it turns out, the final day of school came more quickly than you expected.
  1104. >You don’t really share a whole lot of classes with the Pie sisters, and phone numbers is too risky of an option for yearbook signings, due to what you’ve already thought about.
  1105. >Meeting them at the fair is kind of your only real option that’ll work outside of going to school together.
  1106. >And with that, through the front gate you go.
  1107. >Just plopped into the middle of this place by the drive of your hormones alone.
  1108. >Many families and groups of friends walk around the grassy gaps between tents and buildings.
  1109. >Wearing bright clothes, holding balloons, carrying pinwheels, listening to the music playing…
  1110. >This is actually the first time you’ve been here.
  1111. >But as you scout for a certain four sister, you know for a fact it won’t be the last.
  1112. >~
  1113. >It only gets hotter during the weather’s journey towards the middle of the summer.
  1114. >Not much seems to happen in your life anymore now that you’re not going to school and meeting with the Pie sisters.
  1115. >A new level of excitement had been introduced to your free time and made everything else feel as though it were lacking.
  1116. >Like a loyal stray dog, you go back to the fair every weekend.
  1117. >To be honest, you didn’t really feel like doing anything there since you didn’t have enough money for something tasty to drink or any of the carnival activities they got going on there.
  1118. >The main reason you come to this place is because there’s a quartet of sisters potentially waiting to meet you here.
  1119. >To make up for the last time you couldn’t meet up due to their parents having other plans for what they were going to do with their free time.
  1120. >Each afternoon, you pass by a clown on stilts, or a family lugging a bunch of massive stuffed teddy bears around, or a band playing on a nearby stage with their music making the tent poles themselves vibrate as you try not to trip over the equipment wires underneath the tape and plastic speed bump thingies keeping them in place on the ground.
  1121. >The clouds often part and allow the sun to beat down on your face and arms, putting you in danger of sunburn after around an hour of walking around just in case Pinkie Pie and her sisters happened to be late.
  1122. >It does feel a little stupid to keep coming to the same place every weekend at the same time simply for the possibility of someone meeting you there once, but then you start bringing some of your own spare money and find ways to have fun on your own even if no one’s joining you.
  1123. >It’s not that big of a problem, you figure you’ll be able to have a good time whether the Pie sisters are able to make it or not.
  1124. >There’s some really good food here, albeit a little bit overpriced in order to keep the place coming back every year.
  1125. >There’s probably some paragraph somewhere explaining why the hot dogs need to cost 5 dollars more than the store ones do, but you just squirt the ketchup over yours and chow down and call it a day.
  1126. >Sipping the very sweet lemonade to go with it, listening to some loud kids play and tease eachother nearby, feeling relieved with a gust of wind cools you down a little bit.
  1127. >You’d invite Val to tag along, but Pinkie might spill the beans too much to him should she show up as well.
  1128. >Might as well not couple your potential good luck with potential bad luck.
  1129. >You like looking forward to things, not worrying about them.
  1130. >Another weekend at the fair in town shows you that you’re better at throwing a baseball than you previously realized.
  1131. >Already figured throwing or shooting something at a thin paper target would eventually make winning the prize impossible since the paper gets waaaaay too limp at the end as it dangled by merely a strand.
  1132. >You figured those challenges at the carnival section of the fair would show their scammy side more obviously, but the solid metal targets to throw baseballs at rely more on actual skills so long as the demonstration balls and the ones non-employees use are the same density.
  1133. >Lots of bullseyes you’re getting here, and you win a bunch of keychains you could potentially sell for money outside of this place.
  1134. >Or something like that; you just have more than you know what to do with by the time your turn is done and over with.
  1135. >Tossing bean bags into the wooden holes turns out to be a waste of money for you as you’re apparently not so good at this as you are directly throwing a baseball at a target.
  1136. >After a couple of consecutive weekends of coming here, you’re starting to feel like you want to come here all the time due to it being so fun.
  1137. >There’s other hot girls here too, lots of them wearing bikini tops having come from the water park right next to here that fuses with everything here when the fair comes to town.
  1138. >But you don’t personally know any of these girls, which makes them less strongly connected to your focus.
  1139. >None of them did… that… with you.
  1140. >Not exactly sex but close enough to it to get you acting stupid over someone.
  1141. >In addition to this, you have to try not to leer at them since they’re not exactly fond of it as say Pinkie Pie would be.
  1142. >Kinda sucks being reminded of reality, how practically every girl would react if she caught you staring at her tits.
  1143. >It’s a bad thing the experience with the Pie sisters did to you; made you even more bold as a pervert which would probably be hurtful in the long run.
  1144. >This is the vary reason why you don’t bother venturing over to the water park.
  1145. >You’ve been too short-term conditioned into being a creep with them in their summer clothes, you’d have to turn your head until your darkness goes.
  1146. >Another further weekend at this place wins you a couple of woven quilts at the park activities you partake in.
  1147. >And a free 8 track device.
  1148. >You almost win a polaroid camera, but the score required was too high for it and you’d have to basically be superman to do everything perfectly enough to get it.
  1149. >You try several times, but your rational side gets you to give up this endeavor as soon as your wallet starts feeling a little slim.
  1150. >Welp, they got THAT much money out of you at least.
  1151. >They’ll have to do a lot more than jingle the keys that is live bands, rollercoaster rides, ferris wheels, and friendly faces in front of you to get you to blow any more dollars on this.
  1152. >As you stride past a couple of motorcycles racing around inside a giant mesh sphere-cage of metal, you spot a familiar pink poof of hair in the distance.
  1153. >That HAS to be her!
  1154. >It’s been almost a month, but you at least found a way to entertain yourself in the meantime before you found yourself trying to weave your way through the crowd in pursuit of Pinkie Pie.
  1155. >Not longer than a minute later, you catch up to her.
  1156. >”Nonny!” She notices you before you even call out to her. “Oh my gosh, you remembered!”
  1157. >She instantly shares a joyful hug with you.
  1158. >You shudder internally feeling her busty chest press against you.
  1159. >”Hope I’m not too late after noon!” She says to you.
  1160. “Oh I’ve been having fun either way.”
  1161. >”Oh I bet! This place is great, isn’t it?”
  1162. >You nod.
  1163. “Where’s the others?”
  1164. >”They’re around.” Pinkie starts to look for her three sisters.
  1165. >…
  1166. >”Nah there’s too many people still here.” Limestone replies to Cherry Crash. “If we hop the fence, someone’s gonna see us.”
  1167. >The two friends look over to the closed section of the fair, where a ride is being renovated due to safety concerns.
  1168. >”Well we can’t do it anywhere else. Bathrooms can’t let the smoke smell leave.”
  1169. >”Yeah, I tried it before too. Even exhaust fans don’t do enough. They ALWAYS smell the weed eventually.”
  1170. >”What if…” Cherry looks around. “What if there’s only people right there.” She points to a walkway intersection some several yards away. “The tree blocks their view of us if we’re up on the fence.”
  1171. >The two girls already figured leaving won’t be as much of an issue since they can climb over the second fence leading out to the open field the renovation section of the fair backs up to.
  1172. >They eventually decide to go for it as an elderly couple with their grandkids is facing in the other direction while walking away.
  1173. >They’re over the fence in no time, disappearing behind the closed off building to go smoke some joints and listen to punk rock on Cherry’s portable radio.
  1174. >Right after this happens, Maud and Marble appear from around the corner the tree blocks the view of the chainlink fence from and begin down the walkway in the direction of the water park.
  1175. >”I don’t feel like getting into the water today.” Maud tells her younger sister. “But I brought a towel anyway in case you forgot yours.”
  1176. >Marble nods at her, being sure to keep the small box close to herself.
  1177. >”I take it you’re not going to show me what’s in the box you want to give to Anon?”
  1178. >”No…”
  1179. >”I understand. I won’t pry you anymore about it.” Responds Maud.
  1180. >”Maaauuud!” Pinkie’s voice hollers from behind.
  1181. >The two sisters turn around to find their other sister skipping towards them.
  1182. >”Look who I found!” Pinkie chimes, pulling you by the arm in tow.
  1183. >And just like that, Marble’s face heats up back to its red hot nervousness as you approach.
  1184. >…
  1185. >”The water slides here are the best, Nonny! You have to try them!”
  1186. “I didn’t bring a swimsuit this time.” You let her know. “Didn’t think to. Sorry.”
  1187. >”Aw, that’s okay. Tell you what, we can do it next time, and I can tell you when that’s gonna be so you don’t have to come here every single weekend.”
  1188. “Well it’s not like I mind.”
  1189. >”I know, but it helps more anyway., In case you have other thing to do. But we can still hang out right now.”
  1190. >Marble sits right next to you in her beach chair as Pinkie slips out of her top.
  1191. >She holds a little black box in her hand, very subtly motioning as though she’s trying to hand it to you.
  1192. >You look at her, then the box.
  1193. >She grins through that blush on her face.
  1194. “That for me?”
  1195. >She sheepishly half-nods.
  1196. >You reach out to take it.
  1197. >”Y-you won’t open it till later tonight… r-right?” Marble asks you.
  1198. >She looks almost scared.
  1199. “Sure. I can wait.” You reply.
  1200. >Marble lets you take the box as Pinkie Pie starts hopping up and down.
  1201. >”Come on! Let’s go have some fun!”
  1202. >Should you follow through in keeping he box closed until later?
  1203. >Stare at the concrete below as the wet footprints from passerby gradually vanish through evaporation.
  1204. >It’d be for the best to try not to leer at the Pie sisters in front of other people, at least.
  1205. >It’s something that’s only between the lot of you.
  1206. >You don’t remember if Maud mentioned whether she brought a swimsuit or not, but she slips out of her tunic once again to show off her slightly chiseled form.
  1207. >Marble’s little black box is kept nice and safe as you sit and watch her walk around the edge of the nearby pool with her two sisters.
  1208. >Maud finds an empty lounge poolside chair to balance herself atop the thick rubber stands of without her hands slipping through.
  1209. >Immediately slaps a pair of sunglasses onto her face and lies still before the sun above, letting her two younger sisters proceed further and further away.
  1210. >Pinkie’s the one to keep Marble close by, being the only older sister left now that Maud and Limestone are off doing their own thing.
  1211. >Marble scarcely came to a public area like this before, let alone dressed the way she currently is.
  1212. >She shivers as the surface of chlorinated pool water tickles its cold rim further up her decreasingly dry abdomen as she steps into deeper and deeper water.
  1213. >Can’t step out with Pinkie’s encouragement right behind her herding her deeper.
  1214. >Luckily far enough away from all the other laughing, chatting strangers in the pool to keep some form of comfort.
  1215. >”C’mon! Like this!” Pinkie promptly submerses herself below the water, hand holding her nose as her poofy hair is the last thing to get reluctantly sucked down into the glimmering blueness.
  1216. >Marble shyly stands there, staring back at you in your seat from a distance that is too much for either of you to accept.
  1217. >Rising back to your feet, you figure that you have to go over and join the Pie sisters.
  1218. >Through the small waves you wade, peering back at the lone poolside chair to make sure no one you don’t know is there.
  1219. >A sense of urgent protectiveness has asserted itself onto you regarding that little black box Marble gave you; that deep blush on her face still fresh in your memory even as you stand beside her in the water.
  1220. >She’s less nervous now that the focus is off of whatever is in there.
  1221. >Pinkie resurfaces after a number of seconds, hair completely flattened and cloaked over her face like a thick pink veil.
  1222. >Had it not been covering her chest too, you’d have gotten hard under the water noticing that wet busty chest of hers in nothing but that little bikini top.
  1223. >You spoke too soon, and she slides her soaked drooping hair out of the way of her sopping wet cleavage and tummy.
  1224. >It’s an uphill battle keeping your eyes off of her so your growing full mast will stop making the future moment of you leaving the water awkward for anyone noticing.
  1225. >It’s in your benefit when you’re the one with your eyes closed playing the game of marco polo Pinkie insisted on.
  1226. >Half expect your humbly outstretched hands to accidentally collide with Pinkie’s soft pair of tits, continuing aimlessly with the water level bobbing up and down the lowest part of your ribcage.
  1227. >Pinkie Pie’s boisterous cackling was already apparent to your ears, gleefully receding away from you whenever you got near accompanied by frantic splashing noises in its wake.
  1228. >But the gaps between it make room for Marble’s more timid giggling to present itself to you.
  1229. >She sounds almost cautiously happy, as though something else is on her mind that has to do you with, and you already know what it is.
  1230. >Something about the gaze Pinkie gives you as you three leave the water back into the cool breeze twenty minutes later that asks you if you enjoyed the view while her eyes were closed in search of you during her turn.
  1231. >The cool air insisted that her stiffening nipples underneath her bikini top cups made themselves known to you.
  1232. >You had avoided looking when Pinkie couldn’t see where you were doing so, but something within you convinced you to make sure she can see you looking, like you’re constantly giving eachother green-lights for later back and forth even as your putting your tops back on after drying off.
  1233. >Pinkie Pie deliberately lingers in slipping her top back on, giving you extra time to enjoy something.
  1234. >Marble notices this, glancing down at the concrete with one of her arms behind her back and hand clamped onto her other forearm.
  1235. >This probably wasn’t the first time her older sisters’ shoes were too big for her to fill, so to speak not to mention another article of clothing that suits this as well.
  1236. >Marble stays in her bikini top as Pinkie takes you and her over to the carnival-like side of the fair in town, leading the way with a bubbly skip in her step bouncing on her heels.
  1237. >”Let’s go find Limestone!”
  1238. >…
  1239. >Limestone and Cherry Crash don’t remember if they were supposed to stay outside and let the evidence they were smoking float up to the sky undetectable for anyone who would catch them.
  1240. >Someone working here was dumb enough to leave a door propped open.
  1241. >The creeping lack of rational though herds Limestone and her friend into the dimply lit room.
  1242. >The room has an easy lead over the darkening sky outside in the race to pitch blackness.
  1243. >Smudges on the window only widen this lead like a busted set of blinds.
  1244. >The orange glow from the blunts becomes more noticeable in the darkness by the minute.
  1245. >It’s a lot better for Limestone to pretend she doesn’t have a face in here.
  1246. >Each slow breath brings her closer to the bright sky in her head.
  1247. >The back of her head rests against the wall, her eyes barely make out the cracks in the ceiling, indecipherable from the hanging wires and cords dangling from various gaps capturing more of the marijuana smoke.
  1248. >Her dizziness tilts the room, but un-tilts her attitude for the first time in weeks.
  1249. >”Sucks we can’t sit around doing whatever we want all our lives. Everyone wants us all to be doing something.” Cherry Crash tries to make her voice heard over the tape fluttered synths of the downtempo music playing from her portable radio.
  1250. >”If everyone did that… society would fall apart and we’d all starve. And then we’d all each eachother.” Laughs Limestone between a couple of coughs.
  1251. >”That’s the thing. It has to be kept a secret from most people or else it wouldn’t work for the few people who… found a way.”
  1252. >”That’s why I said before we just don’t know about it.”
  1253. >”We probably do. They’re all just rich billionaires or some shit. Not giving a fuck about any of us.”
  1254. >The aging topic is sent back and forth like a ping pong ball, the darkening court making the boundary lines impossible to see.
  1255. >But there were no rules to begin to with.
  1256. >No sober person can talk about more than what they’re comfortable with people remembering.
  1257. >So many world no one knows about, like the ones that live inside little moments when you get high.
  1258. >”Would the pros outweigh the cons if I was just a fuckin’… fish all my life instead of a human?” Limestone stares at the smoke on the ceiling brewing like the surface of a lake as seen from below.
  1259. >”Can’t smoke or listen to music or anything.”
  1260. >”…Fuck…”
  1261. >”Which sucks. As long as you know not to bite and worms with hooks on them, or swim too close to bigger fish that can eat you, what the fuck do fish even do? They just chill underwater all day.”
  1262. >”Wouldn’t that get boring? Doing ONLY that?”
  1263. >”I mean, you gotta eat stuff or else you’ll die too. Like, chase down prey and eat it. Like worms that /don’t/ have hooks.” Cherry lets plumes of silky smoke become barely visible in the darkness and briefly interject her train of thought as it comes out.
  1264. >”I wouldn’t have to deal with any lame shit anymore, if that isn’t a huge plus then I don’t know what is.” Limestone can finally talk about this calmly without growls and grunts overpowering what she’s saying.
  1265. >It takes a dark room full of weed smoke to get her to step down and reflect on the resentment that’s been cluttering her life.
  1266. >So much time wasted on thinking everyone and everything is lame, because everyone’s so happy and annoying.
  1267. >She never bothered trying to be like them, just wanted to get off of the damn farm she’s stuck on and start over.
  1268. >Listen to whatever music her parents don’t approve of; the less the approve of it, the more she likes it.
  1269. >Proving to herself through doing things like sneaking out that the life she actually wants to live is in there somewhere, trying to excise its way out from the inside like a xenomorph would, effectively killing the old life she hates that shelters it more than she wants to realize.
  1270. >But this conversation proved that her fun life can’t exist without having a home to go back to at the farm.
  1271. >She knows she’s feel bad if she made Pinkie or Marble cry… Maud’s probably a different story in that regard.
  1272. >An awkward laugh escapes her along with another bit of marijuana smoke into the darkness as the smudgy window obscures the final colors of the clouds in the sky above.
  1273. >It all falls into a dark blue out there like a once fiery meteorite into the ocean.
  1274. >A little voice in Limestone’s head pleas her to make her presence known as her sisters are probably looking for her, worried sick after however many hours it’s been.
  1275. >No matter how many malls or swimming holes or gas stations or convenience stores or clubs or concerts or what have you that Limestone attends to keep her fun life going, her home to go back to will always remain the Pie residence until she lands herself a proper job, dedicatedly sponsored by what those hippie fucks call “the man”.
  1276. >Get up every morning, drive to work, that whole business.
  1277. >And guess what? Fish don’t have to do that shit.
  1278. >They just fuckin’ swim around, eat smaller fish at the bottom of the river and blub blub.
  1279. >Until they either get eaten by a bigger fish or caught by a fisherman and transformed into a dish on a dinner plate.
  1280. >The fish version of getting a job.
  1281. >…Yeah maybe the human one doesn’t sound so bad.
  1282. >”God damn it’s getting dank in here.” Gripes Cherry through a raspy wheezing cough.
  1283. >A few rustling and shuffling noises indicate to Limestone that her friend is up and about, trying to seek out the door, momentarily rousing a chorus of aluminum pots and pans among other things that were stacked together inside this room as she stumbles over her own feet.
  1284. >”Well uh…” Limestone takes another puff from her blunt. “Maybe I won’t wanna be a fuckin’ fish. Maybe a fuckin… cheetah. Or a jackal.”
  1285. >”A what?” Cherry couldn’t hear anything she said over a aluminum bowl spinning faster and closer to the floor on its rim like a coin getting ready to fall flat.
  1286. >”Actually, fuck that, I heard lobsters are immortal somehow. Like, biologically immortal. Or crabs.”
  1287. >”You wanna be a lobster now?”
  1288. >”Shit, I dunno. Living forever sounds boring too.”
  1289. >”That’s the same as being a fuckin’ fish. Except you can’t even swim. It’s like being a land animal but you can’t fly.”
  1290. >”Hooooooly shit! You know what I just realized?!”
  1291. >”What?”
  1292. >”Fish and stuff really do have one big perk… more things can fly where they are!”
  1293. >”You mean underwater?”
  1294. >”Yeah but… but like, hold on. I’m thinking.”
  1295. >”Well spit it out already!” Cherry Crash probes the edge of the wall with a cautious outstretched hand. “Fuck, we gotta get fresh air. Maybe leave before we get caught.”
  1296. >”Underwater animals on the sea floor are like people… and dogs, and bugs and shit. Not the flying ones like flies just fuckin’ rollie pollies and shit. And lobsters and crabs are the rollie pollies of the sea. They can’t fly around like fish can by swimming.”
  1297. >”The fuck are you talking about? Fish swim, they don’t fly.”
  1298. >”No, like. Swimming underwater is LIKE flying! Like, lobsters can’t travel up and down in mid water but fish can. And way more things under water swim like fish do. So technically more things can “fly” down there.”
  1299. >”Ohhhh, I see. But like, Doesn’t that make it less impressive?”
  1300. >”Not to land shit.”
  1301. >”Limey, we need to get the fuck out of here, we’re high as fuck and it’s dark out now. We gotta go before we either die or get caught.”
  1302. >”Maybe being a human isn’t so lame after all.” Limestone continues to herself.
  1303. >”It was a bad idea to smoke in here.” Cherry tries her best to turn the doorknob she just rediscovered.
  1304. >It’s not doing what she needs it to do.
  1305. >”Fuuuuuuuck…. fuckfuckfuck….”
  1306. >”What’s wrong?”
  1307. >”We’re fucking trapped in here that’s what’s wrong!”
  1308. >A shock asserts itself into Limestone, bringing her off of her cloud and back onto earth.
  1309. >Back into the dark room from the bright skies she got so comfortable with.
  1310. >Cloud nine just morphed into the ninth circle of hell.
  1311. >”The fuck, we weren’t supposed to do it inside! Remember?!” Hisses Limestone, rubbing her eyes and trying to find where in the darkness Cherry is so she can glare at her properly.
  1312. >”This was YOUR idea!”
  1313. >”No it fucking wasn’t!”
  1314. >”Well if it was my idea anyway, why didn’t you stop me?!”
  1315. >”If it was mine, then why didn’t you stop ME?!”
  1316. >Both girls acknowledge they’re equally to blame for not keeping the door propped open and letting that lock click shut and seat their fate in eventually getting caught with no way out.
  1317. >But they still keep blaming the other, pointing their quivering fingers through the thick marijuana smoke as Deftones music fills the air just as much as the haze does.
  1318. >”God damn it, Limestone!”
  1319. >”Yeah? Well FUCKING god damn it, Cherry!” Limestone finds the same doorknob and tries it even harder, giving less of a fuck about whether she breaks it or not.
  1320. >What are they gonna do, find her fingerprints on it?
  1321. >The two girls cough and cough as the weed smoke remains thick in the air.
  1322. >”Maybe we’re turning it wrong. Cuz we’re high as a kite.”
  1323. >”I tried doing it the right way already.”
  1324. >”Maybe there’s ANOTHER right way!”
  1325. >”You dumb bitch! How may ways do you think there are to turn a fucking doorknob?!”
  1326. >They continue bickering, hoping there will be as least some form of respite from their grave mistake from the weed smoke slipping more and more into the gaps in the ceiling and away from their breathing space.
  1327. >”We gotta-” Cherry starts before she is interrupted by a sharp Crash.
  1328. >Glass shards tumble down to the concrete below outside the window, promptly followed by a squarish funnel of funsmoke pushed upward out the opening like soft play-doh through a plastic toy.
  1329. >”WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Screeches Cherry.
  1330. >”Saving our asses. Throw your blunts somewhere they can’t be found!”
  1331. >”I… uh,, well at least take the blunts with us! They’re not evidence if we take them with us!”
  1332. >The argument over what to do with the discarded and currently-being-used weed blunts ends in finding a plastic bag and stuffing them all into it.
  1333. >The bottom rim of the window is cleared of any remaining stalagmites of glass.
  1334. >”Just climb through.” Insists Limestone.
  1335. >”You first. So if you cut yourself and die I’ll just call for help and get in trouble saving your life.” Cherry Crash tries to form a logically coherent comeback.
  1336. >Luckily, the breaking window wasn’t within anyone’s earshot.
  1337. >Both girls escape into the cool night air before they can start bickering under the influence again.
  1338. >Feels like stepping out into outer space with nothing to be seen in the night’s blackness with street lamps and lights from the rides and attractions.
  1339. >”Did we leave any evidence?” Asks Limestone, worried about that farm home she depends on going back to for the time being.
  1340. >”Nothing anyone can trace back to us unless there was a murder.” Responds Cherry. “C’mon. Let’s find the others. Act natural.”
  1341. >Being this high as a hot air balloon, that’ll be fuckin’ easy.
  1342. >Hopefully easier than climbing back over that damned chainlink fence both girls forgot existed.
  1343. >It’s a good thing there’s less people walking on this path at the state fair at nighttime.
  1344. >Limestone sees herself as a well-built spaceship, gliding and soaring through the night as she seeks out her three younger sisters.
  1345. >Gazing around at all of the amusement park attractions, watching everyone stare at her like she’s from another planet.
  1346. >Her three younger sisters better not have met that boy from school here.
  1347. >Surely nothing much happened between a few hours ago and now, right?
  1348. ~
  1349. >A few hours earlier, while there’s still some light in the sky.
  1350. >”Still can’t find Limestone anywhere.” Complains Pinkie. “I want her to know you’re here, Nonny! We can all go on the rides together!”
  1351. “Can we start by going on rides now while waiting for her to turn up?” You ask.
  1352. >Marble nods in agreement, watching you clutch the little black box close to yourself, then glances over at the ferris wheel.
  1353. >Like she’s planning for something to happen there.
  1354. >”Yeah, she probably wouldn’t like the rides as much anyway. C’mon. Wanna go on the teacups first?” Pinkie begins bouncing around. “Ooh! Ooh! Or maybe those carpet slides! That are a blast!”
  1355. >Marble stays close to you.

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey