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Shotanon's afternoon with cream heart

By Guest
Created: 2023-08-08 00:53:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >be kid anon in equestria
  2. >today you're at your friend's house after school to play
  3. >your friend is Button Mash
  4. >his mom comes into Button's room while you two are playing haylo
  5. >"Wow, Button never told me he had such handsome friends..."
  6. >Cream Heart bats her eyes low at you and smiles warmly
  7. >you feel flustered and get choked up by her sudden, unexpected advances
  8. "T-thank you, Miss Button's Mom."
  9. >she's got you stun locked
  10. >Buttons says "Ha! I got you!" and you see that he finally killed you for the first time
  11. >ponies can't compete with fingers
  12. >Cream Heart sees Button's first kill on the screen
  13. >"Oh yes, my little Button is going to grow into a great gamer! Cookies and juice boxes for everypony!"
  14. >it's a great time for a snack
  15. >you put down the controller and follow Button and Cream Heart out of the room
  16. >Button sprints off and you follow Cream Heart towards the kitchen
  17. >as you walk through the house, it seems like she's swaying her rump and her tail raises up a little
  18. >you almost catch a glimpse of some darker cream-colored shapes between her flanks from your height of a little taller than her
  19. >she glances backwards expectantly towards you and sees you checking out her rear
  20. >her cheeks and snoot get a shade redder and your cheeks do too when your eyes meet hers
  21. >"My son Button is quite the gamer. And, Anonymous, I'll have you know that trait runs in the family. They called me "Queen of the Joystick", you know."
  22. >Cream Heart winks at you and lets her tail bob up and down proudly as she approaches the kitchen counter
  23. >Milk glasses, juice boxes, cookies, peaches, and chocolate all get set out on the table
  24. >"Time to replenish your HP, sweetie!" Cream Heart says with closed eyes and a smile while she sits down next to you
  25. >"Alright! Thanks mom!" Button says and goes for the chocolate candy
  26. "Thanks, Miss Button's Mom!"
  27. >"He He~! Oh anon, you're sooo cute!" she says while she reaches over and gives you a hug and a cheek nuzzle
  28. >"Call me Cream Heart!"
  29. >she whispers in your ear
  30. >"Or "Mommy"~..."
  31. >something about this situation feels funny but you can't quite put your finger on it
  32. "Ok, Miss Cream Heart."
  33. >she's not your mom so why would you call her mommy anyway?
  34. >snack time!
  35. >you reach for milk and cookies, your favorite snack combo
  36. >Cream Heart grabs a peach and blushes when she sees you start to drink the milk
  37. >this milk is not exactly like the cow milk on earth, but still very tasty
  38. >it's sweeter and richer with a noticeable creamy smell, and you feel very nourished after one sip
  39. >something about it entices you to take another sip
  40. >Cream Heart audibly snoofs an exhale out of her snoot while blushing more and watching you drink the milk
  41. >"That's right, drink it all, so you can grow big and strong."
  42. >she leans closer towards your ear and whispers
  43. >"Really big."
  44. >her horse breath is toasty and just her blushing face alone is quite warm
  45. >she stays close to you, and it feels comfy as her heat spreads over the side of your face
  46. >warm... wait, is milk usually served warm?
  47. >uh... warm... good...
  48. >she looks into your eyes again, while she's practically on top of you by this point
  49. >she's got a sultry smile and half closed eyes, her smile interrupted by where she's biting her lip
  50. >you're mesmerized completely by this beautiful mare as you mindlessly put the empty glass onto the table
  51. >you feel very funny in the tummy by everything that just happened, but especially the milk that you've finished off
  52. >meanwhile, Button finally stops pounding down all of the chocolates and cookies left on the table
  53. >the sudden sound of silence interrupts the moment and Cream Heart notices Button's carnage on the sugary snacks
  54. >"Button! What did I tell you about eating too many chocolates?"
  55. >"But moooom! Oh, I don't feel too good..."
  56. >"That's right young colt, now drink some water, and go to your room until you're better."
  57. >"Yes, mom..."
  58. >Button slowly walks off to his room and closes the door
  59. >"Now where was I? Oh, yes, my snack."
  60. >Cream Heart picks up a peach with both hooves and brings it up to her snoot
  61. >she snoofs the peach deeply and closes her eyes
  62. >"Mmm, peaches, my favorite fruit. Peaches, peaches, they're really, really great~."
  63. >"They're good in pies, good for your thighs, and they make your cum taste great~. Oh! Whoops~! I'm sorry, anon."
  64. >you're half sure what she just said was a bad word
  65. "It's ok, Miss Cream Heart."
  66. >"Oh, you are so kind, anon. So, while button is recovering from his sugar binge, why don't you come into my room and play with me instead?"
  67. "Oh boy, you have games in your room too?"
  68. >"Well of course sweetie! Mommy will show you all of the games she likes to play..."
  69. >"...Riiiiiight after she finishes her snackie."
  70. "Yay! I want to play more!"
  71. >Cream Heart closes her eyes peacefully and takes a big bite out of her peach
  72. >it's incredibly juicy, and the peach juice lewdly runs down the sides of her snoot and mouth and onto the kitchen table
  73. >she opens her eyes in surprise
  74. >"Mmm... It's so much!"
  75. >she chews and turns her head up for you to see her pretty mare neck, and swallows suggestively
  76. >the weird feeling in you stirs again, and watch her eat the peach in a haze of fuzziness
  77. >She takes another bite, and another
  78. >each bite makes more and more juice spill all over her mouth and the table
  79. "Are you ok Miss Cream Heart? You're dribbling juice all over the table!"
  80. >Cream Heart lazily turns her eyes towards you, drunk on peach and anon nectar
  81. >"Yes Button. This is how mommy eats."
  82. "Uh, ok then."
  83. >why did she call you Button?
  84. >she eats the last bite of the peach, revealing the pit
  85. >"Ah. I almost forgot to share!"
  86. >she turns to you on her chair and smiles sweetly, still holding the pit in her hooves
  87. >"Anon, would you like to taste mommy's peach pit?"
  88. >she runs her tongue in a circle around her snoot and mouth to drink up the peach juice
  89. "But Cream Heart, you ate all the fruit already. That's just the seed that you don't eat."
  90. >"He he~! Oh you silly goose, you can taste it by licking this pit."
  91. "Oh, I didn't think of that. You're smart, Cream Heart."
  92. >Cream Heart makes an adorable face at your compliment as you move towards her peach pit
  93. >"Why thank you Anon! You're so sweet~."
  94. >you lick her peach pit that's in her hooves and look up at her to see her response
  95. >she opens her mouth with a gasp and blushes sweetly as you lick the pit
  96. >she was right to share, the juice and fruit left on it does taste great
  97. "Thank you Miss Cream Heart, this is great!"
  98. >"W-Well, why don't you try some of the juice that's on my h-hooves too? It's just as delicious~."
  99. "Ok!"
  100. >you lick all around her peach juice covered hooves, taking extra care to get the juice out of the softer nooks and crannies
  101. >her eyes blankly roll up and she shudders in pleasure
  102. >her whole body shakes a bit when you move your tongue over the softer areas of her hooves
  103. "That really was tasty! Thank you!"
  104. >"Ooohhh... T-thank you for making mommy's hooves nice and clean, dear. You get good colt points for later."
  105. "Yay!"
  106. >she puts down the pit down onto the table, noticing the puddle of peach juice she made on the table
  107. >"Goodness! I'll clean this mess up right away."
  108. >Cream Heart twists around and gets a towel with her mouth to wipe the juice up from the table
  109. >she cleans the table and drops the towel into the basket of dirty laundry in a few swift motions, showing her years of experience being a mother
  110. >"Alright, Anon. You can follow me to my bedroom now."
  111. "Ok, what kind of games will we play?"
  112. >you leave the table and follow Cream Heart a few steps
  113. >she stops abruptly notices a mess on the floor where Button's crumbs fell everywhere
  114. >"Oh, dear. Button made quite the mess when he had his snack."
  115. >Cream Heart trots over to the cupboard and picks up a small broom with a handle and dustpan with her mouth, then trots back over to the mess
  116. >she holds the dustpan with one hoof and lowers her front half to sweep up the mess, lifting her tail up and stretching her back and flanks right in front of you
  117. >you can see all of her marehood, ponut, and teats on display with her plot and tail proudly raised in the air
  118. >her lovely tail, large soft teats, rump, and a single strand of mare arousal jiggle gently with each sweep of crumbs into the dustpan
  119. >you're not very close to her but the heat of her rump reaches your crotch through your clothes, and there's a noticeable aroma from her too
  120. >you stand there in shock, staring since you can't help but look at her exposed rump and teats in all their glory the whole time she sweeps
  121. >after an unreasonably long time sweeping, she lifts herself back up and knowingly grins at you with the broom still in her mouth
  122. "Uh-Uh-I"
  123. >you feel yourself blushing from her catching you staring for so long, and she trots around the kitchen effortlessly emptying and putting away the dustpan
  124. >"Whew~! Well Anon, do you need to hold mommy's hoof or are you following me to my bedroom?"
  125. >your face flushes red with embarrassment when you think of her making you hold her hoof to walk across the street like a mom would do
  126. >she isn't your mom or stepmom
  127. >you're not her son or stepson
  128. >right?
  129. "N-no Mo-Miss Cream Heart."
  130. >"Hehe~! Come along now, darling. It's just up the stairs."
  131. >Cream Heart trots in an upbeat rhythm towards the stairs and clip-clops up the wooden steps one hoof at a time
  132. >you follow close behind her, getting a clear view of her plot and tail in your face, gyrating to and fro with each step she climbs
  133. >the sight starts to hypnotize you as you walk up the steps behind her
  134. >your pulse is pounding in your head and all you can think of is this mare's bottom that's waving around before your eyes, despite the fact that your pants feel tighter for some reason
  135. >Cream Heart suddently stops walking up the stairs and you faceplant into her soft, silky tail and squishy butt
  136. >plap
  137. "Mmf!"
  138. >"Ah! I almost forgot. Anon, would you like any more milk?"
  139. >in between exasperated breaths you manage to answer her
  140. "Uh, I, I'm, ok, yes."
  141. >you still can't look away from this pony's ass
  142. >it beckons you
  143. >"Well, that's fine, dear. We just don't have any glasses in my room. Shall I get some?"
  144. "Uh... I don't know?"
  145. >you look towards her face for a second and notice she's looking at your pants, excitedly biting her lip, and intensely blushing
  146. >dang it, maybe you have a stain there from your snack earlier
  147. >"W-well, I can get you some m-milk upstairs, and w-we don't need a glass I suppose~."
  148. >what the heck is she talking about?
  149. "Ok."
  150. >"Oooh, yes Anon~! It's settled then. We'll just n-not use a glass for your milk."
  151. >she hurries up the rest of the stairs and turns down the hallway to enter her room on the right
  152. >you make it up the stairs and come towards her room
  153. >"Come here anon~!"
  154. "I'm coming, mom! Uh-"
  155. >you silently shake your head in confusion
  156. >why do you keep feeling like you're talking to your mom?
  157. >she's a pony
  158. >"Ooh, you will be, sweet pea~!"
  159. >what did she mean by this?
  160. >you came to her room just now, not later?
  161. "I'm here! What kind of games are we going to play?"
  162. >you find Cream Heart on the bed facing you with solid black socks on all four hooves, on her back, hind legs spread wide open
  163. >instinctively, you turn your head away from the lewd and indecent sight
  164. >she's only wearing socks, so she's basically naked
  165. >"What's wrong, Anon? You seemed to like looking here while we were downstairs~..."
  166. >you turn back towards her with trepidation
  167. "You mean it's ok if I look at you when you're naked?"
  168. >"Oh silly anon, ponies are always naked!"
  169. >you blush again at this realization
  170. >"You can look all you want, honey. In fact, I'd love to give you a lesson in the female anatomy~..."
  171. >she was right, you don't know a single thing about what parts mares have and you needed a lesson
  172. >you fidget nervously and shift your weight to one leg
  173. "I-I'm nervous, Miss Cream Heart. I've never been alone with a mare who wanted me to look at them like this..."
  174. >Cream Heart smiles and looks at you warmly
  175. >"That's ok, Anon. Why don't you come closer, so we can play our game now?"
  176. "Yay! What's it called?"
  177. >you start to hop over to Cream Heart's bed
  178. >"Well, first, we could play truth or dare."
  179. >you get to the right side of her bed and she shifts her position to a "foxy lady" pose to face you
  180. >her teats are enormous for a pony, the size of small melons
  181. >they look full and squishy as they softly rest on their side
  182. >her rump is very shapely and presses into the bed a fair bit from just it's hefty weight
  183. "That sounds like filly's game."
  184. >"Ha ha ha! It does, but it will be interesting, I promise."
  185. >she winks at you
  186. >you cross your arms, still not convinced
  187. "We'll see. I'll go first. How do I play this game?"
  188. >"To play truth or dare, two ponies take turns deciding if they want to tell a "truth" that the other pony asks, or perform a "dare" that the other pony dares them to do. "
  189. >her hoof resting on her hip drifts down to the nearest teat, massaging it slowly in a circular motion
  190. >is that a spot of something white coming out of the tip of one of those things?
  191. "That's easy. How do I win?"
  192. >"Well, to win, the other pony has to lie or fail to perform the dare."
  193. >she milks her teat from it's base to it's tip, and a small stream of liquid comes out for a moment
  194. >what the heck are those?
  195. >what the heck is she doing?
  196. "Fine. I'll win, no matter what. Let's play!"
  197. >Cream Heart smiles seductively when she hears your words and massages her other teat
  198. >"Good boy~! Well Anon, what'll it be? Truth or dare?"
  199. >you squint and look into her eyes, trying to read her
  200. >what is she thinking you'll pick? Truth or Dare?
  201. >all you can see is her looking back at you with her bedroom eyes
  202. >there's a fire burning in her eyes, the same look the teacher gives you sometimes after class...
  203. >there's no way you'll lose if all she can make you do is talk, right?
  204. "Truth."
  205. >"Truth, just what I was waiting for. Anon, have you ever, hmm, kissed a mare before? Be honest, or I'll know."
  206. >she's not just bluffing
  207. >her motherly intuition was right every time
  208. "I... um, no..."
  209. >she grins at you and rolls over towards you on the bed, laying down now with her forelegs crossed under her head, looking at you
  210. >"And if I dare you to?"
  211. >she flicks her tail behind her and gives you a smug expression
  212. >you fold your arms
  213. "Nice try, I already did truth this round. I don't have to do your dare."
  214. >"You're right, sweetie. You don't, at least not for this round, he he~. I'm asking this outside of our little game."
  215. >she turns her body to face you and slowly army crawls to the edge of the bed where you're standing
  216. >you can see her curvy flanks raise up and down one after the other each time she moves
  217. >"In fact, I'll even let you kiss me, right here, right now. As much as your little heart desires."
  218. >your arms drop as you stand there stunned
  219. >she's close enough for your face to feel her hot, humid horsey exhales coming from her snoot
  220. >she gently lays both of her forelegs over your shoulders, as they aren't much higher than the bed
  221. >you finally stop shivering with anticipation after that
  222. >"What do you say, hot-shot~?"
  223. >she's playing you like a god damn lyre!
  224. >she's trying to get into your head to win truth or dare!
  225. >you've got to turn the-
  226. >"Mmm!"
  227. >smooch?
  228. >you open your eyes to find your hands in her mane and your face pressed up to hers
  229. >your nose is over her snoot and your lips are pressed together
  230. >she moves her hooves behind your head to hold you up to her face
  231. >oh no, you're playing the make out game that you caught the fillies doing on the playground!
  232. >and it feels...
  233. >wow, it feels really good, like you're floating and electric shocks zap through your lips!
  234. >who knew that silly filly games would be this... cool?
  235. >"Mmm, hm-hm~!"
  236. >no time to be distracted, you promised you wouldn't lose, no matter what!
  237. >you'll just copy what you saw the fillies doing on the playground to get the upper hand
  238. >you start slowly stroking her mane with your fingers and you make more kissing motions with your lips against hers
  239. >you even can taste that delicious peach from earlier as you kiss all over her squishy snoot and mouth
  240. >your heart beats faster and your pants get tight again thinking about what she did in the kitchen
  241. >"Mmm-oooooooh~..."
  242. >her eyes roll up and she moans uncontrollably into your mouth
  243. >her mare breath fills your senses and feels wonderfully warm and moist, filling you with warmth and satisfaction
  244. >you pull your lips off hers with a loud pop and rest your hands on her neck, confident that you won yet another game
  245. >she's in a daze for a moment after you stop, then finally looks back at you
  246. >"Oh, Celestia, the mares are going to love you, son!"
  247. >you decide to just go with it
  248. "Thank you, mommy!"
  249. >Cream Heart blushes even redder after you say that, and you can feel her pulse quicken on her neck
  250. >"I'm so proud of you, Anon! Those fingers of yours feel even better than I had imagined... Although, I didn't just imagine them combing my mane~."
  251. >hearing her sultry voice this close nearly overwhelms you with pleasure and relief
  252. >you start to understand where all this is going
  253. "Your turn, truth or dare?"
  254. >you sharpen your eyes and stare at her at point blank without blinking like the game you play with the colts at school
  255. >"Ooh, a brave face! Momma's so proud~! But, you won't win just with bravery. I pick: Dare."
  256. >of course she did
  257. >you could probably dare her to do anything and she would do it without hesitation
  258. >which means
  259. "I dare you to let me touch your butt."
  260. >she laughs heartily and starts turning around on the bed to her rear to you
  261. >"Oh no, you got me! I guess I'll have let you touch my rump if I want to win~!"
  262. >she rests her legs and teats over the side of the bed, and spreads her legs open with her hooves planted firmly on the carpet
  263. >finally, she raises her tail up proudly in the air, presenting her perfect soft, supple flanks and nethers for you to touch
  264. >"Alright Anon, you may-"
  265. >you start slapping her flanks with outstretched hands one at a time in a quick rhythm like you're playing the bongos
  266. >slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap
  267. >"Aieeee~! Ah! Ah!"
  268. >each big flank squishes down softly under your hand and rebounds nicely when you slap it, which is very fun to do
  269. >her short coat lets your bare skin slide off effortlessly after each slap
  270. "Aha ha! Ha ha ha!"
  271. >"Ah! Are you h-having ah! Fun b-back the- Ah!"
  272. >her face and flanks turn a shade redder from the slaps
  273. "Yeah!"
  274. >her flanks start shivering in excitement and that weird darker thing in the middle is leaking
  275. >what is that weird pink thing poking out every second?
  276. >it's making a fleshy squelching noise as it throbs out...
  277. >"Anon? Why did you stop, dear?"
  278. >you're watching the pink object in her nethers, and it's been slowing down since you stopped
  279. >"Oh, you must be curious about my private parts."
  280. >she rolls over onto her back and curls her body up to her crotch, splaying her legs open and spreads her pony pussy open with one hoof
  281. >she starts pointing at the long part with her other hoof
  282. >"This is called the vagina. You can put things in the hole down here. That part that pokes out at the top is called the clitoris, and it's sensitive. It pokes out whenever I feel good."
  283. >your eyes are glued onto what she's showing you and it's being ingrained into your memory
  284. >she lets go of her pussy and moves her hoof down to a muscular ring in between her flanks above her tail
  285. >"This is the anus, you have one too in your butt."
  286. "I have one of those? But I don't have a donut like that on my butt!"
  287. >she stares at you blankly for a second
  288. >"But all ponies have- oh..."
  289. >the gears in Cream Heart's brain start turning and you can tell she's scheming something
  290. >"Remember, Anon: The vagina feels good when you play with it and put things in it, but the anus is uncomfortable to put things into."
  291. "Fine. Playtime now!"
  292. >you reach your hands out and grope her flanks again and again
  293. >"Ah~! Yes! Don't stop!"
  294. "What are these things?"
  295. >you reach your right hand up and grab one of her big dark mounds that's resting on her flank and give it a squeeze
  296. >"Aaaaaah~!"
  297. >it's very squishy, and milk just shot out in a thin stream straight up in the air!
  298. >it disperses into droplets and rains down in a mist
  299. "Wow! That was cool!"
  300. >"They're sensitive Ano-"
  301. >you reach out with both hands and squeeze the other mound
  302. >"Aaaah~! A-aah..."
  303. >you watch the milk squirt out high into the air in a wider stream, then land on you and Cream Heart
  304. "Hey! You got milk on me!"
  305. >Cream Heart covers her snoot and blushes a deep red after she sees you and her covered in her teat milk
  306. >"T-those are my teats. T-they have m-milk in them."
  307. >you feel her pulse getting quicker in each teat, and it almost feels like there's liquid churning inside these big things
  308. "Your body's weird, mommy."
  309. >her eyebrows furrow and she looks down at you while you take your hands off her teat
  310. >"All of our bodies are unique in their own ways, Anonymous. My body is like any other mare in equestria, except for my big teats that make lots of milk after I got pregnant. That's why my cutie mark is-"
  311. "I'm bored. Let's play another game."
  312. >she looks at you, surprised
  313. >"Oh, so you're giving up?"
  314. "No! I'll win, no matter what!"
  315. >she got you again, dang it
  316. >she crosses her forelegs and grins smugly
  317. >"Well, it's your turn now, isn't it? Truth or Dare?"
  318. >she's walking all over you
  319. >truth?
  320. >yeah, you won that round
  321. >did you really win?
  322. >at the end, barely
  323. "Dare."
  324. >Cream Heart's eyes light up when she hears your answer, and she sits up on the bed
  325. >she softly clops her socked front hooves together and smiles, pleased with your choice
  326. >"He he he~! I dare you... to get naked."
  327. >she eyes you hungrily with those same bedroom eyes as before, this time more intent on you
  328. >fudge! she got you again!
  329. "B-but I thought it's not allowed to be naked?"
  330. >"Ha ha ha! You're so cute Anon! I could just eat you up~!"
  331. >what did she mean by this
  332. >Cream Heart lays forward on the bed facing you
  333. >"No, sweetie, ponies don't have rules about not being naked. And besides, even if we did, your own mother should be used to seeing your cute little butt anyway~!"
  334. >this makes you blush and freeze in the spot you're standing in
  335. >fricking ponies, man
  336. >"Alright, honey. You picked dare. Do you give up?"
  337. >why the frick are you undressing for your friend's mom?
  338. >to win her game, obviously
  339. >you pull up your shirt in one motion, tossing it to the side
  340. >Cream Heart's eyes are locked onto your now shirtless body, and she's biting her lower lip again in anticipation
  341. >"Aaaand take your pants off too~."
  342. >aren't moms supposed to tell you to get dressed?
  343. >you unbutton and unzip your pants as she watches, removing the barrier of your modesty to the world
  344. >you hesitate, but pull down your pants and underwear down before her, then step out of each leg hole
  345. >your naked body lies bare against the air of her room and gaze of her eyes
  346. >"Hmm, it's not quite as different as I imagined it to be. Anon, come to mommy so she can take a closer look~."
  347. >you're very nervous to, but you approach her there lying on the bed
  348. >"Good boy~!"
  349. >she crawls towards the edge of the bed, shuffling her supple rear and letting her tail bounce left and right the whole way
  350. >"Anon, I can't see very much from up here."
  351. >she gives you that hungry smile again and sits up on the edge of the bed
  352. >she pats her lap a few times, then nods at you
  353. >"Come on up, on my lap,"
  354. >you find yourself once again following her every word, as if you're in a trance from her velvety smooth voice and beautiful face
  355. "Yes, mommy."
  356. >you climb up onto the bed beside her and scoot your butt into her lap
  357. >it's a comfy seat, and she wraps her forelegs around your bare body gently
  358. >you're about the same height while you sit in her lap, and she lays her head down on your left shoulder
  359. >you lay back into her chest fluff and notice you can even see her teats laying between her legs through the gap in your thighs
  360. >"Mmm~. Do you like sitting naked in mommy's lap, dear?"
  361. "Yes, mommy..."
  362. >she tilts her head down and kisses your left cheek softly while holding you
  363. "Mmm!"
  364. >she moves down your neck, snoofing with little mare kisses, sending sparks of lightning through wherever she touches your body with her snoot and lips
  365. "Ah! Ah..."
  366. >you can feel something throbbing in your groin
  367. >surprise! the thing you pee with is nearly standing straight up
  368. "Mommy, why the frick is my pee pee hard?"
  369. >she notices it as soon as you started to speak and pauses for a moment
  370. >"Oh, dear."
  371. >Cream Heart stares at your erection for a few seconds, watching it twitch with excitement
  372. >"It's my turn right? I pick truth, to answer your question."
  373. >what a cop-out of a round
  374. >she moves one of her forelegs off your body and starts reaching down to (jr.) anon jr. slowly
  375. >"Alright, honey, mommy's going to teach you how to play with your joystick."
  376. >what the heck is she talking about?
  377. >the video games are all downstairs with Button
  378. >"Oh, let me see here..."
  379. >you squirm around as she touches your uncomfortably hard throbbing pp
  380. >she pulls away and pats you on the shoulder
  381. >"Shh, calm down, sweetie. I promise this wont hurt one bit. Now stop moving, or I'll sit on you..."
  382. >you stop moving immediately and breathe heavily as she reaches down
  383. >she puts the crook of her socked hoof and leg under your pp, grasping it snugly
  384. "Ohh!"
  385. >it feels very tender and comforting when she touches you like this
  386. >the aching feeling starts to go away with her holding it still
  387. >"This is called your penis. When you move something up and down on it..."
  388. >she carefully glides her hoof up and down the bottom of your cock while holding your back against her belly with her other leg
  389. "Ahhh..."
  390. >it feels really good and stimulating
  391. >"It feels good. When you touch the pink part on top..."
  392. >she clops you off on just the tip for nothing more than a moment
  393. "waaaAAH!"
  394. >it's almost too much to take when she touches it like that
  395. >"It feels really good. And, when you kiss and rub it at the same time..."
  396. >you turn to look at her, but find she's already leaning in to kiss you on the lips
  397. "Mmm, mhhmf...MM!"
  398. >her snoot aggressively presses on your mouth and tilts your head back for her lips to form a tight seal on yours
  399. >your body starts feeling all warm and tingly from her passionate kiss
  400. >she starts clopping you off faster than before, with her sock allowing her hoof to easily glide up and down your shaft
  401. "Mffhm!"
  402. >something feels like it's coming, and quick
  403. "Sofmmfthg mfh comfg! Mhhhm!"
  404. >pop
  405. >"Let it come for mommy~..."
  406. >she goes right back to kissing you and clops you up and down as fast as she can
  407. >oh celestia you feel like you're going to explode!
  408. "MPHFHHHHM!"
  409. >you lose all control and start to buck your hips against her hoof-
  410. "WHOAAAAA!"
  411. >all of a sudden she stops, sneaks both her hooves under your thighs, picks you up with her legs, and slides her mouth all the way down your cock to the base in one motion
  412. "AAAAAAH!"
  413. >your arms flail around and land on the back of her head, where you hold on tight as you feel like you pass the point of no return
  414. >your cock is spamming wildly, and you feel something warm squirt out of it repeatedly as you hump her scrunched snoot and lips
  415. "Oooooh... aaaaah!"
  416. >you feel nothing but waves of pleasure rocking your body as everything comes out of yourself into her warm, slick mouth
  417. >"Mmmf mmlph mlph mlph mmp ulp ump ump glup"
  418. >after a few moments, it finally stops coming out, and she lowers you back onto her lap sideways and your cock out of her mouth
  419. >"Mmm~!"
  420. >she brings her hooves up to her mouth and opens it, lulling her tongue out
  421. >"Aaaaaah~!"
  422. >there's... bubbly white stuff all mixed around in her mouth?
  423. >some of it drips down on her black-socked hooves below her mouth, leaving a strand from where it dripped out of her mouth
  424. "That's gross!"
  425. >she slurps her tongue back in, closes her mouth quickly, and effortlessly swallows everything down in one gulp
  426. >"Thank you Anon, that was delicious~! Is this better now? Aaaaah~!"
  427. >she opens her mouth again, completely clean and-
  428. "What did we just do...?"
  429. >she giggles and starts pulling off the dirty socks on her forelegs with her teeth, tossing them onto the carpet
  430. >"That was you finishing the level! You cummed in my mouth, darling~!"
  431. >you stare at her blankly
  432. "I cummed?
  433. >"Yes, and so much too! I'm so proud of you~! Mwah!"
  434. >disgustang.flac
  435. >she kissed you on the cheek like a mom would after you did well in something
  436. >"Good job, sweetie pie! Now let's play the next level: Truth or Dare?"
  437. >you feel like either answer won't change what's going to happen next
  438. "Uh, dare, I guess."
  439. >you feel post-nut depression for the first time after the succubus drained you
  440. >she looks down at you smugly, clearly thinking of what she's going to make you do
  441. >"You guess? You just guess that you'll let me dare you to do anything that I can imagine? Because I have something in mind..."
  442. "W-what?"
  443. >what could possibly be more wild than what just happened anyway?
  444. >she licks her lips and snoot while she keeps her eyes locked onto you
  445. >"Mommy's wanted to dare you to do this all day..."
  446. >she picks you up from under your legs and the small of your back, placing you on the bed next to her
  447. >pomf
  448. "What are we going to do on the bed, mommy?"
  449. >she looks at you and sucks her bottom lip like Hannibal Lecter
  450. >"f-f-f-f-f-fph ahhhh..."
  451. >what the buck?
  452. >"W-well, it's time to replenish y-your hp, sweetie!"
  453. >that sounded familiar
  454. >she spreads her legs open, letting her light coffee-colored sizable mare teats move down her crotch and rest on the bed
  455. >"Ah..."
  456. >"I dare you to... d-drink from my teats..."
  457. >what
  458. "What?"
  459. >you look at her puzzled, not remembering the lengthy explanation before
  460. >"I have m-milk inside my teats. And I dare you to d-drink it."
  461. "You do? But that's weird!"
  462. >she blushes and looks away, sheepishly rubbing the back of her mane
  463. >"W-well, I suppose it's... not exactly... normal."
  464. >she starts massaging one of her teats in a circular motion intently and looks towards you, snorting out of her snoot heavily
  465. >"But there's no warp zone in this game, dear."
  466. >she's right
  467. >how bad could it be anyway?
  468. "I'll do it."
  469. >"Yaaaay!"
  470. >she rears back and does little kicks in the air with her forelegs
  471. >good thing you weren't sitting very close to her
  472. >"Come here~."
  473. >you crawl over to her on the bed
  474. >you really smell her body odor and mare arousal now
  475. >it reminds you of being outside in nature, not bad at all
  476. "Like this?"
  477. >you pick up one big soft teat with both hands, and it squishes around your fingers and palms
  478. >it's deceptively heavy, even for being the size of a melon
  479. >"Oooooh~ Touch me, Anon!"
  480. >Cream Heart leans back and props herself up with her front legs behind her on the bed
  481. >you massage the lax, full teat in your hands and make a stroking motion towards the nipple
  482. >"Mmm~! Yes! Like that!"
  483. >there's already a bead of milk that drips out of her conical nipple and slides down her massive mammary
  484. >you quickly lick up the drop without thinking, running your tongue along the trail it left all the way up to her nipple
  485. >"Aah~! Buck yes!"
  486. >it's sweet and rich, with a creamy scent and flavor
  487. >you pop the nipple into your mouth and try to suckle more milk out from it with your lips and tongue
  488. >"Mmm-more! Do it more!"
  489. >a little stream of milk squirts out onto your tongue
  490. >"That's right, d-drink it all, so you can grow b-big and strong."
  491. >...deja vu?
  492. >her breathing gets labored and you can feel her hot horse breath on your neck and back
  493. >you keep teasing her nipple, noticing it's getting stiffer
  494. >"Im, I'm gonna- AAAAAH~!
  495. >you can feel a rhythmic thumping behind her teats and her body starts shivering
  496. >you feel her entire teat tighten and a strong stream of warm milk gushes out of her teat, straight down your throat
  497. "Gulp, gulp, gulp, glp-hrck! Cough! Mommy! Too much!"
  498. >the warm milk you drank makes you feel at peace and nourished, even though you just nearly choked on it
  499. >her snoot and cheeks turn rosy red at the sight of her milk dripping down from your chin after you struggled to drink it all
  500. >"S-sorry, Anon! Mommy's a little... pent up. I haven't m-milked my teats since this morning..."
  501. >she sits up and slides her hooves under her other teat
  502. >"Here, mommy will make it better."
  503. >she hunches forward, lifts up her teat up into her snootle, starts suckling on her own teat
  504. >"Mmm..."
  505. >wait a minute, this overpowering creamy taste...
  506. >as you think, you can see half of her horse vagina from under her lifted teat
  507. >her clit is winking hard on the teat you drank from, making that meaty noise that you've been hearing
  508. >"Slurp, slllup, l-l-l-l-l..."
  509. >her vagina is leaking some drips of mare juice onto the back of her teat, running down in the spot of the bed under her
  510. >"Mh! Slulululp, mmmph! Mhrp, gulp, gulp, glp, glp..."
  511. >she looks up at you in her contorted position, making eye contact with you and blushing deep red while she empties the milk out of her own teat into her mouth
  512. >the swallowing sounds and movements her throat makes as she gulps down her own mare milk reminds you of when she ate the peach this afternoon
  513. "Miss Cream Heart?"
  514. >"Pop! Aaaaaah~... yes, Anon?"
  515. "Truth or dare."
  516. >she takes one look into your eyes and can tell something is on your mind
  517. >"Truth, what's the matter?"
  518. >she sits up straight and gives you a concerned look
  519. "What kind of milk did you give me downstairs?"
  520. >"UH!"
  521. >she freezes stares at you, speechless for a moment
  522. >"Um, w-well... The truth is..."
  523. >and it looked like she couldn't get any redder than before
  524. >the room is silent aside from the meaty thwip sound of her clit winking on her teats
  525. >she guides your head down and gently rests them on her teats, which make a comfy pillow for you
  526. >"That milk you loved so much downstairs... came from... right here."
  527. >you blush and rest your head on her teats, your suspicion being right
  528. >it feels very comfortable to lay your head on Cream Heart's generous teats
  529. >she starts to stroke your hair with her hooves and you begin to feel sleepy
  530. "Mommy, tell me a story."
  531. >"Ok, sweetie. I'll tell you a story, but I think you've heard it before. It starts like this..."
  532. >she stops moving her hooves around on your head for a moment
  533. >"The mommy pony asks: Truth or Dare?"
  534. >you turn your body to look up at her face and see she's smiling down at you, her eyes lowered in delight
  535. "Oh."
  536. >"Do you not want me to tell that story anymore?"
  537. "No, mommy. I like that one."
  538. >"Aww, I like that one too~... Now, what's the next part?"
  539. >you've passed the point where you should clearly stop, but let's keep going and see what happens
  540. "Anon says Dare."
  541. >"That's right~, Anon says Dare. And after that..."
  542. >Cream Heart scoots back on the bed and lays your head down on the mattress
  543. >you see her lift her rump and stand up from under her front hooves
  544. >"The mommy pony dares Anon to only move his face until she says so~."
  545. >oh frick
  546. >she walks over you, pendulous teats swaying with her steps and lightly clapping her flanks as she walks
  547. >you're lying on your back, staying still, lest you move a muscle and lose the dare
  548. >she stops right as her teats are above your face
  549. >"Now stay still, dear."
  550. >she lowers her rear down, laying her heavy, squishy teats on your face
  551. >she moves forward, back, and side to side repeatedly, taking full advantage of her dare
  552. >"Ohh, yes Anon! Mommy imagined doing this since she first saw you!"
  553. >she moves one hoof to her right teat and slips her nipple into your lips
  554. >"Now drink~!"
  555. >you comply with her command, opening your mouth and suckling from her nipple
  556. >you're hard again but can't do anything about it since you have to lay still
  557. >"Ahh~! G-good boy!"
  558. >she continues grinding her teats on your face, the motion coaxing out streams of milk into your mouth
  559. >you continue teasing her nipple with your tongue, flipping it up and down
  560. >"Ohh, yes! Keep going!"
  561. >the milk streams come at a comfortable speed for you to drink since you both drained her teats one time already
  562. >"Ah-Alright, now work on the other..."
  563. >she lifts up her rear and her teat comes out of your mouth with full suction
  564. >pop
  565. >"OOH!"
  566. >"Shut up!"
  567. >Button must have woken up and heard you from downstairs
  568. >"What did I tell you about watching your language, young stallion?"
  569. >she lowers her other teat into your mouth, and you start suckling right away
  570. >"Ahh... At least one of you are well-behaved~."
  571. >she grinds this one slower, releasing fuller, longer jets of milk into your mouth with each movement
  572. >you keep teasing and sucking her nipple to help her lactate
  573. >"Oooh, that's it, right there. Keep drinking, you'll need your strength for the next stage..."
  574. >you drink down her milk a couple more times until the flow out of her nipple weakens
  575. >she lifts herself up again, popping her teat off of your lips
  576. >pop
  577. >"AH!"
  578. >a little milk squirts out of her teat and splatters onto your face from above
  579. >"Hehe! Whoops~. Remember, don't move..."
  580. >she lowers her pussy onto your face, smothering it in her mare juices that mix with her fresh, creamy milk
  581. >her teats rest on your neck and chest while she rubs her mare folds over your nose and clit on your lips
  582. >"Rnnnnng, don't be shy, Anon. Use lick."
  583. >your cock is painfully hard and throbbing at this point, but you can't touch it
  584. >you desperately lick her winking clit even though it's moving in and out weirdly
  585. >"Ooh, ooh! Critical hnng-hit!"
  586. >her clit starts throbbing faster and harder, and you swirl your tongue around it quickly while her folds clamp down repeatedly on your nose
  587. >"I'm gonna- OOAAH!"
  588. >her clit throbs, and all of a sudden, she clamps down hard on your face while orange, salty fluid gushes out from her mare pussy onto your face, in your mouth, and up your nose
  589. "Cough, cough, snort! Hey! What the hay?"
  590. >she lifts her plot up quickly
  591. >Cream Heart looks down at the mess she made on your face and blushes
  592. >"Oh, heh heh. I must have forgotten about my "victory animation"..."
  593. "Can I get up now please?"
  594. >she looks down with furrowed eyebrows
  595. >"Yes, you /may/."
  596. >you lift your head up from a big wet spot on the sheets, and sit up, grabbing up dry bedsheets to wipe your face with
  597. "Now you're just being fafeshus!"
  598. >"Ha ha ha! You're just the cutest, Anon!"
  599. >Cream Heart dives down on you and ensnares you in a hug, knocking you flat on the bed under her and peppering your face with little mare kisses
  600. "We'll see how cute I am after this turn."
  601. >"Ooh, a challenge. I can't resist those..."
  602. >she stares into you and bites her lip in anticipation
  603. "Truth or dare?"
  604. >Cream Heart pushes herself up from your chest and rests her crotch on your lap
  605. >"Dare."
  606. >is that... an aftertaste of peaches in your throat?
  607. >never mind
  608. >you've got her right where you want her now
  609. "I dare you to let me do whatever I want with you for 5 minutes."
  610. >she gives you that same devious, greedy smile as before
  611. >"Oooh~! You're on!"
  612. >you sit up and flop her back onto the bed, her mare teats flipping up over her belly and spread open flanks
  613. >pomf
  614. >"What are we gonna do on the bed, Anon?"
  615. >she bats her eyes and smiles at you
  616. >you're reminded of when she first batted her eyes at you while you were gaming and your cock gets hard for her
  617. "Whatever I want."
  618. >you lean down and kiss her on her mare snoot, grabbing her mane with one hand for leverage to press your mouth onto hers
  619. >"Mmmph~!"
  620. >you guide your penis with your other hand to her horse pussy opening
  621. >shit
  622. >where is it
  623. >you break your lips off of hers and look down to find that you're too short to reach her pussy and kiss her on the mouth at the same time
  624. >"Aww, is my little man too short to reach mommy's pussy?"
  625. >she blushes deep red and snoofs from seeing this, clearly enjoying it
  626. "Sh-shut up!"
  627. >you blush red with embarrassment, crawl down her body a bit, and line up your sword to her hitbox
  628. >"Tee-hee~!"
  629. >your cock is painfully hard now and almost vertical, making it difficult to put it in her hole
  630. >you snuggle down onto her so your dick is positioned for entry
  631. >"Oh, my little boy can do anything he wants and he decides to snuggle with mommy~!"
  632. >she cuddles you in delight with her forelegs, nuzzling your head with her chin
  633. >you find the secret waterfall entrance and thrust your whole body forwards, still in her embrace
  634. >"OOOH!"
  635. >your cock feels perfect inside of her pussy
  636. >it's slippery, hot, stretchy, yet still tightly gripping around you
  637. >you start humping into her by moving your hips back and forth, clapping your crotch onto her pussy and teats
  638. >"Ah! Ah! Ah~! Yes! AhhAhhAhAh.. Plunder my dungeon!"
  639. >it feels so good that you can feel the tingly orgasmic pleasure start to build up in your body, even though you came a few minutes ago
  640. "You feel so good, mommy!"
  641. >"Oooooh~! Faster! Speedrun me!"
  642. >you thrust yourself all the way into her and make short, quick pumps in and out of her
  643. >her teats are like a squishy cushion and spring against your lap as you pound deep into her
  644. "Ohhhh!"
  645. >"Ah Ah Ah Ah! More! Moooore~! I'm close, Anon!"
  646. >you wrap your arms around her back and start cuddle-fucking her, letting yourself get closer to the edge
  647. "I love you, mommy! Wuuuh!"
  648. >"OH~! I love you too, so-OOOOOOOOOON!"
  649. >her hind legs clamp down around your butt and she ejaculates more helpings of squash soup around your cock in the rhythm of her orgasm
  650. >the hot mare juice splashes over your cock and balls, making everything feel like it's melting in pleasure
  651. "Aaaaaaah! It's-!"
  652. >the waves of mare cum and her vaginal contractions push you over the edge, and you finally cream inside her heart
  653. "I'm cumming!"
  654. >"Yes! Cum for mommy! Make me another son! Make foals inside meeeeee~!"
  655. >you let yourself splort inside her horse pussy over and over as her legs keep you fully buried in her pussy and snugged up against her body
  656. >the slugs of cum slow down and stop coming out inside of her, then a warm wave of pleasure spreads through your whole body in fuzzy afterglow
  657. >"It's so warm, and you came so much in me~!"
  658. "Ooooh..."
  659. >she keeps you inside of her and keeps you snuggled on her chest, but relaxes her legs and stops squeezing you so hard
  660. >she reaches her head down and kisses you on the top of your head
  661. >"You got a new highscore in this game~."
  662. "Yay, I win..."
  663. >Cream Heart holds you and rolls you over on the bed with you still inside of her, then grabs a pillow for herself and you to lay your heads on
  664. "Mommy, tell me a story."
  665. >"Ok, the story goes like this: A human gets sent to equestria, but has a hard time fitting in with all the other ponies at pony school."
  666. >she moves her hoof up to the back of your head and strokes your hair again
  667. >"The human has a few pony friends, but meets a wonderful mare that reminds him of his mother that he used to have before he came to equestria."
  668. "Ahh..."
  669. >"The momma pony loved him so much that he felt like he had a mother again, and they lived happily ever after as a big, happy family... together."
  670. "Hmm, that was a good story, momma."
  671. >she grabs the covers and tosses them over you and her
  672. >the warmth from the sheets and her chest add to your feeling of drowsiness
  673. >"I'll tell you as many stories as you want, dear."
  674. "Will you be my mom like in the story?"
  675. >she kisses you on the top of your head again
  676. >"I already am, son."
  677. >you safely drift off to sleep nestled her soft chest and pillow, the peachy aftertaste of her marecum being the last thing you think of before succumbing to sleep

Yandere Thread - Yandere Applejack (completed)

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Bonding with Nature

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The Long and Short of It (RGRE)

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incest relationships piece of the whole pie (lewd) by Frostybox[...]

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