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Goodnight Ponyville

By vul
Created: 2023-08-17 05:09:07
Updated: 2023-08-17 05:12:27
Expiry: Never

  2. SC: "Ponyville, this is Scoot Team, come in."
  3. SG: "This is Ponyville, go ahead, Scoot."
  4. SC: "Reporting enemy movement, approximately two klicks north of current position. Looks like they sent at least eight swarms down here, advancing from the north. I say again, eight swarms."
  5. SG: "Scoot Team, did you say eight swarms?"
  6. SC: "Eight swarms, affirmative. Visual confirmation."
  7. SG: "Stand by."
  8. SC: "Roger, standing by."
  9. SG: "Scoot Team, this is Ponyville. Evacuation order issued. Pack up and fall back to designated extraction point. Extraction team en route, five mikes… Over."
  10. SC: "Roger, initiating retreat. We're giving up the orchard?"
  11. SG: "Affirm. We've done everything we can."
  12. SC: "Roger, Ponyville. Out."
  14. AJ: "Scoot Team, this is Ponyville actual, come in."
  15. SC: "This is Scoot Team, go ahead."
  16. AJ: "Scoot Team, the situation has shifted. Be advised friendly pegasi are providing lightning barrage fire support on enemy position in two minutes. Take cover and ensure your equipment is shielded, over."
  17. SC: "Wilco, lightning barrage noted."
  18. AJ: "Trix Team found a second force approaching from the south. Enemy engagement is unavoidable, we are en route to your location ETA ten minutes. Y'all stay safe now, ya hear?"
  19. SC: "Roger."
  20. AJ: "See you in the Crystal Empire. Out."
  22. Smokestacks lined on horizon, will of the machine
  23. Seek and destroy 'til the world is clean
  24. Death is approaching rolling through the vale
  25. No turning tail, so give them hell
  26. Load up the carriers, stow what you can away
  27. 'cause Ponyville may never again see the light of day
  29. RY: "Mayday mayday mayday! This is carrier seven! Buzzhoof landed on the right wing, it's trying to bore into the engine!"
  30. SP: "This is Wonder-2, Carrier Seven. Got visual on the hostile, moving to intercept."
  32. Carriers beware that air you're breathing's full of blades
  33. Nowhere to hide, no one is safe
  34. While down below they seek the cover of the storm
  35. Maybe your gun will keep you warm
  36. Wait for the barrage to come, for they will know our pain
  37. Lightning bolts to pierce the clouds, as many as the rain
  39. SC: "Daredevil, this is Scoot Team, these robots are getting real close. Where's that lightning barrage, over."
  40. DD: "Scoot Team, this is Daredevil actual. They've got buzzhoofs in the air right now, we're having a hard time getting in position. Hang tight."
  41. SC: "Copy that. We're sheltering in a root cellar right now but we're not gonna stay hidden for much longer, things could get messy."
  42. DD: "Everything is messy right now."
  43. SC: "Roger that. I just don't want to get turned into fried chicken if we end up in a fight. They're getting too close, give me an ETA. Over."
  44. DD: "Ugh, ten minutes?"
  45. RD: "Gimme that. Hey Daredevil Actual, this is Scoot Team Actual, did you say ten minutes? over."
  46. DD: "Affirmative, ten minutes, one-zero mikes. There's about twenty buzzhoofs between Daredevil and stormsight to your hostiles."
  47. RD: "Well then, pull some Daring Do shit, huh?"
  48. DD: (laughs) "I only Daring Do ancient ruins. Killer robots are outside my area of expertise. You're just gonna have to wait."
  49. RD: "Ten minutes is way too late, call it off."
  50. DD: "We don't have the authority to do that. Ponyville's gonna need those bots knocked out no matter what. If you're gonna start a fight, you better make it clear."
  51. RD: "Roger. Scoot Team out."
  53. SC: "So what do we do now?"
  54. RD: "I have a plan. How are your phasers looking?"
  55. SC: "70% capacity, locked and loaded."
  56. RD: "Good enough."
  57. SC: "So what's the plan?"
  58. RD: "I'll explain it to you as we go along. Phase one: getting their attention!"
  59. RD: "Alright you cans, let's kick it!"
  63. RD: "Phase two: Get distance!"
  64. SC: "Huh?"
  65. RD: "Hold on tight!"
  66. SC: "Whoa!"
  68. SC: "That's a lot of buzzhoofs…"
  69. RD: "Yeah? Well then shoot them!"
  71. RD: "Alright, you take cover and keep your stuff shielded–gimme that radio. I'm goin' up."
  73. RD: "Daredevil, this is Scoot Team actual, you read? How you doing on those buzzhoofs?"
  74. DD: "Scoot Team actual, I read you. Buzzhoofs are clear for now, but we're still on approach. ETA 5 mikes."
  75. RD: "No need for that, I brought them closer."
  76. DD: "Sorry, say again?"
  77. RD: "Yeah, you're gonna see them in a bit."
  78. DD: "You realize lightning barrage cannons aren't for close quarters combat, right?"
  79. RD: "Well, duh. Just wait, you'll see it in a second."
  80. DD: "Rainbow Dash, I hope to Celestia you know what you're doing."
  82. RD: "Down we go…"
  84. SC: "Whoa."
  85. DD: "Oh, Celestia."
  86. RD: "Do you see them now?"
  87. DD: "Yeah, we see them. Going dark, have a nice day, Rainbow Dash."
  88. RD: "Phase three, sonic rainboom!"

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