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spawnpony reference/guide

By Guest
Created: 2023-08-26 22:04:08
Expiry: Never

  1. this is a spawnpony reference/guide. with the spawnpony plugin, you can easily put ponies on every single map in the game, even the mare maps if you dare.
  2. the server plugin is available here.
  4. >why do this over making a dedicated maremap
  5. 1. its very minimalistic and clean. after the initial model downloads you never have to download anything again no matter how many maps.
  6. 2. if features are added, the configs could be comparatively easy to update.
  7. 3. its simpler, you dont have to learn hammer or have the map source files or whatever, you can even find coordinates while actually playing since its not a cheat.
  9. >why wouldn't you use this
  10. 1. you can only place ponies. no fun textures or other props (yet, probably trivially easy to add new models to the plugin)
  11. 2. you cannot replace props either. so things like the derpy payload aren't an option (i bet a plugin like this already exists, though probably not pony specific, likely trivially easy)
  12. 3. you cant have those fancy animation activators when close
  13. 4. you cannot have a 'normal' version of the map unless you make a copy of the normal map and give the config a unique name to work with. but then, this removes the benefit of not having to download maps, while giving none of the benefits of having a specific maremap
  17. ###1; PLACEMENT
  18. a. cp_marecenaryponk ( also has a fuckload of animations with comments telling you their approximate location on the map, check it out for examples
  19. 2. select scout, and run around the map you are working with using "cl_showpos 1" to find coordinates of your standing position and direction on the map
  20. a. different classes have different eyelevel heights, so i recommend playing as scout
  21. 3. put those coordinates into the config, under the poner you wanna manipulate
  22. a. these coordinates can be rounded or as specific as you like
  23. 4. in the position area, the z axis number is the characters eye height ingame. since you picked scout, you would subtract 65 from this value, so the pony would spawn on the ground instead of at eye height
  24. a. "position" "-5697 -1629 65" // x y z, original, yuck
  25. b. "position" "-5697 -1629 0" // x y z, UPDATED, PERFECT, muah sherrifs kiss
  26. 5. save as "mapnamerc1whatever.cfg"
  27. 6. reload the map on your server (eg. map_mercenarypark) to see your changes ingame
  28. if you did all this right there should be a poner on the map.
  32. ###2; PROSTRATS
  33. 1. set mp_tournament 1 to remove timelimit and sv_cheats 1 so you can noclip
  34. 2. ponies can also be your angles. the pitch and roll items are optional but can really improve a scene. check mercenarypark for examples of it being used
  35. a. "angles" "0 146 0" // pitch yaw roll, aka "look up and down/look left and right/rotate like a spaceship"
  36. b. "angles" "60 146 40" //now shes looking down and tilting her head quizzically, that silly mare
  37. 3. i have not found a max limit and it doesn't seem to impact performance. you cannot overdose, fullsend it
  38. 4. on some characters, in some configs, there are bodytype lines. they dont seem to be necessary but i only used ponka. it seems like 3 is pegasus and 8 is unicorn, but from my limited testing with derpy it seemed to work fine without it. i assume this is how you select which of the three .mdl files to use, but for the most part all three have the same animations
  39. a. "bodygroup" "3"
  40. 5. animations can also be used by any race of pony. so pinkie can use the rainbow dash ones and so on.
  41. 6. use comments //. the bigger the project becomes the more necessary organization is. think xbox huge brother. categorize by room, describe where the mare is on the map, describe the animation, etc
  42. a. /* and */ dont fucking work though, very frustrating. normally that would be a comment block so just spam the fuck out of //
  45. ###3; VARIABLES
  46. ##PONIES
  47. 1. mdl_pp //pinkie pie
  48. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_pinkiepie.mdl"
  49. 2. mdl_fs //fluttershy
  50. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_fluttershy.mdl"
  51. 3. mdl_ts //twilight spawkle
  52. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_twilightsparkle.mdl"
  53. 4. mdl_ra //rarity
  54. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_rarity.mdl"
  55. 5. mdl_rd //rainbow dash
  56. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_rainbowdash.mdl"
  57. 6. mdl_aj //applejack
  58. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_applejack.mdl"
  59. 7. mdl_bp //berry punch
  60. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_berrypunch.mdl"
  61. 8. mdl_dh //derpy hooves
  62. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_derpyhooves.mdl"
  63. 9. mdl_f //flitter
  64. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_flitter.mdl"
  65. 10. mdl_cc //cloud chaser
  66. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_cloudchaser.mdl"
  67. 11. mdl_lh //lyra heartstrings
  68. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_lyra.mdl"
  69. 12. mdl_bb //bonbon
  70. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_bonbon.mdl"
  71. 13. mdl_vs //vinyl scratch
  72. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_vinyl_scratch.mdl"
  73. 14. mdl_mc //miss cheerilee
  74. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_cheerilee.mdl"
  75. 15. mdl_ct //carrot top
  76. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_carrottop.mdl"
  77. 16. mdl_dd //daring do
  78. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_daringdo.mdl"
  79. 17. mdl_trixie //trixie lulamoon
  80. "models/enhanced_ponies/vn_enh_trixie.mdl"
  84. ##ANIMATIONS. note, you can keep the comments so you know what they are doing by reading the configs.
  85. #GREAT
  86. "amazement" //shows surprise well
  87. "Breathing_lay_base" //cat pony
  88. "Breathing_sit_base" //just sitting there
  89. "Breathing_stand_base" //better than idle. bit more movement
  90. "Conga" //what you think. model actually moves. if you wanna "connect" the animations, theres around 75 units between each, see mercenarypark for an example
  91. "dancing" //cute little ditty, nice standing prance
  92. "dancing_head" //versatile. "i cant think of what to put here" jest werks tier
  93. "eating_sit_something_long" //versatile. can be used near health packs ezily, or operating a forklift, etc
  94. "eating_something2nd" //looks like she is doing the headbutt taunt. almost interactive
  95. "Flying_stationary" //floating animation. great pegasus default animation
  96. "Flying_stationary2x" //floating animation. great pegasus default animation, faster
  97. "Fly_stationary_Prepwned" //floating animation, with forelegs up more. sort of vertical stance
  98. "Fly_stationary_Prepwned2x" //floating animation, with forelegs up more. sort of vertical stance, faster
  99. "headbang2x" //silly headbang. its as good as it sounds
  100. "headbang_reverse2x" //king
  101. "Jump" //cutest little fuarkin hop
  102. "Jump2x" //cutest little fuarkin hop, FAST
  103. "my_life" //another forearm dance, looks like shes saying go left
  104. "pinkie_hop" //you know it, you love it
  105. "pinkie_hop2x" //more of what you love
  106. "rainbowdash_idlefighting" //trex mode, awesome posture
  107. "rainbowdash_lowerhit_slower" //cute little front hoof strike
  108. "rainbowdash_spinningattack" //leg helicopter, very silly, good speed
  109. "rainbowdash_stuckpose" //closest thing to a ragdoll. when i see this, i hear OOF
  110. "rainbowdash_superattack" //SUUUPER KIIIIICKU, FRONTO FLIPPU, HAYAAHAYAYAI
  111. "rainbowdash_superjump" //cute big front flip
  112. "rainbowdash_tailshot_slow" //tail whip, its silly and i love it
  113. "relaxed_pose" //very comfortable pose, rancho relaxo tier
  114. "Robot" //domo arigato mr roponko
  115. "sensual_butt_movement" //ass WIGGLE
  116. "Swimming_Genma" //amazing swim idle animation
  117. "Swimming_Genma2x" //amazing swim idle animation
  118. "twilight_attack_slower" //deranged, if you want a creepy look i think this works well
  119. "twilight_attack2nd_slower" //wait.. waiiiit.. adorable head swipe
  120. "twilight_blackhole" //silly floating thing, looks like shes surprised
  121. "twilight_preparing" //very cute, conveys an indecisive emotion
  122. "twilight_superattack" //very autistic but well animated. anime pose
  123. "twilight_superattack_slow" //very autistic but well animated. anime pose, different pace
  124. "twilight_superattack_slower" //it just seems to get more ridiculous as time lets it
  125. "twilight_stuck" //same thing as rainbowdash_stuckpose?
  126. "Walking_walk_Theshabbycat" //cute little dance, not really a walk
  127. "Walking_walk_Theshabbycat2x" //cute little dance, not really a walk, faster
  128. "wingles" //an extreme version of dancing head, funny
  130. #situationally great
  131. "amazement2nd" //same as amazement, but the model runs away. i have it so she runs into a wall and its funny
  132. "Crawling_Genma" //crawls on all fours. pretty silly, i see applications somewhere
  133. "Crawling_Genma2x" //crawls on all fours. pretty silly, faster
  134. "flying_fast" //superman flying. but obviously inplace. would be funny on a map with an air jumppad
  135. "skating_normal" //on an ice level, would be top tier
  136. "Sprint_Argo2x" //great run, but the character doesn't move, so only great for shenanigans
  137. "Sprint_Genma" //reasonable looking run, would look great on a treadmill
  138. "Sprint_Genma2x" //another great run, looks powerful
  139. "Sprint_Gaohaq" //less powerful looking sprint but still great
  140. "Trot_Genma" //a poner jog, would look great in the right context
  141. "reverse_walk_fast" //i used it like she were walking into a wall and thought it turned out cute
  142. "twilight_attack" //subtly jerky head, maybe good if thats the intention
  143. "Walk_Damagek" //good creepy walk, slowly coming toward you
  144. "Walk_Damagek2x" //a bit more normal walk
  145. "Walk_Genma" //another good slow walk
  146. "Walk_Genma2x" //brisk walk
  147. "Walk_happy_Argo" //shes coming, lots of head movement
  148. "Walk_happy_Argo2x" //o lawd she comin, belongs in an [s4s] polarbear gif
  149. "Walk_Taceo2x" //lots of great options for movement, no great options for moving characters
  151. #good
  152. "caramel_dancing" //pretty played out but a good model adaptation
  153. "cyhadals_dance1st_2x" //sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake. pretty fast and a little jank.
  154. "cyhadals_dance2nd_2x" //sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake. pretty fast and a little jank. mirrored, so good for partner taunts
  155. "eating_something" //eating like chips or something
  156. "eating_something3rd" //actually standing and eating, the madmare
  157. "headbang" //slower headbang
  158. "idle" //stands and slightly wiggles. boring
  159. "kick_back" //kicks out left backleg
  160. "pony_shocked" //lifts a hoof and recoils a bit, pretty cute, kind of boring
  161. "rainbowdash_crumpleblast" //dinosaur mode, frontu STRIKU with both hooves
  162. "rainbowdash_frontalkick_slow" //dinosaur mode, kicks then stance, better pace i think
  163. "rainbowdash_kickback_slow" //good rear kick, better pacing i think
  164. "rainbowdash_wingsshield_slower" //UP down UP down UP down UP
  165. "skating_normal2x" //looks like she is nervously shuffling. little jank, but pretty cute
  166. "somersault2x" //frontflip, better speed then normal"
  167. "somersault_reverse" //backflip
  168. "twilight_attack2nd" //silly head swipe
  169. "twilight_attack2nd_slow" //silly head swipe
  170. "twilight_bigbangattack" //a karate stance
  171. "twilight_bigbangattack_slow" //a karate stance, pretty good pace
  172. "twilight_bigbangattack_slower" //a karate stance, but slow enough that it feels like a magical thing
  173. "twilight_littlejump_frontal" //cute little swipe jump
  174. "twilight_littlejump_frontal_slower" //cute little swipe jump
  175. "twilight_preparing_slower" //less thinking, more "did i step in something"
  176. "twilight_ready_slow" //little head butt
  177. "WCD3" //forearm dance, crosses arms
  178. "WCD4" //forearm dance, in an infinity pattern
  180. #decent
  181. "drinking_something_sit" //feels like a worse eating, but if you are wanting her to drink this is probably better
  182. "drinking_something2nd" //mirrored
  183. "kick_back2nd" //both back legs, pretty slow looking, but cute
  184. "rainbowdash_eagledive_slow" //action is completed kind of smooth but end result is that it looks pretty eh
  185. "rainbowdash_frontalkick" //dinosaur mode, kicks then stance
  186. "rainbowdash_kickback" //good rear kick.
  187. "rainbowdash_lowerhit" //cute little front hoof strike. bit too fast i think
  188. "rainbowdash_wingsshield" //UP down UP down UP down UP, bit too fast
  189. "somersault" //frontflip, pretty slow, 2x is better but not bad
  190. "twilight_bigbangattack_slow" //some karate type shenanigan
  191. "twilight_block_slower" //heil hoofler
  192. "twilight_ready" //little head butt, bit too fast
  193. "WCD" //forearm dance, high hooves, slaps every hoof in a 45 degree radius. doesn't loop well
  194. "WCD2" //forearm dance, alternates hindhooves while pushing forearms forward. looks offbalance and strange
  196. #meme tier
  197. "anthro_walk" //bruh
  198. "anthro_walk2x" //BRUH
  199. "rainbowdash_airattack2nd" //really stupid looking move, kind of fast
  200. "rainbowdash_airattack2nd_slower" //really stupid looking move, bit better pace
  201. "rainbowdash_eagledive_slower" //silly looking
  202. "rainbowdash_ko" //these are just stupid to look at. fighting game knockout animation, good pace
  203. "rainbowdash_ko2x" //these are just stupid to look at. fighting game knockout animation, bit faster
  204. "rainbowdash_strikegroundattack_slower" //this one made me laugh so hard, its like this weird slide, looks like shes slipping through a grate
  205. "Sprint_Gaohaq2x" //i hear cartoon percussion looking at this, its hilarious
  206. "twilight_air_attack" //very autistic looking head jerking. perfect if thats what you are going for
  207. "twilight_air_attack_slower" //very autistic looking head jerking. perfect if thats what you are going for
  208. "twilight_air_freezeray_dual_slow" //goofy, way too much movement
  209. "twilight_air_freezeray_dual_slower" //goofy, no way to put this on a map without it looking awful i think but its silly
  210. "twilight_kick" //i dont know how this is a kick. its like this wacky head butt
  211. "twilight_kick_slower" //wacky head butt with some suspense
  212. "twilight_ko" //seems a bit slower than rd ko
  213. "twilight_ko2x" //i dont know if its different
  215. #too slow/fast. not necessarily a bad thing but i think theres a clear winner and didn't want to put these in other categories
  216. cyhadals_dance1st cyhadals_dance2nd rainbowdash_frontalkick_slower rainbowdash_kickback_slower rainbowdash_crumpleblast_slow rainbowdash_crumpleblast_slower rainbowdash_superattack_slow rainbowdash_superattack_slower rainbowdash_tailshot_slower twilight_bigbangattack_slow twilight_blackhole_slower twilight_block twilight_block_slow twilight_littlejump_frontal_slower twilight_preparing_slow twilight_ready_slower Trot_Genma2x
  218. #does not seem to have an animation
  219. ragdoll ACT_DIERAGDOLL kick_combo bat_ears
  221. #animations representing the act themselves not the end result you probably want
  222. sitting_down_reverse sitting_down sit2nd_up sit_down sit2nd_down sit_up sit_up2nd
  224. #extremely jank. probably not what you want
  225. rainbowdash_airattack_slow rainbowdash_airattack rainbowdash_airattack_slower rainbowdash_finalairattack_slower rainbowdash_finalairattack rainbowdash_eagledive twilight_air_freezeray_dual twilight_attack3rd twilight_attack3rd_slower twilight_kick_slow
  229. how you find this is by opening the pony_female_*_animations.mdl files in a text editor. there should be a list at some point of everything they can do, i grepped all the files for Breathing_sit_base is how i figured this out. probably an easier way
  231. ragdoll ACT_DIERAGDOLL Sprint_Argo Sprint_Argo2x Robot Walk_Taceo Walk_Taceo2x Flying_stationary Flying_stationary2x Fly_stationary_Prepwned Fly_stationary_Prepwned2x Breathing_sit_base Conga Crawling_Genma Crawling_Genma2x Jump Jump2x my_life Sprint_Gaohaq Sprint_Gaohaq2x Sprint_Genma Sprint_Genma2x Swimming_Genma Swimming_Genma2x Trot_Genma Trot_Genma2x Walk_Damagek Walk_Damagek2x Walk_Genma Walk_Genma2x Walk_happy_Argo Walk_happy_Argo2x Walking_walk_Theshabbycat Walking_walk_Theshabbycat2x WCD WCD2 WCD3 WCD4 Breathing_lay_base Breathing_stand_base kick_combo dancing flying_fast caramel_dancing dancing_head kick_back pinkie_hop pinkie_hop2x pony_shocked sensual_butt_movement somersault somersault2x sitting_down headbang headbang2x sit_down sit_up sit2nd_down sit2nd_up relaxed_pose kick_back2nd wingles idle reverse_walk reverse_walk_fast reverse_walk_faster amazement amazement2nd anthro_walk anthro_walk2x cyhadals_dance1st cyhadals_dance2nd cyhadals_dance1st_2x cyhadals_dance2nd_2x drinking_something drinking_something_sit drinking_something2nd eating_sit_something eating_sit_something_long eating_something eating_something2nd eating_something3rd skating_normal skating_normal2x rainbowdash_airattack rainbowdash_airattack_slow rainbowdash_airattack_slower rainbowdash_airattack2nd rainbowdash_airattack2nd_slower rainbowdash_crumpleblast rainbowdash_crumpleblast_slow rainbowdash_crumpleblast_slower rainbowdash_eagledive rainbowdash_eagledive_slow rainbowdash_eagledive_slower rainbowdash_finalairattack rainbowdash_finalairattack_slower rainbowdash_frontalkick rainbowdash_frontalkick_slow rainbowdash_frontalkick_slower rainbowdash_idlefighting rainbowdash_kickback rainbowdash_kickback_slow rainbowdash_kickback_slower rainbowdash_ko rainbowdash_ko2x rainbowdash_lowerhit rainbowdash_lowerhit_slower rainbowdash_spinningattack rainbowdash_spinningattack_slow rainbowdash_spinningattack_slower rainbowdash_strikegroundattack rainbowdash_strikegroundattack_slower rainbowdash_stuckpose rainbowdash_superattack rainbowdash_superattack_slow rainbowdash_superattack_slower rainbowdash_superjump rainbowdash_tailshot rainbowdash_tailshot_slow rainbowdash_tailshot_slower rainbowdash_wingsshield rainbowdash_wingsshield_slower twilight_air_attack twilight_air_attack_slower twilight_air_freezeray_dual twilight_air_freezeray_dual_slow twilight_air_freezeray_dual_slower twilight_attack twilight_attack_slower twilight_attack2nd twilight_attack2nd_slow twilight_attack2nd_slower twilight_attack3rd twilight_attack3rd_slower twilight_bigbangattack twilight_bigbangattack_slow twilight_bigbangattack_slower twilight_blackhole twilight_blackhole_slower twilight_block twilight_block_slow twilight_block_slower twilight_kick twilight_kick_slow twilight_kick_slower twilight_ko twilight_ko2x twilight_littlejump_frontal twilight_littlejump_frontal_slower twilight_preparing twilight_preparing_slow twilight_preparing_slower twilight_ready twilight_ready_slow twilight_ready_slower twilight_stuck twilight_superattack twilight_superattack_slow twilight_superattack_slower Crawling_Genma_reverse Crawling_Genma_reverse2x Trot_Genma_reverse Trot_Genma_reverse2x somersault_reverse sitting_down_reverse somersault_reverse2x headbang_reverse headbang_reverse2x sit_up2nd anthro_walk_reverse anthro_walk_reverse2x skating_normal_reverse skating_normal_reverse2x sit2nd_up2nd nothing
  233. bat_ears < this was exclusively on only one of the .mdl files. doesn't seem to do anything, but maybe relevant to bodygroup line
  234. */

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