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The Misadventures Of Derpy Hooves: Season 2 Episode 4

By Shroooomy
Created: 2023-08-31 04:56:42
Expiry: Never

  1. The Misadventures Of Derpy Hooves (And Friends!)
  3. Season 2 Episode 4: Derpy Passively Supports The Genocide Of Her Own Race But Is Still Somehow More Likeable Than Rainbow Dash By The End.
  8. Pinkie Pie:
  10. > Appointed Rounds and I sat buried inside the branches of a thick honeysuckle bush.
  11. > Across the street sits the Ponyville post office.
  12. > It's around eight
  13. > The sun has set.
  14. > And the post office will be closing soon.
  16. > Appointed Rounds swigged from the bottle of "Celestia's Select"
  17. > A bottom shelf red I always bring to our stakeouts.
  18. > When she was finished drinking she wiped her lips and passed me the bottle.
  20. > An uncomfortable and sobering realization washed over me.
  21. > I'm sitting in a bush with a thirty year old mare, whom I barely know.
  22. > Drinking the cheapest wine in Equestria, while waiting for the post office to close so we can rob their mail for Muffins sham delivery service.
  24. > It's times like this I regret leaving home.
  25. > When I was a filly living alone on the rock farm, all I ever dreamed of was moving to Ponyville with all my friends.
  26. > Since my move, I've experienced so much.
  28. > I've hosted tons of party's
  29. > Had lots of sexual experiences
  30. > And drank, smoked and snorted more than any other pony I know.
  32. > I Fell in love
  33. > Made new friends
  34. > And went on lots of adventures representing one of the Elements of Harmony.
  36. > But it all fell apart when I turned pleasure into a profession.
  37. > If I had just stayed on track to becoming a baker none of this would have happened.
  38. > Instead, I pursued a life of greed, lies and infinite euphoria.
  39. > And lost everything.
  41. > Appointed Rounds had her gut peaking under her shirt which was choking her legs, chest and neck.
  42. > It was wrinkled and covered in stains
  44. > “You gonna drink that?” She burped
  46. “No…You can have it.”
  48. > I passed her the bottle and she took another long swig
  49. > When she was finished, she placed the bottle on the grass
  50. > She was already starting to wobble, and her eyelids were hanging low.
  52. > “I was fired for stealing.” Appointed Rounds said wiping the wine from her chin
  54. > “It was the first time in my life I’ve ever stolen anything too. And not a day goes by that I don't regret It….I look back on that day often....And I can’t help but feel stupid…I don't even know why I did it. But I know I would do it all again!”
  56. “But why? If you regret doing it so much, why would you do it again?”
  58. > “Let me tell you something. Once you get too comfortable doing the same thing everyday for years on end you become confident. But not only that, you start numbing and soon you’re dissociated from everything. Being too comfortable isn’t good. You feel immune, like you can get away with anything. And once you reach that level of comfort, you stop feeling anything at all.”
  60. > I just shook my head in disappointment
  61. > She hunched her back into the bushes and wore a defeated look
  62. > An uneasiness started growing in her eyes
  63. > Like she knew she was sharing something that she shouldn't.
  64. > It’s dangerous telling ponies how you feel.
  65. > Especially ponies you don’t know too well.
  67. > Appointed Rounds aren’t very well acquainted
  68. > She's a very reserved mare.
  69. > At least when she isn’t drinking.
  71. > I’ve been working with her for a week and still only know very little about her.
  72. > I know she lives in a farmhouse outside of town, but doesn't know anything about farming.
  73. > She was transferred from Cloudsdale to Ponyville a year ago with Rainy Days
  74. > She doesn't like Muffins at all
  75. > And she never drinks on the job
  76. >...
  77. > Well…Until she met me.
  79. > Sometimes I feel like I bring out the worst in ponies.
  80. > Dash didn't drink until we became intimate.
  81. > And once we started living together it's all we did
  82. > Especially after getting kicked out of Wonderbolts academy
  83. > Any normal pony would've stopped her from drinking
  84. > Instead, I encouraged her bad habits, because I never thought she would develop such a severe addiction.
  86. > I’ve always viewed drinking as a social lubricant.
  87. > Something that makes a great day better or a rotten day tolerable.
  88. > I’ve been having lots of rotten days.
  89. > As it stands, I’m probably the biggest alcoholic in Ponyville.
  90. > I like drinking with other ponies because when we drink, we say things we otherwise wouldn't
  92. > In the case of Appointed Rounds, most of what she tells me is stuff I never even ask about.
  93. > I feel like its unearned knowledge on my part
  94. > I just provide her with drinks, she returns the favour with stories of the crushing nature of working as a mail mare.
  95. > I’ve come to the conclusion that she has lots on her chest, but no ponies to talk with.
  97. > Appointed Rounds started to sway back and forth
  98. > I could tell she was getting tipsy.
  100. > "I had everything I needed! And I blew it all for a couple Bits!” She whined
  102. “I think we all do foolish things sometimes.” I replied, twirling my stringy mane around my hoof.
  104. > Appointed Rounds nodded
  106. > “Yeah, I heard about what you did. That was a MAJOR display of foolishness.” She chuckled
  108. “I know.” I sighed bitterly
  110. > “I mean, how could you be so reckless? Like, no offense. But how many stallions were you sleeping with?”
  112. “At my peak? I probably had around twenty rich, married stallions in my pocket.”
  114. > Appointed Rounds giggled “Geez. You really are a slut.”
  116. “I don’t wanna talk about it. Besides, I’m technically your boss. So I would keep the mocking to a minimum if I were you.”
  118. > “Yeah, because I value this job SO much!” She laughed
  120. > She swiped the bottle and took another long drink
  122. “It's not like anypony else will hire us anymore. Our reputations are ruined. We’re untouchables. In the eyes of Ponyville we’re no better than Muffins or Cloudchaser…”
  124. > Appointed Rounds blew raspberries and rolled her eyes
  125. > " If I knew I would be ostracized by the entire town for something so petty, I would've done something MUCH worse."
  127. "Oh, yeah? like what?"
  129. > "I don't know…I probably would've done something to Derpy…Like getting her drunk at work. Before delivering the mail…or something of that nature…I don’t know. I just hate her."
  131. "No you wouldn't." I sighed, "And you shouldn't say things like that."
  133. > Appointed Rounds stared at me with a look of annoyance and betrayal
  134. > “You never had to work with her.” She shot “And by the way. I thought you were supposed to be fun? What happened to being Ponyville's Party pony?”
  136. “I am fun! And I’m still the town's official party pony. I’m just waiting for these rumours to blow over so I can start planning parties again."
  138. > “I don’t think that will ever happen.”
  140. "Yeah..I'm starting to doubt I'll ever throw another party." I sighed
  142. > Appointed Rounds nodded
  143. > “Well, you’re gonna have to find something. Derpy Deliveries isn’t stable enough to be a career, no matter how many random bonuses Fluttershy doles out.”
  145. “I know, I’ve just never been the type to apply myself like that. I prefer having fun. I thought I could make a lifestyle out of sex and drinking, but clearly its not a sustainable lifestyle.”
  147. > “You’re still young, you got time.”
  149. > She stood up and wiped her naked rump
  150. > “Oh, come on! Did you spill something over here?” She complained
  152. “No, Why?”
  154. > She brushed the grass beneath her bottom and put her hoof to her nose
  156. > “It smells like….milk?”
  158. > I sighed
  159. “If it’s milk then it definitely wasn’t me. I can’t produce milk."
  161. > She picked up her teat and lifted her nipple to her eye. Examining it like a scientist looking through a microscope.
  163. > Closing one eye tightly as she stared at her nipples cavity.
  165. > “Was it me? I hope I’m not leaking.”
  167. “I think you’d notice.” I chuckled
  169. > She gently lowered her breast back between her legs.
  170. > This made my smile
  171. > Appointed Rounds is somewhat new too Ponyville and is still adjusting to her large bust.
  172. > Mares who move to ponyville always handle their teats like they're made of glass.
  173. > In reality, they can handle quite a lot of abuse.
  174. > I slammed mine in doorways, dropped them and tripped over them plenty of times while mine were still filling in.
  176. > Of course, it takes time to get used to having giant teats.
  177. > You have to adjust pretty much everything from the way you walk to how you lay in bed.
  178. > I’ve seen this happen far too often.
  179. > She’s careful now.
  180. > But in a couple months she'll be dropping and swinging them around without a care.
  182. > She stared at my teats for a moment
  183. > “Were you born here?"
  185. “Nah, I was born on a rock farm a couple hundred miles north of here. But I've been visiting Ponyville since I was a filly."
  187. > “When you noticed your teats were growing, were you alarmed?”
  189. “I was at first. But after a while they eventually stopped and I adjusted."
  191. > My eyes drifted down between her legs and smiled
  193. "Looks like yours are still filling in.”
  195. > She looked down at her plush teats, which were still in the process of developing.
  196. > Plush little things around the size of bowling balls with the consistency of jelly.
  197. > The fat looked soft and the tips of her nipples looked pink and irradiated.
  198. > When I met up with her earlier she was wearing a bra.
  199. > But once we were hidden inside the bushes she removed it and tossed it aside
  200. > She said wearing bras makes them itchy.
  201. > I don’t blame her, irritation is a common symptom during the expansion process.
  203. > The tender skin cradled inside bras made of harsh fabrics like the ones she wears doesn’t feel pleasant against growing teats.
  204. > But she'll grow accustomed to wearing bras soon.
  206. > “I’ve been in Ponyville for a little over a year now. And I’m still trying to adjust to all these changes.”
  208. “Don’t worry, AP. I know it feels weird at first but you'll get used to it."
  210. > She looked back at me, a little more nervous this time.
  212. > “Do they ever go back to normal? If I move away will they shrink back?"
  214. “You know…I’ve never heard of that happening. I think it's kinda like every mare's initiation into Ponyville. Once you're here you can’t leave…Unless you wanna join a traveling freak show or something!” I giggled
  216. > AP sighed and pet her teats
  217. > “You know, I never believed it. I thought that everypony in town was just messing with me. But now that my teats have grown, I'm trapped like everypony else in Ponyville. It makes me sad because I still had so much I wanted to see and do.”
  219. “Oh, it’s not so bad once you get used to them!” I laughed, flicking my hoof dismissively
  221. > "I could say the same to you." She replied matter of factly
  222. > I knew what she was implying
  223. > Cheeky mare.
  225. > I rolled my eyes and snatched the bottle from her hoof.
  226. "I think you've had enough."
  228. > Appointed Rounds scooted close to me as I nursed the bottle
  229. > “Is it true? Is your belly…?”
  231. > I brought the bottle from my lips and squinted
  232. “What about my belly?”
  234. > She started to rub her hooves anxiously and looked away
  235. > “I heard that when Trixie cursed you with the pig transformation spell. She gave you an embarrassing set of belly boobs….That's what everypony calls them…Is it true?”
  237. > My eyes fell to the bottle
  238. > “I only ask because everypony keeps telling me. And you do look kinda like a pig with your fat cheeks, short nose and cloven hooves…”
  240. > Speaking of adjusting, I still don’t know how I’m supposed to adapt to this awful curse
  241. > I feel so fat and dirty all the time now, and everypony stares at me like I’m Muffins.
  243. > “Look, I didn’t mean to upset you, I was just…”
  245. “I’ll let you see them for ten bits.”
  247. > “Ten bits!? Are you crazy? I’ll pay five.”
  249. “Eight!”
  251. > “Seven!”
  253. “Deal!”
  255. > She pulled some bits from her pocket and shoved them in my hoof
  256. > I pushed myself into an upright sitting position, leaning my weight over my back legs as I unbuttoned my coat.
  258. “I hate buttons. They’re impossible.”
  260. > “I’m with you on that one. They’re an elitist, unicorn invention!"
  261. > As I undid the buttons my breasts plopped sadly between the crack of my jacket.
  263. > After a couple frustrating minutes I reached the final button.
  264. > I threw off my jacket and lifted my front legs above my head.
  266. > Appointed Rounds looked shocked, disgusted and morbidly curious.
  268. > “Wow! Those things are super weird!" She gasped
  270. > She scooted even closer, and pulled her head forward, her snout only a couple inches from my stomach
  272. > She stared for a long while until finally laughing
  274. > “Gross! Why are they so flabby!?"
  275. “You done?” I sighed
  277. > “Wait!" She panicked
  279. > "Can I touch them?”
  281. >...
  283. “Do you have seven more Bits?”
  285. > She nodded agreeably
  287. >...
  289. “Alright, just no pinching.”
  291. > She dragged her hoof down my stomach, molesting every teat in its path
  292. > She was like a filly at a science center, and I was some kind of weird interactive exhibit
  294. > “They’re so cold…And wet.”
  296. “Yeah, I’m not sure why they’re like that.” I shrugged
  298. > “Is there any way to reverse the spell?”
  300. “I need to find “true love.” But I doubt I’ll be lucky enough to find somepony who will love me ever again. Before Trixie was crushed she gave me an hourglass and told me that when the sand emptied into the bottom I would be completely transformed. I just laid it on its side.”
  302. > “You stopped at the perfect time. You still look more pony than pig despite the nose and the cloven hooves…and the teats…”
  304. > I shot her a mean glare
  305. > “Come on! Don’t be so negative.” She replied, smacking one of my hollow teats up and down
  307. “That's easy for you to say! Have YOU ever tried looking for true love?”
  309. > “Fuck that!” She laughed “I’d rather die than get saddled. Most stallions are jerks and all the mares in this town are either catty, stupid or both.”
  311. “How did you get so jaded?” I chuckled
  313. > “I work as a public servant and spent my entire young adult life making minimum wage. And when you spend so much of your time managing ponies like Derpy and Rainy Days you stop having dreams."
  315. “Oh, Derpy’s not that bad!” I laughed
  317. > “You're biased. From what I hear you two have been friends for a long time.”
  319. "That's true, but I only know her because of Fluttershy. Ever since I met her she's always been super clingy and protective of Derpy."
  321. > "I don't know how anypony could stand her for more than an hour. She used to drive me nuts at work."
  323. “It’s like you said. You have a different relationship with her. In my opinion she's a good pony, even though she doesn’t believe she is.”
  325. > AP started to laugh
  327. "What's so funny?"
  329. > “She used to ask me that all the time! “Am I a bad pony?” “I’m a good pony, right?” She’s SO desperate for validation!"
  331. > I just nodded.
  332. > Muffins has lots of issues, and I don't want to speak Ill of her.
  333. > The reality is that she's just a very confused and sad pony.
  334. > It's not right to gossip about her.
  335. > It’s like making fun of an infant or a defenceless animal
  336. > She’s meant to be pitied and coddled, and expecting anything from her, even the slightest bit of competency is expecting too much.
  338. "There are worse ponies in Equestria…" I mumbled
  340. > "I know. I'm just being dramatic." She chuckled “I’m aware that in the grand scheme of things, Derpys just a harmless fuckup. But boy doesn’t she get on my nerves.”
  342. > She stopped batting my teats for a moment then looked up in thought.
  344. > "Hey, I wanted to ask since we met but I’ve always been far to…sober.”
  345. “What is it?”
  347. > “After the incident. Did you ever feel validated? Do you think Trixie got what she deserved?" She asked
  348. "What do you mean?"
  350. > "You know what I mean. If a pony tried to make me look like a pig I wouldn't lose any sleep about her getting smushed."
  352. > Talking about Trixie is always difficult, and honestly something I'd rather not discuss.
  353. > What Trixie did to me was horrible, but I don't think anypony deserves to go through what she did.
  354. > It was a bad scene when they pulled her from Sugar Cube Corner.
  355. > According to the first responders, she spent hours under Marble before her heart gave out.
  356. > When they finally reached her, her body was mangled beyond recognition
  357. > Nothing was remained but a pile of mush and splintered bones
  359. > I’ve thought a lot about what had happened, but despite everything, I'd still have plenty to say to her if I was given the opportunity…
  360. > She was such a damn tease! And she knew I liked her!
  361. > I hated how she always called me a home wrecker and an enabler, as if she was any better than me.
  363. > She was a thief, a narcissist, a bully and a poor excuse for a magician.
  364. > I think she deserved to suffer like she did, but at the same time I really do love her
  365. > As much as I can love somepony who isn't Dashie…
  367. > Trixie was smart to keep her distance
  368. > She saw what happened to Dash
  369. > She probably didn’t want to end up the same way.
  371. > I wish I didn’t hurt the ponies I care about most
  372. > Dash, Trixie, Marble…
  373. > What I call fun others call addiction
  374. > And I’ve never met another pony who could keep up with me when it comes to degeneracy
  375. > I have more sex than anypony and I gorge myself with sweets and drinks daily.
  376. > But somehow, I’m still alive.
  378. > I looked down at AP, who was pawing my teats like a cat.
  380. "I don't think I can answer your question. I'm trying not to think about her anymore, and believe it or not, I did like her at one time. But maybe we were just too different."
  382. > "I understand." She nodded
  384. > I don’t think she was actually listening anymore.
  385. > But the expression on her face was priceless
  386. > She looked delighted groping my teats
  387. > It brought me joy seeing somepony so happy.
  389. > Appointed Rounds is super old
  390. > I think she’s twenty seven or something
  391. > I never see ponies her age excited about anything
  392. > But she looked so mystified and erotically excited while flicking my teats around
  393. > It was cute.
  395. > I think Appointed Rounds and I could work well together
  396. > She’s not exactly my type but she’s been treating me with more respect than most ponies do
  397. > I wonder if she feels the same way.
  399. > I put my hoof on her shoulder and rubbed it through her fur
  401. "I can’t produce, but I can feel milk inside them."
  403. > "Sorry?"
  405. "I said, I can feel milk in my teats. I just can't get it to come out."
  407. > She looked skeptical then slowly pressed the bottom of her hoof over one of my teats.
  408. > I felt the milk pushing away from her hoof inside my teat
  409. > Her hoof sunk deep into my spongy stomach
  410. > She began grinding her hoof deeper into my stomach and in a circular pattern she manipulated the milk between her hoof
  412. > It sloshed along the walls of the tender fatty pocket
  413. > She started to smile proudly
  415. > "I feel it too!"
  417. > She pulled her hoof back and my teat returned to its usual saggy figure
  419. > "Why are you so squishy?" She asked in a very genuine tone
  421. "I don't know. I've always had a very elastic casing." I chuckled stretching my stomach fat a couple inches away from my body
  423. > She nodded " It suits you."
  425. > Appointed Rounds is a cute mare
  426. > She has nice lavender fur
  427. > And her mane is short, giving her a very metropolitan/professional look
  428. > Her age and attitude is irresistible to me.
  429. > She has the personality of a bratty teenager while still being mature and wise
  430. > She wears a well styled mane and perfectly ironed clothes, but subtle hints of her true feelings leak through the mirage.
  432. > She doesn’t use deodorant, she has bags under her eyes and is extremely bitter towards anypony she believes is better or lesser than herself.
  433. > She’s very nice to me though
  434. > Her kindness towards me makes me wonder who’s more pathetic between the two of us
  436. > She reminds me of Dashie in lots of ways.
  437. > Lonely
  438. > Low income
  439. > Dumb
  440. > Bitter
  441. > Sad
  442. > impulsive
  443. > highly suggestible
  444. > Probably kinky
  446. > I would love to fuck Appointed Rounds
  447. > But knowing me, we would probably fall in love
  448. > And with my lifestyle she would probably be destroyed by the end of the year.
  450. > I looked at the bottle in my hoof
  451. > It’s half empty.
  452. > I look back at her
  453. > She was close to being completely drunk
  454. > I bet if I let her finish the bottle she would bring me home with her.
  455. > I know she would drink the entire bottle if I dared her
  456. > Pegasi are incredibly easy to manipulate
  457. > All they need is a little push
  458. > Especially ones like her
  460. > Appointed Rounds and I could drink and fuck for months on end
  461. > No responsibilities
  462. > No commitments
  463. > Just a tug of war between what our bodies can handle and our desire to live freely.
  464. >....
  465. > Until she ends up like Dash
  466. > Or worse.
  469. > I closed my eyes and put the bottle to my lips and emptied it with one long chug
  470. > It's probably best if I don't tempt her.
  471. > She's one of the last ponies I can talk to and I don't want to ruin our relationship.
  472. > Though, I'm probably doomed to fall to celibacy induced psychosis soon.
  473. > I feel a sadness beginning to wash over me like a cold, wet blanket draped around my shoulders.
  475. > The wine did nothing but burn my throat and leave a sour taste on my tongue.
  476. > Earth pony tolerance, and years of daily drinking has made it hard for me to get drunk.
  477. > Everyday I start drinking at eight in the morning so I can be drunk by five in the afternoon
  478. > I miss when drinking was fun and not a game of keep up.
  480. > Appointed Rounds leaned her face near my teats
  481. > I could feel her hot breath kissing my nipples
  483. > “I’m…I'm not too old for this am I?”
  485. > I shook my head “no.”
  487. > Her head fell over my belly and she began to nuzzle her cheek over my teats
  488. > The booze was really starting to hit her
  490. > “How old are you Pinkie?”
  492. “I’m twenty.”
  494. > A nervous energy tinged her laughter
  496. > “Well. When I was your age I dated a thirty three year old.”
  498. “Oh yeah?”
  500. > “Mmm hmm…” She cooed
  502. > “He was my first real love. We did things together…But now that I'm older I regret most of it…And her made me feel guilty…I wish I didn’t feel guilty…”
  504. “That's okay. You don’t need to feel bad.”
  506. > “Pinkie. I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be touching your teats. You're too young."
  507. “AP it’s fine. You 're just curious. We’re both adults. And neither of us is pressuring one aother to do anything we're not comfortable with.”
  509. > She sniffled and wiped her nose over one of my teats
  510. > “I feel really bad about how everypony treats you. You’re not a slut, you’re a pretty, young mare who needs to be loved. You tricked everypony and made them feel stupid. That's the real reason they’re angry at you.”
  512. “You’re drunk."
  514. > she crawled up my torso and stared into my eyes
  516. > "Don't you see how evil those stallions are? They used you. And when they found out how badly they were fooled they blamed YOU for tempting them. The party was just a convenient excuse to rebalance the status quo. Why do they get to live like nothing happened but you have to live in shame?"
  518. > Strangely enough, she was actually making sense
  519. "What do you think I should do?"
  521. > "I wouldn't do anything different. Just be smarter. Screw those guys who threw you under the bus! They're all perverts anyway."
  523. "But what about my stomach! No pony even wants to look at me anymore!"
  525. > "Pinkie, you're young, pretty and irresistibly charming. If you can't get laid. No pony can. Do you seriously think they don't still lust after you? From what I hear, these Canterlot types are all here in Ponyville to fuck "weird looking mares" They don't care about how you look. It's the social stigma surrounding you that repels them."
  527. “You might actually be onto something…”
  529. > "Listen Pinkie. I'm nearing the age where I won't be desirable anymore. I lost my virginity to a creep when I was young and dumb and now I live alone. The only ponies who respect me are airheads like Derpy and Rainy Days who are too stupid to realize how little I care for them. The world will never let you forget your mistakes. But are you gonna just give up? There's nothing wrong with being a slut."
  531. > Appointed Rounds would never have told me this sober
  532. > But she's right
  533. > I can't stay upset at myself forever
  534. > Thats what they want me to do!
  535. > They want me to stop tempting them because they know they don’t possess the willpower to resist me!
  537. > So what if I have a strings of teats along my tummy?
  538. > I'm Pinkie Pie for Celestia's sake!
  539. > I'm gonna get laid, make some bits, and help Marble with her illness like a good sister should!
  540. > And there's Nopony who's gonna stop me!
  542. > Appointed Rounds began to snore
  543. > She had fallen asleep over my belly
  544. > She probably won’t remember any of this, but she unknowingly saved my life.
  548. Twilight:
  550. > Cloudchaser stood over me, pinning me over my nightstand
  551. > Equipped around her hips is a thick, barbed strap-on she was using against my tail hole
  552. > Digging into my cavity with a violent rhythm
  553. > It hurts so bad
  554. > It feels so good
  555. > Why am I like this?
  557. > "Read it!" She barked
  559. “Dear Princess Celestia…Today I learned that I should always respect my friends…Because…Oh my!"
  561. > I was finding it hard to speak without biting my tongue or losing myself
  563. > “READ IT!” She growled
  565. > She slammed my head into the table
  566. > My cheek pressed against the wood
  568. “Because my friends always…. My friends always have…my back! Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."
  570. > Cloudchaser removed the sex toy from my rear and released me.
  572. > "Unicorns are such treasures." Cloudchaser chuckled "Your entire race is so playfully depraved."
  574. > She collapse onto my bed behind me
  576. > "Sometimes I wish I was a unicorn." She sighed dreamily
  578. > As she rambled, I was struggling to keep my shaking legs from buckling.
  579. > It's hard to pull yourself together with the overpowering thrill of erotic domination pumping through your veins
  580. > Pulling my sprawled chest off the nightstand was proving to be a challenge.
  582. > I leaned my legs into my teats and closed my eyes
  583. > I need a moment of rest
  584. > Just enough time to regain my strength.
  586. > "You alright Twilight? You aren't tapping out early again, are you?"
  588. "Just…Need a minute…" I replied, still winded
  590. > "Fine."
  592. > Behind me, I heard a drawer open
  593. > She was rummaging through my things!
  595. > With my front legs, I pushed my front end up over the nightstand and doozily rested my weight over my front legs
  596. > My vision was faded and little white stars danced in my peripherals
  598. > "You look exhausted."
  600. "I'm fine…I Just need a second to recover."
  602. > My rump was sore, and my body was beat
  603. > But I was having an amazing time with my new, unlikely friend.
  605. > "You look pretty bad, Twilight. If you want, I can slip a couple ice cubes up there." Cloudchaser teased "That always gets you squirming."
  607. "You know, I really enjoy these little sessions we have." I chuckled
  609. > "Me to Twilight."
  611. > I twisted my body backwards and watched her collecting ice cubes from a small bowl
  612. "Not even a minute to rest? I'm still really dizzy and my legs feel like pudding."
  614. > "You'll be fine. By the way, have you made any progress on your investigation?"
  615. > She began teasing my genitals with an ice cube.
  616. > rolling it over my most sensitive parts
  618. "I'd rather not talk about it. I haven't learned anything in days. Are you sure your sources are reliable?"
  620. > "Of course! Why would you even ask such a thing?"
  622. "Because It feels like I'm being run in circles."
  624. > She plopped the ice cube into my butt
  626. "Eep!"
  628. > It was so cold
  629. > I started to wiggle my rear fitfully
  630. > Cloudchaser grabbed my flank and kept it steady as she teased me with another ice cube
  632. "Another one!? Are you crazy!?"
  633. > "Twilight, I have an entire tray." She replied coldly
  634. > I leaned my head over my hoof and stuck a pencil between my teeth.
  636. > The ice felt really good
  637. > Though, incredibly irritating and painful at the same time
  638. > I'm happy Cloudchaser had a change of heart about the potion mix up.
  640. > I need a pony in my life for rough play like this now more than ever
  641. > My idea of pleasure is extreme.
  642. > Even for most unicorns I would be considered kinky.
  644. > I chalk the unicorns unique fetishes up to the fact that we're the only race who know how to craft healing potions.
  645. > We use them for kink related injuries often.
  646. > I hope to one day attend a sex party in Canterlot
  647. > It’s a unicorn right of passage
  649. > I closed my eyes and enjoyed the cold, frustrating pleasure of the ice in my cavity.
  650. > Just as she slid the second ice cube inside me I heard a knock on the front door
  651. > We both stopped
  653. "M.. Maybe they'll go away if we ignore them.”
  655. > “knock, knock, knock”
  657. > "Yo Twilight. I was just on a late night jog and had the best idea!"
  659. > Oh shoot!
  660. > It's Rainbow Dash
  661. > She'll come in through the window if she wants it badly enough.
  663. > I jumped to my hooves
  664. "Cloudchaser, you need to leave!"
  666. > "Why? It's just Dash. Tell her to screw off."
  668. "Because neither of us can afford to be seen like this!"
  670. > I trotted down the stairs, using my magic to lift my teats off the ground.
  671. > The ice in my rump was driving me insane. B
  672. > But for now, I just had to try and ignore it until Dash left
  673. > I hope I can get rid of her quick
  675. > I swung open the door and greeted my friend
  676. "Hey Dash!"
  677. > "Helloooo, Twilight!" She slurred
  679. > Her tracksuit, was torn and covered in mud
  680. > Her mane was a grizzly mess and face was scratched
  682. "Isn't it a little late for an unexpected visit? And what the heck happened to you? You look like you just lost a fight with Manticore."
  684. > "Oh! I crashed. No biggie.”
  686. "Into what? A vase store? You’re covered in scratches!"
  688. > She let herself in and I dropped my teats back onto the ground
  689. > Dash proceeded to make herself at home by going through my kitchen cabinets
  691. > "Sooo….How's your investigation into Filthy Rich going?"
  692. > If one more pony asks me about my investigation to blow a fuse
  693. > It's supposed to be a secret for Celestia's sake!
  695. "It's going fine."
  697. > "That's good. Do you have any more leads?"
  699. "Not at the moment." I replied not hiding the annoyance in my voice
  701. > She pulled a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from my cabinet and started eating it.
  702. > I side stepped my way in front of the radiator and angled my rump towards it with the hopes of melting the ice faster.
  705. > "You know, I was doing some spying on his wife." She said while chewing.
  708. > It was becoming harder to contain my patience
  710. > "So I've heard." I replied between my gritted teeth
  712. > “She’s a real cruel mare. Super uptight. I've been watching her for the past couple days and I noticed a couple interesting things. Firstly, she always has a glass of wine in one hoof and her bratty little filly in the other. Second, She spends money like it grows on trees. She spends hundreds of dollars a day on herself. The only time I see Filthy is when he takes his daughter off her hooves around five in the afternoon. I think that we should plan our mission around then, I have it all planned, first we…"
  714. “I heard you got arrested again.”
  716. > Dash fell quite
  717. > “Wait…You heard about that?”
  719. “Of course! I was the pony who got the call from the police station to bail you out! They said they found you stalking Mrs. Rich and her daughter at the market."
  721. > Dash started to turn red and hung her head
  722. "You know, having a criminal record makes it a lot harder to get into the Wonderbolts.”
  724. > Her eyes flashed across the floor until quickly turning cross
  726. > "Yeah, well..They don't let lots of ponies in the Wonderbolts for tons of reasons." She scoffed
  727. > She ripped into her sandwich and leaned on the counter, smacking her gums obnoxiously loud.
  729. "Not to be rude, but I can think of a couple BIG reasons they wouldn't let you back into the academy. And your reputation isn’t getting any cleaner. Especially when you're pulling stunts that keep getting you arrested."
  731. > She stopped chewing and gave me a side eye
  733. "Look, I'm sorry. But is this really why you came over? To ask me about my investigation? I know you're Eager, but you need to calm down. Trust in me. I told you that I'm working on a plan. But I can't work with you distracting me everyday. When I need you to testify or provide a statement, I’ll let you know.”
  735. > "But Twilight! We need to be mares of action! And I have an amazing idea!”
  736. "And what's that?"
  737. > “The two of us will sneak into Filthy Riches house late at night. Creep around in the shadows and steal his.. "
  739. > I threw my hoof over her muzzle
  740. "Dash. No…Just…No. We aren't breaking into his house, and we definitely aren’t stealing
  741. anything. If we're going to stop him, we're going to do it lawfully."
  743. > She pushed me backward into the radiator
  744. > My buns cooking over the hot cast iron bars
  746. > She leaned into me, pressing her nose into mine
  747. > "You know what your problem is? You worry too much! But that shouldn't be a problem, because I have the house scoped out real good!”
  749. “I don’t care how well you have the house “scoped out” We aren’t breaking into his house!”
  751. > I pushed her away and looked back at my rump.
  752. > I was only pressed against the radiator for a couple seconds, but the pattern of the metal bars had burned into my cheeks.
  753. > They were bright right red strips
  755. “Oh come on!” I whined
  756. > It hurt like hell, but not in a good way
  757. > I was more annoyed than anything.
  758. > I think Derpy's bad luck is starting to rub off on me…
  760. > “Oh, of course not! It’s so typical that “Princess Twilight Sparkle” Doesn’t want to get her spoiled little Canterlot hooves dirty!”
  762. “Hey!” I shot
  764. > “This isn’t the time to be an egghead! This is a time for action! You have no idea what this is doing to AJ and us. She barely speaks to anypony anymore, She just sits in the window of the farmhouse scanning the apple fields for “agents” and “spies” She’s losing her mind!”
  766. > This was concerning because last time I talked to AJ, she was in a bad way
  767. > She had fortified her house with furniture.
  768. > The house was stripped of any furniture, photos or character.
  769. > Applejack herself looked like she hadn't slept for weeks and was emaciated
  770. > Now she’s having paranoid hallucinations?
  771. > It sounds like she's slipping fast.
  773. "I know this is especially hard on both of you, but I can't be seen stealing things. I'm the princesses most important student ....And more importantly, stealing is wrong!"
  776. > "Then what should we do? Wait for Filthy Rich to find a legal loophole and steal the farm? You know he will! I have every right to defend my home!”
  778. > I put my hoof over my eyes
  779. > I was starting to catch second hoof embarrassment
  780. "Go home Dash, you're drunk."
  782. > “Hmpf! I guess I should have expected to be let down. If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself around here.”
  783. > Dash left the house, but not before kicking my podium over.
  785. > I sighed and returned to my bed upstairs then laid on my back
  786. > I hate friendship.
  787. > Cloudchaser slithered into the room through the window and immediately started groping my teats.
  789. > “Do you smell bacon? I think somethings burning.”
  791. “Shut up.” I spat
  793. > “Soooo? What's Dash doing up this late? Fall off the wagon?" She snickered
  795. "She's anxious about getting back at Mr. Rich, but she's too impatient. I still have so many questions unanswered, and I can’t just act without thinking! If we're going to stop Mr. Rich, we need to be smart."
  797. > I looked back at Cloudchaser who was laying next to me on the bed, tapping her feathers one by one along the nightstand
  798. > "Sooooo…What is your plan?"
  800. "As of now I'm focusing my time on sedating all highly degenerate mares in town. I convinced the mayor to experiment with chastity cages as a substitute for prison.”
  802. *I can’t believe I’m writing this kek*
  804. “It's cheaper and promotes rehabilitation. I hope by depriving ponies of their sexual desires I can wipe out the producer's customer base. I've had the misfortune of seeing what long term chastity cages do to ponies first hoof."
  806. > "And Filthy Rich?"
  808. "That's where my bigger problem lies. I still don't know what he's up to. Is he involved with the underground milk business? Or is he up to something even more nefarious? I have no leads and all the pressure is falling on me! And I don't even want to think about what Celestia will do to me if I fail her again."
  810. > Cloudchaser nodded
  811. > "Twilight, I've been spying on Mr. Rich for weeks now, and from what I've seen, he's not up to anything. He loves his family, treats his workers ethically…In fact I think he's more moral than you and your band of degenerate friends."
  813. "Trust me. I know where me and my friends stand. I didn't want Pinkie to be the first pony I had to cage, but there really isn't any other pony in town worse than her."
  815. > "Except you."
  817. "Don't play that card. I already feel guilty enough. And besides, I play out sexual fantasies with a single partner, behind closed doors and feel reasonably disgusted with myself. Pinkie on the other hoof, was creating a moral outrage with her antics.”
  819. > "Justify it all you like, But I’m sure all the little details guilt about this will come out during our next “therapy session” She coughed “Your true feelings tend to reveal themselves during the most shameful moments of our playtime. I assume it's part of the humiliation fetish?” She teased wiping her hoof across the cheek cursed me.
  821. “I’m a complicated mare.”
  823. > She grabbed and ice cube and slowly shoved it inside me
  824. > I squirmed erratically as it entered my tail-hole
  825. > It burned my insides and caused my heart to race
  826. > Once it was inside of me she grabbed another and repeated the process.
  828. > “Perhaps Filthy Rich isn't a problem. I mean…He hasn't done anything wrong, has he?"
  830. "No…But anypony who tries to keep secrets is up to something. He wants to steal the farm from Applejack!"
  832. > "But don't we all have secrets? What gives you the right to pry?" She said plopping a third ice cube inside me
  834. "I'm the moral authority! It's the duty bestowed upon me by the Princess! I didn’t want it!"
  836. > "But you're doing so well!" She cheered in an overly sarcastic tone "From where I'm standing, the moral authority of Ponyville has ice cubes melting in her butt while her mistress massages her fat, oversized teats. If you were ANY justice you would cage yourself.”
  837. "You don't understand. I need to do this. If I wanna keep my head I need an avenue to de-stress…My coping mechanism is just intense….fetish play "
  839. > Even saying those words aloud made me feel sick
  840. > I'm a sick pony
  842. > "Well, as of right now I have no leads. Perhaps if my funding was a little more liberal I could point you in the right direction."
  844. > She always does this!
  845. "Have you ever heard of "Doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do?" Because that's how you should be approaching this problem." I lectured
  847. > "It's a great concept." She nodded
  849. > ….
  851. > I grabbed my pen and paper and sighed "What do you want this time?"
  853. > "Hmmm….How about you make me a lactation potion?"
  855. > I looked beyond my paper "You know I can't make those spells anymore."
  857. > "Come on! For old times sake! You want my information, don't you?"
  858. > She grabbed an ice cube and rubbed it over my nipple
  860. > I didn't want to do this, but I really had no choice
  861. > It's a deal with the devil that I’m forced to take
  863. "Fine. I'll make you another potion. But I feel pressed to ask why you'd want one,”
  865. > "Twilight, I live in the Everfree, it's not like I'm interacting with the public on any meaningful level. Consider it a favor for a friend." She smiled
  868. "Fine. But I want the information up front.”
  870. > "All I'll say is that if you want to start looking for clues, I would explore Old Ponyville."
  872. "Why? What's in Old Ponyville?"
  874. > "I'm not entirely sure." She chuckled
  876. > I could tell she was biting her tongue, but there's really nothing I can do.
  877. > She knows I need her and I have zero leverage over her except my power to buy her things and cast magic
  878. > She's milking me for all I've got
  879. > Some ponies never change…
  881. > I opened the ancient breast potion book to started to read up on how to craft the elixir.
  883. > Her information was making me curious.
  884. > Somehow, everything in this town leads Old Ponyville
  885. > My localized breast hypothesis
  886. > Mr. Rich
  887. > The strange magic
  888. > I'll have to make my way to Old Ponyville as soon as possible.
  890. Derpy:
  892. > "I see you around town sometimes." Redheart said snuffing her cigarette into the growing pile of butts in the ashtray.
  893. > "And when we pass on the street I can't help but wonder if this was all part of some strange plan of yours. Did you ask Twilight to give her boobs on her chest? I mean. I wouldn't put it past you."
  895. > She leaned in and have me a strange look
  897. "S..Sorry? I don’t follow?"
  899. > She rolled her eyes and leaned her head over her hoof
  900. > "It's a simple question Derpy. Did you go to Twilight with the express purpose of having her magically stick boobs on your chest for some sort of…fetish reason?"
  902. "What? No! I…I would never…I was having chest pain and Twilight made me a potion…It was a mistake."
  904. > "Chest pain eh? You should have gone to the hospital." She replied bluntly
  905. > "You could have been showing early signs of heart failure."
  907. > I threw my hoof between my teats over my heart .
  908. "Do you think so!?"
  910. > "It's not outside the realm of possibility. After all, mares your size have a nasty habit of organ failure."
  912. > I pulled my hoof from my heart and grabbed a generous slice of my loose belly fat
  913. > I’ve never been a thin mare
  914. > Even in flight school I was bulkier than all the other fillies
  915. > But this was definitely the biggest I’ve ever been
  917. > When I was younger I could eat anything I wanted
  918. > My body is betraying me
  919. > I’ve always heard of ponies talking about exercising and dieting, but I never thought I’d ever have to do such things.
  920. > The idea of not being able to eat what I want scares me
  921. > I’m getting older.
  922. > And I don’t like it.
  924. “I’ve gained a little weight…But I’m not fat.
  926. > the two mares laughed
  927. > “You could put a ship to shame with that gut!” Redheart jabbed
  929. > My eye fell back down to my stomach
  930. > She was right
  931. > I’m fat
  932. > A stupid, fat pony who can’t control herself.
  934. “I admit that I’m a little tubby…but I don’t think it’s that bad. Stallions like chubby mares right?”
  936. > "Sure Derpy." Cheerilee replied sarcastically “I dedicate hours of work to keep myself looking young for no reason, what I really should be doing is eating whatever I want! Does that make any sense, Derpy?”
  938. “Well…No…But…I…I don’t think…”
  940. > A part of me wanted to tell Cheerilee that she’s right, but that would be an admittance that I’m wrong.
  941. > And if I admit I’m wrong, then I would have to acknowledge the fact that I’m getting older
  942. > But I don’t feel older.
  943. > I thought life was already hard! Why am I suddenly expected to eat food I don’t like?
  944. > And why does she feel the need to attack me for eating poorly?
  945. > It’s my decision!
  947. > I threw my hooves over my ears and closed my eyes
  948. “It's just so hard. Life is hard. I wish things were simple.”
  950. > When I opened my eyes and saw Redheart and Cheerilee laughing
  951. > My stomach began to churn
  952. > I was starting to feel sick from embarrassment
  954. > “I just want to say that I’m happy I came out with you two tonight.” Redheart began
  956. > “Don’t mention it!” Cheerilee nodded “I love hanging out with you! I may be a little older than both of you, but it feels good hanging out with twenty year olds. It reminds me of my college days.”
  958. > Redheart shrugged “You two really are stuck in different times. The reason I’m happy to spend an afternoon with you two, is because I might actually get laid! Between you and Derpy, I’m a perfect ten!”
  960. > Cheerilee’s eye twitched but she still had a smile, albeit a wiggling one.
  961. > “What are you implying Redheart?”
  963. > “Well, you know…You’re old. And like, no offense but you’ve already dated most of the stallions in town. You said yourself that most of them aren’t up to your standards anyways.”
  965. > “Yeah…I did say that.”
  967. > Cheerilee looked like she was going to snap Redhearts neck and would feel nothing of it
  968. > I’m the last pony to hear about town happenings, but even I know that Cheerilee has never dumped another pony.
  969. > Usually the the stallion she’s with ends up leaving her for being too desperate.
  971. > I dropped my eye to my food
  972. > Insecurity about my looks was starting to hit me hard
  973. > Across from me, nurse Redheart picked away at her salad while Cheerilee enjoyed a margarita and an avocado, corn wrap.
  975. > I don’t know much about healthy food
  976. > I grew up eating lots of cereal and waffles
  977. > I bet if I told Redheart that she would probably say cereal and waffles are unhealthy
  978. > But what does she know?
  979. > She’s just a bully.
  981. > I picked up a pancake, rolled it into a tube and shoved the entire thing in my mouth then watered it down with lemonade.
  983. > But maybe Redhearts right?
  984. > What if the food I ordered isn’t good for me?
  985. > It's so hard to tell.
  986. > When everypony always has something critical to say I can’t tell if they’re being mean or sincere.
  987. > I'm gonna make myself sick
  989. > Why does unhealthy food taste so good?
  990. > A pancake is just dough and syrup.
  991. > Syrup comes from trees, and trees are supposed to be good, right?
  992. > My stomach began to rumble
  993. > I can feel myself getting fatter
  994. > I grabbed a pancake, dipped it in syrup, wrapped it into a tube and ate it.
  997. > I don't like how ponies treat me.
  998. > Why can't they be more supportive of me?
  999. > I'm cursed with so many ailments
  1000. > I should be applauded every time I get out of bed
  1001. > I mean, I try my best to be a normal pony, but it's so hard!
  1002. > I grabbed a pancake, dipped it in syrup, wrapped it into a tube and ate it.
  1005. > I hate being an adult
  1006. > I hate not being happy
  1007. > I hate not understanding why I’m not happy
  1008. > I hate being fat
  1009. > I hate these stupid boobs on my chest
  1010. > I hate that Twilight never visits me when I'm sad.
  1011. > I grabbed a pancake, dipped it into the bowl of syrup and ate it.
  1014. > Everypony is so smart except for me!
  1015. > And Fluttershy has the nerve to cry to ME about her problems!?
  1016. > Fluttershy has nothing to cry about!
  1017. > I'm the pony with all the problems!
  1018. > I'm gonna run away from this town!
  1019. > I'll move to the forest and be self-sufficient!
  1020. > I'll show them!
  1021. > I'm a Pegasi!
  1022. > I'm healthy!
  1023. > I'm best pony!
  1024. > I'm…I'm…I'm!
  1025. > …
  1026. > I'm out of pancakes.
  1030. > I looked back up at Redheart who shook her head and rolled her eyes.
  1031. > My face turned red and I wiped syrup from my lips.
  1032. > I shot them a toothy smile, but I guarantee they can tell how nervous I really am.
  1033. > Panic attacks…
  1035. > I’m so uncomfortable that I can feel my cheeks burning and sweat rolling down my forehead
  1036. > My teats are spitting milk like fire hoses and I’m sure that jars are gonna fill soon if I don’t calm down.
  1038. > "How can you not see you're an earth pony? A Pegasi requires a lean, low gluten and disciplined diet. You're sitting here feasting on a meal consisting of nothing but sugar, fat and empty calories. You're a disaster! Plus, you smell like a dumpster fire. For fuck sake Derpy, how old are you?"
  1040. “Twenty.”
  1042. > “When I was your age I was in university. Do you have ANY plans for your future?”
  1044. “I don’t know…I guess I wanna open my own delivery company….Like, a proper one with an office and stuff..”
  1046. > “Derpy, you can’t even do basic addition, how are you gonna run a delivery service?”
  1048. “I know I’m not the best at math…But I think I’m okay…”
  1050. > “Derpy, what's seven plus eight?”
  1052. >...
  1054. “S..Seven plus eight?”
  1056. > “Yeah. Seven. Plus. Eight.”
  1058. >...
  1060. “Well..Ummm….First you take the fives and add them up and get…Ten. Then add a three and you get…thirteen then you add….hmmmmm…two? Yeah! Then you add the two from the seven to the thirteen and that's like…fourteen? Or something?”
  1062. >...
  1064. > “Derpy, I don’t know what's more shocking. Your math, or your delusions. You know what Forget the math. Your entire idea of self is backwards and you refuse to admit any of your flaws. I don’t think you’re as innocent as you everypony believes. Beneath your innocent exterior you're a mentally unwell, overly sheltered, narcissist.”
  1066. “That's not true! You’re just being mean!”
  1067. > “It's just a theory.” She shrugged “I’m a medical doctor not a psychologist.”
  1069. > Redheart returned to her food, looking satisfied with herself.
  1070. > I feel nothing but hurt
  1071. > Everypony I talk to has only cruel things to say.
  1073. > A couple minutes of silence passed until Cheerilee suddenly jumped back to life
  1074. > She drove her elbow into Redhearts chest and pointed her hoof behind me
  1076. > “Look at him!"
  1078. > I turned in my seat and saw a tall unicorn stallion being escorted into a booth.
  1079. > I'd never seen him before, but he was dressed really fancy.
  1080. > In his company were two mares dressed in sparkling red and blue dresses
  1081. > The stallion was older, closer to Cheerilees age but the mares he was with looked to like they were around eighteen.
  1083. > “I wouldn’t mind going home with THAT tonight.” Cheerilee said licking her lips
  1084. > They leaned over the table and stared at the stallion, practically drooling.
  1086. "He…He is pretty handsome…"
  1087. > My teats began to discharge and I had a small orgasm in my seat which caused me to fidget.
  1089. > “Yeah, but he’s a Canterlot unicorn." Redheart sighed "He probably wouldn't be caught dead with three "low class" Earth ponies like us.”
  1091. > They fell back into their seats and sighed
  1092. > Redheart took another drag from her cigarette.
  1094. > “After spending six years in med school, I was hoping the nurses union would locate me to a superstar city like Vanhoover or Manehattan. Not Ponyville.” she spat
  1096. “W…What's wrong with Ponyville?” I asked as the orgasm sizzled away
  1098. > “Nothing. If you like living in poverty and having your pool of potential mates being peasant stock.”
  1100. > Cheerliee nodded in agreement “I think I’d do great in a place like Canterlot. I’m an educated mare after all.”
  1102. > Nurse Redheart rolled her eyes and laughed
  1103. > “Educated mare? You!? You do know you’re talking to a pony with six years of medical training, right? You’re just a primary school teacher! Don’t throw around the phrase “educated mare” When you refer to yourself. You’ll render the term useless.”
  1105. > “But I am an educated mare! Just because I never went to university doesn’t mean I’m a rube.”
  1107. > Redheart rolled her eyes again and looked at me “What about you Derp. Where did you go to school?”
  1109. > I felt a jolt of fear jump up my spine and my heart skipped
  1110. > I hate talking about school. Whether it's about my past in flight school, or my lack of interest in pursuing education now.
  1111. > It just makes me feel guilty.
  1113. “Well…I went to school for a couple years…” I tapped the tips of my hooves together anxiously and looked away
  1115. > “Yeah, where?” She asked impatiently
  1117. “Flight school…Until I was fourteen….Then I stopped going."
  1119. > “Flight school? Wait, are you telling me You didn't even finish high school?"
  1121. “No….I never even went to high school….Is…Is that bad?”
  1123. > They both looked shocked
  1124. > Cheerilee dropped her wrap and Redheart shook her head in disbelief
  1126. > “Derpy, how are you even allowed to work!? You need at least a high school diploma to get a job nowadays."
  1128. > “Well…If I'm being honest, I don't have any friends besides Twilight who went to college….And they're doing fine. My dad got me the post office job…”
  1130. > “Nepotism.” Cheerilee huffed while collecting the avocado sludge off her plate and packing it back into her tortilla.
  1132. “What does that mean?”
  1134. > The two mares laughed
  1135. > Nurse Redheart put out her cigarette and offered me her hoof.
  1136. > I grabbed it limply
  1138. > “Derpy, I need you to take me very seriously.”
  1139. > I nodded
  1140. > “Go back to school. Go to college and get an easy diploma. Choose something stupid like Baking or animal care. With a diploma you can get a job. It probably won't be a well paying job. Or even a dignified job. But a job that will allow you to have some sort independent life "
  1142. > I pulled my hoof away and she wiped her hoof on Cheerilees shoulder.
  1144. “Fluttershy and I are going to open an animal sanctuary….Or something…I don't really understand…. But that's going to be my job…If the delivery service doesn’t work.”
  1146. > "Derpy. I'm sorry to break it to you. But you and Fluttershy are two of the poorest ponies in town. I’m sorry, but an animal sanctuary is out of the cards.”
  1148. "N..No…That's not true….Fluttershy has a big cottage and lots of land! I would rather live there than some crowded apartment like you.:
  1150. > She raised her hoof
  1151. > "Let me finish."
  1153. > I crossed my legs over my chest teats
  1154. > "As far as I know, Fluttershy has never had a job. She sits on her ass all day and collects disability. I feel bad for Fluttershy, honestly. She has a severe case of…. Marshmallow bones. The layman's term for a condition found in poorly developed Pegasi. I know about the severity of her condition because she comes into my office all the time with injuries and to collect her MANY prescriptions. It's not her fault, but she's simply unfit for employment. You on the other hoof run an illegal delivery service and have no education. How do you two expect to open an animal sanctuary on those budgets?"
  1156. > Great. More math questions…
  1158. > "All your friends are broke. Pinkie. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy. Do you really think associating with those types of ponies elevates you?"
  1160. "I bet I make more than you!" I blurted
  1162. > Redheart chuckled and leaned back in her seat
  1163. > She looked so smug
  1164. > I bet she was waiting all night for her to ask about how much she makes
  1166. > “Oh yeah? how much do you make a month?”
  1168. “A thousand bits a month.” I said nodding my head
  1170. > They both laughed
  1171. > “Derpy! Don't lie!” Cheerilee jabbed
  1172. > "Yeah! That's what bad ponies do." Redheart chuckled, "Don't make me punish you!" She teased
  1173. > I should never have said a word about my Twilight fantasy.
  1175. > “I never took you for a liar.” Redheart said in a serious tone.
  1177. “I'm not a liar! You’re just a bully! You think you’re SO great because you went to school!"
  1179. > “Is that supposed to be an insult? That I have a degree? What's your point? Thanks to my hard work I won’t be flipping hay burgers all my life like you and the rest of your friends. If you can even get a job flipping hay burgers without your high school anymore.” she chuckled
  1181. > She took a drag from a cigarette and flicked the ashes into Cheerlies wrap, which she was still struggling to fold.
  1182. > "You're too funny Derpy." She sighed
  1184. > I looked down at my food
  1185. > She's right
  1186. > I have no money, education.
  1187. > I don’t even own a house anymore.
  1189. > But I do have one thing she never will
  1190. > Four pairs of teats that never stop leaking!
  1192. “Redheart, Do you produce milk?”
  1194. > Her eyes widened
  1195. > “What did you just ask me?”
  1197. “I bet my milk tastes better than yours.” I teased, jiggling my chest breasts up and down
  1199. > “What are you talking about you little weirdo?”
  1200. > I pulled my bra down and exposed my right teat
  1201. > The suction cup dislodged and milk started to pour onto the table
  1203. > “Put that away!" Redheart snapped in a very serious tone.
  1204. > I ran my hoof along the ridge of my nipple.
  1205. > When it was covered in enough milk I stuck my entire hoof into my mouth.
  1206. > They looked disgusted
  1208. > I slurped the milk off my hoof and when I pulled it from my mouth it was covered in milk and spit.
  1210. > I pointed my spit covered hoof towards them
  1211. "You wanna taste?"
  1212. > They looked furious, but I didn’t care.
  1214. > They can keep their education
  1215. > Who needs math and history when you have the best milk in Ponyville?
  1217. > My sudden confidence was quickly turning to shame as I felt the eyes of other customers begin to fall on us
  1219. > Redheart jumped up from her seat and Cheerilee followed
  1220. > “You know, I was trying to give you a chance. But everypony is right. You really are just a pathetic freak.”
  1222. > The room went quiet and all eyes were on us now
  1223. > I wiped my hoof on the table cloth
  1224. > My eye bounced around the room at the disgusted expressions
  1226. “Redheart….I'm sorry…I crossed the line. Please sit down.”
  1228. > “You're sorry? You know, I was actually considering removing those things off your chest but you can keep them. Seeing how proud of them you are.”
  1230. “Nurse, please…” I cried
  1231. > I reached out towards her but she staggered backward
  1233. > “Stay away from me Derpy. I’m not joking around either. Being seen with you has already hurt my reputation enough.”
  1234. > The two mares stormed out of the restaurant looking angry and embarrassed and all eyes were now on me
  1235. > I don’t think I could imagine a more embarrassing situation
  1236. > I feel like a fool
  1237. > Why did I do that?
  1238. > I was just so angry!
  1239. > Me and my impulses…
  1241. > Panic attacks…
  1243. > As Cheerilee and Redheart left the room the other ponies slowly stopped staring and quietly went back to their dinner.
  1244. > All except one.
  1246. > Across the cafe sat a pale mare with a puffy green mane who continued to stare
  1247. > She had a pair of sewing needles dug into pink fabric between her hooves
  1248. > She looked like she had just seen a ghost.
  1250. > I adjusted my bra and looked away but her eyes were locked.
  1251. > She slowly put her sewing needles into her purse and looked around the cafe anxiously before approaching me.
  1253. > "Ummm…Hi." The pale mare stammered
  1254. "H…Hi.." I stuttered
  1255. > Was I in trouble?
  1256. > Who is this pony?
  1257. > And why is she so jittery?
  1259. > "My name's Coco…I've been admiring you from across the cafe since I sat down."
  1260. "Oh….Ummmm…Thanks?"
  1262. > She has an accent similar to Aloe and Lotus, but with slight differences I can’t put my hoof on.
  1263. > “It doesn't matter what those other mares say. I think you’re pretty just the way you are.”
  1265. >......
  1266. "Thanks?"
  1268. > "Can I take a seat?"
  1270. > Before I could answer she grabbed the closest chair next to me
  1271. > “You have a very beautiful form.”
  1273. “Y…You think so?"
  1275. > Her eyes ran up and down my body
  1277. > “Do you mind if I rub your stomach?”
  1279. >....
  1281. “I..I guess not? Why would you…"
  1283. > she carefully dragged her hooves over my stomach
  1285. > I craned my head backwards
  1286. “Is this some kind of trick?”
  1288. > “Trick? No…How could this be a trick?”
  1290. “I don’t know…You're probably going to make fun of me…”
  1292. > “Why would I tease such an adorable little mare?”
  1294. “I don’t know, it's just that….
  1296. >...
  1298. "Wait. You think I’m adorable?”
  1300. > “Not only that. I think you’re perfect.” She nodded
  1302. > I looked down at my stomach which was pressed against the edge of the table
  1303. “I’m not…Fat am I?”
  1305. > “Heavens no! In fact, I think it would do you some good if you gain a couple more pounds.”
  1307. “Gain more? But…But Nurse Redheart said…”
  1309. > She put her hoof over my lips and rubbed my belly
  1311. > “I think you look beautiful.” She hummed "Don't let anypony tell you otherwise."
  1313. > I don't trust this mare
  1314. “Yeah? Well…N…Not many ponies tell me that.”
  1316. > “That's because most ponies don't appreciate true beauty." She shot
  1318. > My belly started to growl
  1320. > “You sound hungry. I can feed you if you like!” She said excitedly
  1322. “Feed me?”
  1324. > Coco nodded and grabbed a piece of sugar toast from my plate.
  1325. > She drenched it in syrup then sprinkled extra sugar and cinnamon powder over the top.
  1326. > She brought the soggy piece of bread to my mouth and I took a bite.
  1328. > “Is it good?”
  1329. "Mmmmm…..So good….” I moaned
  1330. > She picked up another piece and began dabbing it in syrup and smothering it in butter.
  1331. > She fed me for a couple minutes.
  1333. "You know…Pegasi aren't supposed to be fat."
  1334. >Coco laughed to herself
  1335. > "Before I moved to Equestria, I'd never even seen a pegasi. To me, you're no less of a Pegasi than any of the others I've met "
  1336. "You're not from Equestria?"
  1338. > "No, my family moved here from Germareny."
  1340. *Again. I can’t believe I’m writing this*
  1342. "Germareny? That place sounds made up!…And…Poorly named.”
  1344. > Coco chuckled
  1345. > "It's an earth pony kingdom bordering Prance. I was born in Prance, but that's a whole nother story.” She giggled
  1347. > “Germareny is a lovely place….I also used to live in Manehattan quiet recently, but things became a little difficult."
  1349. “It sounds like you’ve been everywhere. Why did you move to Equestria?"
  1351. > "Well, after the war Germareny kinda fell apart. Our family moved here to escape persecution."
  1353. "What do you mean by persecution? Were you being treated unfairly?"
  1355. > "Not exactly. If we stayed we would probably have been charged for war crimes…."
  1357. "There was a war?" I gasped
  1359. > She stopped rubbing my belly and looked up and away for a moment
  1360. > "It doesn't really matter actually….All you need to know is that my family owns a chemical plant, and during the years of the war we made lots of money selling it to the government. When the war ended we were a part of the lucky few who escaped trial."
  1362. "Tria!l?"
  1364. > "I think I've said too much…" she muttered
  1365. > I started to laugh
  1367. > "What's so funny?"
  1369. "I feel that way all the time!" I giggled "Sometimes I never know when to stop talking!"
  1371. > Coco started to Laugh along with me
  1372. > “I’m sorry, I feel like a fool.” She replied
  1373. “Don’t be sorry!” I laughed
  1375. > She looked up at me for a moment then away again
  1376. > "It's so refreshing to meet a pony who's so honest."
  1378. "Same to you." I nodded
  1380. > What's your name?”
  1382. “Derpy…..Or Muffins. Whichever you like.”
  1384. > Her ears pointed to the sky and she smiled
  1385. > She continued to slather the sugar toast in cinnamon and sugar then fed it to me.
  1386. > I don’t know why she was feeding me, I’m quite capable of feeding myself
  1387. > But it feels nice.
  1389. "So you've never seen a Pegasi until you moved to Equestria?"
  1391. > "Nope! They were the first to go actually." She smiled
  1393. "Where did they go?"
  1395. > "Ummmm…Ooooo…Thats a tough question…Well…I guess the BEST way to say this is that where I’m from, all the pegasi went to camp…And they never returned."
  1397. "Must be a fun camp." I giggled
  1399. > "Can we change the subject now?" She asked looking over her shoulders
  1401. "I guess…."
  1403. > “Tell me about these." She said pointing to my chest breasts.
  1405. > "I’ve been staring at them all night and you still haven't said a word about them.”
  1407. “Well…I’m kinda embarrassed by them.”
  1409. > “You didn’t seem embarrassed earlier.”
  1411. > I turned red
  1412. “I was angry.” I grumbled
  1414. > “I understand…Sometimes I get angry and I think about doing things I shouldn’t.”
  1416. “Like what?”
  1418. > Coco started to laugh nervously
  1419. > “This really isn’t first date talk.”
  1421. “Please. I won’t judge you.”
  1423. > “Well…I have lots of fantasies…You see, I’ve always wanted to….” She trailed off for a moment
  1425. > “I’ve always wanted to have complete control over another pony.”
  1427. >...
  1429. “You and my marefriend would get along great!” I joked
  1430. "She's always trying to boss me around."
  1432. > “Oh! I didn’t know you were in a relationship.”
  1434. > She looked sad by this
  1436. “No! It’s fine! I haven’t spoken to anypony new in a long time…This is nice.”
  1438. > She smiled at me
  1439. > “You’re too kind.”
  1441. > “Since we're being open and honest, I feel obligated to tell you something about myself."
  1443. “What is it?”
  1445. > She leaned towards me and went into a whisper
  1446. > "My political leanings may seem a little unorthodox in these parts. I just feel like I should warn you. I don't expect you to understand, but nopony this side of the Celestial Sea knows what's happening in Prance, Germareny or any of the other kingdoms. The world beyond Equestrias borders is very different. I don't expect you to understand….But we did what we thought was right. And I would do it all over again if I could. I just hope this doesn't taint your feelings about me. I'm sorry I'm being vague but it’s not safe to discuss these things in the open air.”
  1448. > What the heck is she talking about?
  1449. > I bet she’s just being dramatic!
  1451. "Coco, I've only known you for a couple minutes, but you're the first pony I’ve met in forever who doesn't judge me for how I look. I would never judge you for your past. How bad could it possibly be anyways?"
  1452. > She shot me a smile and I smiled back
  1453. "I'm happy you see me as a Pegasi. It seems that not many ponies do anymore. And I don't care about what other ponies may say about your past. I think you're great."
  1455. > "Thanks. That means a lot. Most ponies aren't as accepting as you. I hope one day I can move back home…Also, I just wanna say that you’re one of the good ones.”
  1457. “I am?”
  1459. > “I can tell already. Most Pegasi aren’t like you."
  1461. "But you said you don't know many Pegasi."
  1463. > "That's true. But I know their schemes…." Her voice trailed off and her face turned sour.
  1465. “You're strange." I chuckled
  1467. > She smiled and began decorating another piece of sugar toast
  1469. "So why did you move away from Manhattan?"
  1471. > "No reason. Just…. Finances really."
  1473. "I'm sorry to hear that Coco."
  1475. > "It’s fine! Ponies can be very judgemental in Manehattan anyway. I don't want to speak Ill of my friends in the city, but most don't understand me. They pretend they do, but they don't. I can see it in their eyes. They all think I'm crazy."
  1477. “I don’t think you’re crazy.”
  1479. > “Well, we seem to agree on everything.” She laughed, “Maybe you’re just as crazy as I am?”
  1480. > I nodded in agreement “Maybe…”
  1482. > I leaned back in my chair and we locked eyes
  1483. > She's so nice
  1484. > She accepts me for who I am
  1485. > I’m starting to feel tingly
  1487. > Is this true love!?
  1488. > I mean…I thought I felt true love with Twilight
  1489. > Then with Fluttershy…
  1490. > Maybe…
  1491. > Oh my gosh!
  1492. > Maybe true love can happen a bunch of times!
  1493. > I think I found another true love in Coco!
  1495. "Would it be crazy to say that I really like you?"
  1497. > I put my hoof over her hoof and she froze.
  1499. > "Muffins…Where I'm from, hoof holding in public is viewed as obscene." She whispered
  1501. > I pulled my hoof away.
  1502. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to…."
  1503. > She dropped her hoof over mine
  1504. > "No, I like it." She replied slyly
  1506. > Our eyes were tangled
  1507. > I couldn’t stop staring
  1508. > She’s beautiful…
  1510. > The waiter came over and grabbed our empty plates
  1511. > Coco practically jump from her seat in excitement
  1513. > "Sir, can you fetch us a bottle of your finest wine and a plate of french toast with extra maple syrup?"
  1515. > The waiter nodded and walked away
  1517. > Coco leaned in close and rubbed my hoof
  1519. > "So tell me Muffins. How does it feel being the most beautiful pony I've ever laid eyes on?"
  1523. Pinkie:
  1525. > I buttoned up my shirt, tossed the bottle to the ground and shook Appointed Rounds from her sleep.
  1526. > She had given me a lot to think about before she passed out
  1527. > Appointed Rounds was right.
  1528. > I need to capitalize on my talents!
  1529. > I’m gonna make it.
  1530. > I’m going to have be the biggest slut Ponyville has ever seen
  1531. > But I’m gonna make it.
  1533. > “Why’d you wake me?” Appointed Rounds grumbled
  1534. > “It’s time to go. We have a post office to rob.”
  1536. > Appointed Rounds staggered across the street, I followed close behind carrying her bra.
  1537. > Appointed Rounds used a key which she swiped from the post office before she was escorted out for stealing.
  1538. > She often joked that it was her severance gift.
  1540. > There’s no security inside the post office so we were free to tread freely as long as we stayed away from any windows.
  1541. > Appointed Rounds went through the employee lockers like she always did.
  1542. > When she was through raiding the lockers she moved on to opening random letters for money.
  1544. > I made my to the very back of the sorting room
  1545. > It was dark and I could barely see where I was going. But after doing this for an entire week, I had the place mapped out in my head pretty well now.
  1546. > I went through the local “outs” cubbies looking for letters addressed to Applejack, The Cakes, and Fluttershy.
  1548. > I pocketed their mail and left the room like I was never even there
  1549. > When I went to collect AP, she had a ziplock bag full of stolen Bits
  1551. > “Look what I got!” She bragged
  1553. > I raised her bra over my head and smiled
  1554. “Oh yeah? Look what I got!”
  1555. > Her face dropped and she started swiping her hooves in my face
  1557. > “Give me that back!”
  1558. > I chuckled and passed her the brassiere
  1559. > Seems like somepony is getting used to her teats without even realizing.
  1561. > After we left the post office, I walked her to the edge of town
  1563. “You can find your way home from here right?”
  1565. > “Yeah, it's just a mile and a bit down this road…If you want, you can come to my place for the night. I’ve got lots of alcohol and some bottles of that “Best Pony” milk thats been going around…If you're into that sort of thing.”
  1567. > It wasn’t that I didn’t like Appointed Rounds
  1568. > She’s just SO old
  1569. > Imagine being twenty seven
  1570. > BLECH!
  1571. > Also, she isn’t blue which is kind of a deal breaker for me.”
  1573. “Sorry AP, maybe next time?”
  1574. > She nodded and set off down the street
  1576. > I walked back into town. But not to sleep.
  1577. > I’m gonna make lots of money!
  1578. > I popped into the Ponyville Drinking Fountain
  1579. > A middle/upper class bar in downtown Ponyville
  1580. > I ordered myself a couple shots then looked around the room
  1582. > There were lots of stallions at the bar.
  1583. > Many were Canterlot ponies looking to score with the locals
  1584. > In my mind's eye, I could see a lot of mares getting rich off these gaudy stallions.
  1585. > I picture some eighteen year old trust fund stallion getting hitched up with a random Ponyville mare because he wanted to spend a night with one of us “weird looking mares with giant teats.”
  1586. > It makes me giggle just thinking about it.
  1588. > If I got pregnant by one of these stallions, I would be set for life
  1589. > But I would make bank for eighteen years!
  1590. > If I’m gonna be serious about being a full time slut, I should start reconsidering the importance of condoms.
  1593. > Maybe it's just the alcohol talking…
  1594. > I mean, it's about time!
  1595. > I’ve only been drinking since seven in the morning
  1596. > But sadly, I was now out of money.
  1598. > I slid my hoof down the counter and grabbed a stallion by the hoof
  1599. > He spun in his seat looking a tad annoyed
  1600. “Why don’t you buy me a drink?” I suggested “I’ll pay you back.” I winked
  1602. > The stallion rolled his eyes
  1603. > “Oh, Celestia no!”
  1605. “Wha…Why not?”
  1606. > “Why would I wanna put my penis anywhere near a home-wrecking, cloven hoofed, multi breasted, pig pony?”
  1608. “I don’t know…..It's hot?” I shot him a toothy, nervous smile
  1609. > He stared at me looking unimpressed
  1611. > I pulled my coat down and flashed him one of my teats
  1612. > He sighed and pulled out his wallet
  1613. > “How much?”
  1615. "How about…Twenty bits for an hour?"
  1617. > The stallion chuckled "I’d rather you kept the coat on. But I’m willing to part with ten bits for a blowjob in the washroom.”
  1619. >...
  1621. "Fine." I sighed
  1623. > I'm starting to worry that I'll never be rutted again.
  1626. Fluttershy:
  1628. > I laid in bed feeling more lost than ever
  1629. > Selling Muffin’s milk has brought me to the level of a degenerate criminal.
  1630. > A milk supplier who has found herself in too deep with the criminal underworld.
  1632. > This is how it starts, they ask for "favours" from me.
  1633. > Then, when I know too much they'll have me…
  1634. > I don't even want to think about that right now.
  1636. > At the moment, I still have control of the situation
  1637. > I have Muffins.
  1638. > I have Milky
  1639. > I can push through this.
  1641. > But as of right now, I need to relieve some stress.
  1642. > A part of me wishes Muffins was in bed with me
  1643. > But another part feels like this time away is probably for the best
  1645. > Life with Muffins is proving to be more difficult than I initially thought it would be
  1646. > I’m not dumb
  1647. > I knew that once she moved in it wouldn't be all sunshine and sweets.
  1649. > When I met her in flight school I could immediately tell that Muffins is an emergency friendship situation who is in desperate need of a friend before it's too late.
  1651. > It's been twelve years since we met, and I still feel that same pity for her.
  1652. > I can't help but feel bad for ponies like her
  1653. > I'm the element of kindness after all, it's in my nature
  1654. > And a pony can never be too kind, can they?
  1656. > My parents seem to think so…
  1657. > They never liked any of my friends growing up because they only saw the worst in them
  1658. > Rainbow Dash was a troublemaker, Muffins was a burden and Pinkie was a flirt who was going to “turn me gay” with her earth pony promiscuity.
  1660. > The ponies in Cloudsdale have strange ideas when it comes to homosexuality.
  1661. > Its not accepted like it is in the rest of Equestria
  1662. > In fact, it's discouraged and shamed.
  1663. > Some ponies take it super seriously and think its a curse
  1664. > Dashes parents are like that.
  1665. > It's part of the reason she moved to Ponyville.
  1667. > Earth Ponies get mocked by the other races for being dirty and primitive
  1668. > But their villages are safe havens for ponies who would otherwise be discriminated against
  1669. > They are the most accepting race because of their love of lovemaking.
  1670. > My parents share the earth pony mentality, but their overprotectiveness of me blinded them when it came to my friends.
  1672. > None of my friends grew up in a healthy household like I did.
  1673. > Muffins dad was an awful parent because he never set boundaries and let her do whatever she wanted out of fear of losing her.
  1674. > Pinkie lived on a rock farm most of entire life and never had the opportunity to meet other ponies.
  1675. > And Dash's parents tried so hard to push her into being something she wasn’t she collapsed.
  1677. > I've spent my entire life trying to help these ponies.
  1678. > It's my destiny! And despite my parents' objections, I'll never give up!
  1680. > But for now, its late
  1681. > I’m home alone
  1682. > And I need a little "me" time.
  1684. > I leaned over the bed and rummaged under the frame.
  1685. > I know I left my toy under here somewhere…
  1686. > Muffins has made such a mess of everything since she moved in! I can't even find things in my own house anymore!
  1688. > I dug my hoof deeper into the mess until it hit a box
  1689. > I stopped my rummaging and laid my hoof over the box
  1690. > I don't recall putting boxes under my bed
  1691. > And it was a little odd that in a pile of dishes, food wrappers and laundry, a cardboard box would just randomly be stuffed in the folds of this trash heap.
  1693. > I pulled the box out from pile and observed it
  1694. > I had never seen this box before, so it must be Muffins.
  1695. > I opened the box and saw a collection of pink and purple underwear
  1696. "Is this a present for me?"
  1698. > I tried on a pair.
  1699. > They were pretty loose and the elastic looked worn
  1700. > Whoever these are for, they must have a really fat rump
  1701. > Derpy doesn't usually wear underwear anymore, unless she's going out
  1702. > Recently, she's been walking around the house naked
  1703. > I'm not fond of her newly found nudist tendencies (mostly because she never showers)
  1705. > I pulled the pairs of underwear out of the box and saw a small baggie of purple hair clippings, a pile of unsent letters and a small jar of a yellowish liquid.
  1706. >...
  1707. > I'm puzzled
  1709. > After twelve years, I didn't think Muffins could surprise me anymore
  1710. > But this living situation is proving uncomfortably revealing.
  1711. > What the heck was this!?
  1712. > I opened the jar and a sour, garlicky odor hit my nose
  1713. > It made me wretch so I closed it.
  1715. > I picked up the first letter in the pile
  1716. > It was written in Muffins hoofwriting
  1718. > It read:
  1719. > “Dear Princess Celestia. Today, Twilight and I went to the park and got ice cream! Twilight is gaining a little weight, but she says she doesn’t mind! Twilight and I sat on a bench and she talked about smart pony things for hours. I didn’t understand any of it, but it was nice to listen to her talk.
  1720. I wish I was a smart pony like Twilight.
  1721. After ice cream, we went to her favourite place, Her house! Twilight loves to read books, just like me! Twilight reads lots of books about science and history and stuff. I like books about romance because they always have happy endings. I hope happy endings exist in real life, but I doubt it.”
  1723. Derpy Hooves”
  1725. > Is Muffins writing fictional stories about going on dates with Twilight and pretending to send them to Celestia?
  1727. >...
  1729. > I picked up another, this time from the bottom of the pile.
  1731. > It read:
  1732. > “Dear Princess Celestia, Twilight let me stick my tongue inside her today…”
  1733. > …
  1735. > “Oh…”
  1736. > “Oh my…”
  1738. > Is this the kind of content she’s reading in her “romance books?”
  1739. > It's one thing to read about made up characters in a story
  1740. > But writing about having sex with ponies she knows in real life!?
  1741. > I inhaled deeply and continued reading
  1743. > “She wiggled a lot, especially when I rubbed my tongue along the walls of vagina. She tasted like grapes…”
  1745. >...
  1746. “Grapes?”
  1747. > I could help but I giggle
  1749. > “And smelled like a garden. Twilight is so perfect, I wish I was as perfect as her. One day I will marry her and she will be my master and I will be her pet wife. She will take care of me forever and I will never have to do the dishes!”
  1750. Derpy Hooves”
  1752. “You already don’t do the dishes…” I grumbled
  1753. > I put the box away but kept the letters on the nightstand
  1754. > I stared at them for a long while
  1755. > I can’t believe how many there are.
  1756. > There had to be about fifty.
  1757. > Muffins has been infatuated with Twilight ever since she moved to Ponyville.
  1758. > But I didn’t think her obsession ran this deep
  1760. > I’m growing worried and confused
  1761. > There's a lot I've learned about Derpy since she moved in, and sometimes I feel as if I'm in way over my head.
  1762. > I'm neat, she's messy
  1763. > I'm responsible, she's not
  1764. > I take my medication, she’s refuses to get diagnosed
  1765. > I do all the house work, she sits in bed all day eating junk food, masturbating and reading smut.
  1767. > I love Muffins more than anything
  1768. > But sometimes I get the feeling she's too strange for me.
  1769. > Like she’s too different.
  1770. > Like she doesn’t take our relationship seriously…
  1772. > I heard the front door creak open
  1773. “Muffins? Is that you?” I called
  1774. > I tossed the letters into the nightstand drawer and sat up straight
  1776. > “Fluttershy!” The voice cheered
  1777. > It was Dash, and she sounded drunk
  1778. > She pushed through the trash and into the bedroom then ripped the blankets off me
  1780. “Dash!” I cried covering up again
  1782. > “Oh, come on Fluttershy, you know I won’t do anything.”
  1783. > I scooted back into the headboard
  1785. > “You want a drink?” She chuckled
  1786. > She went into her saddlebag and grabbed a flask, then started chugging
  1788. "Dash! You can't be drinking!"
  1789. > I jumped for the flask but she shoved me back down
  1790. > "Fluttershy, I decided that I needed a break from sobriety.”
  1792. "Well…Well then I can't talk to you. You aren’t supposed to be drinking."
  1793. > "I'm not drunk! I've got a little bit of a buzz going but I’m fine."
  1795. "Does Applejack know you're drinking again?"
  1796. > "Nooo…..You won't tell her will you?"
  1797. "I feel like I should…"
  1798. > "Fluttershy, I didn’t just come here for the fun of it. The situation is dire! Applejack doesn't even talk to me anymore. She's disassociated from everypony! I've never seen her like this. She barely eats, and instead of working she sits in the farmhouse window all day staring at the unkempt fields. I need to save the farm if I'm going to save her."
  1800. "Oh my…Well, ummm….I know you're worried, but we should really wait for Twilight to make the calls when it comes to this sort of thing."
  1802. > “Fluttershy, I know you’re not the most active pony in town, but can you like…Do something for once?”
  1803. “What do you mean, do something?”
  1804. > “You just sit at home all day! I’m not saying you're lazy, but…You don’t even have a job, and you’re getting kinda fat.”
  1806. > Rainbow Dash is my friend
  1807. > One of the ponies I must love and care for.
  1808. > But she’s also a brat who never cares to listen to other ponies' problems and expects everypony to jump for her.
  1809. > Also, she thinks she's WAY cooler than she actually is.
  1811. "Dash, you don’t even know what I do all day! Do you REALLY think I sit in bed all day and do nothing!? I don't even know where to begin with such an accusation! Do you know how hard it is living with Muffins? I spend every. Waking. Moment trying to make her feel at home here! She doesn’t listen, she doesn’t clean up, and whenever I want to talk to her about something important to me she suddenly has the urge for sex! I’ve been dying to have sex for weeks!”
  1812. > “Okay, sorry Fluttershy, I didn’t know…”
  1814. > “I’ve been in heat for weeks! But she doesn’t even touch me anymore! Instead of love making, she sits on my face for hours on end until she gets hungry and asks me to make her food! Have you ever had to eat out a mare for three entire hours!? She’s driving me up the wall and I feel like I’m going to go crazy!”
  1816. > I opened the nightstand drawer and grabbed a bottle of anti anxiety medication then shoved a hooful of pills in my mouth
  1817. > Dash stared at me as I swallowed them
  1819. > “Ummmm…You holding up alright? Fluttershy?”
  1821. “I don’t know…” I sniffled. “These pills barely work anymore. They just make everything blurry and hurt my tummy.”
  1823. > Dash took another long swig from her flask then threw the covers off of me and sat between my legs.
  1824. “What are you doing!?”
  1826. > She put her hoof over my vagina and slowly started to rub.
  1828. “Dash! We can’t do this! Muffins and I took a vow!”
  1830. > “Relax! I’m just helping you get off. I’m even doing it over your underwear!”
  1831. > Like that makes it any less sinful.
  1833. > “You seem stressed.”
  1835. “I am…I really am.” I sniffled
  1838. > “You still love her don’t you?”
  1839. “Yes…Despite everything, I love her more than anypony. I knew it would be hard being in a relationship with her. But I didn’t think it would be this hard.”
  1840. > I wiped my eye
  1842. > “Flutters, how you feel about Muffins is how I feel about AJ. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her. She's my everything. I need to do this. I and I need you to help me.”
  1844. “I just…I want her to be happy, I want all my friends to be happy.”
  1846. > “And I want you to be happy too.” She said rubbing more quickly
  1848. > “Ponies say all kinds of things about me. They say I’m creepy because of what happened at the academy But I was drunk! You don’t think I’m being creepy now? Do you?”
  1850. > Dash has no self awareness
  1851. > She breaks into my house drunk off her flank and starts rubbing my privates
  1852. > Does she really think this is any way appropriate?
  1854. “Dash…I think your problem is that you don’t think about whether what you're doing is appropriate or not. Especially when you drink. I don’t want to make you feel bad, but I’m in my early twenties and you're going to be thirty in a couple years l."
  1856. > Dash looked deflated
  1857. > She stopped moving entirely and stared into space.
  1858. "You were always the…flirty one of our group and…The oldest. Some ponies thought it was a little weird. I don't believe you have Ill intent, but you've always behaved in very…odd ways."
  1860. > She jumped to her hooves and began to pace in a panic
  1861. > "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening again! I'm gonna have to move away, and start all over."
  1863. "It's okay Dash, we've known each other for a long time now. I'm not upset about it. And none of us think any less of you. You're still the coolest pony I know.”
  1864. > “Thanks Fluttershy, I’m happy you don’t look back at our friendship and feel weird about it.”
  1866. “Oh, of course not! We were young!"
  1867. > "Yeah, yeah! We were young! And you never told anypony about those parties, right?"
  1869. "I don't think so. Those parties were a private thing between the four of us, and Applejack when she decided to join."
  1871. > She paused and turned to me
  1872. > "We need to go."
  1873. "Go? Go where?"
  1874. > She pulled my underwear off and stuck them over my head, my eyes rested between the leg holes.
  1876. > "I need you to come with me on a mission."
  1877. "Ummm…Dash I would really rather not. I had a busy day and…"
  1878. > She grabbed my hoof and tugged me out of my bed
  1879. > I can't seem to find even a moment's rest.
  1884. Pinkie:
  1886. > I wiped my mouth and hopped back on my stool at the bar.
  1887. > “Three margaritas, Please!” I slammed a small bag of bits on the table
  1888. > The bartender gave me a strange look but obliged
  1890. > I chuckled to myself and scanned the room for my next victim
  1891. > In under an hour I made enough money for both Marble and I to live for the weekend
  1892. > My diet is mainly alcohol, cupcakes and pizza
  1893. > Marbles is much more expensive because of the mass of food she needs for every meal
  1895. > Embracing my new look has been working out better than expected
  1896. > Sure, I had to lower my prices a smidge and I can't play up on my looks like I used to
  1897. > But I'm giving head like it's new years eve!
  1899. > As I looked around the room a hooded pony grabbed the seat next to me.
  1900. > He sat motionless, hunched over his cup of cider staring behind the bar
  1901. > His presence was cold
  1903. > I turned in my seat to face him
  1904. “You like what you see?” I asked, leaning towards him, batting my lashes
  1905. > He didn’t reply
  1906. “You've probably heard so many things about me. But don’t worry, you have my word that they’re all true! Even the made up stuff! Doesn’t that make me just the dirtiest pony?”
  1907. > I slid my hoof between my legs and smiled
  1909. > The stallion didn’t even flinch
  1910. “Are you okay?”
  1911. > “I don’t usually visit such classless places.” He spat
  1912. > Though I can't see his face, I tell who it was by the mangled Canterlot/Ponyville accent.
  1913. > My crotch went dry and I leaned over the bar
  1914. "What do you want?" I grumbled
  1916. > “I need to speak with you. How much of your time?”
  1917. “You don’t need to pay me to tell me something. Just spit it out."
  1918. > “How much for your time.” He repeated
  1919. > I was getting an uneasy feeling
  1921. “Ten bits for a blow job! It seems that's all ponies want from me anymore."
  1922. > “I remember when you were fifty bits an hour.”
  1923. “Things change.” I shot picking the dirt between my cloven hooves
  1924. > He dropped fifty bits on the counter and grabbed my hoof
  1926. > "Follow me."
  1927. > He led me to the wash room and locked us in one of the stalls then threw off his hood.
  1928. > "Don't tell me actually consider this place classy."
  1929. "If you want class you should've stayed in Manhattan with the rest of the rats."
  1931. > "I would have thought comparing ponies to dirty animals would be below you." He chuckled
  1933. “What do you want Mr. Rich?”
  1934. > “I have a proposition for you.”
  1935. > He stood on his back legs and leaned his front hoof on the wall behind me
  1936. > He stared down at me with expectation
  1937. > I rolled my eyes and unzipped his pants
  1939. > “What do you know about "best pony?”
  1940. “Best Pony? Seriously?"
  1941. > "Are you upset this isn't about you?"
  1943. > His cock fell from his pants, brushing along my cheek
  1944. "You must be crazy if you believe I care about what you think about anything."
  1945. > I shoved his penis in my mouth and began slowly sucking
  1947. > “I want to cut you in on a slice of my plans. You see, after you're party my pool of allies began running thin. This plan I'm running requires confidentiality. I need you to swear that you won’t speak of it to anypony.”
  1948. > “Mmm Hmm!” I said nodding my head
  1949. > “This “best pony" is an unanticipated roadblock to my plans. She has the best milk in Ponyville by far! But no pony knows who she is and I can't seem to find anypony who does."
  1951. > I spat his penis from my mouth
  1952. > “Don’t ask me. I can’t even afford her stuff.'
  1953. > He sighed in annoyance and began smacking his wet, flaccid cock over my cheek
  1954. > “I'm opening a milk bar here in town. It will be the most upscale, and expensive shop in town featuring the best mares in Ponyville. My only problem is that I need mares to provide the milk. I have five mares I want to employ."
  1956. > I grab his cock, spit on it and start jerking him off.
  1957. “And who are these lucky ponies?"
  1959. > He tilted my head backwards and wiped my bottom lip
  1960. > “Only the best my dear. Derpy, Fluttershy, Cloudchaser, best pony and you. Cloudchaser is already on board. But she’s a ghastly looking thing. I need a mare who will be the face of the bar. And I can’t think of a prettier face than yours.”
  1962. "Mr. Rich. You flatter me. But we both know I'm far from the pony I used to be."
  1963. > He rubbed his penis beneath my eye
  1964. > "I think you'll fit in perfectly. The mares I want at my bar are all of the unique variety."
  1966. "Freaks." I shot
  1967. > "I wouldn't call them that. I think they're the best this town has to offer. In a town of genetically abnormal ponies I'm looking for the exceptional."
  1969. "And what about your little project? I'm guessing she'll be there to?"
  1971. > "Obviously. But she'll stay away from you as long as you stay away from her."
  1972. "I don't think that's going to be possible. We have unfinished business."
  1973. > "It's not like she can do anything about it now. I say we let the past go and make ourselves some money then when the government starts to get wise we all pack up and go our separate ways."
  1975. > "Why don't you just make her the friendly face of the bar? Celestia knows ponies would pay big bits just to see her."
  1976. > "She's not quite broken in yet for that sort of work. That ego of hers is something else."
  1977. "Tell me about it." I grumbled
  1980. > “Well, while I appreciate the offer, I can’t produce milk anyways, So you're wasting your time ” I replied
  1981. > I shoved his penis in my mouth and coiled my tongue around his cock.
  1982. > “You don't think I already know about that? Pinkie, I know everything about you.”
  1983. “Doubt it.” I said with my lips wrapped around his knob
  1985. > “I know your sister is sick, and I know you need money. Help me, help you."
  1986. "Marble is doing fine."
  1987. > "And what happens when her stomach becomes too much to handle? You can only fuck so many ponies, and at your current rates you'll be on your knees all day. Unless you plan on making this stall you're home your sister will fall to her unusual ailment."
  1989. > He slid his hoof down my jacket and squeezed one of my breasts
  1990. > "I know you have lots of potential. And I can promise you a stable income."
  1992. > Filthy Rich is such a scumbag
  1993. > I don't like depending on ponies for money like this
  1994. > But he's right. I need to put away my pride and do what's best for Marble
  1995. > I'm all she has left.
  1997. > I spat out his cock
  1998. > Webs of spit and pre-cum trailed between his penis and my snout.
  1999. "Fine. I'll do it. But I don't want to be experimented on, exploited or bullied. I'm not in the business of becoming your next toy. And I also want a salary, benefits and opportunity. If you can't promise that then I'm not joining you."
  2001. > He smiled and slowly pressed his penis down my throat.
  2002. > "Of course Pinkie. If you give me your milk you can have anything you like. I wouldn't want to deprive you of your dignity." He chuckled
  2006. Derpy:
  2009. > The room is very spinny
  2010. > I think I may have drank a little bit too much…
  2011. > I probably ate too much too….
  2012. > My chest hurts...
  2013. > I feel like I’m going to throw up…
  2015. > “Muffins, you alright?”
  2016. “Yeah…I’m fine…”
  2017. > “You should eat some more cake.” Coco suggested
  2018. > I nodded and she grabbed me another slice
  2019. > I hadn't felt like this since I drank cider at the treehouse years ago
  2020. > It was the only time I've ever been drunk
  2021. > Aside from now of course.
  2023. > Coco was starting to look worried
  2024. > “Muffins, are you okay?”
  2025. “Y…Yeah…I just need to stand up.”
  2026. > When my hooves hit the floor I immediately began to stumble backwards
  2027. > “Muffins, come back and sit. I don’t think that's a good ide…”
  2028. > I stumbled back into the table behind me
  2029. > I felt hooves grab my rump, saving me from tumbling
  2031. > "Woah, be careful their little mare."
  2032. > I looked up and saw the rich unicorn stallion Redheart and Cheerlie were gushing over earlier
  2033. > My heart was beating faster than ever
  2034. > He’s so handsome….
  2035. "Oh…s…sorry…" I mumbled
  2037. > "No problem."
  2038. > He lifted me back on my hooves and returned me to my seat
  2039. "I think you drank a little too much." He chuckled
  2040. "No…" I grumbled
  2041. > “Sorry?”
  2042. > "No! I…I want more!"
  2043. > I slammed my hoof on the table
  2044. > Both the stallion and Coco started to laugh
  2046. > Coco grabbed a slice of cake and slathered it with frosting
  2047. > “Hope you’re ready for another slice!”
  2048. > I felt so full….but the cake looked soooo good!
  2049. > Fluttershy NEVER lets me eat like this!
  2050. > I forced the slice down my throat
  2051. > My chest was feeling very tense…
  2053. > “Seriously. I think you’ve had enough.” The stallion said looking down at the plates below my breasts
  2054. “You do?”
  2055. > I looked at my belly, which had grown significantly since I sat down
  2056. > Maybe I should call it quits. My body needs time to recover and….
  2057. > “Are you calling my friend fat?” Coco warned
  2059. > “I would never. I’m just a little concerned about her…”
  2060. > Coco picked up another piece of cake, covering it in frosting, sugar and chocolate chips
  2062. > “Don’t listen to him Muffins. You look great.”
  2063. “I…I do?”
  2064. > “Of course!"
  2066. > The waiter must have heard me because he trotted over to us with another drink.
  2067. > I put the glass between my breasts and brought the straw to my mouth.
  2070. > "How do you feel?" The stallion asked, grabbing the seat across from me
  2071. "I feel fat…And stupid." I grumbled
  2072. "I was never the thinnest pony…or the smartest. But …I feel like I've maybe gone too far…"
  2074. > “That's just your anxiety talking!" Coco interrupted, "You look amazing, I should know becau…”
  2076. "Coco, am I a good pony?"
  2077. > "Y
  2078. Of course you’re one of the best ponies!"
  2079. "No…I can't be best pony…. Twilight…She's…best pony."
  2080. > "I doubt Twilight has a belly like yours, sweetie."
  2081. "I don't know…She's pretty fat…" I sniffled
  2082. > "Is Twilight your mare-friend?"
  2084. "I wish! Twilight is…She's…Well she's perfect! I wanna hug her so tight and never let go…"
  2085. > "She sounds like an amazing friend."
  2087. "She's my best friend in ALL of Equestria! She doesn't know it yet, but we're going to get married someday! And I'll be her wife!"
  2089. > "I'm sure she would like that."
  2091. "Can you keep a secret? Sometimes I steal her underwear and wear them. I have a whole box of Twilights panties under my bed…"
  2093. > I shoved my hoof down my pants and pulled the strap of my panties out
  2094. "I'm even wearing a pair right now!"
  2096. > "Oh Mon! That is so lewd!" Coco gasped
  2097. > "And so kinky." She purred
  2099. > We both laughed
  2101. > "Another bottle, waiter! We're just getting started!" The stallion called out
  2103. > "You mares are strange." He chuckled "I'd love to know more about both of you."
  2105. > My stomach groaned in pain
  2109. Fluttershy:
  2111. > Dash explained the plan on the way
  2112. > She decided the best course of action would be to break into Filthy's house.
  2114. > Initially, I didn't want to but I was slowly warming up to the idea, mostly due to the seven anti anxiety pills I scarfed down my throat hitting me like a train.
  2116. > I think Dash is nervous about this break in too.
  2117. > I'm still terrified, but much more sedated
  2118. > I feel like I can do anything!
  2119. > Is this what life is like without ANY anxiety?
  2120. > I should up my doses…
  2122. > Dash and I wore disguises as we approached the house
  2123. > Mine was the pair of pink underwear I found under the bed
  2124. > Dash was wearing one of the masks my animals friends made me when I was trying to face my fear of flying in front of other ponies
  2126. > We snuck into the house through one on the windows and crept through the halls
  2127. > My heart fluttered, rumbling through my chest like the beat of a trembling bass strings hum
  2128. > Dash stumbled down the hall, stopping at every door to steal a peek inside before closing it.
  2129. > My faith in her planning was staggering
  2131. “What exactly are we looking for?” I whispered
  2132. > “Leverage!” She shot “He needs to learn what it feels like to lose something important to him.”
  2133. “I understand…Sort of?”
  2134. > She opened another door before closing it
  2135. “Dash! What are we doing? What do you plan on taking?”
  2136. > “Shhhh!” Just stick close and be quiet. “I’m looking for a his most precious jewel.”
  2139. > We entered a room filled with display tables with jewels under glass casings
  2140. > Mr. Rich sure does like collecting
  2141. > I stared down at all the jewels shining in every colour
  2142. “Is this what you're looking for?”
  2143. > Dash jumped onto her hind-legs over the glass which began to creak under her hooves
  2145. “Dash, I think you should…”
  2146. > The glass squeaked louder
  2147. > I closed my eyes and prepared for the inevitable.
  2150. Pinkie:
  2152. > Mr. Rich brought me to his home in the affluent part of town
  2153. > He led me down his poorly lit hall of collections
  2154. > The last time I was here he sold me a giant keg and forced me to move it by myself
  2155. > I’d like to say I’ve wisened up to his tricks but clearly I haven’t.
  2157. > When we reached the end of the hall he lit a fire in a stone fire pit
  2158. > He grabbed a small cauldron from a cabinet and perched over the flames
  2160. > The roaring fire casted eerie shadows along the walls
  2161. > He had three peculiar statues of the long legged mares which towered above us
  2162. > They were odd pieces depicting slim mares with breasts of varying sizes placed on the chest, tummy and between the back legs.
  2163. > I don't know what pony in the right mind would design such gross, perverted looking statues.
  2165. > I scooted backwards towards the fire and rested my rump along the lip of the fire pits wall
  2166. > “Undress.” Filthy Rich said rather casually
  2167. > I brought my hooves to my chest and began bumbling at the buttons in the dark
  2168. "Doesn't this place creep you out?"
  2170. > "Not at all! These are artifacts of ancient Equestria, nothing to feel uneasy about. Everything you see here is part of our history."
  2171. “I don’t remember reading about six breasted mares in my history books.” I scoffed
  2172. > “Sometimes what you read in school isn’t the whole truth.”
  2173. > When I was finished messing around with the buttons I threw off my coat
  2174. > My teats sagged along my body, looking like deflated pockets of irritated fat.
  2176. > Filthy Rich pulled a book from his shelf and began flipping through the pages
  2177. > “This book is older than the princesses themselves. It's a magical guide written in an ancient language predating even old ponish. Its the only effective magical article related to teat magic that exists.”
  2178. > As he flipped through the pages he chuckled to himself
  2180. > “What would you like? I can give you a n extra pair of crotch teats? Turn your blood to milk?”
  2181. “No experimentation.” I reminded him “I just want to produce milk, nothing crazy.”
  2182. > He flipped through the book and leaned into the pages, squinting his eyes
  2183. > “Well, to complete the maximum production potion I will need a few things.”
  2185. > He opened his cabinet again and pulled out a dozen tiny glass bottles
  2186. > Mr. Rich meticulously poured small amounts from each into the brew
  2187. > “These ingredients are thousands of years old. You need very specific ingredients to make these spells work correctly.” He explained
  2188. > I watched him sprinkle the ingredients into the boiling pot
  2189. > The colours changed and the water bubbled more violently with each new addition
  2192. > "So what do you know about Derpy?” He asked “What does she like? I would like to employ her sooner rather than later.”
  2193. "I implore you not to get her involved in this."
  2194. > "Why not? She's a grown mare, she can make her own decisions."
  2195. "I have a feeling you just want to use her. You don’t seem to have much respect for mares and I can’t see you treating Derpy any differently, despite her issues."
  2197. > "Pinkie I’m offended! I wouldn’t dare harm even a hair of her little head. When I first laid eyes on her I felt as though I was looking upon a modern goddess. She's physical perfect."
  2198. > He looked up and one of his raunchy statues with lust in his eyes
  2200. > "She is a modern goddess.” He muttered
  2201. "Honestly, I think she could probably do better than you." I said casually
  2202. > "Now you're just being foolish. Every mare has a price. You of all ponies should know that."
  2203. > What a jerk
  2205. > As he stirred the brew a shadow passed over us like a black bolt of lightning.
  2206. > The flash caused me to jump and scanned the ceiling.
  2207. "What was that?" I whispered
  2208. > "That's just Cloudchaser." He shrugged "Cloudy! Get down here!" He hollered
  2209. > Cloudchaser? I thought she ran away a long time ago.
  2211. > Perched along a windowsill above our heads Cloudchaser sat
  2212. > The silhouette was strange and uncanny
  2213. > The mare jumped from the window and slithered down one of the support columns like a snake.
  2215. > When the light of the fire touched her face I was met with a horrific sight
  2216. > I threw my hooves over my mouth and tried not to scream
  2218. > "Hey! You got her Mr. Rich!" She cheered
  2220. > "All without your help." He snapped
  2222. > "I was busy." She snarled, flashing her razor teeth
  2224. > "Busy." He huffed "Don't lie to me Cloudchaser. You were off playing with Twilight again."
  2225. > Her eyes narrowed "Maybe I was. Does it really matter?”
  2227. > Mr. Rich sighed
  2228. > "Your affinity for Twilight makes you impossible to work with. Sometimes I believe you actually love her…Sometimes I think you love her more than your job.”
  2230. > Cloudchaser chuckled then sat on the floor over her back legs
  2231. > “You know I like to play with my food.” She replied
  2233. > Her bright yellow eyes fell on me and she smiled devilish
  2234. > “Well if it isn’t the whore of Ponyville! I knew you’d join us eventually.”
  2236. “W…What happened to you?” I stuttered
  2237. > “I contracted a nasty series of ailments from your friend Twilight the night of the party. I would be mad but she's such a good lay."
  2238. > Her face beamed with happiness as she spoke
  2240. > "I won't get into the details, seeing how you two are friends and all. But giving her pleasure is the best revenge."
  2242. > She pulled a mangled rabbit corpse from her bag and sunk her teeth into the raw flesh
  2243. > “So Mr, Rich." She said with a full mouth
  2244. > "Is Pinkie officially on our side now?” She asked as blood ran down her lips
  2245. > I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
  2247. > Mr. Rich nodded “Pinkie has agreed to be the face of the milk bar. When the potion is complete I’ll have her sign the papers and she’ll be ours.”
  2249. > "Oh! I already have a potion! I got it from Twilight!" Cloudchaser tossed the vial to Mr. Rich
  2251. > He examined the bottle closely before tossing it back
  2252. > Cloudchaser looked crushed
  2253. > "Save it for some other pony. I can tell just by looking that this potion was poorly crafted. Celestia knows what unwanted effects it will have."
  2255. > Cloudchaser tossed it back into her bag then slithered towards me
  2256. > She moved like a shark
  2257. > Quick and with precise control
  2259. > She sat across from me and giggled “I’m happy you decided to join us, we have lots of fun!”
  2260. > She took another large bite of the rabbits stomach
  2261. > The meat between her teeth made stomach twisting squishing noises
  2262. > I felt like I was gonna vomit
  2264. > In all my time in Ponyville I had never seen Cloudchaser truly happy
  2265. > Now, she's practically glowing with positivity
  2267. > “Being part of the project is great!" She explained
  2268. > She grabbed my hoof and shook it “I’m security for mister Rich! Whoever he wants done away with, I’m his mare!”
  2269. “When you say done away with, do you mean…?”
  2270. > She put her hoof to her throat
  2271. > I looked back at Filthy Rich who didn’t seem to have any reaction to this
  2272. > I gulped
  2274. > She leaned over me, wrapping her hoof around my neck and draping the dead bunny over my shoulder
  2275. > “Relax Pinkie. We’re friends now! This isn’t just a job, it's a family!”
  2276. > I shoved her away and took a few steps backwards.
  2278. > “Cloudy, has Twilight said anything about her silly investigation?” Mr. Rich asked
  2279. > “She doesn’t have a clue! And those tits the princess gave her are making it hard for her to do anything at all!”
  2281. > “But if I must, I could put an end to her questioning if you like. Your wish is my command."
  2282. > “Are you suggesting we kill the princesses star pupil?”
  2284. > “No…I mean…It would solve a lot of our problems.”
  2285. > “Cloudy, it would serve the project best if you thought less. Thinking isn't your strongest trait. Just sit there and enjoy your meal while I work on this potion l."
  2287. > "But Me. Rich!" She whined
  2288. > I don't know why
  2289. > But seeing a terrifying creature like her cry like a spoiled filly made me chuckle.
  2291. > “No Cloudchaser. Just enjoy your meal and be quiet."
  2292. > Cloudchaser huffed then snapped the rabbits spine in two spiritlessly and tossed it at her hooves.
  2293. > The carcass hit the floor with a disgusting splat
  2294. > “Well, if I’m not needed, then I guess I’ll head back to the forest.”
  2296. > “You have my blessing.” He replied without looking up
  2297. > She spread her wings but the sound be of smashing glass made us all freeze
  2299. > Filthy and Cloudchaser locked eyes
  2300. > "Find out what that was. If it's an intruder, do as you must."
  2302. > Cloudchaser licked her lips and took to the air, then bolted down the hall.
  2304. "What are you up to? What's this project? and what does it have to do with Twilight?"
  2306. > "It's just business. Twilight is trying to destroy the town's milk industry. I simply can't let that happen."
  2308. "Do you trust Cloudchaser?"
  2310. > "As much as anypony can trust a monster like her. I keep her at a distance because frankly, she disgusts me. It's unfortunate I even need a thing like her at my disposal. But I need somepony to solve the problems I don't want to get my hooves dirty with. But to her credit, she has milk of astounding power, but it’s overwhelming to the mind and something I can't enjoy with my daily wine and cheese. Her milk causes intense hallucinations and unusual thoughts. Though, her milk may not fit for consumption. I'm not one to waste talent when I see them."
  2312. > He scooped a healthy portion of the potion into a cup and passed it to me
  2313. > "I see opportunity in you Pinkie. You're smarter than you let on."
  2315. > I drank the potion in one big gulp
  2316. > He approached me and put his hooves on my shoulder
  2317. > "Feel free to spend the night, I'll have a wagon of food sent to your sister in the morning. You won't need to worry about her anymore."
  2319. > He led to his room and laid on the bedroom
  2320. > "Now don't make a sound." He warned
  2322. > He opened the door and
  2323. > "Filthy? What's with all the noise? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep."
  2324. > It was his wife!
  2326. > I crept across the room on the tips of my hooves
  2327. > "It's nothing honey, just get some sleep "
  2328. > He undressed and jumped in bed
  2330. > I followed him in bed and he tightly spooned me
  2331. > "I'm going out tomorrow morning. Don't ask where." Mrs. Rich hissed
  2333. > "Like I care what you do." He shot back
  2335. > I felt his penis slip inside me inside
  2336. > The moment his cock touched my walls I had the my real orgasm in weeks!
  2337. "Oh sweet Celestia! Finally!" I moaned
  2338. > Mr. Rich threw his hooves over my mouth and we both froze
  2340. > "What was that?"
  2341. > Mrs. Rich shot up and looked around the room
  2342. > "Nothing my love, go back to sleep." Mr. Rich groaned
  2343. >
  2344. > She fell back down and pulled the covers towards her
  2345. > “I wish I never met you.” She whimpered
  2347. > “You say that as you lay under a silk blanket. The doors always open." He scoffed
  2348. > Mr. Rich slowly began to thrust
  2349. > “Its probably those fucking zebras. I told you not to mess with them.”
  2351. > “Cloudchaser will handle it sweetie. Just shut your mouth and go to sleep.”
  2352. > “If those savages find us, I’m leaving and you, and taking Diamond Tiara with me. I hope you know that. It's your fault we’re in this mess.” She was starting to sound hysterical
  2354. > “Diamond stays with me. She’s the only good thing to come out of your awful company. Now shut up and go to sleep, I have work tomorrow, honey.”
  2356. > “I hate you.” She whimpered
  2359. > Mr. Rich shoved his penis deep inside me and gripped me tightly.
  2360. > After a month of agonizing celibacy
  2361. > He kissed me on the cheek and went to sleep
  2362. > All I can say, is that it feels good to be back in business….
  2365. Fluttershy:
  2367. "Careful now, You don’t want to cut your hooves on the glass.” I warned
  2368. > We walked as tenderly as we could, the glass snapping under our hooves
  2369. > After Dash leaned over the display the entire table buckled causing shards of glass to shatter across the floor.
  2371. > Suddenly, a black shadow jumped along the walls
  2372. > We both froze
  2373. > Lightning flashed outside and rain began to tap along the window
  2375. > The sound of wings flapping echoed down the hall
  2376. > “Hide!” Dash whispered hoarsely
  2377. > We jumped into a sprint and raced down the hall.
  2379. > We slid under on of the display tables in the center of the room
  2380. > Heavy hooves stomped along the floor towards us at a cautious pace
  2382. > I covered Dash under my wing as I shivered
  2383. > My limbs were tangled, my neck craned towards the floor and back hunched, shivering in fear along the base of the display
  2384. > Glass cracked across the room
  2385. > I inhaled sharply and held my breath
  2387. > “Hello?” A voice called
  2388. > “Diamond Tiara?”
  2389. > ….
  2390. > “Anypony out there?” The voice chuckled
  2392. > “I know you’re out there. Come on out!”
  2393. > Not a hint of fear or anger was in the mares suspiciously familiar voice
  2394. > They sounded excited
  2396. > She kicked the glass as she approached
  2397. > “You’re gonna have to show yourself sooner or later. If you do, I can make it quick!”
  2398. > The mare passed a window
  2399. > In the moonlight stood a grotesque figure with sharp glowing yellow eyes
  2400. > Fractured branches protruding wildly from her head
  2401. > Glowing green bile oozed from her brain
  2403. > It had the figure of a pony
  2404. > And sounded like a mare I had once known
  2405. > But it had the appearance of a corpse.
  2406. > It was as if a body had been left to rot in the Everfree for months then suddenly reanimated itself.
  2407. > Words escaped me.
  2408. > Whatever it was, it was a ungodly and sick creature, which only the darkest magics could design.
  2410. > It dragged the blade of it's wing along the glass of the displays as she walked down the hall which created a piercing whine
  2411. > "This is private property. I will find you!" It sang
  2412. > "And when I do…" The creature huffed
  2414. > It wandered about the room aimlessly
  2415. > I watched it's glo
  2417. > “Where could you be?” it pondered
  2418. > It’s hooves stopped inches from my face
  2419. > worms, and insects comprised of many legs birthed from the tiny holes in the creature's wooden casing.
  2421. > I covered my mouth with my hooves to stop myself from screaming
  2423. > “I will find you little pony.” It whispered to herself again
  2424. > It pointed its snout to the ground and began sniffing, its ears twitching as it scanned the room
  2425. > Dash tugged my wing and pointed to a pair of open double doors leading to the next room.
  2426. > it was so close
  2427. > But I was too terrified to move
  2429. > I shook my head and hid my eyes behind my hooves
  2430. > She tugged harder, but n matter how much I wanted to escape, I couldn’t break from my paralyzing fear.
  2432. > Dash sighed and clenched her teeth, eyes darting between, me, the monster and the door
  2433. > “Seriously!” She whispered
  2435. “Mmm hmm.” I whimpered
  2436. > She crept from under the table, keeping her body low to the ground.
  2438. > Spread her wings
  2439. > “Hey! Over here!”
  2440. > The creature stopped and shit its glowing yellow eyes towards us
  2441. > Dash ran full speed towards it, she jumped to the air and with her hooves in front of her collided with the creatures face
  2443. > They both tumbled to the floor
  2444. > The creature snapped back to its hooves immediately
  2446. > It wiped it’s snout and laughed
  2447. > Dash had fallen into the pile of glass
  2448. > The creature stood over Dash, resting its hooves over her wings
  2450. > “Rainbow Dash?” It chuckled “I always knew you were broke, but I never took you as a thief!”
  2452. > “C..Cloudchaser? Is that you!?”
  2453. > “The one and only.”
  2454. > I looked over at the door then back at Dash, who was pinned under her
  2456. > “What happened to you?”
  2457. > “I transcended.”
  2458. > Dash flailed and kicked upwards
  2459. > As I approached. he blood pooling beneath her came into view,
  2461. > “It looks like you're bleeding out. I wonder….Does Celestia let frilly little homo mares into the afterlife? We know they don’t let them into the Wonderbolts.” She chuckled
  2463. > Dash grabbed a piece of glass and jabbed it into the side of Cloudchasers skull
  2465. > Cloudchaser didn't even flinch
  2466. > She actually looked just as surprised, as Dash
  2467. > She stared at the glass jutting from the side of her head, with a look of anticipated pain, which surely should have caused her to Collapse by now.
  2470. > Dash looked like she was about to cry and tried to yank the glass form Cloudchaser but it was lodged inside her
  2472. > Cloudchaser flicked Dash's hooves away like she was shooing away a fly
  2473. > Her eyes still locked on the glass
  2474. > She slowly pulled it from her head, a black syrup clung to the shard like thick tree sap.
  2476. > Cloudchaser chuckled in disbelief then dropped the glass to the floor
  2477. > "You know Dash, you really had me for a moment."
  2479. > "You're a monster! Get off of me!" Dash yelped
  2480. > "Oh, The irony is just killing me!" Cloudchaser groaned
  2482. > "I’m the monster? Don’t think I don’t know what you did at Wonderbolts training camp. “
  2483. > Dash gulped and went still
  2485. > “You just couldn't keep your dirty little hooves off the other mares could you?”
  2487. > “What do you know about that” Dash asked anxiously
  2489. > “I know that Lime is still receiving treatment because of you. I know that it cost the team thousands to cover up what you did to her and the others. And worst of all, you got away with it. You broke the rules, you broke the law and you ruined other ponies' lives. Ponies like you are the exact reason they don't let openly gay mares in the Bolts. If ponies found out what you did to those mares, you wouldn’t see another day of freedom.”
  2491. > Dash stopped struggling
  2492. > "How do you know about all this?"
  2493. > "I know ponies, who know things." She said sternly
  2494. > "Who told you!" Dash cried
  2495. > “You have so many secrets Dashie, how do you keep them straight?”
  2498. > I coughed and Cloudchaser spun to face me
  2499. “C..Cloudchaser…I don’t wanna have to do this…”
  2500. > “Fluttershy?”
  2501. > I wasn’t even sure this would work
  2502. > But it was our only hope
  2503. > I inhaled and preformed my stare on her
  2504. > She froze
  2505. > Surprisingly, it worked!
  2507. “You will leave to the Everfree forest and forget everything you saw tonight.” I whimpered
  2508. > Like a zombie, she dragged her hooves down the hall and into the next room
  2509. > I ran to Dash who was laying in a pool of blood and glass
  2510. > “We need to get you to a hospital!”
  2512. > She pushed my hooves away.
  2513. > “We aren't leaving without what we came here for.”
  2514. “But Dash!”
  2515. > “Just wait here…Clean this up and I’ll meet you here in a minute.”
  2517. > Dash returned with a sack over her shoulder
  2518. > I don’t know what we stole.
  2519. > Whatever it was, it probably wasn't worth it.
  2521. Derpy:
  2523. > I’ve never been this drunk before
  2524. > I can’t see straight at all
  2525. > I look over a Coco who’s rubbing my cheek
  2526. > “Are you okay, Hun?"
  2528. “Y…Y…Y..Ye…ah…Ye..ah…”
  2529. > The stallion was rubbing Cocos thigh as she massaged my face
  2530. > Coco had become a hot mess
  2531. > Across the table she had laid out a bunch of makeup between the empty wine glasses
  2532. > She m applying it under my eye
  2533. > “Just stay still.” Coco purred, “I’m gonna make you look wonderful.”
  2535. > I looked back up and saw all the ponies in the cafe were staring at us
  2536. > We must look like the biggest idiots they have ever seen.
  2538. > The waiter stormed towards us
  2539. > “I’m sorry, but you three need to leave at once.”
  2540. > “Why!?” Coco snapped
  2541. > “Because you’re causing a scene!”
  2542. > Coco jumped from her seat and began to argue
  2543. > Within seconds, the two were in a screaming
  2544. match
  2547. > I covered my ears
  2548. > Arguing makes me physically sick
  2549. "Please don't fight…" I whispered
  2550. > Coco called the Pegasi waiter a “featherbrain.”
  2551. > And in turn received a slap across the face
  2552. > the stallion, who was equally drunk as I, jumped up to her defense
  2554. > I closed my eyes and tried to think happier thoughts
  2555. > After a minute I felt a hoof around my neck
  2556. > I looked up and saw Coco
  2557. > She had a large red mark across her face
  2559. > The stallion stood outside the window
  2560. > "We have to leave now." Coco said sadly
  2561. > The three of us walked through town aimlessly
  2562. > It was pouring rain and I was starting to get cold
  2564. > Coco was still furious about what happened
  2565. > “That's why I hate Pegasi Muffins. No offense but I think the world would be better off without them.”
  2566. “But…Dash and Fus…Shy!….I…I’m a Pegasi….”
  2567. > She stopped and held onto my shoulders
  2568. > “Yes, but you’re one of the good ones.”
  2569. “What…That mean?….I’m …g…Good one?”
  2570. > “You aren’t an ego driven, self centered featherbrain like most of them. I’ve only met two Pegasi I like and you’re one of them.”
  2571. “Thanks Coco…That means a…bunch.”
  2572. > I’m happy I found Coco
  2573. > She’s the only pony who understands me.
  2575. > Coco rested her hoof around my shoulder as we walked
  2576. > The stallion was using his magic to hold an umbrella above our head
  2577. > Life can be so strange
  2578. > I just met this pony and I already feel such a strong connection
  2580. “W…Where we…going?”
  2581. > “We’re going to my place for the night. It’s way too cold and you're WAY too drunk.”
  2582. “I’m not drunk…I…I…I’m happy!”
  2584. > Coco laughed
  2585. > “You’re wasted! You can’t even walk in a straight line!”
  2586. “Maybe I don’t wanna walk in a straight line!” I giggled
  2587. > “You’re funny.” She slurred
  2589. > We walked for a little while through downtown
  2590. > Coco had taken a sudden liking to the stallion and the two were snuggling under the umbrella
  2591. > The streets are completely empty and the only lights I could see were he dim candlelit streetlights
  2592. > The wind was biting and the rain was crashing into us like waves
  2593. > I want to get inside as quick as possible, but at the same time there was something really comfy about the three of us being snuggled under the umbrella
  2595. > I can see Cocos breath in the air and feel her warmth
  2596. > “This is it.” Coco said approaching the hotel
  2599. “P…P…Pony…ville hotel?”
  2600. > “Yep! Come on in.”
  2602. > We went up the stairs and walked down a couple long hallways until we reached a room at the end of the hall.
  2603. > She unlocked the door and I followed her inside
  2604. > She threw open the blinds and the room became full of dark shadow
  2606. > I staggered to the window and stared out at Ponyville from above
  2607. > Lighting flickered over the rolling hills and thunder shook the room
  2608. > I could hear Coco and the stallion whispering behind me but I couldn’t make any of it out
  2610. > When I turned around Coco was on her knees between the stallions legs
  2611. > I covered my eyes
  2612. “S…S…Sorrrryy!”
  2614. > “Muffins, it’s okay.” Coco giggled “You can watch.”
  2615. > I didn’t want to. It felt rude. But my curiosity got the better of me
  2616. > Coco had the stallions penis in her hoof
  2617. > It was large and veiny
  2618. > I had never seen a penis before
  2620. > “You like this, Muffins?” She giggled
  2621. > I turned away and stared out the window trying to forget what was happening behind me.
  2622. > "Is she okay?" The stallion asked
  2623. > "She's fine."
  2624. > "We should send her home. I don't think she's mentally ready for…"
  2625. > "Shhhh!"
  2627. > After a while I could hear them rolling on the bed
  2628. > Coco was moaning and shouting profane things as the bed rocked back and forth
  2629. > I just stared out the window trying not to throw up all the booze and food
  2631. > Suddenly the bed stopped shaking and I heard more inaudible whispering then Coco called me over
  2632. > “Hey Muffins!” Coco called
  2633. > I spun around
  2634. > “You want a piece of this?”
  2635. > The two were naked, laying in the bed
  2636. > Coco stroked the bottom of the stallions penis with her hoof
  2637. “No…I’ve never done it with a stallion before…And I have a marefriend.”
  2638. > “Wait…You’ve never gotten porked before?”
  2640. > I nodded, feeling a little embarrassed
  2641. > She jumped from her bed and grabbed my hoof
  2642. > “Oh! You’ll love it!”
  2644. > Coco laid me on the bed in my back and rested her hoof over my heart
  2645. > She kissed me on the lips a couple of times before slowly pulling away
  2646. > She pulled my bra under my chest breasts and began to suck on my nipples
  2647. > Behind her the stallion was slapping his sticky penis over my crotch
  2649. > Coco pulled away
  2650. > “Are you ready to get your cherry popped?” she asked with milk running down her lips
  2651. “I…I don’t know…”
  2653. > “Come on Muffins…You’re twenty years old and never gotten fucked?”
  2654. “I…I…No…I never….Did that…”
  2655. > Coco laughed
  2656. > “Look at her! She won’t even say the word! Isn't she just precious?"
  2658. > The stallion grunted, he pushed my panties to the side and began lapping his penis between my vaginal lips
  2659. > It was so pleasurable and frustrating
  2660. > “Come on Muffins. Say it.”
  2661. “No…I…I don’t say that kinda stuff…It's…dirty.”
  2662. > “But you’re a dirty mare. You’ve got your legs spread in front of two ponies you just met. Two ponies who love you very much."
  2663. > She stuck her tongue in my mouth
  2664. > Her lips tasted salty and gross
  2666. > She pulled away and smiled
  2667. > "Come on Muffins. If you say it he’ll stick it in. I know you want it…"
  2669. > I nodded, watching his penis slide up and down between my legs.
  2670. > My lips kissing his penis, leaving stings of vaginal juices along his shaft.”
  2671. > “Say it Muffins! Tell him to fuck you.”
  2672. > “F…F…Fuck me? Please?”
  2674. > The two started to laugh again
  2675. > "That was adorable!" Coco squeaked
  2676. > The heat between my legs was building
  2677. > “Tell him to fuck your tight little virgin pussy.”
  2678. “Fu…fuck my t..t…tight virgin pussy?" I repeated with little confidence
  2680. > I'm not sure about any of this
  2682. > “Now say it like you mean it!”
  2683. > The sensation was growing too much
  2684. “Please fuck my pussy." I moaned
  2685. > His penis thrusted inside me and for a moment all I could hear was a low, high pitched ringing in my ears
  2686. > I looked down and saw a bulge in my stomach
  2688. > He pulled out then immediately shoved his entire penis inside me again
  2689. > “Look at her tremble.” Coco giggled
  2690. > She grabbed my breasts and squeezed them
  2691. > The orgasm was amazing
  2692. > A rush of astounding, full body pleasure
  2694. > He slammed his penis inside me over and over
  2695. and I felt like I was falling into a hot tub.
  2696. > He grabbed my back legs and held them high over his head
  2697. > Coco hoovered around me like a vulture, smiling and touching my face
  2698. > “Do you like it?”
  2700. > I nodded
  2701. > “Then you're gonna love this."
  2703. > She went between my legs and began sucking on my marehood as the stallion penetrated me.
  2704. > Her tongue rolled over my clitoris each time it peeled between my lips.
  2706. > She grabbed my clitoris firmly in her lips then proceeded to suck and smooch my sex
  2707. > The feeling was a unique ectasy
  2709. > Soon, she was back hoover over my face
  2710. > She pressed her lips into mine and unloaded a mouthful of spit, cum and vaginal fluids into my mouth.
  2711. > Her lips were sealed over mine
  2712. > I tried to spit out the nasty fluids but doing so just resulted in the bodily fluids cycling between our cheeks
  2713. > Eventually, I swallowed the mixture
  2714. > “I love you Muffins.” She moaned
  2715. “I love you too Coco….” I coughed
  2717. > The stallion started to thrust wildly until I felt him cum inside me
  2718. > His cum rending my hole to a wet, sticky mess.
  2719. > He chuckled to himself before wiping his brow and collapsing in bed beside me
  2721. > Coco laid on my opposite side and cuddled me tightly
  2722. > "I love you, Muffins." She whispered repeatedly before passing out
  2724. > She may be a little strange
  2725. > But she’s the most honest pony I know…
  2729. Twilight:
  2731. > The pony at the door knocked frantically for the third time
  2732. > Lightning flashed across the room
  2733. > Above my bed the clock read 2:38 AM
  2734. > Who in the right mind would be knocking on my door at this hour in a storm?
  2735. > The knocking continued
  2736. > I dragged myself out of bed and shuffled though the trash and opened the door
  2738. > Marble groaned and stared at me as I walked through the room
  2739. "Don't give me that look. It's probably YOUR sister after all."
  2741. > I opened the door
  2742. > It was Dash and Fluttershy
  2743. > Fluttershy had some weird mask on her face with the look of abject fear in her eye
  2744. > Dash was drunk off her flank, her entire backside bandaged.
  2745. > Dash staggered inside carrying a large, soaked sack over her shoulder.
  2747. > "Twilight! I know you said don't…But I did!" She slurred before falling face first into a pile of empty wine bottles
  2749. > I did the only thing I could
  2750. > I turned to Fluttershy and berated her
  2751. "Fluttershy! I told her to go home! Why did you let her drink!?"
  2752. > "I..I told her not to, but she was REALLY persistent."
  2754. > It took me a moment to realize what she was wearing over her face
  2755. “Hey! Is that my underwear?”
  2757. > “Ummm…..I don’t know. Is it?”
  2758. "Give me those!" I said tearing them off her face
  2759. > “So you're the pony who's been stealing my underwear! I’ve been blaming Pinkie for weeks!”
  2760. “I’m not stealing them…I just..Found them.”
  2762. > Dash jumped to her hooves again
  2763. > "Twilight, my bestest friend in the entire world! I just found the solution to all our problems!"
  2765. “This better be good.” I grumbled picking Fluttershy's mane hair from my panties
  2766. > Dash peaked inside the bag and started to look guilty
  2767. > "Promise you won't be mad?"
  2768. "I don't know…I guess it depends, doesn't it?"
  2770. > "That's good…I did this out of love."
  2771. > I was starting to worry
  2773. "It's okay Dash. Just open the bag."
  2774. > Dash looked down into the sack again
  2775. > "I just realized…I was kicked out of Wonderbolts for hitting on mares younger than me."
  2776. "What does this have to do with anything?"
  2778. > "I don't know…They don't let gay ponies in the Wonderbolts…But all the mares I hit on were legal, I promise. All over eighteen."
  2779. >...
  2780. > Now I'm REALLY starting to worry…
  2782. > "I just don't want you to get the wrong idea…I can be act stupid sometimes! Like…They don't even let gay ponies into the Wonderbolts! Why did I even try? My parents were right. If I was straight I wouldn't be such a disappointment. I've disappointed my parents, my friends and myself. If AJ finds out about the things I did. I'll be all alone." She sighed
  2784. “Dash, you’re a great pony, if this is about your relapse we’re not angry. Just open the bag.”
  2786. > “I know…I think I just need a second. B-Because I think I'm having a moment of clarity…Like, my entire life I'm trying to go fast, Maybe it’s my trying to subconsciously fly away from my past. The trauma my parents inflicted on me, the repression, my awful mistakes….It all makes sense now! I need a pen to write this all down. Twilight, can you get me a pen?"
  2787. "Open the bag!!" Fluttershy and shouted in unison
  2789. > Rainbow untied the string and opened the bag
  2790. > The two of us peaked inside
  2791. > Inside the old, wet sack was Filthy Riches only daughter, Diamond Tiara
  2793. > She was lying wet and unconscious, slightly shivering.
  2795. > “Just so you know, this was a completely non sexual kidnapping. I was actually looking for his wife. But what do you think, Twilight!? We can use her as leverage against Filthy Rich and save the farm! And AJ will never have to leave Ponyville and find out about my past!"
  2796. > My heart stopped
  2797. > Sweet Celestia, what have they done…
  2802. Theme:

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy