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A Cure For Grumpiness

By Fireopal
Created: 2023-09-07 05:47:13
Updated: 2023-09-29 03:17:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Explanation: Roseluck saves Anon from a case of grumpiness.
  3. >"Knock! Knock! Knock!".
  4. >Roseluck banged on Anon's door harder this time since he didn't answer to the previous tapping.
  5. >No answer
  6. >"Anon, are you in there?"
  7. "Go away!"
  8. >Roseluck recoiled in surprise and hurt.
  9. >"B-But you said you would come to the picnic with my sisters and me. We made your favorite food, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and..."
  10. "No! I'm too grumpy!"
  11. >Roseluck gasped. It was more serious than she thought. Now she definitely had to help Anon
  12. >"We could go tend to my rose garden instead...if you like." she cooed.
  13. >A moment of silence. Roseluck was hopeful since Anon loved her rose garden, and tending to it.
  14. "Tempting, but no! I'm way too grumpy! I'm even too grumpy for ice cream with rainbow sprinkles!"
  15. >Roseluck was aghast, but she was resolved to help him.
  16. >She steeled her nerves, spun around and bucked as hard as she could.
  17. >Anon's door shattered into a million splinters and Roseluck trotted, with a beaming smile, into the dark room.
  18. "Gah! Hsssss!" exclaimed Anon, shielding his face from the outdoor light with an arm.
  19. >"Don't worry, Anon. I'm here to help you!" said Roseluck brightly.
  20. "Nah! Go away! There's no force in Equestria that can un-grumpify me, nothing!" He said with a decisive hand gesture.
  21. >Roseluck, knew better and giggled. This would be easy.
  22. >"Well, what about this!"
  23. >With that she began scrunching her nose repeatedly in the most adorable manner.
  24. "What?! No! Ah! Stop that! Curses!"
  25. >Anon retreated into the dark of the room but Roseluck pressed on, scrunching all the more.
  26. "Quit it! No! Noooooo!"
  27. >Sensing the opportunity, Roseluck made a final scrunch with all her might.
  28. >A wave of power surged through the room from the scrunch.
  29. >The curtains flew open and sunlight shone in. Anon, was tossed like a rag doll over the sofa.
  30. >Luckily his hoard of marshmallows behind the sofa broke his fall.
  31. >For a moment there was silence.
  32. >Roseluck looked on in hopeful anticipation.
  33. >Finally, a hand came up and gripped the back of the sofa, dramatically of course, and Anon stood up.
  34. >He was rubbing his head.
  35. "Whoa!"
  36. >"Are you ok, Anon?" she said, biting her lower lip.
  37. "Yeah! Actually, I feel...great! The grumpiness, it's gone completely!"
  38. >Roseluck grinned and clapped her hooves together.
  39. "How'd I get like that?"
  40. >"The grumpiness always comes in slowly, Anon. Bit by bit it takes over until you're just not yourself any more.
  41. "Gee, Roseluck. Thank you!"
  42. >"Your friends are always here for you, Anon! Wanna go to the picnic now?"
  43. "Of course! Let's go!
  44. >Roseluck trotted out the door, leading the way, with Anon skipping happily beside her.

A Cure For Grumpiness

by Fireopal

The Countess

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