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By Guest
Created: 2023-09-17 02:06:17
Expiry: Never

  1. If TFH were a live-action TV series set at a Detriot public high school in the 90s
  3. * Tianhuo and her mother Tianzi, "The Empress", who runs a Chinese restaurant named "Huoshan Spicy Szechuan Restaurant" as the front for the local Triad, which she is the Dragon of. She runs the local Chinatown like her own little empire. Her daughter Tianhuo is an extremely skilled martial artist and her top enforcer, capable of switching between cold-blooded brutality or gentle wisdom on command, who also helps as a waitress at the family restaurant, but is rather bad at social skills. Her fighting style is a combination of slow and graceful Tai Chi when calm and fast and aggressive Kung Fu when angry.
  5. * Paprika, a South-American special ed student who can't speak clearly and doesn't understand personal space. Eternally upbeat, nymphomaniac and possible date rapist who lives with her perpetually depressed father Adobo and her brother. who seemingly does nothing but play video games all day longrazilian jiu-jitsu, with some pro-wrestling bodyslams and bearhugs that she learned from watching TV.
  7. * Velvet, the insufferable rich girl who somehow ended up in a public school, along with cousin Cashmere, who deals for some mysterious salt-like white powder, and her father Stronghoof, the handsomest and nicest mayor who wishes his daughter were more sociable and hardworking like her cousin, who ironically has an inferiority complex and jealousy whenever she's compared with Velvet. Infamous throughout the city as the mayor's scandalous, narcissistic brat. Is a vegetarian, mostly to be snobbish. She can understand and interpret for Paprika, due to her travel experiences around the world and from dealing with her own ridiculous fake accent. Suprisingly quite kind and generous at heart, as long as one can stand her tendency to not be able to control her big mouth. She and Cashmere live together in the Hoofstrong Family Manor basically being raised as sisters, and both of them have theexact same gigantic allowance, but Cashmere always seems to be completely broke, often resorting to scamming and smooth-talking others to get more money. Ultimately, her father is just as concerned as his daughter about public image, caring more about photo ops than actually trying to fix the crumbling city. Her fighting style is Glima, also integrating her training in figure skating, axe-throwing and other high-class extracurricular activities.
  9. * Arizona, a new transfer student from the South, the youngest of the Fighting Six, who recently moved together with her parents Texas and Minnesota. They live in a trailer park on the outskirts of the city. She has an older sister Nevada and older brother Colorado, who have moved out. Gets into fights all the time. Functionally illiterate. Her fighting style is kickboxing.
  11. * Oleander, introvert and bookworm, heavily bulliled at school for being a gay and nerdy loner. Recently while on the brink of finally snapping and pulling a Columbine, she received the Unicornomicon as a birthday present. It was as if it spoke to her, its contents written especially for her. She read, and could not help but follow, finally understanding her purpose in life and what she was born to do. Has extensive knowledge of chemistry, electronics and anatomy, enough to make Cashmere into her crack fiend. Her only real social interaction before the beginning of the series was on the World Wide Web with an old IRC friend, who seemed to be the only one who could understand her and guide her. Rocks the rebellious, nonconformist Goth look, with black makeup, hair, cloths and piercings. Half-British on her father's side. Her parents are separated, having conceived her in an extramartial affair. Lives with her mother "The High Priestess" in a church sect and nunnery, who is desperate to hide her sinful past as a hippie groupie, anarchist, biker chick and every other counterculture fad, now running a weekly sermon that Stronghoof and Texas attend. Visited by her father Fred, the frontman and vocalist for a Death Metal band, "The Unspeakable", who always dotes on his daughter, buying her expensive gifts like fashion, books, CDs, electronics, skateboards and all the other things her mother frowns upon. Her great-grandmother Amaryllis is a genius and world-reknowned writer, but highly manipulative of her, the family and everyone else for their own good. Her fighting style is fighting dirty, using improvised street weapons like newspaper and coin brass knuckles, rock-in-sock flail, sucker punches, groin strikes, throwing sand, caltrops, etc.
  13. * Pom, shy and almost doormat-like Scottish girl, has sheepdogs named "Woof", "Ruff", "Tuff" and "Puff". Also has a deeply repressed anger, stemming from years of physical and emotional abuse from her father, a violent drunk and sports hooligan, causing her to develop a violent split personality that Tianhuo takes an interest in. Her older brother Woggums attends a distant private boarding school just to get away from their father, and plans to move to Britain and join Scotland Yard in the future. He was friends with Adobo's son in middle school. Their mother was a stripper, and was one of The Devourer's first victims.
  15. * Shanty, a young runaway from Jamaica who stowed aboard Captain Bravura's ship "The Capricorn" during one of her smuggling runs. She was eventually adopted by the Captain, who enrolled her in a school near her one of her port of calls. Ambitious, daring, but also quite sneaky and irresponsible, she wants to prove herself to be a worthy smuggler just like her idol Captain Bravura, who just wishes her surrogate daughter could live a stable life that she herself never had.
  17. * "Huggles", "Fluffers", "Flopsie", "Cuddles" and "Flappy" are the main henchmen fought by the Fighting Six. "Huggles" is The Devourer's main lieutenent, who leads the Predators in each episode's plot, and is secretly infatuated with Velvet, owning all her fan merch. For the last 15 years, he worked as the janitor at the art museum. A veteran of several wars. He is eventually revealed to be almost entirely vegetarian, except for some fish, unlike the rest of the Predators. "Flappy" is a raging harpy with extreme anger management issues, foil to Velvet/Tianhuo. "Cuddles" is a scheming, cold-blooded serpent, who is only in it for herself, foil to Cashmere/Oleander/Shanty. "Fluffers" is a beta wolf who fights for the strongest, not having an opinion of his own, foil to Pom/Arizona. "Flopsie" is a sadistic, exploitative and violent panther, who does what he wants because he enjoys it, foil to Woogums/Paprika's brother.

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