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By Guest
Created: 2023-09-24 02:00:12
Expiry: Never

  1. * The first episode begins at a televised junior wrestling championship between Arizona and Velvet, as their fathers Texas and Stronghoof watch on together. Velvet taunting as the match begins, "Eugh, could you take a bath first?" to which Arizona replies, "Afraid to get dirty?" On the next channel, a news report of a dangerous lunatic "The Devourer" breaking out of the asylum. Paprika and her brother ignore it and switch the TV input to the SNES to play Street Fighter 2, but their father Adobo is highly worried, chastising them for their carelessness and commands them to watch out on the streets.
  3. Cue "Smells Like Teen Spirit" as Oleander walks past the lockers with headphones on the next day at school holding a book, past Tianhuo, Pom, Arizona, Shanty, Paprika and the rival cliques, Velvet calling out "Pink highlights? SO last season!", causing all the other reindeer girls to burst out in laughter at her, except for Cashmere who seems to blush. A fight then breaks out in the hallways behind her between Velvet and Vixen, as the latter soon realizes that insult could equally apply to her and takes offense, Oleander quietly muttering, "Idiots" as she continues walking away. Just one of several other fights occuring at the same time everyday at their local public school.
  5. During class, the new transfer student Arizona gets partnered up with Ribbon to write a history essay, but Arizona's stubborness, combined with poor literacy and racism causes them to make almost no progress. Even Pom and Shanty make more progress, albeit by Shanty plagiarising everyone else in class despite Pom begging her not to, clutching her service dog Woof tightly, afraid they might get caught (and when they do get caught in a later episode, Shanty tries to pin the blame on Pom). Ribbon nervously tries to ask Oleander, who is sitting at the service desk in the far corner of the library reading and listening to music, for some help finding a book. When she doesn't even turn around to look at them nor answer, Arizona gets impatient and rowdy, almost starting a fight, but Oleander continues to ignore her. Then, without asking what type of book, speaking a word, nor even looking at them once, Oleander actually hands Ribbon the right history book and gets back to her own business.
  7. Cut to Velvet, Paprika, Tianhuo and Oleander at PE class, trying to play a game of football on the same team vs the female Elite 7, Velvet barely doing anything calling it "Not worth ze effort", Paprika extremely enthusiastic but not quite understanding the rules, Oleander sitting on the sidelines reading a book leaving their team 1 player down, and Tianhuo basically carrying their entire team. Paprika tries various highly inappropriate means to get Oleander to play with them, but Oleander tells her to fuck off. In the middle of the game, Tianhuo notices a stranger watching them in the distance, who disappears when she leaves the field to get closer. At the end of the match, Ollie, Tian, Pap and Velvet, having barely played together at all, inevitably lose the match. In a show of unsportsmanlike conduct, Vixen gloats about her team's victory to Velvet, telling her to go cry to her daddy about it like she did after the junior wrestling finals, causing Velvet to tackle her and get into a fight.
  9. After school, Ribbon suggests going over to one of their homes to continue working on their essay, but Arizona blows her off. Instead asking Ribbon if she wants to hit the arcades with her. Cue montage of them playing a racing game, Daytona USA, where Ari keeps crashing, a lightgun game, where Ari yells at Ribbon to shoot faster, who manages to get the last hit to clear the boss, and Dance Dance Revolution, a game that both of them seem to have fun at, drawing a crowd. She then tries to show Ribbon a fighting game, but a stranger joins as Player 2, crushing Ribbon when she's just trying to learn to Shoryuken. The stranger and their gang then tries to bully Ribbon out of the arcade, but Ari takes over and challenges them. The crowd around them growing larger as the match heats up, until Ari finally wins with a Shoryuken to everyone's cheers. Ribbon congratulates her, Ari tells her she's not half bad herself to hang out with, and maybe they should do this more often, realizing she's just made a new friend.
  11. When returning home, each of the Fighting Six get gangstalked and jumped by the Predators intending to kidnap them, lead by Huggles for Velvet and Cashmere, Flopsie for Pom, etc., but they kick the Predators' asses and force them to flee with their tails in between their legs. As Cashmere and Velvet are walking home, having a conversation about who they like, Velvet boasts that Blitzen, Denim and everyone else love her, pointing to huge ads with her photo plastered all over the streets (that her daddy Stronghoof paid for with many favors), when it's clear that she's just completely full of herself and no one actually likes her because she only likes herself. When it's Cashmere's turn to speak, she doesn't really give a straight answer, instead kind of feeling uncomfortable and telling Velvet they need to take a detour through a back alley so that she can get something, also asking Velvet to borrow twenty dollars. There they meet Cap, completely blinged out in jewelry and winter clothing, with his signature Kanye West shades and ski mask covering his face. It's impossible to see any physical traits, and his accent sounds like an alien imitating both ebonics and Southern accent. He first tries to hit on Velvet, but Cashmere interrupts him, demanding more salt. "Your wish is my command," he says, giving them a cereal box. Velvet questions him while staring at the box, "What... have ve here... instant oatmeal..?" To which he replies, "Ain't no regular oats, Magic oats, extra salty. It'll make you fly, sky high." Cashmere tries to pay him, but he refuses, reminding her "Nah, you know the deal, partner." (The deal is Cashmere is supposed to deliver half and keep the rest) He also warns them about a new gang prowling the streets, possibly hunting for people, which they brush off. Instead of taking back the money, Velvet just donates it to a nearby homeless guy. As they continue walking home, they get approached by a group of Predators led by a big guy, whom Velvet nicknames "Huggles", who seems amused by Velvet's relentless teasing and tells her to come with them. Cashmere ends up stealing their wallets after she and Velvet beat up the Predators who came for them, believing them to be sex predators or rapists when they declared themselves "The Predators", Cashmere with Mace and Velvet even throwing a dropped knife to knock a gun out of a Predator's hand. Huggles seems more turned on than hurt by Velvet's strikes, not even fighting back ("Ah. Is good"), until he gets bear sprayed by Cashmere and Velvet knocks his lights out. "Vas it good for you, too?" Velvet says to him, as they leave there's a faint "D-Da" behind them. The stranger and their gang from the arcade, who are revealed to be Predators hungry for revenge after being humiliated, evidently did not expect Arizona, who'd have been "Junior Wrestlin' Champ'een" if she hadn't been disqualified along with her floofy competitor because of fighting, to be so good at kickboxing. Even Pom's dogs end up mauling the would-be Predators who try to assault her, and when they try to kick Woof, she screams as she flashes back and blacks out, and then suddenly the Predators are laying on the ground as bloody pulps. When they try getting "the Traitor's daughter" Ollie as she's skateboarding home, she deftly evades them by grinding on rails and ollies over fences, coldly warning them, "Do not get in my way", dropping caltrops (Chapter Trap) and exploding purple pyrotechnics (Shadow Spark, Epilogue) behind her as they try to chase her on foot and car (if firing guns are a hard requirement for an American live-action series, then when the Predators try driving through a crowd of pedestrians to chase Ollie, one of the Zebra gangsters who almost got run over goes "Ayy yo muthafuckas!" and unloads his MAC-10 gangsta style into the back of the Predators' cars, breaking their windows and hitting some of them), until they try following her over a ramp, flipping and crashing off the road into a gas truck in a fiery explosion, all while Oleander continues skating away, with the general apathy of "I don't have the time or crayons for this shit". Tianhuo brutually interrogates one of the Predators to find out why they targeted her, learning it was revenge for their parents stopping the Cult of the Devourer 15 years ago. While the Predators try grabbing Paprika while she's leaving a Blockbuster, one of them accidentally lays a hand on her breast, and she starts making very, very odd noises, hearts in her eyes. Then without warning she hugs the Predator back, with a sickening crunch. As he falls to the floor, everything starts getting pixelated, turning into TFH's 8-bit style as Paprika's theme starts playing. The other Predators, seeing what just happened to their leader, immediately try to flee when Paprika turns towards them, hearts still in her eyes and giggling. It doesn't help, she follows them, somehow catching each of them in her hugs even though they split up and throw the slowest ones in the pack at her. The final Predator. "Fluffers", manages to escape into a bathroom, locking the door and sighing in relief, only to realize too late that everything is still in TFH/FiM animated style, when he turns around and sees Paprika bellyflopping on him. His screams ring out through the whole neighbourhood.
  13. Later on, Pom arrives to order some takeout as usual for her father and herself from the Chinese restaurant that Tianhuo works at, who asks her if she's been keeping up with her training. When Pom nervously responds, Tianhuo's sharp eye notices that Pom has been in a serious fight, her shoes and her dogs' teeth still stained with blood. When questioned, Pom explains that a strange new gang calling themselves "The Predators" ambushed her, she tried to give them all her money, but they wanted more than that. At first, her puppies were able to fend them off, until she saw one of them get hit, and she suddenly lost control of herself. Tianhuo, alarmed that this same group targeted her, and on Triad territory as well, asks Pom what happened to them. Pom answers that she doesn't know, she got frightened and ran away afterwards. Tianhuo orders her deliveryman to drive Pom home, giving her the doggy bag. When Pom realizes she hasn't paid for the food yet, Tianhuo tells her it's free. She then informs her mother "The Empress" about it, who remembers just what terrors in night this cult of tens of thousands of Predators once brought to the city, and actually taking her protection racket seriously in protecting people, contacts her old friends whom she once fought with to finally stop the madness and street wars caused by the Predators led by the Devourer 15 years ago, Stronghoof, Texas, Adobo, Minnesota, "The High Priestess" and Pom's father. Flashback to when the seven of them were desperately fighting their way down a whole street seemingly filled with hundreds of cultists, Texas bashing a Predator in the head with a rope flail, back to back with Minnesota, "The High Priestess" using a chain to trip another, Adobo hosing down hordes of Predators with a backpack crop sprayer loaded with chili powder, Stronghoof wielding a shield and mallet, while "The Empress" fends off a huge horde surrounding her with martial arts staff techniques, and Pom's father downs a bottle of Scotch, tears off his shirt and then charges into that same horde to pummel them to bits with his bare fists.
  15. Unfortunately, Stronghoof wants to cover it up to avoid causing a political scandal and public panic, Texas rejects helping to instead focus on protecting his own family and plans to move away again, Adobo becomes extremely scared and just wants to hide, High Priestess Lovecraft refuses to intervene due to her oath of pacifism, and Pom's father immediately runs out and starts assaulting random strangers, demanding to know where The Devourer is, before getting arrested.
  17. The Predators, realizing they can't take the Fighting Six on directly, decide to make another attempt the next morning by kidnapping a softer helpless young Ribbon to use as leverage against the Fighting Six. She tries to run, but gets cornered in an alley. The sun rises, but the Predators don't just disappear in reality. Later that day, just as Stronghoof is holding a press conference to deny that the Predators have returned to the city, a ransom tape is sent to the local news channel, alerting everyone in the school about Ribbon being kidnapped. In the tape, the Devourer presents an ultimatum, stop interfering with the kidnappings or the Predators will start massacring people in the streets.
  19. Stronghoof is in despair at the newfound political crisis, drinking heavily with Texas, who tries to console his old friend that he's sure someone will find Ribbon safe and sound and stop the Devourer, like they and the Prophet once did in the past. Velvet hatches a scheme to make her daddy happy by hiring a private investigator to find Ribbon and the Devourer, but all of them are too fearful for their lives to take up the case. As a last resort, she meets up with Pom's brother Woogums, who has returned from a distant boarding school/college studying how to become a detective and is just as determined to bring to justice those responsible for trying to kidnap his little sister and for what they did to their mother.
  21. Gradually, they begin to recruit the rest of the Fighting Six to the team, (Velvet brings Cashmere in, Woogums gets Pom and Paprika's brother, who get Tianhuo and Paprika) even Shanty joining after Velvet bribes her, despite the objections of several of their parents. Texas physically tries to stop Arizona after she vows to join them to save Ribbon, but she surprisingly manages to overpower him with a headbutt and break out of their trailer, something her father has trouble accepting until Minnesota tells him to trust in their daughter. Adobo is terrified that Paprika and her brother are crazy enough to challenge the Predators, treating it like a game. Oleander rejects them at first, although for a different reason than her mother's strict pacifism, still bitter at how badly Velvet and Arizona bullied her. Until she happens to mention it over the phone to her father Fred when he calls her on her birthday. Returning home to the church, where her mother "The High Priestess" is carefully consecrating the area as Ollie walks past without caring, they have a short conversation where it's clear that her mother is quite disapproving of her daughter's behavior. As she sits in her room on the computer dialing up to the World Wide Web to visit and hack a strange webpage that her old IRC buddy sent her, the phone rings and she rushes to answer it, her father always calling in at this time to check on her. Fred asks how she is doing, and Ollie completely opens up, every trace of her usual grumpy mood lifts instantly, complaining to her father that no one ever understands, especially not mother, and she always feels alone here, missing him. She also talks about school, the return of the Predators and how no one in the city knows what to do especially not this ragtag bunch of fools at school, essentially just another ordinary school day. Fred, who is extremely supportive, is quite upset when he hears they targeted her, until she reassures him that she is fine and they won't be coming back. He asks if she remembers the stories of the Predators that her mother told her when she was little, when Ollie asks why, he reveals that those were real stories from her mother's own firsthand experiences fighting the Predators so many years ago. He consoles his little girl that he knows only she can save the world, find Ribbon and stop the Devourer, but also to understand why mother might be so disapproving of Ollie following in her footsteps. He also mentions that her mother didn't fight alone against the Predators, but with a team like the Fighting Six, and highly encourages her to talk to them, perhaps even she could finally find some good friends and relationships while doing so, also revealing her old birthday present, the Unicornomicon, used to be her mom's book. Fred also promises he'll be back as soon as possible. Reading through it again and its detailing of the Predators' apocalyptic plans and more importantly how a small group of champions once stopped them, she reflects on what she what she did and what she was supposed to do. Holding a signed love note from Cashmere that she found in her locker, which had led to a conversation at school in which Cashmere, putting the high in high school, confessed her feelings towards Oleander, saying that she always had her eyes on Ollie since middle school (noticing how Ollie looked at boys and girls), but hid them out of shame of how socially unacceptable it was, only finally feeling the need to declare them once the future became so dangerous and uncertain because of the Predators. She admitted it was a bit selfish of her to say this now just to make herself feel better, but ultimately it's Oleander who finally realizes that it was she herself that was the selfish one, recalling that time she had snapped at Ribbon to not sit with her in the cafeteria just because she wanted to eat alone, or how Paprika had always tried to be friends with her no matter how badly she treated her. With all this in mind, Oleander finally resolves to help the Fighting Six save Ribbon.
  23. Meanwhile, there's a subplot in which Velvet's crooked-as-fuck uncle and Cashmere's father, the police chief, tries to stop the Fighting Six from investigating the Devourer and the Predators, because the Devourer escaped on his watch, he doesn't want the Fighting Six to create trouble by provoking the Predators by fighting back, and finally he's trying to sabotage his older brother Stronghoof's career so that he can take over as mayor. He uses all the police resources to investigate and frame the Fighting Six, ticketing them for trepass and disturbing the peace, confiscating all their equipment, even holding Pom's father in jail just to pressure them, while letting all the Predators who were captured previously walk free. It gets so bad, that eventually the Fighting Six are the ones who have to run after beating up some Predators trying to kidnap a child in broad daylight, or else they'd be arrested for vigilantism, the Predators themselves calling the police on them. They end up having to operate more like an underground resistance cell than a private investigation team, with Cashmere and Paprika's brother as their go-betweens, the former never being suspected by her father as part of the team, the latter having a rock-solid alibi in always being at home playing video games. Eventually they have to stop going to school and start moving between safe houses disguised (which Velvet uses as an excuse to get Cashmere to help her give everyone total makeovers, referencing their alternate palletes and cosmetics) as it gradually becomes clear that the Predators are slowly taking over the city, infiltrating and subverting every organization. Stronghoof realizes when he notices one of his new aides with a Predator marking on their body, operating openly with impunity, even demanding he obey their commands or else they'll threaten his daughter again no matter where she hides, coincidentally mentioning they have cultists all over the world, in Washington, London, Paris, Sydney, Geneva and even in his hometown of Reine, Norway. When Stronghoof says the Council won't let him, the Predator implies they'll deal with them. All while the Predators threaten anyone who harbors or assists the Fighting Six. On the news, mugshots of the Fighting Six broadcast day and night, urging all citizens to immediately report this dangerous group of terrorists, framing them for all sorts of crimes they logically couldn't even have committed, while also pushing Robocop-style increasingly absurd pro-Predator propaganda commercials like "cannibalism is good for the environment" or "Hate your friends? Eat them!" The situation seems so hopeless that Shanty wants to leave the group, believing the risks are not worth it, causing a heated argument that threatens to tear the group apart, Arizona calling Shanty a rat who'd abandon her own classmate and starting a fight. The Fighting Six were never prepared for a foe that used psychology rather than physical force as a weapon, exploiting fear to turn the public against the Fighting Six and into meekly submitting to the Predators.
  25. While sleeping with the others as Tianhuo and Woogums take first watch, Pom has a nightmare about people being herded like lambs to a slaughterhouse, cattle brands on their arms. Alone, she tries to stop them, shouting and dragging them back with all her strength, but she is too weak and they keep shambling to their doom while the Devourer watches and laughs. Awakening with a scream, Woogums and Tianhuo rush over, and when she explains her worst nightmare to everyone, Woogums hugs her, telling her that no, she is strong, isn't alone, and he will never let anything happen to his little sister or anyone else, followed by Paprika hugging her too, and then everyone else joining in. Fortunately, the tides turn when Oleander joins the group, bringing in all the research she has conducted on the Predators' means, motives, members and locations (over a whole tray of her favorite donuts [strawberry icing with sprinkles, deep fried] that Paprika just happened to make), cue training montage (with Ollie doing Tutorial mode coaching). Applying their new strategy, they are finally able to determine where and when the Predators strike, quickly defeating them each time with new team combat tactics and colorful, distinctive combat suits custom made by Paprika. Word of their accomplishments spreads throughout the city, despite a total media blackout, inspiring people to follow their example and stop fearing the Predators and start rising up against them instead, forming angry herds led by Texas, Adobo and Pom's father that overrun and trample the Predator street patrols and checkpoints, the three of them quickly disarming Predators before they can open fire on the crowds. In desperation, the Predators try to make an example of Counciler Kalimat, who is the most vocal public figure speaking out against the Predators, but the Fighting Six manage to foil their assassination attempts, Big Mama sniffing out the bomb planted at his public speech to blow everyone up and disarming it, then ambushing and capturing the Predator death squad sent to his house thanks to information provided by Stronghoof through Cashmere. With the help of Cap and Tianhuo's mother, the Dragonhead of the local Triad, the Fighting Six are able to obtain everything they need to finish their investigation and find Ribbon, all while successfully stopping the child abductions and winning the public's full support.
  27. Just as The Devourer finishes lecturing Ribbon in an abandoned warehouse on how in the laws of nature, the strong always prey on the weak, the herd will always abandon one of their own to save themselves, and why the Predators though fewer in number will always exist and be superior to the cattle and sheeple, and Ribbon, having developed an attachment to the other hostages while kidnapped due to being the oldest and resolved several torments/psychological experiments such as how they were deliberately not being given enough food in order to encourage them to fight each other over the scraps which she countered by organizing a hunger strike, is revealed to be a descendant of the Prophet and is forced to choose a hostage to sacrifice in exchange for saving herself (depending on rating, the Devourer is holding a gun to Ribbon's head), which Huggles once again strongly protests to the Devourer about treating her and the hostages like this, Oleander and the Fighting Six toss in several homemade tear gas canisters and burst in the nick of time to save Ribbon in a huge brawl, having listened to Woogum's advice and tracked the released Predators' scent trail by giving Pom's dogs the wallets Cashmere stole from the Predators. Cue "Them's Fightin' Herds Main Theme (Remix)", the one used in the credits, literally blaring at ear-shattering volumes inside the warehouse. Even Arizona comes, despite her father Texas warning his youngest daughter that it's too dangerous and that perhaps they should just leave town again instead, claiming that she still needed her partner Ribbon to help finish the essay. Following the plan that Paprika's brother developed by playing X-COM, Tianhuo drops down from the ceiling catwalk crashing on top of the Devourer, Shanty climbs up the side of warehouse and breaks through the windows, Arizona kicks open the front door and charges in with Woogums, Pom and the Longma, Oleander blows a hole in the wall and skateboards in with Velvet closely following on rollerskates, doing a figure skating spin and then posing while reciting a long speech about truth and justice, how Ze Ice Queen has come to protect ze innocents and punish ze wicked and why the Predators suck as Oleander yells at her to "Stop showing off and get down to business" and Velvet replying "Fine, ve fight! Just don't touch me", and Paprika somehow pops out of a crate behind the Predators and gives each of the hostages a gas mask. Unable to see, smell, taste or hear, and feeling nothing but pain, the Predators quickly get knocked out by the dozens. While fighting, Flappy manages to knock off Paprika's Power Rangers-style motorcycle helmet that the Fighting Six are wearing (Velvet, Ollie, Ari and Shanty have put antlers or horns on theirs), but it turns out she is completely unaffected by the tear gas clouds filling the warehouse (foreshadowed by her having licked the chili mixture while she and the Fighting Six were assembling the canisters earlier). Much to Flappy's dismay as Paprika suddenly smooches her, causing her to stagger backwards and collapse into a shelf of flammable chemical cans, which fall, leak and ignite from the candles the Predators setup for their cult ritual, rapidly lighting the whole warehouse on fire. Defeated, the Devourer warns them, "We'll be back... and we'll be hungry." as they make their escape through the sewers as their hideout continues to burn down, abandoning all the hostages and injured Predators to their fate. Woogums tries to chase them through the flames, seeking revenge, but gets held back by Pom. When the Fighting Six get to the hostages, Shanty is shocked to find one of her own little sisters among them, having been kidnapped in Jamaica after Shanty ran away from their family. Fortunately, Stronghoof arrives in time with firefighters to extinguish the blaze, having been called by Paprika's brother and Cashmere as they heard the situation over the radio, guided by Big Mama and Big Papa waiting outside the warehouse, barking, and thanks to Shanty's lockpicking the Fighting Six manage to unchain and escape with Ribbon and the other hostages. (If produced as a movie, one of the hostages almost gets crushed by a falling beam in the escape, but is pushed out of the way by Velvet, who herself is saved by Huggles taking the blow for her. Later when they check underneath the beam, they don't find anyone.)
  29. Outside, in a classic 90's twist, all of their parents are waiting, Texas holding a double-barrel shotgun (with rubber bullets), along with Stronghoof's brother who shows up at the scene with Interpol agent Chun-Li to arrest all of the Predators (if rights can't be secured, Amaryllis can substitute for Chun-Li). When questioned on why they kept on trying to persecute the Fighting Six while letting the Predators go free, they explain they had to do this in order to continue their investigation and collect more evidence without tipping the Predators off, whom they call the Parasites. Many of the defeated Predators begin to have second thoughts about having joined the cult after their leader The Devourer abandonned them in a burning building, agreeing to provide testimony against the cult. Cue montage of Predators being arrested around the world, including the infiltrators at city hall and the police station. Pom rushes up to hug her father who also came with Stronghoof's brother after leaving jail (which he went to willingly just to get his hands on the captured Predators, it also turns out that the random strangers he beat up were actually Predators). Chun-Li then offers them another job in a special task force to continue tracking down the Devourer and the remaining Predators and defending the world from any of their attempts to harm anyone ever again, "Project Key Keeper", founded by the Prophet and lead by Oleander's great-grandma Amaryllis, who is revealed to have been the one who wrote the Unicornomicon and the mysterious IRC user who guided Oleander all these years. Woogums still calls them out on how they risked the lives of innocent hostages, to which Chun-Li replies they were always counting on the Fighting Six to save them, because the Cult of the Devourer were too politically connected for the police to touch, but if anything did happen, the previous generation of Key Keepers, their parents, who had been fighting the Predators for decades from within the system even while forced to feign ignorance due to being heavily surveilled and wiretapped, were always ready to back them up. After a short consideration, the Fighting Six decide to accept the job, part-time, of course.
  31. Afterwards, the Fighting Six, their parents, Ribbon and Ribbon's mother all go to Huoshan Spicy Szechuan Restaurant for a celebratory meal. Texas and Minnesota are relieved that Arizona is okay. Pom's father is finally happy for the first time in 15 years and is extremely proud of Pom and Woogums for what they did for their mother. Stronghoof tells Velvet and Cashmere that they both demonstrated exactly what qualities he expected from Hoofstrongs. Tianhuo's mother commends her for a job well done. Shanty's little sister tells Shanty just how much she wanted to be like her, and how much their mother and father misses her. Oleander's mother is the most reserved, disappointed that Oleander disobeyed her and fought the Predators, but Fred, who just returned from a world concert tour and is revealed to have a faded Predator tattoo, convinces her Oleander did the right thing in saving everyone, Ribbon, all the hostages and even the defeated Predators ("Just like you saved me, baby"). Ribbon greatly agrees and testifies that Oleander has been a very kind, generous and heroic person worthy of all the religious teachings that she ever taught her. She finally relents, giving Ollie a key-shaped locket along with the other parents, making the Fighting Six official Key Keepers. Adobo is glad that the Predators have been defeated again, but mentions "They're still out there" in reference to the Devourer still being at large, to which the Fighting Six answer "And they'll stay there, because now we're here to keep them from coming back."
  33. Roll credits. THEM'S FIGHTIN' HERDS by Mane6. Based on Characters and Story created by Lauren Faust.
  35. The Fighting Six will return.

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