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Rarity Greens

By Guest
Created: 2023-09-24 07:46:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >winter time in Equestria
  2. >over a feet of snow has fallen all across Ponyville
  3. >unplanned, but when was the last time the weather patrol did anything right
  4. >Rarity is prepared, however, wearing boots with a bit of a heel so she doesn't have to literally drag her body through the snow
  5. >you're outside with a shovel clearing out the walkway to the boutique
  6. >Rarity is shivering in her scarf, helping out with her magic where she can
  7. >it's not much, but she absolutely refused leaving you out in the cold alone
  8. >just when you're about to be done with the front of the boutique, the snow from the roof gets loose and slides down right on the cleared out path
  9. >you concede defeat, falling backwards into the snow, letting it take you while you contemplate your life choices
  10. >pulling yourself back up, you notice Rarity's gone
  11. >you look around, finding Rarity behind you, sneakily wading through the deep snow
  12. >like a shark, if sharks had purple, curled fins
  13. >she is steadily moving towards you, the snow crunching beneath her hooves being the only sound she makes
  14. >you watch her, wondering what she's up to
  15. >Rarity closes the distance with a couple quick skips before leaping forward, pouncing you back into the snow
  16. >as she sits on your chest, she sticks her tongue out and quickly starts running away into the snowdrifts
  17. >you get up and give chase
  18. >not really rushing anywhere, getting through the snow is easy when you're not a ponelet
  19. >that is, until Rarity turns left with a jump and completely vanishes in the snow
  20. >in a couple seconds you're next to her, digging in the snow and dragging her out from it
  21. >she's still a bit in shock, so you carry her back home in your arms
  22. >lose the scarf and the boots, get the sweater
  23. >the fireplace is already prepared and lit, so you sit down next to it, pull the sweater over you both and cuddle the shivers away
  24. >once Rarity warms up a little, you'll go make some hot cocoa, too
  25. >with marshmallows, exactly how she likes it
  28. ---
  31. >it's marshmallow drama time
  32. >you enter the boutique already hearing Rarity theatrically cry
  33. >she is lying on the sofa, tears in her eyes, mascara running down her cheeks
  34. >you know that it's nothing serious
  35. >when Rarity gets quiet, that's when things get real
  36. >her mane isn't even dishevelled this time and there is no ice cream, this will be easy
  37. >it's probably something silly
  38. >like the last time when she bursted into tears because she ran out of paper just when she got a great idea for a dress design
  39. >with time you learned when it is appropriate to tell her to cut the crap, when to help and when to just shut up and listen
  40. >treating every outburst seriously gets old and grating
  41. >so you announce yourself, take your jacket off and walk towards Rarity
  42. >she plays up her sigh as you sit next to her
  43. >you take her hoof in your hands, gently stroking it, telling her to let it all out
  44. >she starts her rant about what happened today
  45. >the latest delivery of silk came in the wrong color that doesn't go with the gems she prepared, some stuck up customer trash talked her designs and she got a letter from Manehattan telling her that Coco is sick, so she won't be able to help with the increasing demand just before the holiday season
  46. >just another Bad Day at Work™
  47. >her recounting of the day is interwoven with sobbing, but you know that she really only needs to let out steam, because she can't look distressed while her boutique is open
  48. >when she finally winds down, you wipe away the tear on her cheek, lean in and give her a gentle kiss
  49. >ask her if she's feeling better
  50. >Rarity smiles a sincere smile for the first time today, thanking you for being there for her
  51. >she sits up straight and nuzzles you
  52. >you wrap an arm around her and pet her chest
  53. >Rarity satisfyingly hums as you both sit there, enjoying the quiet company
  54. >after all the stress is gone, she breaks the embrace, even though you can tell she doesn't really want to
  55. >you let her go fix herself up as you go brew some tea
  58. ---
  61. >Winter caught you unprepared
  62. >you eat all your veggies, but every year when winter comes you inevitably catch a cold
  63. >right now, your illness peaked
  64. >light fever, stuffy nose, headache, a dry cough, the whole package
  65. >so you're stuck in bed, sweating under the blankets, hoping the next day will be better
  66. >Rarity has been an absolute dear though
  67. >she brought your breakfast to bed in the morning, made you some lovely herbal tea
  68. >you're not incapacitated, but she checks up on you so often you don't really ever need to get up unless you need to go
  69. >Rarity is working downstairs, but almost every half an hour she comes up to check your temperature, see if you need any water, something to eat, perhaps another tea
  70. >when she's sure you'll be alright, she leaves with a kiss on your forehead
  71. >a few times when you were trying to fall asleep, you heard her quietly open the door
  72. >you could hear a couple hoofsteps, then Rarity gently clearing her throat, checking if you're sleeping
  73. >you didn't move, so that she could focus on other things instead of only you
  74. >not that the attention wasn't flattering, but she's too busy to be serving you 24/7, you know that
  75. >you manage to fall asleep eventually, until a certain pony wakes you up by gently nuzzling you with her cheek
  76. >time for another meal accompanied by tea
  77. >sometime during the afternoon, Rarity dropped by the hospital to get you a willow bark elixir for the headache
  78. >with thanks you swallow a spoonful before quickly washing the taste out with tea
  79. >it tastes like piss, but the more awful a medicine tastes the more effective it is, right?
  80. >Rarity just giggles at your grimaces
  81. >when evening comes, Rarity joins you in bed, cuddling up next to you
  82. >she puts her left legs around your torso, nuzzling her head on your shoulder
  83. >you know you're covered in sweat
  84. >she knows you're sweaty
  85. >you know that she knows
  86. >but neither of you mind
  87. >you drift off to sleep together
  88. >after a day of nursing like this, you're sure you'll be better tomorrow
  91. ---
  94. >Rarity has been having an artist's block lately
  95. >sitting in her inspiration room, with her organized chaos extra chaotic
  96. >as she's once again staring on a blank piece of paper with a pencil in her mouth, you intervene
  97. >coming up from behind, you wrap your arms around her, looking over her head at the painfully empty paper
  98. >her mane is a bit frazzled and she is chewing on the pencil from the stress, though she'd never admit to it
  99. >as you gently rub her forelegs, she lets out a pleasant hum, happy to see you
  100. >"Still nothing?" you ask her, knowing the answer beforehand
  101. >"Afraid so, dear. I have been trying to invoke my inspiration, but none of my methods are working. Even worse, when I feel like I finally found my muse, after drawing it I realize I have either copied one of my older designs, or even somepony else's! I cannot trust myself anymore, and the more I worry that I am plagiarizing, the more difficult it is to be creative!"
  102. >Rarity lets out a frustrated sigh while you kiss the top of her head
  103. >"I don't know how long this dry spell will last, but if I won't get some semblance of an idea soon, I think I might go mad," she says with a shake of her head
  104. >time to get the dresshorse out of dressprison
  105. >"Relax, Rara. You just need a change of pace. Instead of being all gloom and doom locked up in here, how about you take the day off and we go out? See the Whitetail, get some fresh air, have a picnic, visit your friends, all that jazz, you know?"
  106. >"A picnic, you say?" Rarity smiles with a huff, deflating a little, as if conceding defeat. "Okay then, a picnic it is. You are right, of course, taking my mind off things should do me good."
  107. >Rarity, sold on the idea, hops off her stool and looks up at you. "I'll go prepare some hors d'oeuvres. Could you go buy some pastries in the meantime? I'll leave the choice to you," she offers
  108. >you nod in agreement as Rarity smiles and pats the ground with her right hoof
  109. >you bend down to give her a kiss before leaving for the Corner
  112. ---
  115. >you always considered Rarity part fancy, part hipstery when it came to beverages
  116. >wine was the only alcohol she drank, and only on special occassions
  117. >at home, you were the only one drinking coffee
  118. >Rarity, like almost all of Ponyville it seemed, was hooked on tea
  119. >green, black, herbal, fruity with spices
  120. >not that she needed the caffeine boost, Rarity somehow always looked well rested and perfect in the mornings
  121. >when you wake up feeling like a walking corpse, you can't help but wonder if the unicorn is draining your life magic
  122. >even when going out, Rarity would order some frappe spiced mocha whatever that isn't coffee anymore
  123. >you kinda assumed that she simply doesn't like the taste much and left it at that
  124. >until you witnessed Rarity pulling an allnighter
  125. >she told you that she'll join you in bed later
  126. >you tried to wait for her, but couldn't stay awake
  127. >when the sun woke you up, Rarity wasn't there
  128. >stretching your arms and breathing in, you realize something
  129. >the boutique smells of coffee
  130. >which is suspicious, because the grinder is downstairs in the kitchen
  131. >perhaps Rarity got up earlier and prepared breakfast for you
  132. >as you go for the bathroom, you realize the aroma is way too strong for one cup
  133. >deciding to investigate, you head downstairs
  134. >entering the workroom, you immediately see the root of the problem
  135. >your mug
  136. >and the coffee pot
  137. >both empty
  138. >and next to them sits Rarity, her head resting on her hooves, quietly snoring
  139. >looks like she tried to keep herself up, but couldn't beat the caffeine crash
  140. >you check the poneyquins, all the dresses look finished to you
  141. >nodding to yourself, you decide to pick up Rarity
  142. >she stirs a bit, clinging to your arm, murmuring something ineligible
  143. >she's completely knocked out
  144. >you carefully carry her back upstairs, laying her in bed
  145. >as you tuck her under the blankets, she automatically snuggles into them, drifting off to deep sleep again
  146. >you close the blinds before leaving
  147. >maybe you'll try waking her up for lunch
  150. ---
  153. >Rarity is a very musical pony
  154. >it's no secret that she is a great singer
  155. >she's even the founding member of The Ponytones
  156. >but it wasn't until recently that you started noticing how much she lives with and through music
  157. >you'd often find her humming to herself when working
  158. >or outright singing when in very good mood
  159. >but it's the smaller things
  160. >even when speaking her voice carries a melody, thanks to her accent
  161. >the other day you've noticed that Rarity walks around with a rhythm
  162. >it's noticeable especially when she's happy or determined, because she gives her steps extra spring when trotting
  163. >seeing her use magic is now a different experience, too
  164. >Rarity using levitation always felt somehow more graceful compared to any other unicorn, and it wasn't until now that you noticed why
  165. >unless she's in a hurry, the levitated objects move around slowly, floating up and down slightly, never really straightforward
  166. >almost like there's music playing that you can't hear
  167. >when Rarity is in control, it might as well be
  168. >everything she does, every move and every word, always calculated, precise, and virtually set to a tune
  169. >she can get very rhythmic between the sheets, too
  170. >you can make her sing in return
  171. >you forget your train of thoughts that derailed into the gutter and focus on something else
  172. >despite all this, Rarity doesn't have anything to actually listen to music with, besides a musical jewelry box
  173. >they're tacky, but ponies are completely enamored of them
  174. >there is some childish joy from opening a box only for it to start playing some old song
  175. >anyway, Hearth's Warming is coming up
  176. >maybe you should look around to see if anyone is selling gramophones in Ponyville
  177. >Rarity already has a small bookcase containing all her favorite novels
  178. >a vinyl record stand would fit right next to it
  179. >you could build a collection together
  182. ---
  185. >Rarity's been hit with a wave of melancholy lately
  186. >shorter days and bad weather can do that to a pony
  187. >sometimes you catch her sitting by the fireplace, reading a book and sipping on wine
  188. >she'd come up to you with a pout, sharing a kiss or a nuzzle, but never quite happy
  189. >or she'd sit next to you and lean her head against you, enjoying the quiet company
  190. >she's fine, but she needs an impulse
  191. >something to give her energy and break the monotony
  192. >so when the weather forecast finally predicts clear skies, you set your plan in motion
  193. >early in the morning you go wake up Rarity with a cup of coffee
  194. >Rarity grumbles about being woken up while it's still dark outside, but you convince her to get up and even skip the morning beautification ritual
  195. >grabbing a bag with supplies you head out into the brisk weather and lead Rarity to the edge of Ponyville
  196. >luckily you're wearing the scarf she knitted for you, so you're pretty cozy
  197. >there on a small hill you put the bag down and pull a blanket out of it
  198. >you packed some light breakfast too, but it's mostly carrots, salad leaves and so on
  199. >it's hard to get fresh goods in late autumn, but at least it's healthy and something you know Rarity loves to munch on
  200. >you both sit down and start breathing in the view
  201. >to the left of you are the Canterlot mountains, with the sky donning purple hues from the rising sun
  202. >in front of you is a meadow surrounded by the nearby Everfree forest
  203. >aside from the birdsong and the last few leaves rustling in the wind, it's dead quiet
  204. >Rarity is enjoying the sight but still questions why you're here
  205. >so you take out the small foldable stand and a canvas you packed, along with some paints and brushes
  206. >you tell Rarity to get inspired
  207. >she's taken aback by the gesture, but smiles and grabs the tools in her magic
  208. >as you're watching the sunrise, you put your arms around her to keep her warm
  209. >Rarity keeps chewing on her arugula as she starts mixing her prussian blue and titanium hwite
  212. ---
  215. >you're walking Rarity home after a fun night out
  216. >you've talked, laughed, danced and also drank
  217. >Rarity has had one too many daiquiris
  218. >her usually proper language and accent started slipping
  219. >she leans into you to keep balance
  220. >as you walk, she's trash talking somepony's dress
  221. >"Honestly, the last time lime accents were in season, we still had a Mare in the Moon!
  222. >"That dress wasn't last season, more like last generation! My mother has a dress just like that!"
  223. >she gigglesnorts
  224. >as realization hits her, she holds a hoof to her mouth
  225. >except she forgot to stop moving, so she stumbles
  226. >you barely managed to catch her before she faceplanted the road
  227. >as Rarity regains balance, she tries to look proper and serious again, but she can't keep her smirk under control
  228. >you laugh at the sight, and finally her facade breaks and she lets out a hearty laugh as well
  229. >"I suppose tonight was too much fun. A-and it would be a shame if my dress got dirty, and... could you carry me home?" Rarity asks with a pleading look
  230. >you're a bit surprised at the request, but who are you to deny a lady's plea?
  231. >as you're stretching out your arms for Rarity to climb on, she shakes her head
  232. >"No, you would wrinkle my dress that way. Can I climb on your back?"
  233. >you don't see how that is supposed to help, but you kneel down nonetheless
  234. >Rarity climbs on your back, hooking her forelegs around your neck
  235. >"Thank you so much, my dear. I promise I'll make it worth your while."
  236. >you can feel her breath on your neck as she nuzzles in
  237. >slightly hunched over, you head home again
  238. >giving a horse a ride
  239. >before you get there, Rarity falls asleep
  240. >once in the Boutique you carry Rarity upstairs, carefully sliding her off into your bed
  241. >you manage to disrobe her as she murmurs in her sleep, getting comfortable in the bedsheets
  242. >putting her dress on the rack and taking your clothes off as well, you go to bed as well
  243. >you put an arm around Rarity and drift to sleep, hoping you both won't be too hungover tomorrow
  246. ---
  249. >Rarity has been having wild dreams lately
  250. >you'd go to bed, spooning her as always
  251. >but during the night she'd get restless
  252. >she'd start swishing her tail, her hooves kicking you lightly
  253. >every now and then she'd whine and nicker
  254. >by then you'd usually be awake
  255. >like you're right now, watching your fashion horse struggle against the sheets
  256. >Rarity doesn't remember what the bad dreams are about, but you chalk it up to one of the recent adventures she's had with the girls
  257. >there are only so many life or death situations before it reflects on you somewhere
  258. >only so many great evils threatening Equestria
  259. >only so many lives at stake
  260. >she's become a national hero, and Equestria and the princesses owe her enough favors for at least two luxurious lifetimes
  261. >of course, Rarity never wanted that
  262. >her dream was to make a name for herself in the fashion industry without taking any shortcuts
  263. >through her original designs and hard work
  264. >so that's why she keeps slaving away on finding or setting new trends, making new dresses and new connections
  265. >it's easy to get an invite to some Canterlot Elite's ball when she's a hero
  266. >but every invitation, offer or favor, she has to think about twice
  267. >to try and see if it's genuine or if someone's only trying to use her influence again
  268. >her close connections to royalty make her a desirable pony to have on the good side
  269. >Rarity herself could ask the royal sisters for one endorsement and be immediately rocketed to the top of the game
  270. >that's not how she imagined her dream, though
  271. >and so with every next adventure, that dream slips away more
  272. >every adventure makes her more Rarity, the savior and the hero and less Rarity, the successful self-made fashionista
  273. >and she knows the thoughts are selfish, which only makes her feel worse
  274. >but during the night there is nothing to suppress the subconscious fears and worries
  275. >so you hug her against you extra tight, cooing softly, hoping she'll calm down and get a good night's rest
  278. ---
  281. >it's a warm summer night
  282. >the sky is clear
  283. >you're outside with Rarity, both of you lying down on a blanket, stargazing
  284. >Rarity is lying on her back and just has her hooves dangling in the air
  285. >it's pretty cute
  286. >she is pointing with one hoof at various constellations that you can see
  287. >you try to help out, but compared to Rarity you don't actually know that many names
  288. >ever since she was forced to learn the entire sky map for a dress for Twilight, a lot of it stuck
  289. >you're content with being quiet and listening to her voice
  290. >eventually even Rarity runs out of stars or constellations to name
  291. >for a while, you're just enjoying the quiet company
  292. >" know, I am very glad Luna is back with us," Rarity suddenly speaks up, something clearly weighing on her mind
  293. >"The night sky was always romantic, yes, but the Mare in the Moon served a grim reminder.
  294. >"As a foal, you're being told the fairy tales about Nightmare Moon, so from the start the Moon is something to be wary of.
  295. >"And then you have Nightmare Night, where ponies create a mockery of her. Foals love the holiday, and so did I, because it was the perfect opportunity to create and show off your own costumes.
  296. >"Sweetie Belle loves Nightmare Night as well, and for years it's only been a harmless holiday. When Luna returned, however...
  297. >"I couldn't bring myself to celebrate that year. Imagine missing out on a thousand years of life, of Equestria's life, and one of the first things you find out is that your suffering and punishment became a fairy tale for foals.
  298. >"It didn't feel right. I locked myself in the boutique, not opening to anyone. Of course, that night turned out very differently, and now I almost feel sorry that I wasn't there.
  299. >"Luna has been taking everything in stride, and she adjusted quickly. And even though I barely even know her, I feel proud of her.
  300. >"And now that the Moon is free of any harmful memories and filled with pleasant ones instead, it makes stargazing that much more enjoyable."
  303. ---
  306. >"Ponies tend to underappreciate the amount of work that goes into a dress," Rarity proclaims, visibly frustrated, massaging her temple with her left hoof
  307. >she's been having a bit of an inspirational dry spell, and it's getting to her
  308. >"A dress is not only a bundle of cloth with some gems on it for good measure. A dress is not worth only the material and the time spent sewing it," says Rarity, beginning her rant as she goes to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water
  309. >"Every dress I create, there is a piece of me in it. It's the creative idea, the time I spent getting inspired, the time looking for something original, and the love that goes into nurturing those seeds of ideas until they blossom into an ensemble. It is time and love you need to create couture. But sometimes, ponies will come to my shop looking at my designs as if they were all manufactured from a template, without any creative process. At times like these, witnessing a pony dismiss my fashion like that almost drives me mad."
  310. >Rarity stops for a theatrical sigh, which you figure is your cue
  311. >"Rare, you know that's just how it is. We pour our souls and our hearts into things we love to do, into things we're proud of, but strangers can't see that. Friends understand what is important to you, but other people only see the dress, not the love behind it, no matter how exquisite it is. It's like that with everything. Art, of course, but remember about the bitter salad you had yesterday for lunch? Someone probably poured his heart into growing it, watering it, tending the soil," you explain as you walk up to Miss Poutyface, lifting her chin up
  312. >"Not even the most generous pony around can appreciate all the love that goes into everything. That's fine. You won't be able to open others' eyes to it all either, but you can understand, even if it stings a little."
  313. >Rarity's eyes look a little watered as she rears up to give you a hug
  314. >"Thank you, dear. You always had a way with words."
  317. ---
  320. >Rarity takes you along on one of her gemhunting trips
  321. >mostly to show you how the magic works and to keep her company, but also so you can carry the pickaxe and pull the cart
  322. >the Ponyville gem caves are safe from danger except for cave-ins, so you can't even pretend to be a bodyguard
  323. >you're just leaning against the walls of the cold cave while Rarity scans the area for anything interesting
  324. >shit is far more boring than you imagined, so you strike up a conversation
  325. >"So why are you still doing this? I mean, you've made it, right? Can't you just place an order, have your gems delivered? No more dark caves and damp air?"
  326. >"Is someone being impatient, perhaps?" Rarity quips back at you with a smirk. "I haven't... made it, as you say, by being in the comfort of my home placing orders, dear. Do you know how many costs I cut by finding my own gems? Earning my place in the fashion business was much easier when I could sell for half the price of the competition.
  327. >"After all, clothing is still worn only for special occasions. No matter how much us designers try to change that, sadly. But now, partially thanks to moi, fashion was made much more accessible for ponies below the upper crust," Rarity allows herself a brag, sticking out her chest a bit
  328. >"And that's without a doubt a great achievement," you assure her, "but is it really still necessary? You don't need to cut costs anymore, why not save yourself all the trouble?"
  329. >Rarity raises an eyebrow at your question, before looking away to check the nearby wall for gems
  330. >"You still don't understand it, do you? Looking for the gems is a part of the process. Going out here and finding my own gems is so much more satisfying than to sit at home, browsing through a catalogue. It started as a necessity, yes, because even the cost of the gems aside, finding someone willing to deliver to Ponyville was almost impossible. But I kept at it even later, whenever I had the time. It's inspirational, too. When one works hard to get something, one also values it more. I find that gemfinding makes me think of a dress' composition and how I'll use the gems before I even have an idea for a dress in my head," Rarity interrupts herself with an excited look on her face, turning to you.
  331. >"Ooh, this rock seems to be hollow. Could you try to crack it open, dear?" She asks, pointing her hoof at one of the nearby rock formations. Stalagmites, stalactites, or is that something else completely?
  332. >you oblige and take the pickaxe anyway, Rarity stepping a respectable distance away
  333. >"Also, the spell is fairly unique in Equestria. It's not very difficult to learn, but neither it is a common knowledge in unicorns. I've learned it very young, and I suspect it is because of how it ties to my cutie mark that I was able to master it with ease. Nonetheless, it's a gift, and it would be a shame to let it go to waste, don't you think?"
  334. >after a couple swings a piece of the rock finally chips away, and you can see something glittering inside
  335. >so you continue swinging at it, even if you're starting to run out of breath
  336. >when the hole gets big enough for Rarity to start levitating gems out of the rock, you put the pickaxe down and rest against it
  337. >"It sure is a gift alright. But I think I'm starting to understand. Finding gems is like a part of you, something that defines you, right?"
  338. >as Rarity is loading the cart, she puts a hoof on her chin in thought
  339. >"I suppose that is accurate, yes. I've started looking for gems when I was still a filly, it is something I draw inspiration and enjoyment from. Yes, you're quite correct, darling. It seems now you're getting it," she nods with a smile in agreement
  340. >Rarity starts walking ahead with her horn lit again, so you grab the cart and follow her, satisfied with the answer
  341. >"Hey, since you sing all these songs when creating dresses, do you have like coal miner songs in your repertoire as well? Something we can sing while I'm slaving away here?"
  342. >Rarity lets out a laugh
  343. >"Let me remind you, you cad, that it was your idea to do all the hard work yourself. And no, I don't know any songs that have to do with mining," she says with tangible amusement in her voice
  344. >"But if you need to take a break, don't be afraid to speak up, okay? While I certainly appreciate the gesture, I don't want you to overexert yourself, I'm perfectly capable of carrying my weight."
  345. >you're a bit sweaty but you're not that out of shape
  346. >damn fashionhorse will give you no credit
  347. >"Nah, I'm fine," you reply, "but thanks for your concern."
  348. >Rarity stops casting her spell, turning around towards you
  349. >she gives you a look you can't quite read
  350. >there are hints of empathy, adoration, with some concern in her eyes
  351. >you let go of the cart, kneeling in front of her as she lightly stomps her hoof against the stone floor
  352. >once you're in reach, she rears up, hugging your neck with her forelegs, nuzzling cheek to cheek
  353. >"No, thank you."
  356. ---
  359. >early morning in Ponyville
  360. >Rarity has been working well into the night
  361. >as she says, inspiration doesn't have working hours
  362. >when it hits, delaying is risky, as it might won't be there tomorrow
  363. >and Rarity doesn't like to delay
  364. >one late night, she got up from bed to get herself a glass of water
  365. >she never returned, instead sitting in the kitchen sketching into her notebook until sunrise
  366. >you found her there, her glass still half full
  367. >she said something about the shadows from the lamplight inspiring her Autumn line or whatever
  368. >but she had around eight ideas sketched out, and her work set for the next two weeks at least
  369. >you can't imagine how Rarity would handle a nine to five cubicle job
  370. >she probably simply wouldn't handle it at all
  371. >her creative life can be problematic sometimes, as she often fluctuates between having little to do and being busy for a week straight
  372. >at times like those you need to give her space and not bother her too often
  373. >which sucks, but Rarity always tries her best to make it up to you later
  374. >today, Rarity got to bed well after you
  375. >that also means it's one of the rare occasions when Rarity tries to be the big spoon, her hooves gently brushing against your side
  376. >deciding not to wake her up just yet, you carefully sneak out of the bed
  377. >as you look back and see her sleep peacefully, you almost change your mind
  378. >but you quietly leave to wash up anyway
  379. >once you're presentable after your morning routine, you decide to go get some breakfast pastries and the morning paper
  380. >the Ponyville Express isn't exactly a riveting read, but at least you can read the funnies and get the weather forecast from it
  381. >at the market you find Big Mac tending to the Apples' stand
  382. >you buy one of the apple tarts trying not to think too much about how exactly they make those thin folded apple slices
  383. >it's probably in some freaky and unhygienic way
  384. >Rarity loves them but she wouldn't ever put them in her mouth again if she found out
  385. >so you decide to roll with ignorance as you head back home
  386. >you put your things on the table, the silence giving away that Rarity is still asleep
  387. >time to get some water boiling and go wake her up
  388. >Rarity is bundled in the sheets
  389. >you tell yourself it's because she misses your warmth
  390. >you sit at the edge of the bed and gently stroke her hair, waking her from her slumber
  391. >Rarity opens her eyes, smiles at you and stretches her legs out in the air
  392. >"Good morning, dear," she says, stifling a yawn before getting on her hooves and giving you a kiss
  393. >"Time to get up, sleepyhead. Come, I'm already making tea," you say as the kettle in the kitchen starts whistling
  394. >you leave Rarity to herself, because she still gets a bit antsy about her bed head, occasional morning breath, so on
  395. >you're working at it, but you're still not quite in the stage where Rarity will be able to drop these worries around you
  396. >you're not sure if you ever will get there
  397. >right now you have at least five minutes before Rarity comes down to join you for breakfast
  398. >you start brewing a green tea herbal mix, and while waiting you prepare a light cucumber and daffodil sandwich for Rarity and some müsli mix for you
  399. >rolled oats, wheat flakes, a handful of cranberries, teaspoon of honey and fresh milk
  400. >you're setting the table when Rarity finally comes down
  401. >her hair in the usual curls, coat slightly brushed to even out any loose hairs, perfection as usual
  402. >at the sight of you laying out the tableware, she purses her lips
  403. >"Oh my, for what have I deserved such courteousness?" She playfully asks as she sits in her chair
  404. >"Thought you might like a lazy morning after the long night you had," you reply, pouring her some of the tea before sitting down as well, happy to finally get some food into you
  405. >"Thank you ever so much, dear, that's very thoughtful. It seems I lost track of the time again. Oh, but you already know how it is sometimes."
  406. >Rarity dismissively waves her hoof before grabbing a bite of the sandwich
  407. >"Yeah. Yeah, I've been thinking about getting you an alarm clock, except instead of being set to wake you up, it would be set to when you need to go to sleep," you remark with a grin
  408. >"Har har," chuckles Rarity, trying to hide her real laugh behind a fake one, "you know well that I cannot just leave an unfinished idea be when I'm inspired. I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anyway, so unless you want me drawing in our bed, it's not happening."
  409. >"That doesn't sound half bad, actually. Listening to the sound of your magic could even be pretty calming. I don't know how I'd feel about all the crumbled paper flying over my head and angry grumbling, though," you say, and at that Rarity tries to glare at you
  410. >except her cheeks are also bulging a bit from the sandwich she's chewing on, so she looks more like an angry chipmunk
  411. >the thought makes you laugh out loud, spilling some milk in the process
  412. >still smiling like an idiot you fetch some napkins
  413. >"Good job, you comedian. Less joking around and more focusing on our breakfast so I don't have to wash the tablecloth every other day, hm? I swear you're like Sweetie Belle sometimes when it comes to table manners," Rarity scolds you, but her tone indicates it's all just playful banter
  414. >"Alright, sorry, I- sorry," you stumble as you're soaking up the spill, "but yesterday was productive, yeah?"
  415. >"Indeed, I've been wanting to come up with something more metropolitan for my shop in Manehattan, as all the classic fashion here and in Canterlot doesn't seem to resonate with them well, and it seems I finally have some promising early drafts. I will probably have to visit Coco next week, so she can give me an opinion. Even if she doesn't behave like a Manehattanite, she has a great understanding of the culture there, and will be able to at least give me some pointers," Rarity explains
  416. >the conversation continues to delve more into small talk as you enjoy your breakfast and tea
  419. ---
  422. >you're on a train to Fillydelphia with Rarity
  423. >she has business to attend to and you've never been there, so you decided to come with
  424. >you didn't expect to take the morning train that departs at five o'clock, though
  425. >so you spend most of the ride cuddled up to Rarity, zoning out and trying to get at least some precious minutes of sleep
  426. >Rarity rouses you from your sleep with a gentle kiss when you're arriving to Filly
  427. >letting out a yawn, you get the two suitcases Rarity packed for the trip and exit the train
  428. >there's a large crowd of ponies constantly on the move at the train station, boarding and leaving trains, rushing to their destinations
  429. >you feel like a fish out of water, but luckily Rarity orientates quickly and starts leading you out of the too busy place
  430. >"I think I've gotten too used to the backwater still life of Ponyville. Even Canterlot isn't usually this lively," you muse
  431. >"Trust me dear, this is still quite tame compared to rush hours in Manehattan. Ponies aren't even bumping into each other here, all you need is some confidence in your gait," Rarity replies as she seemingly effortlessly swims through the swarms of ponies, almost like if everyone stepped out of her way immediately
  432. >she also creates a slipstream for you and the luggage
  433. >"So what's the agenda? Are we going to accommodate ourselves in a hotel?" You ask, trying to keep up with her while also being careful not to crash into somebody
  434. >"First things first, we need to get to the office for the fashion expo to book a table and get approval for the designs. The quicker we get there the better. Then we can unpack our things and get something to eat," Rarity replies
  435. >"Yeah, about that, can we stop for a snack right now? I don't know about you, but I'm already starting to feel famished. Maybe like a muffin and a coffee to go?" You propose, because from the sound of it you'll be busy the next two hours
  436. >"I suppose we have time for a little something if we hurry up. Very well," Rarity agrees
  437. >you've finally escaped the confinements of the train station, but the main street isn't any less busy
  438. >you both walk for a little while before you find yourselves standing in front of a patisserie
  439. >Rarity holds the door for you, allowing you to drag the suitcases inside
  440. >before you're able to do anything else however, Rarity is already ordering at the counter
  441. >so you shrug and wait there, pretending to guard your luggage from the dozen ponies inside that mind their own business
  442. >soon enough Rarity walks back to you, with two muffins and two takeaway cups of coffee in her magic
  443. >you grab the suitcases again and walk outside, before suddenly stopping as realization hits you
  444. >two hands
  445. >two bags
  446. >and now a muffin and a cup
  447. >how the fuck are you going to do this
  448. >"Hey, Rarity... can we go back inside and sit for a while? My hands are kinda full here."
  449. >"No can do, darling. The city never stops, and we can't afford to waste time. Every extra minute can mean someone will take the best places at the venue! But don't worry, I have it all figured out," Rarity says with a sly smile before levitating one of the muffins to your face
  450. >"Well? Eat up," she adds, fluttering her eyelashes
  451. >you eye her and the muffin carefully
  452. >Rarity bites her lip, looking way too into it
  453. >is this about her magic enveloping the muffin, are you missing some obvious innuendo, or...?
  454. >fuck it, you lean in and take a bite
  455. >despite how weird the situation is, the bite itself feels relatively normal
  456. >Rarity still has a grin on her face, but you both get moving again
  457. >every little while, Rarity nibbles on her muffin and levitates the other one to your mouth so you can take a bite as well
  458. >and every time she does that she has that curious look on her, too
  459. >the rest of the day goes fine, but later at night, as Rarity quietly snores next to you, you stare at the ceiling and wonder
  460. >what was up with that muffin?
  463. ---
  466. >Carousel Boutique, Ponyville
  467. >nighttime
  468. >you're upstairs, cuddling with Rarity
  469. >she's resting against your chest as you're sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard
  470. >one arm under her backlegs, supporting her so you can kiss comfortably
  471. >the other arm caressing various parts of her body, from her thighs to her withers
  472. >the tension is high
  473. >you're about to let your hand wander a little lower towards the dock and below, when you suddenly hear a magicky noise
  474. >you guess Rarity is about to get kinky
  475. >until you realize the light isn't coming from her horn, but from under your hand
  476. >it's a booty call
  477. >Rarity doesn't notice straight away, too busy nuzzling into your cheek
  478. >but the glowing cutie mark doesn't cease
  479. >after a couple more cycles, and after your arms stopped moving, Rarity tenses up as realization hits her
  480. >she turns her head as if to confirm it's actually her butt that's glowing
  481. >seeing the blue gems light up makes her frown with a very dramatic groan
  482. >"Of all the possible moments, the map calls me now? Seriously?" She complains, letting out another sigh
  483. >"Can't you like... put it on hold, or something?" You try, not wanting to get cockblocked by a goddamn table
  484. >"I'm sorry dear, but this cannot wait. If somepony else got called, they will most likely be waiting for me at the castle. Or worse, Twilight will come here looking for me," Rarity denies you
  485. >she gives you one last quick kiss, pushing her forelegs against your chest as she stands up
  486. >hopping off the bed, she looks back at you, her eyes filled with sympathy
  487. >you both clearly wanted to spend the night together
  488. >"I'll make it up to you, I promise, but I really have to go now, I have to find out what's going on! Don't worry though, I'll be back soon. If I have to leave for longer, please don't forget to feed Opal. Ta ta, darling!" Rarity says, blowing you a kiss before leaving
  489. >you can hear her running down the stairs, followed by the jingle of the door bell
  490. >guess you're sleeping alone tonight
  493. ---
  496. >something is poking you
  497. >startled, you try to push yourself away as you open your eyes
  498. >Rarity is lying next to you, patting your chest, cooing softly
  499. >you start taking in your surroundings as the familiar shapes of the bedroom of the boutique start filling your vision
  500. >your breath is ragged, you're matted with sweat
  501. >the last visions from your dream dissipate as you focus on Rarity's concerned face
  502. >"It's all right now, darling, I'm here. You've been calling my name quite a lot. Bad dream?" Rarity asks once she's sure you're awake
  503. >you try to remember, but all memory of your nightmare is gone
  504. >Rarity is resting one of her hooves on your chest as your breathing slows down to its usual rate
  505. >"Yeah. It was just some nightmare, I'm okay," you finally reply when you fail to recollect any details
  506. >your answer calms Rarity down, and she sighs in relief
  507. >she leans in to give you a quick kiss before snuggling to your side, laying her head under your neck
  508. >you put your arm around her body, gently stroking her coat
  509. >"Hey, sorry I woke you up," you apologize, more because you're aware that Rarity is now willingly staining her coat with your sweat
  510. >you can't bring that up directly, though, she'd probably scold you that you're even considering that
  511. >"It's quite alright, just try to get some more rest. I'm here for you," Rarity reassures you, shifting slightly
  512. >you smile, gripping her a bit tighter in reply as you close your eyes
  513. >it takes you a while to fall asleep
  514. >you're too focused at Rarity pretending to be asleep as she's waiting to see if you'll have another nightmare
  515. >eventually the tiredness sets in again, and you give in to it
  516. >the rest of the night is peaceful, and you're awoken only by the first rays of morning sunlight hitting your face
  517. >Rarity is still lightly snoring on your chest
  518. >you decide not to wake her straight away, to make up for the midnight interruption
  521. ---
  524. >it's New Year's Eve again
  525. >and for the past couple years, also a very special anniversary
  526. >of the first kiss you shared with Rarity
  527. >as usual, Pinkie organized a shindig
  528. >all Rarity's and also yours friends are gathered around the castle
  529. >Applejack is there, too
  530. >Twilight is just finishing up prepping the fireworks, as it's about two minutes to midnight
  531. >Rarity is pouring the champagne into crystal flutes, distributing them to all the other ponies
  532. >then she picks up the last two and walks over to you, levitating one into your hand as she sits next to you
  533. >the others have begun counting down the last seconds of the year, but neither of you joins in
  534. >Rarity looks at you, with an excited smile on her face and her eyes slightly glassy, whether from all the romantic sentiment or too much punch
  535. >you both sit there as the new year draws near, in anticipation and mutual love
  536. >as the countdown reaches zero, the bell starts to chime and the first fireworks start flying over your head, you both lean towards each other, meeting halfways and sharing a deep kiss
  537. >as your tongues intertwine, all the noise from the explosions and surrounding cheers are drown out
  538. >only when the fireworks end, you both pull away, slightly gasping for air
  539. >with a smile you raise your champagne glass, looking deep into Rarity's wide and teary eyes as she lifts her glass as well
  540. >the glasses clink on contact, and before putting yours to your lips, you say
  541. "Happy New Year's, Rarity..."
  544. ---
  547. >it's a Sunday night
  548. >you find yourself home, in the Carousel Boutique
  549. >you're just about done cleaning the dishes after the dinner Rarity cooked while she's making herself comfortable in the living room
  550. >you're in the mood for a drink, so you pour two glasses of white wine
  551. >Rarity doesn't drink red often, as it stains her coat
  552. >with the two glasses in your hands, you move to the living room
  553. >Rarity is lying on the chaise longue, humming a melody
  554. >she's levitating a notebook and a pencil in front of her
  555. >she's tapping her snout with the pencil while in deep thought
  556. >you put the glasses on the coffee table nearby, the resulting clank breaking her concentration
  557. >Rarity first looks at the glasses and then at you, thanking you silently with a smile
  558. >she scoots a little to the side, tapping a hoof next to her
  559. >you accept the invitation and sit down, adjusting yourself so that you can feel Rarity's side without pushing into her too much
  560. >without any words being said, Rarity levitates one of the glasses to you
  561. >you take it, do a silent toast and take a sip
  562. >Rarity mirrors your actions, never breaking eye contact
  563. >neither of you has to say anything, you're pretty much perfectly attuned to each other
  564. >as you put your arm around Rarity to gently scratch her shoulders, you look over at the notebook
  565. >instead of the regular sketches of dresses you expected, there's mostly just text
  566. >"Is that... poetry?" You ask, after noticing the text rhymes
  567. >"Close, but no. These are lyrics," Rarity replies with a faint smile, "but I suppose there is not much difference between those two, is there?"
  568. >"I dunno, I'm sure Twilight could write you a paper on all the differences that there are. So since when are you a songwriter? Have you decided to change careers?"
  569. >"Oh, no such thing, dear. I've been feeling a bit tired with designing, but it's still what I live for. Songwriting is just a hobby, or more of an experiment, really. It's for The Ponytones. We rehearse classic folk songs, and we do covers of more modern music as well, but every now and then we try to compose our own songs. During rehearsals, sometimes one of us comes up with a melody, or we start improvising with an old tune. I find it is a good creative exercise," Rarity explains while scribbling some more words in the notebook
  570. >"Oh yeah, that makes sense. Well, how far along are you? Do you plan to have a full repertoire of originals?" You ask, taking another sip of wine while focusing your hand on the roots of Rarity's mane
  571. >she hums softly
  572. >"Nowhere near that, I'm afraid. Although I don't think that's even the goal. All of us are doing this just for fun, performing at only a hoofful of events each year. We're all busy ponies, after all. And ponies mostly want to hear the songs they already know, so we usually prepare one or two originals for a show to see how ponies react. A little bit lower, please -- ooh, that's it. Maybe if we ever write a hit song, who knows?" Rarity muses while enjoying your ministrations
  573. >"Yeah, I think I like it better that way. Knowing you, you'd probably all get really famous, and then you'd have to deal with the manager, and the bodyguards, the entourage... and I would have to deal with all the stallions throwing themselves at your hooves everywhere. Yeah, I think I like dressmaker Rarity more," you say with a grin
  574. >"You know, when you put it this way, it doesn't actually sound half bad," Rarity teases right back
  575. >you indignantly look away, head held high
  576. >"Well, I never!"
  577. >"I would have admirers everywhere, willing to do me favors, I would be getting flowers and letters everyday... hm, maybe I should reconsider this again," Rarity says, letting out a chuckle at your fake offense
  578. >"And who would be there to make sure everybody is looking fabulous, huh? The fashion biz needs you, Rarity!"
  579. >"Oh, is that what you're concerned about?" She instantly fires back with a sly smile
  580. >"Of course, I have only everyone's best interests at heart," you reply as seriously as you can manage
  581. >which isn't much
  582. >"Truly you're the paragon of generosity, so selfless!" Rarity laughs, unable to keep the charade anymore
  583. >"Shush, you."
  584. >you decide to quiet her the only way you know
  585. >by leaning in and giving Rarity a kiss, which she gladly reciprocates
  588. ---
  591. >"So what's on the agenda for today, Rares?"
  592. >you've just finished your breakfast, wondering how you'll spend your day
  593. >it feels like it's going to be a lazy weekend
  594. >the sky is overcast, weather chilly, and this is Ponyville
  595. >monster invasions aside nothing really happens here
  596. >"Not much. I've been planning to drop by Fluttershy's, to see how she's doing, and then probably go visit Aloe and Lotus for a spa session in the afternoon," Rarity answers, "the stress as of late has been doing quite a number on my complexion," she complains with a quiet sigh
  597. >"Come on Rarity, you're still as beautiful as always. Besides, I think a wrinkle or two would add to your maturity," you tease
  598. >Rarity practically recoils in horror
  599. >"A wrinkle?! Do not even joke about that!"
  600. >Rarity magically grabs a mirror from another room, quickly inspecting her eyes for any signs of crow's feet
  601. >After assuring herself that she's still looking perfect, she puts the mirror away, turning around to face you, sporting a serious frown
  602. >"We really have to talk about setting up some boundaries very soon," Rarity says with an offended huff
  603. >"Oh come on, you know it's all in good fun," you reply defensively, putting your hands up to your chest
  604. >"Regardless, there are things that should not be joked about."
  605. >"Alright, fine, I apologise," you say, kneeling down to give Rarity a kiss
  606. >she's still trying to be offended, but the affection breaks her frown as a smile creeps back on her face
  607. >"If you want, I can give you a proper deep tissue massage when you get back," you up the ante, cracking your knuckles, "I'll even light the scented candles."
  608. >Rarity purses her lips slightly
  609. >"Hm, I might take you up on that. Very well, I accept your apology."
  610. >crisis averted
  611. >and you will get to have a fun evening with Rarity
  612. >the right touch and the right atmosphere can get her a bit hot and bothered
  613. >Rarity most likely anticipates it as well
  614. >so you have a lot to look forward to, if all goes well
  617. ---
  620. >just another day in Ponyville
  621. >Rarity is working on some design of sorts
  622. >you don't have anything to do right now, so you're keeping her a quiet company, reading one of the Shadow Spade mystery novels Rarity owns
  623. >accompanied by the whirring of the sewing machine and Rarity's gentle humming, along with the occasional words she mumbles to herself
  624. >the story itself is not very mysterious or thrilling
  625. >you're not even a third of the way through and you're pretty sure the banker staged the robbery
  626. >but it paints the atmosphere very nicely, it's like you're really in the old fashioned Manehattan
  627. >covering yourself from the rain, leaning against the wall under a marquise with a cigarette, while a pony plays a saxophone on one of the balconies above you
  628. >it's noir cliche as hell, but it has the right amount of flowery language to pull you in
  629. >glancing over to Rarity, you can't help but wonder how fun a life like that of Shadow Spade would be
  630. >you and her, the best private eyes of Equestria
  631. >scumbags everywhere trying to get you, the police force jealous of you, ponies trying to get your help for every lost trinket
  632. >and Rarity would be there, looking dashing as always, saying things like "We'll crack this case wide open!" and other cliche phrases and metaphors
  633. >you laugh at the thought
  634. >Rarity's ears perk up at the sound
  635. >she stops the machine and turns her head to see you still looking at you, the last of the chuckle fading away
  636. >"Something the matter, dear?" She asks in a more curious than worried tone, wanting to get in on the fun
  637. >"Oh, nothing, I'm just imagining what a perfect detective duo we would make," you say, holding up the cover of the book to show her what you've been reading, "solving crimes and spreading justice through Equestria."
  638. >"I know, wouldn't it be absolutely marvelous? I must say I have a great eye for detail, and ooh, helping poor Rainbow Dash that one time in Canterlot was so much fun!" Rarity says with excitement in her voice and a twinkle in her eye, "but while I adore the Shadow Spade series, the truth is it does romanticize the idea quite a lot. The books paint a wonderful picture I can get lost in, but the reality can be much more... bleak, so to speak."
  639. >with that, the excitement is replaced with a twinge of melancholy instead
  640. >"I have been wondering about that, actually. I think that by now I know you well enough to also know you're not reading these just for the detective work and mystery. But the atmosphere is just... spot on, isn't it?"
  641. >"Exactly! It's so exciting and thrilling. With time, and especially after my first Gala, I think I grew out of the romantic fantasies I had as a filly. This... this life of adventure, however, sounds almost idyllic. Helping ponies, making Equestria a better place, living an exciting life... now don't get me wrong, I do like where I am right now, and the adventures I went through with the girls are enough excitement to satisfy me probably for the rest of my life, but sometimes, when I'm working long into the night for a third time in a row to get a commission done... it's nice to fantasize, you know?" Rarity explains with almost dreamy eyes
  642. >hearing her say all that, you're surprised by all the passion that hides behind those words
  643. >you don't really know what to say, but Rarity expects some sort of an answer
  644. >you stall as long as you can, trying to find the proper words of... encouragement?
  645. >what are you even supposed to encourage here?
  646. >it starts to get awkward, so you say the first thing that comes to your mind
  647. >"Then why don't we run away?"
  648. >"What?"
  649. >what?
  650. >"Run away, as in leave all of this behind, forever? The boutique, my friends... my sister? For what, to become... detectives?" Rarity is as surprised as you are, but she's giving it a serious thought
  651. >you can't decide if that's better or worse than if she played it off as a stupid joke
  652. >"Darling, you know I hold you dear, but I'm... I don't think that, uh..."
  653. >Rarity is desperately trying to find the most polite way of telling you that you're an idiot
  654. >time to damage control
  655. >"Well not literally run away, but maybe like close shop for a week and take a trip to Manehattan? We could wander the streets and try to look for people that need help. Wouldn't it be like one of your friendship missions?" You ask, recovering from your pasta problem fairly well
  656. >Rarity releases a breath she didn't know she was holding, visibly more relaxed now that she knows you haven't completely lost your mind
  657. >"Oh thank goodness, for a while I thought... nevermind. I admit your idea does sound enticing, but you know it's never as easy as simply... closing shop. Especially now that there are three of them," Rarity says with a smile of relief on her face
  658. >"Yeah, of course, I get it. But it could be fun, right? You'd be the charming and smart detective, and... I guess I'd be your muscle," you say, not feeling like bragging too much about your wits after that brain short circuit, "just remember it for when you're in need of a change of pace, alright? Because I'm down with that."
  659. >"Mmhm, of course I will. As soon as I have a clear schedule, I promise."
  662. ---
  665. >"So, what do you think?"
  666. >Rarity stands in front of you with an expectant look
  667. >she wanted to show you her new hat she's been working on and expects you to give her your opinion
  668. >you, giving a fashion opinion to the most fashionable pony in a 100 mile radius
  669. >you're not sure how you got yourself in this situation, but you sense it is a trap
  670. >Rarity clearly knows by herself whether the hat looks good on her or not
  671. >and she obviously knows whether it's trendy or completely out of style
  672. >so this must clearly be a test
  673. >she's either testing your fashion knowledge and taste, or...
  674. >or you're already supposed to know the hat is not a good pick, and Rarity is curious if you'll be able to tell her that
  675. >there are three or maybe four outcomes that can come from this
  676. >either the hat is indeed nice, you compliment it, and everything is peachy
  677. >or the hat is meant to be terrible, you trash it, and Rarity now respects you for your knowledge of couture along with your honesty
  678. >or you accidentally trash a good hat, making the truth come out that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
  679. >worst case scenario you compliment the hat when you weren't supposed to, which could make you look insincere and/or stupid
  680. >you're buying yourself time by looking at the hat from various angles
  681. >if your precise calculations are correct, not liking the hat is probably the safer play
  682. >but maybe you can try to figure it out yourself
  683. >for starters, the hat is giant
  684. >ponies tend to like giant hats, from what you noticed
  685. >it fits Rarity's head well, and it has a really long visor
  686. >probably some kind of a summer hat, you assume
  687. >second, it's yellow, which is good
  688. >yellow goes well with purple, you've learned that already
  689. >disliking the hat seems less and less like the better choice
  690. >it fits, it's obviously well made, the colors are fine
  691. >you might actually brain this out
  692. >these big hats usually have some more decoration though, this one is plain
  693. >maybe a pattern, or an ornament, flowers since it's probably a summer hat
  694. >"Well?"
  695. >Rarity's voice brings you out of your musing
  696. >you've been focusing on the hat so deeply you forgot to check on her
  697. >she's been patiently standing in place while you walked around her looking at the hat, but you can't help but notice the slightly suspicious look, complemented by the curiously raised eyebrow
  698. >you can't stall any longer
  699. >listen to your heart
  700. >"It's nice! I like it, actually. I think it could use something more on the crown, so it doesn't feel so plain. Like a ribbon, maybe? Something to add a little more flair, definitely. But I wonder if this is really the best choice for this weather - it can get very windy, and a hat like this would be swept away in no time," you start voicing your thoughts, improvising along the way, "and I think something smaller and heavier would be better, especially to keep you warm. Yeah, the hat's nice, I just think it's not the best time to wear it," you finish, shrugging your shoulders
  701. >now you're bracing yourself for the final verdict
  702. >Rarity looks at you with a blank expression, mouth slightly opened
  703. >you've fucked up, haven't you
  704. >the hat is garbage and now you just embarrassed yourself
  705. >"You..." Rarity says almost breathlessly
  706. >"You're absolutely right, dear! Of course this hat isn't suitable for winter, and it desperately requires some accessories!" She says amusedly, with eyes wide in disbelief
  707. >"My stars, have I been rubbing off on you, or have you secretly been a fashionista the whole time, hm?"
  708. >Rarity giggles at her words, while you release a quiet sigh of relief
  709. >"Yeah, I guess I picked up a few things from you here and there over time," you say, trying to casually play it off
  710. >"Ooooh, that's so adorable! No, really, I am so proud of you!" Rarity basically squeals
  711. >she lifts one of her hooves, looking up at you
  712. >so you kneel down, grab her forelegs in your hands, and let her give you a kiss
  713. >you've earned it
  716. ---
  719. >"It's raining."
  720. >"...yes?"
  721. >Rarity pouts
  722. >"Yes! It's raining, and I wanted to spend the day outside, to mingle with ponies, and now I can't!"
  723. >she stomps a hoof for emphasis
  724. >"That is... truly a problem you have there, Rares."
  725. >"What am I supposed to do now? I can't possibly spend the entire day stuck in my boutique!"
  726. >she's practically whining now
  727. >" can't?"
  728. >"Of course not! How can you expect me to just sit here doing nothing the whole day? I need to be out there! To inspire ponies, to advertise my fashion, to be in the know! How can I catch up on the latest gossip while stuck here?"
  729. >yeah, Rarity is bored
  730. >you hold back a sigh
  731. >"Then take that weird saddle umbrella and go."
  732. >she's dramatic because of a non-issue
  733. >"Oh, honestly, are you even listening to me? It's raining!"
  734. >for the love of
  735. >"I know, that's what the umbrella is for. To shield you from the rain?"
  736. >"Well obviously, but if it's raining then everypony will be stuck inside like I am, so there won't be anypony to mingle with!"
  737. >okay, now she's just being upset for the sake of being upset
  738. >"You could... pay someone a visit?"
  739. >"What, out of the blue? Not even blue, because it's raining! Who expects guests in this weather?"
  740. >this marshmelodrama is getting ridiculous
  741. >"Well then, what do you wanna do?"
  742. >just a little patience
  743. >"Oh I'm so glad you asked!" Rarity says, now practically beaming with all signs of despair gone
  744. >"How about we get cozy by the fireplace, I'll make some cocoa, and you'll read us a story?"
  745. >so that's what this whole charade was about
  746. >all part of Rarity's masterplan
  747. >though she could've just asked straight away
  748. >"It's not some saccharine fantasy where you'll force me to do the voices, is it?"
  749. >"Oh, not at all! I promise you're going to love it!"
  750. >Rarity perks up at your indirect agreement, grinning victoriously
  751. >you give her a scratch behind her right ear
  752. >"Alright, I'll get the fire started."
  753. >there are worse ways to spend an afternoon than cuddling a pony, you suppose
  756. ---
  759. >"I'm ho-o-ome!"
  760. >Rarity's singsong voice rings through the boutique
  761. >so does the door bell, for that matter
  762. >you go downstairs to greet her
  763. >Rarity is in the kitchen, unpacking groceries from two paper bags floating in her grasp
  764. >"Hey, Rarity! How'd your spa date go?" You ask, kneeling down to give her a quick peck on the lips
  765. >you can smell the scented candles and massage oils instead of the usual perfume
  766. >the scents Aloe and Lotus use are specifically chosen by Rarity, but they're happy to oblige their most loyal customer
  767. >and probably generous too, considering the tips Rarity leaves
  768. >"Oh, it was lovely. Convincing Twilight to unwind can be so difficult sometimes, but I think the spa appointments are worked into her schedule now."
  769. >you just silently nod, getting one of the paper bags to help Rarity store the food
  770. >once Rarity runs out of friends to convince to attend the spa with her, she'll turn to you
  771. >and she already managed to break Twilight, so your time comes soon
  772. >"Oh! And we met none other than Rainbow Dash in the spa's reception room," Rarity adds with tangible merriment in her voice
  773. >"Again? What was it this time?"
  774. >"She said she just dropped by to get some preening oils."
  775. >"You know, she has to run out of excuses sooner or later. She can't pretend forever," you say, grinning
  776. >it recently turned out that Dash really enjoys some of the spa treatments, but refuses to admit it
  777. >and while Aloe and Lotus might be the paragons of discreteness, you can't really hide from Rarity at the spa
  778. >Rarity laughs
  779. >"Everypony already knows about how our daredevil likes to be pampered, anyway. Rainbow is absolutely hopeless when she tries to lie under pressure. But you're right, I can't imagine she can keep this up for much longer, especially if we are going to keep running into each other every week.
  780. >"That being said, I feel like wrapping myself in something silky and lying down. Care to join me?"
  781. >you smile
  782. >"I'd love to."
  783. >after a massage, Rarity is always extra susceptible to petting
  784. >it's like a second, lighter massage on top of the deep tissue one she gets at the spa
  785. >especially if you also gently brush her coat with your fingers
  786. >she basically melts in your arms at that
  787. >that's your favorite part of Rarity's spa visits
  788. >when she comes home extra marshmallowy and cuddly
  789. >if the time would allow it, you'd simply lounge on a sofa while caressing Rarity, talking about whatever
  790. >small talk, gossip, plans for next week
  791. >it's a form of meditation for you
  792. >idly listening to Rarity talk about various topics, listening to her giddy voice when she gets excited and enjoying the playful intonations
  793. >it is the perfect symbiosis, Rarity can talk for hours, and you want to listen for hours
  794. >you shake your head to wake yourself from daydreaming, heading back upstairs
  795. >no need to daydream when your dream is about to come true
  798. ---
  801. >bedtime o'clock in the Carousel Boutique
  802. >you're lying in bed on your side, one arm over Rarity, keeping her close to your body
  803. >Rarity is already asleep, and you're dozing off as well
  804. >that is until Rarity suddenly murmurs
  805. >"...yellow..."
  806. >"Hm?" Is all you say, not fully registering what Rarity has just said
  807. >"...doesn't go with the scarf..."
  808. >you perk up a little, lightly squeezing Rarity's midsection
  809. >she lets out a soft whine
  810. >"What do you mean?"
  811. >"...if it arrives late, I won't..."
  812. >you can't quite make out what she's saying
  813. >"If what arrives late?"
  814. >Rarity shifts her body an inch
  815. >"...the ensemble... make adjustments..."
  816. >you're finally awake enough to realize you've been trying to hold a conversation with a sleeping pony
  817. >Rarity's eyes are still closed, but she's apparently in a conversation of her own
  818. >"...will it do?"
  819. >there seems to be a fashion crisis in dreamland
  820. >you smile to yourself
  821. >"I'm sure it will," you whisper, deciding to have some fun
  822. >after your response, Rarity makes a worried noise
  823. >it's like a mix of a sigh and a squeak
  824. >"...enough silk... could try crimson..."
  825. >she stirs a bit, stretching her back leg, pushing it against you
  826. >"Crimson sounds lovely," you continue the conversation
  827. >Rarity smiles, humming affirmatively
  828. >which leaves you wondering if your feedback reflects in her dream, or what exactly she's dreaming about
  829. >the next minute Rarity doesn't say anything intelligible, but she still keeps chatting
  830. >and as cute as it is, you'd like to get some shut eye as well
  831. >so you make yourself comfortable again, still smiling at the arrangement of cute little noises Rarity keeps making
  832. >until she suddenly tenses up under your arm and turns quiet
  833. >a few seconds later she slowly starts inching away from your grasp, getting out of bed
  834. >"Everything okay, Rarity?" You ask, more curious than worried
  835. >Rarity freezes at the unexpected sound of your voice
  836. >"Oh! Terribly sorry I woke you up, dear. Everything's fine, I just... well, inspiration hit me, and I wanted to get my sketchbook to write some ideas down before I forget them," she says in a quiet, apologetic tone
  837. >"Came to you in a dream, hm?" You ask, despite already knowing the answer
  838. >"Yes. I dreamt about being in my boutique in Canterlot, and... I don't recall why exactly, but I've been designing something in a hurry, and I thought of this wonderful skirt that could be a great start for my next collection!" Rarity explains, almost dreamily
  839. >except for the fact that she's actually awake and not dreaming anymore, of course
  840. >you let her rush off into her inspiration room to draw her designs
  841. >soon the light bleeding into the bedroom turns off again, and Rarity comes back with a content smile on her face
  842. >as she climbs back into bed, you ask her
  843. >"I don't suppose the skirt was crimson red, was it?"
  844. >Rarity, now lying down facing you, gleefully answers
  845. >"Yes! I have an idea on how to combine it with some softer shades, and-" her excitement turns into shocked curiosity, as her wide eyes, only a few inches away from yours, stare at you almost suspiciously
  846. >"How ever did you know that?" She squeaks, surprised
  847. >you smile and lean in to leave a kiss on her slightly scrunched snout
  848. >"Some very pretty unicorn told me."
  851. ---
  854. >a few days ago, Rarity had received a letter from Canterlot
  855. >the Carousel faced some issues with a particular needy customer who refused to deal with Sassy Saddles, so she asked, or more accurately pleaded, for help
  856. >so you and Rarity took a trip to Canterlot
  857. >Rarity settled whatever issue with the designs there was
  858. >since you didn't want to take the night train, you've decided to stay overnight in the Canterlot Carousel
  859. >to make the night more fun, you both agreed to go out and see the city's nightlife
  860. >Canterlot is significantly busier than Ponyville, but also a lot more...
  861. >Rarity would call it sophisticated, but you find stuck up to be more fitting
  862. >you didn't feel like attending a formal event
  863. >luckily for you, Rarity wasn't in the mood for networking either
  864. >you ended up in a restaurant a few blocks away from the main boulevard
  865. >far enough for the atmosphere to be more casual, but still close enough to have live music playing and very polite service strict on etiquette
  866. >while you were waiting for your food to arrive, you mostly entertained yourselves with small talk, both enjoying a glass of wine
  867. >the walls of the restaurant were decorated with paintings, but most of them were abstract art that didn't really catch your eye
  868. >except for one further in the back
  869. >it featured Canterlot, except it looked much smaller than how it looked nowadays
  870. >most importantly, there was no castle
  871. >some spires, presumably a watch tower, and most of the old town that is now Canterlot's main square, but the castle on the face of the mountain was blatantly missing
  872. >"...these are always the worst clients. They don't know what they want, but they know exactly what they don't want," Rarity said with a small huff, as you shifted your attention back to her
  873. >you offered a sympathetic smile
  874. >even if you didn't pay attention you were able to guess what her rant was about
  875. >"A bit for your thoughts?" Rarity asked, your lack of attention to the conversation too obvious to sneak past her
  876. >"I've been just taking in the decor of this place, and I noticed the painting over there," you said, nodding in its general direction
  877. >Rarity turned around to follow your gaze
  878. >"It's a picture of Canterlot, but the castle isn't there, and it made me wonder why."
  879. >Rarity gave the painting a quick look before turning back towards you
  880. >"That's because there was no castle when it was painted. Or rather when the original was, as I doubt this is the real one."
  881. >that made you raise your eyebrow
  882. >"So the original painting is like a thousand years old?" You asked with a hint of disbelief
  883. >"Around that time, yes. I think the original is in the Royal Gallery Archives. It depicts Canterlot at the time of Luna's rebellion, but it's not clear when exactly it was painted. Back then, Canterlot was just another small city barely on the map of Equestria. Only later, after the banishment of Nightmare Moon, had Celestia decided to make Canterlot the new capital, and build a new castle here," Rarity explained, "in fact, you can see the solar eclipse on that painting. That is also why the original painting is so treasured."
  884. >after hearing Rarity's words you immediately noticed the eclipse, feeling a bit embarrassed for missing it at first
  885. >before you managed to say anything, the waiter brought you your order
  886. >you continued the conversation about the history of Canterlot while eating, but Rarity didn't know much more, admitting that Twilight would be the best pony to ask, considering she grew up in Canterlot, and that, well, she's Twilight
  887. >after the meal you shared another toast with Rarity, finishing your glasses and ordering another round
  888. >"But it is lovely here, isn't it dear?" Rarity asked, looking around to breathe in the atmosphere
  889. >"It is very nice here, indeed," you said, before a grin crept on your face, "but then again, I think that might be because of my company."
  890. >Rarity suppressed a chuckle at your not very clever attempt at a flirty compliment
  891. >but her cheeks had flushed a bit anyway
  892. >you decided to blame the wine, which you deemed to be very interesting at the moment, using it as the perfect distraction to stop you from saying anything else
  893. >Rarity nonchalantly played it off
  894. >you continued to talk for roughly the next half hour
  895. >the second glass of wine was soon followed by a third
  896. >Rarity was beginning to act slightly tipsy
  897. >her hooves gesticulated with more passion and her voice started to sound more conspiratory when sharing some latest gossip she had heard
  898. >this continued up until she gigglesnorted at some lame joke you said
  899. >Rarity suddenly realized her current state, hiding her mouth behind her hooves
  900. >you gave her an amused look as she tried to regain her composure
  901. >"Well... I think it's about time we head back to the Boutique," Rarity said, clearing her throat
  902. >you nodded in silent agreement
  903. >a few minutes later, you were both on the way home
  904. >Rarity was walking close to you, sometimes brushing against your leg, but you decided not to question whether for warmth or balance
  905. >eventually you both made it to the upper floor of the Canterlot Carousel, which had a simple bedroom prepared for when Rarity had to stay in Canterlot for longer than a day
  906. >you both cuddled up under the sheets, shared a goodnight kiss
  907. >and then a few more
  908. >eventually the exhaustion claimed you both, however
  909. >so with one hand on Rarity's chest and her back warming your body, you drifted to sleep
  912. ---
  915. >you're watching Rarity work
  916. >she's currently fitting a dress on a poneyquin
  917. >she seems to concentrate on some small details on the dress while simultaneously levitating around her a pincushion, some threads, a needle and some sort of a fabric color palette
  918. >she's basically juggling several items in her magic
  919. >all while humming a familiar melody
  920. >dresshorse is in her zone, and she radiates nonchalant elegance
  921. >it's quite calming to watch
  922. >when she's satisfied with the fixing she did, she moves back to the sewing machine, setting all her things on the table and freeing them from her magical grasp
  923. >"How does it feel doing all the multitasking?" You ask, deciding now is an acceptable time to interrupt
  924. >"Pardon?" Rarity answers, shifting her focus from the fabrics to you, looking at you questioningly through her glasses, but with a warm smile nonetheless
  925. >"I mean, just now you were floating like five different things in the air, using all of them. Do you have to focus on each one, is it hard to do? Is it like doing circles with one hand... or hoof, and squares with the other?"
  926. >Rarity knits her eyebrows at the question, quietly thinking about it
  927. >"Hm, that's difficult to explain to someone who doesn't have magic," Rarity finally says after a while, mulling her words over. "It's not very hard to do it, no. Holding something with my magic is like holding it in my hooves. I have to focus on the movement, but once I hold it, I can leave it there. Does that make sense?"
  928. >"But you're not simply holding all those things, are you? I saw you moving them just now."
  929. >"Well, yes, but it's always just one or two things at a time," Rarity explains, "moving more than that in different patterns requires a lot of coordination and focus. It's usually too much effort, it's easier to carry things manually."
  930. >you nod, thinking
  931. >"Would you mind if we tried it out, like a little experiment?"
  932. >Rarity smiles in agreement
  933. >"Of course, dear. Once I'm finished with this dress, I'm all yours."
  934. >"So, what was it you wanted to try?"
  935. >Rarity finished her work on the dress
  936. >you look up from the book you're reading while lounging on the chaise longue
  937. >she's standing next to you, waiting expectantly
  938. >she's also in the perfect height for you to gently run your hand across her cheek
  939. >Rarity leans into it ever so slightly, letting out a satisfied hum
  940. >"I've thought about it. You said that moving things in different ways is difficult. So, what about, let's say, writing your name with three pencils at once?"
  941. >cupping Rarity's cheek is nice, but keeping your arm extended like that hurts
  942. >so you pull it back and sit up straight, making space for Rarity
  943. >she accepts the unspoken invitation, climbing on the sofa and sitting down
  944. >"That should be easy enough," Rarity answers after a moment
  945. >"Care to try it?" You ask, nodding towards the nearby coffee table
  946. >on it lie the necessary tools you prepared ahead of time
  947. >a small stack of papers and a bunch of pencils
  948. >Rarity starts channeling her magic, picking up one sheet and three pencils and flying them over to her
  949. >lining up all three pencils directly under each other, she starts signing the paper, thrice
  950. >the autographs come out identical, down to the little curl under the "y"
  951. >Rarity smiles with satisfaction
  952. >"See? Since I give all three pencils the same force in the same direction, it's really no trouble at all."
  953. >"Okay, so how about... let's do something basic. A circle, a square and a triangle?"
  954. >Rarity frowns slightly
  955. >"Now that is trickier, but it should still be fairly easy. You know, this reminds me of all the levitation and concentration exercises I was taught as a foal," she says, giggling, "my mother would always make me spin something around while moving something else up and down, with the latter not being allowed to rotate. Usually I practiced with pillows, because, well... accidents happened," she says with a slight wince at the memory
  956. >"Accidents?"
  957. >"Yes, like when you focus on the spinning pillow too much and the other one starts falling, so you hurriedly try to catch it, but accidentally use too much magic, sending it flying away straight into your mother's face... accidents," Rarity explains with a forced smile
  958. >"Uh huh. I think now I can see why the pillows, yes," you answer, suppressing your laugh at the image of young Rarity accidentally smashing her mom in her face
  959. >"Well! Let's get back to drawing shapes, shall we?" Rarity quickly redirects the conversation before you can say anything else
  960. >she arranges the pencils in a horizontal line, and gets to drawing
  961. >since it's just a couple basic movements, she's done immediately
  962. >"So... which one was supposed to be the square?" You ask, the amusement in your voice obvious as you inspect the paper
  963. >on it is an oval and two trapezoids
  964. >"I... wasn't concentrating properly, it seems," Rarity says, her voice pitched higher with embarrassment
  965. >"Guess I'm lucky I didn't ask you to do levitating exercises, hm?" You say teasingly
  966. >Rarity scrunches her snout at that, her eyes burning a hole into the paper, her cheeks blushing lightly
  967. >you laugh shortly, putting an arm over her and pulling her towards you, giving her a kiss on her still reddening cheek, followed with a quick nuzzle
  968. >"Relax, I'm just playing. You can try again, properly this time," you say to the flustered unicorn
  969. >Rarity draws in a deep breath, lines up the pencils again, and closes her eyes
  970. >as she breathes out the air, the pencils start moving
  971. >soon after, Rarity opens her eyes and can't help but let out a tiny squeak at the sight of the three perfect geometric shapes
  972. >"Now that's how it's done!" she exclaims
  973. >you tighten your arm around her a bit, stroking her forelegs, wearing a prideful smile
  974. >your little marshmallow can draw a square
  977. ---
  980. >your sickness is relentless
  981. >this is your third day of being under the weather with no signs of progress
  982. >it leaves you wondering if horse flus are somehow more potent on humans
  983. >even getting up to take a piss is pain as all your joints make themselves known with throbbing ache
  984. >the headache itself isn't helping any
  985. >when Rarity saw you downtrodden like that for the first time, she immediately went to the doctor
  986. >he couldn't really do much more than just shrug
  987. >recommending bed rest and something to bring down your fever, waiting it out, was the only advice he could give
  988. >so that's what you do
  989. >luckily for you, you have the greatest and prettiest nurse in Equestria
  990. >Rarity always made sure you're drinking enough water, taking your medicine on time, that the room is neither too stuffy nor too cold
  991. >you stocked up on books to read to pass the time, but the letters started getting blurry and only make your head hurt even more after a couple hours
  992. >you tried getting some shut eye, which only taught you just how real fever dreams are
  993. >so you're stuck in this limbo where you can't really do anything
  994. >getting up to do any work or god forbid go outside is unacceptable
  995. >as sweet as Rarity is, she's also overprotective, and would probably cure you by murdering you if you dared to stick even a foot out the door
  996. >speaking of, the door to the bedroom starts slowly opening
  997. >behind it, a curious light blue eye peeks at you
  998. >seeing that you're awake, Rarity walks in
  999. >"So, how is my favorite patient doing?" She asks in an uplifting tone
  1000. >"Pretty shi- uh... not really any better," you say, clearing your throat
  1001. >Rarity walks closer to your bed, inspecting you
  1002. >"Oh my. You're still burning up," she says after putting a hoof on your forehead
  1003. >you try to answer, but instead let out only a croak while setting off a coughing fit
  1004. >"Are you sure you still don't want anything for the cough?" Rarity asks, concern written on her face
  1005. >"Rare, darling, it's onions with honey. I don't care if it cured entire generations of ponies. I'll rather take my chances without it."
  1006. >Rarity frowns at this
  1007. >"It's really not as bad as you think, and it always worked marvelously for me. But, since you insist... anything else I can get you?"
  1008. >"Mm, no, thanks. I've been trying to get some sleep, but it's practically impossible. I keep waking up," you say, omitting the nightmares
  1009. >Rarity would probably go as far as finding some sort of a dream catcher if she knew
  1010. >instead, she just smiles for herself a bit, leaning over for a cheek nuzzle
  1011. >"I might have a remedy for that," she says, not explaining any further, as she gives you a light kiss and walks away
  1012. >you're left wondering if she doesn't actually already have a dream catcher stashed somewhere
  1013. >in a few minutes she comes back, with her horn glowing
  1014. >behind her enter a bunch of scented candles, her sleeping mask and an assortment of threads and fabrics
  1015. >she lights up one of the candles, putting it on the bedside table, while levitating the mask to you
  1016. >"Be a dear and put this on, hm?" Rarity requests
  1017. >her voice sounds innocent, but you're still wondering whether you're about to end up in some freaky bondage situation
  1018. >you obey anyway, putting it on and making yourself comfortable
  1019. >Rarity rustles around you for a while, until the noises stop somewhere in front of you
  1020. >you can't help but peek a little
  1021. >Rarity is lying on a couple pillows next to the bed, stitching something together
  1022. >she notices your look, and smiles at you
  1023. >"Try to get some sleep, okay?"
  1024. >you nod, covering your eyes again, breathing in the flowery smell of the candle
  1025. >and soon enough, Rarity starts humming
  1026. >it's a slow, calming melody, possibly a lullaby
  1027. >you can't help but smile as you focus onto that sweet, soft voice
  1028. >it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep
  1029. >you don't remember what you dreamed about, but you didn't wake up in cold sweat this time
  1032. ---
  1035. >you've been out on a quick errand with Rarity
  1036. >she needed to order some supplies, so you decided to go out for lunch as well
  1037. >Rarity took the opportunity to wear her new short dress as well
  1038. >you enjoyed a nice meal together, talking about weekend plans, gossiping a little
  1039. >Rarity was sitting next to you so she could cuddle up
  1040. >when you were done with your food, you decided to feed Rarity her salad
  1041. >childish, but she played along, so you had fun
  1042. >when you were ready to head back home, you realized the weather patrol overdid their midday drizzle
  1043. >it wasn't raining anymore, but you could still see the water slowly flowing down the street
  1044. >Rarity was devastated
  1045. >wearing her brand new design and immediately ruining it by having to go through puddles of mud was too cruel for her
  1046. >so you took the only way out of this predicament
  1047. >without even asking, you bent down, grabbing her chest with both of your arms and lifting her up
  1048. >you suppressed a groan when you realized she's not in fact made of marshmallow
  1049. >Rarity only managed to squeak in surprise, demanding that you put her back down
  1050. >you paid her no mind, instead putting one arm under her hind legs for support while keeping her close to your chest with the other
  1051. >Rarity was visibly flustered, swishing her tail, as you walked out into the street carrying a fabulously dressed adult pony
  1052. >the blush on her face as ponies kept turning their heads told the full story
  1053. >but as you were getting closer to the boutique, Rarity's resolution to be angry started faltering
  1054. >she eventually accepted her fate and leaned under your chin, enjoying the ride
  1055. >when you carefully put her down on the clean floors of the boutique, you managed to get a giggle out of her
  1056. >Rarity gave you a kiss and thanks for saving her dress
  1057. >before she pulled you closer with her magic grabbing the collar of your shirt, warning you to never do that again
  1058. >you could see the corners of her lips strained, trying to be serious
  1059. >but you knew her true feelings
  1062. ---
  1065. >it's another cozy evening in Ponyville
  1066. >the sun has already set, you're enjoying the warmth of your home with your filled coffee mug, looking out the window to watch the snow fall
  1067. >Rarity is in the bathroom having a shower
  1068. >you enjoy the light sounds of her singing that passes through the doors
  1069. >eventually the water stops, and after a few more minutes Rarity finally leaves the bathroom to join you
  1070. >you move away from the window and make yourself comfortable on the couch
  1071. >"Nothing like a hot shower to ease all the tense muscles, don't you think?" Rarity says with a relaxed sigh, walking towards you
  1072. >"I can think of a few better ways," you answer while cracking your knuckles
  1073. >Rarity lets out a soft hum
  1074. >"Would you care to demonstrate, dear?"
  1075. >she climbs up and sits down on her hooves, facing away from you
  1076. >you scoot a little closer and start running your hand along the back of her head
  1077. >as you begin gently scratching her coat as well, Rarity starts to visibly relax, seemingly sinking into the couch a bit
  1078. >you can smell the lavender scent from her mane, which is still slightly wet and flows freely down without any of the usual curls
  1079. >Rarity turns her head down a bit to give you better access as you focus on her neck
  1080. >"Everytime I spend the whole day sewing, my neck locks up," she complains, "it gets so stiff it starts hurting when I turn my head. I've tried to do exercises to prevent this, but I always forget until it's too late once I get in the zone."
  1081. >her speech is occasionally interrupted with soft groans when you dig into her muscles a bit more
  1082. >you decide to turn it up a notch
  1083. >holding her still with your palms just above her forelegs, you start working your thumbs into her muscles
  1084. >switching between simple downward movements along her crest and small circular motions
  1085. >Rarity voices her satisfaction with a husky purr
  1086. >she guides your fingers further with more groans and hums, leaning against one or the other hand to signify where she wants your attention next
  1087. >you keep at it for a minute or two until her neck doesn't feel as stiff anymore
  1088. >then you move on to her shoulders, mostly only softly pushing your fingers together and moving them down to her elbows
  1089. >"Hold on, let me just..." Rarity interrupts as she suddenly gets up
  1090. >you let her readjust herself, stroking her back along her spine all the way to her tail
  1091. >she shivers slightly at that, before lying down again, but this time on her back
  1092. >it's a bit clumsy in the limited space, but she manages to pull it off and still look graceful anyway
  1093. >then she smiles, stretching one foreleg towards you
  1094. >"Please, do proceed," she politely orders you
  1095. >you smile back, slightly nervous
  1096. >necks you understand, but pony forelimbs are a bit more complicated
  1097. >you'll have to wing it and learn on the fly
  1098. >you grab her hoof in one hand as you slowly start to rub the other against the muscles on her forearm
  1099. >this doesn't seem to elicit any response from Rarity, so you move your hand closer to her hoof
  1100. >only when you get to the hoof itself does she let out a happy noise as she rests her head on the sofa and closes her eyes
  1101. >hoof massage it is
  1102. >you keep supporting her hoof in one hand while gently rubbing the sole with two fingers from the other
  1103. >you're not aware of any pressure points or sensitive spots, so you take it slowly and carefully
  1104. >sometimes you scratch the tip of her hoof as well just to switch things up
  1105. >Rarity seems to be zoning out, so you're doing something right at least
  1106. >after a minute, she pulls her leg closer to her body, softly bopping you with the other instead
  1107. >you skip all the fore(leg)play and focus on the hoof straight away
  1108. >repeating the movements until Rarity is satisfied
  1109. >she stretches her legs a bit, releasing a sigh that turns halfway into a yawn
  1110. >"You've been absolutely marvelous darling," she says with a smile, her eyes still closed. "Come closer. You deserve a kiss for your services."
  1111. >you obey, leaning down to meet her pursed lips
  1112. >Rarity giggles after you give her your well earned kiss, too comfortable and tired to do anything else
  1113. >you smile to yourself at the sight
  1114. >grabbing your mug, you lean into the sofa
  1115. >you take a sip of your coffee, grimacing when you realize it's barely lukewarm now
  1116. >you aim your displeased frown at the unicorn responsible for this, but it quickly fades away when you take in her sight
  1117. >her mane and tail still flowing down in strands, swirling on the floor while her legs are folded against her belly
  1118. >she's going to have a serious case of bed hair if she plans to stay like this
  1119. >you wonder how she can even be comfortable like this
  1122. ---
  1125. >it's late afternoon and you're getting back home
  1126. >the sun has already set due to the shorter winter days
  1127. >as you enter the Boutique, you hear Rarity frantically galloping upstairs, as the stomping sound of her hooves resonates throughout the ground floor
  1128. >you wonder if there's some emergency
  1129. >you pick up the distinct sound of furniture being moved around
  1130. >at first you guessed at Rarity being overly dramatic
  1131. >again
  1132. >but then you'd also hear her cry, whine and wail
  1133. >the more you think it over the more suspicious it seems
  1134. >you move towards the stairs, wanting to see what the ruckus is about
  1135. >"Rarity, I'm home!" You announce yourself, to make sure you don't accidentally scare her and make things worse
  1136. >the first response you get is a loud crashing noise, which makes you rush up the stairs
  1137. >"I'll be down there in a moment, dear!" Rarity shouts out, thinking you're still somewhere downstairs
  1138. >you see her quickly exiting the bedroom, squeaking in surprise when she sees you climbing the stairs
  1139. >she hastily shuts the door close and stands next to it, slightly out of breath, her pupils half the usual size
  1140. >"Darling! You're home already!" She exclaims, trying to regain composure after realizing how stressed she looks
  1141. >"Yeah. Yeah I am. Mind telling me what is happening in there?" You ask, pointing at the door Rarity is guarding.
  1142. >"Nothing! I was... uh..." Rarity stares at the ceiling, very obviously trying to find an excuse, "I couldn't find a gem for a dress and I wanted to check if it's not under the bed, haha!"
  1143. >she forces a smile, while you only raise an eyebrow
  1144. >Rarity always keeps her gems organized in chests and cases, and she has them all counted
  1145. >there's exactly zero percent chance that a gem would somehow stumble under your bed
  1146. >"Why don't you go prepare some tea, so you can tell me all about your day? I'll just, uh, put everything in order and join you down there in a minute," Rarity not-so-subtly suggests, her fake grin widening an extra inch
  1147. >this is bullshit, and you think Rarity knows that you know that
  1148. >she appears resolute, and though you could simply barge into the room, you don't feel like picking a fight
  1149. >after a moment of silence, you shrug and go back downstairs, leaving Rarity to do whatever it is she was doing
  1150. >you'll ask her later what it was all about
  1151. >Rarity quickly runs into your bedroom again, and from the kitchen you can still faintly hear the stomping accompanied by a wide range of other noises
  1152. >after a couple minutes it gets quiet, and soon enough Rarity joins you for tea
  1153. >you obviously inquire about what you witnessed five minutes ago, but Rarity keeps dodging the question, telling you that you'll find out soon enough
  1154. >she manages to steer the conversation into small talk
  1155. >she's really good at doing that
  1156. >when you've retold the events of the day to each other, Rarity stands up from the kitchen table, looking back at you
  1157. >"Well? Are you not curious anymore?"
  1158. >truthfully, for a while you completely forgot about the bedroom fiasco
  1159. >right now you're more put off by Rarity's sultry tone and her teasingly swishing tail
  1160. >"Yeah, of course I am. Now more than ever," you answer after you recover from your bewilderment
  1161. >Rarity only giggles as you get up and start following her
  1162. >you can't help but stare a little at her hips swaying as she goes up the stairs
  1163. >she's putting extra effort into it, which leaves you confused, but undeniably also excited
  1164. >as you approach the bedroom door, Rarity gives you one last half-lidded look, with a lip bite to seal the deal, and then opens the door
  1165. >immediately the smell of scented candles hits you
  1166. >the drapes are covering the window, and instead all the light comes from at least a dozen candles across the room
  1167. >there are new silk sheets on the bed, lightly sprinkled with rose petals
  1168. >you walk in, taking in the sight
  1169. >there's a mirror above the bed now, that's new
  1170. >you turn around to say something to Rarity, though you're not yet sure what
  1171. >but as you look towards the door, you realize Rarity is already standing next to you
  1172. >reared up
  1173. >she lays her weight into you, effectively pouncing you onto the bed
  1174. >this sends a few petals flying into the air and off the bed
  1175. >she keeps your chest pinned with her body, leaning into a deep kiss while closing the door with her magic
  1176. >you run your hand through her mane, pushing her head closer
  1177. >it takes a couple seconds until you break away again
  1178. >"I guess now I know what all the noise was. Why, though?" You can't help but ask, despite the fear of ruining the moment
  1179. >"Do I really need a profound reason why? I just wanted to enjoy a nice night together. To give you a fun night to remember," Rarity smiles, following up with another kiss
  1180. >you're okay with that
  1181. >something tells you that you'll definitely remember this night for quite some time
  1184. ---
  1187. >you're sitting outside the Ponyville Café, enjoying a large espresso
  1188. >alone
  1189. >Rarity was supposed to meet you here about 15 minutes ago, right after she stopped by Twilight to return some book that was overdue
  1190. >judging by her absence, it probably didn't go well
  1191. >just as you're thinking about finishing your coffee and going to the castle, you spot Rarity trotting towards you from across the street
  1192. >she looks disgruntled, but still gives you a warm smile as she's approaching your table
  1193. >"Terribly sorry for being late, darling."
  1194. >you stand up and crouch slightly to give Rarity a quick kiss, which she exaggerates with a loud mwah
  1195. >then she gets to her side of the table and hops on the stool, glancing around and gently nodding at the waiter
  1196. >"Twilight held you up?" You ask, albeit unnecessarily, because Rarity was about to rant anyways
  1197. >"Ugh, honestly! One would imagine she would be busier now as a princess to pester ponies about returning books. It was only a week late! I gave it to her, apologized, and she was all 'Don't worry Rarity, of course I won't give you a fine! By the way, would you like to hear about the new sorting system I'm working on for the library?', and how could I say no?" She says with light irritation in her tone, stopping to grumble for a while as the waiter got to your table
  1198. >she orders her usual latte with cinnamon, waits for the waiter to leave while aggressively scrunching and then draws a second breath
  1199. >you're just in for the ride, not saying anything
  1200. >"I miss when Twilight was socially clueless sometimes. She had me cornered, and so I had to listen to how her new ordering works and how it might make finding books whole five percent faster and so on for half an hour. She knew very well what she was doing. I would have rather paid the two bit fine," she sighs, finally starting to wind down
  1201. >the schadenfreude overwhelms you and you can't help but laugh
  1202. >"Enjoying laughing at my suffering, dear?" Rarity asks in a playfully offended tone, flicking her mane, "maybe next time I should send you instead, so you can hear about lovely Twilight's opinion on the proper temperature for a library, among other things."
  1203. >you put your hands up in defense
  1204. >"Hey, it wasn't me who borrowed the book in the first place. I always return mine on time," you retort with a smirk
  1205. >"Yes, well, sometimes a relationship isn't only about sharing all the nice things. Actually, I'm sure Twilight has an entry on that in her Friendship Journal. Perhaps you could pay her a visit right now and ask, while she's still in a talkative mood," Rarity teases back, before the waiter interrupts once again, bringing Rarity her coffee
  1206. >"Ooh, thank you," she says with a gentle smile, levitating the cup closer
  1207. >"I'm fine, thanks, I'll take your word for it," is all you say, out of witty replies
  1208. >"Mm, of course," Rarity replies in a sarcastic tone
  1209. >she then takes a sip of her latte, savoring the taste for a while before continuing
  1210. >"Anyway, I've ran into Pinkie on the way to-" she cuts herself short, her eyes focusing on the milk foam on her snout, her lips still stuck in their slightly pursed position
  1211. >she reaches with her magic for a napkin to wipe it off, but you take the opportunity to reach out with your arm, smoothly wiping the foam from her snout with your finger
  1212. >Rarity recoils a little in surprise, following your finger as you lick it clean
  1213. >you see her look in confusion as she can't decide whether to act upset at this indignant act or laugh it off
  1214. >she goes with hiding her snout behind the napkin to clean the rest off
  1215. >you think you can see hints of a smile, though
  1216. >and maybe you're just imagining it, but a light blush as well
  1217. >this was stupid, but you managed to throw her off and make her forget what she was trying to say
  1218. >that has to count for something, right?
  1221. ---
  1224. >you just got home from your afternoon stroll
  1225. >you haven't returned empty-handed, carrying a small bag with five apples in it
  1226. >well, only four now, as you started eating one on the way to the boutique
  1227. >after you ran into Applejack at the market, you've been persuaded that a couple apples would make for a great snack
  1228. >she was right, the apples were pretty sweet
  1229. >you pop your head into the living room, seeing Rarity lounging on a sofa, drawing something into her sketchbook
  1230. >"Hey, Rarity, catch!" you say instead of a greeting, biting into the apple and with your now free hand grabbing another one from the bag
  1231. >Rarity turns her head, looking at you questioningly
  1232. >you lob the apple slowly towards her, and she envelopes it in her magic mid-air, slowing it and levitating it closer
  1233. >"Thank you, dear. I must admit I was getting kind of peckish," she says, floating the apple next to her head so it can undergo a rigorous inspection
  1234. >"You're welcome. Applejack says hi," you say, taking another bite out of the apple, "she, uh, convinced me to take a few. Probably had a slow day."
  1235. >Rarity smiled at that, lightly stepping off the sofa, heading towards the kitchen
  1236. >"That always happens after cider season. Everypony gets tired of apples for the following week or two," she explains, brushing her coat against you as she passes you
  1237. >"Mmhm," is all you say, not wanting to talk with a full mouth
  1238. >until a thought strikes you
  1239. >"Wait, where are you going with that?" You ask, turning around to see Rarity turn the faucet on, rinsing the apple in the water
  1240. >"Whatever do you mean?" Rarity asks back, puzzled, "I only want to eat this lovely apple you just gave me."
  1241. >after the apple is judged to be clean enough, Rarity grabs a kitchen knife in her magic, slicing the apple into quarters
  1242. >"Yeah, so just eat it. It's an apple, it doesn't grow underground like a carrot. You pick it from a tree and you eat it, that's all."
  1243. >"I will generously glance over your suggestion to eat dirty apples," Rarity says gracefully, her accent very careful, patient smile on her face, "but what about the core?"
  1244. >you're fully aware where this is going
  1245. >you know it's unnecessary
  1246. >but you decide to continue anyway
  1247. >as Rarity carves precise curves into the quartered apple to get rid of the core and its seeds, you patiently wait for her to look back at you
  1248. >when she does, you maintain eye contact and assertively take another bite out of your dirty apple, chewing exaggeratedly
  1249. >Rarity doesn't budge either, sporting an amused smirk
  1250. >you swallow the bite down after a few seconds
  1251. >"You can eat the apple whole, you know. Or just eat around the core, if you so desire."
  1252. >"The core is not tasty, and honestly, do you expect me to nibble around it? That would stain my coat, and apple juice is sticky!" she retorts, levitating one slice of the apple to her mouth, taking a gentle bite, still keeping eye contact with a determined stare
  1253. >"And besides, you don't eat oranges whole either, you peel them and eat individual slices," she adds before eating another bit of the apple slice
  1254. >"You're literally comparing apples to oranges right now! Apples are apples, Rarity, and you eat them whole! Applejack eats them whole, and she's the biggest expert on apples possibly in all of Equestria!"
  1255. >you don't want to really eat the core, because you don't enjoy the taste, but now you have a point to prove
  1256. >"I mean no disrespect to sweet Applejack, but she can be a bit... uncouth in her ways, sometimes. But just because others are, doesn't mean I have to lower my standards," she says, finishing the second slice and grabbing another from the kitchen countertop
  1257. >you somehow managed to get yourself in this apple standoff
  1258. >you're not even sure how or why, but it's a thing now
  1259. >as you start working on the core from the bottom, you immediately regret the decisions that got you here
  1260. >neither of you moves, looking each other in the eyes
  1261. >at least you can get lost in those and forget the taste
  1262. >you try to hold back from grimacing after each bite
  1263. >Rarity has no problems finishing her apple, discarding the sliced off core into the trash bin
  1264. >she's still watching you, except now the smirk has grown into a full shit-eating grin as she watches you struggle
  1265. >"What's the matter, dear? I thought you enjoyed eating apples whole?"
  1266. >you finally get to work on the last bite
  1267. >at this point you're getting numb to the taste
  1268. >you swallow and concede defeat, walking towards the sink to wash the unpleasant taste out
  1269. >"Let me remind you that you started this," Rarity smugly adds, "perhaps now you'll understand."
  1270. >you grumble for yourself, stepping away from the sink and picking up the smug pony
  1271. >you crane your neck to give her a noseboop, followed by a kiss
  1272. >that wipes the smug smirk off her face
  1273. >you can still taste the sweet apple from her lips as you carry her back to the living room
  1274. >she won this one, whatever 'this one' was about
  1275. >and winners get ear scratches
  1278. ---
  1281. >"Wake up, dearest!"
  1282. >what is this sweet, soft voice interrupting your sleep
  1283. >it's surely way too early to wake up
  1284. >you groan in disapproval, turning to lie on your side, away from the sing-song voice
  1285. >the voice giggles at that, and the sound of hoofsteps carries it closer to the side of your bed
  1286. >"Come on, sleepyhead. Breakfast is ready!"
  1287. >the voice relentlessly continues
  1288. >so you turn back again, opening your eyes
  1289. >and there stands Rarity
  1290. >her forelegs resting on the mattress
  1291. >her mouth in a faint smile, her head tilted down slightly to make her beautiful blue eyes stand out more
  1292. >you stare deeply into her eyes, enjoying the cute and somewhat coy look Rarity is giving you
  1293. >"Five more minutes?" you ask, booping Rarity on the nose
  1294. >she's so determined she doesn't even scrunch up a little, shaking her head instead
  1295. >the snooze button didn't work
  1296. >"You've already had more than that. Now come on, before it gets cold!"
  1297. >with those words, she trots away again, presumably into the kitchen
  1298. >you vaguely recall visions of Rarity waking you up when she got up
  1299. >considering Rarity's morning routine, that must have been at least half an hour ago
  1300. >oh well, it can't be helped then
  1301. >you stretch with a yawn, finally getting out of the bed and heading into the bathroom to make yourself presentable
  1302. >a few minutes later, you join Rarity for breakfast
  1303. >she's already waiting at the table, which she also set
  1304. >the scent of cinnamon already hints at what you're about to eat, and looking at the table confirms your suspicions
  1305. >Rarity likes a healthy breakfast for herself, so you're having oatmeal, with cinnamon and an assortment of fresh fruits
  1306. >and while it's good to start the day, you wouldn't mind having pancakes again sometime soon
  1307. >but that means getting up before Rarity to make the breakfast yourself, and that hasn't happened for quite a while
  1308. >maybe when she starts working late into the night again
  1311. ---
  1314. >it's been a lazy day
  1315. >Rarity tended to the shop through most of it, taking a few orders for custom dresses, fitting another one for a customer
  1316. >no weird events, no disasters, no surprises
  1317. >just a completely regular Wednesday
  1318. >a lunch break at noon, cleaning up at three o'clock, closing the shop shortly afterwards
  1319. >you joined her for her errand run around Ponyville
  1320. >buy some food, toiletries, see if anything interesting is on the market
  1321. >drop by the Corner for a muffin, small talk with familiar ponies
  1322. >take the longer route through the park back home
  1323. >get into an innocent argument about your refusal to do pony yoga
  1324. >it just doesn't work on a human body, Rarity
  1325. >get home, make some tea
  1326. >relax on the couch
  1327. >let Rarity cuddle with you
  1328. >pretend to not notice how she's angling herself for scratches
  1329. >talk about any topic that comes up
  1330. >or simply enjoy the comfortable silence
  1331. >get up eventually even if neither of you want to, because you still have to eat something
  1332. >have dinner
  1333. >offer to clean the dishes and let Rarity to her creative work
  1334. >check up on her before bedtime
  1335. >talk her out of doing just one more of whatever she's currently working on
  1336. >wait until Rarity joins you in your bed
  1337. >hug her closely to you, ruffling her coat as you caress her chest
  1338. >enjoy the sounds of her faux-protest that turns into laughter
  1339. >gently move the hair out of her face to give her a goodnight kiss
  1340. >let her magic turn off the lights
  1341. >keep spooning her
  1342. >let Rarity clutch your arm in her hooves as her soft snoring fills the room
  1343. >just a completely regular Wednesday
  1346. ---
  1349. >the Gala is coming up in a few months, and the nobles are looking for dresses following the latest fashion trends
  1350. >nothing is older than yesterday's fashion, and the Canterlot snobs are in all honesty a giant circlejerk
  1351. >you didn't explain what that meant to Rarity, because she's too pure
  1352. >nonetheless, Rarity now has a big enough renomé that ponies are specifically asking for her designs
  1353. >which means she's under a heavy workload and quite a lot of stress
  1354. >she can get a bit snappy when frustrated, so your job is to make sure everything is running smoothly with minimal interruptions
  1355. >that one time she barked at you when you brought her coffee but didn't put a coaster under the cup
  1356. >she immediately started apologizing
  1357. >you pulled her into a hug, letting her vent while she rested her head on your shoulder
  1358. >she was tripping over her words, telling you that she didn't mean to
  1359. >and you just slowly caressed her, reassuring her that you understand
  1360. >Rarity kept repeating that she's sorry, and how all the stress keeps building in her with no way out
  1361. >she broke down and started crying
  1362. >so you let her get it all out while consoling her
  1363. >she complained about the orders, and how demanding and sometimes almost impossible some of the specifications are
  1364. >until she went full circle back to her recent outburst
  1365. >at that point you pulled away slightly, only to pull her closer in and silence her in a surefire way, with a kiss
  1366. >reminding her again that it's okay, you wiped the tears from her face
  1367. >you held her head in your hands, leaving her no choice but to look at you, as you told her that you're positive that things will work out fine
  1368. >and that you believe that if there's a single pony who can handle this, it's her
  1369. >you gave Rarity your best reassuring smile and saw her calm down slightly
  1370. >she smiled back after a short while, pulling you back into a quick hug with a word of thanks
  1371. >now that Rarity vented her stress, she was ready to tackle her work again
  1372. >your job was done
  1375. ---
  1378. >you don't know when exactly Rarity went to bed
  1379. >but when you woke up with the morning light, your marshmallow was holding your arm between her hooves
  1380. >you looked her over, carefully sliding your arm from her grasp
  1381. >Rarity made a dissatisfied noise at that, reaching out with her legs, trying to find your warmth again
  1382. >she tangled herself in the covers instead, still fast asleep
  1383. >you couldn't help but notice that her mane was still unkempt, which means she went straight to bed without grooming herself
  1384. >and Rarity going to bed frazzled basically signifies a crisis
  1385. >not much you can do, however
  1386. >you can be her emotional support, but as for the actual work, Rarity handling everything on her own with her magic is much faster than communicating orders to let you do them
  1387. >so you need to be the best emotional support you can
  1388. >starting with breakfast
  1389. >and since this is an emergency, Rarity's diet has to take a break
  1390. >better now than if she doesn't succeed and binges on several tubs of ice cream
  1391. >judging by how knocked out cold Rarity was, you should have enough time to make some pancakes
  1392. >you make sure that you have all the ingredients
  1393. >running low on milk, but luckily enough for you, you also found some left over raspberries and blueberries in the pantry
  1394. >so you start working on the batter, not wasting any time
  1395. >roughly 20 minutes later you have two stacks of pancakes ready, along with some coffee
  1396. >Rarity is more of a tea pony, but nothing beats coffee when you need a kick start
  1397. >you head back to the bedroom to wake her up
  1398. >but as you open the door, you almost feel like reconsidering
  1399. >Rarity is curled up under the sheets in the middle of the bed
  1400. >it looks like she shifted there, trying to find you
  1401. >still you sit down at the edge of the bed, pulling the sheets off her slowly
  1402. >you take one of her hooves in your hands, whispering that it's time to wake up
  1403. >Rarity opens her eyes, forces a smile that quickly transforms into a yawn as she stretches her legs
  1404. >you mention that you also made breakfast as she's climbing out of the bed
  1405. >she mutters a thanks, still half asleep, so you let her excuse herself to the bathroom and head back to the kitchen
  1406. >Rarity joins you only a few minutes later, looking much more presentable
  1407. >her mane is not perfect but at least it's curled as usual
  1408. >as she sits down by the table, she sighs that all this fat will go straight to her thighs before taking a sip of her coffee, grimacing at the taste
  1409. >she's snarky, which is good, that means she's feeling better
  1410. >you decide not to push your luck by saying that you wouldn't mind, reminding her that she's going to need the energy instead
  1411. >she grows visibly more tired after recalling all the work she still has to do
  1412. >that wasn't your intent, shit
  1413. >you cut the conversation short by digging into your pancakes
  1414. >Rarity takes a bite as well, and her eyes get some of that sparkle back at the sweet taste
  1415. >when you're done with your meal, Rarity is already wearing her natural soft smile
  1416. >she finishes her coffee while you're washing up the plates
  1417. >levitating the mug towards the sink, she rubs her body against your side, thanking you for a lovely breakfast
  1418. >you can hear that slightly tired, yet sincere contentment in her voice
  1419. >you take the chance, kneeling down and giving her a short kiss, stroking her neck with your hand
  1420. >Rarity coos softly, and you let her get back to whatever she's planning to work on next
  1421. >you'll check on her during lunchtime, to remind her that she has to eat something and to catch up
  1422. >but for now, she'll be fine
  1425. ---
  1428. >Rarity went out on a little get together with the girls
  1429. >she told you she'd come back around sunset to join you for dinner and probably bring something sweet for dessert from Pinkie, too
  1430. >since it's already around five, you decide to wait the remaining hour
  1431. >you pick up one of the fashion magazines Rarity keeps in her boutique and make yourself comfortable on the couch
  1432. >Rarity has those magazines delivered mostly to have something for a waiting customer, and to show that she's well informed about the latest fashion news
  1433. >she usually doesn't read them thoroughly, because she gets most of her information from gossip faster than they can print it
  1434. >you use this to your advantage, reading up on various things and surprising Rarity with random trivia
  1435. >even if the trick is old and she's rarely impressed anymore, it still makes her happy that you show interest in things she's passionate about
  1436. >like few days ago, when you nonchalantly gave her some polka dot facts
  1437. >she let out a soft hum and went straight to guessing which magazine you read it in
  1438. >but she still had that subtle, relaxed smile on her face
  1439. >it's the smile she reserves for company she feels comfortable around
  1440. >the ones around which she doesn't have to worry about masks, etiquette and charades
  1441. >and it serves as a reminder to how close you are
  1442. >so you keep reading the magazines
  1443. >and you also keep snippets of articles about her, or the whole issues when she's on the cover, despite Rarity's protests
  1444. >they're memories, mapping Rarity's journey, but also kind of like trophies, too
  1445. >whenever she receives accolades for her boutiques, fashion show appearances, you keep some of the gossip too
  1446. >they're made from paper instead of metal, and you keep them in a drawer instead of the mantle where the actual trophies are, but in an industry based more on reputation and status rather than pure skill, you find them just as significant
  1447. >one day you'll maybe even laugh together at those rumors of Rarity eloping with Fashion Plate
  1450. ---
  1453. >you register a distinct voice talking to you
  1454. >you open your eyes to look towards the source, but you're met with darkness
  1455. >it takes you a while to figure out what's going on
  1456. >you must've fallen asleep on the couch
  1457. >judging from how your neck hurts, probably not in the best position
  1458. >as you sit up, the Cosmare magazine slides off you and falls on the floor
  1459. >oh yeah, you've been waiting for Rarity
  1460. >you stretch your sore muscles with a yawn
  1461. >Rarity apparently heard you, as the hoofsteps draw closer
  1462. >she flicks the lights on, the brightness blinding your still disoriented self
  1463. >Rarity trots towards you, apologizing profusely
  1464. >she puts an affectionate hoof on your leg
  1465. >you reciprocate with petting her head while your eyes adjust and your headache fades away
  1466. >Rarity has a questioning look on her face, but you start explaining why you were on the couch before she even has the chance to ask
  1467. >she picks up the magazine and puts it on the coffee table while listening
  1468. >she giggles softly at your intention, before apologizing again and telling you about what she's been up to with the girls
  1469. >and how it almost turned into an impromptu sleepover at the castle
  1470. >as Rarity goes on, she climbs up to lean against you, so you wrap an arm around her, silently enjoying her soothing voice
  1471. >you try to stifle a yawn, unsuccessfully
  1472. >Rarity pauses to yawn as well, since it has apparently been a long and eventful day for her
  1473. >so you cut the comfy storytelling short, deciding to continue it in the bedroom
  1474. >after a few minutes, you're lying together
  1475. >but you didn't even have a chance to properly wake up and Rarity is visibly tired as well
  1476. >instead of more talking, you give Rarity a goodnight kiss and let her snuggle her back into your chest
  1477. >you once again put an arm over her body, just under the forelegs, while she makes herself comfortable
  1478. >all that is left is for you to readjust your head so her mane doesn't tickle you
  1479. >then both of you swiftly drift off to sleep
  1482. ---
  1485. >Rarity looks up at you as you're walking through the boutique
  1486. >she hops off her stool, slowly walking towards you
  1487. >she doesn't say anything, waiting for you to give her attention
  1488. >you eventually look back down at her, stopping and raising an eyebrow
  1489. >her eyes are sparkling with excitement, and she's grinning
  1490. >she remains quiet, waiting for you to ask first
  1491. >you steel yourself
  1492. >Rarity's being silly on purpose, so this is going to be something stupid
  1493. >"...yes?"
  1494. >she just giggles and walks around you in circles, gently rubbing her body against yours
  1495. >"What's this about, Rare?"
  1496. >"Nothing, my dear!" Rarity answers in a very amused tone
  1497. >she stops with the weird spinning cuddle, leaning against your side, still looking up into your eyes
  1498. >not that you don't enjoy the company, but you'd really rather cut to the point
  1499. >Rarity speaks up before you can ask again
  1500. >"Let's do something fun!"
  1501. >there we go, her plan is unraveling
  1502. >you bite
  1503. >"What do you have in mind?"
  1504. >Rarity prances in place at the question
  1505. >"Ooh, I don't know! Let's go outside and have a picnic!"
  1506. >you smile and scratch the back of her head to calm her down a little
  1507. >"Isn't it a bit too cold for that? There's still some snow outside left from yesterday," you say
  1508. >you can't deny the enthusiasm isn't rubbing off on you, but you've got your limits
  1509. >Rarity doesn't skip a beat
  1510. >"That's okay! We'll grab a coffee and drink it outside. That almost counts as a picnic!"
  1511. >you don't mind doing that, but this still feels shady
  1512. >orchestrated, as if Rarity planned to do that all along
  1513. >she has to be scheming something
  1514. >"Sure, we can do that. But what has gotten into you?"
  1515. >"I'm fine, my dear! I just have all this built up energy, and I need to do something to let it out," Rarity answers casually, still wearing the excited grin
  1516. >either there really is nothing to it, or she's not telling
  1517. >you decide to roll with it, grabbing your coat while Rarity wraps a scarf around her neck before you both step out into the cold
  1518. >and so you both went to grab a coffee
  1519. >Rarity was practically galloping half the time, the other half she at least had a spring in her gait
  1520. >seeing her being in such high spirits made you happy as well
  1521. >but even as you briskly walked to match Rarity's pace, you wondered what was behind all this
  1522. >it didn't take you long to get to the café and pick up your cups of coffee
  1523. >you let Rarity lead you to wherever she wanted to go
  1524. >Rarity set her sights at a fairly secluded bench where you wouldn't be interrupted
  1525. >both of you sat down, and Rarity leaned into your left side
  1526. >you sipped at your coffee, looking around awkwardly
  1527. >you still didn't understand the purpose
  1528. >"It's nice out here, isn't it? Surprisingly quiet for this time of the day," Rarity said when she noticed how you're taking in the sights
  1529. >her tone was lacking some of that previous enthusiasm, as she similarly looked around, enjoying her coffee
  1530. >"It is. A bit too chilly for my taste," you say, before finally asking. "So, why are we here, Rarity?"
  1531. >"Does there have to be a reason?" She asks back, speaking more to the air around then directly at you
  1532. >"I, uh..."
  1533. >you didn't expect that answer
  1534. >"Well, no?" You say, still dumbfounded
  1535. >"I'm sorry. It's just that, lately we do everything for a reason. When have we done something just because, spontaneously, to enjoy each other's company and nothing else?"
  1536. >you see
  1537. >"I see."
  1538. >you hug Rarity with your arm while in thought
  1539. >"So I wanted us to spend time together without an ulterior motive, for once," she explains
  1540. >Rarity's right, lately you'd always see her only when one of you needed help, or just needed something
  1541. >you don't have anything to add
  1542. >so you take another sip of coffee and caress Rarity's chest below her scarf
  1543. >Rarity silently smiles and closes her eyes
  1544. >you sit there for a while, enjoying the physical contact
  1545. >when you're both done with your coffees, you get up and head home, promising each other to spend more time together simply because you can
  1548. ---
  1551. >it's early morning
  1552. >both of you are up, Rarity is getting ready to open the boutique
  1553. >you picked some mail from the mailpony that went by
  1554. >you sort out and discard all the fliers, being left with a letter from Manehattan
  1555. >you take it to the salesroom, where Rarity is dressing up a poneyquin with her latest creation
  1556. >"Hey Rara, you've got a letter from Coco. It's sent from the boutique address, probably business," you say, extending your arm so Rarity can easily grab the letter from your hand with her magic
  1557. >she floats it over to herself, squints at the address, and grabs her glasses from a nearby counter while opening the letter
  1558. >she unfolds the letter, places the glasses on her snout and reads in silence
  1559. >you just stand there, looking around, trying to not feel awkward
  1560. >"Yes, it's mostly just business. The boutique is doing rather well. However, Coco also asks when we are going to visit again," Rarity says, pausing for a while to think about when was the last time she went to Manehattan
  1561. >"I suppose it is time to check on the boutique again. I could also refresh the inventory with pieces from my latest line."
  1562. >Rarity hums, a smile creeping on her face as she's already making plans
  1563. >"And of course, I also need to catch up with Coco and the Manehattan gossip. What do you say about a weekend in Manehattan?"
  1564. >you're about to agree, but before you draw in a breath, Rarity continues
  1565. >"We can take the train on Thursday. I will deal with restocking the boutique on Friday, chat with Coco, and have Saturday and Sunday just for the two of us! Sounds great, non?"
  1566. >"Sure, that seems fun. I could use a few days outside of Ponyville," you manage to get a word in
  1567. >"Then it's settled. I'll write to Coco right away," Rarity delightedly says as she's already cantering off to her work room
  1568. >in a few minutes, she comes out with a second letter in her grasp, and you watch it slowly float to you
  1569. >"Would you be a dear and drop it off at the post office, sweetheart?"
  1570. >can't say no to that

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