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/love/ The Color of Obsession (Part 3) by SCHWARTZANIGGER

By Guest
Created: 2023-09-25 17:11:44
Expiry: Never

  1. "The empire is absolutely gorgeous."
  2. >You do a quick spin taking it all in with a somewhat joyful grin.
  3. >Cadence giggles at your display.
  4. >"I knew you would like it Anonymous. Could you see yourself living here?"
  5. "Huh?"
  6. >She stutters a bit.
  7. >"I-I said could you see yourself visiting here again?"
  8. >Was that seriously what she said?
  9. >Not wanting to "stir the pot", you disregard the first question, rubbing the back of your head.
  10. "Well, sure. It's a pretty nice place. Things are a little down right now, but I bet when it really gets going, it's amazing."
  11. >"It is! We even hosted the Equestrian Games once!"
  12. "I-I don't know what that is.."
  13. >She smiles.
  14. >"It's like a series of sporting events for representatives from all over Equestria. Shining was the..."
  15. >She starts to tear up again, as you walk.
  16. "H-hey! So how about that bakery you love so much!"
  17. >She looks up at you with a weak smile.
  18. >"Okay..Let me show you."
  19. >Crisis averted.
  20. >You talk about things like the crystal heart faire, and how Spike saved the empire.
  21. >Little Spike saving an entire kingdom. You could hardly believe it.
  22. >You both get a few greetings from passing ponies--well Cadence was greeted by passing Glass Ponies that is. You just got funny looks, and a wide berth.
  23. >It's not like you can eat a crystal pony or something. Jesus!
  24. >Soon enough a colorful building came into view.
  25. >"Sweet tooth Bakery". Where all your Sweet dreams come true.
  26. "That's laying it on a bit thick, don't you think?"
  27. >"That's why I love it! Their cakes are out of this world! Like a dream~Isn't it romantic?"
  28. >She makes butterfly kisses at you.
  29. "A-aha ha..?"
  30. >She trots forward, and opens the door for you.
  31. >"Strapping stallions first."
  32. "Still not a pony Cadence."
  33. >She giggles, her eyes giving off this dead expression, despite her smile.
  34. >You're getting a bad feeling again.
  35. >You head into the Bakery, relishing the vibrant aromas of baking bread, and pastries galore.
  36. >The inside looks empty of all life besides Cakes, and Pies on display.
  37. "...Where is everybody?"
  38. >Cadence looks around, and trots to the front counter, knocking her hoof upon it a couple times.
  39. >In comedic fashion, a blue pony in a chef hat pops up, her purple mane sticking out from the sides.
  40. >"Princess! It's good to see you!"
  41. >She smiles widely at Cadence, but gives you a look of unease.
  42. >"Hello Healthy Candy. It's good to see you too."
  43. >"You and your husband used to come everyday! I missed you!"
  44. >Ooh. She just said the forbidden word.
  45. >Healthy hangs her head, holding her hat to her chest.
  46. >"Bless his soul. He was taken from us much too soon."
  47. >Cadence closes her eyes as if deep in thought.
  48. >You clear your throat.
  49. "S-so Healthy Candy! I'm new to the city! Wh-what do you recommend?"
  50. >Both ponies look at you with deadpan expressions.
  51. >You scratch the back of your head.
  52. >"'re customers."
  53. >Cadence holds up a hoof.
  54. >"Yes. Please give us the "usual"?"
  55. >She looks from her to you.
  56. >"The usual? With him?"
  57. >Okay, what the fuck is the usual? And why is it so unbelievable that it's with you?
  58. >Cadence leans in with an urgent look.
  59. >"YES. WITH HIM.">Candy looks you up and down before shrugging, and heading to the kitchen, where you can hear pots, and pans clang about.
  60. "Soooo...what is the usual?"
  61. >"Oh? Just a little something me, and Shiny had when we were teenagers."
  62. >You scratch the back of your head.
  63. "Princess-"
  64. >"Cadence please. Or "Caddy"!"
  65. "Cadence. D-don't you think that having something like this with me is...a little too soon?"
  66. >She brushes up against you like a cat, making goosebumps break out on your skin.
  67. >"It's fine Nonny-poo! It's just a snack between friends, I know you'll absolutely LOVE!"
  68. >She gives you that dead look again with her eyes.
  69. >You gulp.
  70. "W-why did you emphasize "love" like that?"
  71. >"Well I am the Princess of love after all! it was just a little joke!"
  72. "IF that's all it is, I'm glad you feel good enough to crack rib-ticklers."
  73. >"Your friendship is helping."
  74. >Smiles are exchanged in a somewhat comfortable silence, until HC comes back holding a tray with gigantic pink cupcakes decorated with candy hearts.
  75. >"Here you go! "The usual"!"
  76. >She wobbles a bit trying to balance the large treats, clumsily falling forward.
  77. >You manage to dodge one of the pastries, but Cadence catches hers with magic.
  78. >It lands with a splat past you in the corner near a mousehole.
  79. >"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz!"
  80. "I-it's fine."
  81. >Cadence nibbles on the untouched one staring daggers at Candy.
  82. >"Make another one. NOW."
  83. >A chill runs up your spine.
  85. >You look back to the mouse hole, and find two little bite marks on the cup cakes, and two mice going at it like Rabbits in heat.
  86. "The fu--"
  87. >Cadence holds her cupcake up to your lips.
  88. >"...Want a bite of mine...?"
  89. >She has that look again.
  90. >"Here...take a nice big biiiiite."
  91. >She hovers the pastry closer to your face.
  92. "A-actually, I'm not so hungry..I-in fact I think I'm not feeling so good."
  93. >Cadence moves the cake, and places a hoof on your forehead flapping her wings lightly to stay afloat.
  94. >"Your temperature feels normal.."
  95. >You gulp.
  96. >"But, if you're feeling sick, there's no helping it."
  97. >Good. This visit may have been short, but you really need to separate yourself from-
  98. >"We'll go back to the castle, and prepare a room for the night, for you to stay in."
  99. "What?! NO!!"
  100. >Cadence gives you a dissatisfied look.
  101. >"Is there something wrong?"
  102. >Honestly? Yes. You suspect that she may have just tried to poison you with some type of sex drug, the freakouts, and the shit from back home, despite the conversation you both just had?
  103. >She's obviously disregarded everything you said, and has some plan in the works, and you want no part of it.
  104. >You plan to get home, pack your things and retreat somewhere-
  105. >Anywhere-
  106. >Just to get away from this pink widow.
  107. "I-I...uh..I don't think that's a good idea.I don't want to get you sick.."
  108. >She giggles.
  109. >"Don't be silly! You need some rest, and what better place to do so than my "humble abode"?"
  110. >She wrap a hoof around your hand, smiling into your face.
  111. >Candy returns with another cupcake.
  112. >"Wrap that up to go. My dear "friend" here needs some bedrest!"
  113. >Healthy nods, and takes the oversized cupcake to the back room once more.
  114. "Candence..I'd really like to go home. I came here unprepared to spend the night!"
  115. >She nuzzles your hand.
  116. >"It's fine! I'll have your clothes washed, and prepped for you tomorrow-"
  117. "Then what would I wear? I-I don't want to be naked.."
  118. >"Oh! I didn't mean to imply you would be naked! Wouldn't that be funny? Us, the best of friends sharing a bed, while you're nude. You're so silly!"
  119. >SHARING A BED?!
  120. >She gives you a sultry gaze, with that dead look again.
  121. >You regret sharing a bed with her clothed. Now she's almost suggesting you do it in the buff! That's just going too far!
  122. >You take a deep breath, and rub your eyes with your thumb and index finger.
  123. "Princess--"
  124. >"Caddy."
  125. "CADENCE. Look..I'm just not really feeling this visit right now. I'm tired, and feeling ill, and I just want to go home."
  126. >She lowers her eyes, releasing your hand.
  127. >"Is that the truth?"
  128. >You look at her.
  129. "Y-yes."
  130. >"Are you sure?"
  131. >She begins to hover again, looking you in the eyes.
  132. "It is.."
  133. >"It's not because you just want to get away from me? Because you're afraid of a REAL mare? Afraid to commit to something?!"
  134. >You start to sweat in fear, and confusion.
  135. "Commit to what?! We're just friends!"
  136. >"LIAR!!"
  137. >Her canterlot voice sends you stumbling backward, onto your rump.
  138. >Some of Candy's windows crack a little under the vocal onslaught.
  139. >Cadence lands looking at you, teeth bared, and a frenzied look in her eyes, which eventually lowers into teary eyes, and regretful trembling lips.
  140. >"Oh Anon..."
  141. >You're speechless.
  142. >All that talk was for nothing. In one ear, and out the other.
  143. >Now all you can focus on is surviving.
  144. >"Anon..I'm so sorry!"
  145. >She pounces on you, bringing your head to her chest, into a tight hug.
  146. >"Let's never fight again!"
  147. >Candy arrives not too soon after with a small box, with a bow wrapped around it.
  148. >"...Am I interrupting something?"
  149. >Cadence looks at Healthy while stroking your head tenderly.
  150. >"Oh nothing really. Just a little spat between friends is all."
  151. >A little spat?
  152. >She climbs off you, taking the box in her magic, as you scramble to get up.
  153. >At this point, forget home. You just want to escape. Anywhere right now.
  154. >Cadence smiles at you.
  155. >"Shall we go home then?"
  156. >You remain silent, staring at her.
  157. >She giggles.
  158. >"Don't look at me like that Anon! Ponies may think something is going on between us~!"
  159. >She trots past you, brushing her tail against your leg on the way out.
  160. >Healthy only shakes her head at you.
  161. >The pity radiating off her is so apparent it may as well have physical form.
  162. >All you can do right now is just follow Cadence, or risk another freak out like just now.
  163. >"I apologize for my outburst back there...but it was kind of your fault too!"
  164. "......."
  165. >She looks back at you.
  166. >"Right. So let's get you back to the castle to get some rest! I want you fit as a fiddle for tomorrow! I'm going to show you a day in the life of Princess Cadenza Mi Amore~"
  167. >You didn't even agree to staying a first day, much less a second day,
  168. >You stuff your hands into your pockets, and follow behind her quietly, pondering how you got yourself into this mess.
  169. >Everything you did could not possibly have been interpreted the wrong way.
  170. >You didn't lead her on, and multiple times, you've said you were friends, and wanted nothing more!
  171. >So why is this happening?
  172. >The princess babbles on about god knows what with you in tow, as you head back to the castle.
  173. >For some odd reason you feel as if eyes were burning into your back the whole way.
  174. >You're greeted by angry stares by the castle guards upon your arrival.
  175. >Cadence approaches a guard, patrolling the main hall, and whispers something into his ear.
  176. >He squints his eyes at you, and salutes to the Princess, marching off in the opposite direction.
  177. "W-what was that about?"
  178. >"Just telling him to prepare a room for you! You're still feeling ill right now right?"
  179. >You rub the back of your head.
  180. "Yeah..but I was thinking I could head home.."
  181. >She giggles again, and waggles a hoof at you.
  182. >"I'll have none of that. I'm your friend! This is what friends do! Nurse one another back to health!"
  183. >She winks at you, and it makes you super uncomfortable.
  184. >"So let's get going! You need to get to a bed right away!"
  185. >She circles behind you, pushing your rump with her head.
  186. "Watch the horn!"
  187. >"Oh, don't be such a filly! I'll be careful!"
  188. >Feeling her horn poke your bottom every so often, she leads you to a room where two guards stand waiting.
  189. >A crystal guard salutes the both of you.
  190. >"We created a room as per your specifications your highness!"
  191. >Cadence nods with a smile.
  192. >"Excellent work. I'll handle the rest of it from here."
  193. >The two crystal guards look to one another, and shrug.
  194. >"As you wish your majesty. Enjoy yourselves."
  195. >The march off down the hall, whispering to one another.
  196. "Enjoy ourselves? Why would we enjoy ourselves?"
  197. >"Oh don't you worry about that. Just head on in!"
  198. "Princess, please..if there's something behind this door I should be aware of, I'd really like to know."
  199. >She makes that dead look at you again, smiling.
  200. >"Just go inside. Everything in there will nurse you back to 100%."
  201. >You gulp, and open the door with trembling hands.
  202. >It creaks open loudly.
  203. >What's inside makes your jaw drop.
  204. "C-cadence..What is all this?!"
  205. >She nuzzles your hand.
  206. >"The best type of healing Sweetie."
  207. >She stands on her hind legs, and shoves you inside.
  208. >You land on your stomach with a thud, and flail around trying to get up.
  209. >"Sexual."
  210. "WHAT. You're joking right? This is all just some elaborate prank right?!?"
  211. >Your hand lands on a pile of rose petals.
  212. >"Sssh...It's okay Anonymous, my sweet. I understand what you've been trying to do this whole time."
  213. >She slowly walks towards you with half lowered eyes.
  214. "Clearly you don't, or I would be home right now."
  215. >She chuckles, getting closer.
  216. >"I get it. You were expecting me to come back tonight weren't you? You've been playing hard to get this whole time, but now it's all finally clear."
  217. "I haven't!"
  218. >She boops your nose.
  219. >"Oh but you have."
  220. >You scoot away, your back hitting the edge of the bed.
  221. >"What other reason would you have to pretend to be asleep last night? You were hoping to RAVISH me. Weren't you?"
  222. "N-"
  223. >She places the same hoof on your mouth.
  224. >"You wanted me to come back tonight. To be vulnerable in your home. Then you'd take me allll for yourself, pretending you were "sleepwalking" or something novel like that right?"
  225. >Where the hell is she seriously getting this from?
  226. "Cadence, you're wrong about-"
  227. >"Am I? I threw your plan into disarray by bringing you here didn't I? I bet it turned you on so bad, having me this close...didn't it? Well sweetie. You have me."
  228. >She slides the hoof off your face, and floats over the satin blanket bed, and stretches out.
  229. >"I'm all yours Nonny..Make me forget Shiny."
  230. >That last comment hits you hard like a cinderblock.
  231. >You stand up rubbing the back of your head.
  232. "Cadence..You got it all wrong..I-I'm not into you like that."
  233. >She rolls over onto her stomach, and leans forward on her hooves, with a smug grin.
  234. >"Still pretending you don't want this? Okay."
  235. >She falls back dramatically, and places a hoof over her face. Like Rarity would during her "episodes".
  236. >"Oh..I think that Cupcake had something in it! I hope nopony takes me in my hour of need!"
  237. >She peeks at you with a little smile.
  238. >Your hands clench up.
  239. >You've had enough.
  240. >You take a deep breath.
  241. "Princess-"
  242. >"Caddy."
  243. "PRINCESS."
  244. >She sits up frowning.
  245. "I don't like you. I don't even really want to be your friend after what you've subjected me to."
  246. >She stares at you stone still on the bed.
  247. >"B-but you came to me in the garden..y-you weren't trying to suck up to me, o-or anything..l-like Shiny.."
  248. >You throw your arms up.
  249. "So how does that equal me wanting to bed you?! Or having some type of romantic interest in you?! I was just trying to be comforting, and you took it way out of context!"
  250. >Her face falls.
  251. >"No..You're lying. Why did you let me hold you?! Why didn't you just tell me to go away?!"
  252. >You bite your lip looking away.
  253. >"You knew I was there, and you let me stay! You do have feelings for me! I should know! I'm the princess of Lo-"
  254. "Pity."
  255. >The room falls deathly silent.
  256. >"Excuse me?"
  258. >Her eye twitches.
  259. "Cadence, you're emotional, hormonal, and lonely right now. You're seeking a strong male presence to fill the void in your heart, but I can't be that male. I-I don't like you."
  260. >She starts breathing hard.
  261. "I felt bad for you. I've known people who've been put in similar situations before, and I couldn't in good conscience turn you away."
  262. >Her mouth trembles open.
  263. >"B-but, that's l-love in a w-way..isn't it?"
  264. "No. It's not."
  265. >Tears start to form in her eyes.
  266. >You have to put the final nail in the coffin.
  267. "I..I think I'm starting to hate you."
  268. >Her eyes get huge, and turn from the verge of waterworks to blind fury.
  270. >Her mane, and fur bristle up like an angry cat, and she stands up on the bed prepped to lunge for you.
  272. >You start to sweat, feeling the tension push against you.

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