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Moon Lullaby 2

By Guest
Created: 2023-10-11 03:41:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are still Moon Lullaby the 3rd
  2. >The humiliating photoshoot took much longer than you wished
  3. >Your owner wouldn’t let you go until you finally put on a smile
  4. >After many failed attempts, you finally managed to hold a smile long enough for it to be taken
  5. >”Good Girl Moony!” He said with a cheer, ruffling your mane after it was done
  6. >A reflexive snarl escaped when it was over
  7. “Get me out of this humiliating outfit now!”
  8. >You demanded in your old nobility shout
  9. >It earned you a harsh Bap onto the noise
  10. >”Moony!” He said condescendingly with a disappointed voice.
  11. >”Good Girls ask politely!” He scolded
  12. >As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, he pulled on your cheek afterwards
  13. >Burying your pride, you gave a sign
  14. “Please let me out of this outfit.”
  15. >”Title too.” He gently, yet smugly, added when you finished
  16. “Please let me out of this outfit…Master.”
  17. >Your cheeks flourished red at having been made to call him that
  18. >”There’s my good moony!” He said before picking you up, carrying you in his arms
  19. >Your face was in an intense scowl but you didn’t resist
  20. >He carried you to his, and by extension your, room
  21. >Your owner set you onto the bed with a firm “Stay still.”
  22. >Staying perfectly still, your owner began to take off the dress
  23. >The poofy dress was the first to go, neatly placed into the closet containing all the other clothes he enjoyed putting you in
  24. >When his hands went to take the plastic tiara, you felt a twinge in your heart
  25. >Even if it was plastic, it reminded you of your once regal place
  26. “Not that one.”
  27. >The words came out of you without even thinking
  28. >”What was that Moony?” He said, sounding genuinely surprised
  29. >Cheeks now burning red, you spoke again in a softer voice
  30. “Please leave that one.”
  31. >”Of course.” He chirped, petting your mane softly
  32. >It was a small victory
  33. >But it was still a victory to you

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