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EQG Friday The 13th Special (Mane 7, Gloriosa Daisy)

By Grey
Created: 2023-10-13 20:24:16
Updated: 2023-11-01 11:13:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >Jason Voorhees lives again because, just because.
  2. >The movies did this too anyway.
  3. >Lightning and shit appeared at his grave, he came back to life at the operating table, whatever brings him back for the plot.
  4. >He returns to Camp Crystal Lake in search for campers making the stupid move to have premarital sex there.
  5. ~
  6. >The yellow, orange and red of autumn gradually but majestically paints itself across the trees each day, ushered in by the cool breeze of October.
  7. >Creeping earlier and earlier on the clock, daylight’s finale paints that same yellow, orange and red closer and closer to a bountiful late afternoon supper time’s clouds accompanied by pink, purple, and of course, blue.
  8. >On the increasingly leaf-covered ground, acorns are hoisted away by squirrels; In the majestically vibrant trees, some birds begin glancing southward with longing eyes, singing songs to one another.
  9. >Both of which within the chattering of woodland habitants making their necessary changes for two seasons down the road, when they will need their inherent abilities to survive.
  10. >Included in this are a few temporary woodland inhabitants, driving down their own kind of road, the end of which leads to somewhere they’ll need to survive.
  11. >”AWWWWWW YEAH! CAMP CRYSTAL LAKE HERE WE COME!!!” Rainbow Dash interrupts nature’s peace with her raspy voice blaring over the gruff hum of the scooby doo van’s motor. “I wonder why that name sounds so familiar?”
  12. >…
  13. >It’s nice getting a change of scenery.
  14. >From Camp Everfree to another camp called Camp Crystal Lake.
  15. >Sounds really pretty.
  16. >The mane 7 have arrived after having helped Gloriosa at the previous camp keep things in order before closing for the winter.
  17. >But this camp stays open a little bit longer and they still want to go autumn camping.
  18. >Where they do… autumn camping things.
  19. >”I call dibs on the top bunk!” Chimes Rainbow Dash.
  20. >”What if there isn’t one? Questions Applejack with a raised eyebrow.
  21. >”…If there IS a top bunk, I call dibs.”
  22. >Applejack smirks at her. “We’ll see about that.”
  23. >”You can switch rooms with me if you want,” Offers Rarity. “You can bunk with Pinkie and Fluttershy and I can bunk with Applejack.”
  24. >Applejack lids her eyes at her, while Rarity reciprocates.
  25. >Rainbow Dash looks back at Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, watching their busty chests jiggle to the potholes in the road. “Deal!”
  26. >Sunset and Twilight hold hands in their car bench, knowing it doesn’t matter whether they get the top bunk or bottom bunk when it’s gonna be the same bed either way.
  27. >The only top vs. bottom here is another kind of question.
  28. >…
  29. >All 7 of the campers exit the vehicle, taking in the gentle autumn breeze carrying the pine scent of nature.
  30. >They spot their big cabin and get ready to unpack.
  31. >Straddling along with a massive mountain of luggage is Applejack, finding only little difficulty until she has to fit it all through the door at once.
  32. >”Did you REALLY have to pack so much?” She grunts at Rarity, who is already inside.
  33. >”Here, let me help.” Twilight sends the various items floating through the open door in a single file line with a swish her finger.
  34. >That’s what friends are for.
  35. >”Thanks, Twilight.” Respond Rarity and Applejack at the same time, exchanging grins.
  36. >Rainbow Dash is already raiding the fridge, finding frozen microwave dinners and graham crackers.
  37. >The campground proper is just across the lake, this single family home with a dock and a boathouse is usually for camp counselors, but they all died suddenly.
  38. >Must have been a weird vaccine that chopped them up into little pieces.
  39. >The dock by the lake catches various gently falling leaves from the breeze.
  40. >The girls go about having a good time, tossing stones at the lake before Fluttershy angrily puffs out her cheeks and lectures Applejack for trying to fish there.
  41. >Pinkie Pie finds a creaky bench swing just a little bit down the shoreline, gleefully catapulting herself off of it and into the lake.
  42. >Twilight reads a book with Sunset cozily by her side, Rarity constantly checks the dock for nails sticking out before allowing Rainbow Dash and Applejack to run off of it.
  43. >RD and AJ strip down out of all their clothes as Rarity scans the surface of the dock, turning over every single leaf and probing all the gaps and crevices, muttering under her breath something about splinters.
  44. >”Will you relax, Rarity? I’ve done this a million times before.” Rainbow Dash slips her spandex panties down and charges over to the dock and down the length of it in less than a second.
  45. >”Rainbow, wait!” Rarity’s reaction time is nowhere near quick enough to stop her.
  46. >Rainbow Dash trebuchets her tight fit body off of the old mossy wood and flies halfway across the lake, landing into the water ass first in a speeding cannonball like it missed an enemy ship.
  47. >”Told ya it was already safe.” Applejack jogs naked past a kneeling Rarity with a wink. “If ah get hurt, you can take care of me if ya want~.”
  48. >Rarity gazes at her nude friend jumping into the water, looking forward to when the splash comes from her later tonight.
  49. >Fluttershy starts talking to the local squirrels, and they start telling her horrifying stories about how almost everyone who stayed here was brutally murdered by a dead guy in a hockey mask.
  50. >”They did WHAT to them?” She gently slaps her hands against the sides of her face, almost about to quietly scream. “Why didn’t any of them notice it was happening until it was too late?”
  51. >Twilight and Sunset smile at one another before the book is almost finished.
  52. >”Let’s quiz eachother on this thing in our room.” Suggests Sunset in a low sultry tone, getting a VERY eager nod from Twilight.
  53. >They hold hands on their way back to the cabin with mutual bedroom eyes, getting a side smirk from Rarity.
  54. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash splash eachother in the water, Pinkie Pie begins stripping out of her own clothes and joins them in their little skinny dipping escapade.
  55. >Aye, it be dangerous having all these naked girls in the water having fun, if slasher movie logic is anything to go by.
  56. >But Pinkie Pie don’t care.
  57. >She pulls her shirt up her soft curvy torso and makes it go flying a ways behind her, then slips her short shorts down her smooth thighs before making her small blue panties follow suit.
  58. >”Aw yeah, come on in, Pinkie! The water’s great!” Rainbow Dash leers Pinkie Pie’s bouncing cleavage.
  59. >Pinkie Pie unhooks the back of her bra as she walks, letting her bra straps fall down her shoulders until the whole thing ends up dangling from her wrists.
  60. >Rainbow Dash bites her lip with a nosebleed watching a fully nude Pinkie Pie’s exposed bouncing breasts slowly approach her to the swings of Pinkie’s wide sexy hips.
  61. >Her own small perky nipples get extra erect under the water, and she starts fingering herself to the sight of her friend.
  62. >From somewhere in the trees, the three naked girls having lewd fun in the water are being watched as the sky starts turning those majestic autumn colors at daylight’s finale.
  63. >”ch-ch-ch-ch-ch… hah-hah-hah-hah-hah”
  64. >…
  65. >In the bedroom 15 minutes later, Sunset slips her special headphones on so she can hear everything Twilight is thinking without having to make physical contact first.
  66. >This won’t be necessary after a few minutes when they’re under the covers together exchanging ALL the physical contact.
  67. >Twilight starts waving her finger around, making her fingertip glow right before the shoulder edges of Sunset’s vest start glowing the same color.
  68. >Using her magical powers, Twilight tickles Sunset all over while telepathically stripping her naked.
  69. >Sunset can be seen through the window giggling like an absolute fool, getting her orange top scrunched all the way up her midriff until her frilly black bra is exposed to a horny, blushing Twilight.
  70. >Only a few seconds of lewdness later and Sunset’s shirt is lying flat on the floor, and her denim skirt is looped around her ankles as Twilight’s telepathic powers play with Sunset’s bra and gently dismantle it while stretching it around.
  71. >Twilight bites her lip like Rainbow Dash had as Pinkie Pie, pouring every creative fantasy of her own into Sunset’s imagination via the headphones as an arousing preview of what she wants to do to her… and let her do back when it’s her turn to be on top.
  72. >Her telepathic powers smoothly glide underneath Sunset’s black frilly panties and do everything they need to do to make their way to Sunset’s clit and begin teasing it.
  73. >From the dark hallways of the cabin house: ”ch-ch-ch-ch-ch… hah-hah-hah-hah-hah”
  74. >Creeping through towards the sound of Sunset’s hollering voice.
  75. >”Ohhhh, yes! Yes! YES!” Sunset rolls her eyes throwing her head back, letting her swirly locks of hair whack against the pillow behind her. “That’s… what… I… n-needed~!”
  76. >Twilight’s powers subconsciously grab her own bra inside her clothes and slip it up underneath it all, making her busty pointy tits visibly drop down with a jiggle even through that sweater vest.
  77. >”Aaaaah-uh… T-twilight?”
  78. >”Hm?”
  79. >”There’s someone else in here! And it’s none of the girls! I can hear them!” Sunset knows what she picked up on in these headphones.
  80. >”Really?! Where?!”
  81. >Sunset sits up, holding the pillow over her naked breasts. “Right outside the door! He’s right there!” She points.
  82. >Twilight directs her powers towards the doorknob and swings it open to reveal the pitch black hallway.
  83. >A conveniently timed and placed flash of lightning helps illuminate what’s standing in the hallway.
  84. >A large, lumbering shriveled and wrinkly bald man in filthy tattered clothes and a dirty hockey goalie mask fills the entire doorway.
  85. >He moves his arm as the no-reason lightning continues shedding light on him, making the luminescence cause his long machete to reflect a bright glare off of its sharp metallic surface.
  86. >Sunset and Twilight both scream, not having expected to be startled by a new villain in this moment.
  87. >His name is Jason Voorhees, and he menacingly steps into the room.
  88. >Twilight holds her hands out towards him, stiff nipples inside her clothes poking through her sweater vest from fear, and grabs Jason with her telepathic powers.
  89. >He looks down as her powers lift him up, momentarily getting hurled out the window by the force of her magical powers.
  90. >Both the glass and the frame loudly shatter, and Jason tumbles down a slope with shards of broken glass getting pushed into him wherever they stuck into his decaying skin.
  91. >”WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!” Sunset belts out, running up to the window with the pillow still over her chest.
  92. >She watches Jason slowly rise back to his feet.
  94. >”I got this!” Twilight steals Gloriosa’s line and shoves her own hands out the window.
  95. >Her powers lift Jason up once more, this time having more space to work with.
  96. >Twilight flings Jason far up into the air, sending him crashing into a tree halfway up from the ground like Tarzan having a bad time skiing in Aspen.
  97. >The entire tree shakes, sways then recoils from the powerful impact, and Jason gets violently flayed up and down along the ragged twigs and branches by Twilight’s magic like a rotten onion against a cheese grater.
  98. >And to think he actually believed he had the element of surprise.
  99. >These girls’ elements overrule that.
  100. >Like the kind of trebuchet Rainbow Dash thought she was earlier, the tree is bend sideways almost like a bow from the telepathic force pushing Jason Voorhees against it after sliding him closer to the top.
  101. >The tree recoils once more, releasing all of the bent back potential energy and sending Jason flying clear over the cabin house and back into the lake.
  102. >”ch-ch-ch-ch-ch… hah-hah-hah-hah-hah” blubbers up from under the water one bubble at a time.
  103. >This ain’t no movie, the house near the telepathic doesn’t randomly explode this time.
  104. >”Where’d he go?!” Twilight fixes her bra inside her top while patrolling around outside the cabin house.
  105. >”He’s in the lake.” Sunset tells her, having gotten re-dressed. “I heard the splash. Didn’t you?”
  106. >”Does that mean he’s not a threat anymore?”
  107. >The two approach the lake after another minute of the sky getting darker and darker, wondering where everyone else went.
  108. >”You see anything?”
  109. >”No.”
  110. >”Fuck, why did that have to ruin the moment?! Now we gotta fix the window!”
  111. >”Not to mention warn the others.”
  112. >”Well where are they?”
  113. >”How the hell should I know?”
  114. >”Didn’t they think about where they were going to go next last time you read their minds?”
  115. >”No, I was reading the book with you, remember? Maybe they got sidetracked by something. Because they obviously didn’t come inside with us.”
  116. >The two girls can still barely see the lake, able to tell that the water’s surface is still clear from anything coming up from underneath.
  117. >Through the silence accompanied by the slightly howling wind, Sunset and Twilight faintly hear Pinkie Pie’s voice in the distance: “Woohoo! Dashie! Dashie! Dashie! Dashie! Dashie!”
  118. >It’s coming from up the hill nearby… in the darkness.
  119. >”Well what the hell are they doing all the way over there?”
  120. >”Beats me. But at least it doesn’t sound like they’re in danger or anything.”
  121. >The two calm down and let their mutual horniness rekindle itself.
  122. >”Well the window should be an easy fix if we all work together.” Suggests Sunset.
  123. >”You’re not wrong.” Agrees Twilight, rubbing the side of her arm as the darkness grows more and more opaque. “You uh… wanna go back and finish having sex before getting the others?”
  124. >Sunset groans in frustration. “Ohhh, as much as I want to, this is probably more important.”
  125. >”You sure?” Twilight gives her sad puppy eyes.
  126. >”Hey, now…” Sunset warmly places a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “If we take care of this now, I’ll make up for it later.”
  127. >The two share a kiss. “You promise?” Asks Twilight, interested in finding out what Sunset would do to “make up” for it.
  128. >Sunset promises her with a longer and deeper kiss on the lips.
  129. >And with that, the two head in the direction of Pinkie’s cheering voice in the darkness.
  130. ~
  131. >A half an hour earlier.
  132. >Applejack is still splashing around in the water with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.
  133. >After several minutes of fun, she notices Rarity standing at the edge of the dock but not getting in.
  134. >She looks over at Rarity, seeing her gesture her head towards Twilight and Sunset walking back to the cabin, clearly about to have sex again.
  135. >”Well hot damn, already?” Applejack grins at the two of them as they slip through the front door together. “Summer must’ve gone back backwards into Spring again, cuz they sure are actin’ like it’s matin’ season.”
  136. >”Applejack! Yoohoo!” Rarity lets out a siren’s mating call of her own.
  137. >Applejack automatically picks up on what Rarity wants, and figures “well why the hell not?” since she’s already dressed for it.
  138. >”Woooooo, go AJ! Go AJ!” Cheers Pinkie Pie as Applejack emerges out of the water towards Rarity, swinging her strong wide hips as seductively as she can in her well-built, dripping wet, glistening nude glory.
  139. >Applejack makes sure her perky freckled tits bounce a little for Rarity with each step, letting the October breeze stiffen her pointy bare nipples into full erection from the cold.
  140. >Rarity lids her eyes more than usual, feeling a stronger nosebleed than the one Rainbow Dash had coming on.
  141. >”Oh yeah, they’re so getting it on!” Rainbow Dash joins in, then glances over at an also fully naked Pinkie Pie in the water with her, with easy-to-guess intentions.
  142. >Pinkie cheers the two girls on, watching Applejack embrace Rarity, getting her clothes all wet before pulling her closer in for a passionate kiss and reaching around to grope her soft round butt.
  143. >”Hey Pinkie…~” Rainbow Dash slowly wades up to Pinkie Pie from behind.
  144. >”Wha?” Pinkie looks behind herself.
  145. >”SHARK ATTACK!” Rainbow Dash lunges forward and gropes Pinkie Pie’s boobies from behind, making her squeal and giggle in response.
  146. >Applejack encourages Rarity to grope her right back, letting Rarity feel her up all over her wet naked body as the two walk to the boathouse together since the cabin house is currently “occupied”.
  147. >”Uhhh, girls?!” Fluttershy calls out for like the hundredth time, drowned out by a combination of the splashing and her own usual meekness keeping her from raising her voice too loud.
  148. >Twilight and Sunset have disappeared back into the cabin house, and Rarity and Applejack can be seen retreating into the boathouse.
  149. >Fluttershy starts to blush heavily as she watches Rainbow Dash “prey” upon Pinkie Pie.
  150. >”Oh noooo, help me, Fluttershy! The hungry sharks are eating me~!” Pinkie Pie playfully bellows over at a disconcerted Fluttershy as Rainbow Dash’s hands get even more adventurous and slither between her upper thighs under the water with one trying to grope both if her huge slippery funbags at once.
  151. >”Oh… my…~” Fluttershy utters as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie emerge out of the water at her, both naked and soaking wet, and all up on eachother like they’re wrestle-walking.
  152. >”Come join us, Fluttershy!” Pleads Pinkie Pie.
  153. >”Pinkie, the animals say there’s a dangerous murderer that always comes around here whenever there’s new campers.” Explains Fluttershy.
  154. >”What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash gives her a confused look.
  155. >”The animals have witnessed countless murder after murder around here for a really long time now. They said we should probably leave while we still can.”
  156. >”Oh, they’re probably just trying to scare you, silly!” Says Pinkie Pie.
  157. >”Yeah, just tell them we’re not here to hurt their habitat or whatever and they’ll stop trying to scare us away.” Joins in Rainbow Dash.
  158. >”But… they sounded pretty serious about it.” Swears Fluttershy with fear in her eyes.
  159. >”Maybe she’s just too nervous to strip naked with us.” Rainbow Dash says to Pinkie Pie with a sultry look.
  160. >Just at this moment, a chipmunk comes scurrying out of some bushes and starts chittering frantically at Fluttershy, not at all minding seeing a couple of humans naked next to her due to its lack of a concept of nudity.
  161. >”What did it say?” Pinkie asks Fluttershy after the chipmunk finishes.
  162. >”He said we should at least stay close to Rainbow Dash.” Translates Fluttershy. “He saw how fast she can move and with so much power. And that she’s our best bet of surviving based on what he can tell.”
  163. >Rainbow Dash huffs out her naked, flat yet perky chest. “Heh, I should have known it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
  164. >”Oh, I shouldn’t have said that.” Fluttershy turns to the chipmunk. “Now we’re gotten her ego all inflated again.”
  165. >”Tell you what? How about Pinkie and I come with you and hunt down this so-called dangerous creature?”
  166. >”Ooh! We’re going on a snipe hunt?!” Pinkie Pie hops around, making her naked breasts and butt jiggle and bounce each time her feet land. “This is gonna be SO FUN!”
  167. >”But… it is kind of… getting dark, though.”
  168. >”Snipe hunt in the dark! WOOHOO! It’ll be like laser tag!”
  169. >A few misinterpreted verbal exchanges later, Fluttershy is leading the way into the forest with half-redressed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie following closely behind.
  170. >All of whom are going on a “snipe hunt”, with RD speeding ahead and scouting the area in search of the snipe with Fluttershy listening out for any animals that may have recently seen the “snipe”.
  171. >”Can I make the snipe blow up with my confetti? Huh? Can I? Can I?” Begs Pinkie Pie, ready to reach right into her daisy duke short shorts’ pockets and have at it.
  172. >Fluttershy asks the chipmunk, the chipmunk squeaks out an answer.
  173. >”He says maybe. But he’s not sure if it’d work. This thing we’re looking for survives all sorts of things.” She then pauses. “Shouldn’t we at least get the other girls in on this?”
  174. >”Nah, I got it under control, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash darts back over to her. “I can protect you a lot.. closer if you want.”
  175. >The chipmunk can already pick up on the sexual signals being sent between the two larger bipedal mammals.
  176. >Even the ones returned from Fluttershy, who blushes with a wavy smile curving upward on her face.
  177. >”Oooh, we’re gonna start having the OTHER fun again?” Pinkie’s eyes light up.
  178. >The dark threatening silhouettes of the surrounding trees make Fluttershy apprehensive enough to want to keep Rainbow Dash close.
  179. >Rainbow Dash has no objections to this.
  180. >The chipmunk chitters something else.
  181. >”What’d he say?” Asks Pinkie.
  182. >”He um… asked if we wanted some… p-privacy…” Fluttershy’s blush is so bright it almost glows in the dark.
  183. >As the last of the sunlight fades away, so does Rainbow Dash’s sexual restraint.
  184. >The darkness sets in, and Rainbow Dash starts copping a few sneak-feels on Fluttershy’s body.
  185. >First her arms, then the sides of her abdomen, then after it’s clear she’s shyly but willingly welcoming it, her huge jiggling breasts.
  186. >”I’ll protect you from the snipe, Hootershy~~” Rainbow Dash gets ready to properly manhandle Fluttershy then do as she pleases with her.
  187. >”Lewd snipe hunt! Lewd snipe hunt!” Chants Pinkie, just as horny as the other two girls at this point.
  188. >…
  189. >”There ya go, Rarity. One lamp so we can see uh… what we’re doin’.” Applejack stands next to the extra few sleeping bags she fetched from the scooby doo van stacked on top of one another.
  190. >The portable camping lamp she just brought over lights up the inside of the darkening boathouse quite nicely.
  191. >Even though the wide opening faces the lake and sky, the growing darkness outside makes that matter less and less as the night sets in.
  192. >Rarity is now FINALLY satisfied enough to get intimate in this “musty old boathouse”. As long as she doesn’t make any contact with the splintery old wooden floor.
  193. >”Now…” Applejack says with a frustrated but then relieved sigh after like 20 minutes of this. “Where were we?”
  194. >Rarity giggles suggestively as a fully naked Applejack lowers herself down toward her.
  195. >The rippled architecture of Applejack’s firm muscles perfectly accented in the dim light of the camping lamp.
  196. >The two of them start to kiss, neither one noticing the distant sound of the shattering window.
  197. >Applejack begins to enthusiastically massage Rarity’s shoulders and then further and further around her body.
  198. >Soon going as far as gently squeezing and kneading Rarity up and down her soft smooth thighs before moving back upward and dipping her strong hands underneath the bottom of Rarity’s top.
  199. >”Getting eager, darling~?”
  200. >”Ah sure am. Just follow mah lead, sugarcube…~”
  201. >Applejack’s hands make their way up to the back of Rarity’s bra and effortlessly unfasten it, causing a quiet giggling sigh to escape Rarity.
  202. >*splash*
  203. >”What was that?”
  204. >Applejack hesitates from a moment before moving her hands to feel up Rarity’s sexy breasts after moving her loose bra cups out of the way.
  205. >”Don’t worry ‘bout that, ah’m sure it was nothin’.” Applejack replies coolly.
  206. >The two girls begin to kiss deeper, and deeper, and deeper still.
  207. >For the next couple of minutes consist of them making out and exploring eachother’s bodies as if this was the first time (far from it).
  208. >Suddenly…
  209. >”ch-ch-ch-ch-ch… hah-hah-hah-hah-hah”
  210. >”What was THAT?” Rarity’s eyes widen.
  211. >Applejack wants to pretend she didn’t hear that too, but she heard that too.
  212. >Out of the darkness behind Applejack’s back, the tall lumbering figure of Jason Voorhees emerges from the darkness just beyond the lamp’s reach.
  213. >He’s holding a harpoon, having just silently emerged out of the water on his way over to the boathouse after smelling pussy, ready to strike the sex down.
  214. >”APPLEJACK LOOK OUT!” Rarity can see him from over Applejack’s broad strong shoulder.
  215. >Rarity lifts her hands and generates a diamond force field just in time to block the harpoon from reaching Applejack’s rippled back.
  216. >It hits it with a clink and then a prolonged scrape.
  217. >”What the?!” Applejack spins around to find Jason trying to ram the harpoon through the magic diamond force field, actually strong enough to make a small crack appear in it.
  218. >She reflexively scurries out of the way and grabs a nearby oar from the stationed metal canoe.
  219. >Jason stomps after, only to get whacked in the side by the same diamond force field and thrown off balance.
  220. >He lands on the wooden floor, starting to get up only to get struck back down by the oar Applejack is holding.
  221. >”You done picked the wrong boathouse, partner!” Applejack bludgeons Jason again and again with the oar until the oak wood shatters from the devastating impacts.
  222. >To Applejack’s surprise, Jason slowly rises back up to his feet, seeming almost completely unharmed by the vicious barrage of thick, solid, heavy oak smashing upon him like a roided-up nightstick during police brutality.
  223. >He calmly grabs the metal harpoon and thrusts it at Applejack with all his might, attacking her while she’s facing him this time.
  224. >Only for her to grab it and hold on to it, stopping it from even poking her.
  225. >She grits her teeth with a beastly snarl, slowly but surely bending the end of the harpoon upward like a toy until it’s made into essentially a giant fish hook.
  226. >”Ah don’t think you heard me.” Growls Applejack as she does all this. “You. Done. Picked. The wrong. BOATHOUSE!”
  227. >She grabs the now curved end of the harpoon and yanks it out of Jason’s hand through the leverage she now has with it.
  228. >Jason reaches behind himself to pull out his machete, but Applejack bashes him upside the head with the hook-bent harpoon several times and knocks him off balance while delivering brutal damage to his head with her super strength.
  229. >Rarity generates a new diamond force field and begins ramming one of its sharp corners down onto Jason’s back again and again like a giant knife, almost properly impaling him, giving Applejack enough time to walk over to the metal canoe and lift it up out of the water.
  230. >Countless drops and trickles of water from the bottom of the canoe shower the wooden floor with wetness as Applejack carries it over holding one end.
  231. >Rarity moves the force field out of the way, and in one hearty swing, Applejack thwacks Jason Voorhees with the small boat harder than a baseball player about to make a record-breaking home-run.
  232. >Jason flies out the open entrance of the boathouse facing the lake like a tattered baseball, reaching the open air over the middle of the lake almost as fast as Rainbow Dash had.
  233. >He freezes in mid air, looks down, back up, holds up a Wile E. Coyote sign saying ”ch-ch-ch-ch-ch… hah-hah-hah-hah-hah not again” then drops back down into the water in a sad, pathetic splash to cartoon music.
  234. >Applejack and Rarity make themselves decent again, then venture out to find the others and tell them what happened.
  235. >…
  236. >Several minutes later…
  237. >”Ohhh… oh Rainbow Dash~” Hootershy lies on her back with her shirt getting eagerly yanked up her body, exposing her midriff and tummy, then her strained D-cup bra holding in all that deep soft cleavage. “Dashie… what if someone sees?!”
  238. >”It doesn’t matter anymore~” Rainbow Dash grabs the front of Hootershy’s bra between her bra cups and pries it all the way open, making the bra cups fly outward to the sides.
  239. >Hootershy’s big sexy nipples can barely be seen in the darkness, completely exposed, and Rainbow Dash easily locks her lips around Hootershy’s big soft areolae one at a time and begins to suck on them.
  240. >Hootershy rolls her eyes back and moans in unbound pleasure as Rainbow Dash sucks her massive titties with a great horny thirst.
  241. >Pinkie Pie is now also red in the face enough to almost have her smiling cheeks glow in the dark, reaching into the front of her panties and fingering herself tot he lewd display.
  242. >Hootershy’s soft flat tummy rises and falls against Rainbow Dash’s smaller and perkier titties, now also exposed when Pinkie Pie lifts Rainbow Dash’s shirt up too in her own sexual excitement.
  243. >”Woohoo! Dashie! Dashie! Dashie! Dashie! Dashie!” Chimes Pinkie Pie, pressing her own big soft exposed tits onto Rainbow Dash’s back. “Please fuck me next after you’re done with Fluttershy!”
  244. >The chipmunks and the squirrels and the shrews and the porcupines and the caterpillars and beetles, and deer and wolves and spiders all watch as the human female they just communicated with momentarily attempts to mate with another human female, not understanding they don’t mean to have offspring from this in the first place and don’t care that it wouldn’t work.
  245. >”OHHH, FUCK ME, DASHIE! FUCK ME LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW!” Fluttershy call out into the air, louder than her voice has been since a week and a half ago when this last happened.
  246. >”Are we uh… interrupting something?” Twilight’s voice startles everyone.
  247. >Fluttershy eeps and scrambles to cover her exposed huge soft breasts back up with little luck, RD just gives her an annoyed look at her as she approached with Sunset by her side.
  248. >Pinkie Pie gleefully gasps. “Are we gonna have a forest orgy?!”
  249. >Twilight and Sunset momentarily explain what just happened back at the cabin house.
  250. >During this, Applejack and Rarity join the group where they are and explain what happened to them, having heard the forest fucking noises too.
  251. >It’s eventually pitch black outside now, and everyone agrees they’re better off talking inside of the cabin house where it’s well-lit.
  252. >And figure out how to fix the window and replace the oar. Maybe even repair the tree next to the house if that’s possible.
  253. >RD gets impatient and wants to take Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy back to the house first and try to at least sneak in a few more seconds of fun with them out of her 1 digit IQ that’s been lowered by her sheer horniness alone.
  254. >With her speed, she carries them both down the hill and leaves them by the side door.
  255. >”ch-ch-ch-ch-ch… hah-hah-hah-hah-hah”
  256. >”Dashie?” Points Pinkie Pie. “What’s that over there?!”
  257. >Rainbow Dash faces the water, where a very angry Jason Voorhees stomps out of the water, still not having ruined anyone’s sexy time today and it ABSOLUTELY infuriates him.
  258. >”OH SHIT!” Rainbow Dash instantly recognizes him from all the slasher movies she’s watched. “IT’S JASON FUCKING VOORHEES! THAT’S WHERE I HEARD THIS CAMP’S NAME BEFORE!”
  259. >She is not very bright.
  260. >Jason promptly stomps up to her and swings his machete.
  261. >Rainbow Dash instantly dodges out of the way in a flash.
  262. >Jason takes another even angrier swing.
  263. >Rainbow Dash effortlessly dodges again.
  264. >”Missed me!” She taunts him in between the metallic wind resistance noises of his rusty machete failing to match her super speed.
  265. >*swish!*
  266. >”Ohhh you almost had it!”
  267. >*swish!”
  268. >”You gotta be quicker than that!”
  269. >*swish!”
  270. >”You better get ready!”
  271. >*swish!*
  272. >”To die, because you’re petty!”
  273. >*swish!*
  274. >”You’re just a butter knife!”
  275. >*swish!*
  276. >”I’M the machete!”
  277. >Rainbow Dash lures Jason over to the edge of the dock.
  278. >*swish!* *swish!* *swish!* *swish!* *swish!*
  279. >”Get styled on!”
  280. >*swish!*
  281. >”Swish Swish, bitch!”
  282. >”Hey fuckhead!” Pinkie Pie catches Jason’s attention, because someone had to put a stop to RD’s cringe. “Pocket confetti!” She accidentally adds to the rhyme.
  283. >She tosses a bunch of explosive confetti from her pocket onto Jason’s face and shoulders.
  284. >RD quickly zooms around him and out of the way.
  285. >The sound of the violent explosion crackles across the span of the lake, echoing back and forth several times before no longer being audible.
  286. >Bits and pieces of the dirty plastic hockey mask land in totally different locations, some in the water, some across the lake on the opposite shore, some next to the house.
  287. >Jason Voorhees’s legs weakly stumble back and forth, despite having much less weight above them to support.
  288. >Other than his legs, all that’s left of Jason is basically just some of the base of his spine and torn apart decayed flesh, blown open like a grenade victim’s mangled corpse.
  289. >Rainbow Dash darts over and mule kicks what’s left of Jason Voorhees back into the lake, resulting in one final, solemn splash.
  290. >The rest of the girls run over, franticly asking what just happened.
  291. >”Glad that’s over.” Huffs Rainbow Dash. “C’mon. Let’s go fuck.”
  292. ~
  294. (added later) Gloriosa Epilogue:
  295. >…
  296. >You’ve been lazing around Camp Everfree for the entire duration of this story.
  297. >Wondering where the hell all those CHS girls went.
  298. >The place is closing down for the winter, and there’s no CHS girls around to be seen.
  299. >You know for fact those girls love to have sex all the time, and must have been looking for a victim of some sort to steal the virginity of on Friday The 13th.
  300. >How come none of them are here?
  301. >What better place to go to on such a day than Camp Everfree?
  302. >Why didn’t you think this through at all?
  303. >Now you’re completely alone waiting for a nonexistent moment to happen.
  304. >Wishing you could have had sex with at least one of the CHS girls, but they seemed more interested in eachother and going somewhere else to fuck.
  305. >Wherever they did it, you’ve been completely absent from there.
  306. >The entire night of Friday The 13th, you wait around the empty closed down camp even the staff who could have caught you trespassing left, as far as you know.
  307. >You really did sneak into here all for nothing, didn’t you?
  308. >No Fluttershy, no Pinkie Pie, no Twilight Sparkle, no Sunset Shimmer, no Rarity, no Applejack, no Rainbow Dash, nothing.
  309. >No girls here for you to even look at, and now it gets dark and cold.
  310. >Fuck, this really did turn out badly.
  311. >Wasted your whole day being alone with no one around.
  312. >You step into a canoe and woefully float out to the middle of the lake next to the camp in what you swear is a disgrace.
  313. >Just stay out there in the darkness, so done with life and ready to just drown or something.
  314. >Maybe you’ll just become the next Jason Voorhees and start killing girls having sex because you never got any.
  315. >It’s only going to get colder and colder as winter sets in, and you have no one to spend it with.
  316. >Gradually fall asleep to the sounds of waves quietly splashing against the sides of the canoe.
  317. >God damn it.
  318. >…
  319. >You had gotten the legend of Camp Everfree all wrong.
  320. >Every Friday the 13th here, young boys (temporarily) disappeared here all the time but not due to murder.
  321. >The girls going to camp here just happened to go to camp here, it was one of the camp counselors who was acting weird.
  322. >You mistakenly thought they would get horny and have sex with you, but ended up with no luck.
  323. >Surprised you even fell asleep at all.
  324. >Given how angry and unsatisfied you are with how your Friday The 13th turned out, without a single CHS girl to bed.
  325. >…
  326. >…
  327. >The next morning, you wake up in the canoe, ready to continue the cycle of angry dudes in hockey masks killing off horny campers because of his past misfortune involving them in some way.
  328. >Or at least for the moment; you’re incredibly bitter and grumpy right now.
  329. >With a pair of blue balls with no release for them.
  330. >You’re about to go down a really bad path in life, already pretending like you already drowned last night and your “ghost” is coming back to kill sex-having camp-goers.
  331. >All for revenge for never scoring.
  332. >The water all around you is perfectly placid, only gaining significant ripples when the canoe moves in response to you shifting around inside of it upon waking up.
  333. >You slowly sit yourself up out of the canoe as flanger-heavy synth music plays, the sun bright and beating down upon you minus the heat of the summer.
  334. >Out of the water, something suddenly explodes out of the surface tension with a startling splash.
  335. >Arm raised, she ambushes you from behind, wrapping her outstretched arm around you and pulling you back towards her from the side of the canoe, tipping it over.
  336. >You let out a scream, not sure how to react other than panic wildly.
  337. >Lifeguard Gloriosa takes you with her back into the water, abstractly saving you from “drowning” in your violent bitterness.
  338. >You don’t remember what it was that helped you slip free, but you immediately found the surface to breathe and started swimming towards the shore to escape.
  339. >Splashing sounds of Lifeguard Gloriosa pursuing you can be heard, further giving you the impression that she’s actually just trying to drown you for real for whatever reason.
  340. >You weren’t paying attention to the fact that her splashing noises went around you and defeated you in the race to the edge of the water right before the campground.
  341. >Start standing up and stumbling as soon as you reach waters shallow enough to do so in.
  342. >Before you stands Lifeguard Gloriosa in her red one-piece swimsuit tightly hugging and conforming to her well-shaped body.
  343. >Every curve, every crease from her somewhat toned muscles through her also-present softness.
  344. >Even a little bit of her cameltoe is emphasized by a crease in her swimsuit.
  345. >She’s fit for swimming, but managed to carry over a very noticeably amount of bustiness in her chest despite that.
  346. >The chill from the air makes her nipples underneath her swimsuit stiffen and visibly poke through.
  347. >You couldn’t help but glance at her freckled cleavage long enough for her to catch you, but she doesn’t protest to this.
  348. >Only walks towards you with her swinging wide hips mesmerizing, then chases you and grabs you before you can escape back into the water.
  349. >Her soft busty chest mashes into your back as she picks you up and hauls you all the way away from the lake.
  350. >You kick your legs to no avail, as she’s just stronger than you enough to overwhelm you and make you her next victim.
  351. >You’re dropped onto the ground right there, and she looms over you with her big tits almost bursting through the top of that one-piece swimsuit painted onto her.
  352. >She lowers herself down onto you before you can get away, pushing all of her softness down against you.
  353. >Giving you second thoughts about whether or not you WANT to escape.
  354. >The busty softness of her breasts helps keep you complacently pinned down as the stiffness of her erect nipples poking through gently jabs against you and gets you feeling more excited for her.
  355. >You didn’t plan on getting horny for camp counselor Gloriosa Daisy like you would have with the camper girls, but she’s not letting you even sit back up.
  356. >She pushes you down and forces her face onto yours, finding your lips with hers and giving you mouth-to-mouth… which soon devolves into deep kissing with tongue gradually getting more involved.
  357. >You start panicking less and less as you member gets harder and harder.
  358. >Her soft crotch grinds against your stiffening tent to help this happen more and more.
  359. >Gloriosa grabs your hands and pushes them against her big soft chest, soon prompting you to grab the side straps of her swimsuit and pull them down her shoulders.
  360. >The stretched red fabric rolls down the sides of her boobs, unveiling more and more of her deep sexy cleavage until it exposes her stiff areolae to you.
  361. >Those nipples pop out as soon as the fabric is peeled and rolled off of them, and you didn’t remember when your cock was brought out.
  362. >A little bit of struggling later, and Gloriosa helps you slip your erect member directly into her with the bottom bridge of her swimsuit is pushed aside.
  363. >She begins hopping up and down, driving more and more of your length into her life a nail being hammered in by each of her passionate humps upon you.
  364. >Gloriosa’s huge freckled tits bounce each time she does this, jiggling and swaying up and down against your eagerly grabbing hands to the motions of Lifeguard Gloriosa humping you with all her energy and determination.
  365. >Keep your hands on her exposed tits and let her plap you for the next several minutes before soon being made to cum inside of her and passing out before her.
  366. >She carries you inside after the subduing ritual is complete, ready for you to wake up in the middle of the following night.
  367. >…
  368. >It’s been a couple of days or so.
  369. >You barely remember much of what happened over that time frame.
  370. >All you know for sure is that you have been essentially Gloriosa Daisy’s property.
  371. >She’s been keeping you in one of the cabins, the one right next to her own personal administration cabin.
  372. >She already knew that arguably the last thing on your mind was to run away.
  373. >After all of THAT she’s done with you.
  374. >You’re free to go around the camp and eat in the mess hall, wash your clothes wherever that happens, etc. etc.
  375. >Being her latest victim, you sometimes wake up in bed to Gloriosa Daisy already next to you, having paid her only current camper a special visit.
  376. >She’d already be half-topless and kissing you, under the covers with you.
  377. >Everything would would quickly turn into you holding onto her as she gets your pants and underwear out of the way.
  378. >If you ever did get the notion to try to escape, all of that would instantly vanish the very instant your erect member once again found its way into Gloriosa’s pussy.
  379. >Getting gripped and completely enveloped before she would start moving up and down the length of your hard shaft.
  380. >Meanwhile, you’re getting the rest of Gloriosa’s top out of the way, already seeing that she’s braless for you.
  381. >Her smooth soft freckled skin is up against you the entire time you two are having sex.
  382. >Looks like you just got got again by the horny camp counselor virginity killer at Camp Everfree for far than the final time.
  383. >She goes and goes and goes until you come.
  384. >Cumming whatever you managed to build up for her in the past day and a half of waiting for your captor’s return.
  385. >Falling into afterglow.
  386. >But it almost feels like something sensed the two of you having sex.
  387. >Something can be heard outside.
  388. >”ch-ch-ch-ch-ch… hah-hah-hah-hah-hah”
  389. >Both of you heard it at once, and wanting nothing more than to defend her fresh kill from competitors, Gloriosa immediately springs into action.
  390. >You wait in bed as she gets re-dressed, and opens the door to find a very weakened Jason Voorhees miraculously revived because the fuckin moon and the stars aligned or some shit and he came back Palpatine style.
  391. >The instant he tries to strike her with his bent rusty machete, a vine under Gloriosa’s control wraps around his wrist, from like 50 feet away, but flung out of the ground and over here in an instant.
  392. >Gloriosa’s eyes glow green. “He’s mine…” She growls to him before then turning to you. “Don’t worry, I got this.”
  393. >More vines grab Jason and Gloriosa hauls him away from the cabin.
  394. >The door shuts, and that is the last time anyone ever saw Jason Voorhees mistaking Camp Everfree for Camp Crystal Lake.
  395. ~
  396. >The mountainous area started to get really cold by the time Halloween rolled around, and Gloriosa decided to take you to a random town where it’s a lot flatter and hopefully less cold, though she’s not sure.
  397. >You and her settle for landing a hotel room in a small town in Illinois called Haddonfield.
  398. >Okay, NOW there will be no silent basically-immortal masked killers sensing pre-marital sex who will kill you just because, right?
  399. >You and Gloriosa are once again in the bed together, doing what you do.
  400. >Making the bed springs creak and the backboard hit the wall loud enough to wake up anyone sleeping in the next room over.
  401. >”Oh yes! Yes! Anon! Anon! Anon! Yes! Fuck! Yes! Fuck! Fuck! Ohhh, Anon!” Gloriosa lets her bare busty freckled tits bounce up and down in front of your face as she properly fucks you in he missionary position.
  402. >Finally, no one’s going to bother you two.
  403. >[Piano Music Starts Playing]
  404. >”God damn it, not again…” Gloriosa quickly starts humping you woodpecker style to make you cum early so she can gain mobility sooner.
  405. >The bed springs can barely keep up even in their creaking and groaning.
  406. >You freeze in place with your wildly shaking eyes locked onto the ceiling as your cock experiences the turbulent pounding of a lifetime.
  407. >Damn, she’s good at this.
  408. >You cum buckets, recoiling in joy and ejaculation into Gloriosa and then recoiling in shaky afterglow as Gloriosa gets redresses and leaps out the window. “I got this!”
  409. >Across the street, Michael Myers stands there in the wide open in front of the trees trying to be menacing or whatever the fuck he’s trying to do.
  410. >A bunch of live vines spring out form the trees and suddenly grab him.
  411. >He tries to fight back, but is quickly overwhelmed by an overprotective Gloriosa Daisy.
  412. >He’s never seen again after being dragged into the woods.
  413. >God damn, you love your new camp counselor.

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey