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Chrysalis's Alternate Punishment

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:33:17
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis, former Queen of the Changelings.
  3. She was strong, ruthless, cunning and driven.
  5. She was also currently petrified for her crimes.
  7. Thankfully for her, a certain pony was working hard to get her free This pony had already convinced the Princess of Friendship and the ruler of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle that she deserved a chance at reformation and the only obstacle remaining in the way to Chrysalis's freedom was her own former subjects whom had the final say in the matter.
  9. It was for this reason that this mare was visiting the changeling hive because she believed that if she deserved to be released and rehabilitated then so did her former companion.
  11. This mare was of course, Cozy Glow, who after years since Twilight and her friends decided to give her an alternate punishment to petrification became a high ranking lawpony through hard work and sheer intellect.
  13. Cozy looked confident, following her changeling guide through the hive for her appointment with King Thorax but That confidence masked quite a bit of nervousness.
  15. She knew that Chrysalis was cruel and harsh in her rule so it would take some effort to convince her replacement to grant her another chance.
  17. It didn’t take long before she arrived at the spacious open air throne room where she found herself face to face with the more serious than usual changeling king alongside his brother and many other high ranking changeling officials.
  19. Cozy Glow bowed. “Greetings, your highness.”
  20. Thorax smiled. “Good day, miss Glow. You may rise.”
  21. Cozy stood up and Thorax continued speaking. “You have come here to discuss the subject of releasing our former queen. Is that correct?”
  22. The Pegasus nodded. “It is, your majesty.”
  23. ”Then know that many here do not wish to see her return in any capacity and would rather see her continue to be punished for her actions during her time as queen and after it.”
  24. ”I am aware of that.”
  25. Thorax nodded. “Good, then let us begin.”
  27. What followed was a long discussion between Cozy Glow and Thorax and his cohorts where the changelings brought up many good points that Cozy had managed to counter.
  29. When the more pragmatic Pharynx asked about what good a reformed Chrysalis could possibly bring, Cozy reminded him of her long rule and all the knowledge and experience that came with it, some of which other changelings simply could not know about. She also mentioned Chrysalis’s fighting prowess and how she could be used to help defend the hive.
  31. Thorax brought up her crimes to which Cozy countered with her own and other reformed villains’ ones. Thorax then reminded her of Starlight’s attempt at reaching out the former queen which Cozy rebuked with examples of Discord, Starlight and herself all being unwilling to change at first.
  33. When a random member of Thorax’s court chimed in to remind everycreature of just how dangerous Chrysalis could be, Cozy reminded him that magical suppression rings, guards and various simple countermeasures could easily keep her in check without the need to put too many recourses into her safe rehabilitation.
  35. Slowly but surely her points were having an effect on the changelings until she had managed to convince most of them to give reforming Chrysalis a try. There was still one very familiar problem left, however.
  37. ”Much of the changeling population is still terrified of Chrysalis and I’m afraid that many would panic should she be released.” Thorax said sadly.
  38. Cozy smiled and blushed. “I think I have a solution to that problem.”
  39. ”And that would be?”
  40. Cozy’s blush deepened. “Do you know of my own release?”
  41. ”Yes but-“ Thorax’s eyes widened. “Are you saying that she should get the same thing you did?”
  42. Cozy nodded.
  44. Thorax blinked and the other changelings reacted with surprise and a hint of skepticism.
  46. ”Weren’t you just a filly at the time?” Asked one of the changelings.
  47. ”I was.”
  48. Pharynx frowned. “I get what you’re saying, but something like a spanking, which is usually associated with a child’s punishment wouldn’t have the same weight when given to one as old as Chrysalis.”
  49. “That paddling wasn’t exactly child friendly.” Cozy shuddered in remembrance.
  50. ”My point still stands.”
  51. ”And I would argue that it would carry plenty of weight.”
  52. ”How so?” Thorax asked skeptically.
  53. ”You said that the main problem was that changelings fear her, correct?”
  54. ”Yes.”
  55. ”Then wouldn’t giving her such a seemingly foalish punishment not only take her down a peg, but also show your subjects that we can safely detain her when need be? It would have a surprisingly similar effect and reasoning as my own punishment.”
  57. Thorax’s advisers started whispering to one another as the king himself stared at the mare, clearly contemplating and after a minute of uncomfortable silence, Thorax looked to his entourage and back at Cozy.
  59. ”Why do you want to save her so much?” He asked.
  61. ”After years of thinking about it, I feel that if I deserved a second chance then so does she. She was just as vile as I used to be and probably had better reasons for it.” She then looked away. “Also, as selfish as it may seem I also wouldn’t mind meeting her again in person.” She’d rarely admit it but Cozy sometimes missed her old teammates.
  63. Thorax gave her a look of understanding before coming to a decision.
  65. ”You have made good arguments, Cozy Glow and I will discuss them with my staff.”
  66. Cozy knew this was the best outcome she could get. “Thank you, your highness.”
  67. Thorax gave her a nod. “I offer you a guest room until we come to a conclusion of the matter.”
  68. Cozy bowed. “I accept your gracious offer.”
  70. And with that, Cozy spent the rest of the day resting in one of the guest chambers within the hive until the next morning when she was summoned to meet with the king once again. In the throne room awaited Thorax and Pharynx. The rest of the entourage wasn’t present.
  72. Cozy bowed. “Your highness.”
  73. Thorax nodded and gestured for her to get up, which she did. “We have come to a conclusion regarding your request.”
  75. The Pegasus blinked. She had expected a decision to come much later.
  77. ”Based on your arguments, reasoning and conviction.” Thorax continued. “We have decided to release our former queen and we shall follow through with your suggestion for her treatment.”
  78. Cozy Glow suppressed a cheer and gave the king a grateful smile. “Thank you.”
  79. Thorax smiled. “Her release shall commence in a couple hours. We would be honored to have you join us for it.”
  80. Cozy’s eyes widened. “Already?”
  81. ”Indeed, we thought it be best to get it over with as quickly as possible and have already sent out changelings to get her statue and inform the others.” Thorax said before slipping into a rather unprofessional enthusiastic state. “Oooh, I’m so excited! I always wanted to see Chrysalis reformed!”
  82. Pharynx just rolled his eyes. “This better be worth it.” He muttered.
  84. Cozy just stood there, somewhat stunned at the speed of the changelings’ decision making. She just shook her head and accepted Thorax’s invitation to join the upcoming event.
  86. Later, Cozy walked through the hive. She didn’t have much to do while waiting for Chrysalis’s paddling so she opted to see how the changelings reacted to the news. As expected, most of them were afraid although she did notice plenty who talked about her deserving to be reformed. She supposed that it was fear rather than anger that kept Chrysalis’s former subjects skeptical of her. There were also some pony tourists who were surprised to find out that even they would be allowed to see the paddling according to the news bearers.
  88. Despite the suddenness of the whole thing, Cozy Glow couldn’t help but let out a villainous smirk and a short but evil sounding laugh when she went back to her room to get ready. This was something she still found herself doing after a successful scheme. Old habits die hard.
  90. She stopped her devious celebration when she heard a knock on her chamber’s door. ”Come in!” She called.
  92. The pod door split into the walls revealing a light blue male changeling.
  94. ”Miss Cozy Glow?” The changeling asked.
  95. ”That’s me.” Cozy answered.
  96. ”Chrysalis.” He winced at the utterance of her name. “Has been released from stone and is now in custody of one of our holding cells.”
  97. Once again, Cozy was surprised at the speed of which the changelings handled their affairs. “That’s… nice.”
  98. ”King Thorax has requested that you talk to her.”
  99. Cozy thought for a moment, then sighed remembering what Chrysalis was like. “I assume he wants me to calm her down.”
  100. The changeling nodded. “If you can.”
  101. The mare stepped forward. “I’ll try.”
  103. Cozy was then led to the Hive’s dungeon where she could hear the familiar voice of Chrysalis screaming in rage. This was going to be a doozy.
  105. Thorax was waiting for her just outside, but out of sight of Chrysalis’s cell.
  107. ”Ah, miss Glow, I could use your help.”
  108. ”I can see that. Can’t say I can guarantee much with her.”
  109. Thorax rubbed the back of his head. “I know, but I’d be grateful if you at least tried.”
  110. Cozy nodded. “I assume it’s safe?”
  111. ”Oh, don’t worry! She can’t get to you there.”
  112. ”Alright then.” Cozy walked past the king to the view of the former queen herself.
  113. ”A pony?! Thorax has brought a pony?! Bah, I shouldn’t have expected more from that filthy traitor!” Chrysalis ranted upon noticing Cozy.
  114. ”King Thorax believed that I could calm you down.”
  115. ”Calm me down?! Do you know what he plans to do to me?!” Chrysalis asked.
  116. ”Yep!” Cozy answered. “I suggested it.”
  117. Chrysalis looked at her in outrage. “How dare you?” She asked with a dangerously calm voice.
  118. Cozy shrugged. “It was the only way I could think of the get you out of that statue.”
  119. ”By humiliating me in front of my hive?!”
  120. ”It worked with me.”
  121. Chrysalis tilted her head. “Who are you?”
  122. Cozy smiled and stood up, showing Chrysalis her cutie mark. “Can’t remember your old buddy, Chryssie?”
  123. Chrysalis’s eyes widened in realization. “C-Cozy Glow?!”
  124. ”That’s me!”
  125. ”What are you doing here?!”
  126. ”Meeting you as per Thorax’s request.”
  127. What would that-.” Chrysalis paused for a moment before looking furious. “Wait, you suggested this?!”
  128. ”Yes.”
  129. ”You…” Chrysalis paused again.
  130. ”Chrysalis?” Cozy was concerned by the former queen’s silence.
  131. ”You betrayed me to.”
  132. ”What?”
  133. ”What did that foolish Twilight Sparkle offer you? What sort of vengeance do you want with me?”
  134. ”Um-“
  135. ”I should have destroyed you before we attacked Equestria, you little scamp!”
  136. ”I-“
  137. ”And looking at you now you must have planned this for years!”
  138. ”I mean, that’s kinda true.”
  139. ”My life is filled with constant treachery!”
  140. Cozy groaned. “I did not betray you, Chrysalis.”
  141. ”Then how do you explain this?”
  142. ”Your ticket out of your statue.”
  143. Chrysalis narrowed her eyes ”Explain.”
  144. ”Well…” Cozy retold the events of how she was released and her subsequent reformation and explained how she wanted to give Chrysalis the same opportunity she got.
  145. ”And since so many changelings are afraid of you, I had to suggest this for Thorax to let you be released.”
  146. It took some time for Chrysalis to take all of that in.
  147. ”Chrysalis?” Cozy asked at the changeling’s renewed silence.
  149. Suddenly, Chrysalis let out a torrent of shouts, insult, curses and complaints about betrayal and the like causing Cozy to step back in shock.
  151. ”Golly.” Cozy said to herself. She was expecting something like this to happen, but it was still odd to see her former ally throw a tantrum like this. At least she had the excuse of being a child back when she got this treatment.
  153. It was then that Thorax came in. He winced as he saw the state Chrysalis was in.
  155. ”No luck, huh?” He asked.
  156. ”Nope, sorry.” Cozy answered dejectedly.
  157. He gave her a comforting smile. “You tried your best.” His look hardened. “Besides, it’s time.”
  158. Cozy tilted her head. “You are going about this pretty quickly.”
  159. Thorax let out a sheepish smile, trying to ignore the still shrieking Chrysalis. “I figured that it would be better to get it done now then to wait for weeks on end.”
  161. Cozy shrugged, but said nothing as a squad of Guards lead by Pharynx marched in. Cozy and Thorax stepped back as they wordlessly and carefully opened Chrysalis’s cell door and went inside to subdue her.
  164. Four changelings had to be carted off to the medical ward before Chrysalis was finally subdued enough for the remaining guards to be able to drag her off. Thorax and Cozy watched the whole thing in silence with copious amounts of wincing.
  166. Once the ex-queen was dragged away, Thorax turned to Cozy. “Well, that could have gone better.” He said.
  167. Cozy only nodded.
  168. ”Follow me.” Thorax said as he turned to leave.
  169. Cozy obeyed, wondering if there could have been a better way to handle this.
  171. They soon arrived at what appeared to be a gathering place for the hive. There was a huge horde of changelings gathered there. ”This is where I like to make big announcements to everychangeling.” Thorax explained.
  173. Cozy could see the logic of doing the deed here. It was not unlike the place where she herself got punished in this way.
  175. Chrysalis was already restrained on an elevated area next to the wall which all the gathered creatures stood around with various degrees of surprised and scared looks.
  177. The struggling former queen was made to kneel with her hind legs while her forelegs were bent straight on a square shaped slab made from the same material as the hive. They supported her body which was facing upright and being tied to two polls coming up from the side. There were also cuffs seemingly coming out of the ground to restrict her hooves. It was a weird setup and almost seemed like the hive itself formed it specifically to help punish Chrysalis.
  179. Cozy waited at the side while Thorax walked up to the elevated area.
  180. ”My fellow changelings!” He started. “I-“
  181. ”Treacherous fools, I will crush you all for this!” Chrysalis ranted.
  182. Thorax briefly turned to Chrysalis before looking at the crowd once again.
  183. ”After much deliberation, I-“
  184. ”You will learn to fear the name, Chrysalis!”
  185. Thorax frowned and ignited his horn causing a magical gag to appear at Chrysalis’s mouth.
  186. ”I have decided to-“
  188. Apparently Chrysalis’s screams were too loud even for the gag.
  189. Thorax looked at Pharynx before once again turning to the crowd.
  190. ”Were paddling Chrysalis. I promise to explain everything once were finished. Please be patient.” Thorax said before walking off the stage and letting Pharynx take his place next to the big loud changeling.
  192. Needless to say, there was much confused and nervous murmuring amongst the crowd.
  194. ”I shall be punishing Chrysalis!” Pharynx shouted. “But before that a warmup will first be given to her ex-majesty!”
  195. ”MMMMMPH!” Chrysalis got even angrier at this.
  196. Cozy gasped. A warmup? The paddling itself would be bad enough.
  197. ”This warmup will consist of the first forty of the one hundred licks that she will be receiving.”
  198. Cozy was relieved to hear that.
  199. ”For this purpose, I have decided that the pony who suggested to us and convinced us to go along with this should be the one to give that warmup.”
  200. Wait.
  201. ”And that pony is none other than Cozy Glow!” Pharynx said as he pointed directly to the mare, causing almost every changeling to also turn their attentions towards her.
  203. The creatures reacted to her presence in various ways:
  204. ”Cozy Glow?”
  205. ”Wasn’t she the pony who teamed up with Chrysalis?”
  206. ”She was given a paddling too!”
  207. "What is she doing here?”
  208. Cozy took a step back.
  209. ”Please come over here, miss Glow!” Pharynx called.
  210. Cozy Glow looked at Thorax, who gave her a somewhat mischievous smile as he gestured for her to go to Pharynx.
  212. Cozy gave the king a sour look before making her way up to the elevated slab, feeling awkward as all the changeling were staring at her. As she got close to Pharynx she could make out some of the words Chrysalis was trying to say through her magical gag that Thorax was still keeping up. They weren't pretty.
  214. ”Here.” Pharynx gave her the paddle which she took with hesitation.
  215. ”Do I have to?” Cozy asked.
  216. ”Yes.” Pharynx answered.
  217. Cozy frowned.
  218. ”Your idea, you take responsibility for her.”
  219. The mare looked at the struggling Chrysalis, then the paddle.
  220. ”Ugh, fine. I’ll do it.” She said.
  221. ”Not that you had a choice.”
  222. Cozy rolled her eyes. “So I just have to hit her forty times?”
  223. Pharynx nodded. “I’ll stop you once you get there and take over.”
  224. ”Thanks.”
  225. ”And be sure to hit as hard as you can. The paddle is made with especially light weight material so it should be easy to use.”
  226. Cozy noticed that ever since she took a hold of the paddle. She guessed that it was made with some sort of special changeling substance. The six holes in it also helped in its lightness.
  227. ”Anything else?”
  228. "If some hits aren’t hard enough I’ll make up for them so if you want to spare her from additional suffering, I suggest you put that swinging hoof to good use.”
  229. Cozy sighed, knowing that there was no getting out of this. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
  230. ”See that you do.” Pharynx said as he took a few steps back to give Cozy space to do the deed.
  232. Hearing this exchange seemed to rile Chrysalis up even more. She was struggling and trying to scream even harder now. Cozy could understand, given that she was about to be paddled by a “mere” pony.
  234. Cozy had never swung a paddle before nor was she very strong so Pharynx would most likely get a few extra licks in later. Cozy was sure that Chrysalis could handle them but it made her feel bad. Still, she opted to do her best in this unfortunate task.
  236. ”Sorry, Chryssie. This is for your own good.” Cozy said as she raised the paddle and swung with all her might.
  238. For a split second the air whistled as the holed paddle travelled through it at high speed before impacting on Chrysalis’s big black flank with a very loud ‘CRACK!’ electing a loud but muffled hiss from the ex-queen.
  240. Cozy looked at Pharynx who simply nodded and gestured for her to continue as the large bound changeling squirmed in her restraints with all her might, which wasn’t enough to break them.
  242. One could imagine the kinds of curses she'd be throwing if she wasn’t magically gagged. The pegasus did her best to ignore Chrysalis’s muffled protests and frantic movements as she raised the paddle once again.
  244. ’CRACK!’
  245. ’SMACK!’
  246. ’THWACK!’
  247. ’TAP!’
  248. ’CRACK!’
  250. Six licks in and Cozy’s shoulder was already sore. The mare wasn’t sure that she could keep hitting with such strength thirty-four more times. She took a quick break to stretch and roll her shoulder.
  252. ”K-keep going!”
  253. Cozy looked to the crowd to see where that shout came from.
  254. ”Please, don’t stop!”
  255. It was one of the changelings. He looked nervous but determined.
  256. ”The tyrant deserves it!” The changeling continued.
  257. Cozy looked at him in silence. Chrysalis also stopped her antics.
  258. ”Y-yea, give it to her good!” Suddenly shouted another changeling.
  259. And with that, more and more changelings loudly demanded for the paddling to continue.
  261. Cozy took a step back. She knew that many of them were fearful of Chrysalis, but this almost desperate pleading to see her punished really shocked her. She looked at Chrysalis to see that her former companion was completely still. Despite not being able to see her face, she somehow felt the large changeling wasn’t frozen with rage.
  263. The shouts kept getting louder and louder and Cozy was about to frantically continue with the paddling until Thorax silenced all of them.
  264. ”Changelings!”
  265. All of his subjects looked at him.
  266. ”I know your all very emotional about this, but Miss Cozy Glow’s stamina isn’t infinite. Please, for the sake of efficiency let her focus!”
  267. This seemed to quiet the crowd. Cozy was impressed by Thorax’s showcase of his leadership skills and wondered if Chrysalis was as well.
  268. ”Please, Miss Glow continue.” Thorax said to which Cozy slowly nodded and raised the paddle once more with the renewed vigor from her short rest.
  270. Cozy wasted no time keeping up her unfortunate task. The changelings demands simultaneously making her feel determined to get it right, but bad for Chrysalis.
  272. As the pink pony kept paddling, she couldn’t help but notice how much the changeling’s butt jiggled which was odd considering the chitinous body. Cozy thought about how Twilight would love to conduct research on it should she ever have the time for it. Cozy kept thinking seemingly random thoughts like these to keep her mind away from her aching shoulder. It was times like this where she wished that she was still an alicorn.
  274. Meanwhile the changelings watched their former queen’s punishment with increasing satisfaction.
  276. At the twenty-first smack, Cozy’s shoulder finally gave in once more leading her to accidently give Chrysalis a much softer hit then what was intended. Cozy sorrowfully rested her shoulders once again for about half a minute, knowing that Pharynx would be giving Chrysalis an extra lick for this.
  278. Chrysalis, for her part stopped letting out muffled screams and wasn’t squirming nearly as hard as before. All did was grunt and shake. Cozy guessed that the changelings outburst really struck a chord with her.
  280. As she went on with the paddling, the mare vowed to be the possible friend for Chrysalis to help her make amends as soon as possible.
  282. The thirtieth spank in and Cozy only fumbled one more lick.
  284. She stopped for a moment, took a deep breath and got ready for what was to be the final ten licks that she would have to give.
  285. ’CRACK!’
  286. ’THWACK!’
  287. ’smack’ A fumble. Cozy frowned at this and her frustration gave way for even harder hits.
  289. By the time she was almost finished, she had gotten Chrysalis to start squirming much harder again before raising the paddle one more time and slamming it down with a loud ‘SMACK!’.
  291. Cozy Glow huffed as she lowered her spanking hoof.
  293. It was over. Pharynx was next.
  295. The large changeling was already next to Cozy, so she silently handed over the paddle to him and flew up and towards Thorax without saying a word.
  297. ’CRAAACK!’
  299. She turned around mid-air to see that Pharynx had already started. He needed no ceremony or preparation to do the deed, he just did it.
  301. A part of Cozy felt a bit jealous of this lack of hesitation. She could have saved Chrysalis (and to a lesser extent herself) some torture by hurrying up.
  303. Speaking of being quicker, Pharynx was peppering his former ruler’s already well-tenderized tush with greater speed then Cozy did.
  305. Cozy let out a sigh at this and flew next to Thorax.
  306. ”You did well.” Thorax said.
  307. ”Could have been better.”
  308. ”I think Pharynx expected worse.”
  309. ”Gee, thanks.”
  311. It seemed that Thorax’s order for the crowd to remain silent also extended to Pharynx as they were content with simply watching and quietly chatting amongst themselves. Many of them smiled at Chrysalis’s pain and what words Cozy could make out weren’t very flattering.
  313. ”Do they really hate her that much?” Asked Cozy.
  314. ”After I started introducing them to the comforts of life outside of the hive under Chrysalis’s rule the resentment for her started to grow as changelings realized what she made them miss out on. This resentment eventually passed on to their children leading to what you see here.”
  315. Cozy winced. Chrysalis was going to have it harder than her.
  316. ”Keep in mind, Cozy Glow that you were child back in your days as a villain and that left less room for skepticism then with Chrysalis, who is much older.”
  317. ”But you’ll help her, right?”
  318. ”I’ll try my best. I’d much rather have her on our side then as an enemy or statue.”
  319. >ozy was glad to hear that.
  321. Meanwhile, Chrysalis was taking her paddling remarkably well given how merciless Pharynx was to her. All the large changeling did was grunt and squirm. Cozy knew that she had a large pain tolerance so the fact that Chrysalis was showing this much pain told her that this was indeed a very hard paddling.
  323. Pharynx’s fast paddling made it surprisingly short as he soon stopped and glanced at Cozy, who thought that meant that he was done until he started dishing out a few slower, more methodical hits. These were the ones that she fumbled. Cozy blushed when she realized that.
  325. But after that it was well and truly over.
  327. Pharynx stepped aside to allow the crowd to get a good look at Chrysalis who was certainly in a sorry state.
  329. Suddenly, a spectator started clapping, which was soon followed by most of his fellow changelings. Oddly enough, Chrysalis didn’t seem to react to this.
  331. Once the applause mostly stopped, Pharynx called for the same guards that helped carry Chrysalis there. They released Chrysalis, stood her up and started to drag her away, only for the larger changeling to angrily break there hold and gracefully walk away.
  333. Or at least with as much grace as someone with a bottom as punished as hers could walk.
  335. Apparently, she knew where she had to go because Pharynx and the guards were content to let her lead the way. Cozy was surprised at how well Chrysalis took her paddling and felt a little ashamed when she remembered her own butt busting.
  337. ”Chrysalis is a strong changeling and a grown adult.” Thorax said, as if knowing what was on Cozy’s mind. “She can take it.”
  338. ”Can I see her?” Cozy asked.
  339. ”I’m sorry, but we’d rather keep visitors away from her for three days for safety purposes.”
  340. ”I see.” Cozy was saddened by this as her job required her to go back to Canterlot tomorrow.
  341. ”You can always come back and visit her after those three days.” Thorax reassured.
  342. Cozy smiled. “Thank you, king Thorax.”
  344. And so, Cozy left the hive that very day vowing to come back as soon as she could and while she wished she could do more for Chrysalis, she was still satisfied with at least getting her released.
  346. Chrysalis, meanwhile was moved back to her cell, where Thorax frequently visited her for three days before she was placed into a more comfortable room in what was essentially a house arrest until Thorax could find a good job for the former queen and the right creatures to help her.
  348. A week later.
  350. It took a bit longer for Cozy Glow to come back to the hive then she had intended.
  352. At the entrance, a guard was already waiting for her and escorted her to the throne room. Along the way there the changelings, many of whom actually recognized her this time gave her a wide variety of looks.
  354. “It seems that Chrysalis’s release and handling is quite the divisive topic.” Cozy thought.
  356. Soon she once again found herself at the throne room where she and Thorax curtly greeted each other.
  358. “So how is she?” Cozy asked.
  359. “She’s handling things a lot better than before, although she still has quite the temper.”
  360. Cozy shook her head. “Wouldn’t expect any different.”
  361. Thorax could only agree to this.
  362. “Anyway, I’m guessing that you came to visit her?”
  363. Cozy nodded. “If you’ll allow me to.”
  364. “Of course.” Thorax said and called out to a guard, who once again lead Cozy away.
  366. This time, she found herself at the entrance of what seemed to be a typical changeling living quarter. The guard seemed to cast some sort of spell that opened the door and gestured for the mare to go inside.
  368. “Just knock on the door when you’re ready to leave.” The guard said.
  369. “Got it, thank you.”
  371. The interior of the quarters was rather dark with only a few glowing crystals providing vision. It seemed that Chrysalis felt little need for more light sources. Even in this relative darkness, it was easy to see the looming figure of the former queen of the changelings.
  373. “So you have finally come.” Said Chrysalis.
  374. “Sorry for taking so long. I had work to do.”
  375. Chrysalis scoffed. “Bah! Working for that prissy princess Twilight Sparkle, I presume?”
  376. Cozy grinned and nodded. “Yep!”
  377. Chrysalis shook her head in disappointment. “Foolish child.” She said as she started walking to another room.”
  378. “I am not a kid any more, Chrysalis.” Said Cozy as she followed her.
  379. “To me you are.”
  380. Cozy huffed at that.
  381. “Tell me child, did you enjoy the show I was forced to give.” Chrysalis said, now with anger in her voice.
  382. “Not really. And you already know the reason for it.”
  383. “One such as I should not have to go through such nonsense!”
  384. “Well I went through it too!”
  385. Chrysalis suddenly stopped, turned around and grinned creepily at her. “Oh, I know.”
  386. Cozy took a step back, wondering where this was going.
  387. “Tell me child.” Chrysalis started. “Do you know of these new inventions called televisions?”
  388. Cozy tilted her head. “Yea, what about them?”
  389. “And did you know that they can play back recording of previous events should they be made?”
  390. “Of course, but I’m not sure how-“ A sudden realization dawned on Cozy Glow.
  391. Chrysalis took a step towards the now nervous looking mare. “Thorax” She said that name with some venom in her voice. “Was gracious enough to allow me access to one of these televisions and a rather interesting recording.”
  392. Cozy blushed, knowing what Chrysalis was talking about. Her own punishment was well publicized, much to her dismay.
  394. She tried to change the subject.
  395. “So, about Tirek. I was thinking that-“
  396. “We may speak about him later, but now.” Chrysalis grabbed Cozy with her magic. The pegasus wondered why they didn’t put a magic suppression ring on it.
  398. She couldn’t stop the large changeling from treating her to an impromptu movie watching session nor could she stop herself from feeling utterly humiliated from being forced to watch her own punishment as a filly right next to her former teammate.
  400. Chrysalis would demand to watch this exact same recording during almost all of her future visits.

Changeling and Colt

by asd

Crazy Colt Idea's

by asd

Cozy And Her "Parents"

by asd

Hurts You And Me

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Boast Busters alternate ending

by asd