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The Most Well-Deserved Spanking in the History of Equestria

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:34:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Be the mother of a young colt.
  3. Your sitting on the living room sofa, reading a book. Eventually, your son comes back from school, but there is a problem: He’s frowning band looks saddened by something.
  5. ”Are you alright? What happened?” You ask.
  6. He throws his bag down on the floor prompting a light frown from you.
  7. ”You know you shouldn’t just haphazardly toss your things around on the floor like that.” You scold him.
  8. He ignores your words and walks straight towards you. You recoil slightly as he never acted like this before.
  9. ”Mom?” He asks. His voice full of seriousness.
  10. ”Yes?”
  11. ”Spank me!” He demands.
  12. ”W-what?”
  13. ”Spank me!” He demands once again.
  15. Naturally, you are caught off guard by such a request. Kids are supposed to try to avoid spankings, not receive them. What could he have done to make him actually want this?
  17. ”Why?” You ask, trying to hide your confusion.
  18. ”Cuz’” He said as he jumped up on the couch next to you. “I deserve it.” He leaned over the arm of the sofa that also had a pillow next to it. “Is it good if I stay like this?” He asked.
  19. For a spanking, yes but that wasn’t what mattered to you right now.
  21. ”Or do you want me to raise my bum?” He asked again, standing up on his back legs.
  22. You think back to some of the advice your mother about child rearing shortly after your son was born. Sadly, you couldn’t recall anything that could be useful here.
  24. While you were thinking your son kept raising his bottom higher and closer to you to the point where it was now getting uncomfortably close to your face. You frown and gently shove him back with your hoof. “Don’t put your butt in other ponies faces, young colt!”
  25. ”Sorry mom, I just thought you wanted to spank me like that.”
  26. You don’t even want to spank him. “Why do you even want me to spank you?”
  27. ”I just said so, I deserve it!”
  28. You facehoof. “And why do you deserve it?”
  29. He looks away seemingly in shame. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
  30. You cross your hooves. Time to get stern. “Well, I won’t be doing anything until you tell me what happened.”
  31. He looks down to the floor, contemplating for a minute. “I, uh called miss Cheerilee a very bad word.” He thought for a bit more. “I also punched her in the face.”
  32. You’re sure you are deadpanning. “Miss Cheerilee would have escorted you home personally if you actually did that.”
  33. ”Oh, um.” He frantically searches for another lie. “I burned the school down!”
  34. ”I’m pretty sure I would have heard about it a lot differently if that was the case.”
  35. ”I stole an app-!”
  36. You silence him with a hoof to his mouth. “I want you to tell me what actually happened.” You say calmly but firmly before removing your hoof.
  38. He looks at you and looks like he’s about to cry when he sighs, and looks down.
  40. ”It was during recess.” He begins. “Me and my friends were playing with our toys and I was showing off my new first edition Saddle Rager Power Pony action figure.”
  41. Your son is a massive fan of the Power Ponies and he got that doll for his birthday.
  42. ”But then.” He continues. “Just as I was about to run off to show it to my other friends I tripped.” His voice started to get raspy. “And I dropped Rager and then…” He took some time to compose himself. “And then when I got up, I slipped on something and fell on it.” He wiped away some tears. “And it broke!” He took some more time to calm himself down. “And older colt at school once said that his mom once spanked him with a hairbrush. I think you should do the same to me.”
  44. …Seriously?
  46. You put a hoof on your son’s shoulder and talk to him comfortingly: “While I am disappointed that you weren’t more careful doll-“
  47. ”Action figure!”
  48. You roll your eyes. “Right, that. I don’t think you deserve to be spanked for that.”
  49. ”But I do!” The colt protests. “I have dishonored the name of the best Power Pony by breaking the very first action figure made out of her! If there's any reason in Equestria why a pony would ever deserve to be spanked, it’s this!”
  51. You need to find your son a new hobby or interest. He is way too obsessed with that silly comic.
  53. He once again presents his butt to you. “Now you know why I must suffer for my transgression!”
  54. When did he even learn that word? Either way, you are not giving in to this.
  56. "No.”
  57. ”But mooom, you have to!”
  58. ”I said no!”
  59. He pauses. You think you finally may have gotten him to give up.
  60. ”Mom?”
  61. ”Yes?”
  62. ”Hypothetically speaking, what would I have to do for you to spank me?”
  63. Damn it.
  64. ”Your not going to give up on this, are you?”
  65. ”Nope!”
  66. You groan. Screw it.
  67. ”Alright, come here!” You order.
  69. He smiles at this victory before remembering what he is about to get. He then takes a deep breath as if to gather his courage and drags himself closer to you. You then pick him up and put him over your lap and pin his tail.
  70. The colt gulps and shuts his eyes. “R-remember who this is for.”
  71. You huff in annoyance before giving his bottom some quick taps.
  72. ”Mom it’s supposed to hurt!” you son objects.
  74. You start giving him light swats.
  75. He starts squirming on your lap slightly before gulping again.
  76. ”M-mom? I know your trying your hardest but you gotta understand that-“
  77. Oh for the love of-
  79. You raise your hoof high up in the air and swing down hard.
  80. ’SMACK!’
  81. ”AH!”
  82. You stop and rest your hood on his bottom.
  84. He is breathing heavily and constantly letting out little "ow"’s.
  85. ”Will that be good enough?” You ask cheekily.
  86. ”Y-yea.”
  87. ”Do you think you have been punished enough?”
  88. ”Totally.”
  89. You chuckle slightly as you let him off and watch as he immediately starts rubbing his bottom. Your hoof mark clearily imprinted on it but it should heal by tomorrow.
  91. The next day.
  93. Your son comes home again; this time he looks a lot more normal then he did yesterday.
  95. ”Hi mom!”
  96. ”Come here, please!” You call.
  97. He comes to you and as soon as he notices you, or rather what you have in your hooves.
  98. ”I-is that?”
  99. ”That power pony, yes.” You hand it to him.
  101. Those dolls were actually dirt cheap. He got the first one at his birthday alongside a Power Pony video game.
  103. Either way, at least he’s happy now and while you’re still going to have to find him a new interest, it’s nice to see him have his “reunion”.

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