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Fat Colt

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:35:14
Expiry: Never

  1. A fat colt had recently been suspended from school and naturally, his parents weren't all too pleased about this.
  3. They knew he needed to be punished and be given some kind of a workout. Luckily, they had an idea on how handle both issues.
  5. They were both unicorns and had access to a library with some decent spell books so they were quickly able to find the spell they needed. That spell being a sort of pressure spell, which put pressure on a pony’s body making it a struggle to walk forward.
  7. In a sense, it took the same amount of energy to walk a short distance for the enchanted pony as if he or she would be running laps in a field. It also slowed down their movement to a crawl as if they were carrying heavy weights or walking under water. All of this as exhausting and sweat inducing as any physical task and served perfectly as a form of exercise.
  9. It was perfect for a naughty little fat colt like the one here.
  11. And so, the fat colt's punishment was that every Friday at bedtime he would be marched up the stairs, made to face the relatively long hallway that led to his room at the end of it, have the spell cast on him and ordered to go to his room.
  13. This would be bad enough for the lazy colt who did NOT want to exercise, but to make it even worse, his mom or dad would always be right behind him as he slowly crawled to his room ready to dish out some hard slaps to his bottom whenever he was too slow or tried to take a break.
  15. If he was naughty in any way during the week, he would also get some extra slaps along the way, if he was particularly naughty, those extra slaps could become a lot of slaps and if he was very naughty, his parents could bring out either a hairbrush or a switch to replace their hooves for that night.
  17. Thankfully, any spanking would end as soon as he got into his room. The problem was that this colt was not very athletic and as such, could not keep pace for long and, despite only having to travel through only one hallway, the spell that was cast on him made that an excruciatingly slow process, which left him with a decently spanked bottom at the best of nights.
  19. Essentially, he could be given a full-blown spanking while he was being exercised.
  21. The funny thing is, that despite the fact that he would always desperately try reaching his room as fast as possible every Friday night and the fact that he knew that his parents would stop this if he lost enough weight, he still could not help but eat more then he should have.
  23. Perhaps he would learn his lesson soon though as his parents were planning on also having him climb the stairs.

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