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Spanking on the Only Available Piece of furniture

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:36:21
Expiry: Never

  1. A colt is taken to a big store to shop for some clothes and school equipment by his mother. He hated it, especially since it was happening on the weekend when he could be doing more important stuff.
  3. "Why do I need clothes anyway?!" He whined for the twentieth time, not counting all the other things he complained about.
  4. The mother was rapidly losing patience with him.
  5. The breaking point came when he "accidently" knocked over a clothing rack.
  6. "That's it." The mother said and, after helping a worker stand the rack back up, turned around to glare at her son to let him know just how much he messed up.
  7. It was very effective.
  8. "I'm sor-" His apology was cut short by his mother grabbing his ear with her hoof and dragging him off, ignoring his protests and cries of pain.
  10. Since today was a popular day for ponies to go shopping, the store was pact, something which the colt was quick to notice.
  11. He tried his best to silence his cries and started begging in a somewhat hushed tone.
  12. "Mom please, I'm sorry."
  13. This had no effect on her and as he noticed the increasing amount of ponies staring at him, he was convinced that this was the most humiliating day of his life.
  14. Little did he know that his mom knew just the perfect place to give him a much needed attitude adjustment.
  16. She entered a room that the colt was too busy feeling sorry for himself to realize the purpose of.
  17. He only realized where he was taken after his mom finally stopped to look around.
  18. He gasped in horror at the revelation that he was in the mares bathroom with a lot of mare and fillies, many of them his classmates, staring at him!
  19. Some raised their eyebrows, some frowned and many of the younger ones even giggled.
  21. "No benches? What a dump!" The mother thought to herself. She had expected to find a place to sit on.
  22. Not wanting to wait any longer, she looked around and saw something that could be servicable and she didn't see anypony else needing to use it.
  23. His son, with his ears still firmly in his mother's hoof, was now looking down on the floor mumbling his protests.
  24. Making up her mind, she started marching her to his doom, who yelped at the sudden pain.
  25. That doom came in the shape of the only piece of furniture in the room outside of the toilets.
  27. The changing table.
  29. Before the colt knew what was happening, he was quickly picked up and placed back-first on the table meant for diapered foals.
  30. He froze upon realizing what had happened, giving his mother ample time to raise his legs and keep them from coming back down with her wings and held down his chest with one hoof while the other fished out a large hairbrush from her saddlebag.
  31. He was positioned just like a foal would during a nappy change, except that he was a little too big for such a thing.
  32. While the center of the colt's body was obscured by his mother, his face and rump were clearily visible to every onlooker.
  34. And mommy showed no mercy to her very naughty son.

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