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By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:37:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Spike could not believe he got away with it. Ten of Twilight's books that he was supposed to deliver was burned to ash and somehow, he managed to hide it from her.
  3. Of course, he felt terrible. He couldn't even say it was an accident as Twilight showed and gave him multiple precautions to help him keep his fiery sneezing under control. He was just too lazy to take any of them.
  5. Despite how bad he felt about it he just couldn't bring himself to tell Twilight. She would be very mad if she found out and that was something that Spike did not want to deal with.
  7. Either way, that was a day ago and today would be a busy one.
  9. "Good morning, Spike." Greeted Twilight once he got downstairs.
  10. The still nervous Spike quickly noticed how Twilight's greeting wasn't very cheerful and that she herself looked quite tired. He thought he saw her frown at him for a split second before the greeting.
  11. "H-hey Twilight!" He said, trying to keep it cool.
  12. "I already wrote today's checklist." Twilight said as she grabbed two parchments.
  13. She did do that on rare occasions, mostly when she set herself tasks that Spike wasn't needed for or couldn't help with. In these cases, Spike would always get a shorter checklist then her's.
  15. Just as she started levitating what was most likely Spike's checklist to him, the young dragon felt a pang of guilt and the need to speak up:
  16. "Twilight?"
  17. Twilight perked up and levitated the checklist back next to her. "Yes?" She asked in a strangely hopeful tone.
  18. "I..." Spike started, intending to confess to his wrongdoing.
  19. "Yes?" Twilight asked, leaning slightly forward.
  20. "I..." Spike was finding it hard to get the proper words out. "I just wanted to say..."
  21. Twilight simply stood there, waiting patiently for him to say what he wanted.
  22. Spike knew he should confess and suspected that Twilight would find out eventually.
  23. "That..."
  24. He also knew that she would eventually forgive him. She always did.
  25. "I..."
  26. But still.
  27. "I just wanted to ask what the weather will be like!"
  28. He simply couldn't bring himself to tell her. Spike was usually pretty mature for his age, but there were still, just like now, plenty of times where his age showed.
  30. Twilight let out a sigh which, to Spike, sounded sad.
  31. "Clear and sunny Spike, for the whole month. It was announced yesterday."
  32. "Oh, hehe." Spike laughed nervously.
  33. Awkward silence followed between the two.
  34. "Anything else?" Twilight suddenly asked.
  35. Spike averted his eyes, not willing to look at Twilight. "No."
  36. He felt her gaze on him and, just for a moment, thought that she knew.
  37. "Alright Spike." Twilight said as she turned around, facing away from her assistant.
  38. Spike looked up and saw that Twilight hadn't moved yet.
  39. "Uh, Twi?"
  40. "Here's your checklist." Twilight said irritably, tossing one of the lists to Spike who barely managed to grab it. "Let's get this day over with."
  41. Twilight then trotted out the library, forcing Spike to keep pace with her.
  43. Outside, Twilight asked Spike what the first task for the day would be.
  44. ”Visit Sugercube Corner to buy breakfast.”
  45. Twilight took a peak into her saddlebag and frowned. “Ugh, I forgot to pack bits.” She turned back towards the library door. “Be back in a minute!” She said, leaving behind a somewhat confused Spike.
  46. ”Strange.” Spike thought. “Twilight rarely forgets anything.”
  47. The dragon sighed, and decided to use this time to check out the day’s to-do list in full.
  48. The first thing he noticed was that the last entry had a small star scribbled in front of him.
  49. This meant that it was a Twilight only task.
  50. Spike frowned. Twilight had accidentally gave him the wrong list.
  51. That frown turned to wide-eyed shock when he actually read the entry.
  52. -”Spank Spike.”
  54. Spike’s claws started shaking as he let those two words sink in.
  55. Twilight couldn’t possibly be serious. She never spanked him before. No one ever spanked him before!
  56. But there it was right on the parchment and Twilight never wrote anything on a checklist that she wasn’t absolutely sure that she would be doing.
  57. ”I’m back!” Twilight announced, startling Spike who let out a short scream while quickly rolling up the checklist.
  58. ”Are you alright?” The unicorn asked.
  59. ”Y-yea, you just scared me.” Spike answered half truthfully.
  60. ”Let’s go then.” Twilight knelt down, waiting for Spike to hop onto her back.
  62. On the way to Sugercube Corner, Spike’s mind was racing like mad.
  64. He could still hardly believe what Twilight had written down on that list, but upon a quick glance back at it, he simply could not deny that it was true: Twilight was planning to spank him.
  66. He first thought of talking to her about it, but quickly dismissed that idea. That would mean confessing which he didn’t want to do in private, let alone in public.
  68. But based on that entry, Twilight already knew what he did.
  70. Spike fidgeted on Twilight’s back nervously, not sure what to do. He started to wonder how much less comfortable it would be sitting there with a sore bottom. He once heard from a colt how a spanking could make it very uncomfortable to sit down. This made him fidget harder.
  72. Twilight stopped and looked back at Spike. “Is everything okay?”
  73. ”Yep, no problems here, Twi!” Spike answered, a little too quickly.
  74. Twilight turned around and continued walking forward.
  75. ”Actually, Twilight?”
  76. Twilight stopped and looked at Spike in annoyance.
  77. ”I think I wanna walk.”
  78. Twilight looked at the young dragon for a few seconds before rolling her eyes and once again kneeling down.
  79. ”Thanks!” Spike said as he got off.
  81. The dragon was hoping that nopony noticed just how stressed out he was by the time the two reached the bakery.
  82. ”Welcome to Shugercube Corner!” Announced Pinkie before noticing who came in “Hey Twilight! Hia Spike!”
  83. ”Hi!” They both greeted.
  84. ”Jelly doughnut and gem cupcake?” Pinkie asked, already knowing what the two would want.
  85. ”Yep.” Answered Twilight.
  86. Pinkie quickly grabbed the desired objects and gave them to Twilight, who paid for them.
  87. ”Are you alright, Spike?” Pinkie then asked.
  88. ”H-huh?” Spike lightly panicked. “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?!”
  89. ”Well, you are pretty sweaty and you look kinda tired.”
  90. Spike quickly thought of an excuse. “Oh, that? I’m just a bit tired from walking here.”
  91. ”Why did you want to get off my back then?” Asked Twilight.
  92. Spike smiled nervously. “Exercise?”
  94. Spike wasn’t sure how much the two mares buyed his excuse, but he wasn’t pressed any further on the matter and soon, he and Twilight were sitting at one of the benches outside on the way to Rarity’s boutique, which was their next destination after eating their breakfast.
  96. Normally, Spike would have already devoured the delicious cupcake, but his thoughts on the last item on the day’s to-do list and trying to figure out how he could ensure that would never happen kept him far too occupied.
  98. ”Are you going to finish that?” Twilight asked.
  99. Spike looked up at her, trying his best not to let any of the fear he felt show.
  100. ”Yea, definitely!” He said before forcefully shoving the entire cupcake in his mouth.
  101. Twilight stared at her young companion as he struggled to chew the entire thing down into small enough pieces to safely swallow it. When he finished, she simply shook her head, stood up and continued towards the boutique, Spike quickly following her.
  103. Spike was winded by the time they got there. A baby dragon could hardly keep up with a full-grown mare, after all. That was why he rode on Twilight’s back all the time. Well, almost.
  105. ”Hello, darlings!” Rarity greeted. “I have the coat you requested right here!” She said, levitating a stylish looking coat to Twilight, whom commissioned it to a week ago.
  106. ”Wow Rarity, this looks great!” Twilight exclaimed, clearly happy with her friend’s work.
  108. Normally, Spike would take this moment to complement it as well, thus complementing its creator as well, but that was not on his mind right now. Instead, the first thing that popped into his mind upon seeing his crush is what she would think about this whole mess.
  110. Thinking further into it, he did see fillies and colts outside with obviously spanked bottoms on a few occasions. Sometimes, parents simply would not give much thought to privacy. Would Twilight be like that? Spike wasn’t sure if he could ever live it down if Rarity ever saw him with a spanked bottom. Twilight wouldn’t do that to him. Would she? Then again, she did already intend to spank him…
  112. ”Spike?”
  113. ”Huh?” Spike looked up to see Rarity staring down at him in concern.
  114. ”I just wanted to ask what you think of Twilight’s new coat.”
  115. ”Oh, um.” Spike looked at the coat. It was quite nice. Pretty much what he would expect from a mare as skilled at her craft as Rarity.
  116. ”It looks great!”
  117. ”Glad to hear that. Rarity said, before seemingly remembering something. “Say, would you be so kind as to get me the roll of pink fabric from my room? I believe it’s in one of drawers next to the ponyquins.”
  118. ”Alright.” Spike said as he practically ran upstairs, happy to have some time for himself.
  119. Once he was out of hearing range, Rarity turned to Twilight. “Is everything alright with him?”
  120. ”Oh, well he was out of it this whole day.” Twilight quickly said.
  121. Rarity nodded. “Issues between you two, I assume?”
  122. Twilight sighed. “Yes.”
  123. Rarity gave her friend a comforting smile. “I’m sure you can handle it. Spike is a good dragon and I’m sure he’ll listen to you.”
  124. Twilight smiled back at Rarity, albeit weakly. “I hope so.”
  126. Spike was happy to have a chore like this to distract him. Still, he could not help but take a few glances at the list just to make sure he was imagining that last entry. Sadly, he was not. Without much else he could do, he quickly found the fabric and brought it back downstairs.
  128. ”Thank you, darling!” Rarity said once he gave it to her, petting him on the head.
  129. ”Anything for you, Rarity.”
  130. Twilight and Spike said their goodbye’s and left shortly thereafter.
  132. The rest of the day went without a hitch, unless one counts Spike’s odd behavior, something that most of the ponies he and Twilight visited brought up. He had an excuse for all of them and Twilight was oddly silent on the matter.
  134. Speaking of Twilight, she constantly picked seemingly the longest possible routes to their destinations. Spike couldn’t tell if this was because of what he did or if Twilight just wanted to exercise. Either way, it was getting very tiresome to follow her around like that and he wanted to ask Twilight to let him ride her again, but was too nervous to do so.
  136. Strangely enough, Twilight did not bring up the whole book burning and spanking thing, which gave Spike some hope. Maybe she would simply forget what she wrote in her checklist, as it probably wasn't on his or maybe she deliberately gave him the wrong checklist just to scare him and had no intent on actually spanking him in the first place.
  138. A bit far-fetched? Perhaps, but one can hardly blame a dragon as young as Spike for coming to such conclusions, especially one that has not experienced the pain of a spanking beforehand.
  140. These thoughts did provide some comfort to him, but the fact still remained that they were mere speculations and in no way provable so all he could really do is assist Twilight as always and hope that his guesses were correct. He really did not want a spanking.
  142. The last stop was the town hall.
  144. Mayor Mare needed help organizing some important papers about a future town event, which she asked Twilight to help with given her role as the town organizer. The job itself was simple, at least for Spike, who only had to do the most basic parts of it.
  146. During the organization process, Twilight and the mayor had a pleasant conversation while Spike mostly remained silent. His task was boring, but a part of him wanted it to last as long as possible.
  148. Even now, that list was tormenting him making Him wish that Twilight didn’t mix it up. He wondered if obliviousness would have been better than this.
  150. Then again, if she didn’t he wouldn’t have gotten the small chance of getting out of this.
  152. Of course, the monotonous task would eventually be over leaving Twilight and Spike to bid farewell the final time before heading back home.
  154. The Sun was already setting at this point and Luna would be raising the Moon soon. Truly, this had been a busy day, although Twilight’s insistence on taking the longer routes may have contributed to making it longer.
  156. On the way home, Spike’s anxiety skyrocketed. He knew that Twilight had most likely planned to spank him at home, so the moment of truth as to whether or not she forgot or was playing some cruel prank would soon be upon him. He couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like and subconsciously start rubbing his bottom at the thought, but quickly stopped as he was still in public, albeit with much fewer ponies outside then beforehand.
  158. He was now seriously wishing that Twilight never mixed up those checklists. Being blissfully ignorant of his possible punishment would have been a lot better then this.
  160. The pony and dragon arrived back at the library far sooner than Spike would have liked, but there wasn’t much he could do about it as he entered his home, and what may very well be his place of doom.
  162. ”Today was a long day, wasn’t it?” Asked Twilight as she closed the library door.
  163. ”Yep, sure was!” Answered Spike.
  164. He then saw Twilight perk up, as if remembering something.
  166. Oh no.
  168. Spike decided that this was a perfect time to walk away. Slowly, of course. Running would draw attention to him.
  170. As he started to walk towards the kitchen, he could hear Twilight opening up “her” scroll, most likely to check the last entry on her list.
  172. He picked up his pace, slightly.
  174. ”Huh?” He heard her say, prompting him to go even faster.
  176. He was just about to touch the door handle when he heard Twilight loudly say: “Spike!” Prompting him to stop dead in his tracks. He gulped as he turned around to see Twilight still looking at the list.
  178. ”Oh, Celestia.” He heard her say.
  180. His first thought was to think of something to say to deflect Twilight’s attention from what she was most likely thinking about. He thought about that so hard, that he did not notice Twilight walking up to him.
  182. ”Spike.” He heard Twilight say again.
  183. He looked up to see her looking down at him sternly, but also guiltily.
  184. ”Give me that list.”
  185. It was then that Spike noticed the list he still tightly holding on to which Twilight reached out with her hoof to receive.
  187. Spike gulped, knowing that there was no way out of this. He raised his shaking claw that held the parchment up to Twilight, who took it from him. Pouting, he looked down at his feet and twiddled his fingers as he heard Twilight open it.
  189. ”S-Spike.”
  190. Spike winced, even at the light tone Twilight was using.
  191. ”Did you read the last entry of this?”
  192. The young dragon meekly nodded, still not willing to look up and a few seconds of silence passed between the two.
  193. ”When did you notice it?”
  194. ”In the morning, when you were going inside for bits.”
  195. Spike noticed Twilight raise a hoof and step back slightly.
  196. ”Oh, Spike!” He heard her say before feeling himself being practically tackled by the unicorn mare into a tight hug.
  197. ”I’m so sorry; you weren’t supposed to see that!”
  198. ”H-huh?”
  199. ”I wanted to do it at night after everything else was already done, but I didn’t want you to have to anticipate it all day!”
  200. Twilight was not pulling some cruel prank on him it seemed.
  201. ”This explains why you were acting so strangely the whole time, it must have been horrible for you!”
  202. ”It was.” Spike couldn’t help but say.
  203. ”And I just made it worse by dragging the day out so much.”
  204. While Twilight’s admission of guilt was comforting to Spike, he still really did not want that spanking. Maybe he could use that guilt to get away with it.
  205. ”Twilight?”
  206. ”Yes?”
  207. ”Does this mean that you won’t do it?”
  209. Spike felt Twilight stiffen before a solid minute past with what the young dragon assumed was Twilight thinking about his question, which obviously doubled as a request. He squeezed his claws, which were also in Twilight’s hug, behind his back and started playing around with then in nervous anticipation.
  211. Soon, Twilight broke off the hug and put a hoof under Spike’s chin, raising it and forcing him to look her right in the eyes.
  213. ”When I found out about what you did, I practically spent the whole night thinking about what to do with you.” She started saying in a stern tone. A pang of guilt rose up in Spike. That explained why she looked so tired in the morning.
  215. ”In the end, I decided to read a book about child discipline.”
  216. Spike had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Of course Twilight would use a book to figure out what to do with him.
  218. ”Thanks to that book and my personal judgment, I decided to give spanking a try, as you already know by now.”
  219. The dragon winced, he really wished that he hadn’t.
  221. ”That being said, I decided that I wouldn’t do it if you did one thing.”
  222. Spike’s eyes widened. Maybe he could just do what Twilight wanted now and get out of receiving a sore rump.
  224. ”Do you know what that was?” Twilight asked, her facial features forming into a frown.
  225. Spike thought for a moment before shaking his head.
  226. Twilight sighed. ”That you’d confess to what you did, Spike.”
  227. ”Oh.” There went that tiny bit of hope.
  229. ”According to the book: one should not back down from a punishment if the foal already knows about it and if any sort of predetermined criteria for way out of it hasn’t been met.”
  230. ”But Twi-“ Spike was shushed when Twilight gently put the hoof that was under his chin to his mouth.
  231. ”Spike, I’m going to go outside to get something. I promise that it’ll only be for a minute. When I’m back, I want you upstairs sitting on my bed.” Twilight said, her tone leaving very little room for argument. “Do you understand?”
  232. Spike could only nod.
  233. ”Good.” Twilight walked outside, shutting the door behind her.
  235. Spike stared at that door before heading upstairs as Twilight ordered, not wanting to get into any further trouble. He intended to use the small time that he had to find some sort of miracle argument that would get him out of this mess.
  237. True to her word, Twilight did indeed take only one minute to get back inside and Spike, who was now sitting on her bet had failed to come up with any argument that he was sure would win the unicorn over. He still intended to try though.
  239. As he heard hoofsteps coming up the stairs, he cleared his throat.
  240. ”Twilight, I-“
  242. Whatever Spike wanted to say was quickly forgotten after he saw what Twilight was holding in her mouth: A thin, but sturdy looking stick, most likely picked from one of the library’s many branches.
  244. ”Twilight!” Spike whined. “You don’t need that stick!”
  245. ”It’s called a switch, Spike.” Twilight said after gently placing the stick on the bed. “And yes I do. Spankings are not meant to be a light punishment.”
  246. ”But Twilight, I don’t wanna-“
  247. ”Spike!” Twilight cut him off. “I’m sorry, but you’re not getting out of this. Don’t try to make this longer than it needs to be.”
  248. ”But I don’t wanna.” Spike mumbled.
  249. Twilight ignored him as she levitated a pillow onto the side of the bed.
  250. ”C’mon Twi, I never got spanked before!”
  251. ”Well, we gotta start somewhere.” Twilight said before taking a good look at the bed, and then turning her gaze to the cowering little dragon.
  252. ”Now, I want you to bend over this pillow and lay down on your tummy.”
  253. Spike did not comply.
  254. ”Spike, please don’t make me have to drag you there.”
  255. ”…Please?” Spike tried begging one last time.
  257. His plea was answered by Twilight leaning close to him and grabbing him with her forelegs. He felt those hooves gently direct him to move into what he assumed was the position that Twilight wanted him to be in.
  259. He could quite easily resist and possibly even break out of the hold make a run for it, but the problem with that was that Twilight would then simply use her magic to grab him and forcefully drag him right back to the bed after which he would most likely be in even greater trouble then he was already in. So, with little choice in the matter, he complied albeit with great reluctance.
  261. He found himself bending over the bed with his rump sticking up thanks to the pillow, his legs dangling on the side of the bed, his claws facing the opposite side and with Twilight sitting right next to him with one of her hooves firmly pressing down on his back.
  263. ”Twilight c’mon, don’t do this!” Spike tried to beg for one final time only for Twilight to once again ignore him as he heard her horn ignite with magic, followed by his tail getting magically raised so it pointed towards the ceiling where it stayed levitated.
  265. This was it, Twilight would start spanking him with that stick any moment now.
  267. Spike could hardly believe what was about to happen. Had he just confessed when he had the chance, he would not be laying there, waiting for Twilight to start whacking his bottom.
  269. He couldn’t help but squirm a little as he wondered just how much this was going to hurt.
  271. Surely, Twilight wouldn’t hit him too hard, right?
  273. ’THWACK!’
  275. Apparently, she would.
  277. Spike yelped as the switch impacted on his butt, which was located roughly where the average pony would think it would be. He would have wondered if and how much Twilight thought of that before spanking him had he not been so preoccupied with the pain.
  279. Just as he had gotten over the shock of the first stroke of that now horrible piece of wood, the second one came crashing down and Spike reacted in much the same way to this as the first, except this time he tried to drag himself forward to escape the stinging sensation that was about to repeat itself.
  281. Unfortunately for him Twilight’s hoof stopped any such attempts leaving him with no other option then to take yet another hit on his already sore bottom.
  283. ”Twilight stop!” Spike demanded, tears already forming in his eyes.
  284. Twilight’s answer was a stinging hit on his bottom.
  286. Spike had expected spankings to be bad, horrible even and as such, he was terrified at the prospect of getting one and now as he received two more strokes, he finally realized that he was completely right. This was horrible.
  288. It took one more hit to get him to start kicking. He did kind of try to stay in position beforehand, barring his first panicked attempt to drag himself forward, but he simply gave up at this point.
  290. The lack of any success to stop another stroke by his kicking prompted him to start shifting in his position and trying to cover his bottom with both his legs and claws. Sadly, all this did was prompt Twilight to magically hold his legs down and press him further down the bed with her hoof. His claws were too short to do him any good.
  292. He felt utterly helpless as Twilight delivered two more spikes of pain onto his butt. No matter what he tried to say or do, nothing would help him get out of this punishment. He hated it, but there was nothing he could do about it. So, he simply stopped trying to escape and braced himself for more smacks, now knowing how futile it was to try to escape. He thought that maybe Twilight would start going a little easier on him.
  294. His hopes were once again shattered as Twilight dished out the hardest stroke yet, causing him to cry out the loudest that he’s done since the very first hit. Fully expecting the next barrage of whips to be just as hard, if not harder, he grabbed the blanket of Twilight’s bed with his claws as hard as he could, curled his toes, buried his face into the bed and gritted his teeth in preparation for the coming pain.
  296. Except that pain never came.
  298. Instead, he heard Twilight gently say: “It’s over, Spike.”
  300. Surprised, he looked up to the side to see Twilight looking down at him in concern, her hooves not on his back any more.
  302. ”Are you alright?” Twilight asked.
  304. At first, spike wanted to say no. This was a horrible experience and his butt still hurt. But he was also uninjured and had already stopped crying.
  306. ”I dunno.” He finally answered, looking away from Twilight to lay his head back down while facing forward. He tried to put his tail down from the air, but the pain from the spanking got worse as it closed in on his bottom so he just laid it on his side. He could not help but blush in embarrassment. While Twilight was obviously family to him, her spanking him felt very weird on hindsight.
  308. ”I didn’t exactly enjoy this either.” Twilight suddenly started, earning a snort from Spike. “But I couldn’t let you burning so many important books and trying to hide it go unpunished.”
  309. ”Could have picked something else.” Spike muttered.
  310. Twilight shrugged. “I felt like this was the best choice given the severity of what you did. Believe me; I practically spent all night thinking about it.”
  311. Spike believed her. Twilight could be very thorough with such things.
  312. ”I just didn’t expect you to figure it out like that. I planned on keeping it a secret so you could at least have a normal day till’ the end.”
  313. Spike frowned. “You could have let me off the hook for that.”
  314. ”I spanked you half as much as I originally planned to, Spike so I did go easy on you.” Twilight said while giving a gentle tap to the side of Spike’s head.
  316. The dragon suddenly felt his aching bottom a bit more as he wondered if finding out about the spanking early was actually a blessing in disguise. He groaned as he spread his claws out sideways while wondering when the pain would fade away.
  318. ”So, do you want a hug or should I just leave you alone for a bit?” Twilight asked, clearly not having a plan on what to do after this deed was done.
  319. ”I dunno.”
  320. Spike then felt Twilight’s hoof on his back again, only this time she was just gently stroking it.
  321. ”How about I make us dinner and then we can both hit the hay?”
  322. Spike smiled. “That sounds good.”
  323. And so, the rest of that night went pretty much as normal.
  325. The next day.
  326. ”No!”
  327. ”Come on Spike, I need help with that package!”
  328. ”Everypony will see me!”
  329. ”Spike, it’s barely visible!”
  330. ”But it’s still visible!”
  331. ”It’s completely normal for colts your age to go outside after getting spanked!”
  332. ”Well I’m not a colt!
  333. ”You know what I mean Spike. You can most certainly come outside.”
  334. ”But Twilight, what if Rarity sees me?!”
  335. Twilight facehooved at her assistant’s antics.

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