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Starlight's Punishment

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:37:54
Expiry: Never

  1. ”That should be everything.” Said Twilight.
  2. ”Thank Celestia.” Said Starlight before looking downwards in shame. “I’m so sorry for causing all this mess.”
  3. Twilight gave her pupil a comforting smile. “I already forgave you for that. Just be more careful with how you use your magic.”
  4. Starlight nodded. That was indeed a lesson she needed to learn after mind controlling Twilight’s friends in a silly attempt to help her learn more about friendship.
  6. She supposed that it could be worse. At least Twilight helped her clean up the mess she made. Now if only she could get rid of that lingering sense of guilt.
  8. ”Now there’s only one thing left to do.” Declared Twilight.
  9. ”What’s that?” Starlight asked, tilting her head.
  10. ”Meet me at your room.” answered Twilight before abruptly teleporting away.
  11. Starlight stood there in confusion for a few seconds before shrugging and walking up to her room, wondering what her new mentor had in store for her now.
  12. ”Probably an extra-long friendship lecture.” She muttered to herself with a sigh.
  14. By the time she got to her room, Twilight was already waiting for her.
  15. ”You could have teleported here.”
  16. Starlight looked away. “After what just happened, I didn’t want to just use my magic for something as simple as getting here.”
  17. Twilight beamed at her student. “Oh Starlight, you’re already learning from your actions.” She said as she went up to Starlight and gave her a hug. “I’m so proud of you!” She then pulled away and frowned. “But I’m afraid that I still need to administer disciplinary measures.”
  18. Starlight blinked a few times. “You mean a punishment?”
  19. Twilight blushed, realizing that she may have over-explained it. “Yea, that.”
  20. Starlight groaned internally. Long lecture it is.
  22. Twilight beckoned Starlight to come further into the room, which she did.
  23. ”Now.” Twilight began. “I know this won’t be pleasant, but you need to learn that actions have consequences and that you simply cannot get away with such misuse of magic.”
  24. ”I know.” Starlight said, looking away from her mentor.
  25. ”And you do know what I mean by misuse of magic, right?”
  26. ”Yes, Twilight.”
  27. Twilight nodded. “Good, then we can begin.” She then pointed a hoof towards Starlight’s bed. “Bend over your bed, please.”
  28. ”Huh?”
  30. ”I said bed over your bed.” Twilight repeated.
  31. ”But why?” Starlight asked.
  32. Twilight blinked, then facehooved. “Oh, I should probably tell you what your punishment is, should I?”
  33. ”That would be helpful.” Starlight said feeling very confused.
  34. Twilight gave Starlight an apologetic look. “I’m sorry Starlight, it’s just that I’m new to having a student and I just assumed that you’d already know what’s about to happen.”
  35. This was not new for Starlight. While Twilight was a good teacher for her, she did often have to ask her to explain her teachings.
  37. ”Anyways.” Continued Twilght before clearing her throat. “Starlight Glimmer, for your actions you will receive a spanking from me with this.” Twilight grabbed a single thin wooden cane, which Starlight did not notice was resting on her desk before, with her magic. “To that end I’ll have to ask you to bend over your bed so I may safely carry out your punishment.”
  39. Starlight gaped at Twilight, her mouth open in shock. After a few seconds of this, Twilight started to look concerned.
  41. ”Are you all right? Did I explain that properly? I’m sorry if I didn’t, I just wanted to go for something more official sounding since Celestia liked to announce things like that. If you want, I could try going over that again.”
  43. ”You want to spank me.” Starlight stated.
  44. ”Yes, Starlight.” Twilight said after a bit of hesitation. “After some internal deliberation, I have deduced that this is the best course of action.”
  45. Starlight stared awkwardly at her mentor who looked quite sure about her judgement. How was she supposed to react to this?!
  47. ”Starlight?” Twilight suddenly asked.
  48. ”…Huh?”
  49. ”Are you alright?”
  50. ”What kind of a question is that?!” Starlight thought.
  51. ”Yea, I mean-“
  52. ”Good!” Twilight suddenly smiled. “Now we can get it over with!”
  53. ”But-“
  54. ”Don’t worry, Starlight. I read three whole books about giving spankings so I know what I’m doing!”
  55. ”There’s books about spankings?”
  56. Twilight tilted her head. “Why wouldn’t there be?”
  57. Starlight wondered what could possibly be written in such books.
  58. ”Now, if you have no more questions, please bend over your bed so we can begin.”
  59. Starlight glanced at her bed before looking back at Twilight. “Are-are you serious?”
  60. Twilight gave her student a confused frown. “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”
  62. Starlight blinked, unable to fathom why Twilight thought that this was the best possible punishment for her or how she was so dense about it.
  63. ”Twilight, I’m a grown mare!”
  64. ”So?” Twilight asked, sounding genuinely confused.
  65. The light purple unicorn facehooved at the alicorn’s obliviousness.
  67. ”When was the last time you saw or heard of an adult getting a spanking?”
  68. ”I don’t see how that matters here.”
  69. Starlight started to wonder how somepony like Twilight could end up being the Princess of Friendship.
  71. ”Starlight, I really need you to bend over your bed, now. Were already off schedule as it is.” Twilight said with a tiny bit of annoyance in her voice.
  72. ”Schedule?”
  73. Twilight nodded. “We should have been almost done with the caning by now, but for some reason, you keep extending this.”
  74. ”But I’m a grown mare!”
  75. Twilight frowned. “You already said that.”
  76. ”I’m too old for a spanking!” Starlight said, blushing.
  77. Twilight’s frown turned into a confused look. “I don’t understand. Why would you be?”
  78. Starlight took a step back from Twilight, her blush deepening.
  79. ”I mean, you still have a butt and everything, so I don’t really see why you couldn’t be spanked.”
  81. ”I’m not talking about whether or not it’s possible; I’m saying that I am too old to be spanked!”
  82. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I don’t understand.”
  83. ”Spankings are…” Starlight started, hardly able to believe that she had to explain this to Twilight. “A type of punishment meant for foals.”
  84. ”Just because it’s normally used on colts and fillies doesn’t mean that it can’t be used on adults.”
  85. ”B-but.” Starlight started again, trying to think of something to say.
  87. ”Starlight, are you trying to get out of your punishment?” Twilight asked in a lecturing tone. “You know I can’t let you off without one after this.”
  88. ”I know!” Starlight shouted. “It’s just…”
  89. ”Just what?”
  90. ”Don’t you find this a bit awkward?”
  91. ”Huh?” Twilight looked at her student confused.
  92. ”Like." Starlight looked away. "You suddenly demand that I lay down next to my bed so you can hit my butt a bunch of times?”
  94. Twilight looked on, still confused. Eventually, she had a realization. “Oh, I get it!”
  95. Starlight let out a sigh of relief.
  96. ”You’re just afraid!”
  97. Starlight's head snapped back at Twilight as she raised a foreleg. “What?”
  98. ”The book did say that this was a possibility.” Twilight said to herself before giving Starlight a comforting smile. “Don’t worry, Starlight. It won’t be that bad.”
  99. Starlight blushed. “It’s not that-“ She was silenced by Twilight using her magic to gently shut her mouth.
  100. ”Try not to think about it too hard.” Twilight said as she walked up to her. “I won’t lie, this will hurt, but it won’t be the end of the world.”
  102. Starlight tried to speak to no avail as Twilight gently started pushing her to the bed with her hooves. This frustrated Starlight, who used her own magic to break Twilight’s hold.
  103. ”I AM A GROWN MARE!” The unicorn screamed, much to Twilight’s shock.
  105. ”Starlight!” Twilight exclaimed at her student’s outburst.
  106. Starlight, having realized that she had just shouted at her teacher, took a step back and looked away bashfully.
  107. ”I mean, I-“
  108. ”Starlight.” Twilight said with a raised hoof, silencing Starlight. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but.” She took a deep breath. “I order you to bend over that bed.”
  110. Starlight almost scoffed at this. Why would Twilight think that simply ordering her to bend over would make her want to do it more? Why, she had…
  112. Complete and utter authority to give orders to her…
  114. It was then that Starlight realized that she was not only dealing with a princess in her own castle, but also what was essentially her parole officer. Twilight had effectively complete authority over her.
  116. ”C-can’t we talk about this?” Starlight finally asked.
  117. Twilight shook her head. “I’m sorry, Starlight, but I think we both know that you need to be punished for what you did today. Mind altering spells like that are no joke.”
  118. ”B-but this?”
  119. "I’m sure you can handle it.” Twilight said gently before taking on a sterner look. “Now, I believe we have stalled this for far longer then we needed to.”
  121. Twilight pointed at the bed with clear intentions and Starlight, knowing that she really didn’t have any choice in the matter, finally walked towards it.
  123. The soon-to-be spanked mare did not need to be told what position she needed to be in. The simple instruction to bend over and the fact that her flank was about to be whipped made it obvious that she needed to position herself in a way so as her backside was easily reachable by that stick Twilight was carrying.
  125. Starlight could still barely believe that this was happening or that she was actually complying with Twilight’s ridiculous demand despite knowing how little of a choice she had in the matter.
  127. Now in this new, very awkward position, Starlight looked forward towards the wall, her eyes shifting side to side as she nervously awaited the first stroke of that stick, wondering just how much this would hurt. The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she felt about how frightening this whole thing was for her. She was a grown mare yet here she was, practically cowering at her imminent spanking!
  129. Suddenly, magic enveloped her tail and she yelped as it was raised up to the air.
  130. ”Relax.” Twilight said. “I’m just getting it out of the way.”
  131. Starlight blushed again as her feeling of embarrassment grew exponentially. She really should have seen this coming.
  133. Not wanting to waste any more time, Twilight gave her student’s bum a series of quick taps. Said student could not help but wince at these taps. They didn’t hurt, but they were a good sign of what was to come and frankly, Starlight could already somewhat guess how much this would hurt based on them.
  135. Which was to say, a lot.
  137. Starlight tried to look back, but all she saw was the end of the cane before it was launched forward out of her vision.
  138. ’THWACK!’
  139. She let out a loud shriek at the sudden pain, which was as she expected, quite significant.
  140. ’THWACK!’ Came another strike. Starlight tried to preserve what little dignity she had by not crying out this time. She did cross her hind legs though. She did not want to risk whatever extra punishment Twilight would have in store for her if she ended up blocking.
  141. ’THWACK!’ ‘THWACK!’ ‘THWACK!’
  142. Each impact caused the cane to rapidly dig itself into Starlight’s bum far more then she would have liked, making the skin and flesh retreat inwards in what may very well have been a subconscious attempt to avoid the wooden terror leaving behind a searing angry red line in its wake.
  143. ’THWACK!’
  144. Starlight couldn’t hold in her voice anymore as she finally let out a loud “AH!”. While she never experienced the “joys” of a spanking when she was a filly herself, she hoped that it wouldn’t have been this hard and that Twilight was just being harsher due to her status as an adult.
  145. ’THWACK!’ ‘THWACK!’
  146. In an uncomfortable change of pace, Twilight decided to let the area of Starlight’s back legs, just below the butt where it was the most meaty, get two red lines of their own causing the unicorn to unintentionally give them a good wiggle even while her mentor gave another stinging strike to the upper portion of her actual flank.
  147. ’THWACK!’
  148. The mare blushed as she actually noticed tears coming out of her eyes. “So much for my dignity.” She would have thought if she wasn’t preoccupied by the now rather large amount of pain she was in.
  149. ’THWACK!’
  150. Starlight’s entire body jerked forward as the cane split itself across the very center of her bottom, making yet another very noticeable red mark on it. Starlight let out a series of “ow!”’s and sniffles while breathing heavily at the burning sensation.
  152. ”Whew!” Twilight exclaimed as Starlight heard a faint sound of two pieces of wood touching each other. She hoped that this meant the end of her suffering.
  153. ”I think I can say that you have been sufficiently punished.”
  154. ”Really?” Starlight thought sarcastically as she let out a sigh of relief that her hopes were realized.
  155. ”You can get up now.”
  156. Upon hearing those words, Starlight wasted no time standing up and awkwardly trying to nurse her bottom.
  158. ”Well, Starlight, what have we learned today?” Twilight asked in what Starlight believed was an amused tone.
  159. ”Friends don’t brainwash other friends.” Starlight said, vowing to never do that again for as long as she lived.
  160. Twilight nodded. “Precisely! Magic is a great thing, but also potentially very dangerous if used incorrectly. Part of your lessons is making sure you understand that.”
  161. ”Uh-huh.” Starlight agreed, trying to think of a spell that could help sooth her bottom.
  163. A bit later, after Twilight brought her student an ice pack, which the wayward unicorn was very grateful for, Twilight let out a happy sigh.
  164. ”My first time punishing my first student. I bet Celestia would be proud.”
  165. ”Yea, sure.”
  166. ”I should write to her about it.”
  167. Starlight glared at Twilight.
  168. ”Actually, I should tell the girls as well.”
  169. ”I don’t think that would be necessarily.”
  170. ”Of course it is, Starlight. You wronged them so it’s only fair that they get to know all the details of your punishment. In fact, I think that that would save a lot of awkwardness when we visit each of see them tomorrow!”
  171. Starlight started sweating as some panic set into her. ”I-uh, think you have it the other way around.”
  172. ”I’ll even show them the cane!”
  173. ”No, seriously Twilight-“
  174. ”Don’t worry, Starlight, I’m sure once they know how you’ve been punished any lingering resentment will completely fade away!” Twilight giddily declared before lighting up her horn.
  175. ”No, Twilight wait!” Starlight shouted, but Twilight obliviously teleported away with the cane, most likely to pay her friends a quick visit.
  177. Starlight now stood alone in her room, one hoof raised. After processing what just happened, she let out a loud grown and planted herself face-first onto her bed. The blush on her face renewing that the thought of Twilight explaining everything with what she assumed was in the most embarrassing way possible.
  179. Then, she recalled another thing Twilight had said: ”I think that that would save a lot of awkwardness when we visit each of see them tomorrow!”
  181. Starlight let out another loud groan, realizing that she would be dragged to see each of them at the very next day.
  183. She would later let out another groan at the next morning when she finally took a good look at the damage on her bottom, which she could do nothing to hide as Twilight was already up and ready to take her outside.

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