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Chrysalis Disciplines her Brat

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:38:38
Expiry: Never

  1. The Everfree forest was home to many creatures, most of them being animals. In fact, for a long while, only sapient being living there was Zecora the zebra. Only recently did that change.
  3. Queen Chrysalis, the disposed monarch of the Changeling Kingdom took refuge in this woodland. For a while, she had roamed it alone, constantly plotting her revenge against the ponies and her former subjects. Recently, however, she made a makeshift home of a cave deeper in the forest with the reason for this new living arrangement being that she was no longer alone.
  5. Indeed, if one were to get close enough to the cave, they would recognize loud noises of multiple beings coming from it and if one were to enter it, they would recognize not only Chrysalis, but strangely enough, the six wielders of the Elements of Harmony. Or rather, six ponies who looked exactly like them but did not act like them in any way.
  7. ”Mine, mine, mine!” Said “Rarity” as she horded her acquired “valuables” into a large pile, some of them belonging to her sisters and Chrysalis herself, much to their constant irritation.
  8. ”Booooored!” “Pinkie Pie” moaned loudly for what may have been the hundredth time that day.
  9. ”Rainbow Dash” lazily flew around the cave, not caring or even noticing some of the more important objects she was knocking over.
  10. ”Fluttershy” busied herself with audibly making fun of some random insects. She did this quite often after she was forbidden from bringing any more animals into the cave to torment.
  11. ”Applejack” did what she usually did: Go around and randomly tell painful and obvious lies to everycreature she could. She just could not keep her mouth shut.
  12. And then there was “Twilight Sparkle”, who was sitting next to one of the walls with her wings rubbing against each other from the front, laughing evilly. She had most likely come up with another plot to dispose of her creator.
  13. Said creator of these dark clones of the Equestrian heroines was of course, Chrysalis, who surveyed her newest minions with visible annoyance.
  15. The large changeling was not sure why she decided to revive the clones. Perhaps it was loneliness, maybe it was a need for something living to command or perhaps she thought them to still be of some use. She often wondered about the reason for it, but could never come to a definitive conclusion.
  17. One thing was for certain: It was not because she found their company enjoyable.
  19. These clones were easily the most annoying beings she ever had to deal with. They were horrible at being minions, constantly tried to overthrow her (or at least the alicorn), refused to behave in a civilized manner and seemed to never stop their annoying tendencies. Ever since she revived and made a home for them, she had no shortage of migraines and lost sleep.
  21. Chrysalis walked around the cave as the six menaces continued to be, well, themselves, thinking of ways to get them to be more cooperative.
  23. She had tried many things in the past, from threats to even promises of power and even bribery, but nothing seemed to work. A darker part of the changeling often told her to just turn them back to what they originally were and use them for firewood, although she always surpassed it. She wasn’t sure why, considering that they hardly deserved her mercy.
  25. Deciding that she needed a bit of peace and quiet to think properly, Chrysalis went outside, not noticing a certain purple alicorn sneakily following her.
  27. She took a seat after walking a little bit away from the cave. It was nice to have this little bit of sereneness, even if she could still hear the commotion from inside.
  29. Suddenly, she heard the rustling of leaves followed by a twig breaking. She sighed, knowing just who it was and what she was planning. Chrysalis grabbed the clone of Twilight in her magic just as she jumped out of the bushes at her with what appeared to be a sharpened stake.
  31. The changeling rolled her eyes as the alicorn struggled in her grasp. “Again with this?” She asked.
  32. ”I will destroy you and take Equestria for myself!” Twilight said, still struggling.
  34. Chrysalis groaned as she took the stake from Twilight’s hoof and tossed it away, ignoring the clone’s protest before letting her down. She was glad to have sealed most of the alicon’s magic away. Perhaps someday she would give it back to her, but that would be a long time from now.
  36. ”You think this will stop me?! I shall have my revenge on you! You will be destroyed and I will-“
  37. Chrysalis was feeling her migraine coming back as Twilight went on yet another tirade of promising vengeance, retribution and the usual. Sometimes, she wondered if her speeches were as irritating to listen to as this.
  38. ”Cease this nonsense at once!” She finally commanded.
  39. Twilight answered with a cocky smirk. “Or what?”
  40. Chrysalis couldn’t help but recoil at the nerve of such insolence.
  41. ”You cannot stop me! I am a better version of that so called “pwincess of fwiendship” that you lost so many times to. It is only a matter of time before you fall to me and then I shall be unstoppable!”
  43. ”The absolute arrogance!” Chrysalis thought, her irritation slowly morphing into rage. These clones, especially Twilight were like little misbehaving brats! Why couldn't they act like reasonable adults?!
  46. As Chrysalis looked over the still gloating Twilight, she had a revelation: They were brats. Heck, considering how old they were they may as well have been over sized fillies.
  48. Chrysalis then got an idea. A wonderful idea.
  50. ”Why are you smiling?” Twilight asked, noticing her creator’s sudden change in expression.
  51. ”Oh, you silly little alicorn.” Chrysalis said in an unnervingly gleeful tone, causing the evil clone to take a few steps back. “I have just thought of the perfect way to deal with you.”
  52. ”H-how?”
  53. Chrysalis took a step forward. ”The same way one would deal with a hopelessly misbehaving child.”
  54. ”What?” The clone asked before yelping as her ear was caught in a magical grip. “Hey!” She yelled, but was ignored as Chrysalis started to walk back to the cave, dragging the struggling clone with her.
  56. Inside the cave, the rest of Twilight’s sisters were busy being their usual selves, as usual. In an extremely rare occurrence, however, they all suddenly stopped, their attention drawn elsewhere, that being the sight of their creator dragging their purple sister inside by her ear.
  58. ”OW, OW, OW, OW!” Twilight loudly expressed her discomfort at her ear being harshly pulled.
  60. Her sister’s looked on as she was dragged to the middle of the cave, with most of them staring at her with concern, the only exceptions being Dash, who looked disinterested as always and Fluttershy, who looked quite happy with her situation.
  62. Chrysalis finally stopped, giving Twilight’s ear some respite, but still refusing to let it go. “Gather!” She demanded, pointing in front of her.
  64. The clones did not need any further explanation to know what to do. They lined up in front of the queen and her unruly subject.
  66. ”Sit!” Chrysalis demanded and the clones, not wanting to join Twilight, did so.
  68. ”This one!” The changeling began, giving Twilight’s ear another tug, earning a quick yelp from her. “Attempted to assassinate me and usurp my rule!”
  69. ”Again?” Pinkie asked.
  70. ”Silence!”
  71. Pinkie shut her mouth.
  73. ”As you already know, such behavior is unacceptable from my subjects!”
  74. ”Yep, were totally your subjects. It’s something we all agreed to.” Applejack lied.
  75. ”Indeed.” Chrysalis said. “And good subjects do not attempt to assassinate their queens!”
  76. Twilight opened her mouth to try to say something, but Chrysalis, expecting it, gave her a harsh glare causing her to prematurely shut up, prompting a giggle from Fluttershy that her maker decided to ignore.
  78. Chrysalis looked back to the other clones and continued: “For too long, I have been merciful to you. I treated you like reasonable adults.” The frowned. “That was clearly a mistake.”
  79. The clones looked at each other questioningly as Twilight tried in vain, to slip out of Chrysalis’s magical grasp.
  80. ”Look at me!” Chrysalis loudly ordered, making the clones frantically obey.
  81. ”I shall now implement a new way of dealing with you, one that will introduce a new punishment for misbehavior.”
  82. Twilight was visibly shaking now.
  83. ”And she will be its first recipient.” All the clones watched as Chrysalis dragged a wooden stump that she often used as a chair behind him and sat down on it, with her hind legs sticking out as if she were a bipedal creature.
  84. ”Now watch closely! This will be your fate should you step out of line like her.”
  85. Chrysalis then dragged the now protesting Twilight over her knee as the clones were glued to their seat, not taking their eyes off her and the queen in fear of sharing their sister’s fate. Fluttershy looked more curious then the others.
  87. Not wanting to waste any more time, Chrysalis pinned Twilight down with one hoof and lifted her tail straight upwards with her magic. As for her other hoof, she gave it a quick stretch.
  89. And then she used it to give a hard smack to Twilight’s now exposed bottom.
  90. ”SMACK!”
  91. Twilight’s reaction, that being a quick scream, was what Chrysalis expected. She looked at the other clones and saw them recoil and look up in shock.
  93. Perfect.
  95. Turning her attention back to the insolent purple butt, which now housed a nice red mark for its troubles, Chrysalis continued hitting it in much the same way as she just did.
  96. ”SMACK!” “SMACK!” “SMACK!”
  97. Twilight’s reaction as she was being spanked was all the clones needed to know how effective Chrysalis’s hoof was.
  99. She started out by letting out shocked screams, then she started protesting, then begging and now, as she kicked and squirmed under Chrysalis’s hold, she began practically howling with no shortage of tears and snot. Chrysalis’s hoof was quite the beast. It’s hard chitin coating and holes practically made it a paddle in its own right. It was for that reason that the queen required no implement for this.
  101. Now, as Twilight was starting to sweat with her hooves still kicking wildly in all directions and her bawling now rivaling the roar of a timber wolf, all the clones do was squirm in their seats, imaging what it would be like for them to be the receiving end of such a punishment.
  103. Except for Fluttershy, who actually looked gleeful at her sister’s predicament.
  105. Chrysalis would not stop torturing Twilight’s flank until every inch of it was reddened, including the sit spots, which made the punished clone always scream a little louder whenever it received a hit and even a little at the meatiest part of her hind legs.
  107. Eventually, however (much to Fluttershy’s poorly disguised disappointment), the spanking had to end.
  109. Chrysalis smirked as she surveyed the damage on Twilight’s flank. It was nice and red with a few darker shades of it in certain places. She had to admit, this felt cathartic.
  111. Twilight would think twice about trying to back-stab her in the near future and the others would remember this whenever they would think about misbehaving in a similar vain.
  113. She gave the clone a bit of time to breathe before making her stand up. Twilight looked down, her eyes full of tears and snot running down her nose. She looked thoroughly punished.
  115. The alicorn let out an “EEP!” as her ear was grabbed once again.
  117. Chrysalis dragged her to one of the cave walls. There was not much resistance from her this time.
  118. ”Put your nose over there!” Chrysalis demanded as she guided Twilight to face the wall, her nose scrunching against it.
  119. ”Move from here, say a word or take your nose off the corner until I allow you to do so and you will be finding yourself back on my lap for another session with my hoof.”
  120. Twilight gulped, and stood as still as she could to avoid her maker’s wrath.
  121. ”And those hooves stay on the ground!” Chrysalis said before turning to the others.
  122. ”Behold!” Chrysalis pointed at Twilight. “This is what you shall receive if you step out of line again!” She smiled at their reactions. “Dismissed!”
  124. Chrysalis took a seat at the cave entrance to better look over her subjects.
  126. Rarity was still guarding her hoard, but there was a noticeable lack of the more valuable objects in it.
  127. Pinkie Pie was once again, bored, but at least she wasn’t being so audible about it.
  128. Rainbow Dash continued to be lazy, but she stopped randomly flying around the cave.
  129. Applejack still told random lies, but she was not as obnoxious about it anymore.
  130. Fluttershy did not waste time before trying her luck to torment Twilight.
  131. As for Twilight herself, she was still in time out.
  133. Chrysalis turned her attention to the conniving alicorn.
  135. Fluttershy was mercilessly tormenting her while she was unable to do anything about it.
  136. ”I bet it hurts. You were screaming so hard. Aww, does the wittle fiwwy need her mommy? If only you saw how pathetic you look. Oh, better not try anything, remember what Queen Chrysalis said!”
  137. Chrysalis considered stopping the yellow menace, but decided against it. This would help the lesson sink in.
  139. Indeed, Fluttershy had a talent for saying just the right things to get under one’s skin as evident from Twilight’s heavy shaking, most likely out of a miserable combination of pain, rage, humiliation and indignance. Chrysalis noted the puddle of tears and snot under Twilight’s head. Probably a result of renewed crying under Fluttershy’s treatment.
  141. While the lesson did not seem to effect Fluttershy the same way as the others, Chrysalis considered making a deal with her to allow her to torment her sisters after such punishments, which she was sure would inevitably happen, up to a certain point in exchange for her good and loyal behavior.
  143. Of course, she would also need to stop her from deliberately trying to get her sisters in trouble. Perhaps a promise of extra-long spankings and time-outs would do the trick. That clone may have been sadistic, but she wasn’t masochistic. Maybe allowing her sisters to do the same thing to her in case she finds herself in a similar position as Twilight may seal the deal.
  145. The changeling could already imagine all five of Fluttershy’s sisters tormenting her in the corner in revenge. Chrysalis expected that to happen someday.
  147. For now though, she was satisfied at the state of things.
  149. She let out a sigh of relief and small chuckle at how Fluttershy was now describing the state of Twilight’s butt to her in excruciating detail, much to her dismay.
  151. Perhaps she would add a half hour to the alicorn’s time out.
  153. Maybe with enough punishments like this, she could shape these clones into something workable.

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