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Cadence's Foalsitting Tale

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:39:50
Expiry: Never

  1. ”Have you ever spanked anypony?” Twilight Sparkle asked Cadence.
  2. The teenage alicorn looked at the young filly, surprised. “Why do you ask?”
  3. Twilight shrugged. “Just curious.”
  4. ”Now that she mentions it.” Chimed in Shining Armor. “I'm also a bit curious.”
  6. While normally Twilight’s foalsitter, Cadence often hung out with Shining, who she was good friends with, and as their parents both had jobs at similar times, Twilight was often there as well.
  8. ”Well.” Cadence started to say, hesitantly. “There have been some cases.”
  9. ”Must be weird since that you’re the same age as me.” Remarked Shining.
  10. ”Tell me about it. First your satisfied at the thought of giving one of those little brats what they deserve then all of the sudden you feel super awkward having them over your knee.”
  11. ”I can imagine.”
  13. ”So do you do it often?” Asked Twilight.
  14. ”Not really. It rarely gets to that point.”
  15. ”When was the last time you did it?”
  16. ”... I really should not be discussing this about my charges.”
  17. ”Aww, c’mon, Cadence, tell us!” Begged Twilight.
  18. Cadence looked at Twilight, who was giving her puppy dog eyes and then at Shining, who had a pleading look of his own. After thinking about it for a bit, she sighed. “Oh, alright.”
  22. It happened a week ago when I was foalsitting this rainbow haired pegasus filly. For the most part, she was not a bad kid, but boy was she hyperactive. I think she got that from her parents. I don’t want to say anything mean behind their backs, but they had a huge knack for bragging about every tiny little thing their kid did. They almost felt more like obsessive fans then actual parents.
  24. But anyways, they told me everything I needed to know and then I had most of the day with that filly.
  25. It went well for the most part, even if she was very active.
  26. Yes, is can be a little annoying, but after taking care of so many foals, I kind of got used to it. You should be glad that you have such a well-behaved little sister, Shining. Most kids can be a chore to deal with.
  27. Don’t let it get to your head, Twilight.
  29. Skipping through some of the day, she eventually wanted to show me her flying skills, which I will say, she is very good.
  30. How good you ask?
  31. Well, consider how talented, skilled and hardworking Twilight is with magic.
  32. Don’t sell yourself short, Twilight; my aunt selected you as her pupil for a reason.
  33. That filly is just as good at flying as Twilight is at magic.
  34. Yea, I know. She’s pretty impressive. Heck, she got her cutie mark first in her class by performing a Sonic Rainboom.
  35. Yes, Shining, that Sonic Rainboom.
  36. Well, Twilight, a Sonic Rainboom is when a Pegasus flies so fast that he or she breaks the sound barrier and lets out a giant ring that matches the color of his or her hair. It was said to be a myth, but apparently, that filly managed to pull it off by accident.
  37. No, it’s true. Trust me; her parents spent an hour showing me proof. Honestly, I’m surprised she isn't famous for it.
  39. Back to the story, as I said, she’s very talented. The problem was the difference between her and Twilight: That being that while Twilight is humble about her talent, she liked to brag up and down about it.
  41. Now, normally I would have been interested in having her give me an impromptu flight show... Just not inside the house.
  43. Yep, she decided to do stunts inside.
  44. I did try to stop her! She was just too fast and unwilling to listen.
  45. I swear, I gave her a million warnings and even tried to catch her, but it was not easy dealing with such a ridiculously fast filly.
  47. And well, you can guess what happened.
  48. Ugh, do you really need to ask?
  49. The room got totally trashed by the time I caught her. I thought her parents would kill me for that! Then Celestia would kill me again!
  50. Yea, I get what you’re saying, Shining. Stuff like that makes me dread the thought of ever being a parent myself. Who knows what troublesome foal we would get?
  51. You’ll understand when your older, Twilight.
  53. But enough of that. As you can imagine, I was not happy with her. I normally think a lot bout whether or not to give spankings, but this was an exception: I threw her over my knee almost immediately.
  54. Yea, like how you’d expect most parents to spank their kids.
  55. Yes, it is weird for my age, but honestly how would you do it?
  57. What happened then?
  58. I spanked her, of course.
  59. By hitting her butt a bunch of times.
  60. Of course, it was hard! It’s meant to hurt.
  61. Honestly, Twilight, why are you asking so many questions?
  62. I sat down, stretched my hind legs out, pinned her onto them and hit her flank a bunch of times.
  63. I dunno, I wasn’t counting the time. I mostly just measured the redness of her butt.
  64. Uh, I guess I tried to make it evenly red? I don’t know, I sort of just went with my gut.
  65. Well yea, she did obviously try to get away and I did have some trouble keeping her down.
  66. Yes, she was crying.
  67. I know its mean, but she had it coming.
  69. If you have enough questions-
  70. Huh? What I did do when I was done?
  71. Well, I just sat there for a while.
  72. Yea, after I stopped hitting her. I let her stay over my knee for a minute or so and then I put her down.
  73. Trust me, Twilight; she was not the kind of filly who would appreciate cuddles like how you would.
  74. It was awkward. It always is. I’m not sure if this is any easier for adults, but I am technically a kid myself so it feels weird to spank another kid like that even if she is a lot younger. That feeling gets worse, funnily enough after the deed is done, so to say.
  76. After that we cleaned up as much as we could.
  77. Yes, I made her help me clean up after the spanking.
  78. I am sorry, but I wasn’t gonna let a sore bum stop her from at least helping me fix her mess.
  79. Yes, I can be strict when I want to be.
  80. Well, she obviously did not like it, but I was not giving her a choice in the matter.
  81. If she wouldn’t help, I would spank her again, obviously.
  82. Don’t look at me like that, I know for a fact that Shining would have done the same!
  83. Honestly, part of me feels like I should have just made her clean alone, but that’s too evil, even for me.
  85. I was about to get to that. So as expected, the parents do come back eventually and obviously, we couldn’t fix everything so hiding the mess was not possible.
  86. It’s pretty scary for me have to tell a parent that you spanked their kid, even when I know I have both the permission and a good reason for it, but I always half expect them to spank me in revenge, as silly as that sounds.
  87. That never happens, of course. Usually they just get mad at the kid and praise me for doing it.
  88. Yea, I sometimes get praised by parents for spanking their kids. Strange, I know.
  89. This was different.
  91. So get this: first, I am congratulated for doing such a good job with the spanking, then, little miss rainbow crash is congratulated for taking it so well. Mind you, she did not take it very well. Then I get sat down and given a cookie while the dad makes me a trophy.
  92. Yes, a trophy.
  93. I'm dead serious.
  94. So he makes me a trophy super quickly. Apparently, he makes those for a living and is very good at it.
  95. It’s just a small trophy showing a bigger pony spanking a smaller one.
  96. Yes Shining, I have a trophy for spanking a filly.
  97. Please, stop laughing. I got enough of that from auntie.
  98. Oh, ha-ha.
  100. Nothing much happened afterwards. The filly and I get a bunch of cheers from those overenthusiastic ponies before I finally went home. I got back to the castle late because they would not let me leave before the trophy was finished, auntie Celestia makes me tell the whole story, she laughs her flanks off. The end.
  104. ”Wow, Cadence, you must be really responsible.” Said Twilight.
  105. Cadence rolled her eyes. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
  106. ”So you got any more kids you’ll be dealing with soon?” Asked Shining.
  107. Cadence shook her head. “No, just Twilight this week.”
  108. ”Right.” Shining looked at the setting Sun. “Anyway, we should be getting home now.”
  109. The alicorn nodded. “Yea, me too.”
  110. The youngest pony in the group whined. ”Aww, I don’t wanna go home yet!”
  111. ”Relax, Twily.” Reassured Shining. “You’ll be with Cadence again this week.”
  112. ”Hmph!”
  113. ”You better listen to your big brother Twily” Teased Cadence. “Or I would have to spank you!”
  114. All three of them laughed at that.
  118. Years later.
  120. Rainbow Dash was getting ready to perform her Sonic Rainboom for Cadence and Shining’s wedding.
  121. ”Ready for the grand finale, Rainbow?” Asked Twilight after coming in.
  122. ”Yea, just warming up a bit.”
  123. ”Inside?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.
  124. ”Don’t worry!” Dash reassured. “It’s just some stretches.”
  125. ”Alright.” Twilight said before having an epiphany. She stood there for a solid minute, staring at her friend.
  126. ”Uh, Twilight?”
  127. Twilight let out a giggle, as if she realized something. “It’s nothing.” She made her way outside, but stopped at the entrance and looked back at the Pegasus. “Just don’t wreck the room or Cadence would have to spank you again.” She said before shutting the door behind her.
  129. ”Huh?” Rainbow just stared at the door for a few minutes before coming to a slow realization.
  130. A noticeable blush formed on her cheeks as a certain memory from her foalhood came back to her.
  131. ”Oh.” She muttered, only now realizing that she had met Cadence before.

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