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By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:40:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Be Rumble and Thunderlane’s mother.
  3. You are not happy as your younger son had just got spanked. Not that you’re some sort of an anti-spanker, of course. The issue is the pony who spanked him, that being your older son.
  5. Apparently, the two brothers got into some sort of squabble and the teenage colt decided to take matters of discipline into his own hooves, something which you do not approve of.
  7. ”What did you do, Rumble?” You ask as you inspect the young colt's reddened bottom, which is decently pummeled. Thunderlane did not go easy on him.
  8. ”What does that matter?!” Whined Rumble. “Thunderlane spanked me, which he’s not allowed to do!”
  10. While you are pretty sure that the young colt is trying to hide one misdeed by pointing out another, he is right: Thunderlane is not allowed to punish Rumble. That is what the adults are for. You look towards the stairs leading up to the bedrooms. Thunderlane is probably waiting for you right now. There is no way he could have hidden this from you.
  12. “I’m going to have a word with your brother now.” You say, earning a small smirk from Rumble. “Which will include getting an explanation for what led up to this.” That wiped the smirk off his face.
  14. Rumble was definitely not innocent here. Heck, he probably even deserved this. Just not from Thunderlane.
  16. With a frustrated sigh, you march up the stairs to have a word with your older son.
  18. As you enter his room, you see him sulking on the bed, not even startled by your entrance, obviously expecting you. You look down at him, expectantly. He stays silent, unwilling to look you in the eyes.
  20. ”Alright, explain!” You order.
  21. ”Nothing much to say.” He says. “Rumble decided to try and pull a prank on me which resulted in my favorite Wonderbolts poster getting ripped to shreds, so I spanked him.”
  23. You look to the side to see the remains of the poster he mentioned. You suppress wince, that was signed by the Wonderbolts themselves. You would have spanked Rumble for that yourself, perhaps even harder than how Thunderlane did.
  25. ”I understand why you would be frustrated, but still, you should have told me or your father and we would have dealt with him accordingly.”
  26. Thunderlane snorts. “You wouldn’t do anything.”
  27. You tilt your head, frowning. “Oh, and what makes you say that?”
  29. ”He’s been doing these stupid prank things for weeks now!” He almost shouts, slightly startling you. “I kept telling you guys, but you would always just laugh it off and say that it was all in good fun!” He huffs a little. “Well it wasn’t, it was annoying and it finally got something I loved ruined!” He look straight at you. “So I decided that if you won’t deal with him then I will and this is the result.” He finally finishes his rant.
  31. After a few seconds of staring at him, you counter: “Honey, those were all small incidents. We didn’t think they were getting to you that much. You could have simply told us and we would have talked to him, especially after this.” You say, pointing at the poster.
  32. Thunderlane looks away. “Well, it doesn’t matter now.” He says. “It’s done and I don’t feel sorry about it so punish me or whatever and leave me alone.”
  34. You contemplate the situation.
  36. Rumble definitely deserved that spanking, however Thunderlane should have known better as well. This was still outside of his jurisdiction. You need to punish him for this, but perhaps you can add a caveat.
  38. ”Alright then, Bend over.” You finally say as you walk up to your son’s drawer.
  39. ”Huh?”
  40. ”Don’t “huh” me, young colt! You should have seen this coming.” You grab his hairbrush, which is a big block of wood with bristles. You’re not sure why he finds it more comfortable to brush his mane with this, but it’s perfect for what you are about to do. “I didn’t spank you in a while, but you have definitely not grown out of it.”
  41. "But mom, I'm too old for that!"
  42. You look directly into his eyes. He looks away. "Seriously?" You ask.
  43. "Well, its true." He mutters.
  44. "Honey, you obviously had time to prepare for this. What did you think was going to happen?"
  45. His cheeks turn red, a prequel to what his other cheeks will soon look like.
  46. "Now, turn around!" You order.
  48. He looks like he wants to argue more for a bit before most likely realizing the futility of such a thing and, with a audible groan, turning around to present his flank to you. It is an obvious position to take for an obvious type of chastisement. You are a bit surprised by his lack of resistance, but he had hours to prepare for this so he probably already knew how this was going to go down.
  50. You suddenly hear a light shuffle at the door and turn around to see a small white hoof just barely disappearing behind the door frame. Looks like you’ll be having a bit of an audience. Rumble should know better than to spy on his big brother’s spanking. No matter, he’ll be dealt with once you finish with your oldest. Plus, you want him to be here afterwards anyway.
  52. You turn your attention to Thunderlane’s flank. It has grown a bit alongside him since the last time you dealt with it. No matter, more room for the brush.
  54. Not wanting to waste any more time, you begin swinging at it.
  55. ’CRACK!’
  56. The whole room, and probably the hallway as well, reverberates at the sound of the brush’s impact. This is actually the first time you used this one and it is obviously quite effective. Really, Thunderlane has the perfect hairbrush to use for spankings. You quickly remind yourself borrow it whenever Rumble needs a harsher flank warming before continuing on.
  59. Only four whacks and he’s already feeling the heat. The teenager is having trouble staying still, much to your annoyance. You hope that there won’t be a need to hold him down. That would be exhausting.
  60. 'CRACK!' 'CRACK!'
  61. Thankfully, you don't have to. He's both tough enough to take this much and knows better then to try and escape.
  63. As you continue to turn that black rump redder and redder, you think back to Rumble. He must be anxious at hearing this, maybe even satisfied at the pony who had just spanked him getting a bigger tanning. Either way, you are pretty sure he’s listening, and maybe even watching.
  64. 'CRACK!' 'CRACK!'
  65. Not that he could not hear what was going on even from his room based on the sound this piece of wood makes.
  67. Thunderlane crosses his legs in what is most likely a futile attempt to ease the butt pain.
  68. 'CRACK!' 'CRACK!' 'CRACK!'
  69. You think its futile as you can't imagine that doing too much, at least, based on your own spanking memories from when you were a filly.
  70. 'CRACK!' 'CRACK!'
  72. Based on Thunderlane's reactions to the spanking, he did not expect his hairbrush to hurt this much. Frankly, its much more effective then what you imagined too. His last spanking a while ago was also with a hairbrush, but it took significantly longer for him to start breaking down.
  73. 'CRACK!'
  74. "OW"
  75. You might want to stop earlier then planned...
  77. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  78. Two hard swings to the sitspots causes the teenager to jump forward a little. Ironically, this makes those same spots all the more easier to hit, which you take advantage of.
  79. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  80. Four of the best to the same two places. He lets out a loud wail. You have just ensured that he won’t be sitting comfortably for a while.
  82. You decide to finish up by giving a few good stingers to the parts of the buttocks that did not receive as much attention as the rest, just to even out the redness before finally…
  83. ’CRACK!’
  84. One last smack to the center to settle this whole ordeal.
  86. You give a quick inspection to the now apple-red bottom, satisfied with your work. You wanted this to last longer at first, but because you felt somewhat responsible for not taking Thunderlane’s complaints about Rumble into consideration for so long, and the fact that this hairbrush was much more effective then what you expected made you stop here.
  88. You let your son gather himself while you put back his hairbrush where you took it from.
  90. ”You must let me borrow your hairbrush sometime.” You say, trying to light up the mood a little. “It would be perfect for Rumble’s flank.”
  91. You swear you just heard a tiny ‘eep!’ From outside the room.
  92. ”Please, go ahead.” Thunderlane answers, rubbing his bottom. The blush at his upper cheeks almost matching the lower ones. Clearly his teenage colt ego took quite the bruise today. Despite that, your previous comment did prompt a tiny smirk from him, most likely at the thought of a his brother facing the brush.
  93. "Speaking of Rumble’s flank.” You continue. “I will concede that you did give him the spanking he deserved.”
  94. ”You have an interesting way of acknowledging it.” He mutters. You chose to ignore that.
  95. ”You also didn’t go too far, which I am rather grateful for.”
  96. ”Not far enough.”
  98. He’s still mad at Rumble, it seems. You can’t blame him too much. You actually feel kind of bad for punishing him for this. You love both of your children, but Rumble deserved that sore flank, just like his elder brother. You smirk despite that, Thunderlane will like this next part.
  100. ”The reason I just spanked you, Thunderlane is because you overstepped your boundaries.” He groans at that. “However.” He perks up. “I think that you’re both old and mature enough to have them expanded.”
  101. ”Wait, what?”
  103. You smile down at him. “Your father and I are busy ponies and we can’t always know exactly what sort of naughtiness a young colt like Rumble gets into and how it effects you, and today served to prove that.” You hope that Rumble's still hiding outside. “So, just to avoid another unpleasant situation like this, and to make sure that your little brother is properly watched over, I’ll let you have more authority over him.”
  105. ”Does that mean I’ll get to order him around and stuff?” Thunderlane asks, almost seeming to forget his sore tush.
  106. You nod. “Yep, it also means that you’ll have some leeway in dealing with him when he gets into trouble.”
  107. Thunderlane looks up at you. “Does that mean, well, you know-“
  108. ”Yes, Thunderlane, it means you can spank him.”
  109. You hear a feint gasp from the doorway. Rumble is still here, it seems.
  110. ”Woah.” Thunderlane did not hear him.
  111. ”However.” You put on a stern tone. “This does not mean he’s some sort of slave now. Having this authority means taking responsibility, not to have an excuse to bully him, so I expect you to keep everything within reason. That means no telling him to do stuff for you just for your own sake and no punishing him unless he actually does something to earn it.” You lean forward. “Do I make myself clear?”
  112. ”Yes ma-am!” He nods frantically.
  114. Despite everything, Thunderlane is a responsible colt so you know that he won’t betray your trust. Heck, your quite sure that he will only rarely resort to any kind of punishment, let alone a spanking. You hope that Rumble will learn from his example.
  116. You look back at the drawer you put the hairbrush back in.
  117. ”Also, I expect you to report to me or your father if you ever do punish him. We will want to know everything.”
  118. ”Of course.”
  119. >”And finally.” You say as you slowly back up towards the door. “You may only use your hoof if it comes down to a spanking. If you feel like he deserves a butt brushing, you tell us.”
  120. ”Makes sense.” Thunderlane says while shrugging.
  122. ”And now.” You start to say as you lean out of the room and quickly grab Rumble’s hoof to drag him in.
  123. ”Rumble!” Thunderlane shouts, blushing at the sudden realization that his brother probably saw his paddling.
  124. ”Um, hi?” The little colt says nervously.
  126. ”You can start by giving this naughty little colty a few smacks on the hindquarters for peeping.”
  127. ”But mooom!” Protests your younger son, now sporting a blush of his own.
  128. ”Hush!” You shush him. “You earned this, young colt. I’m sure you’ve already listened to the new arrangement with Thunderlane so it should come as no surprise that you are to listen to him from now on.
  129. ”But, but-“
  130. ”No buts!” You turn him around. “The only butt you have to worry about is your own. Now go to Thunderlane.” You send him towards his sibling with a buttsmack before turning to leave.
  131. ”And remember, Thunderlane, within reason.” Are the last words you say before leaving the two to their own devices to make dinner.
  133. You don’t need to follow Rumble’s example and listen in to what is about to happen because it’s in good hooves. You and your husband will have a bit more time to yourselves now that Thunderlane is taking care of Rumble a bit more, Thunderlane will be happy to feel like a more mature and responsible pony and Rumble will have one of his role models taking a more active part in his life.
  135. A win-win for everypony!
  141. A short sequel was written at >>38369600 →

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