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Spike Gets Served

By asd
Created: 2023-10-21 12:41:12
Expiry: Never

  1. It was a nice spring day when the Apple family, minus Applebloom, who was at school, gathered around for an important discussion.
  3. ”Granny, we can’t just spank him!” Protested Applejack.
  4. Granny Smith scoffed. “Of course we can. He’s a colt, is he not? Colts can be spanked, just ask Big Mac!”
  5. Big Macintosh averted his eyes with a small blush.
  6. ”Well, kind of.” Answered Applejack. “It’s just that he ain't ours.”
  7. ”So? He’s a good friend who happens to be staying here. That makes him family enough.” Scolded the old mare. “Where’s yer sense of hospitality?”
  8. ”Granny, ah' don’t think-“
  9. ”Of course yer not, if you did, this would be long over with.” She turned to the big red stallion in the room. “Aint’ that right, Big Mac?”
  10. Applejack followed suite. “Yea, ya tell her, Big Mac.”
  11. Big Macintosh wilted slightly under the mares stares. He was mostly silent during this argument and now it was his turn to decide the victor.
  12. ”Come on, Big Mac, you know we can’t do this!”
  13. ”All young’uns’ need a good tanning from time to time!”
  14. Big Macintosh gulped. This would be a case where he picked the one with the most intense looj as the winner.
  15. ”Eyup!”
  17. ”Ah can’t believe I gotta do this.” Applejack muttered to herself as she marched towards the barn where the Apple family’s current guest was “working”, although working was an understatement, but not necessarily from a lack of trying. Really, he was trying his best to be helpful and his heart was in the right place, which was one of the reasons why Applejack was arguing earlier against this.
  19. As she got closer, she heard loud smacking sounds. She groaned, it seems like he was trying to clean a carpet inside. Applejack picked up the pace. Inside, the mare was greeted by an enthusiastic smile. She returned it, albeit weakly.
  21. ”Hey, Applejack, I was cleaning your carpet for you!”
  22. Applejack looked at the almost broken carpet beater and a still dirty carpet. Dust particles were floating around it. “Ah' can see that.”
  23. Spike looked rather proud of himself.
  25. Applejack sighed. “We gotta talk, Spike.”
  26. The young dragon walked up to her. “What’s wrong, Applejack? Do you need help?” He asked.
  27. ”Well-“
  28. ”Maybe you need to feed the animals, or vacuum the house or-“
  29. ”Spike!” Applejack’s raised voice made the dragon shut his mouth.
  30. ”Listen, I’m flattered that you’re trying to help out around here.”
  31. ”Anything for my savior!”
  32. ”But…”
  33. ”But what?” Spike asked, confused.
  34. ”It’s a little too much, Spike.”
  35. Spike took a step back, looking like he was one comment away from being heartbroken. “Why?”
  36. Applejack stepped towards the young dragon. “I get that you’re trying to help, Spike, but what you’re doing is frankly, not helping at all.”
  37. Spike gasped. “But-“
  38. ”Almost everything you did here caused more of a mess then it fixed!” Applejack ranted. “Honestly, didn’t working with Twilight teach you anything about this?!”
  39. Applejack stopped her rant when she noticed how distraught Spike got. She sighed. “Sorry, Spike, but this can’t go on no longer.”
  40. ”But Applejack!” Protested Spike. “How am I supposed to repay you for saving me?!”
  41. ”I don’t need any repaying, Spike.”
  42. ”But my dragon code says I must!” Spike insisted, showing his crudely drawn card to Applejack.
  44. Applejack facehooved. There was no talking him out of this, it seemed.
  45. ”Alright, Spike. You really wanna help?”
  46. Spike nodded frantically.
  48. ”You got two options then.” Started Applejack. “One is that you go home to Twilight with no hard feelings.”
  49. Spike looked like he wanted to say something, but was cut off.
  50. ”And two is to stay here, but you need to follow my exact instructions if you want to help out.”
  51. ”I’ll pick option two.” Spike said almost immediately, earning an annoyed glare from the mare.
  52. ”There’s one caveat, however.” Said Applejack.
  53. Spike leaned forward. “What is it?” He asked, enthusiastically. “I’ll do anything you want!”
  54. ”If you wanna keep working here, I’m gonna need to give you a good spanking first.”
  55. As expected, Spike was shocked.
  56. ”I wasn’t kidding when I said you made things worse, Spike. If you wanna help then you gotta suffer the consequences.”
  57. ”But you can’t!” Protested Spike.
  58. ”I’m sorry, Spike, but Ah' very much can.” Said Applejack calmly. “I don’t want to, but I’m gonna have to if you wanna keep working here.”
  60. Spike looked away, trying to find the right words to say. Applejack looked at him with some pity. She still had her reservations about this, but Granny did out-argue her, so she remained firm. She just wished that Spike would give up and go home.
  62. ”Spike, there’s no shame in just going home, you know. I’m sure Twilight could use her assistant.”
  63. The dragon shook his head, prompting Applejack to raise an eyebrow.
  65. ”It’s just a spanking, right?”
  66. ”Eyup.”
  67. ”Nopony else will know?”
  68. ”Just me, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Twilight and whoever else sees your flank once I’m through with you.”
  69. Spike blushed.
  70. ”I can’t hide it from Twilight.” Said Applejack. That was another reason why she did not want to do this. She could not imagine having to tell Twilight about how she spanked her charge.
  72. Spike stayed silent. Applejack let him think it over.
  75. ”Can we-“
  76. ”No, it’s one or the other.”
  77. Spike groaned.
  78. ”You gotta be punished either way, Spike."
  79. For a while, the young dragon just stood there. Applejack suspected that he had never gotten spanked before.
  80. ”Well?”
  81. ”I, um.” Spike tried to say, only for his eyes to shift sideways and stay silent again.
  84. ”It can’t be that bad, can it?” He asked. Applejack suspected that the question was mostly directed at himself. She wanted to say yes, but stayed silent as she had no idea what kind of pain tolerance Spike would have on his hindquarters, being a dragon and all.
  87. ”Ok.” Spike finally squeaked out.
  88. The farmpony tilted her head. “What will it be then?”
  89. ”I’ll take it.” Spike almost whispered.
  90. Applejack suppressed a groan and a facehoof. Guess she was really doing this.
  92. She looked around and spotted an empty barrel that the family stopped using a while ago. She then started rolling it to the middle of the barn while Spike looked on in confusion.
  94. ”Alright, bend over.” Said Applejack, tapping on the barrel.
  95. ”Th-the barrel?” Spike asked dumbly.
  96. ”Eyup.”
  97. ”Why?”
  98. Applejack rolled her eyes. “To get yer butt in place, of course.”
  99. ”Oh.” Spike blushed, then proceeded to stand in place.
  100. ”You sure you wanna do this?” Applejack asked after a while.
  101. Spike snapped to attention. “Oh, yea!” He shouted out awkwardly.
  102. Applejack surprised a chuckle. “Come here then!”
  104. With a gulp, and some hesitation, Spike walked towards the barrel. Once he got there, he went back to standing still, clearly unsure of what to do. Applejack acted for him by lifting him up with her hooves, prompting a yelp, and placing him right on the barrel.
  106. ”Applejack!”
  107. ”Hush, you should know why your there. Now all you need to do is stay still until I finish with you.”
  109. Spike squirmed in his place, but he did not try to escape, albeit he clearly wanted to try. Applejack hid amused smirk. He was reminding her of Applebloom.
  111. ”It won’t be bad. I can handle this.” Spike whispered to himself.
  113. Applejack was already prepared for a great deal of squirming so she put one hoof on Spike’s back, firmly pinning him in place. She then grabbed a hold of his tail with her mouth, causing the dragon to look back in surprise.
  115. ”Applejack?”
  116. ”Gotta get to your flank.”
  118. No further elaboration was made as the farmpony, not wanting to drag this out any further, gave a hard slap to Spike’s butt with her hoof.
  119. ’SMACK!’
  120. ”Ouch!” Shouted Spike. Clearly, this hurt him more then what he expected. This did not deter Applejack as she swung on.
  122. ‘SMACK!’ ‘SWAT!’ ‘SLAP!’
  123. ”Ah!” Spike jerked forward. “Applejack, that’s too hard!”
  124. Applejack did not say anything. Her answer came from more of those same hard hoof slaps, all as strong as the last.
  125. ’SWAT!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SLAP!’
  126. She also couldn’t answer as it was hard to talk while holding the increasingly squirmy tail.
  127. ’SMACK!’
  129. ”I’m sorry!” Shouted Spike as the orange hoof peppered his buttocks. He was at the point of trying to escape, but Applejack, being used to hard labor over working at the farm, was a very strong mare, so she had no trouble holding down any foal, or baby dragon.
  131. ’SWAT!’ ‘SWAT!’ ‘SMACK!’
  132. Spike opened his mouth wide to let out what was most likely going to be a cry of protest, but instead, a quick burst of flame came flying out.
  134. Applejack stopped in shock.
  135. ”Owowowowow!” Spike whined.
  136. Nothing got burned as it was only a small burst of flame, but it still worried Applejack.
  137. ”Whoa nelly.” She muttered. Maybe I shoulda gagged you.”
  138. ”Is it over?” Spike asked, not realizing what he just did.
  140. Applejack looked over his butt. It was reddened quite well and he did look like quite the sorry little dragon. Applejack shrugged and figured that she may as well end the hoof spanking here. She shook her head as Spike looked back at her pleadingly. “Close, but not quite.” She said, much to the dragon’s disappointment.
  142. ”C’mon, get off.” Applejack said as she gently helped Spike off the barrel, who immedietly started touching his bottom for a good rub only to be stopped by Appleajack.
  143. ”No rubbin’!”
  144. ”But it-“
  145. ”Were just takin’ this outside.”
  146. ”But why?!”
  147. Applejack rubbed her head. “Safety reasons. Now, open the door, please.”
  149. Not wanting to anger the pony who just smacked his butt so many times, Spike did as he was told while Applejack rolled the barrel outside.
  151. ”Alright, back on.” She said, tapping the barrel.
  152. ”But Applejack!” Spike whined. “Everypony will hear it!”
  153. ”They already know. We discussed it.”
  154. Spike’s face went beet red, much the same color as his rump, which the earth pony beat to redness.
  155. ”Now on you go before I decide to make it longer!”
  156. Spike recoiled, then climbed back to position. Applejack let out a silent chuckle and went back into the barn.
  157. ”What are you doing?” Spike asked while trying very hard not to touch his stinging sore bottom.
  158. ”Getting something to finish this with.” Answered Applejack. “Face forward, young dragon!” She commended and Spike hurriedly obeyed.
  160. It took half a minute for Applejack to be right back beside him. She once again grabbed his tail with her hoof and raise her foreleg just like before.
  162. ”CRAAACK!”
  164. Spike’s eyes widened before he opened his mouth again.
  165. ”YEEEOOUCH!”
  166. He kicked and squirmed hard, either trying to escape or somehow shake off the pain, but it did not work. Applejack was more than happy to let him do so for a bit, although her hoof was already raised, ready to strike down again.
  167. ”Owowowow, Applejack!”
  168. Spike tried to look back to voice his protests, but before that could happen…
  170. ”CRAAACK!”
  172. Just like with the previous hit, Spike howled in agony, this time, the fire made a comeback, although it was much safer due to the lack of flammable materials nearby. Again, Applejack waited for the dragon to get his bearings before unleashing another…
  174. ”CRAAACK!”
  176. ”OWIE!” Spike shouted.
  177. This new phase of the spanking was making him react as if it was constant, despite that not being the case. This time, he managed to look back and gasped through his tears. Applejack was wielding the same carpet beater he had used on the rug. Unfortunately for him, he didn't see much else before Applejack swung it back down.
  179. ”CRAAAACK!”
  181. Turns out it had more than one use, as the mare was demonstrating. Spike let out another burst of flame, this one a bit bigger than the other two, which made Applejack to want to end this fast. This meant that there was no waiting for Spike to recover. It was straight to…
  183. ”CRAAACK”
  185. ”EEEEEEE!” Spike squealed.
  186. Applejack dropped the beater and held the dragon down with both hooves as he did a midday exercise. This was a harsh spanking to be sure, but Applejack, being the hard working pony that she was, did not believe in half measures.
  188. She let Spike down as soon as he calmed down, but was careful to keep a hold of his claws, not letting him move them.
  189. ”Still no rubbing, Spike.”
  190. Spike looked up at her, pleadingly while trying to keep snot from flowing out of his nose.
  191. ”It’s a part of the punishment. Touch yer’ butt and its back over the barrel.”
  192. He gulped.
  193. ”Now.” Applejack smiled. “Let’s get to work!”
  194. ”Now?!”
  195. She nodded. “Eyup! Few things help a pony, or dragon, focus on doing the job properly then a sore rump.”
  196. Spike whined, but Applejack took no heed.
  198. And work they did. It was all in the barn and relatively simple tasks, such as sweeping, and proper rug cleaning, but it was all heavily supervised by Applejack, who made sure that Spike was doing it all as he should. He did complain a couple of times, and even tried rubbing some of the pain out when he thought she wasn’t looking, but Applejack could always put a stop to that with a quick stinging slap on the rump, which Spike never quite managed to anticipate, but despite the extra stings and all the squirming, he was doing a good job overall.
  200. Still, as Applejack smiled in approval at his work, and a little at his antics in trying to ease the pain by constantly shifting his tail sideways, she still could not help but feel a bit worried as she still had to talk to Twilight. Princess Celestia would start setting the Sun soon and it would not feel right to not tell Twilight about this. As uneasy as she felt about it, she knew it was her responsibility.
  202. ”Spike!” She called.
  203. ”Hm?”
  204. ”I’m gonna get Big Mac to watch you for a bit. I gotta let Twilight know that you’re here.”
  205. Spike’s eyes widened. “You don’t need to tell her!”
  206. ”Yes Ah' do.” She frowned as Spike was about to speak up again. “And it’s not up for debate.”
  207. Spike could not say anything to that.
  208. ”Now you keep working and no rubbing!” She said as she left.
  210. A bit later, Applejack was nervously walking towards Twilight’s tree, hoping that Spike wasn’t giving Big Mac any trouble.
  212. She knocked on the unicorn’s door. No response. Applejack chuckled. Probably reading. After attempting to knock again, she let herself in. As she walked upstairs, she saw that Twilight was indeed reading a book. A rather large one too. Celestia’s student was probably studied for many hours. Knowing what to do, she walked up to an ink pot and moved it by a millimeter.
  214. ”Gah!” Twilight shouted, startled out of her reading.
  215. ”Hey, Twilight.” Greeted Applejack.
  216. ”Oh, hey, Applejack. Do you need something?”
  217. ”We gotta talk.”
  219. Later.
  221. ”Oh Celestia.” Twilight moaned, rubbing her forehead as she and Applejack were sitting at the table, enjoying a cup of tea.
  222. ”Ah’m mighty sorry about this, Twilight.” Said Applejack. “It’s just that, Granny Smith was adamant on doing it and made Big Macintosh took her side.”
  223. ”No, it’s okay.” Twilight held up her hoof. “Well, actually it’s not. It’s just… Ugh!” She slammed her face down to the table. “You do realize that Spike never got spanked before, right?”
  224. ”I figured as much.” Said Applejack, timidly.
  225. ”It’s not your fault, Applejack. To be honest, I’m mostly mad at myself. I should have been more attentive towards him.”
  226. Applejack wanted to challenge Twilight’s words, but knew she was right so she sadly remained silent.
  227. ”I’m sorry, Applejack. I’ll be sure to talk to him.”
  228. ”You sure you’re alright with this?”
  229. ”Well…” Twilight thought for a minute. “I can’t say I am, but I’m also not upset at you.”
  230. ”Fair enough.”
  231. ”I should pick up Spike now.” Said Twilight.
  232. ”That would be wise.”
  234. The two mares finished their drinks before heading out.
  236. They made it to the barn as the Sun was starting to set. Even from outside, they could see that Spike and Mac were hard at work inside. From the looks of it, there wasn’t much left to do.
  238. ”Heh, guess he really did get useful.” Remarked Applejack.
  239. Twilight giggled. “That’s my number one assistant for you.” She tilted her head. “Most of the time, at least.”
  240. The two mares shared a quick laugh.
  242. ”Twilight!” Spike shouted as he noticed them approaching.
  243. ”Hey, Spike.” Greeted Twilight, somewhat awkwardly. She wasn’t sure whether or not she should be stern or comforting in this situation. “I see you got into some trouble with the Apples.”
  244. Spike looked away.
  245. ”Spike, you’re my number one assistant.” Twilight put a hoof under his chin and made him look at her. “You should know better than this.”
  246. ”Sorry, Twi.” Spike muttered.
  247. ”I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” Twilight made him face Applejack and Big Macintosh.
  249. Spike cringed a little, but finally said his apology. “Sorry guys.”
  250. ”That’s alright, Spike. Hopefully next time you visit, you’ll be leavin’ with a pale rump.”
  251. ”Eyup.” Big Mac said with a small smirk, causing Spike to go right back to blushing.
  252. Twilight had to suppress a giggle at Spike’s expense.
  253. ”Anyway.” She finally said. “We best be going. Princess Luna will be raising the Moon soon.”
  254. Yea, good night, Twilight!” Said Applejack and everyone else said their goodbyes.
  256. As the two left Sweet Apple Acers, Twilight magically lifted Spike up.
  257. ”Ouch!” Shouted Spike as his sore bottom touched the unicorn's back.
  258. ”We need to hurry, Spike.” Said Twilight, hiding her surprise at how warm his butt felt. “You can sit there until we get home.” She started trotting.
  260. ...
  262. ”Twiiiliiight!” Whined Spike as the mare’s constantly moving back made her very uncomfortable to ride on with a sore backside.
  263. ”Oh, hush, Spike.” Twilight said.
  265. In truth, she was feeling a little embarrassed by all the stares she was getting from Spike’s whining and obvious discomfort. It was probably clear to everypony that the young dragon got spanked, a fact that said dragon himself seemed to eventually notice as he did try to stay still. A few giggles from various townsfolk could still be heard throughout the trip home.
  267. Once they got home, Spike immediately leapt off and started furiously rubbing his bottom now that Applejack couldn't smack him for doing so. Twilight just shook her head. The rest of the evening passed without much hassle, with the exception of Spike requiring no less than two pillows to sit on during dinner. He originally wanted three, but Twilight forbade it after he accidentally fell off the seat the first time.
  269. At night, when the two were about to get into bed, Twilight finally said: “We need to talk, Spike.”
  270. ”About today?” Spike asked, nervously.
  271. Twilight nodded. “I’m not going to repeat what I said about what you did with the Apples earlier as I’m sure you already have that remembered.”
  272. ”Yea.” Spike said while twiddling his claws.
  273. ”What I want to talk about is how I am partially responsible for letting it happen.”
  274. ”Huh?”
  275. ”I can’t always keep you near me, Spike, so I gotta be more attentive of you from now on.” Twilight exclaimed. “That means I’ll be listening to you more from now on since I don’t think I've been doing that enough.”
  276. Spike smiled at that.
  277. ”That being said, I will also need to introduce more disciplinary measures going foreward.”
  278. The smile fell. “But Twilight!”
  279. ”No, Spike, this is for your own good, and yes, this means that the spanking you got from Applejack won’t be a one off ordeal.”
  280. ”But it can be!”
  281. ”No, Spike, it can’t. Maybe in the future, if you behave, it won’t need to happen, but for now.”
  282. Twilight levitated a hairbrush next to her, sat down on the bed, looking at her assistant sternly. “I’m going to give you one.”
  284. Spike gaped at Twilight and was just about to protest when he found himself lifted up once again, but this time right onto her lap. Twilight wanted to avoid any argument or struggle, so she moved quickly, rising his tail up towards the ceiling with her magic and quickly casting a spell that flew into his mouth. It stopped Spike’s ability to breathe fire for about an hour. More than enough time for what she was about to do.
  286. ”Wait, Twilight, No!” Spike begged, but Twilight ignored him as she inspected his rump.
  288. The marks on it were somewhat faded by now, but even with Spike’s squirming, she could still see them clearly. Pink blobs intermixed with darker circular lines that seemed to form a distanced shape that Twilight guessed came from a carpet beater. She suddenly felt a tinge of sympathy for the young dragon. The beater must have really hurt and now here she was, about to reignite it all over again and making it even worse.
  290. ”Let’s talk about this, Twi! Applejack already spanked me!” Spike continued to beg.
  291. ”I know, Spike, but that was for messing up the Apple family’s work. This-“ She laid the flattened part of the hairbrush, which she held in one hoof while the other was holding Spike down at his back. “Is for what happened before that.”
  292. ”What?!” Spike asked before getting a good hard swat on his but for his question.
  294. ’CRACK!’
  295. ”GAAH!”
  296. Twilight showed little mercy for his poor, already tenderized rump.
  297. ”Ahh!” Spike cried, trying to kick his legs.
  298. ”How did you get to working for Applejack in the first place, Spike?!”
  299. ”She-“
  300. ’CRACK!”
  301. ”EEP!”
  302. ”From the beginning, please!” Ordered Twilight as she started tapping the sore lizard butt with the hairbrush.
  304. ”Well, you gave me the day off, so I made a list and-“
  305. ’CRACK!’
  306. ”OWOOO!” He howled.
  307. ”A bit forward, please.” Said Twilight. “Tell me the part that led you to meeting her!”
  308. pike let out a hiccup before talking. “Well, I ‘sniff’ I got to the part where I was trying out a balloon ride.”
  309. ’SMACK!’
  310. ”NOOHOHOOO!”
  311. ”Good! And?”
  313. Spike huffed as Twilight patiently let him catch his breath, but constantly tapping his bottom with the brush, as if to urge him to continue.
  315. ”Well, we took off…”
  316. ”And?”
  317. ”I-I flew and it was-“
  318. ’THWACK!”
  319. HNNNG!”
  320. ”The point, Spike!”
  321. ”Right, sorry, I-“
  322. ’CRACK!’ ”Just the story!”
  323. ”OKAY, OKAY!” Spike shouted as his entire body was dancing.
  325. ”So it broke and fell-“
  326. ”TAP!”
  327. ”OOW, WHY?!”
  328. ”Why did it break?”
  329. ”I dunno-“
  330. ’CRACK!’
  331. ”Did you follow the instructions the balloon pony gave you completely?”
  332. ”Well, no but-“
  333. ’SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’
  334. If dragons had sitspots, Twilight just found them. Spike loudly protested against the hard hits from the brush.
  335. "I don’t think I need to tell you why you got that. I will have to make you read a book about balloon safety tomorrow."
  336. Spike was trying to guard his bottom, but Twilight would not let him.
  338. ”Where did it fall?”
  339. ’gulp.’ The Everfree-“
  340. ’THWACK!’ ‘THWACK!’ ‘THWACK!’
  341. ”AIEEEE!”
  342. ”Why were you flying over there of all places?!”
  343. ”I dunno!”
  344. ’CRACK!’
  345. ”I’MSORRY!”
  347. ”And then what happened?”
  348. ”I tried leaving!”
  349. ”Go on!”
  350. ”But I got lost and-“
  351. ’CRACK!’
  352. ”That is one of the reasons why you should not be flying over it!”
  353. Spike did not dare answer her.
  355. ”And then?”
  356. ”Well, then a timberwolf came and-“
  357. ’TAP!’ ‘TAP!’ ‘TAP!’
  358. ”GYAAAIEEE!”
  359. ”And that is the other!”
  360. ”I’ll never do it again!”
  361. ”I” ‘CRACK!’ “Hope so!”
  362. Spike inwardly prayed to Celestia for this to finally be over.
  364. ”And I’m guessing Applejack came after that?” Twilight asked after letting Spike rest for half a minute.
  365. ”Y-‘hic’ Yes.”
  366. ”And she saved you.”
  367. ”Uh-huh.”
  368. ”Thank Celestia she was there.” Said Twilight, mostly to herself.
  370. Thinking that it was over. Spike was just about to give a silent thanks to Twilight’s mentor before feeling the now familiar horrible hairbrush impact his but again. He went back to screaming.
  372. ”You ‘CRACK!’ could have gotten ‘SMACK!’ seriously injured ‘TAP!’ or worse ‘THWACK!’ from that! ‘CRACK!’ Do you understand, Spike?!” ‘SMACK!’
  373. ”YEES, I DO, I DOOO!”
  375. And that was it.
  377. Twilight watched Spike loudly cry on her lap for a while before picking him back up and giving him a sideways hug.
  379. ”Not bad for my first time, huh?” She asked, only to be ignored.
  380. ”Oh, right.” She said and once again, waited for Spike to calm down before talking again.
  381. ”Better now, my number one assistant?”
  382. ”No!”
  383. ”It’ll get better soon, although you probably won’t be sitting comfortably tomorrow.”
  384. ’Sniff’
  385. ”Sorry, Spike, I just wanted to make sure that you’d never do something that stupid ever again.”
  387. She waited a bit longer before talking again.
  389. ”How about we both take the day off tomorrow? Maybe we can do something nice in here, just the two of us.”
  391. After a minute of silence, Spike eventually nodded, although Twilight wasn’t sure if it was more so do to the “something nice” part or the “in here” part. She strongly suspected the latter.
  393. ”We can talk about this more tomorrow, but for now, how about we both get some sleep? It’s been a busy day for you, after all.”
  395. Spike nodded, and Twilight lifted him to his basket bed, tummy first.
  397. It took them a while to fall asleep. Spike, because his butt was hurting and Twilight, because he had to listen to his whining and complaints about it the whole night, but eventually, all was well that ended well.

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